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Thematic Unit

Jordyn Agost, Brenna Kerley,

Brieanna Olsen, and Alyx Chamberlain
April 28, 2017
Teaching & Learning 322
Dr. Barbara Ward
Relationships Thematic Unit 2
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

The Impact of Relationships

Thematic Unit Theme: Relationships Grade Level: 6th

How does the way we interact and treat others affect the relationships we build and have?
Furthermore, how do these relationships guide our decisions, values, and actions? These
questions and more are the types that instigate critical thinking for the students to analyze who
they are and how they treat others. This will help in fostering a classroom environment that helps
one another and create students who think of others as real people too. Student relationships play
a major role in how the classroom is run so this will help create a safe environment for people to
display themselves. Continuing this, the class will learn how relationships affect the world in a
broader term and place. The term of relationships is defined as, the way in which two or more
concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected (Google).
Relationships are seen everywhere around us so it is necessary for the students to conceptualize
this and see the impact the term, relationships, has in life. This is an important concept to grasp
as a young adult so that students can improve the relationships they make and better manage
them as they grow.

Student Goal: Our goal is for students to take a critical look at the relationships in their
lives and the ones that occur in the world around them.

Teacher Goal: Our goal as teachers is bring the class together as they realize make
connections and engage with one another.

Content Standards:

Reading Standards:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is
conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal
opinions or judgments.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question,
drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.

Social Studies Standards:

1.2.3: Understands the three different branches of the U.S Government.
4.4.1: Analyze how an event in history helps us to understand a current issue.
3.3.1: Understands that learning about the geography of the world helps us understand
issues related to global issues of sustainability.
Relationships Thematic Unit 3
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

3.2.1: Understands and analyzes how the environment has affected people and how
people have affected the environment in the past or present.

Science Standards:
MS-PS1-2. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the
substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.
MS-LS2-2. Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among
organisms across multiple ecosystems.
MS-ESS3-3. Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and
minimizing a human impact on the environment.
ESE Standard 1: Ecological, Social, and Economic Systems. Students develop knowledge
of the interconnections and interdependency of ecological systems determines the
sustainability of natural and human communities at local, regional, national, and global
levels. cal, social, and economic systems. They demonstrate understanding of how the
health of t

Math Standards:
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special
quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into
triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world
and mathematical problems.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.G.A.2 Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional
edge lengths by packing it with unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge
lengths, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the
edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas V = l w h and V = b h to find volumes
of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the context of solving real-
world and mathematical problems
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3.C Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30%
of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the
whole, given a part and the percent.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3.D Use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units;
manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying or dividing quantities.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to
describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.A.1 Recognize a statistical question as one that anticipates
variability in the data related to the question and accounts for it in the answers. For
example, "How old am I?" is not a statistical question, but "How old are the students
in my school?" is a statistical question because one anticipates variability in students'
Relationships Thematic Unit 4
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.B.4Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including

dot plots, histograms, and box plots.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.B.5.A Reporting the number of observations.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.B.5.B Describing the nature of the attribute under investigation,
including how it was measured and its units of measurement.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.B.5.D Relating the choice of measures of center and variability
to the shape of the data distribution and the context in which the data were gathered.

Writing Standards:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences
or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.3.D: Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive
details, and sensory language to convey experiences and events.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.5: With some guidance and support from peers and adults,
develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or
trying a new approach. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of
Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 6 here.)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and
publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient
command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of three pages in a single sitting.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for
research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or
two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Art Standards:
Component 4.2: Demonstrates and analyzes the connections among the arts and between
the arts and other content areas.
Component 4.3: Understands how the arts impact and reflect personal choices throughout

Physical Education Standards:

PE2.9.6 : Apply force to successfully perform movement activities.
PE5.3.6 : Demonstrate importance of social interaction by following rules and
encouraging others in various physical activities and games.

Music Standards:
MU:Pr6.1.4a: Perform music, alone or with others, with expression and technical
accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.
Relationships Thematic Unit 5
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Speaking and Listening Standards:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6
topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.C: Pose and respond to specific questions with
elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue
under discussion.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.D: Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate
understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.2: Interpret information presented in diverse media and
formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic,
text, or issue under study.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.3: Delineate a speaker's argument and specific claims,
distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.4: Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically
and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes;
use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images,
music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.

Language Standards:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard

English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when
writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Learning Targets/Objectives:

SWBAT use textual evidence to support their ideas.
SWBAT identify characters actions that result in a change of relationship.
SWBAT participate in class discussions regarding the book, The Thing About Jellyfish.
SWBAT identify the different types of relationships within the book.
SWBAT construct a timeline of significant changes in relationships that took place
throughout the book.
SWBAT explain how characters relationships change throughout the book.
SWBAT respond to a prompt with 2 paragraphs, including citations.
SWBAT answer multiple questions after completing a read aloud on the book, Dear
Dragon: A Pen Pal Tale, by explaining the content and relating it to the topic of
Relationships Thematic Unit 6
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Social Studies:
SWBAT identify the three different branches of the United States Government.
SWBAT discuss the relationship between the three branches of the United States
SWBAT construct a venn diagram showing the similarities and differences of the
branches of the government.
SWBAT transcribe the relationship between the environment and early human settlement.
SWBAT reflect on their experiences of building relationships with people in their

SWBAT describe how properties of a substance can change due to a chemical reaction.
SWBAT identify a mystery substance by using previous observations of chemical
SWBAT identify the different interactions of organisms within an ecosystem; competitive,
predatory, and mutually beneficial.
SWBAT describe how the organisms in an ecosystem interact with one another.
SWBAT identify an impact humans have on the environment.
SWBAT create a solution to minimize human impacts on the environment.
SWBAT explain using reasoning how the solution they designed will work to better the
earths environments.

SWBAT compute the perimeter of a shape
SWBAT compute the area of a shape
SWBAT compute the volume of a shape
SWBAT identify relationships between the three units of measure
SWBAT convert decimals to fractions, fractions to percents, and percents to decimals
SWBAT a percent of an event can be represented in several ways
SWBAT understand a ratio between two numbers
SWBAT create statistical questions
SWBAT create a graph to represent data
SWBAT describe data that they have collected
SWBAT collect data from a statistical question

SWBAT describe how actions can affect relationships.
SWBAT revise, edit, and publish a piece of writing
SWBAT collaborate with peers to improve their writing
SWBAT use technology to publish their own work
Relationships Thematic Unit 7
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

SWBAT write in appropriate letter format using email through the internet.
SWBAT write and respond to three letters to a student from another school over a time
frame of 1 week.
SWBAT work collaboratively with a partner to complete a checklist in order to
strengthen ones writing before sending a final draft of a letter to a pen friend.
SWBAT understand ones self and another persons life by asking questions, sharing
information, and gaining knowledge through the letters that they write.

SWBAT create toys for children in need out of recycled materials.
SWBAT create a visual arts piece to demonstrate friendship
SWBAT create a family tree to represent relationships that are important to them.
SWBAT create a friendship bracelet using string.


-Accommodations for ELL Students-

ELL students will be partnered and seated next to students who are English proficient and
may help them by modeling and answering questions.
Directions will be read and spoke aloud to ensure comprehension.
Directions or questions may be provided in the students home language.
The teacher will monitor and check in with these students one-on-one as needed
Teacher will use comprehensible input (visuals, gestures, etc) throughout the lesson to ensure

-Accommodations for Special Education Students-

All accommodations will be specific to each students individual needs and IEP, the
following are examples of possible accommodations.
The teacher will monitor and check in with these students one-on-one as needed.
Students may be paired with a non-special education student to help them by modeling or
answering questions.
Students will be partnered with another student who will be understanding and helpful for
the individual
Directions and instructions will be read and spoke aloud to ensure comprehension.
Students may be given extra-time as needed and determined by the teacher.
Teacher will help set realistic goals with each individual student based on their abilities.

-Accommodations for Gifted and Talented Students-

Students may be partnered with a student who is also gifted and talented so that they may
challenge each other.
Students may also be allowed to work alone.
Relationships Thematic Unit 8
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Teacher will help set realistic goals with each individual student based on their abilities.

Student Voice:
Throughout the unit we will be utilizing discussion around students thoughts and
feelings to integrate student voice. Almost each day of the unit has a discussion portion in order
to gauge student progress throughout our exploration of relationships. Journal entries and exit
slips were also utilized in different lessons so that students could reflect on their learning.


Benjamin, A. (2015). The thing about jellyfish. New York, NY: Little, Brown Books for Young
The Thing About Jellyfish is of a young girl who has recently lost her previous best
friend. The death effected Suzy greatly which then changes the rest of the relationships in
her life. This book will be used for students to analyze the many relationships and how
they change. Students will see that how we treat one another affects our relationships.

Funk, J. (2016). Dear Dragon: A Pen Pal Tale. New York, NY: Viking Books for Young
The book Dear Dragon by Josh Funk is about a student named George who is assigned to
write letters to a pen pal,Blaise. In their letters they ask each other questions to get to
know each other such as what their favorite sports are, what pets they have, and about
their school projects. George and Blaise become friends, but there is one secret that
George does not know yet. He doesnt find out until the end of the story that Blaise is
actually a dragon. But this does not ruin the new friendship they created through
becoming pen pals.

Palacio, R. J. (2012). Wonder. New York, NY: Knopf Books for Young Readers.
Wonder details the life of a young boy with a facial deformity who is about to enter
school for the very first time. His disability causes many stares and rude comments. In
school he must learn about new friendships and cope with difficult situations and people.

Sequence of Lessons

Week 1, Day 1

Goal: The goal of this first lesson is to introduce the thematic unit of relationships and help
students build a solid foundation of knowledge that they will be able to use throughout the unit.
Relationships Thematic Unit 9
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Students should think critically about what a relationship really is and relate this information to
their own lives by examining the different relationships they have.

Overview: Students will be introduced to the thematic unit topic of relationships. As a class, we
will brainstorm different types of relationships and begin a discussion about how relationships
can affect us and our society. Students will create their own definition of the term relationship.
The teacher will introduce four different types of relationships students will be most familiar
with; family relationships, friendships, casual relationships, and professional relationships. The
teacher and class will work to come up with a couple examples of each (in order; mother,
classmate, mailman, police officer). The teacher may write this on the whiteboard so students
can see the concept visually. Students will be prompted to think about how these relationships
are different and the way we treat someone else may be dependent on the type of relationship we
have with them. Teacher may use guiding questions to help the flow of the discussion (See
Figure 1). The teacher will then pass out the Relationships Worksheet. Students will then fill out
a worksheet in order to prompt them to evaluate the different relationships in their life. At the
end of the activity the students will each fill out a self-assessment rubric based on their
participation in the discussion (See Figure 3).

Whiteboard Markers
Discussion Guiding Questions (Figure 1)
Relationships Worksheet (Figure 2)
Discussion Self-Assessment Rubric(Figure 3)
Relationships Thematic Unit 10
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1
1) What are some different types of relationships?
2) What is an example of this relationship?
3) How does the the type of relationship influence how you treat someone?
4) Would you treat your mailman the same way you would treat your Mom?
5) Would you treat a police officer the same way you would treat your best friend?
Relationships Thematic Unit 11
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 2
Relationships Thematic Unit 12
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 3
Discussion Rubric
Name: Score:
5 3 0

Speaking I frequently I occasionally I did not contribute

contributed my ideas, contributed my ideas, my ideas, thoughts,
thoughts, and thoughts, and and ideas to the
questions to the questions to the discussion.
discussion. discussion.

Listening I frequently paid I occasionally paid I did not pay attention

attention and attention and or respectfully listen.
respectfully listened. respectfully listened.

Behavior I was not disruptive I was a little I was very disruptive

or inappropriate disruptive and and inappropriate
during the discussion. inappropriate during during the discussion.
the discussion.
Relationships Thematic Unit 13
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Instructional Strategy: Students will participate in the discussion as a whole class so that they
may gain ideas from one another. They will then complete the worksheet individually so that
they may think hard about the relationships in their life. This allows them to complete it at their
own pace and be honest with their answers.

