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Blood of Gold

Your hero has such control over the inner workings of her body that she can use her ch'i to accelerate
her own healing by picking a wound location on herself and making a Ch'i roll and paying the
appropriate Strain. The TN, Strain and time required are listed on the table in Waste Warrior, p. 92. Each
success and raise heals one wound level for that location. The power only heals a single location at a
time. Your hero has to roll her Ch'i and pay the listed Strain for each location she wants to heal. A
martial artist cannot cure Maimed wound levels with this power. While she can recover win with 'Blood
of Gold', the power 'Closing the Gate' is much quicker for that purpose.

Dragons Claw

When this power is activated, the martial artist's hands (and feet) are charged with focused energy,
allowing them to cut through wood, stone, and even metal.

Fury Fans the Flames

This power lets your hero unleash a flurry of fists and feet on a single opponent, rather like a gunslinger
fanning his pistol.

Monkey goes to Mountain

You fu fighter can travel great distances in the course of a single action. Although it looks like he's
literally flying, in actual fact he's leaping.

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