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Volume 5, Number 1, 2002

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

The Effect of Visual Stimulation via the Eyeglass

Display and the Perception of Pain



Hospitalization involves anxiety and pain for many people. Unfamiliar hospital settings, var-
ious diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and the sight and sounds of medical procedures
exacerbate pain and anxiety. By blocking off the anxiety-inducing sights and sounds of the
hospital surroundings and creating a pleasant environment, an eyeglass display might be
able to change the sensation and perception of pain. In this randomized, controlled, cross-
over study, 72 healthy university student volunteers were asked to wear a light-weight eye-
glass that projected a feeling of watching a 52-inch television screen at 612 feet in distance
while pain was produced by a modified tourniquet technique. Subjects were randomly as-
signed to participate in a V-session or B-session first, with subsequent cross-over. In a V-
session, subjects were instructed to wear the eyeglass and watch the soundless display of
natural scenery during the inflation. In a B-session, the eyeglass that subjects wore would
project a static blank screen. During V-sessions, there was a significant increase in pain
threshold (p < 0.001) and pain tolerance (p < 0.001). The degree of immersion was positively
correlated with improvement in pain threshold, whereas the anxiety level was negatively cor-
related with improvement in pain threshold. These findings have implications for using vi-
sual stimulation as a positive adjunct to other methods of pain relief and for different pain
conditions. This study was considered to be the pioneer use of visual stimulation in the local
Chinese community as an adjunct to pain relief.

INTRODUCTION procedures create anxiety and exacerbate the

sensation of pain.6,7 Anxiety and pain are also

F OR MANY PEOPLE , the experience of hospital-

ization is pain and anxiety.13 Pain can re-
sult from a variety of causes, but postoperative
associated with diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures, previous poor experience related
to different medical procedures and examina-
pain is the major cause of acute pain.4 It is tions, and the possibility of abnormal findings
found that 50% of patients regarded their pain or unknown outcomes.8 To create a pleasing
relief as inadequate.5 Unfamiliar hospital envi- environment for the patient and to shield off
ronments and hospital routines also increase visual cues associated with invasive medical
the patients anxiety. Besides, the time spent procedures, the use of visual stimulation may
waiting for test results and certain noxious be effective.

1 Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHung Hom, Kowloon, Hong

2 Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


Melzack and Wall9 suggest that pain experi- ment of the visual-mental process when mov-
ence consists of three dimensions: sensory- ing a sofa or any piece of furniture. We tend to
discriminative, motivational-affective, and measure the probability of fitting pieces of
cognitive evaluative. The transmission of nerve furniture visually before we physically move
impulses to spinal cord transmission (T) cells is them. 18 Also, visual images alone can create
modulated by a spinal gating mechanism in the the illusion of motion.19 When we are seated in
dorsal horn. Selective cognitive processes are a stationary train and the train next to us be-
activated by a specialized system of large- gins to move backward, we might have the
diameter fibers and have the property of modu- distinct feeling that it is our train that is mov-
lating the spinal gating mechanism by ing in a forward direction.
descending fibers.10 Cognitive activities such as The use of visual stimulation might be as ef-
distraction can close the gate and prevent the fective as auditory stimulation for pain relief.
transmission of the sensation of pain. Indeed, Visual stimulation can occur in the form of
Sparks11 proposes the use of cognitive distrac- video games, personal computers with CD-
tion to alter pain perception using the concep- ROM, portable televisions, and a virtual real-
tual framework of the gate control theory. The ity system.19 A kaleidoscope has been used to
effects of two forms of distractiontouching generate visual stimulation in a routine blood
and bubble blowingwere compared for draw.20 Children in an experimental group
105 preschool children who experienced injec- were asked to concentrate on watching the
tion pain. The findings of this study11 indicated kaleidoscope during the blood drawing,
that both forms of distraction resulted in signif- whereas children in the controlled group re-
icantly reduced pain perception. ceived routine care without the kaleidoscope
Distraction is one of the important uses of watching. The effect of visual stimulation was
cognitive-behavioral techniques to relieve considered to be effective, as the experimental
pain, as suggested by the gate control theory. group perceived less pain and less behavioral
Music therapy is an effective sensory tech- distress than the control group.20
nique for distraction.12 The therapeutic use of Hoffman 21 used virtual reality therapy as a
music therapy has been well documented ex- distraction for burn wound care in two adoles-
perimentally and clinically as an effective ad- cent patients. The patients had suffered
junct for anxiety and pain, resulting in an 533.5% total body surface deep-flame burn.
improvement in patient comfort.1315 As such, During wound dressings, the patients alter-
new methods to distract patients from pain nated between wearing a headset with visual
and associated anxiety will likely be welcome display of a virtual kitchen or a Nintendo 64
as potential analgesic techniques. video game. A substantial reduction of pain
Perception of the environment is formed by scores was found when patients were in vir-
a combination of various modalities. Human tual reality therapy during their wound care
senses involve sight, hearing, touch, smell, procedures. There has been scanty literature in
taste, sensation of cold and warm, and pain. A relation to the potential therapeutic use of vi-
substantial amount of information about our sual stimulation as adjunct for pain relief,
immediate environment is gained through the however.
sense of vision.16 Visual images were used as a The purposes of the present study were
form of communication before the develop- (1) to explore the interrelationship of pain
ment of words and language. Cave paintings threshold and pain tolerance in relation to vi-
were used as a means of communication sual stimulation; (2) to explore the effect of
among our ancestors. The contents of cave gender in relation to perception of pain; and
paintings embrace the process of hunting and (3) to explore the interrelation of anxiety, ex-
hunted animals. Visual media influence our tent of simulation sickness, and the degree of
lives, forming mental images in our mind as getting into the video stimulation world with
memories and subtly developing our values, pain perception. Ongoing pain was induced
attitudes, and behavior.17 There is the involve- by an upper-arm tourniquet, which would