Assessment: Students will turn in their relationships worksheet and it will be graded upon
completion. As long as each category has some kind of name or answer students will receive full
credit. Students will then self-assess themselves based on their participation in the discussion.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting Teacher will begin the day by introducing the new thematic unit,
relationships. There will be a lot of brainstorming and discussion as well as reflection on the
different relationships students have in each of their lives. (See above).
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts Students will transition from thinking about relationships to
Writers Workshop where they will pick a relationship in their own life that is important to them.
They will begin brainstorming the specific relationship and details about it/reasons why it is
important. They may begin prewriting and drafting at their own pace.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will be introduced to the topic of ratios and math relationships.
The instructor will lecture on the process of changing a fraction into a decimal, a decimal into a
percentage, and a percentage into s fraction. Students will begin to practice on a worksheet as a
table group.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Read Aloud Teacher will read aloud Wonder by R.J. Palacio
1:00-1:30 Specialist (PE): In P.E. students are playing a game of basketball.
1:30-2:30 Social Studies: The students will be introduced to the three different branches of the
government (Judicial, Executive, Legislative). The students will read an article on the different
branches of the government (figure 1). They will also be given a visual of what each of the
branches represents (figure 3). Lastly, the students will watch a short video about the branches of
the government and what each branch does (figure 2) We will wrap up by having a class
discussion on why these three branches of government are important and we will discuss the
relationships between the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches.
Relationships Thematic Unit 14
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Social Studies; Figure 1

How the U.S. Government Is Organized

The Constitution of the United States divides the federal government into three branches to
ensure a central government in which no individual or group gains too much control:
Legislative Makes laws (Congress)
Executive Carries out laws (President, Vice President, Cabinet)
Judicial Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)
Each branch of government can change acts of the other branches as follows:
The President can veto laws passed by Congress.
Congress confirms or rejects the President's appointments and can remove the President
from office in exceptional circumstances.
The Justices of the Supreme Court, who can overturn unconstitutional laws, are appointed
by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
The U.S. federal government seeks to act in the best interests of its citizens through this system
of checks and balances.
Legislative Branch
The legislative Branch enacts legislation, confirms or rejects Presidential appointments, and has
the authority to declare war.
This branch includes Congress (the Senate and House of Representatives) and several agencies
that provide support services to Congress. American citizens have the right to vote for Senators
and Representatives through free, confidential ballots.
Senate There are two elected Senators per state, totaling 100 Senators. A Senate term is
six years and there is no limit to the number of terms an individual can serve.
House of Representatives There are 435 elected Representatives, which are divided
among the 50 states in proportion to their total population. There are additional non-
voting delegates who represent the District of Columbia and the territories. A
Representative serves a two-year term, and there is no limit to the number of terms an
individual can serve.
Executive Branch
The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the President, Vice President, the
Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and
Relationships Thematic Unit 15
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

American citizens have the right to vote for the President and Vice President through free,
confidential ballots.
Key roles of the executive branch include:
President The President leads the country. He/she is the head of state, leader of the
federal government, and Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces. The
President serves a four-year term and can be elected no more than two times.
Vice President The Vice President supports the President. If the President is unable to
serve, the Vice President becomes President. The Vice President can be elected and serve
an unlimited number of four-year terms as Vice President, even under a different
The Cabinet Cabinet members serve as advisors to the President. They include the Vice
President and the heads of executive departments. Cabinet members are nominated by the
President and must be approved by the Senate (with at least 51 votes).
Judicial Branch
The judicial branch interprets the meaning of laws, applies laws to individual cases, and decides
if laws violate the Constitution. It's comprised of the Supreme Court and other federal courts.
Supreme Court The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. The
Justices of the Supreme Court are nominated by the President and must be approved by
the Senate.
The court is comprised of nine members a Chief Justice and eight Associate
Justices. Currently, there is one Associate Justice vacancy. A minimum or quorum
of six justices is required to decide a case.
If there is an even number of Justices and a case results in a tie, the lower court's
decision stands.
There is no fixed term for Justices. They serve until their death, retirement, or
removal in exceptional circumstances.
Relationships Thematic Unit 16
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Social Studies; Figure 2

Three Branches of Government; School House Rock.

Relationships Thematic Unit 17
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Social Studies; Figure 3

The President may check Congress by vetoing bills Congress has passed. Congress may override
the president's veto with a vote of two-thirds of both Houses. The Supreme Court can then check
both branches by declaring a law unconstitutional.
Relationships Thematic Unit 18
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Week 1, Day 2

Goal: The goal of this lesson is for students to think critically about their personal opinions
regarding relationships at this time. It is important for them to document how they feel know so
that at the end of the unit they can see how theyre thinking has changed and/or what theyve
learned over the course of the unit.

Overview: Teacher will pass out anticipation guides to each student and instruct them to think
honestly and critically about how they feel in regards to each statement. Students will be
instructed to circle whether they agree or disagree in the Before column on the left hand side
of the paper. Once all students are finished, the teacher will put a copy of the anticipation guide
under the document camera and project it onto the screen. The class will then as a group go
through each statement. Students will be able to share whether they agreed or disagreed with the
statement. They will also be asked to explain why they believe the statement is right or wrong.
They may even want to offer an example of a situation where they believe their opinion would
be right. The teacher should prompt this kind of thinking and sharing by asking questions. The
teacher will mediate the discussion in case of debate and remind students that it is ok to have
differing opinions. If all students unanimously agree or disagree with one of the statements the
teacher may offer the opposite sides argument to show a different perspective. After the
discussion students will turn these in along with a self-assessment of their participation in the
class discussion.

Anticipation Guide Worksheet (Figure 1)
Discussion Self-Assessment Rubric (Figure 2)
Document Camera
Relationships Thematic Unit 19
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1
Relationships Thematic Unit 20
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 2
Discussion Rubric
Name: Score:
5 3 0

Speaking I frequently I occasionally I did not contribute

contributed my ideas, contributed my ideas, my ideas, thoughts,
thoughts, and thoughts, and and ideas to the
questions to the questions to the discussion.
discussion. discussion.

Listening I frequently paid I occasionally paid I did not pay attention

attention and attention and or respectfully listen.
respectfully listened. respectfully listened.

Behavior I was not disruptive I was a little I was very disruptive

or inappropriate disruptive and and inappropriate
during the discussion. inappropriate during during the discussion.
the discussion.
Relationships Thematic Unit 21
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Instructional Strategy: Students will complete the anticipation guide individually so that they
may think critically about their thoughts and opinions regarding each statement. This allows
them to complete it at their own pace and be honest with their answers. Students will then
participate in a whole class discussion where students share if the agreed or disagreed and
explain why so that they may gain new perspectives from their classmates.

Assessment: Students will turn in their anticipation guide and it will be graded upon completion.
As long as each category has an Agree or Disagree circled students will receive full credit.
Students will then self-assess themselves based on their participation in the discussion.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting Students will participate in filling out an anticipation guide for the
topic of relationships. After filling out the anticipation guide, the class will discuss their thoughts
and answers.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts Teacher will write the word precept on the board and
remind students of the term used yesterday in the read aloud, Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Teacher
can reread this passage in order to remind students of what a precept is (Palacio, p.45). Teacher
will then show examples of different precepts and students will discuss the meaning or
application of them. Students will then be given time to create their own precept. They will also
write an 1 page explanation of why they chose their precept and what it means to them. If there is
time at the end, encourage students to share with partners or with the class as a whole.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will continue to practice work with ratios and converting different
types of numbers. Instructor will share new techniques with the students on the math and will ask
for student help now that they have seen examples.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Read Aloud Teacher will read aloud Wonder by R.J. Palacio
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Music): As the instructor plays various songs on the piano, the students
will sing along. Lyrics will be provided to them by the instructor.
1:30-2:30 Social Studies: The students will be given a venn diagram(figure 4) with the three
different branches of government on it. The students will fill in the venn diagram and talk about
how each of the branches of government relate to one another and discuss what they have in
common, why they may be different and the relationship between the three branches. .
Relationships Thematic Unit 22
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Social Studies; Figure 4
Relationships Thematic Unit 23
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Week 1, Day 3

T&L Instructional Plan Template

Background Information
Teacher Candidate: Alyx Chamberlain, Brieanna Olsen, Date: 4/28/17
Brenna Kerley, and Jordyn Agost
Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Barbara Ward Grade: 6th
School District: Pullman School District School: Jefferson Elementary
University Supervisor: Lori White
Unit/Subject: Reading
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Analyzing Character Relationships

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

A. Instructional Plan Purpose:

The purpose of this lesson is for students to be able to identify a relationship within a
narrative text and use clues from the text to examine how that relationships grows or changes
over the course of the story. It is important that students are able to recognize which events,
scenes, or even dialogues result in a change in a relationship. Being able to recognize and
analyze the relationships between characters in books will aid students in their comprehension of
the books they read. It can also help them possibly surface a theme, make a prediction, or explain
an action or behavior. This extends to students personal lives as they can apply the knowledge
they gain in this lesson to their personal lives and the relationships they have. As an individual it
is important to realize that the things you say and do have a direct effect on the relationships you
have. Being aware of this will help students throughout their lives with reading and maintaining
their relationships.
This lesson will be included in a thematic unit about relationships. It will be the third
lesson students participate in after being introduced to relationships, identifying the different
relationships in their lives, and filling out an anticipation guide detailing their thoughts on
relationships. This lesson is the next step for students to go from reflection of their personal
relationships to analyzing the relationships of others. After this lesson students will look at how
different types of people would influence the type of relationship they would have with someone
in a relationship walk. Next, students will explore how personal values play a part in
relationships and can dictate the success or failure of some. The thematic unit will continue from

B. State/National Learning Standards:

Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
Relationships Thematic Unit 24
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as
how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure
of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.

C. Content Objectives
1. SWBAT use textual evidence to support their ideas.
Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.1
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.

2. SWBAT identify characters actions that result in a change of relationship.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.5
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure
of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.

Language Objectives:
1. SWBAT describe how action's can affect relationships.
Aligned standard: Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of
episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a

D. Previous Learning Experiences:

Students have previously defined and discussed the topic of relationships. They have
been introduced to the different types of relationships and identified the relationships they have
in each of their lives. Students have also filled out an anticipation guide with their honest
opinions on different statements about relationships. In class, the teacher has been reading aloud
Wonder by R.J. Palacio and during this time discussing the issues, themes, and relationships in
the story.

E. Planning for Student Learning Needs:

-Accommodations for ELL Students-
ELL students will be partnered and seated next to students who are English proficient and
may help them by modeling and answering questions.
Directions will be read and spoke aloud to ensure comprehension.
Directions or questions may be provided in the students home language.
The teacher will monitor and check in with these students one-on-one as needed
Relationships Thematic Unit 25
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Teacher will use comprehensible input (visuals, gestures, etc) throughout the lesson in
order to ensure understanding.
-Accommodations for Special Education Students-
All accommodations will be specific to each students individual needs and IEP, the
following are examples of possible accommodations.
The teacher will monitor and check in with these students one-on-one as needed.
Students may be paired with a non-special education student to help them by modeling or
answering questions.
Students will be partnered with another student who will be understanding and helpful for
the individual
Directions and instructions will be read and spoke aloud to ensure comprehension.
Students may be given extra-time as needed and determined by the teacher.
Teacher will help set realistic goals with each individual student based on their abilities.
-Accommodations for Gifted and Talented Students-
Students may be partnered with a student who is also gifted and talented so that they may
challenge each other.
Students may also be allowed to work alone.
Teacher will help set realistic goals with each individual student based on their abilities.

F. Assessment Strategies
Content/Language Objectives Assessment Strategies

Content objective: SWBAT use Formative: Worksheet (Attached Figure 1)

textual evidence to support their -Students will be given a worksheet and fill it
ideas. out according to the book Wonder by R.J.
Palacio. The worksheet asks students to use
textual evidence to explain their ideas.
-This worksheet will be handed in towards
the end of class and the teacher will grade it
based on both completeness and accuracy
according to the rubric. Students who score
below a 7 will be included in a small focus
group to enhance their understanding of the
objectives during literacy centers. (Attached
Figure 2)

Content objective: SWBAT identify Formative: Worksheet (Attached Figure 1)

characters actions that result in a -Students will be given a worksheet and fill it
change of relationship. out according to the book Wonder by R.J.
Palacio. The worksheet asks students to
Relationships Thematic Unit 26
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

identify the actions of characters Jack and

August that created a change in their
-This worksheet will be handed in towards
the end of class and the teacher will grade it
based on both completeness and accuracy
according to the rubric. Students who score
below a 9 will be included in a small focus
group to enhance their understanding of the
objectives during literacy centers. (Attached
Figure 2)

Language objective: SWBAT describe Formative: Long Answer Response

how action's can affect relationships. (Attached Figure 3)
--After finishing their worksheets, students will
answer a question that asks them to evaluate
how Jack and Augusts relationship changed
over the course of the story due the both of their
actions. They will then apply this knowledge to
the relationships in their own lives and craft an
explanation that describes how different types
of actions affect relationships.
-These will be handed in to the teacher to grade.
The teacher will grade these based on accuracy
and completeness according to the rubric. They
may be handed back to the student in order to
improve. (Attached Figure 4)

G. Student Voice:
Student-based evidence to Description of how
K-12 students will be able be collected (things students will reflect on
to: produced by students: their learning.
journals, exit slips, self-
assessments, work samples,
projects, papers, etc.)
Relationships Thematic Unit 27
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

1. Explain student Quick Check A quick check will be

learning targets and what (Figure 5) passed out and students
is required to meet them will fill out the answers
(including why they are to, Why is connecting
important to learn). actions to how they
influence relationships
important? Do you think
there is a connection
between actions and
relationships? How can
you use this information
to help your personal

2. Monitor their own Bullseye A bullseye will be used

learning progress toward (Figure 6) to ask the students to,
the learning targets using Place an X on the
the tools provided bullseye where you think
(checklists, rubrics, etc.). you are in your
understanding for todays
learning target. Red will
represent I dont
understand todays
learning target. Yellow
will represent, I kind of
understand todays
learning target. Green
will represent, I
understand todays
learning target. The
bullseyes will be
individual for the
students to represent their
own opinion on where
they are at and so that
they feel comfortable
sharing their thoughts.
Relationships Thematic Unit 28
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

3. Explain how to access Journal Entry The students will respond

resources and additional to a question written on
support when needed (and the board in their
how/why those resources classroom journals. The
will help them). journal entry of the day
will read, If you cannot
identify actions that
influence relationships
what should you do?
Where or who can you
look to for some

H. Grouping of Students for Instruction:

Students will begin in a whole group discussion at the reading corner carpet to introduce the
lesson. Once the direction of the lesson has been set students will return to their desks and the class
will work as a whole. Once students have grasped the ideas and goals for the lesson, they will work
in pairs to complete their activities.
Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

A. Introduction:
Sixth graders, we are now going to transition into reading! Lets discuss the book weve
been reading, Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Can anyone tell me who the main character is? Thats
right, August Pullman is the main character. Now, weve been talking a lot about
relationships the past few days and I was thinking, August has a lot of different relationships
in the story, doesnt he? Throughout the book we see these relationships changing after the
characters do or say something big. Do you all think that their is a correlation between what
the characters say and do and how Augusts relationships change? (Allow for student
response) I think so too! Since weve been exploring relationships in class I am pretty
interested in how my actions or even our actions affect the relationships we have in real life!
Do you all think that this information might help us understand more about relationships? I
think so too! Now, today we are going to use the book Wonder to pinpoint what actions,
words, and scenes are the cause of the changes in Augusts relationships throughout the

B. Questions:
1. How did Jacks actions and words make August feel? How did this change their relationship?
2. Do good words and actions improve a relationship? (Critique)
3. Do bad words and actions hurt a relationship? (Critique)
4. Do our words and actions directly influence our relationships? (Analyze)
Relationships Thematic Unit 29
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5. How can you be a better friend with your words and actions? (Apply)

C. Learning Activities:
Learning Steps and Activities Supporting Theories/Principles

Teacher passes out worksheets and says, Supports the Gradual Release of
Okay sixth graders! We are going to Responsibility Model, I Do/You Watch.
analyze Augusts relationships with Jack Modeling allows students to better
and how it changes over the course of the understand the directions and
book due to the actions of both boys. Now expectations. Think-aloud helps students
lets think, when do August and Jack first understand the correct thought processes.
meet? (Allow for think time) They meet on Recalling information fits into Blooms
the school tour. I remember when they first Taxonomy Cognitive Level 1. Analyzing
meet Jack is super friendly to August and fits into Blooms Taxonomy Cognitive
isnt bothered by his face. Im going to Level 4. Think-time allows all students
write that down in the first box under to participate in the lesson. Supports
actions. I think this first impression is very multiple means of engagement.
important for their relationship and
establishes the two boys as friends. Now in
the next box I am going to write that this
resulted in friendship.

