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Learning Segment: The Lady or the Tiger Lesson Title: Character traits

Day of Lesson: ______1____ of _____3_____

Teacher Candidate Class/Subject Grade Level Class Length (in

ELA 8th minutes)
Kindall McAlister 60

Central Focus:
Students use evidence from the text to evaluate characters, what they and other objects in
the story symbolize, and how to make inferences based on textual evidence. They will also
understand a major theme of the story and be able to relate it to their lives.

1.) Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [RL.8.1]
3.) Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama
propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. [RL.8.3]


Objective(s) Domain of Level of

Learning Learning
A. SWBAT identify characters in the story and Cognitive Analyze
their character traits.

B. SWBAT relate the character traits to the plot of Cognitive Evaluation

the story and how they keep the story going.

Common Core Literacy Standard(s) Addressed in this Lesson

1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences
from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions
drawn from the text.

Academic Language/Essential Vocabulary

Character map, traits, personality, barbaric, impartial, arena, tribunal, fervent, Courtier.
Take up character map, monitor during activity.

Time Student Tasks Teacher Tasks ObjectiveAddressed Differentiation
(in & Targeted
min) Support

Engage Display different Review and A

5 characters from define character
well-known traits: all aspects
movies/TV shows of a persons
and have students behavior and
give ideas about appearance that
their character make up that
traits. (Appearance, persons
personality traits, personality.
important quotes,
relation to other
Explore/ Read the story Help students B Group high
Explain/ 40 aloud using read the story. level
popcorn (students Read the first students with
read a paragraph paragraph and low level to
and call on call on a student help the low
another student to to read. Provide level
read). Students character map students
will then create a sheet. Help form more
character map of students complex
one of the complete the ideas.
characters. They character map
will list vocab individually.
words that relate Have students
to each character. answer the
Answer questions questions on the
on the back of the back of the
character map. character map.
Discuss the
questions with the
Closure Students will Lead class A&B
15 group together discussion about
based on the characters and
character they their traits. Ask
picked and students what
discuss what they traits they gave
wrote. Then we their character
will discuss as a and why? What
class. evidence
supports that
trait? How do
the traits of that
character further
or help the story
move along.

This lesson is important to talk about first because the next two lessons deal with symbolism and
the idea of justice as a theme. To discuss these things the students need to understand the
characters. We have discussed character traits before and the students really loved the character
map, so this will help them understand the story, and the final activity they will do at the end of
the segment.

Questions to ask students (Convergent & Divergent):

What are character traits?
How do _______s character traits affect the plot of the story?

Pictures of famous people from movies, tv.
Character map worksheet.
Printed short story.

Question Worksheet:

1. What character is essential to the plot. That is, without this character and
their personality the story would not be the same.

2. What traits of this character help to contribute to the plot of the story and
keep the story going?

3. What textual evidence can you pull that helps you make these inferences?
Learning Segment Lesson 2
Learning Segment: The Lady or the Tiger? Lesson Title: Introduction to symbolism

Day of Lesson: ______2____ of ______3____

Teacher Candidate
Class Length (in
Class/Subject Grade Level
ELA 8th
60 min
Kindall McAlister

Central Focus:

Students use evidence from the text to evaluate characters, what they and other objects
in the story symbolize, and how to make inferences based on textual evidence. They will
also understand a major theme of the story and be able to relate it to their lives.


1.) Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the
text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [RL.8.1]

3.) Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the
action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. [RL.8.3]


Domain of
Objective(s) Level of Learning
A. SWBAT define symbolism.
Cognitive Apply

B. SWBAT identify a symbol in a short story. Cognitive Knowledge

Common Core Literacy Standard(s) Addressed in this Lesson

1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make
logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

Academic Language/Essential Vocabulary

Graphic Organizer, Symbolism


Exit slip question: What is a symbol? Name a symbol from every day life and
describe what it symbolizes or represents.