produce ischemia with gradually increasing The eyeglass only weighs 120 g and could slip
intensity. When subjects squeezed the rubber onto the users face as easily as a pair of spec-
ball, the increased release of lactic acid would tacles (Fig. 2). Wearing the eyeglass display
accentuate the pain sensation. It was believed gives the feeling of watching a 52-inch televi-
that pain intensity would be directly propor- sion screen from only 6 12 feet away. The eye-
tional to tourniquet inflation time throughout glass could not produce a three-dimensional
the procedure. view and had no real-time interaction.

The study was a randomized, controlled,
Sample cross-over study. Subjects were randomly as-
signed to participate in either a V-session or a
After approval by the Human Subjects B-session first. In a V-session, subjects were in-
Ethics Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Poly- structed to wear the eyeglass with the visual
technic University, a convenience sample of content of a soundless video display of a nat-
72 university-aged Chinese students in good ural environment such as mountains and a
general health and with normal or corrected waterfall. In a B-session, subjects watched a
vision was recruited. Subjects with a history of static blank screen via the eyeglass. The study
heart disease, recent venipuncture, current use was conducted over 2 separate days. Subjects
of any medication, and current psychiatric allocated to V-sessions on the first day would
treatment were excluded. All subjects were in- be allocated to B-sessions on the second day,
formed of the purpose and procedure of the and vice versa. Subjects were instructed to con-
study, and were free to withdraw from the centrate on watching the display. Subjects were
study at any time. Informed consent was ob- asked about their anxiety level before tourni-
tained from all subjects. quet inflation in a V-session with numerical an-
chors ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 was no
anxiety and 10 was the highest anxiety.21 Fur-
thermore, the extent of simulation sickness and
In this study, an Olympic Eyetreck eyeglass the degree of getting into the video world were
was used and was connected to a VCD (Fig. 1). ascertained after a V-session. Subjects were

FIG. 1. The Olympic Eyetreck eyeglass was connected to a VCD.