We all know that after this friendship Supports the Gradual Release of
blooms between the boys that it doesnt last Responsibility Model, I Do/You Help.
forever. Can anyone think of an event in the Modeling allows students to better
book that dramatically changed August and understand the directions and
Jacks friendship? (Allow for think time expectations. Think-aloud helps students
and student responses) I agree! Halloween understand the correct thought processes.
was a huge event. Remember when August Recalling information fits into Blooms
wore a different costume so nobody Taxonomy Cognitive Level 1. Analyzing
recognized him? When he walked into the fits into Blooms Taxonomy Cognitive
room he overheard Jack talking to Julian. Level 4. Collaboratively working as a
Does anyone remember what Jack was class supports multiple means of
saying? (Allow for think time and student engagement.
responses) I remember that too, Jack told
the boys that he only hung around with
August because August followed him
around. Jack said that August and him
werent even friends. Now, if someone said
that about me my feelings would be pretty
Relationships Thematic Unit 30
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

hurt. What about you guys? How did this

make August feel? (Allow for think time
and student responses) Because of the
words Jack said and the action of talking
badly behind Augusts back I believe there
was a change in August and Jacks
relationship. Do you guys think so too?
How did their relationship change? (Allow
for think time and student responses). I
agree, the boys drifted apart because
August ignored Jack. I think thats a pretty
big change, going from being friends to just
classmates. Im going to write this action
and relationships result in the next 2

You will now all be filling out the last Supports the Gradual Release of
two boxes of the worksheet, you may work Responsibility Model, You Do/I Help.
individually or in pairs. Think critically Recalling information fits into Blooms
about how August and Jacks relationship Taxonomy Cognitive Level 1. Analyzing
progressed from here. They started out as fits into Blooms Taxonomy Cognitive
friends, then their friendship kind of split Level 4. Working in pairs supports
up What happened next? And what multiple means of engagement.
caused it? Use textual evidence to support
your answer. I will be walking around the
classroom if you have any questions. Please
turn in your worksheets to the basket when
you are finished.

Great work on those worksheets sixth Supports the Gradual Release of

graders! I am now passing out a question Responsibility Model, You Do/I Watch.
that I would like you to think about and Recalling information fits into Blooms
answer to the best of your ability. You are Taxonomy Cognitive Level 1. Analyzing
going to evaluate how Jack and Augusts fits into Blooms Taxonomy Cognitive
relationship changed over the course of Level 4. Applying fits into Blooms
the story due the both of their actions. Taxonomy Cognitive Level 4.
You are then going to apply this
knowledge to the relationships in your
own lives and describe how different
types of actions affect relationships.
When you are all finished you may turn
Relationships Thematic Unit 31
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

in your worksheet to the basket and then

get started on your exit journal entry!

D. Closure:
Great work today sixth graders! I really appreciate how much effort you put forth in
analyzing textual evidence and the effects of actions on relationships. August and Jacks relationship
is a lot like the relationships we all have with our friends and classmates, right? I hope we learned
some helpful information that can help us make the right decisions in the future when saying or doing
something. This will help us become better friends and keep building our relationships!

E. Independent Practice:
Students will be encouraged to apply these ideas outside of school to their own personal
relationships. The teacher will remind students of this lesson they have learned and can even use it to
help mediate arguments or issues between classmates in class. The teacher will also encourage
students to go home and discuss these ideas with their parents.

F. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology:

Poster Paper
Copy of Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Document Camera
Worksheet (Figure 1)
Worksheet Rubric (Figure 2)
Long Answer Response (Figure 3)
Long Answer Response Rubric (Figure 4)
Student Voice Quick Check (Figure 5)
Student Voice Bullseye(Figure 6)
G. Acknowledgements:
This lesson plan was created by Alyx Chamberlain, below are the websites and texts used.

Palacio, R. J. (2012). Wonder. New York, NY: Knopf Books for Young Readers.

English Language Arts Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from
Relationships Thematic Unit 32
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Figure 1
Relationships Thematic Unit 33
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Figure 2
Worksheet Rubric Student Name:
5 3 0-1

Actions Identified 3 different actions are 2 different actions are 1 or less actions are
identified. identified. identified.

Relationship Result 3 different results are 2 different results are 1 or less results are
identified. identified. identified.

Textual Evidence Student used 3 or Student used 2 pieces Student used 1 or less
more pieces of of evidence from the piece of evidence
evidence from the text to support their from the text to
text to support their claims. support their claim.
Relationships Thematic Unit 34
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 3
Relationships Thematic Unit 35
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Figure 4
Long Answer Response Rubric Student Name:
10 5 0-2

Identification Students identifies Student identifies Student does not

how August and how August and identify how August
Jacks relationship Jacks relationship and Jacks
changed due to both changed without relationship changed
their actions. explaining the actions due to both of their
that caused it, or vice action.

Lesson Student identifies Student somewhat Student does not

connection between identifies connection identify a connection
actions and between actions and between actions and
relationships. relationships. relationships.

Application Student explains what Student kind of Student does not

actions they will take explains what actions explain what actions
to be a better friend. they will take to be a they will take to be a
better friend. better friend.
Relationships Thematic Unit 36
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 5
Relationships Thematic Unit 37
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Figure 6
Relationships Thematic Unit 38
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting Students will begin the day by having a sharing circle where they
discuss current events in their own lives that they want to talk about. This helps create a
classroom community and gives students a chance to be heard and receive support if needed.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts Students will participate in a lesson revolving around how
relationships can change and grow based on words and actions. (See above lesson).
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will work on word problems to see how percentages can relate to
real life. They will have to work at finding the whole given a percent of a situation.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Read Aloud Teacher will continue reading aloud from Wonder by R.J. Palacio.
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Library): Students will go to the library to check-out, renew, and/or
check-in a new book for the week.
1:30-2:30 Science Students will be introduced to the concept of chemical reactions and how
different chemicals react with one another. Students will watch the video Chemical Reactions
with Bill Nye. They will then familiarize themselves with the substances they will be using
tomorrow in their experiment. Teacher will emphasize how reactions can symbolize the
relationship between two different chemicals. A big reaction may mean the two chemicals are
too different or do not get along while a small reaction may mean the two chemicals are alike
and do indeed get a long. Science Video:

Week 1, Day 4

Goal: The goal of this activity is for students to apply what they have been discussing in class
this week by observing different people they may see in their everyday lives and determining
what kind of relationship they have with that person. They will then critically think about how
the type of relationship may influence how they treat that specific person.

Overview: Each students will be given a relationship walk worksheet and instructions to quietly
walk around the room and observe the pictures that have been hung up. They will then answer
each question on the worksheet for each picture. Once they have observed and recorded their
thoughts on 5 different pictures they may return to their seats. Students should be reminded that
some quiet discussion and comments are ok but most of our ideas will be shared once everyone
has returned to their seat. Once everyone has finished the teacher will put each of the pictures
under the document camera for everyone to see and students will share the thoughts that they
recorded about the picture. After the discussion is over and each picture has been discussed,
students will turn in their relationship walk worksheets and self-assessment for the discussion.
Relationships Thematic Unit 39
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Document Camera
Relationship Walk Worksheet (Figure 1)
5 photos hung about the room (Figure 2-9)
Discussion Self-Assessment Rubric (Figure 10)
Relationships Thematic Unit 40
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1
Relationships Thematic Unit 41
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4 Figure 5

Figure 6 Figure 7

Figure 8 Figure 9
Relationships Thematic Unit 42
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 10
Discussion Rubric
Name: Score:
5 3 0

Speaking I frequently I occasionally I did not contribute

contributed my ideas, contributed my ideas, my ideas, thoughts,
thoughts, and thoughts, and and ideas to the
questions to the questions to the discussion.
discussion. discussion.

Listening I frequently paid I occasionally paid I did not pay attention

attention and attention and or respectfully listen.
respectfully listened. respectfully listened.

Behavior I was not disruptive I was a little I was very disruptive

or inappropriate disruptive and and inappropriate
during the discussion. inappropriate during during the discussion.
the discussion.
Relationships Thematic Unit 43
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Instructional Strategy: Students will independently walk around the room examining the
different pictures. They will take their worksheet and pencil with them so that they can record
their observations and thoughts. They may quietly consult their peers during this time but most
observations should be quietly recorded. After all students have filled out their worksheets there
will be a whole class discussion so that students can share and compare what they found.

Assessment: Students will turn in their relationship walk worksheet and it will be graded upon
completion. As long as each question is answered students will receive full credit. Students will
then self-assess themselves based on their participation in the discussion.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting Students will participate in a Relationship Walk with different
pictures around the room. After observing and taking notes, we will have a whole class
discussion revolving around what we saw and thought. (See above).
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts Students will continue with their writers workshop story
from Monday. They will finish drafting and move into editing and revising with their peers.
Students will be working independently and collaboratively during this time.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will work in their table groups to practice creating questions from
their lives. They will continue to practice the conversions and there will be a review at the end of
the lesson. A study guide will be handed out for Fridays quiz.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Read Aloud Teacher will continue reading aloud from Wonder by R.J. Palacio.
1:00-1:30 Specialist (PE): Students will continue their unit on basketball. Today, students will
be participating in scooter basketball. They will need to appropriately use their given apparatus
(scooter) to compete in this game. After a twenty-minute game of scooter basketball, students
will be asked to vote on a fun game to end this weeks series of PE class.
1:30-2:30 Science Students will investigate the reactions of different chemicals in an experiment
where they combine substances and observe what happens. They will then be given a mystery
substance and have to figure out which chemical it is by reacting it with the other substances
and making observations. This will all be recorded in their science notebooks. Teacher will again
emphasize how the reactions between the chemicals tie into the overarching theme of
relationships between different things.

Week 1, Day 5

Goal: The goal of this activity is for students to examine their own values and explore how
different people place varying levels of importance on values. These things that we find
important can influence the relationships we have.
Relationships Thematic Unit 44
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Overview: Teacher passes out values worksheets to all students and instructs them to think hard
about what is most important to them. They should then rate all ten values from most important
to least important. After doing this the teacher will project a copy of the values list with the
document camera and go through the list of values with the class, discussing each. The teacher
should begin each value by asking students what the value means. Students can then share where
they ranked this value among the ten and why. After going through each value the teacher should
pose the question, Can our values influence our relationships?. Students may explore this topic
and debate in this discussion with the teacher as the mediator. The teacher should use the
discussion guide to help the conversation cause the students to apply and critically think about
this idea. Once the discussion is over, students will turn in their values worksheet and discussion

Values Worksheet (Figure 1)
Document Camera
Discussion Guide (Figure 2)
Discussion Self-Assessment Rubric (Figure 3)
Relationships Thematic Unit 45
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1
Relationships Thematic Unit 46
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 2
Values Discussion Guide
1. Can our values influence our relationships?
2. If two people both picked Respect as their #1 value, do you think they might find some
common ground and get along better?
3. If one person chose money as most important and another person chose family as most
important do you think that would be a problem? How would their goals be different?
4. Do we gravitate towards people who share our same values?
5. Does sharing the same values help us get along?
6. Does not sharing the same values cause us to not get along?
Relationships Thematic Unit 47
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 3
Discussion Rubric
Name: Score:
5 3 0

Speaking I frequently I occasionally I did not contribute

contributed my ideas, contributed my ideas, my ideas, thoughts,
thoughts, and thoughts, and and ideas to the
questions to the questions to the discussion.
discussion. discussion.

Listening I frequently paid I occasionally paid I did not pay attention

attention and attention and or respectfully listen.
respectfully listened. respectfully listened.

