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- 184 - Original Article



Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos1, Regina Clia de Oliveira2, Mailton Alves da Silva3

Ph.D. in Sciences. Adjunct Professor at Faculdade de Enfermagem Nossa Senhora das Graas (FENSG) University of
Pernambuco (UPE). Pernambuco, Brazil. E-mail:
Ph.D. in Nursing. Adjunct Professor at FENSG/UFPE. Pernambuco, Brazil. E-mail:
RN. Stomatherapist. Pernambuco, Brazil. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: This study aimed at analyzing the legal responsibilities of the professional pertinent to surgical debridement. It consists
of a documental study with categorical data analysis. Data were collected through the websites of the Regional Nursing Councils. The
material was submitted to the content analysis technique. Results revealed three categories: document subject and text theme, definition
and classification of debridement a diversity of concepts and conclusion of documents concerning the nurses legal competence in the
performance of surgical debridement. The results of this categorical analysis showed the need for a single federal organizational policy
to standardize the practice of conservative surgical debridement by nurses, considering: the standardization of terms, so as to avoid
different interpretations and attitudes; and limits of execution, considering indications and contraindications to the cited method, as
well as prerequisites for the necessary qualification.
DESCRIPTORS: Nursing. Wound healing. Debridement.



RESUMO: O estudo objetivou analisar os dispositivos legais da profisso, pertinentes temtica desbridamento cirrgico. Trata-se
de uma pesquisa documental com anlise categorial dos dados. Os dados foram coletados atravs dos sites dos Conselhos Regionais
de Enfermagem. O material foi submetido tcnica de anlise de contedo. Como resultados revelaram-se trs categorias: assunto
do documento e a temtica do texto, definio e classificao de desbridamento, uma diversidade de conceitos, e da concluso dos
documentos competncia legal do enfermeiro para realizao do desbridamento cirrgico. Os resultados da anlise categorial
mostraram a necessidade de uma poltica nica, a partir do rgo federal, que normatize a prtica do desbridamento cirrgico
conservador por enfermeiros, considerando: a padronizao de termos, de modo a evitar diversas interpretaes e atitudes, limites
de execuo, considerando inclusive indicaes e contraindicaes para o referido mtodo alm dos requisitos quanto capacitao
DESCRITORES: Enfermagem. Cicatrizao de feridas. Desbridamento.



RESUMEN: El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los dispositivos legales de la profesin, relacionados con el desbridamiento
quirrgico tema. Esta es una investigacin documental con un anlisis categrico de datos. Los datos fueron recolectados a travs de
la web del Consejo Regional de Enfermera. El material fue sometido a la tcnica de anlisis de contenido. Los resultados revelaron tres
categoras: el tema del documento y la temtica del texto, definicin y clasificacin de desbridamiento, una amplia gama de conceptos y
la conclusin de documentos a la competencia legal de los enfermeros para llevar a cabo el desbridamiento quirrgico. Los resultados
de la anlisis categrico mostr la necesidad de una poltica nica de la agencia federal que regula la prctica de desbridamiento
quirrgico conservador para los enfermeros teniendo en cuenta: la normalizacin de los trminos, para evitar diferentes interpretaciones
y actitudes, lmites de ejecucin, teniendo en cuenta las indicaciones y contraindicaciones de la este mtodo ms all de los requisitos
para la formacin necesaria.
DESCRIPTORES: Enfermera. Cicatrizacin de heridas. Desbridamiento.

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2013 Jan-Mar; 22(1): 184-92.

