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Tips For Writing Better Answers In UPSC Main Examination


Many a time we hear from many serious aspirants things like this I work hard, read so much, every
year I write mains, yet I fail to qualify for the Interview. Even if I qualify, I end up getting just 4-5
marks more than the cut-off. I am confused.

Or this I attempted all the questions and wrote relevant points which I had read from my own
notes. Yet, I fail to understand why UPSC has given me so less marks! I hate UPSC.

Hating UPSC doesnt help in this matter. Instead, one has to introspect if what they wrote was indeed
a right answer to the questions in the examination. For a moment, leaving aside your ego, ask
yourself, Did I really analyze the question, or examined it critically, or as the question demanded,
did I evaluate the question and answered accordingly?

Majority of you would agree that in the heat of the exam we seldom answer accurately to the
question. We explain instead of examining the question; or we just enumerate many points in the
hope of filling the answer with relevant points when the question was indeed asking you to critically

UPSC asks different kind of questions to test your analytic and critical abilities, which are necessary
for any aspiring candidate to function impartially when he becomes an officer.

Bureaucrats, in their day-to-day business have to deal with many situations that tests their analytic
and critical abilities. They discuss issues with their colleagues or subordinates; they have to
analyze various factors before taking a final decision; they need to examine
a case to assess its
merit; they have to evaluate a situation before passing an order; and they may have to c omment
on different files based on empirical evidences.

These skills will enable you to form an unbiased opinion or judgement in such diverse situations.

So what is the way forward?

Tips For Writing A Better Answer

Two important factors decide the good outcome of your answer: one, understanding the question
completely. Second, sticking to the word limit.

To understand a question fully, one must know that a question has keywords. Every question has a
topic and a directive.

For example,

Gandhian strategy of non-violence and satyagraha had its own limitations. Examine.

In the above question, the topic is limitations of Gandhian strategy of Non-violence and satyagraha
and the directive is Examine.

If we give an explanation to this answer how Gandhian strategy had limitations and how it affected
Freedom struggle, the examiner is sure to give less than average marks. Instead, the directive points
us towards a definite course of answering, here, examination of the statement.

So, what does Examine precisely mean?

Before we move to that, one should know that UPSC often gives many other directives in its
questions and each demand a precise answer. Frequently used directives are,
Examine, Comment, Analyze, Evaluate, Discuss, Critically Examine, Critically Comment,
Critically Analyze and Assess.

Examine and Critically Examine

When you are asked to examine, you have to probe deeper into the topic, get into details, and find
out the causes or implications if any .

In the case of above question on Gandhis strategy, you have to probe the details of his strategy, find
that if it really had limitations and provide a balanced view. All within a given word limit.

When asked to critically examine, as in the following question,

In the context of the growing demands for the ban of endosulfan in the country,critically examine
the issues involved.What, in your view, should be done in the matter? (2012, Paper-I)

In this question, you have to probe in detail two aspects: one, good and bad of Endosulfan. Second,
implications of its ban. And arrive at an unbiased conclusion.

When critically is suffixed or prefixed to a directive, all you need to do is look at the good and bad of
something and give a fair judgement.

Comment and Critically Comment

The directive comment is usually followed by a statement made by some famous personality, or
taken out from a famous book. When you are asked to comment, you have to pick main points and
give your opinion on them based on evidences or arguments stemming from your wide reading.

Your opinion may be for or against, but you must back your argument with evidences.

These types of question offer you a chance to consolidate your reading of different subjects to justify
your opinion.


There is an urgent need for the Planning commission to revise the chapter on health in the 12th Five
year Plan document. Comment (GS-I 2012, UPSC)

Your answer to this question must contain your opinion backed by certain evidences. If you agree
with the statement, first mention what are the shortcomings in the chapter on health and offer your
opinion in the form of suggestions backed by data from certain reports or committees.

Critically comment is also forming opinion on main points but in the end you have to provide a fair


Critically comment on the extent, scope and implications of Non Communicable Diseases in India.

To this question most of us tend to provide facts on extent, scope and implications, but it demands a
fair opinion from our part based on evidences. Here one can form an opinion on how dire the
situation is and how costly it can prove to health and wealth of the people and nation.

Analyze and Critically Analyze

When asked to analyze, you have to examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by
separating it into component parts and present them as a whole in a summary.

When you are asked to analyze, you have to examine each part of the problem. It is a broader term than


Conflicts in Indian society are not so much social as they are economic in nature. Analyze.

