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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Haley Estabrook Program: Elementary Ed. Course: EDU 450

Lesson Topic / Title: Science - Matter
Lesson Date: Nov. 28, 2017 Lesson Length: 1 Hour Grade/Age: 2nd, 3rd, and 5th
Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on
content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
I can list the three different states of matter. This lesson was an introductory lesson to matter.
I can describe what matter is. The lesson was designed to expose students to the
I can describe why matter exists even when it vocabulary and the basic concepts of matter. The
cannot be seen. learning targets were selected to reflect the goals of
the lesson.
Students will be exploring different ways that
matter exists, and understanding that there is still
matter even when it cannot be seen.
Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Maine Learning Results: These content standards were selected because
Students describe properties of objects and students will be learning through modeling and
materials before and after they undergo a change or discussions about the states of matter and that
interaction. matter is made up of particles to small to be seen.
G. Explain that materials can be composed of Students will be using balloons to model air
parts too small to be seen without magnification. particles and how they have weight and take up
space. Students will also be working with solutions
Next Generation Science Standards: and they will make observations about different
5-PS1-1 Matter and Its Interactions liquids. Students will be using those models to
Develop a model to describe that matter is made of describe the phenomenon of sugar being in water
particles too small to be seen. even when you cannot see it.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
Matter of any type can be subdivided into particles
that are too small to see, but even then the matter
still exists and can be detected by other means. A
model showing that gases are made from matter
particles that are too small to see and are moving
freely around in space can explain many
observations, including the inflation and shape of a
balloon and the effects of air on larger particles or
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance and
determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
The assessment in this lesson will be formative. The assessment and assignments in this lesson are
The assessment will take place in multiple ways, unique because each worksheet must be age
such as observing the students during instruction appropriate to meet the needs of each grade level.
and while they are doing the lab. Students will also Students will be doing the labs and discussions
be asked to complete a reflection at the end of the together, but then they will be working
lesson to demonstrate their understanding of the independently to complete the reflection. This is
material and their ability to connect the lab work to when the teacher will collect the student work and
the material learned in class. These reflections will check for understanding as well as take into
be collected and graded to check for understanding. account the participation and questions being asked
during the lesson.
Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner needs.
Materials, Resources, and/or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
- Laptop (to show video) This lesson uses many different models to help
- Balloon students understand the abstract concept of matter.
- Six clear cups This lesson requires preparation before the lesson
- Sugar to have the lab setup and materials prepared.
- Water
- Spoons
- Observation worksheet
- Reflection worksheet
- Matter resource books
Lesson adapted from

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks by
using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning accessible to
all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Hook: - Introduce learning targets and explain why
- Empty balloon What is inside the they are important.
- Blown up balloon
- What has changed about the
- What is in the balloon now?
- Can you see air?
- How did you know there was air
inside the balloon if you were
unable to see it?
- What did you observe that proved
there was matter inside the balloon?
- What is matter? Students use resource
books to look up the definition and share - Provide students with textbooks (assist
out with each other. second grade student in using the index).
- It is everything around you!
- Matter is made up of atoms.
- States of Matter = gases, liquids,
- Play video on matter.
- What did you learn? - Show video on laptop, students will remain
sitting at small group table.
Science Lab: Wheres the sugar? - Pause video during different sections, ask
1) Review that matter takes up volume and has students to make predictions about what
mass + states of matter. will happen next in the experiments.
2) Explain that gases and solutions are made
out of particles so small they are not visible - Students move over to science table where
to the human eye. lab is set up for them with observation
3) Review lab safety - NEVER put anything in worksheets.
your mouth when youre doing a science
lab. This science lab is different - we will be
able to use our sense of taste to make
4) Students make visual observations of the
two cups and sugar on the table.
5) Students taste the different liquids - make
taste observations.
6) Talk about results. What did the students
learn. - Before reflection, discuss with students
7) Students complete reflection on lab. what matter is and what the states of matter
are - check in to see where there are any
Set up lab with sugar, water, cups, and mixing gaps in learning.
supplies before students return from lunch.

Meeting students needs (differentiation, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

extensions, modifications, accommodations) The instructional decisions in are unique in this
lesson because each worksheet needs to be
Differentiation: modified according to the grade level. The lesson
- Whole group instruction was originally intended for 5th grade. Most of the
- One-on-one instruction instruction is still the 5th grade lesson, but the
- Videos worksheets will be modified to be appropriate for
- Researching in textbook the 3rd and 2nd grade students. When answering
- Lab and discussion the questions during discussion, it is expected that
- Reflection the 5th grade student always produce answers that
- Independent work indicate deeper thinking than the other students.

AR + ML will need the worksheets modified to be

developmentally appropriate.

Field Course Only Post lesson

Overall, I was very pleased with this lesson. I am becoming much more comfortable with the one room
school format and feel. I also feel that the students are becoming more comfortable with me being their
teacher. The students are naturally excited about science, so it is very easy to spark their interest. The
more hands on the lesson, the more the students respond to the material. During this lesson I integrated
many different ways of teaching material like, videos, books, demonstrations, and a hands-on lab. The
students seemed to really enjoy the material, and were producing thoughtful questions and answers
throughout the lesson. I did notice that towards the end of the lesson, the second grade student was
beginning to struggle with attention. To keep this student engaged and applying her knowledge, I payed
closer attention when I was confident the other students understood what they were doing and how to
answer the questions.
After collecting and reading through the students work, it was clear to me that all of the students met the
objectives of the lesson. I had different expectations for each grade level. I expected that the 5th grade
student used the vocabulary that was introduced during the lesson. The 3rd and 2nd grade students were
expected to demonstrate understanding of the large concepts discussed during the lesson.

Teaching Standards and Rationale

Standard 1: Learner Development
The teacher understands how students learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and
development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical
areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

The teacher is able to demonstrate understanding of how students learn. The teacher understands that each
student learns and develops differently in cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas. With
that knowledge of individual learners, the teacher can create developmentally appropriate and challenging
classroom experiences.

This standard was met during the lesson because the lesson needed to be modified to become
developmentally appropriate for all grade levels. When the teacher created the lesson, the students
interests and strengths were taken into account to ensure students were engaged and successful in
becoming smarter about matter and related concepts.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she
teachers and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and
meaningful for learners.

The teacher understands the material that is being delivered to students. The teacher creates classroom
experiences that allow learners to access and create meaningful connections to the material.

This standard was met during this lesson because the teacher effectively used multiple representations and
explanations to solidify the students understanding of matter. The teacher used strategies such as videos,
using books, models, and hands on labs to help students capture the key ideas in the lesson. Students were
guided through the lesson by using worksheets to help them make observations and sort out their ideas.
Each section of the lesson was implemented to provide each student with the tools they needed to meet
the learning targets.

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