Behavior I was not disruptive I was a little I was very disruptive

or inappropriate disruptive and and inappropriate
during the discussion. inappropriate during during the discussion.
the discussion.
Relationships Thematic Unit 48
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Instructional Strategy: Students will complete the values rating worksheet individually so that
they may think critically about what they prioritize in their lives. This allows them to complete it
at their own pace and be honest with their answers. Students will then participate in a whole class
discussion where students share how they rated each value and why they did this, this will allow
students to see different perspectives and share ideas.

Assessment: Students will turn in their values worksheet and it will be graded upon completion.
As long as the values are ranked from 1-10 students will receive full credit. Students will then
self-assess themselves based on their participation in the discussion.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting Students will participate in an activity that revolves around
personal values. After rating different values in order of greatest importance, the class will
discuss how these values impact us and our relationships. (See above).
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts Students will begin the final step of writers workshop,
publishing. Students will work independently but may confer with other students if needed. Time
will be given towards the end for students to share their story with a partner or with the class.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: The students will participate in the weekly quiz. The quiz will consist of
questions on ratio conversions and real life scenarios. This weeks lesson will show the
relationships between the three types of numbers and how they can change from one to another.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Read Aloud Teacher will continue reading aloud from Wonder by R.J. Palacio
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Music): Students will be introduced to an African drum. They will then
begin to play around and investigate the different sounds, beats, and rhythms this drum can make
while being hands on.
1:30-2:30 Art: Students will create a family tree. They can represent their family tree in any
creative way that they would like. They will need to put names of people they consider to be
family on the branches or leaves of their trees. Then, they will decorate the tree, add quotes,
pictures, dates, snippets of memories, etc. Students will then share their final product with the
class. Example shown directly below.
Relationships Thematic Unit 49
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Week 2, Day 1

T&L Instructional Plan Template

The information included in this document is to support faculty in teaching about and supporting
students with the T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there are many variations of lesson
plans, this format meets departmental requirements and is aligned with the 2014 edTPA as well.

Background Information:

Teacher Candidate: Brieanna Olsen, Brenna Kerley, Alyx Chamberlain, Jordyn Agost
Date: April, 28 2017
Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Barbara Ward Grade: 6th Grade
School District: Pullman School District School:Jefferson Elementary School_
University Supervisor: Lori White
Unit/Subject: Literacy/Writing
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Pen Friends from Lincoln Middle School

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

a. Instructional Plan Purpose:

The purpose of this lesson is to encourage students to communicate through reading and writing
with other students their age, but who attend a different school within the district. Our students
should identify similarities and differences as they engage amongst each other, without first,
judging a book by its cover. The students are provided a chance to branch out, get to know
new people, and create friendships. Students will become pen friends and participate in three
letter exchanges between themselves and a student from another sixth grade class from Lincoln
Middle School here in Pullman, Washington. It is important for students to interact with others
of the human species that they may have never thought of conversing with in their lives before.
They should understand that there are many people in the world and they are not alone. Humans
are a social species in which we rely greatly on connections. Social interaction is an important
skill that the students will need to know for the rest of their lives whether it is in a school
environment, at home, or in the work force.

b. State/National Learning Standards:

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
Relationships Thematic Unit 50
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing
as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (Editing for
conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including
grade 6 here.)
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to
interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding
skills to type a minimum of three pages in a single sitting.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision)
and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular
details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

c. Content Objectives and alignment to State Learning Standards:

1. SWBAT answer multiple questions after completing a read aloud on the book Dear
Dragon: A Pen Pal Tale by explaining the content and relating it to the topic of

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.2

Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular
details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

2. SWBAT work collaboratively with a partner to complete a checklist in order to strengthen

ones writing before sending a final draft of a letter to a pen friend.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.5

With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as
needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (Editing for
conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including
grade 6 here.)

3. SWBAT... understand oneself and another persons life by asking questions, sharing
information, and gaining knowledge through the letters that they write.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.3

Relationships Thematic Unit 51
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective

technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

Language Objectives:

1. SWBAT write in appropriate letter format using email through the Internet.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.6

Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact
and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to
type a minimum of three pages in a single sitting.

2. SWBAT write and respond to three letters to a student from another school over a
timeframe of one week.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.10

Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences.

d. Previous Learning Experiences:

The students have previously been learning about the many different types of
relationships that we experience in our lives. We are now in the second week of our thematic unit
on relationships. During the first week, students learned how to analyze character relationships
within narrative text and used clues from the text to examine how the relationships grow or
change throughout the story. This commonly happens in our real-world lives as well. They have
also previously just finished the book Wonder and have discussed the issues, themes, and
relationships throughout the story. Students have also learned that friendships also make up a
good relationship and will go deeper into that topic this week.

e. Planning for Student Learning Needs:

Accommodations for Special Education Students:

- Accommodations will be adjusted according to students disability.
- Student may work in resource room, or in primary classroom.
- Student will have directions read to him/her. Examples: one-on-one, with a partner, or from
- Student may be allowed extra time to complete worksheets.
- Teacher/s will walk around to check to make sure the directions are fully understood.
Relationships Thematic Unit 52
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- Student may raise hand, ask student next to them, or write down notes of any questions or
difficulties that he/she may be experiencing.
- Directions will be placed on the board for further assistance/reminders, as well as on the top
of each worksheet.

Accommodations for ELL students:

- ELL students may be paired up with one or more students whose first language is English.
- Directions will be read aloud to them, and also written on the board/on worksheets for further
- Directions may be recorded in students first language if and when necessary
- Teacher/s will walk around to ensure students are on task and following correct directions
- Students will be able to ask questions at any given time throughout the lesson

Accommodations for Gifted and Talented Students:

- May be able to work alone.
- Teacher/s will work with gifted or talented students to set goals or challenge them in further
- Students who may finish worksheets early may be allowed to work on other school work or
read a book.

f. Assessment Strategies:
Content/Language Objectives Assessment Strategies

SWBAT write in letter appropriate Formative: Teacher will be walking around the
format using email through the room as students are writing their pen friend
Internet. letter. She will be be monitoring if students are
using the Internet appropriately, are on task,
and formatting a letter correctly (Figure 1). If
a student does not fulfill these requirements,
this box will not be checked as complete. The
student will not be able to send or receive a
pen friend letter until the box is marked with
an X, for complete.
Relationships Thematic Unit 53
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SWBAT work collaboratively with Formative: Each student will pair up and read
a partner to edit and strengthen through each others pen friend letter before
ones writing before sending a final sending the final copy to their pen friend. Each
draft of a letter to a pen friend. student will get a worksheet (Figure 7), switch
worksheets, and check off all of the questions
as they read through and edit. The questions
are a simple yes or no response. If no is
selected, the student who received a no will
then go back and fix or fill in what is missing.
Both students will sign at the bottom of each
worksheet to indicate who they worked with.
This step must be completed before student can
move on to the next step and send their pen
friend letter.

SWBAT answer questions after Formative: Students will participate in a class

completing a read aloud on the book discussion about why this about the idea of a
Dear Dragon: A Pen Pal Tale by Pen Friend and why it may be important. This
explaining the content and relating it will lead into the concept of not judging a
to the lesson. book by its cover. The students will
understand that they are not going to physically
see their pen friend until after they are finished
completing, and receiving, three letters each.
The class will continue the discussion the
question, Why are relationships/friendships
important? This will inform us who is sharing
their ideas and comprehending the overall
concept of the story. Students responses will be
written on the whiteboard (Figure 3). We will
continue to check the progress of the students
who have not yet responded during the
Relationships Thematic Unit 54
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SWBAT participate in writing and Formative: Students will participate in a series

responding to three letters to a of letter exchanges amongst students from
student from another school over a Lincoln Middle School. They will begin to
timeframe of one week. write the first letter on Monday and respond on
Wednesday, then again Friday for a final time.
The teacher will keep a checklist of when each
student sends and receives each letter for a
total of six exchanges. Before beginning the
first letter, the teacher will hand out a
worksheet entitled All About (Figure 5).
This will be a tool to get the students thinking
about what they could incorporate into their
first letter as they introduce themselves. They
will complete this worksheet, then begin
writing their first letter. Students are to turn in
the worksheet before they are able to send their
first letter. When letter is sent, teacher will
check off that work is being complete
appropriately with (Figure 1).

SWBAT... understand oneself and Formative: Students will also use the All
another persons life by asking About worksheet to get to know themselves,
questions, sharing information, and as well as giving them some ideas to ask their
gaining knowledge through the pen friend throughout the series of letters. If
letters that they write. these questions are asked, the student will gain
knowledge about their pen friend. If and when
a student asks for more examples of what to
include in their letter, I will ask them to refer
back to (Figure 5). Teacher will be monitoring
if students are using their resources effectively.

Summative: Students will be given an exit slip

to complete before they finish the entire lesson
(Figure 4). This is a quick check to determine
how much the student has learned throughout
this lesson. This also allows the teacher to see
if the learning targets and overall theme were
understood. If the exit slip shows that a student
is struggling, we will spend more time on the
concepts that are not understood.
Relationships Thematic Unit 55
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g. Student Voice:
Student-based evidence to Description of how
K-12 students will be able be collected (things students will reflect on
to: produced by students: their learning.
journals, exit slips, self-
assessments, work samples,
projects, papers, etc.)

1. Explain student Thumbs up, to the side,

learning targets and what Self-Assessment or thumbs down. The
is required to meet them students will be asked if
(including why they are they understand each
important to learn). learning objective.
This will be given to
them after they have
went over all of the
learning targets.
Thumbs up means, yes,
I do understand.
Thumbs to the side
means, Im not sure if I
fully understand yet.
Thumbs down means, I
do not understand, I am
still working on it.
-Refer to the learning
targets on the board,
refer to directions, ask a
friend etc. Refer to
(Attached- Figure 6)
Relationships Thematic Unit 56
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2. Monitor their own Students will fill out a

learning progress toward quick check worksheet
the learning targets using with a partner to answer
the tools provided the following questions
(checklists, rubrics, etc.). about the learning
targets and goals of
Checklist todays assignment.
(Attached- Figure 7).

Did I write in letter

appropriate format using
email through the

Did I check my letter

for errors before I sent it
to my pen friend?

Did I tell my pen friend

a few facts about myself
and ask questions for
them to answer about

Was I putting in full

effort to be sincere and
friendly to my pen

Did you enjoy writing to

your pen friend? Why or
why not do you feel this
Relationships Thematic Unit 57
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3. Explain how to access At the end of day one of

resources and additional this lesson, an exit slip
support when needed (and Exit Slip will be provided to each
how/why those resources student. (Attached-
will help them). Figure 4). The exit slip
is a five questions to
wrap up the activity to
understand how much
the student has learned
and how much they
understand the learning
The exit slip asks what
the learning targets
were, if they think they
successfully met the
learning targets, what
resources they used to
understand the learning
targets, what the
importance of the days
topic was, and finally,
an opinion piece to
reflect on the topic of
friendship. This is
helpful because it is a
quick, honest form that
is done individually by
each student to assess
their knowledge on the
strategy of making
predictions. If they did
not understand the
learning targets, they
can try again tomorrow.

h. Grouping of Students for Instruction:

Paired up- Students will be anonymously and randomly paired up by participating
teachers from both sixth grade classes. Each student will be paired with one other person
Relationships Thematic Unit 58
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and will continue to write letters to the same pen friend throughout the entire lesson.
The only exception is if and when there is an odd amount of students in the participating
classes. If this happens, there will be a student(s) selected to complete more than one letter
depending on the amount of pen friends he/she has been assigned to.
Whole Group- The whole class will listen to the teacher read-aloud a book and interact in
whole-group discussion aboutwhy are relationships/friendships important?

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

a. Introduction:
Alright sixth graders, now we are going to transition into a writing lesson. Can anyone
tell me what friendship is? Awesome. Can someone briefly tell me why friendship is so
important to the human species? Great! Well, today, this is not your ordinary writing lesson, but
one in which we get to interact from students from another middle school. Does anyone know
someone from Lincoln Middle School? Awesome! Well for this lesson, we are going to be
working with sixth grade students from Lincoln Middle School! Not physically, but through
letters! I am going to randomly pair you all up with one other student from Lincoln. Everyone
will have one partner, with the exception of one or so students who may be paired with two,
depending on the number of students that we have in attendance this week at both schools. This
person will be your pen friend? Can someone tell me what they think a pen friend would be?
Thats great! We will be reading a book by Josh Funk that is titled, Dear Dragon: A Pen Pal
Tale for you to have a little more information about what a pen friend, or pal, is and we will find
out what the message of this story is going to teach us for our lesson. Now, lets begin reading
this book so we can begin our lesson and writing to our pen friends!

b. Learning Activities:

Learning Steps and Activities: Supporting Theories/Principles:

The teacher will begin reading the book, Dear This allows students to get the overall gist of
Dragon. Alright sixth graders, I am going to what a pen friend is, as well as what a
begin reading this picture book, Dear Dragon. good friend is considered. They can reflect
I am going to read all the way through, then on their own personal experiences as they
we are going to have a quick discussion about brainstorm these answers. By reading the
the importance of the overall message of the book Dear Dragon to the students, it gives
story. (Teacher will read book all the way them an idea of what their assignment is going
through without stopping). Okay, so now that to look similar to as they complete it on their
we have learned more about what we are own.
going to go with our pen friends from Lincoln
Middle School, can someone tell me what the
Relationships Thematic Unit 59
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overall message of this book was? Wait for

hands to go up, then call on a few students
who may have different answers. Awesome
everyone! One overall message that I
definitely got from this book is something we
refer to a lot in class, dont judge a book by
its cover, right? We saw how George wrote
to Blaise, without knowing he was even a
dragon! They still became friends, even
through their similarities and differences
because they gave each other a chance at
friendship. This is something I hope that you
all experience as you are writing your letters
to your pen friends. Isnt it a great feeling to
begin a new friendship? We are not forcing
you anyone to become best friends. We are
simply providing awareness to why it is
important to have friendships. The more the
merrier, right?! Before we begin righting to
our pen friend, we are going to have a quick
discussion on the question, Why are
relationships/friendships important? I will
write the responses on the board. Can you all
help me brainstorm this now? Teacher will
move to the whiteboard and write the
question, Why are relationships/friendships
important? Teacher will wait until ideas
begin to come out of the students mouths and
write them quickly on the board.

