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Canadian Exports to United States

Lentils as Cash Crop for Crop


Amandine Barre


AGR 1110

November 28, 2017


Part I: Product Information

Introducing Lentils

Lentil, along with wheat and barley, is one of the founding crops of agriculture during the

Fertile Crescent (Crop Trust, 2017). Red lentils (Lens culinaris L.) were first grown in southwest

Asia around 7,000 BC, which is currently the southern Turkey and northern Syria region

(Saskatchewan, 2017). Lentils are a legume crop that provide numerous health and farming

benefits. They can be resistant to extreme climates of drought and hot temperatures, more than

waterlogged soil (Muehlbauer, F.J. et al., 2016). Similarly, if wind, frost or heat damaged it can

regrow as its nodes scales below the soil surface; protecting seeds and yields of a farmer

(Saskatchewan, 2017). The cooler temperature zones are depicted to be the suitable climate for

proper growth and production. Advantageously, lentils ability to fix and supply nitrates to the

soil means there is little to no requirement for additional nutrients, apart from phosphorus.

Our atmosphere is made up of 78%

Average Composition of
nitrogen (Cool Cosmos, 2017). There is an
abundant source of nitrogen everywhere,
however breaking it down to is usable state 1%
is a common challenge. Atmospheric Oxygen
Other gases
nitrogen contains a triple blond which is

extremely difficult to break down into

Figure 1a: Average composition of the
nitrates such as; ammonium. Nitrate is the atmosphere in terms of nitrogen and oxygen.
form of nitrogen that can be used by living organisms. An efficient way of solving this is through

the use of legumes. Unique to legumes, in their root nodules there contains bacteria known as

rhizobia. In this symbiotic relationship, legumes obtain amino acids (nitrogen) from rhizobia

whilst acquiring carbohydrates (carbon) (Biswas and Gresshoff, 2014).

However, rhizobia require a low oxygen environment and majority of plants require

oxygen for respiration. Overcoming this challenge, the plant produces a membrane surrounding

the bacteria, within the nodule, to control the flow of oxygen around the bacterial Nitrogenase.

Leghemoglobin, is the enzyme needed to bind to the oxygen molecules in the nodules, removing

majority of oxygen. Thus, the bacteroids membrane constricts oxygen from penetrating into the

bacteroids (Biswas and Gresshoff, 2014). Accordingly, it is an organic and natural method to

breakdown nitrogen into nitrates. Although, for all plants there is a specific rhizobium

inoculation needed to suite the receptors of the targeted crop. Lentils commonly demand for

Rhizobium leguminosarum, yet a simple soil test can determine the acceptable bacteria

(Saskatchewan, 2017).

Lentil Market

Canada is the top lentil producer on a global scale. This crop is being increasingly

demanded due to its health and agricultural farming benefits. With the Saskatchewan province

producing, alone, 95% of all Canadian lentils, the province plays an important role in the market.

Typically, the lentil market consists of red and green lentils. Although, red lentils are proven to

grow more successfully when in a crop rotation with cereals. Due to red lentils having a root

depth that does not succeed 0.6 meters, cereal crops have a better ability to extract water from

1.8 meters below soil surface, as they have longer roots. So, the cereal will produce higher yields

and proteins (Saskatchewan, 2017).

There exists both niche and large-scale competitors. Within the niche markets, red-split

lentils, zero-tannin lentils, and Indianhead lentils are found in Alberta farms (Alberta Pulse

Growers, 2017). However, on a larger scale

Saskatchewan, Canadas top importers are located in the

Mediterranean region; India, Turkey and other Asian

countries are included as well. Lentils is a part of the

cultivating pulse crop industry. In 2012, Canada exported

more than $220 million in pulse crops to European Union

(EU) (Government of Canada, 2014).

Cost and Production

Overall, it cost on average $299.43 per acre to produce

including processing, treating, machinery, labor and Figure 1b: Global proportion of pulse
trade contributors (Saskatchewan Pulse
storage based on 2016 data (Manitoba, 2015). When Growers, 2017).

considering seeding states, red lentils do best in a firm

and weed-free seedbed with lower moisture levels. Also, when harvesting in August, the better

yield results after land rolling to provide a leveling field, as lentils are short plants. During

harvesting, the general moisture threshold lies between 14-16% to consider the seed dry. For

storing red lentils, temperatures below 15C with a moisture level of 13% is considered safe.

However, should not exceed -20C, as lentils are susceptible to chipping and peeling

(Saskatchewan, 2017). Additionally, dark conditions and separation from previous varieties are

greatly considered when being stored since mixing varieties and shares of older seeds greatly

reduces milling quality.