Surgical debridement and the legal responsibilities of nurses - 185 -

The term to debride comes from the French This study consists of a documental research
dbrider, which means clearing the way to. It with a descriptive approach. Study sources includ-
was probably employed for the first time as a ed the websites of the Regional Nursing Councils
medical term by surgeons hundreds of years (Conselhos Regionais de Enfermagem - CORENs) and
ago in war zones, once they recognized that the website of the Federal Nursing Council (Con-
contaminated wounds involving soft tissue had selho Federal de Enfermagem - COFEN), as well as
a better chance of healing if the necrotic tissue texts regarding the subject in order to subsidize the
was removed surgically.1-2 study theoretically. The navigation of the websites
The removal of necrotic tissue through took place between February and April of 2011.
debridement is beneficial for several reasons. The first stage of the study consisted of
Debridement removes dead, devitalized or con- accessing the websites of COREN, performed
taminated tissue, as well as any foreign body through its main page, and then searching for
in the wound, helping to reduce the number of legislation regarding debridement on the website
microorganisms, toxins and other substances that of each regional council.
inhibit healing.2 The second stage involved organization of
In developed countries such as England, the material, processing the readings according
Canada and the United States there are regula- to the criteria of Bardins content analysis,5 and
tions outlining the professional responsible for based on breaking the text down into units; that
the practice of debridement, and they point out is, discovering the different nuclei of meaning
the cost savings of public resources when surgical constituting communication. After this general
debridement is performed in the community by a and broad reading, detailed reading was initiated,
qualified nurse.1,3 aimed at regrouping them into classes or catego-
ries. Hence, this third stage consisted of a process
In Brazil, surgical debridement performed
of coding, interpretation and inferences regard-
by nurses remains a controversial theme, rais-
ing the information contained in the documents,
ing questions among professionals of nursing
revealing their manifested content.
and other disciplines who traditionally perform
the procedure in the country concerning the The fourth and last stage constituted the
technical and legal requirements for its execu- superimposing of information from other relevant
tion. national and international texts, so as to compare
legal and complementary texts to the analysis of
Hence, mainly in basic health care, nurses
the theme.
still face a high quantity of patients with chronic
lesions who could heal satisfactorily and in a The search was performed on the main
reduced amount of time if the nurses were pro- page of the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support
vided with legal support for the execution of this and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES)
procedure. These are patients whose healing is electronic database. The selection of descriptors
delayed and even complicated, often in detriment used in the search was determined through the
to the patients quality of life4, due to difficulties in verification of descriptors in BIREME health sci-
accessing medical care that is already overloaded ences. In the searches, the following descriptors in
with other responsibilities inherent in this care Portuguese and English were considered: debride-
ment, surgical debridement, conservative surgical
debridement, instrumental debridement. Besides
The execution of surgical debridement by these, the terms Brazil and Brazilian were also
a technically and legally capable nurse would, used to locate manuscripts containing results of
therefore, add effectively to the health team, as- national studies.
suring quality public health care.
In face of this presupposition, the present
study aimed to analyze the legal mandates issued
by the Regional Councils in Brazil pertinent to
surgical debridement and compare them to the In Brazil, 27 regional councils, located in
existing references. every state, fall under the auspices of the Fed-

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2013 Jan-Mar; 22(1): 184-92.

- 186 - Santos ICRV, Oliveira RC, Silva MA

eral Nursing Council. The purpose of the system become a target of focused research. Despite the
formed by these institutions the COFEN/ fact that there is no mention in the scientific litera-
COREN system is to standardize the activities ture regarding the precise time, a study developed
of the nursing profession, managing the quality by researchers from Rio de Janeiro states that the
of the services provided and ensuring compliance subject of wound care has only been addressed in
with the laws governing the profession. Brazil since the 90s.13
The search for documentation regarding Considering this, a fact that illustrates the
the regulation of the practice of debridement by concern of professionals and researchers from
nurses resulted in five documents issued by five Minas Gerais is the development of an updated
different states, with four being in the form of a course on dressing techniques, taught by a multi-
report6-9 and one being a resolution.10 Through the disciplinary team from the continuing education
search for the meaning of words and their effect network in Belo Horizonte in 1996 (perhaps the
under the law, it is understood that a report is a first course of this nature in Brazil). The content
grounded opinion regarding a certain subject, is- of this course includes surgical debridement and
sued by an expert11:1565, whereas a resolution may discusses subjects such as criteria, technique, limi-
be understood as a discussion to study or solve a tations and evaluation of results.14
matter, [...] or making a decision.11:1565 Thus, it is As may be observed in chart 1, four years af-
perceived that, in terms of law, a resolution carries ter this event the state COREN issued a resolution
greater relevance than a report.12 concerning competency of nursing professionals
According to the location of the COREN that in the prevention and treatment of cutaneous le-
issued the document (Chart 1), it is observed that sions.10:1
almost all Brazilian regions have made declara- The change in paradigm of the ideal wound
tions regarding the subject of debridement, except healing environment from dry to moist, with
for the north region. This indicates the concern of emphasis on the need for evaluation of the
nurses around the country in regards to the treat- wound to determine the appropriate cleansing
ment of wounds, in which the practice of debride- actions, debridement and wound dressings, was
ment is included as an activity of their profession. introduced in this course (and from there, hypo-
Regarding the year of issuance of the docu- thetically disseminated throughout the country)
ment, it is observed that the standardization of and may have contributed to a greater reflection
nursing actions in the treatment of cutaneous le- on the part of the nurses who took over wound
sions is recent, with Minas Gerais being the first care responsibilities formally performed only by
state to issue a legal document in the form of a physicians. This reflection is expressed legally
resolution on the matter.10 and temporally through other issued documents,
It is worth pointing out that the treatment which, as observed in chart 1, specifically ad-
of cutaneous lesions in Brazil has only recently dressed debridement.

