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Logic of Phantasy 54

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 13
Seminar 13: Wednesday, March 1, 1967

There must also, there must also be something in this which is very closely linked - not, I must say, in

the most convenient fashion - with what one can call the religion of the Word (Verbe), since,

undoubtedly, after the very surprising hopes about liberation from the Law (which corresponds to the

Pauline generation in the Church), it seems that in what followed, many dogmatic statements were

weakened. Is the name of what? Of production of course, the production of souls! In the name of the

production of souls, this announcement of the passage of humanity to beatitude as being very near,

suffered, it seems to me, a certain postponement.





But you must not believe that the problem is limited to the religious sphere. Another announcement

having been made about the liberation of man, it seems that the production of proletarians must have

played some role, in the precise forms socialist societies took on, starting from a certain idea of the

abolition of the exploitation of man by man. As regards this production, it does not seem that a much

clearer measure has been reached, and as regards what is produced - just as the Christian field, in the

name of the production of souls, has continued to allow there to appear in the world beings of whom the

least that one can say is that their soul-like quality is quite mixed - in the same way in the name of the

production of proletarians, it does not seem that (9) there is coming to light anything other than this

something respectable certainly, but which has its limits, and that one could call, the production of

managers (cadres). Therefore, this question of production and of the status of the subject qua

product, is now presentified to us at the level of something which is indeed the first presentification of

the Other, in so far as it is the mother.








We know the value of the unifying function of this presence of the mother. We know it so well that the

whole of analytic theory (and practice) has literally tipped over towards it and has completely

succumbed to its fascinating value. The principle, from the origin, and this going (you are able to

understand it because you saw it being supported in a debate which ended our last year), the whole

analytic situation was conceived of as reproducing, ideally, I mean as being founded on the ideal of this

unit of fusion (or this foundational unification if you wish), which is supposed to have united for nine

months - as I recalled the last time - the child and the mother. Undoubtedly ...






-A female voice: We can't hear you, sir.


-Dr. Lacan: What?


-The same voice: It's very hard to hear you.


-Dr. Lacan: It's very hard to hear me. I'm terribly sorry that all of this is working so badly, but I am very

grateful to you for telling me. I'm going to try to speak more loudly. Thank you.


-The voice: It's the microphone.


-Dr. Lacan: It isn't working at all today, huh. Good ...


... what unites then the child and the mother. It is precisely not to make this union of the infant and the

mother ...


(whatever way we qualify it, whether we make of it of not the function of primary narcissism, or simply

the elective locus of frustration and of gratification) - this is precisely what is at stake, namely, not to

repudiate this register, but to put it back in its correct place, that our theoretical efforts are about. It is in

so far as there is somewhere - and I am saying at the level of sexual confrontation - this first affirmation

of the unity of the couple, as constituted by what the religious statement has formulated as "one flesh".

What a mockery!





Who can affirm in any way whatsoever that, in what is called a genital embrace, the man and the

woman form one flesh? Unless the religious statement here has recourse to what is put by analytic

investigation, to what,n in sexual union is represented by the maternal pole. I repeat: this maternal pole -

since, in the oedipal myth, it seems to be confused with, to give purely and simply the partner of the little

male - has in reality nothing to do with the male-female opposition.





Because the girl just as much as the boy has to deal with this maternal locus of unity, as representing for

her what she is confronted with at the moment of approaching what is involved in sexual union.



(10) For the boy as for the girl what he is as product, as small o, has to be confronted with the unity

established by the idea of the union of the child with the mother and it is in this confrontation that there

emerges this 1-o, which is going to bring us this third element, in so far as it also functions as the sign of

a lack, or, if you wish again, to use the humorous term, of the little difference, of the little difference

which comes to play the capital role in what is at stake in terms of sexual union in so far as it involves

the subject.






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