This question though appears confusing, if broken into component parts, i.e, into conflicts arising out
of social factors and economic factors, and then examining (probing deeply) the nature of each part,
it becomes easy to conclude your answer. (In this question, economic nature mentioned is nothing
other than development whose lack is the root of major conflicts in our society these days)
Critically Analyze:

You need to conclude with a fair judgement, after analyzing the nature of each component part and
interrelationship between them.


Analyze critically the interlinkages between the Convention on Biodiversity and FAO treaty on Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

As critical analysis of this question involves separate examination of COB and FAO Treaty and the
examination of their inter-relationship if both are in harmony with each other or there is any conflict
between them (they are in harmony).

Observe the word interlinkages in the question itself.


When you are asked to evaluate, you have to pass a sound judgement about the truth of the given
statement in the question or the topic based on evidences. You have to appraise the worth of the
statement in question. There is scope for forming a personal opinion here.


Has the RTI made a noticeable impact on our governance system?Evaluate.

While answering this question, you have to, based on evidence, appraise whether the RTI act has
really made an impact on governance and give your opinion on the issue.


This is an all-encompassing directive you have to debate on paper by going through the details of
the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You have to give reasons for both for and
against arguments.


Discuss the contentious issues that have caused the prolonged constitutional logjam in Nepal.

The question is self-explanatory. You have to debate the issues both for and against, find the
reasons and examine them. There are various actors, factors involved in Nepal which is prolonging
the finalization of their constitution. Focus on the causes.

(At the end of this article, links to few PDFs is given that will give you definitions for 10-15 commonly
used directives.)

In the Examination Hall

General Studies papers are a headache for many aspirants so many questions, but so less time to
answer all of them is the common complaint we hear before and after exam. Previously, one could
answer only for 400-450 marks out of 600 marks in GS.

So, is there a way out to attempt at least 500+ marks in the exam?

Yes. There is a way. But it requires hard work. A plan and its execution. Everyday.

But How?

Practice, Practice and Practice. Everyday. Only through practicing answer writing every day, keeping
in mind the different directive words, the demand of the question and the word limit (from this year
UPSC will provide question-cum-answer sheet), you will be able to write fast and think fast in the
exam hall.

Before entering the exam hall, your mind should be trained to quickly identify the nature of the
question. In the 3 hours you get, more time must be spent on thinking about the answer, not on

A thorough practice before the final exam also saves you from panics in the exam hall.

Most aspirants go to exam hall without knowing the subtle differences between directive words and
end up giving a very general answer that would fetch only average marks.

To get a top rank, you must have at least 100 marks above the cutoff marks. This is possible only if
you answer more number of questions and more accurately.

Points to remember when you are in the exam hall:

Read the instructions on the question paper there will be a chance of introducing certain changes
from that of previous years
Allot 5 minutes to scan the whole question paper while scanning quickly mark the questions by
pencil which you think you are comfortable answering
Now start with big questions Read 2-3 times the question. Underline the main topic/issue and most
importantly, the directive word.
Underline the word limit too.
Dont jump into the answer. Think on the question. And think quickly the outline of your answer.

The Basic Anatomy of an Answer

Introduction is a must. It is the best part of the answer where you tell the reader what is awaiting him
in next few paragraphs. You must state your thesis in a clear statement. Introduction is not a
summary of your answer. It leads the reader to your answer in clear manner.

In the next paragraph, you start arguing based on the thesis in the introduction and directive word of
the question. Throughout the answer, you must remember the directive word.

Split your answer into few small paragraphs containing one single idea that is a continuum of the
previous paragraph and an indicator to the next one.

Remember, you should read the question after each paragraph.

The introduction and all the paragraphs should lead to a logical conclusion. Dont repeat the question
or introduction in your conclusion. Also there is wrong perception that your conclusion should
suggest something. No, the conclusion to your answer must stem from the body of your answer. It
can not be a separate part in the answer.

Dont use jargon. Dont be verbose. Dont use flowery/ornamental language. Simplicity wins the
hearts. Be precise and effective. Make the examiner happy.

Finally I would like to say that, when you answer a question, you answer it. Dont dump the facts,
dont exhibit superfluous knowledge and end up getting mediocre marks.