Teacher will begin writing students responses Sharing ideas and giving their input gives
on the board to the question, Why are them a chance brainstorm the main theme of
relationships/friendships important? Please the lesson. They will also be sharing with the
remember that no answer is a bad answer, so entire class, so giving and receiving
do not be afraid to share your answers. Wait suggestions is very important. Allowing the
for students to respond and come up with students to take charge is important because
many different ideas. Teacher will lead them they feel more personal to the lesson. It also
in the right direction, but let them do the allows the teacher to see how engaged
work. Awesome! I have heard so many great students are and how they feel about a certain
responses. Now I am going to hand out a topic.
worksheet for you all to complete on your
own. It is titled, All About. What do you all
remember about how George began his letter
to Blaise for the first time? Wait for students
to remember and respond. Yes! He began
telling him a few facts about himself, then
Relationships Thematic Unit 60
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asked him a question for him to answer in a

letter to write back to him. He told him that he
really liked to play baseball, then asked him
what his favorite is? Also what did you all
notice about the formatting of his letter? Wait
for students to tell you about the date, dear
and sincerely parts of a letter. You guys are all
great! So now, going back to the worksheet,
this will help you remember some great
questions that you can ask, as well as tell to
your pen friend! These are all great things to
mention because it provides good
conversation and dont we usually begin
telling information to our friends that is
important to us? Wait for heads to nod, yes.
Of course, like someone said on the
whiteboard, we love to talk to friends and tell
them about ourselves, as well as asking about
them. So now, everyone please complete this
All About worksheet. Teacher will pass out
worksheet and allow students to be creative
and brainstorm answers about themselves as
well as give them ideas to talk about with
their pen friend.

Good job, everyone! I have seen some They now have a chance to predict what
awesome answers and effort. Do you think similarities and differences they may see in
that there may be similarities and differences their letters. It allows them to have open
between you and your pen friend as you are minds when going into this assignment and
writing to them? Wait, then call on a few this is important because they should not
students to answer. You are correct. Everyone judge a book by its cover. It also gives them
is different, even though we may have some waiting time to send and receive their letters,
things in common as well. Do you think that it so they may become anxious/excited for what
is important to act or be a good friend while is about to come.
you are writing to your pen friend? Wait for a
student to respond. Okay, and why is that?
Awesome. You guys are rockstars today!
Now, lets get into writing to our pen friends.
We are going to begin the first letter, then
they will respond tomorrow (Tuesday), then
we will write our second letter on Wednesday,
they will respond Thursday, then we will
respond Friday. Then what do you think will
happen? Yes, great! We will in fact receive
our last letter from our pen friends on
Monday. Then eventually, you might get to
Relationships Thematic Unit 61
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meet your pen friend! You never know!!

Everyone please go get a laptop from the
charging station and begin writing your
letters. What will we not forget to include in
our letters? Wait for response, call on
someone. Yes, date, dear, sincerely. Cool!
Now everyone enjoy writing! Once you are
finished, please come get the next worksheet
from me. You will then get with a partner and
you and your partner will complete the
checklist to make sure you are not forgetting
anything. I will have the learning targets
posted on a paper on the board where they
usually are, so do not forget to refer to them if
you get completely stuck. But we should all
be able to remember what our goals are. I will
be walking around the room to give you the
name and email of your pen friend, as well as
checking in on some of your work. Do not
send your email until AFTER I have checked
you off, and also after you are finished with
your worksheet.

Steps on completing the writing of the letter Steps on completing the writing of the letter
process will continue on Wednesday and process will continue on Wednesday and
Friday of this week. They will receive and get Friday of this week. They will receive and get
to read their letters from their pen friends on to read their letters from their pen friends on
Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday of the Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday of the
following week. Teacher will be monitoring following week. Teacher will be monitoring
students are they are going through this students are they are going through this
process and helping when necessary. Teacher process and helping when necessary. Teacher
will also pay close attention to students work will also pay close attention to students work
throughout the entire process and collect their throughout the entire process and collect their
exit slip and worksheets at appropriate times. exit slip and worksheets at appropriate times.

c. Questions:
1. Why do you think we read the book Dear Dragon today? What does this book have to do
with our lesson on friendship? (Apply/Analyze)
2. Why do you think it is important to get to know new people, even though we do know
see them in our daily lives? (Apply)
3. What do you think it means to judge a book by its cover? How does this tie into what
our lesson is telling us about new friendships? (Analyze/Apply)
4. Based on what happens in the story Dear Dragon, did you have a similar experience
when meeting your pen friend at the end of this lesson? (Understand/Apply)
Relationships Thematic Unit 62
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5. What types of questions do you ask someone who you are first getting to know?
6. Why do you think relationships are so important for humans to have? (Understand)

d. Closure:
Great job today everyone! I am so happy that you are all enjoying writing to your pen friends
and making an effort to build a new friendship. Can someone quickly remind me of a couple
reasons why it is important to have good friendships in your life? Awesome! During this lesson,
we learned what being a good friend looks and feels like, why friendships are important, and that
you should get to know someone before you judge a book by it's cover. I also appreciate how
hard you all worked on your letters and putting them into the correct format. How did you all
feel about receiving these letters? Isnt it a wonderful feeling?! Now that we are finished with
our pen friend letters, I challenge each and every one of you to walk through the halls next week
and smile or say hello to a few people that you normally wouldnt engage or interact with on a
daily basis. Wouldnt it feel so good to spread some friendship and happiness throughout our
school? You may even make someones day. You are all awesome! Next week, we will be
focusing on exploring the variety of relationships. I think you will all enjoy it very much!

e. Independent Practice:
Students will be reminded and encouraged to apply all that they have learned from this lesson
and overall unit to their own personal lives. Whether it is at home, at school, during
extracurricular activities, etc., they should be practicing what they have learned about good
friendships and building relationships. They will also be encouraged to bring their All About
worksheet home to share with their parents, siblings, or friends. I will also challenge them to
saying hello or smile to someone as they walk through the hall during school. This will
represent being kind and not judging a book by it's cover because they never know who could
be their next really good friend that could last a lifetime, or even affect that person in a positive

f. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology:

Color Pencils
Scratch paper
Teachers Checklist (Figure 1)
The book Dear Dragon by Josh Funk (Figure 2)
White Board (Figure 3)
Exit Slip (Figure 4)
All about Worksheet (Figure 5)
Relationships Thematic Unit 63
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Student Checklist for Self-Assessment (Figure 6)

Student Checklist Did I Forget Something? (Figure 7)
Laptops for each student in the class
Internet access to student emails
List of pen friend match-ups
Relationships Thematic Unit 64
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Figure 1: Teachers Checklist

Students Names: Student is on task and Student is using letter Student is working
writing letter format well with others.
approximately to (During editing
prompt process)




















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Put a X in each box that applies. If not acceptable, leave box blank for incomplete.
Relationships Thematic Unit 66
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Figure 2: Book used in Introduction to lesson

Author: Josh Funk

Illustrated by: Rodolfo Montalvo
Relationships Thematic Unit 67
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Figure 3:
White Board Brainstorming: Possible Responses

Why are relationships/friendships important?

Not so lonely A shoulder to cry on They understand what others dont

Good company They help with advice They make time for you
Love Acceptance You get to hangout with them
Trust Laughing Make life fun
Someone to talk to Encouraging Keep secrets
Someone to listen to They believe in you Makes me feel confident
Relationships Thematic Unit 68
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 4: Exit Slip Name:________________________


1. What were the learning targets from todays assignment?



2. Did you successfully meet todays learning targets? Please explain your answer.



3. What resources helped you to meet todays learning targets? Are there any additional resources

that would have been helpful? Please explain your answer.



4. What is the importance of the pen friend assignment?




5. In your opinion, what makes someone a good friend?


Relationships Thematic Unit 69
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Figure 5:
Relationships Thematic Unit 70
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g. Acknowledgements:

Lesson plan written by Brieanna Olsen. (2017) I used the book Dear Dragon: A Pen Friend Tale
in the introduction to introduce the concept and purpose of a pen friend letter and it is sited
All additional attachments were created by myself with images taken from google images.
Relationships Thematic Unit 72
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Funk, J. (2016). Dear Dragon: A Pen Pal Tale. New York, NY: Viking Books for Young

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: We will discuss the objectives of todays ELA lesson as well as
share a few school appropriate stories about for of the best memories the students can think of
within relationships/friendships that they have.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: The lesson Pen Friends with Students from Lincoln Middle
School will be introduced. Students will be learning about what a pen friend is, then writing to a
student from Lincoln Middle School, who will then reply. A series of six letters will be
composed and shared between each pair of students. The students will be read the book Dear
Dragon to understand what their letters may look like.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will begin a geometry unit today. The instructor will begin by
asking the students about their previous knowledge. The instructor will then lector on how to
find the perimeter of any given shape. Students will take careful notes to return back to later if
necessary. They will then practice on a worksheet by measuring blocks with tape measures. This
will be incorporating units of measure and the decimal system from the previous week. Students
will be asked later about the differences in millimeters and centimeters.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud Teacher will begin reading The Thing
About Jellyfish for 15 minutes then students will continue reading the book silently.
1:00-1:30 Specialist (PE): Students will participate in a dance unit. Students will be paired up
and learn the basic steps of how to swing dance.
1:30-2:30 Social Studies: The students will be working on collecting recycled materials to
create toys for children in need.

Week 2, Day 2

Goal: The goal of this lesson is to talk about current friendships and why they are important.
They will be able to think about their personal lives and express what they believe is a good
friend or how you could be someones best friend. They will be thinking about how these
relationships have positively impacted their lives.

Overview: The teacher will pass out a worksheet that is a tool to help them brainstorm their
ideas and plan what they are going to write about in their journals during Writers Workshop.
The students will be asked to think of someone who they consider to be one of their best friends
and why they think of them as that person. They will then fill out their web as they think about
what they want to include. Once the web is complete, students will then write an essay about
Relationships Thematic Unit 73
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their best friend. This is an open-ended question which may include many different results.
Students should be able to free-write and allow the teacher to see what their definition of a
good friend would be. Then a few students will be able to share a what they have written with
the class. Finally, the students will turn in their journals for the teacher to check off that they
completed the task appropriately.

Friend Fact Web

Who is considered your closest friend?
Why is this person considered your friend?
What makes this person a good friend to have?
Do you look for these aspects in other friends as well?

Instructional Strategy: This lesson will start off by using whole class instruction and then students
will complete their Writers Workshops on their own. Then students will be brought back together for a
class discussion as they share pieces of what they have wrote.

Assessment: Students will turn in their journal and it will be checked off as complete or
incomplete. They will also be asked to share what they have written, so work may be assessed at
this time as well.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: Students will discuss what they think the importance of sending
letters to pen friend would be, even though they have not met the students in person. Students
will share and make predictions on what their pen friend may ask them in the first letter they will
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: Students will be participating in Writers Workshop in
their journals. The topic will be to write about who they consider to be their closest friend and
why this person is such a good friend. Student will first be given a writing web (Figure 1) to use
as a tool to help them begin to brainstorm ideas and important details that they want to include
about this friend.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will watch the instructor lecture on area and will be taking notes to
return to for later. After the lecture, the students will practice again with blocks but in finding
area rather than perimeter. The instructor should bring up the relationship between perimeter and
area. Then ask the students when you would be finding area vs. perimeter.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
Relationships Thematic Unit 74
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12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess

12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud Teacher will begin reading The Thing
About Jellyfish for 15 minutes then students will continue reading the book silently.
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Music): Students will continue learning how to play African drums. They
will be given a particular beat then asked to mimic the beat and rhythm.
1:30-2:30 Social Studies: After collecting the recycled materials and making the toys for
children in need, the students will write a reflection on their experience completing this project.
In their reflection (figure 2),the students will link how this activity promoted relationships with
people in their community and what they took away from this experience.

Figure 1 Name:_________________________

Friend Facts Web

Directions: Write your friends name in the middle of the heart who you choose to talk
about in todays Writers Workshop. Write your facts, information, stories, etc. above each
arrow. Include more arrows if/when necessary.
Relationships Thematic Unit 75
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Social Studies; figure 2

Name: _______________

A Healthy Helping Hand

After making the toys out of recycled materials for children in need in our community,
please REFLECT on your experience by responding to the following questions.

1. What were your thoughts and feelings while doing this project?




2. How did this project build relationships and connections with your peers and/or people
in your community?




3. What did you learn about yourself, helping others and working together after
completing this project?



Relationships Thematic Unit 76
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Week 2, Day 3

Goal: Todays goal is to identify the roles that the characters in The Thing About Jellyfish play in
Suzys life, then connect it to their own life and people in it.