Furthermore, there are many specific maintenance procedures needed to fulfil the growth

and harvesting stages of red lentils. They are highly vulnerable to mechanical damage when

harvested, handled, or in seedling operations. This is, in part, due to their short size and time

frame of ideal conditions. Typically, it is planted early spring to satisfy the cool temperament

(Muehlbauer, F.J. et al., 2016). In Saskatchewan, the average yield in the red lentil species, falls

around 1,905-2,129 kg/ha (kilogram/hectare). Likewise, the commercial production has

increased over 2.35 million hectares in Western Canada in 2009 according to the Government of

Saskatchewan (2017). Along with the maintenance, the essential weight for cost needs to be

determined. For red lentils, the bushel needs to meet 60 pounds (Saskatchewan, 2017). This is

very important when considering transportation loads and quantity needed per hectares on a


Uses in Canada

Universally, lentils are a source of

consumption due to their high sources of proteins

and other minerals. Less common in the North

American region, they can be an alternative forage

for the livestock production industry. Lentil straw

is an important fodder for small ruminants in the

Middle East and North Africa. For humans, the

consumption of lentils is densest in the

Mediterranean region and part of the

Mediterranean diet. Because of its highly nutritious

characteristics, it is considered a healthy food. Figure 2: Nutrition facts for 100g

serving size of raw lentils.
Figure 2 connotes the daily value percentages that

is offered through the consumption of lentils.


On the direct agriculture aspect, the nitrogen fixing lentil provides a nutrient rich soil in

nitrogen for its next crop season. Which, in turn, reduces nutrients leaching and escaping the

average farmers soil. This can be done by green manuring the soil containing nitrogen and other

organic residues. This is a method, much like cover crops, where it protects the ground soil from

water or wind erosion (Government of Alberta, 1993).

Lack of Regulations

Importation of lentils is duty-free to the EU. In other crops such as; beans, there is a 3.2%

duty rate. This can prove to be an issue in future businesses, as duty rates could start to be

affiliated to the lentil crops. In turn, there is no obligation to phytosanitary certificate of

inspection from the CFIA for importation (Government of Canada, 2014).

Moreover, the market is continuously fluctuating. Importing nations are conserving their

native made products by imposing tariffs. India is a prime instance of this, as they have recently

declared a 50% duty on importing peas from Canada (Government of India, 2017).

Canadian Benefits

Growing and producing red lentil seeds will contribute to a higher employment rate,

bigger market and higher competition rate. On the consumer level, the commercial rate will

lower to avoid food insecurity in the average households. As a whole, the process requires many

contributions from other services. Planting lentils requires weed control products, herbicides, soil

testing, and etc. When harvesting, the plant requires machinery specific to lentil and legumes as

they are a shorter crop and more delicate. Likewise, storage of the seeds requires refrigeration

and adequate equipment and tools to maintain the thresholds of the seeds. This includes outside

services helping the lentil market make economic gains. Additionally, the rise to niche business

will provide competition to the trade market, lowering the big business retail prices to become

more affordable to a wider variety of citizens.

Belle Pulses Ltd. is a business that exports and processes red lentils which will be a big

contributor to the process of transporting red lentil seeds to the United States. There will need to

be a seed-testing laboratory for germination, purity and seed-born diseases. This is very

important since ascochyta blight and botrytis can reduce seedling vigor and lead to loss of yields

and quality (Saskatchewan, 2017). There needs to be various investments of multiple businesses

in Canada to properly undergo the process to its entirety.

India supposedly imposing a tariff would lower import rates of lentils from Canada

providing an opening for a potential partnership. The proximity of the United States would

greatly reduce the time and energy needed to transport the seeds, as they need to be refrigerated

when transported.


Another method of converting atmospheric nitrogen to a nitrate is the Haber-Bosch

process. This machine that uses iron as a catalyst in a high temperature and pressure environment

when synthesizing nitrogen and hydrogen gas. This method, marked an important revelation in

the agriculture world and later aided the making of synthetic fertilizers. A third of total

production is produced by plants in China.