Some related documents (for more Directive words and their definitions):

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difference between analyze and directive word for essay type

Tags: comment questions

directive words analyze how to improve answer writing skill in upsc how to write a good
comment exam answer

how to write quality answer to upsc mains meaning of examine comment

questions analyze upsc

upsc main exam writing writing tips for upsc mains

tips exam
Insights Daily Answer Writing Challenge Day 30

Insights Daily Answer Writing Challenge Day 29

Debnath Mondal
my problem is i cannot recollect points while writing .
i think you dont have a habit of compilation of what you read.repeated reading and writing
practise may correct your problem
anser cum question booklet frm this time
Thanks. Updated.
lakshmi prasanna
awesome sir u became a great psychiatrist. i have doubts, can we equate our introduction part
with that of an abstract of a paper or else is there any difference in them ? if S what is that?
and the other one is often i hear about logical arrangement is important. what it is all about
please help me in understanding this. thanks a lot for a detailed article.
Thanks Lakshmi
No, abstract is different. It is nothing but summary. Whereas an introduction is a place where
you propose your intent (thesis) about the course of your answer. Good introductions fetch
good marks.
Yes logical arrangement is important. A good introduction leads to a logical flow of answer. If
you dont know what you are going to write in the answer, then obviously you will struggle to
give a good introduction. So practicing writing is the only solution.
lakshmi prasanna
thank u sir
Harish Y N
This is the best analysis of the UPSCs directives in the questions in India. Coaching institutes
wont take this much effort to explain.
The examples given helps to understand the directives more clearly. Freshers will immensely
benefit from this.
I would like to add few points
> Answer lies in the Question Just explain and link key words of the Question to make an
> Link the paragraphs with key words like Moreover, Subsequently, However etc
Great Job. Keep up the good work
Thanks a lot YN
Thanks for reminding me about linking words. I forgot them. I will update it.
super macha!!
Hi. Nice article.. I have a doubt when many say Critically analyse or Critically examine, they
mention about both Plus and minus of the topic and arrive at balanced view. Is that what
critical word means? Basically when we say we are criticizing or critical of something or
someone, we mean we find fault or suspect him/her, right? So critically analyse should mean
we need to find negatives of said topic or to make the topic or theory to be complete, we need
to find the miss outs by the theorists. Thats what we also mean Critiques of some theorists,
isnt it?
For example, When BJP criticize Food security Bill of UPA, they find loopholes in the drafted
bill and how it would affect the society, right? So we say them critiques of the food security bill.
Also one small correction in the sentence Make the Examiner happy. It should be Make the
Evaluator happy as he values our answers and provides marks..:-)
Critical word actually means making a fair, careful judgement about the good and bad qualities
of something. (Oxford advanced learners dictionary, Page 364, 7th edition)
Finding fault is the supposedly birth right of Indian opposition parties and you can not credit
them with being critical when they oppose government policies. BJP can look at the positives
of the bill too, but it doesnt (you know why), if Congress was in opposition, it would have been
even worse.
The meaning you gave is also correct, but UPSC is interested in the meaning I gave above.
Evaluator is a wrong word and often used in India wrongly. Examiner is the one who evaluates
papers or looks after evaluation.
See this:
Also, you can google the word evaluator to see yourself. Moreover, as I type, Spellchecker is
marking the word evaluator as wrong.
Thanks for your response.. anyhow we need to stick to UPSC expectations to score more.
Also when I googled the word Evaluator, it has mentioned in free dictionary that as an
authority who is able to estimate worth or quality. Also my wordpad accepts the word
evaluator. Again here the word googled, though it is not accepted in this wordpad, it has been
recently added in oxford due to its more frequent usage informally.
Anyhow once again I Thank you for your constructive input..
hi, i am going to write mains for the first time. so please forgive me if this sounds like a
ridiculous question.
does an answer cum question booklet mean a booklet in which answer will have to be written
under the question itself; and that there wont be a SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET?
It is not a ridiculous question. Even I googled few days ago to know its meaning.
Yes, you have to write answers below the questions within a given space. This space will be
limited so as to accommodate answers within word limits. You cant carry home your question
This system is in place for many years in UGC-NET exams.
Prudhvi Raj
Hi.. my optional is geography.. will there be enough space for diagrams or should we practice