Chart 1 - Organization of the official documents analyzed

COREN Doc No./Year Subject

Competency of nursing professionals in the prevention and treatment of cutaneous
COREN-MG R 65/2000
COREN-SC r 010/2004 Mechanical debridement of wounds.6:1
Opportunity for the nurse to indicate the necessity for, and/or execute, surgical de-
COREN-DF r 004/2007 bridement of necrotic and devitalized tissue and obtain samples of tissue from le-
sions for culture and microbial sensitivity tests.7:1
COREN-SP r 013/2009 Execution of debridement by the nurse.8:1
COREN-PE r 016/2010 Debridement of wounds by nursing professionals.9:1
R=resolution; r=report.

Considering the study purposes, three cat- is described as follows, presenting documentary
egories were outlined. Each document category excerpts and contextualized analysis.

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2013 Jan-Mar; 22(1): 184-92.

Surgical debridement and the legal responsibilities of nurses - 187 -

Category 1 Document subject and text to nursing professionals.

theme Considering that the practice of debridement
Although all five documents address the consists of four methods according to the mechanism
theme of debridement (Chart 1), it is important to of action, including surgical/instrumental, mechani-
observe that there is a great variability in the sub- cal, autolytic and chemical, and that the mentioned
ject; that is, what is expressed in the document title. titles did not specify any of those methods, it may
be considered that their content will address all of
In the resolution issued by the council of them and, if so, the surgical or instrumental method
Minas Gerais (COREN-MG),10 debridement does may not be considered to be a competency of all
not appear in the title, although it is mentioned in nursing professionals, as this method presupposes
the document content. This resolution addresses, a broader technical knowledge.
broadly, the competency of nursing profession-
als in the prevention and treatment of cutaneous
wounds. Therefore, it addresses the entire nursing Category 2 Definition and classification of
profession, and not specifically the nursing class. debridement: a diversity of concepts
In Brazil, the nursing profession is comprised Three of the analyzed documents8-10 include
of two classes or categories, nurses and nursing a definition of debridement in their text bodies, as
technicians; both play an important role in the care demonstrated in chart 2.
of cutaneous lesions, not only at the preventive As observed, all three documents define
level but also in healing, with different levels of debridement as the removal of devitalized tis-
complexity of their actions. sue and foreign material. The resolution issued
Therefore, according to the Minas Gerais by COREN-MG,10 different from the other two,
document, it is the nurses duty to execute de- associates debridement with a traumatic lesion.
bridement, whenever necessary.10:1 Necrotic tissue is the dead tissue that usually
Among the five documents existing in Brazil results from an inadequate local blood supply. It
up until now, this is the only one that clearly pres- contains dead cells and fragments of these cells.
ents the responsibility of the two classes of nursing The color of this tissue changes as it becomes more
professionals regarding the treatment of wounds, dehydrated. Eventually, a dark, dry, thickened and
in which the practice of debridement is included. fibrous structure is formed. This tissue may be seen
The document issued by the council of Santa in a great variety of wounds, including burns and
Catarina (COREN-SC) specifies in its title (subject) all types of chronic wounds. In contrast, slough is
the specific modality of mechanical debride- a yellow fibrous tissue that consists of fibrin, sup-
ment.6:1 purative and proteinaceous material.3 Slough may
The report from the COREN of the Federal be found on the surface of wounds that have been
District (COREN-DF) is the only one that spe- cleansed previously and may be associated with
cifically indicates the performance of surgical bacterial activity. The accumulation of necrotic tis-
debridement in its title.7 The latter two documents, sue or slough in a chronic wound has high clinical
from the councils of So Paulo and Pernambuco relevance, since its occurrence promotes bacterial
(COREN-SP and COREN-PE), address only the colonization and prevents the wound from heal-
performance of debridement with differences be- ing, making its removal imperative.2,15
tween them regarding the referred professionals; Hence, it is not possible to state that only
that is, the report issued by COREN-SP8 empha- traumatic (acute) wounds should be debrided,
sizes on the execution of the procedure by nurses, as any type of wound containing necrotic tissue
whereas the report issued by COREN-PE9 refers requires some form of debridement.