FIG. 2. Subject wearing the eyeglass display.

asked to rate the extent of feeling nausea to 4 = Moderate Pain; 5 = Severe Pain; and 6 = In-
measure the extent of simulation sickness with tolerable/Stop. Pain threshold was the time
numerical anchors ranging from 0 to 10, where when subjects reported 3 (Just Detectable
0 was none and 10 was very much.22 Likewise, Pain), whereas pain tolerance was the time the
subjects were asked the extent to which they pain was reported to be intolerable with a re-
felt immersed into the simulation world. A nu- quest to deflate the tourniquet cuff. Subjects
merical anchor ranging from 0 to 10 was used, were asked to tolerate the condition for as long
where 0 was I did not feel like I went into the as possible. The maximum duration was
video world and 10 was I went completely 10 min or when the subject stated the pain was
into the video world.21 intolerable and requested to stop the pain
A modified tourniquet pain technique was stimulus, whichever was earlier.
used to induce the sensation of pain.23 Subjects
sat in a comfortable chair, and the procedure
Statistical analysis
was explained to them in detail. Each subject
was asked to raise his or her dominant arm Several statistical methods were used in
above their heads for 1 min to facilitate venous data analysis. A paired t test was carried out
blood return. A tourniquet cuff was placed to determine whether significant differences
above the elbow on the arm that had been existed between pain threshold and pain tol-
raised, and then inflated to and held at erance in relation to the use of visual stimula-
250 mm Hg. Subjects were then asked to tion. The effect of gender and visual stimuli
squeeze a rubber ball about 1015 times per on pain threshold and pain tolerance was
minute throughout the experiment using the compared by independent t test. Level of anx-
hand of the cuffed arm. Subjects were asked to iety, the extent of simulation sickness, and the
report their sensory experience 20 sec after in- degree of getting into the video world were
flation and then every 20 sec thereafter using correlated with the net improvement of pain
the following rating scale: 0 = Nothing; 1 = scores using the Pearson correlation. A
Slight Sensation/Nonpainful; 2 = Strong Sen- p value of <0.05 was considered statistically
sation/Nonpainful; 3 = Just Detectable Pain; significant.

RESULTS Effect of anxiety, immersion, and simulation

sickness on pain threshold and pain tolerance
Demographic data
The net improvement in pain threshold and
Seventy-two subjects participated in the study pain tolerance after watching the videotape
(36 female, 36 male; age 20.97 6 1.97 years). was calculated, and then it was correlated with
the anxiety level and immersion level. In
Table 3, the anxiety level was negatively corre-
Effect of visual stimuli on pain threshold
lated with the net improvement in pain thresh-
and pain tolerance
old (r = 20.253; p < 0.05), whereas the degree
With the use of visual stimuli, there was sig- of immersion was positively correlated with
nificant increase in pain threshold and pain the net improvement in pain threshold (r =
tolerance (Fig. 3 and Table 1). The results (t = 0.328; p < 0.05). There was no significant corre-
5.647; df = 71; p < 0.001) indicated a significant lation of net improvement in pain tolerance
increase in pain threshold, with mean tourni- with anxiety and the degree of immersion.
quet time increased from 123 sec to 187 sec. Only four out of 72 participants reported to
Likewise, pain tolerance was significantly in- have a slight degree of motion sickness.
creased (t = 7.088; df = 71; p < 0.001), with mean
tourniquet time increased from 271 to 380 sec.
Effect of gender on pain threshold
This randomized cross-over controlled
and pain tolerance
study demonstrated that visual stimuli gener-
There was a gender difference in pain ated by wearing eyeglass display, in the form
threshold (p < 0.05) when participants of a soundless video display of natural
watched the static blank screen. Both genders scenery, could be applied to significantly in-
had slightly but nonsignificantly (p > 0.05) crease both pain threshold and pain tolerance.
higher pain threshold and pain tolerance after The gate control theory of pain supports the
watching videotapes using the eyeglass dis- use of cognitive processes such as distraction
play (Table 2). to alter pain perception. The results of our

FIG. 3. The effect of visual stimuli generated by eyeglass display on pain threshold and pain tolerance.