making them smaller
Naveen shekhar
sir,there are chances that we will get take-home-paper as well,as is evident from ifs mains
exam held recently
Ya right. I didnt know it then.
This article is really helpful. Thanks a lot
Thanks Maaduri Please share it!!
Ias Coaching in Chandigarh
Hi Insights
Even after reading this post again and again, I feel I am still not clear about the difference
between the various directive words.
It seems that all directives have to include our opinions in the body, and a fair judgement or
balanced view in the end (It would also help if you could explain the difference, if any,
between fair judgement and judgement). So could you please explain the difference again,
maybe with an example of one question with the same topic but different directive words.
For example, in the question: Gandhian strategy of non-violence and satyagraha had its own
There is an urgent need for the Planning commission to revise the chapter on health in the
12th Five year Plan document
How would the answer be different if it was followed by different directives such as:
1. Examine
2. Comment
3. Evaluate
4. Discuss
I think I would end up writing the same answer for any of the above directives. So please help.
Hey i have the same doubts, all i could conjure up is to write the answer, bring out both
aspects of the particular thing asked and give your opinion on the facts and analyis presented.
My thoughts exactly. Insights, help please? Thanks in advance!
Actually, if it helpsI went through the links at the end of the post. Reading the same thing
over and over again in different words made it clearer for me. Should have done that from the
start, my bad :/
Its confusing initially. Through practice, meaning of each directive becomes clear. Glad that at
least those links at the end helped you.
Yes, thank you Keep up the good work!
Examine- what are the factors made PC to revise the health chapter
Comment-my own opinion why should PC revive
Evaluate-if PC does not revise what happens, if it revise, what happens
Discuss-should PC revise the chapter or not
please correct me insights
in first reading of this article , i am unable to differentiate between various directives may be
subsequent reading and answer writing will help me to experience the beauty of this article.
. thanxxx INSIGHTS!
Thank you. U r doing a great job by helping us with difficulties
Thanks alot Sir. I truly admire u !!!
You are welcome Vipul!
Simly splendid work sirIll kee this info in mind when I ractise writing answers..Thank you
Sir, is it necessary to give titles and subtitles in answers?
more so for opinion-based questions?
even i want to ask this.does it help to give subtitles in answers?
Hitendra Gadhavi
Sir.thanx for explaining backbone of mains.its very useful
pcs coaching inChandigarh
I feel as if Ive really lost out by nt knowing abt this wonderful site frm before.:( Newezbettr
late dan nvr..yde I wrote 4 answers (one I typed, rest 3 in copy) & found myself gettin faster,
thinkin fasterreadin others points helped me 2 enrich my knowledge base:)..I lov d site
frm yde till Dec 1 no stoppin on writin 4 answers each day! Thnks so mch!
Great Job Insight , have recently discovered yoor website and its fabolous , you are doing a
awesome job.
People like you and mrunal are our life saver.
takung hinium
Niceit is very much helpful and resolves the million dollar question how to write the good
answer in mainsonce again thanks a lot
is not working! Please Help.
k.vamsi manoj kumar
Dear sir,
Im manoj kumar completed in biotechnology. I want to become a IAS officer,I would like
to give successfull attempt for CAST-2015. I have choosen the AGRICULTURE as optional
subject. This 1 year preparation is enough to crack the upsc sucessfully. Sir please give
suggestions for my question.
Thanks a ton.
For me, without this article, understanding the questioning of UPSC itself will be difficult. I
think the same should be incorporated while studying the subject itself which will make it
easier while answering.
Could you please clarify my doubts below:
Can we write the answers in bullet points?
I was suggested by senior players that reading editorials before prelims does not help much in
mains. Post-prelims news weigh much in mains.
Is that true?
Thank you.
Yes you can write using bullets. But avoid it for every answers.
Your senior is right. Current events is more important for mains than for prelims.
Dear SIR,
Till master degree we just read some general forms of questions such as EXAMINE THE
had read one note for that!
But in here questions are very flexible. UPSC has a try to test candiates own power of
expressing a question/problem.1.WHAT I DO,MAKE NOTE OR
puzzle type. I want to say own creativity of forming ans in examination hall must be required in
the place of previous common.AWAITING FOR YOUR SUGGESTION
Yes UPSC tests your analytical abilities. To cultivate this you have tp practice writing every
day in your own words. Read form good authentic sources and form your opinion. Then
express your opinion to any 2-3 questions framed on those topics.
You can try Secure-2014 initiative for this.
manpreet ghotra
thank you so much sir.