Chart 2 Definitions of debridement in the official documents analyzed

COREN Definition of debridement

COREN-MG Removal of devitalized tissue or foreign material from a traumatic lesion, including adjacent
tissue which may or may not be infected, until the wound is surrounded completely by healthy
COREN-SP [...] the act of removing devitalized tissue and/or foreign material from the wound .7:1
COREN-PE [...] removal of necrotic and foreign tissue from a wound.8:1

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- 188 - Santos ICRV, Oliveira RC, Silva MA

Regarding the classification of debridement, chemical or enzymatic debridement.

from the analysis of the subjects (titles) of the docu- The documents issued by the councils of
ments, the classifications expressed in the analyzed Minas Gerais,10 Santa Catarina6 and Pernambuco9
documents are presented as follows (Chart 3). include a definition of autolytic debridement.
The report issued by COREN-DF7 was the Although the COREN-SP8 report has a reference
only document, which did not include the methods to this method, its definition is not provided in
of debridement, perhaps because the subject of the text.
the cited legal document had already expressed Moreover, the resolution issued by COREN-
clearly that the text addressed surgical debride- MG presents debridement with a cutting instru-
ment specifically. ment10:4 as a category of the mechanical method,
Only COREN-SC6 and COREN-PE9 pre- differing from the definitions given by the other
sented the definitions of all four debridement councils.
methods, although there are differences among the Mechanical debridement consists of the
terms used. For instance, the COREN-SC6 docu- application of mechanical force directly on the
ment utilized the terms instrumental or surgical necrotic tissue.16 In this definition, the concept of
debridement, whereas the COREN-PE9 document force is related to changes in the quality and depth
discussed surgical debridement, similar to the of movement, which differs from the definition
document issued by COREN-SP.8 used to describe surgical debridement as using a
The COREN-SC6 document uses the term cutting instrument as an agent of action; the use
enzymatic debridement, whereas the COREN- of force in this case is secondary and is conditional
PE9 document refers to the same procedure as on the efficacy of the mentioned instrument.

Chart 3 Classification of debridement according to the official documents analyzed