Subjects (n = 72), p value,

mean (SD) mean (SD)

Painful threshold (sec)

With visual stimulation 187 (91) 0.000 a
Without visual stimulation 123 (75)
Pain tolerance (sec)
With visual stimulation 380 (133) 0.000 a
Without visual stimulation 271 (113)
a Pairedt tests were used. A p value of <0.05 was considered statistically

study support the theory. Indeed, the impact motion sickness. In this connection, visual
of visual stimulation on pain threshold and stimuli provided via the eyeglass display is
pain tolerance has been examined in volun- unlikely to create many undesirable effects
tary subjects.24 A convenience sample of 46 (32 such as motion sickness or other discomfort.
female and 14 male, age 21.7 6 1.58 years) Indeed, providing visual stimuli to patients
university-age Chinese students was re- requires no prescription by the physician, and
cruited. Watching videotapes via a 29-inch is convenient to use and acceptable to pa-
television generated visual stimuli. The re- tients, making the use of various visual stim-
sults of the study was a 33% increased in pain uli an appealing non-pharmacological
threshold and 27% increased in pain tolerance intervention for pain relief. Nurses and other
as compared to the control group. In the pres- health care professionals are encouraged to
ent study, wearing an eyeglass display gener- use these interventions when performing
ated visual stimuli. The findings of the painful procedures to patients.
present study indicated a 52% increased in In the present study, viewing videotape
pain threshold and 40% increased in pain tol- broadcasting natural scenery of mountainous
erance. It is found that the use of visual stim- area, the flow of a river, a waterfall, and color-
uli might be more effective when given via the ful flowers generated visual stimuli. The im-
eyeglass. The eyeglass display is considered portance of visual contacts with nature
to be more effective in blocking off unpleasant extends beyond aesthetic benefits. It is found
sights of the immediate environment, and cre- that viewing natural scenes contributes to re-
ating a pleasing environment by the video ducing stress, promotes more positive moods
world. It is found that only four out of 72 par- and feelings, and may facilitate recovery from
ticipants reported to have a slight degree of illness.2528 Ulrich29 has examined the restora-


Female Male
(n = 36), (n = 36), p value,
mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (SD)

Pain threshold (sec)

With visual stimulation 177 (98) 197 (84) 0.369
Without visual stimulation 103 (76) 141 (72) 0.036 a
Pain tolerance (sec)
With visual stimulation 384 (140) 376 (128) 0.786
Without visual stimulation 256 (104) 285 (122) 0.268
a Independent samples t test. A p value of <0.05 was considered statistically



Pearson correlation Significance
coefficient (two-tailed)

Net improvement in pain threshold

Anxiety 20.253 0.032 a
Immersion 0.328 0.005 a
Net improvement in pain tolerance
Anxiety 0.205 0.084
Immersion 20.017 0.890
a The net improvement in pain threshold and pain tolerance was corre-

lated by Pearson correlation coefficient. A p value of <0.05 was considered

statistically significant.

tive effect of visual contact in the surgical unit A windowless hospital environment might
of a hospital. Patients in a bed with a window contribute to sensory and perceptual depriva-
permitting visual contact with a natural scene tion and have a detrimental effect on the
were compared to their counterparts who had health of the patients. Keep32 had studied pa-
been arranged to be a bed that permitted only tient stayed in intensive therapy unit in two
visual contact with a brick building. Patients different hospitals. Windows were present in
had more favorable recovery courses, includ- the intensive therapy unit in one hospital and
ing shorter hospital stay, lower intake of po- windowless in the other hospital. It was found
tent narcotic pain drugs, and more favorable that patients from the windowless unit had a
evaluations by nurses, if their windows over- poor memory of the length of their stay and
looked natural scene and trees rather than a were less oriented to time during their stay.
wall of a brick building. The incidence of hallucinations and delusions
The hospital is a sensory deprivation area, was more than twice as high in the window-
and a patients ability to handle stress has al- less unit. It is suggested that cancer pain pa-
ready been impaired by illness or the effects of tients, postoperative patients, and patients in
surgery.30 Wilson and Ark31 examined the ef- the intensive care unit who have limited mo-
fect of a windowless intensive care unit in two bility and cannot enjoy natural scenery may
hospitals. Fifty surgical patients treated in an benefit from the use of visual stimuli to main-
intensive care unit with windows providing tain alertness and as an adjunct to pain relief.
visual contact of the natural views were com- Anxiety is known to increase subjective
pared to 50 similar patients without windows. complaints of pain.33 Hospitalized patients are
It was found that patients staying in the inten- always under enormous anxiety.3 Anxiety
sive care unit without windows had over stems from the fear of the unknown regarding
twice the episodes of postoperative delirium possible discomfort and outcome of illness;
than their counterparts with windows in the fear of losing control over ones body; and
intensive care unit. The socioeconomic class of pain and death.34 It is suggested by Donald35
patients in both hospitals was similar. The that nociceptive, exteroceptive, and interocep-
same physicians and surgeons made up the tive sensory processes provide parallel contri-
medical staffs; the bed capacity of both units butions to pain effect. Exteroception includes
was identical and the nurse-to-patient ratio the sights and sounds from the environment.
was the same. Age, type of surgical procedure, Patients tend to have a feeling of pain and dis-
and postoperative recovery were also found to comfort when exposed to strange sights in the
be very alike. Therefore, windows in the hos- hospital environment.36 Environmental fac-
pital environment might be helpful to sustain tors, including strange equipment, unfamiliar
alertness and orientation for patients. sounds, technical language, bright lights, and