Overview: The teacher will begin a discussion on the characters in the story The Thing About
Jellyfish that have been mentioned up to this point. They will then think about what roles each
character plays in Suzys life. They will think about who are her friends, who does she have
good relationships with, her teachers role in the relationship, and her enemies. After the
discussion is complete, the teacher will pass out a worksheet that the students will need to fill out
to not only assess the students knowledge on the book that is being read in class, but the roles
that they play in relationships as well. They will then respond in a short paragraph about who
they believe they would be if they were a character in the story with Suzy. The students will then
turn in the worksheets, then begin writing their second pen friend letter.

The Thing About Jellyfish

Instructional Strategy: Students will complete the What Role Do I Play worksheet. (Figure 2)
They will then be asked to think about what role they believe they would be in a story with Suzy.
They may also apply this thought to their own, personal relationships.

Assessment: The students will be assessed on their worksheets. They will be assessed on the
answers they provide on these worksheets as well as on their answers during the discussion. The
same discussion rubric used on week 1 day 4 will be used. (Below Figure 1)
Relationships Thematic Unit 77
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1
Discussion Rubric
Name: Score:
5 3 0

Speaking I frequently I occasionally I did not contribute

contributed my ideas, contributed my ideas, my ideas, thoughts,
thoughts, and thoughts, and and ideas to the
questions to the questions to the discussion.
discussion. discussion.

Listening I frequently paid I occasionally paid I did not pay attention

attention and attention and or respectfully listen.
respectfully listened. respectfully listened.

Behavior I was not disruptive I was a little I was very disruptive

or inappropriate disruptive and and inappropriate
during the discussion. inappropriate during during the discussion.
the discussion.
Relationships Thematic Unit 78
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 2:
Name: ___________________________

What role do I play?

Fill in the box on the left with characters that have been introduced in the book The Thing
About Jellyfish. Fill in the box on the right with who you believe this person is to Suzy.
Which role does this person play? (Friend, enemy, peer, etc.)

Ex: Franny

What role do you think you would play in Suzys life if you were in the book? Why?
Relationships Thematic Unit 79
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: Students will be asked to think about if they are being a good
friend. They have been reading the book The Thing About Jellyfish in class and they will have
to reflect on the actions of certain characters that have been mentioned in the book. They are to
identify what they believe is the role each play in Suzys life.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: Students will be writing their second letter to their pen
friend in response to their first letter that they have received back.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: The instructor will lecture the class on volume. Sharing what we are actually
finding and the differences between volume and area. Then the difference between cubed and
squared numbers and what they represent. Students will use cubes to build different shapes then
find the volume of them. The instructor will walk around the room to check the students work
and answer any questions. Teacher will end with review on the differences between units of
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud Teacher will begin reading The Thing
About Jellyfish for 15 minutes then students will continue reading the book silently.
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Library): Students will go to the library to check-out, renew, and/or
check-in a new book for the week.
1:30-2:30 Science Students will be introduced to the concept of multiple ecosystems and how
inhabitants of those ecosystems interact consistently in patterns. Students will explore how in
one ecosystem there are different types of relationships between organisms; competitive,
predatory and mutually beneficial. Students will pick an ecosystem to research and continue with

Week 2, Day 4
Goal: The goal of this assignment is for the students to think critically of ups and downs of Suzy
and Frannys relationships. They will be able to identify the changes in events as they are
changing and occurring. It is important to document the changes on a timeline because it is a
visual of what is happening throughout the book when there are many things going on.

Overview: The Students will participate in an overview discussion of the events that have
happened in the story The Thing About Jellyfish up to this point. They will be asked to mainly
focus on the timeline in events in which Franny and Suzy display the ups and downs of their
relationship in and out of school. The students will then collaborate with a partner to determine
the main events in which things were changing in the story within the two girls relationship. The
teacher will provide them with a blank timeline and will see how much they will be able to fill
out, with page numbers and proof of the event change. They will complete the entire worksheet,
then fill out a collaboration form. This will give them a chance to asses themselves as well as
Relationships Thematic Unit 80
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

their partner. Students will need to turn in the timeline and worksheet when they are complete.
Students will use books for support so they are not just making educated guesses, but providing

The Thing About Jellyfish
Timeline Worksheet (Figure 1)

Instructional Strategy: Students will participate in the timeline worksheets with one other
partner. Students will be able to use the book The Thing About Jellyfish to provide actual text and
page numbers on their timelines. Students are not asked to provide exact sequence, but their best
interpretation of the story and events thus far.

Assessment: Students will fill out a collaboration form (Figure 2) at the end of their lesson to
provide proof of who they worked with as well as how they worked. They will also be able to
rate their own participation. The teacher will check this form when it is turned in at the end of the

What is the most important parts of their relationship?
Where were their changes in their relationship?
What made this change occur?
Did someone in particular ruin their relationship?
Does my sequence of events make sense?
Relationships Thematic Unit 81
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1:
Name: ______________________________
(Turn paper sideways to complete the timeline)
Relationships Thematic Unit 82
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

END of book
Figure 2:
Collaboration Form

Please fill this worksheet out with your partner(s) after completing todays assignment.

Names of What did I do to Self- Assessment

help complete this I believe I scored
partners &
assignment? a..
Signatures Ex: 10/10
Relationships Thematic Unit 83
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: The class with gather to talk about their weekend and share
stories, building on their sense of community in the classroom.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: The students will be discussing the book, The Thing About
Jellyfish. After discussing the book, each student will work on filling out a timeline where they
will write down different changes in the friendship between Franny and Suzy as Suzy is
reflecting on memories between them.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Instructor will run a review session for the day and will answer any
questions on the units of measure and how to find them. Students will work on the study guide
and review for practice before the weekly quiz.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud
1:00-1:30 Specialist (PE): Today in PE students will be playing baseball. Students will be going
over the basics of baseball such as catching, throwing, and learning the positions on the baseball
1:30-2:30 Social Studies: The class will be focusing and talking about how the environment and
its resources relate to where communities settled. The class will watch a video regarding the
impact that the environment had on where people settled and built communities around the
world. During the video, the students will take notes and be thinking about how the environment
and human settlement relate to one another.
Evolution of Settlements Video:
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud Teacher will begin reading The Thing
About Jellyfish for 15 minutes then students will continue reading the book silently.
1:00-1:30 Specialist (PE): Students will continue swing dancing. They will now take it a step
further and music will be added and students will be asked to switch partners more periodically
to interact with different peers.
1:30-2:30 Science Students will continue their research about inhabitants of ecosystems and
investigate an ecosystem of their choosing. They will then create a poster, display, or model that
shows the different organisms that inhabit the ecosystem they chose. Students will be asked to
emphasize the different types of relationships and interactions the organisms have in the
ecosystem. Students will then present their research projects to the class so that all students may
see the pattern of interactions between all the different ecosystems.
Relationships Thematic Unit 84
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Week 2, Day 5
Goal: The goal of this activity is for students to understand the importance of gift giving and
how it makes someone feel. They will be able to understand that gifts to not have to be bought,
they can be made, with love. They will think about four people in their lives that are important to
them and why they chose these four people. They will also be able to understand why it is
important to love yourself because you cannot love others without loving yourself.

Overview: Students will participate in a whole-group discussion about why gifts are important
to give to someone that means something to you. They will be asked about how they feel
personally when receiving a gift, as well as when they send it. This will lead into a conversation
about why it is important to love yourself too. Each student will then transition to their desks and
think of up to four people that they have good, healthy relationships with. This could be a parent,
sibling, friend, peer, teacher, etc. The teacher will then demonstrate how to make a bracelet with
string. They will then be able to pick different colors of string and create their friendship
bracelets. (Figure 2). Once students are finished with their bracelets, they will then be able to
create a note to the person or people that they want to give their bracelets to and why. They will
also be able to make themselves a bracelet because they will understand that it is important to
love ourselves as well.

Variety of colored string
Exit slip

Instructional Strategy: Students will be in whole-group as they have a discussion about the
topic. They will be sent back to their desks and individually create their own bracelets. They will
be able to help each other through the process of braiding the bracelets.
Relationships Thematic Unit 85
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Assessment: Students will need to create their bracelets as well as their notes to go along with
them. As long as students are actively participating and including themselves in the discussion,
they will be checked off as completing this activity. Students will also have a quick summative

Figure 1: Exit Slip Name:______________________

Why is it important to have a good relationship and love yourself? Please answer in the space

assessment that is an exit slip. The exit slip will contain one question that the students will need
to answer. (Figure 1)

Figure 2:
Relationships Thematic Unit 86
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: Students will participate in a discussion about the importance of
giving gifts and spreading love through processions.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: Students will be writing their final letter to their pen friend.
They will need to include their concluding thoughts and their appreciation, or how they felt,
throughout this entire process of letter exchanges.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will do the weekly quiz. The questions will ask students to solve
for area, perimeter, and volume of given shapes and units. There will also be questions on how to
solve and the units represented.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud Teacher will begin reading The Thing
About Jellyfish for 15 minutes then students will continue reading the book silently.
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Music): Students will be able to use the musical instrument of their
choice, with the African drums now being an option. Students will get to hear how the African
drums sounds along with some of their favorite instruments.
1:30-2:30 Art: Students will create up to four relationship bracelets made up of various colors
of string. They will then be able to take their bracelets home and give them out to people they
share important and meaningful relationships with. Students may also create one to keep for
themselves to represent that they have a good, mindful relationship within themselves.

Week 3, Day 1

T&L Instructional Plan Template

Background Information

Teacher Candidate: Alyx Chamberlain, Brieanna Olsen, Date: 4/28/17

Brenna Kerley, and Jordyn Agost
Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Barbara Ward Grade: 6th
School District: Pullman School District School: Jefferson Elementary
University Supervisor: Lori White
Unit/Subject: Reading
Relationships Thematic Unit 87
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Exploring The Variety of Relationships.

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

a. Instructional Plan Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to have students explore the many
types of relationships one person can have. They will also be analyzing how the individuals treat
another person impacts their relationship with the person. By analyzing how the characters treat one
another, the students can then reflect on how they treat the people in their lives and will make any
changes they feel are necessary between themselves and their friends, family, educators, etc. in order
to strengthen the relationships. There are many different types of relationships within The Thing
About Jellyfish that change throughout the book which will be helpful in having the students see the
impacts on how they treat people in their lives. In the unit, the students are already learning how we
should treat the different types of people in our lives so this will strengthen and add on to this
concept. Following this lesson, students will be reflecting on relationships as a whole in all parts of
life and the world and we will have the class come together from the lessons learned.

b. State/National Learning Standards: Teacher candidates identify relevant grade level

concepts/content and align them to Content StandardsCommon Core Standards or Washington
State EALRs, or National.

Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.

Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as
well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

c. Content Objectives (to be copied in Assessment Chart below) and alignment to State Learning

1. SWBAT participate in class discussions regarding the book, The Thing About Jellyfish.

Aligned Standard:
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as
well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.)
Relationships Thematic Unit 88
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

2. SWBAT identify the different types of relationships within the book.

Aligned Standard:
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as
well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.)

Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.)

3. SWBAT construct a timeline of significant changes in relationships that took place throughout the

Aligned standard:
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.)

Language Objectives:
1. SWBAT explain how characters relationships change throughout the book.

Aligned standard:
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as
well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.)

2. SWBAT respond to a prompt with 2 paragraphs, including citations.

Aligned Standard:
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as
well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.)

Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.)

Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.)
Relationships Thematic Unit 89
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

d. Previous Learning Experiences: Students will have finished the book, The Thing About Jellyfish
the week prior with class time and outside of class if necessary. Two weeks prior to this lesson,
students will have been learning about the many types of relationships and how to treat different
people including professionals, friends, and family. They will have been working on how to quote
the texts of books properly in their writing. The use of quoting from the text helps the students pull
out clues in order to describe each character better which they learned in the previous lesson. They
will be using the book to answer questions about the different relationships in the text.

e. Planning for Student Learning Needs:

-Accommodations for ELL Students-
ELL students will be partnered and seated next to students who are English proficient and
may help them by modeling and answering questions.
Directions will be read and spoke aloud to ensure comprehension.
Directions or questions may be provided in the students home language.
The teacher will monitor and check in with these students one-on-one as needed
Teacher will use comprehensible input (visuals, gestures, etc) throughout the lesson in order
to ensure understanding.

-Accommodations for Special Education Students-

All accommodations will be specific to each students individual needs and IEP, the
following are examples of possible accommodations.
The teacher will monitor and check in with these students one-on-one as needed.
Students may be paired with a non-special education student to help them by modeling or
answering questions.
Students will be partnered with another student who will be understanding and helpful for
the individual
Directions and instructions will be read and spoke aloud to ensure comprehension.
Students may be given extra-time as needed and determined by the teacher.
Teacher will help set realistic goals with each individual student based on their abilities.

-Accommodations for Gifted and Talented Students-

Students may be partnered with a student who is also gifted and talented so that they may
challenge each other.
Students may also be allowed to work alone.
Teacher will help set realistic goals with each individual student based on their abilities.

f. Assessment Strategies
Content/Language Objectives Assessment Strategies
Relationships Thematic Unit 90
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Content: SWBAT participate in class Formative: The teacher will observe the
discussions regarding the book, The students during the class discussion on, The
Thing About Jellyfish. Thing About Jellyfish. By observing the
students, the teacher will get an idea who is
engaged in the discussion and who is not.