Surgical Mechanical Chemical Autolytic
Friction: to rub a gauze
or sponge soaked with
Chemical: through the Autolytic: through autolysis; that
saline solution on the le-
action of proteolytic en- is, the autodegradation of the
sion in one direction. 10:4
COREN- zymes, which remove the necrotic tissue under the action
__ With a cutting instrument:
MG10 devitalized tissue through of lysosome enzymes, released
to remove the necrotic
the degradation of col- by macrophages.10:6
tissue using cutting in-
struments (blades and/or
scissors). 10:4
Instrumental or surgi- Autolytic debridement involves
cal debridement con- Mechanical debridement Enzymatic debridement is the use of synthetic dressings or
sists of the removal of consists of the removal obtained through the topi- coverage on the wounds to allow
necrosis using a scal- of necrotic tissue with the cal application of debrid- the autodestruction of the devi-
SC 6
pel, scissors or any application of mechanical ing enzymes directly on talized tissue with the help of the
other cutting instru- force.6:1 the necrotic tissue.6:1 enzymes that are normally pres-
ment.6:1 ent in the wound fluids.6:1
Chemical debridement:
Mechanical debridement:
performed through the
Surgical debridement performed with the use
use of dressings or sub-
consists of the remov- of jets of saline solution
stances with autolytic and
COREN- al of necrotic tissue at 2 to 10 pressure per
chemical properties, which __
SP8 through a surgical pro- square meter, gauze or
keep the environment
cedure, with the use of any other material that
moist and appropriate for
scissors or scalpels.8:2 mechanically removes
the debridement of the
the devitalized tissue.8:2
Surgical debridement Chemical or enzymatic Autolytic debridement involves
Mechanical debridement
consists of the re- debridement: obtained the use of synthetic coverage on
consists of the removal
COREN- moval of necrosis with through the topical appli- the wounds to allow a moist and
of necrotic tissue with
PE9 a scalpel, scissors or cation of exogenous sub- vascular environment that favors
application of mechanical
other cutting instru- stances (enzymes) directly the autodestruction of the devi-
force. 9:1
ment.9:1 on the necrotic tissue. 9:1 talized tissue.9:1

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2013 Jan-Mar; 22(1): 184-92.

Surgical debridement and the legal responsibilities of nurses - 189 -

The current definition for surgical debride- Therefore, the location of the procedure,
ment is the removal of necrotic tissue or foreign whether it is at the bedside, in the hospital or at
material from the wound to expose healthy tissue home, does not change the fact that aseptic tech-
using a sterile scalpel, scissors or both.1 It is ob- nique must be used in addition to the surgical
served, thus, that the definition relies on the tissue instrument, although with less strictness at home
to be removed and the material or instruments than when performed at a surgical center.
used to effect the removal. The difference between the terms used by
In Brazil, nursing has created new terms,6,10,17 nursing applies, thus, only to the serial manner
perhaps due to a concern in distinguishing it from in which this procedure may be performed. Using
the procedure that has been traditionally executed semantics once again, it is observed that conserve
by the physician, or because it is taking into con- means to protect from loss or harm, preserve,11:562
sideration the environment used for its execution. and that is the great advantage of using this term
However, if we use logic, there is no difference in conjunction with surgical debridement and
between the term surgical debridement and performance by nurses, considering that despite
the others used in nursing, such as: instrumental the lack of statistical data in Brazil, wounds affect
debridement6 or with cutting instrument.10 the population at large, regardless of gender, age
In terms of what was observed in the ana- or socioeconomic class, thus constituting a seri-
lyzed literature, the literature disseminated in ous public health problem which increases public
Brazil also uses different terms for surgical de- expenses and decreases the quality of life of the
bridement. One of them17 describes this procedure population. In light of this, qualified nurses have
as instrumental, subclassifying it as conserva- much to contribute, which will be discussed in the
tive (referring to the method selectivity) and next category.
surgical, relating it to the volume of the material
removed. Other authors16 use the term surgical Category 3 Conclusion of the documents
debridement, applying this term when it is per-
regarding the legal right of the nurse to
formed in a surgical center or at the bedside,
finding support on instructional technical instru-
perform surgical debridement
ment for health teams of the Brazilian Ministry The COREN-MG10 resolution states that it
of Health.18 is within the nurses scope to perform debride-
Regarding scientific studies published in ment; however, it does not specify the method,
nursing journals, the search of CAPES main page giving an opportunity for several interpretations
did not yield any Brazilian studies that discuss (Chart 4).
the practice of surgical debridement by nurses. In the first item of the conclusion, the
In the international literature, the terms surgical report issued by COREN-SC6 clearly does not
debridement,20,22 serial surgical debridement,19 authorize the nurse to execute surgical debride-
conservative surgical debridement1,21 and instru- ment. In the second item of the conclusion it
mental debridement3 are used synonymously with regulates the execution of debridement using
surgical debridement. the slice technique, or the removal of thin lay-
The discussion regarding the use of such ers of tissue utilizing a cutting instrument.16,23
terms is useful and necessary when attempting Thus, clarity is lost. The conclusion of the report
to determine the most appropriate term to use. issued by COREN-PE9 also lacks objectivity in
Standardization of the term will prevent confusion terms of the regulation of the practice of surgical
regarding which procedure is being referred to. debridement only by nurses.
By way of synthesis of this discussion regard- The report issued by COREN-DF7 is clearer
ing the procedure terminology and semantics, on this subject, since the title specifies that this
the use of the term instrumental does not differ document exclusively addresses this practice and
from the term surgical, since the analysis of the establishes the limit of tissue to be debrided by the
word instrumental indicates: instrumental serv- nurse (not to include the subcutaneous tissue).
ing as a means of instrument, related to instru- The conclusion of the report of COREN-SP8 is also
ments11:1168, and instrument object... serving very clear and, similar to the document issued
as mechanical agent in the execution of any task: by COREN-DF,7 it also establishes the limit to be
surgical instruments.11: 1168 debrided to avoid the subcutaneous tissue.

