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Psychology 11/29/17

Peers and the Sociocultural World

Peers individuals who are about the same age or maturity level

Early Peer Relations

In early childhood, children distinguish between friends and nonfriends;
preschool children more likely to have friends of different gender and
In elementary school years, reciprocity becomes important in peer
interchanges; until about 12 years of age, preference for same-sex groups
Amount of time spent in peer interaction rises in middle and late childhood
and adolescence; size of peer groups increase, less closely supervised by

Provide a source of information about the world outside of the family, give
feedback, form of social comparison

What hurts relationships with peers?

Personality traits
Negative emotionality very low threshold for experiencing anger, fear, anxiety,
and irritation
Being in a subordinate social position

Peer influences can be both positive and negative

Children and Adolescents:
Explore the principles of fairness and justice by working through disagreements
with peers.
Learn to be skilled and sensitive partners in intimate relationships by forging
close friendships.

Peer Relations
Sociometric status the extent to which children and adolescents are liked or
disliked by their peer group.
Assessed by asking children:
To rate how much they like or dislike each of their classmates.
To nominate the peers they like the most and those they like the least.

Five Types of Peers Statuses

1. Popular frequently nominated as a best friend and are rarely disliked by
their peers.
2. Average receive an average number of both positive and negative
nominations from their peers
3. Neglected infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by
their peers.
4. Rejected infrequently nominated as someones best friend and are actively
disliked by their peers.
5. Controversial frequently nominated both as someones best friend and as
being disliked.

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