Content: SWBAT identify the different Formative: During the class discussion, the
types of relationships within the book. teacher will make note of the students possible
answers to the changes in relationships
throughout the book. The students will be
expected to participate in the class discussion
and analyze/identify the different types of
relationships within the book(bullying, family,
friends, children and adults).

Content: SWBAT construct a timeline Formative: Each student is responsible for

of significant changes in relationships creating their own timeline of the relationships
that took place throughout the book. that were a significant part of The Thing About
Jellyfish. (Figure 1) (Rubric 1).

Language: SWBAT explain how Formative: While working on the timeline of

characters relationships change identifying the different types of relationships
throughout the book. that occur throughout the book, the students
will be assessed on identifying how the various
relationships throughout the book have evolved
and how each relationship is different from the

Language: SWBAT respond to a Formative: The students will be responding to a

prompt with 3 paragraphs, including prompt and working with peers to revise and
citations. edit their essays which will be the final portion
of this lesson. (Figure 2) (Rubric 2).

g. Student Voice:
Relationships Thematic Unit 91
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Student-based evidence to be Description of how

K-12 students will be able collected (things produced by students will reflect on
to: students: journals, exit slips, their learning.
self-assessments, work
samples, projects, papers, etc.)

1. Explain student learning Quick Check Students will answer a

targets and what is required (figure 3) quick check question in
to meet them (including why order to share their
they are important to learn). understanding of the
targets. It will ask, Why
is analyzing
relationships in a text
important? How can
relationships change?
How does this
knowledge impact your

2. Monitor their own Bullseye A bullseye will be used

learning progress toward the (figure 4) to ask the students to,
learning targets using the Place an X on the
tools provided (checklists, bullseye where you think
rubrics, etc.). you are in your
understanding for
todays learning target.
Red will represent I
dont understand todays
learning target. Yellow
will represent, I kind of
understand todays
learning target. Green
will represent, I
understand todays
learning target. The
bullseyes will be
individual for the
students to represent
their own opinion on
where they are at and so
Relationships Thematic Unit 92
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

that they feel

comfortable sharing their

3. Explain how to access Journal Entry As the instructor

resources and additional (figure 5) analyzing the bullseyes,
support when needed (and the students will answer
how/why those resources will the journal entry of the
help them). day. This question will be,
How do I find the
relationships in a text?
What characteristics in the
characters should I be
looking for when
analyzing a relationship?
What do I do if I still do
not understand what I am

h. Grouping of Students for Instruction: During the class discussions, the class will be working as
one group in order to generate thoughtful and meaningful conversations about the book. During the
timeline activity, the students will be working independently to construct their timelines. The teacher
will be walking around the room and observing the students as they begin to create their relationship
timelines. After the timelines are turned in, the students will begin working on their essays. They will
share their thoughts with a partner and give feedback to one another. The students will then begin to
write a rough draft of their essay which will be revised and edited by their peers.

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

a. Introduction: Good Morning Class! We finally finished The Thing About Jellyfish we have been
reading and the past couple of weeks we have been focusing on the theme of relationships. You guys
have been doing an awesome job of identifying and analyzing relationships between characters in a
book and you have even had the opportunity to build new relationships with your new Pen Friends.
As you know, we have been reading The Thing About Jellyfish. Before reading this book, I reminded
you to think about the different types of relationships that are embedded in this book. Today, we are
going to be creating a timeline of the various relationships that take place throughout the book. After
the timeline, you guys will construct an essay reflecting on the theme we have been focusing on
which was relationships.
Relationships Thematic Unit 93
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

b. Questions: Questions teacher candidate will ask during the lesson that drive thinking and learning
and engagement (5 or more questions) and in parentheses, indicate Bloom level and/or question type
to ensure that you are posing questions that push critical thinking and engagement (e.g.
a. Can people overcome challenging relationships with a peer? (Bloom Level 5:
Evaluate / Evaluative Question)
b. Knowing Suzy and Frannys relationship, can good lessons be learned from bad
relationships? (Bloom Level 4: Analyze / Divergent Question)
c. Can outsiders impact a relationship? (Bloom Level 5: Evaluate / Evaluative Question)
d. Can we learn lessons about our own lives from relationships in books? (Bloom Level
3: Apply / Convergent Question)
e. Can people be friends with others from multiple friend groups? (Bloom Level 3:
Apply / Convergent Question)
f. Do you think it is okay to be friends with different types of people? (Bloom Level 3:
Apply / Convergent Question)

c. Learning Activities:
Learning Steps and Activities Supporting Theories/Principles
(Why are you doing what you are

Introduction: Good Morning Class! We This fits under the first tier of Blooms
finally finished The Thing About Jellyfish. Taxonomy of Recalling information.
The past couple of weeks we have been
focusing on the theme of relationships. You
guys have been doing an awesome job of
identifying and analyzing relationships
between characters in a book and you have
even had the opportunity to build new
relationships with your new Pen Friends. As
you know, we have been reading The Thing
About Jellyfish. Before reading this book, I
reminded you to think about the different
types of relationships that are embedded in
this book. Today, we are going to be
creating a timeline of the various
relationships that take place throughout the
book. After the timeline, you guys will
construct an essay reflecting on the theme
we have been focusing on which was
Relationships Thematic Unit 94
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

During the transition, the teacher will pass This follows under the the Gradual
out the relationship timeline worksheet. Release of Responsibility I Do/ You
I am handing out the timeline I just Watch and I Do/ You Help. This is also
talked about. Do not start this quite yet Teacher Modeling, using Think Aloud.
though because I will help you with a few
first. Lets look at the relationship Suzy
had with Franny when they first met at the
swimming pool and put this at the
beginning of the line. Fill in relationship
within the timeline. What is another
strong relationship moment we can show
on the timeline? Wait for responses and
fill in one the timeline. Does everyone
think that they can finish the timeline from
the book?

Now that we have practiced, you all will This is an example of Gradual Release
work individually to fill out this timeline of Responsibility You Do/ I Help. This
of the different relationships that were is also Blooms Taxonomy level 1:
presented to us throughout the book. I Recall and level 2: Understand.
would like you to cite your sources from
the book as you begin to work on your
timeline. The students will begin
working on this activity before
transitioning into the next activity.
Instructor will walk around the room to
help students.

Once you finish Suzys Relationship Supports the theory of Metacognition

Timeline, please turn it in the turn in box because students are evaluating their
then grab the Bullseyes and Quick Checks own understanding.
from my desk. Students will fill out both
the Bullseye and Quick Check once they
finish the timeline so that the instructor can
beginning checking the students
understanding. Remember to honest on
you Bullseyes everyone.

As you turn in the Bullseye with the Supports the theory of Metacognition
Quick Checks, please respond to the because students are evaluating their
journal question of the day that is written own understanding.
on the day.
Relationships Thematic Unit 95
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Okay class! You are doing so well with This is Blooms Taxonomy level 3:
the understanding of todays target. Apply and level 4: Analyze.
Relationships are all around us in all
aspects of our lives! I think you are all
ready to share your knowledge and
opinions in an essay but no worries, there
are two different prompts for you to
choose from so you have a choice here.
Provide time to have the students work on
their essays. You will have more time this
week to edit, revise, and publish your
essays over the course of this week so
dont worry about perfection right now.

Thank you 6th graders on your amazing Depending on exactly how the students
work today! I hope you all have a great start respond and where the discussion leads,
on your essays so that you can continue to the Cognitive level will range within
build and revise them into published form. Blooms Taxonomy Tiers.
The relationships we learn from books really
can help us in our own lives! Please let me
know if you have any questions on the topic
or the book for the best individual

d. Closure: Thank you 6th graders on your amazing work today! I hope you all have a great start
on your essays so that you can continue to build and revise them into published form. The
relationships we learn from books really can help us in our own lives! Please let me know if you have
any questions on the topic or the book for the best individual understanding.

e. Independent Practice: To extend the students understanding, the students will write about their
own relationships for a homework assignment. The students can use this for their own use in order to
analyze their life and how they treat. They can reflect on themselves and use the lessons learned from
Suzys life to evaluate their own.

f. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology:

Benjamin, A. (2015). The thing about jellyfish. New York, NY: Little, Brown Books for Young

English Language Arts Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from
Relationships Thematic Unit 96
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Worksheets (below)
The Thing About Jellyfish class set
Document Camera

g. Acknowledgements: The lesson plan was created by Brenna Kerley and Jordyn Agost.
Relationships Thematic Unit 97
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Rubric 1:
5 3 1

There are six different

recordings of
significant events that
are relevant to the
theme of relationships.

The sources from the

book are cited
correctly on the
timeline worksheet.

The student clearly

identified the different
mentioned in the book
and produced
meaningful and
thoughtful responses.
Relationships Thematic Unit 98
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Rubric 2:
5 3 1

The ideas in the essay

are well thought out
and organized.

The sources from the

book are cited

The students response

meets the criteria (3
paragraphs) and has
little mechanical
Relationships Thematic Unit 99
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1:

Relationship Timeline; The Thing About Jellyfish

Please list six different events that occurred in the book which had an impact on relationships
between the characters.

Relationships Thematic Unit 100
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 2:


Relationship Analysis; The Thing About Jellyfish

Please respond to ONE of the following prompts. Your response should be thoughtful and
include 3 paragraphs. Remember to be authentic authors and use examples from the text to
support your responses!

1. How does Suzys silence affect her relationship with the other characters in the book? Can
you relate to Suzy at some point during the book? If so, how?
2. Reflect on the different types of relationships that took place throughout the book. Were you
able to relate to at least one of the relationships identified in the book? If so, how?
Relationships Thematic Unit 101
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 3:

Why is analyzing relationships in a text important? How can relationships

change? How does this knowledge impact your life?
Relationships Thematic Unit 102
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 4:
Relationships Thematic Unit 103
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 5:

How do I find the relationships in a text? What characteristics in the characters

should I be looking for when analyzing a relationship? What do I do if I still do
not understand what I am finding?
Relationships Thematic Unit 104
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: The class with gather to talk about their weekend and share
stories, building on their sense of community in the classroom.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: The students will be discussing the book, The Thing About
Jellyfish. After discussing the book, each student will work on filling out a timeline where they
will write down different relationships they have identified throughout the book.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math Students will begin a statistics unit. We had previously learned mean,
median, mode, and range in other classe. Today we will begin a review session to refresh
everyones memory or add any new required information. The instructor will introduce dot plots
to the class and have the students practice on a worksheet.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud
1:00-1:30 Specialist (PE): Today in PE students will be playing baseball. Students will be going
over the basics of baseball such as catching, throwing, and learning the positions on the baseball
1:30-2:30 Social Studies: The class will be focusing and talking about how the environment and
its resources relate to where communities settled. The class will watch a video regarding the
impact that the environment had on where people settled and built communities around the
world. During the video, the students will take notes and be thinking about how the environment
and human settlement relate to one another.
Evolution of Settlements Video:

Week 3, Day 2

Goal: The goal the teachers are trying to reach this week are to have the students understand that
relationships come in all forms. Some of the best relationships we make in life are with the
people we least expect. This week, the teachers will challenge the students to think deeper about
the relationships they make in life and how those relationships can affect certain aspects in their

Overview: After completing the timeline, the students will be ready to construct a three
paragraph essay about the different types of relationships that they came across in the book. The
students will be working on their essays during class. After the students have the opportunity to
work on their essays, they will work with a partner to revise and edit each other's writing.
Students will be finalizing thoughts on their essays as well as collaborating with a partner to edit
and revise the paper.
Relationships Thematic Unit 105
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

The Thing About Jellyfish

Instructional Strategy: Students will work individually and quietly while editing and revising
their paper. They will work with a partner around the room to help improve each others writing.
The students will have freedom in where they work around the room so that they have as much
freedom as possible and can be creative.

Assessment: While the students are working on their essays, the teacher will be walking around
the room and observing the students. During this time, the teacher will make sure that the
students are engaged in the activity and staying on task.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: We will do the daily calendar and the students will share anything
that relates to the theme of relationships, with the class that they think is important for the rest
of the class to know.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: Students will be given 15 minutes to continue on their
rough draft of the essay if necessary. After the 15 minutes, the students will partner up with
another student to begin the revising process. Following, the students will switch partners to
receive a new set of eyes on their essay and they will be editing they essay instead now. If the
groups finish early, they will be allowed to go back to their seats and begin making changes to
their papers.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will continue a small review of mean, median, mode, and range and
will practice dot plots with an added twist to ensure the students understand the reasoning behind
each step and what they are truly finding. Instructor will share how dot plots can transform into a
bar graph.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Music): Students will be playing songs on their harmonicas.
1:30-2:30 Social Studies: After writing in their journals and reflecting on the video the students
had watched the day before, the class will come together and the students will participate in a
class discussion about how humans and the environment relate to each other, tying this back into
the overall theme of the unit (relationships).

Week 3 Day 3
Relationships Thematic Unit 106
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Goal: Students will be finalizing and publishing their essays. The goal is for them to learn
through the writing process. Students should be putting a lot of effort into the thought process of
the characters chosen and how they analyzed them. Students should also be citing sources
correctly so today is a great day for them to be polishing citations and ensuring that they are
providing the right credentials.

Overview: Computers will be checked out/ the computer lab will be requested for this day.
Students will continue editing and revising their essays individually. Once they feel confident in
their essays, they will move onto a computer to publish their essay. As always, I will ask the
students to read through their final product carefully to make any final corrections.


Instructional Strategy: Students will be monitored as they edit their essays. They are given
freedom by working on computers but they will be monitored to make sure they are being
appropriate with the technology.