& Targeted
Time Support
(in Student Tasks Teacher Tasks ObjectiveAddressed

Instruct students
to get in their
groups from
1. Students will
yesterday. Display
sit in their groups
pictures. Once
from the day
students have
before and will
Engage tried to guess what
see images on
the images mean
the smart board
introduce the
(young lady,
definition of a
heart, black A
symbol: a thing
10 raven, flag,
that represents or
tiger). 2.
stands for
Students will
something else,
discuss as a
especially a
class what they
material object
think the images
abstract. Add to
the word wall.
Walk around to the
groups and ensure
discussion is on
task. If the
1.Have students
students dont
discuss in their
introduce them,
groups what
introduce the
greater meaning
words innocence
these pictures
and freedom for
can have and
the young lady;
what they might
and evil, guilt, and
symbolize. When making
Explore/ punishment for the
rounds to the
Explain/ tiger.
2. As a group groups be sure
Elaborate discuss the that any
Monitor students
explanations the groups having
work on the
class came up A&B trouble get
graphic organizer
40 with for the more attention
in their groups.
images of the as I walk
Introduce the
tiger and the around to help
theme of the arena
young lady and give them
and fill in the first
write them on the ideas.
box on the
organizer. Have
students do the
3. Students will
second one in
complete the
their groups and
then discuss as a
class to ensure
understanding. Do
the last 2 by
themselves in their
Exit slip: write
Closure the definition of
10 symbolism in Provide notecard
their own words. and bag for exit A&B
Name a symbol slip.
we see in
everyday life.
Rationale:Students are being introduced to symbolism in literature. The group work will help them
find symbols in the story based on the work they did with character traits the day before. Symbols
will be important to help students understand the deeper meaning of a work instead of its literal

Questions to ask students (Convergent & Divergent):

What do you think the images on the board mean?

What is a symbol?
What are symbols in our real life?

What effects do symbols have on a story?


SmartBoard, Story, graphic organizer, pictures of symbols, notecards for exit slip.


Pick a symbol from the story. We discussed the lady, and the tiger as symbols but there are others. Write the symbol
in the first box. In the second box explain what is symbolizes or draw a picture that shows what the symbol
represents. In the last box give textual evidence that supports your explanation or picture.

Symbol Explanation or Picture Textual Evidence

Learning Segment Lesson 3

Learning Segment: The Lady or the Tiger? Lesson Title: Justice as a theme

Day of Lesson: _____3_____ of _____3_____

Teacher Candidate Class/Subject Grade Level Class Length (in

ELA 8th minutes)
Kindall McAlister 60 min

Central Focus:

Students use evidence from the text to evaluate characters, what they and other objects in
the story symbolize, and how to make inferences based on textual evidence. They will also
understand a major theme of the story and be able to relate it to their lives.

1.) Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [RL.8.1]
3.) Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama
propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. [RL.8.3]


Objective(s) Domain of Level of

Learning Learning
A. Cognitive Evaluation
SWBAT identify a theme in The Lady or the
Tiger? and criticize the way the theme relates to
the plot.

B. SWBAT create a timeline of what they think Cognitive Create

happened in the story.

Common Core Literacy Standard(s) Addressed in this Lesson

Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences
from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the text.

Academic Language/Essential Vocabulary

Justice, bias, fairness, timeline.


Timeline activity.

Time Student Tasks Teacher Tasks ObjectiveAddressed Differentiation
(in & Targeted
min) Support

Engage 1. Student Have a door A&B

20 will again made with a
get in their tiger behind it
groups. and another
2. Groups door with a
will pick lady behind it.
their fake These will have
crime to be on the
they have SmartBoard to
committed allow the doors
. to be switched
3. One by for each group.
one the Have each group
groups pick their
will come crime from a
up and bucket of slips
open the with different
door of crimes written
their on them.
choice. Guide groups in
4. The group coming up and
will read picking their
their crime door.
and the Ask students if
class will the punishment
decide if was fair for the
they got crime.
the right
door for

Explore/ Class discussion Help students A

Explain/ 20 on if the kings discuss the kings
system was just. justice system,
Identify this as a
theme in the
Closure Imagine you are a Monitor students B Have special
20 character in the working. needs
story. Create a students
timeline or write write a
a short paragraph sentence or
about what you paragraph,
think happens depending on
next in the story. learning
This should be a level,
timeline that summarizing
becomes part of the story.
history, or a letter
to a relative
describing the
things you saw
that day after the
story leaves off.
Cite textual
evidence that
makes you
believe that either
the lady or the
tiger came out of
the door.
This will help make the theme of justice applicable to the students lives and help them understand
an overall theme of the story being justice or lack there of.

Questions to ask students (Convergent & Divergent):

Is the kings system of punishment and reward really justice?

Doors with tiger and lady on smartboard, short story.

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