care given by strangers, produce anxiety and In the present study, the degree of immer-
accelerate pain.37 In fact, the sights and sound sion into the video stimulated world was posi-
of patients with disfigured wounds and with tively correlated with net improvement in the
advanced life support apparatus can be horri- pain threshold. The higher the degree of im-
fying to other patients.30 mersion, the more benefit subjects would gain
It is found that anxiety is common in many in using visual stimuli as a pain relief. Visual
patients, even for minor medical or surgical stimulation is acting at least partially as a dis-
procedures, and affect their recoveries and traction for pain relief. The more immersed the
risks for physiological complications.38 De- subjects perceived themselves in the video-
creasing patients anxiety level can reduce stimulated world, the more distraction they
their pain, vomiting, complications, and recov- engaged; therefore, their awareness of pain de-
ery times. 39 Television viewing has been used creased. It might be effective to tailor-make the
as an anxiety-reducing intervention for preop- content of the visual stimuli in relation to the
erative patients.40 A significant decrease in preference of patients. Opera, comedies, or de-
anxiety among patients who watched televi- tective stories, for example, could be provided
sion occurred compared with those who did in response to the choice of our patients. Also,
not. In the present study, the anxiety level was we could put pictures of the patients loved
negatively correlated with the net improve- ones, old family members, and friends, or
ment in pain threshold. Those subjects having places they had desired to visit into the video-
a lower anxiety level were found to have better tapes and project them via the eyeglass dis-
improvement in their pain threshold with the play. This might help patients to be more
use of visual stimulation. In this situation, the immersed in the video-stimulated world and
advantage of watching videotapes via the eye- become less awareness of their pain. Further
glass display might be more effective in less studies in the content of the visual stimuli are
anxious individuals. indicated.
In future studies using visual stimuli as an Distraction as a method of pain relief con-
adjunct for pain relief, it would be important sists of directing attention away from pain.
to identify the anxiety level of patients by The exact biological actions and mechanisms
tools such as the State-Trait Anxiety Inven- underlying the effectiveness of distraction as a
tory (STAI).41 The state portion of the STAI method of handling pain are generally un-
evaluates how an individual feels at the time known.33 In theory, a persons capacity for pro-
of assessment. Scores range from 20 to 80 cessing information is limited, and allocation
with higher scores indicating higher levels of of attention to one task limits the attention that
anxiety. Patients with a lower anxiety level may be given to another.48 McCaffrey and
could be introduced to the use of visual stim- Pasero 49 defined distraction as sensory
uli as an adjunct to pain relief, as they might shielding. The patient is shielded from the
have a better outcome. Interventions to re- sensation of pain by increased sensory input
duce anxietysuch as providing patients from other sources. By exercising attention
with sensory and procedural information re- and concentration on stimuli other than pain,
garding their hospitalization and illness; ma- pain is placed on the periphery of awareness.
nipulating the environment; strengthening As a result, when subjects with pain pay atten-
and developing social support; and use of ex- tion to videotapes via the eyeglass display, vi-
isting mechanisms4244 may also be useful. sual sensory input is increasing and less
Also, relaxation and music therapy have attention is available for focusing on pain.
been studied in various populations with sat- Distraction strategies are most appropriate
isfactory results in anxiety reduction. 4547 for use over a brief period of time, ranging
Further studies are indicated to investigate from minutes to an hour, and for pain that is
the effectiveness of anxiety reduction and a mild to moderate in intensity.49 Visual stimuli
patients response to visual stimuli in pain are predominantly distraction strategies and
relief. are especially useful for short procedures asso-