it was really worth reading and i feel that this is the backbone of mains. i have seen many
intelligent people not qualifying mains. now i got the reason why sometime intelligent fail and
average student wins the race.
innocent raaz
bande hai hum uske hmpe kiska jor umido k suraj nikle charo or irade h foladi.
himati har kadam apne haantho kismat likhne aaj chale h hmm
I Hate this .!!!!!
chandu lakshmi
Mohd Naseem
These are very good and helpful instructions .. but how to check word limit while writing
answer Please suggest some good strategy towards it ..
is GOOD Handwriting iz charismatic in writing the Mains, or its OK with AVERAGE
vry nyc post. I have a question, can avg students means who have scored 60% in 12th can be
able to give such upsc exams..???
Richards Samson
thank u sir
The 4th link provided at the end is changed to this address:
Du Juan Harris RB Green Bay Packers Although he hinted that he would
go back to selling cars in the offseason, I have a feeling that Du Juan Harris will not be on
any car lot at the beginning of the 2013 NFL
season. Gene Wojciechowskis ode to college football is a great read.
So besides the fact that both sports are being played with 11 players on the field, the similarity
ends here.
when I really started to write answer. I couldnt able to write a single sentence. Please
somebody help me to overcome this resistance.
How to prepare notes for news papers and magazines????
Awsome post.
though confidence will come through practice only.
Pravallika Shastri
Thanq so much I found it very useful as a beginner and can you please suggest me a good
evaluator ? Am unable to know what my mistakes and drawbacks are in writing an answer. A
single answer of mine wins applaud by few and extreme remarks by few. Am unable to judge
about my improvement. Iam in dire need of practice answer script evaluator.
Vikash Kumar
Very good information on answer writing. Especially for a new comer like me.
santosh murali
Thanks a lot sir.
santosh murali
Infact many fail to answer the question as the derictives demands which results in
Sir, Could you please suggest a source where I can see some sample answers which are
following the given directives strictly?
Vikas Kumar Sharma
Very nice and helpful guide, thanks a lot.
One important way would be that even when preparing/studying for the first time would be to
note the areas where the points could be made. This helps you when you actually try writing
answers. It improves speed and the clarity of the answers
You have repeatedly insisted on the fruitfulness of attempting test questions regularly put up
on your website.I have recently started my preparation and have not covered much theory yet.
My question is when/ at what stage should i start attempting the mock questions ?
excelent !!!
P Sharma
Sir during answer writing we have to quote the name of committees name. Or just use its
theme to write that perspective of answer whenever needed
i heard that writing in points fetch more marks than writing in paras. Can you please suggest
khazana mil gaya.. thanku so much insight !!!!
The Messanger
You rock.Thanks
Nishant Kumar
Hey friends am looking for a group of 5 serious members to form a group on whatsapp
regarding upsc preparation and debates on a given topic and many will be fruitful and
of much importance..but again reminding only serious candidates..Nishant kumar singh
sraavanthi vadrevu
Hey Nishant I would like to join the group.
sraavanthi vadrevu
BTW what is your optional
mukesh kumar
this is what??? analysis or examine or discuss or other(key word)made by insight????give
accurate answer.i have linked with upsc in deep,ha ha ha ha.plz. ans.
mukesh kumar
thanks insight for hard work on the very critical part of war.
thanks a lot sir for detailed explanation.
Wonderful sir. Thank you
Mani Champ
Very usefull!
Pranchal Nehra
Conflicts in Indian society are not so much social as they are economic in nature. Analyze.
In this question, the explanation given for ECONOMIC NATURE is referred to as Development
and I understood that but I am not getting the whole explanation to the question. What I
understand from the question is that The Indian society if facing conflicts more of economic
nature or in other way we can say Rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer and also
due this difference India is suffering a jobless growth which creating more difference between
Urban or developed cities and underdeveloped or Rural areas. Moreover it will be a greater
set back to the society more than the social problems. The Social Nature refers to all the other
social evils prevailing in the society like caste system and then we can link both the problems
and make a conclusion. Pls correct me if I am wrong.
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challenges this movement poses to nuclear power states.
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UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM 2017: Civil Engineering Optional Question
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UPDATE : Suggestion Form for Insights IAS Online CORE BATCH 2018
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Insights IAS Offline Core Batch 2018 Introduction and Details