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It is important to observe that, with the Although it is believed that conservative

exception of the documents of COREN-SC 6 surgical debridement is selective, there may
and COREN-SP, 8 no other conclusions of the be damage to viable tissue, including possible
analyzed documents conditions the practice of bleeding.2
surgical debridement on the need for some level Competence means having the ability or
of qualification. authority to do what is required and accept-
Several studies1-3,20-24 have noted the thera- ing responsibility for the work executed. Many
peutic and economical impact of this debride- authors highlight potential legal problems for
ment method on the treatment of wounds. Its the execution of debridement and emphasize
practice by nurses may potentially prevent the importance of competency, not only based
hospital admissions or decrease the period of on practical ability involved in the removal
hospitalization, in addition to reducing the time of devitalized tissue, but also on the anatomic
of nursing care, infection and costs associated knowledge necessary in regards to the adjacent
with the treatment of wounds, also promoting structures.1-3,20-22
healing and improvement in the quality of life In the United Kingdom, surgical debride-
of the patients. ment is performed far more frequently by nurses,
Around the world, the diversity of the care particularly in community care.3 In the United
provided to patients with wounds has resulted States, registered nurses may perform surgical
in the creation of international associations and debridement after being certified through educa-
societies with the purpose to define and unify tion, which is recognized with supervised clinical
common terms, as well as to establish compre- practice.3 Similarly in Canada, in the provinces of
hensive education for the structuring of universal Alberta and Quebec and in the Yukon Territory,
parameters in this field. registered nurses are authorized to perform con-
While the debridement of wounds, in servative surgical debridement.1
general, is defined within the nursing scope, Therefore, it is understood that the knowl-
surgical debridement is a specialized level of edge provided by graduate courses are not enough
wound care, demanding educational prepara- for this practice and a resolution is needed,
tion, practical supervision and a regulatory whether it comes from associations or legal orga-
process of competency evaluation so that the nizations, regarding the minimum prerequisites
nurse may develop this skill with safety and ef- necessary for the accreditation of nurses for the
ficiency, in addition to being capable of handling execution of this procedure.