Lentils are not the only legumes that exist. Soybeans, fava beans, and peanuts all can

produce nitrogen fixing nodules that can house rhizobium. They can fix up to 250 pounds of

nitrogen per acre (Walley et al., 1996). Whereas, perennial and forage legumes can fix up to 500

pounds of nitrogen per acre (Aranjuelo et al., 2009). The stalks, leaves, and roots of grain

legumes, such as soybeans and beans, contain about the same concentration of nitrogen as found

in non-legume crop residue (Flynn and Idowu, 2015)

Part II: Export Potential to United States

Introducing the Corn Belt Corn for Grain 2016

Yield Per Harvested Acre by County
for Selected States

The Midwest region in the

United States is most commonly

referred to as the corn belt. This

region determines the overall

agriculture economy. It consists of

Bushels Per Acre

these five major states: Indiana, Not Estimated

< 100
100 - 124.9
125 - 149.9
150 - 174.9

Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri 175 - 199.9

200 +

U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service

(Griffing and Lindstrom, 1954). Figure 3a: USDA map representing the bushels per acre
in the United States. Data from 2016.
Being the densest agriculture zone,

it is particularly crucial to maintain its yields and quality. Corn production relies greatly on the

long, hot growing seasons with its adequate rainfall of 25 to 46 inches yearly. Likewise,

livestock is a popular farming practice in this area that relies on corn production as animal feed.

Because majority of livestock depends on corn, the industry becomes reliant and needs to

satisfy demands. True to this, the corn needs to rely on an efficient crop rotation. Crop rotation

aids in pest control and reduces the diseases from becoming tolerant to herbicides. This makes

for a strong and healthy crop. Furthermore, corn is consumed and an industrial product. Ethanol

is on a higher demand and requires prices of corn to increase which, in turn, requires an increase

in field acreage (USDA, 2017). However, a rise to agricultural land impacts greatly the


Current Issues

Nationwide, the United States has been on a constant battle against Diabetes. An

outstanding 9.4% of the US population is affected by this disease, to say the least, as there are

still many that go undiagnosed (NIH, 2017). With three-fourths of the entire civilization eating a

malnourished diet, the American diet does not contain sufficient fruits, legumes, grains, and

dairy. The average American will surpass the recommended sugar, saturated fats, and sodium

(Dietary Guidelines, 2015). Nonetheless, America as a whole has an ongoing national health

issue that still needs to be effectively addressed.

Ohio, being a top corn producer, has sections that are impacted greatly due to erosion that

needed to be discontinued for farming practices (Griffing and Lindstrom, 1954). Its no

coincidence that the major agricultural sector lies near the most contaminated waterways in the

US. Agriculture plays a big toll in the contamination through leaching of nutrients out of the soil.

As portrayed in Table 1a, the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers are the most contaminated in the US.

Surprisingly, they run through the corn belt and are an important source to the agriculture

industry for water access. Excess nitrogen escaping into the waterways leads to hypoxic

conditions (lack of oxygen) (Perlman, 2017). Although, man-made creeks are created through

drainage of fields in attempts to dispose of excess water, it unfortunately leads to polluting the

rivers. It is in fact the biggest dead zone in the world with 6,000-7,000 miles of uninhabitable

waters ( Bruckner, 2017).water systems. These enriched nutrient streams flow into bigger bodies

of water and further spread pollution. This is drastically growing the dead zone in the Gulf of

Mexico, south of the


Table 1a: The top 3 most contaminated waterways in the United States sanctuary, related to
the total pounds of direct toxic discharges to water.

Benefits to Importing Nation

Transportation Route

Figure 3b: Map of the US regions and Canadian provinces portraying the proximity of the
Corn Belt in reference to Saskatchewan, Canada.

Furthermore, lentil crops favoring the prairie regions of Canada primes for a cheaper and

more efficient transportation system to the mid-west regions of the United States. This can be

done through ground transportation carrying refrigeration systems to keep the lentil seeds cool,

avoiding germination. The US is known for its big trucking industries, and the costs for

transporting will include fuel, refrigeration equipment that is energy supplied, regulation fees,

import fees, and cross-border rates. Previously the diesel prices have declined allowing a more

affordable transport system. Overall, this calls for less transport time and lower costs on

conserving and storing lentil seeds; as it needs dark and low temperatures.

Reduces Water Contamination

The corn belt is placed on top of the most important water systems in the US: Mississippi

river being the most abundant. Having the major corn producers placed on these important

bodies of water causes a major crisis not only in water contamination but dead zones in these

waters that affects other farming method, such as; the aquaculture industry. If no solution gets

derived to solve this and reduce the amount of nitrogen leaching out, the dead zones will become

larger as they have already invaded the Gulf of Mexico, making it in actuality the largest dead

zone in the world. This is where lentils can help greatly diminish nitrogen from leaching into the

US waterways.