ciated with intense anxiety and considerable of pain. For instance, pain is a symbol for ad-
pain. Examples include lumbar puncture, vancing disease and death approaching in can-
bone marrow aspiration, burn debridement, cer patients.57 In this way, patients hesitate to
suture removal, painful intramuscular injec- report pain. Moreover, many patients are un-
tions, difficult venipuncture, uterine contrac- willing to take pain medication for fear of ad-
tions during childbirth, and closed reduction diction or being thought an addict.52
of a bone fracture. Visual stimuli are a good It is not easy to change the attitude of health
option as a distraction strategy in addition to care professionals in prescribing and adminis-
appropriate analgesia and anesthesia. tering adequate pain relief medication. Also, it
In the present study, male subjects were is difficult to encourage patients to demand
found to have a significantly higher (p < 0.05) more complete relief of pain. To this end, non-
pain threshold in condition without visual pharmacological interventions can be very ef-
stimuli. Yet, no gender difference was found in fective for all types of pain intensities and are
pain threshold and pain tolerance after watch- definitely recommended when used concur-
ing videotapes via the eyeglass display (p > rently with pharmacological interventions in
0.05). Women are reported to have lower pain the treatment of severe pain.58 In such circum-
thresholds than men in electrical detection, but stances, the potential applications of visual
no gender differences have been reported for stimuli are particularly appealing, as they are
heat pain, or warmth and cold thresholds. It is easily applicable and unlikely to create many
suggested that differences in sampling and ex- side effects. The significance of the present
perimental condition may affect gender differ- study is that it suggests the usage of visual
ences in the perception of noxious stimuli.50 stimuli as an adjunct to pain relief. The impor-
Nevertheless, the present study proposes that tance of our study will certainly add knowl-
both males and females would benefit from edge to the existing pain relief methods. It is
the application of visual stimuli as an adjunct suggested that the simplest dosage schedules
to pain relief. and least invasive pain management modalities
It is suggested by Melzack51 that pain levels should be used first.59 It is hoped that, with sys-
are still very high in the best hospitals with tematic research and application of visual stim-
highly capable, compassionate physicians, uli in hospitals, patients can ultimately benefit
nurses, and physiotherapists. It is found that from this innovative pain relief technique.
undermedication leads to inadequate pain Further studies, specifically addressing
management. 51 Many physicians are often re- physiological data to correlate pain scores and
luctant to prescribe adequate analgesic such as visual stimuli, are needed. Also, experimen-
morphine for fear of inducing drug addic- tally induced pain is quite different from clini-
tion.52 Nurses may also have inadequate cal pain. It is hoped that further study can be
knowledge and unacceptable attitudes regard- carried out using visual stimuli as an adjunct
ing pain management.53 Only 16% knew that for pain relief for patients. Nevertheless, the
the preferred route of opioid administration present study takes the first step towards es-
for cancer patients is oral.54 It is believed that tablishing an innovative pain relief technique,
nurses may fail to comply with PRN (as which may be applied clinically. There has not
needed) regimes.51 Likewise, nurses have been any research and application of visual
knowledge deficits in the understanding of eyeglass display as an adjunct to pain relief in
equianalgesic dosing55 and are unconcerned the local Chinese community. Our study adds
about the likelihood of opioid addiction in less knowledge to existing pain relief methods.
than 1% when treating pain.53
To avoid being labeled as a complainer
and creating a negative impact on their overall ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
care, patients might fail to report their pain56
and have a low expectation for pain relief.53 It We wish to thank all the subjects who kindly
is found that patients might fear the meaning participated in the study. Also, we wish to

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tion. New York: Random House.
18. Kosslyn, S.M., Seger, C., Pani, J.R., et al. (1990). When
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