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UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM 2017: Electrical Engineering Optional

Question Paper
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UPDATE: Insights IAS Offline CORE BATCH 2018

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UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM 2017: Agriculture Optional Question Paper
10 NOV, 2017

UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM 2017: Physics Optional Question Paper
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UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM 2017: Telugu Literature Question Paper
6 NOV, 2017

UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM 2017: Compulsory Telugu Question Paper
6 NOV, 2017

UPSC CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM 2017: Compulsory Kannada Question

5 NOV, 2017


MOTIVATION for Mains 2017 Next Seven Days will Decide your Fate
27 OCT, 2017

MOTIVATION: An open letter to those who couldnt clear Prelims Mittali Sethi,
Rank 56, CSE-2016
28 JUL, 2017

MOTIVATION: Emotional Intelligence

17 JUL, 2017

Motivation & Toppers Strategy: UPSC IAS Topper NANDINI K R, Rank 1, CSE
2016, Insights Offline Student
4 JUL, 2017

MOTIVATION: Nikhil B, Rank 107, Second Attempt, Essay Score 45 to 158,

Insights Offline Student
4 JUL, 2017

MOTIVATION: Emotional Intelligence

28 JUN, 2017


Insights Daily Current Affairs, 02 December 2017

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Insights Daily Current Affairs, 01 December 2017

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[Insights Secure 2018] UPSC Mains Questions on Current Affairs: 02 December

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[Insights Secure 2018] UPSC Mains Questions on Current Affairs: 29 November

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QUIZ 2017: Insights Current Affairs Quiz, 02 DECEMBER 2017

QUIZ 2017: Insights Current Affairs Quiz, 01 DECEMBER 2017

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QUIZ 2017: Insights Current Affairs Quiz, 28 NOVEMBER 2017


Insights MINDMAPS: Future of Bitcoins and Trophy Hunting.

Insights MINDMAPS: China Mediating in Rohingya Crisis and DNA Barcoding

Insights MINDMAPS: Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) and Farm Policies

for India.

Insights MINDMAPS: Aadhaar-based Biometric Authentication (ABBA) and

Electoral Bonds in India.


The Big Picture Sri Lankan PMs Visit: Strategic & Economic Significance
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The Big Picture Moodys upgrades Indias Rating

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Insights into Editorial: Crypto currencies here to stay

Insights into Editorial: A neutral Internet

Insights into Editorial: Childhood foregone

Insights into Editorial: Reaching out to neighbours


Albert John, AIR 179, Prelims strategy 145(2016), approx 130( 2017)

Writing an Essay Showing who you are, on paper. Mittali Sethi, IAS (Essay -160

As Mains approaches Strategy and a few words. Mittali Sethi


STRATEGY, Aishwarya Dongre, AIR 196

LAW OPTIONAL STRATEGY : Pratik Tayal , AIR 92 CSE 2016


GS Strategy

MOTIVATION and IAS TOPPERS Detailed STRATEGY, Notes: Dr Naveen Bhat,

Rank 37, Second Attempt, Insights Student (Download His Full Notes)

IAS TOPPERS STRATEGY: Santhosh B M, Rank 307, Third Attempt, Insights

Offline Student

PSYCHOLOGY STRATEGY for Civil Services: Strategy, Booklist, Resources and

Notes- Mittali Sethi AIR 56 (302 Marks)

TOPPERS STRATEGY: Meghashree D R, Rank 289, CSE 2016, No Coaching,

Insights Offline Student


Insights Weekly Essay Challenges 2017 Week 45: Has the Non- Alignment
Movement(NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world

Insights Weekly Essay Challenges 2017 Week 41: Harith Diwali, Swasth Diwali :
What measures are needed to balance Festivity and Air Pollution?

Insights Weekly Essay Challenges 2017 Week 40: Biggest Threat to Humanity
Moral Crisis or Climate Change?

Insights Weekly Essay Challenges 2017 Week 39: The monsoon is a defining
aspect of Indias nationhood

Insights Weekly Essay Challenges 2017 Week 37: Impact of Digital Technologies
on Globalisation


1) Introduction to the Constitution of India 20 Edition

2) India Since Independence - Bipan Chandra

3) India's Struggle For Independence Bipan Chandra

4) Indian Economy : For Civil Services Examinations 6th Edition (2014) - Ramesh Singh

5) Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations 4th Edition - Laxmikanth

6)Geography of India- Majid Hussain - 5th Edition

7) Ethics In Governance

8)India After Gandhi: The History Of The World's Largest Democracy

9) Mastering Modern World History -5th Edition, Norman Lowe

10) Select Constitutions: 16th Edition - S Chand

11) Challenge And Strategy : Rethinking India's Foreign Policy - Rajiv Sikri

12) India's Foreign Policy - Muchkund Dubey

13) History of the World from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty First Century - Arjun Dev
14) Social Problems in India 2 Edition - Ram Ahuja

15) Politics and Ethics of the Indian Constitution

16) Public Institutions in India: Performance and Design - PRATAP BHANU MEHTA

17) Certificate Physical and Human Geography - Goh Cheng Leong

18) Indias National Security A Reader

19) Indian Social System - Ram Ahuja


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