Access to clean water is a necessity. When contaminated, children can develop diseases

such as; blue baby syndrome. This is a dangerous disease when metheglobin is formed in the

blood stream and causes the child to suffocate due to lack of oxygen flow. It also destroys

ecosystems, as mentioned in the Gulf of Mexico (Knobeloch, L. et al., 2000). These are

important organisms in the agriculture world, fish is the most efficient feed conversion ratio on

the market. Diminishing another industry can cause fluctuation in prices for fuel and water as the

American society runs on the supply and demand method.

Healthier Diet

Additionally, the Mediterranean diet is universally known for being the healthiest. This is

attributed to its grains, cereals, fruits and legumes. Lowering cholesterol levels and sugar levels,

rich in carbohydrates and fibres, and supporting vegetarian and vegan communities with lentils

high protein, in fact, higher than some beef, are various examples of its consumption benefits

(Saskatchewan, 2017). Moreover, implementing lentils in the American diet could lower the

rates of diseases like diabetes, and obesity and inflict a healthier and balanced regime


Lentils can be included into many culinary techniques. After thoroughly being cooked,

lentil seeds can be consumed through salad, soup, dips, snacks and even flour. Adding a few

grams of lentils into their diet can dramatically increase the health status of an average


Lowers Farmer Costs

Income to an average US farmer is based on the market demands of other

goods and services. Supply and demand is the origin of traditional US market rates. Thus,

revenue to the farmer could fluctuate positively or negatively uncontrollably due to the demands

at the current time. Red lentils being included into the mid-west agricultural farms, could prove

to be beneficial as this would insinuate a more stable revenue. The costs of nitrogen for corn will

be greatly diminished as lentil crops will have left over nitrogen available for corn. Besides, a

lentil-corn rotation cycle can significantly reduce the ability of pesticides and disease tolerance.

Implying this, the farmer would not have to invest into a new herbicide or pesticide and can use

the left over from previous years at the affordable rate.

This ecofriendly legume crop gives a high revenue to the farmer as there is a lack of lentil

production in the US, which will give a rise to competitors as demands will grow. Whilst

replenishing its organic matter in soil, the farmer is making a higher profit and expenses are

being reduced for the corn production.

Additionally, there are many companies where lentil seeds will fit perfectly for sales.

Most frequently visited grocery stores in America do not sell lentils. These are the more

affordable stores such as Giant and Costco. It is not majorly grown in the US and is a food that is

sold in small markets like Trader Joes or Rodmans, which are generally more expensive as they

are mostly imports. Lentil seeds in the US is a niche market and introducing big companies and

markets will positively expose the benefits of lentils.

Table 1b: Average retail price per pound and cup of dried lentils (USDA, 2015).

Unknown Contributors

Although, the lentil-corn crop rotation is an idea, there is still lots to consider undergoing

this transport. There still needs to incorporate which businesses will be used to process and ship

the red lentil seeds in the Saskatchewan province. Since, the region is densest in production, the

nearby businesses could be more expensive than other province due to high export rates whilst

smaller businesses can lower costs. However, efficiency and quality needs to be determined.

Running laboratory tests would need to be done to initiate healthy and pure seeds. Perhaps

creating hybrids will increase the quantity and tolerance to diseases. Also, the transportation

costs need to be laid out from start to target area. Furthermore, limitations to the quantities of red

lentil seeds sold across the US border will need to be discovered. Since the US is not a big lentil

producer, it lacks proper regulations for red lentils. Determining whether the imports will be

duty-free and free trade will need to be contemplated, as well as, units sold.

Challenges of Exporting to United States

The US is known to have strict regulations. These regulations could reduce the quality of

the lentils being imported resulting in the product not making an influence into the US market.

The consumer needs to be aware of any Genetically Modified (GM) crops in the process,

whereas Canada does not require a GMO label on their products. A big issue in the US currently

is illegal immigrants. Politically, with the republicans running the country, there will be stricter

regulations on which personnel are allowed to transport goods into the country when border

customs are reached.


An already existing legume and corn crop rotation is in action currently. Soybeans and

corn built a mutualistic crop rotation cycle. Soybeans, in fact, do have a higher nitrogen fixation

right but are not favored through consumption because of its bitter taste. Lentils has a better and

more favorable texture that would meet the bigger populations taste.

Recommendations for Exports

Familiarizing with the NAFTA regulations is a must as this informs future exporters

within the US and Canadian guidelines through transportations. Corn-lentil crop rotation can

ultimately be a successful contributor to the protection of the environment and introducing a rise

of lentil dishes in the American diet to reduce health risks in the US. The costs will need to be

planned out to determine a loss in sales for the Canadian or American farmer, unless it proves to

be a dual benefit situation. Overall, the Canadians will benefit in a higher employment and

economic rate and build a stronger partnership with the US.



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