Chart 4 Resolutions/conclusions of the analyzed documents according to COREN

COREN Resolution/Conclusion
Art. 1st It is within the professional nurses scope to: [] execute debridement, whenever neces-
01. Except for surgical debridement, the nurse may execute mechanical, enzymatic and autolytic de-
bridement, as long as provided with the respective technical-scientific knowledge and abilities required
for the procedure. 02. The properly qualified nurse may execute debridement using the slice technique,
depending on the protocol established by the multidisciplinary team.6:2
[...] the nurse may indicate the need for and/or execute debridement of necrotic and devitalized tissue,
COREN-DF as well as remove samples of tissue from lesions for culture and microbial sensitivity test, at the subcu-
taneous tissue level, when the need for surgical intervention is not recognized.7:2
[] the nurse may take over the procedure of lesion debridement whether it is mechanical, enzy-
matic, autolytic or conservative instrumental when there is no need for surgical intervention. It is high-
lighted that in case of debridement with the use of cutting instruments, the removal of devitalized tissue
excluding the subcutaneous level may be performed, according to the institution protocol.8:4
[...] it is within the nurses scope to execute activities of higher technical complexity, which is addressed
COREN-PE in this report. It is important to highlight that the nurse must be fully aware of the practiced acts or those
to be taken over, respecting his/her limits of competence and responsibility.9:2

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2013 Jan-Mar; 22(1): 184-92.

Surgical debridement and the legal responsibilities of nurses - 191 -

FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 6. Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (SC). Parecer

n 010/AT/2004, 19/03/2004: Desbridamento
The clinical domain that includes the man- mecnico de feridas. Florianpolis. COREN-SC,
agement of risks, auditing and practice based on 2004. [acesso 2011 Fev 17]. Disponvel em: http://
evidence aims at helping nurses improve the qual-
ity of care and protect care standards, assuring that 7. Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (DF). Parecer n
professionals have the right qualifications, abilities 004/2007, 23/04/2007: Possibilidade do enfermeiro
and competencies to provide the necessary care indicar e/ou realizar desbridamento cirrgico.
to patients. Braslia. COREN-DF, 2007. [acesso 2011 Fev 25].
Disponvel em:
Qualifying specialist nurses in the care of
patients with wounds, certified by recognized 8. Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (SP). Parecer N
013/2009, 21/12/2009: Realizao de desbridamento
courses and available to the market, responsible
pelo enfermeiro. So Paulo. COREN-SP, 2009.
for the execution of conservative surgical debride- [acesso 2011 Mar 09]. Disponvel em: http://inter.
ment, will certainly facilitate cost effective treat-
ments provided to patients with wounds. 9. Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (PE). Parecer n
Collectively, through professional organi- 016/2010, 07/07/2010: Solicitao de parecer quanto
zations, and also individually, nurses must be ao desbridamento de feridas por Profissionais de
responsible for their technical standards. Before Enfermagem. Recife. COREN-PE, 2010. [acesso
performing debridement they must make sure 2011 Mar 29]. Disponvel em: http://www.coren-
they have the necessary technical skills, and that
this ability is included in the scope of professional 10. Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (MG).
regulations and that there is a policy to support Deliberao n 65/2000, 22/05/2000: Competncias
dos profissionais de enfermagem na preveno e
tratamento das leses cutneas. Belo Horizonte.
The results of this study showed the need for COREN-MG, 2000 [acesso 2011 Abr 13]. Disponvel
a single federal organizational policy to regulate em:
the practice of conservative surgical debridement 11. Ferreira ABH. Novo dicionrio Aurlio da lngua
by nurses, considering the standardization of the portuguesa. 5 ed. So Paulo (SP): Positivo; 2010.
term based on semantics and on scientific logic so 12. Cunha SS. Dicionrio compacto do Direito. 9 ed.
as to avoid diverse interpretations and attitudes, So Paulo (SP): Saraiva; 2010.
establishing limits of execution, decreasing risks, 13. Mandelbaum SH, Di Santis EP, Mandelbaum
and considering indications and contraindications MHSA. Cicatrizao: conceitos atuais e recursos
for the cited method, as well as prerequisites for auxiliares - Parte I. An bras Dermatol. 2003 Jul-
the necessary qualification. Ago;78(4):393-410.
14. Grossi MAF, Lehman LF, coordenadoras.
Atualizao em tcnicas de curativos: uma
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Correspondence: Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos Received: March 21, 2012
Rua Teles Junior, 475, ap. 201 Approved: September 20, 2012
52050-040 Rosarinho, Recife, PE, Brasil

Text Context Nursing, Florianpolis, 2013 Jan-Mar; 22(1): 184-92.

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