Assessment: While the students are working on the editing and revising process. The instructor
will be assessing the use of the students skills in the writing process. The larger assessment will
be the final product of the essays.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: Students will continue editing and revising their papers if
necessary then will be able to publish their work.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Instructor will share the different types of statistical questions and how they
should be about large masses, not strictly one person or item. Students will practice creating
different questions about topics they know about within their table groups. The instructor will
collect an exit slip from the students that asks the students to write one question down they
would be interested to answer.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading
Relationships Thematic Unit 107
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

1:00-1:30 Specialist (Library): Students will go to the library to check-out, renew, and/or
check-in a new book for the week.
1:30-2:30 Science Students will transition to the scientific aspects of how humans impact the
earth and natural resources after discussing the topic in social studies terms earlier in the week.
Students will investigate different relationships humans have with the earth; cause and effect,
correlational, and causal. The teacher will give some examples of these different impacts, (i.e.
water usage, land usage, pollution) however, the students may pick whatever interests them.
Students will begin researching these impacts in teams.

Week 3, Day 4

Goal: This lesson will allow the students to reflect on their relationships in life that they
encounter. As a result of reading this book, encouraging the students to think about the different
types of relationships they have in their life. The teacher would like for the students to think
critically about the relationships in their life and how they have evolved overtime. The big idea
for this lesson is to get students to reflect on their relationships in life and how those compare to
the ones found in, The Thing About Jellyfish.

Overview: Students will respond to their anticipation guides again to see how their views on
relationships have changed as we near the end of the unit. Each student will be given a worksheet
which includes a variety of questions which will push the students to reflect on the relationships
they have made in their lives. While completing this worksheet, the students should be thinking
about how relationships come in many different forms. The teacher will encourage students to
recognize that relationships can have both negative and positive effects just as we read in the
book, The Thing About Jellyfish. The goal for today is to look at the different types of
relationships that are found within each of the students lives.

Document Camera

Instructional Strategy: The classroom should stay quiet for the work time of todays worksheet
because it is an important reflection day. Students should be allowed to focus on their work and
be honest without judgement or any outside influence.
Relationships Thematic Unit 108
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Assessment: The students will turn in their reflection worksheets, however, this will not be
graded. The point of this worksheet is to have the students reflect on personal relationships
within their own life.
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Figure 1

Reflecting On Your Relationships

1. How have your views changed, during this unit, regarding relationships?

2. What do relationships mean to you?


3. Why are building different kinds of relationships important?

Relationships Thematic Unit 110
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: After discussing the importance of relationships, the students will
share something positive they got out of this unit. It can be the books weve read, the activities
we have done etc.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: Instructor will return the anticipation guides to the
corresponding students and have them finish the second half to see how their beliefs on
relationships have changed. The students will be given a worksheet with a series of a questions
that will cause them to reflect on their thoughts and feelings about building and maintaining
relationships in their life.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will be introduced to a project. The instructor will form groups of
4-5 students that had similar interests then the groups will get together and collect data of their
classmates. The students will have today and tomorrow to collect and record data. The data
should be represented in a bar graph or dot plot for the final product.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud
1:00-1:30 Specialist (PE): Students will be putting their practiced throwing and catching
baseball skills to the test. They will split up into two equal groups and play baseball games with
a soft ball out on the baseball field.
1:30-2:30 Science Students will continue their research on the human impact they chose the
previous day. Students will be asked to come up with a solution that could potentially reduce the
impact they chose. Students must come up with some kind of poster, presentation, or explanation
for why the solution they came up with would work to minimize the human impact on the
environment. They will then share with the class.

Week 3, Day 5

Goal: As the final day of the unit, it will be very important as we begin to wrap up the
relationship unit. The teacher wants the students to be thinking about all of the different
relationships that were covered throughout the unit and for the students to understand that
relationships are not just the ones we people we surround ourselves. Relationships are
everywhere, between our environment and people, in math equations, chemicals, our branches of
the government and relationships can even be expressed through fine arts. Students should be
applying what they have learned from this unit into their own lives. The way that they treat
people will affect their relationship with one another. The class will come together as one big
relationship to help each other learn and grow.

Overview: A class discussion will take place where the class will share their thoughts about the
unit as a whole. The class will then make a Community poster which will be made up of all of
Relationships Thematic Unit 111
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the students handprints and hung up in the classroom. This poster is a symbol of the different
types of relationships that are within our class and what make up the community the class has
built throughout the year.

Poster Paper
Washable Paints
Paint Brushes

Instructional Strategy: Students will be welcomed to share their ideas on relationships. This is
the closing day and should be more fun for the students while still being educational. The
instructor will be welcoming in everyone being friends and coming together and being
understanding of all their classmates.

Assessment: This poster will not be graded, however the teacher will be looking for students to
be participating in this activity and the discussion that will take place before the students begin to
complete this activity. An exit slip will be provided at the end of this unit.

Daily Activities:
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting: Upon completion of this unit, the students will have the
opportunity during morning meeting to turn to a partner and say something positive to them. This
helps to build strong and positive relationships and a sense of community within our classroom.
9:00-10:15 English Language Arts: Students will turn in their published essays. Time will be
allowed if they want to share a piece they wrote about for Authors Chair. The class will create
their Community poster during this time.
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:30 Math: Students will have about 15 minutes to finish their projects. The instructor
will ask the students for time measurements. After each group finishes, they will share their
results about their classmates to the whole class. This will allow the class to analyze how alike
they are and things that bring them together to share their relationship.
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Lunch Recess
12:15-1:00 Sustained Silent Reading/ Read Aloud
1:00-1:30 Specialist (Music): Students will continue playing songs with harmonicas.
1:30-2:30 Art: Students will be put into small groups and given scenarios by the instructor of
different type of relationships that they will be acting out. Students who are acting as the
audience while a group is performing will be asked to identify what type of relationship they just
saw, if they believe it is considered a good or bad relationship, and how they may feel if they
were in this situation. This will be an open discussion and participation will be encouraged.
Relationships Thematic Unit 112
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Figure 1
The Poster will look like this. The students will come up to the poster with their hand painted
and put their handprint on the poster.

Building Relationships In Our Classroom!

Relationships Thematic Unit 113
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Annotated Bibliography

5.8 Chemical Reactions- Bill Nye. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

This source will be utilized in Week 1 Day 3 in order to introduce the topic of chemical
reactions. This is an engaging video for the students while introducing the topic as well as
provides more credentials and an expert on the topic for the students which is necessary in the
scientific method process for the students to return to as they explore and investigate.

Funk, J. (2016). Dear Dragon: A Pen Pal Tale. New York, NY: Viking Books for Young

Dear Dragon will be used during week 2, day 1 within our thematic unit to introduce the
activity of writing to pen friends from another school. It is about a young boy whos assignment
in school is to write letters to a pen pal who he has never met before. The boy and his pen pal
write to each other and explain what their interests are and a few facts about themselves. Little
does the boy know, his pen friend is actually a dragon! Once the two finally meet, being a dragon
does not interfere with the new relationship that they have created through pen friend letters.

Benjamin, A. (2015). The thing about jellyfish. New York, NY: Little, Brown Books for Young

The Thing About Jellyfish is of a young girl who has recently lost her previous best
friend. The death effected Suzy greatly which then changes the rest of the relationships in her
life. This book will be used for students to analyze the many relationships and how they change.
Students will see that how we treat one another affects our relationships.

Community Symbol Clip Art. Retrieved April 24, 2017

This picture is used during week 2, day 2. The students will write a reflection, with
guided prompts, on their experience making toys for children in need. The picture is a symbol of
a sense of community which ties into the theme of building relationships within a community.

Documents of Freedom. History, government and Economics. Retrieved April 25, 2017.

This picture is utilized in week one, day one during Social Studies. The students will be
introduced to the three different branches of government and this picture visualizes what the
roles of each of the branches plays in our government system.
Relationships Thematic Unit 114
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

English Language Arts Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from

This source was used to find and analyze common core standards for 6th grade students.

Evolution of Settlements- John Lanser. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

This source will be implemented on Monday of week 3. This video discusses the
relationship between the environment and humans and how the environment determined where
the first settlements took place. The video is a great segway into the science lesson later that
week which deals with how humans affect the environment we live in.

Palacio, R. J. (2012). Wonder. New York, NY: Knopf Books for Young Readers.

Wonder will be utilized for the literature lessons within week 1. This book is also used
for the Read Aloud during week 1 to help be integrated in the lessons. This is a great book to be
used within Friendship lessons because of the many relationships and well as different treatments
between the characters.

Relationships definition. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

This source is helpful and important to the project to define how we will be using the
term, relationships. We chose this definition so that it would correlate strongly with all content
areas and not strictly within Language Arts.

Three Branches of Government; School House Rock.

EISWIY9bG8 Retrieved April 24, 2017.

This source is an awesome video to share with students of any age! School House Rock
creates educational videos for almost any subject. In this particular video, the three branches of
the government are discussed. This video is engaging and makes an impact on the audience. How The U.S Government Works, 2017. Retrieved April 25, 2017.

This article dives deep into the Judicial, Executive and Legislative branches of the U.S.
Government. The article includes the duties of each of the branches and what roles they play in
Relationships Thematic Unit 115
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making up our system. Not only does this article contain important information about the three
branches, it also mentions how the branches are related to one another which is a perfect fit
seeing how it ties in our theme of relationships.
Relationships Thematic Unit 116
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Collaboration Form
Working together on an assignment or project means sharing the responsibilities for completing that assignment.
While each member will naturally shoulder different responsibilities while working on the project, collaboration
does not mean merely tacking someone elses name to the project so that they can earn credit for completing it.
Listed below are the members of our collaborative group along with our signatures. We have also specified the
aspects of the project for which each one of us was responsible and rated ourselves on our collaborative work.

Names of Group Responsibilities Self-Assessment

Members &

Worked collaboratively to come 10/10

up with the theme of relationships
Alyx Chamberlain and plan out the unit. Wrote
accommodations for students with
special needs, ELL students, and
gifted and talented students.
Created and planned out
relationship thematic activities for
Week 1. Created extensive lesson
plan for Week 1, Day 3. Planned
ELA activities for Week 1.
Collaborate to create the unit
rationale and student voice.
Created all Science activities
throughout the unit. Wrote

Worked collaboratively to come 10/10

up with the theme of relationships
Jordyn Agost and plan out the unit. Planned all
of the math activities.
Collaborated with a partner to
create week 3s big lesson plan.
Wrote a reflection. Wrote ELA
assignments for days 2 and 3 for
week 3. Incorporated standards
and learning objectives in the
main lesson. Helped write the
rational on the whole unit.
Relationships Thematic Unit 117
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Worked with the other members 10/10

Brenna Kerley in the group to come up with a
theme for this assignment.
Created the activities and
worksheets for the Social Studies
content area. Made worksheets
for ELA, Week 3, Days 4 and 5.
Created English Language Arts
activities for Week 3, Days 4 and
5. Implemented standards for
Social Studies and English
Language Arts and Fine Arts.
Implemented learning objectives
for Social Studies, English
Language Arts and Fine Arts.
Collaborated with one other group
member while creating the
literacy Big Lesson for week 3.
Wrote a reflection at the closing
of this assignment.

Worked collaboratively with my 10/10

group to come up with our theme
for the assignment. Helped
Brieanna Olsen manage setting up meeting times
to work on the project. Created
activities, lessons, and worksheets
for all art and specialized areas
such as PE, library, and music.
Created the lesson plan titled Pen
Friends with Lincoln Middle
School. Created all worksheets,
activities, assessment strategies
for that ELA lesson. Created and
planned out relationship thematic
activities for Week 2. Input in
standards, learning objectives,
accommodations. Included my
reflection of the project at the end
of this document.
Relationships Thematic Unit 118
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn


Alyxs Reflection
This unit was one that took a lot of time, effort, and creativity but I believe it taught me a

lot more about bringing everything Ive been learning this semester together.

A deep understanding of content knowledge is important to me as a teacher so that I can

be sure that I know the ins and outs of what Im teaching. This will help me better explain the

content as well as find the gaps or misunderstandings my students may have. To my students, a

deep understanding of content knowledge is important because they must have a solid foundation

of skills and understanding to apply and later build upon. This ensures that my students will not

only be successful in my class but in the following year and so on.

My understanding of the relationship between student needs, content knowledge, and

pedagogy have certainly developed. I now view these three as a triangle. Each of these concepts

needs to be taken into account and, as a teacher, you cant have one without the other. They work

together to create a successful classroom and strong learners.

There are many things I must do in the future to make learning accessible to all of my

students. One of the most important things I can do is differentiate my instruction to meet each

student where they are at. I must also be sure to include meaningful activities and worthwhile

tasks that will reach all learners. If there is anything Ive learned throughout my education it is

that everyone learns differently and as an educator I must cater to all learning types!

Within the unit there are a couple areas that could be utilized to re-teach concepts that

arent quite resonating with students. There are many discussion times that could be used to go

over these topics. I realize now that it is much more realistic to set aside more time for re-
Relationships Thematic Unit 119
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teaching since not all students will always meet those objectives every time. In the future I will

plan catch up times for this reason!

I believe that this project was a big eye-opener for me. Up until now, we have only

created single lessons. This project forced me out of my comfort zone, I had to be a little unsure

of where I was going and figure it out as I went. I learned that with teaching, so many different

concepts must come together. Planning 3 weeks of learning is no easy task, even planning 1

week of learning involves so many different aspects coming together. There is an immense

amount of planning and it is kind of like a puzzle to fit everything together smoothly. Im really

glad I got to experience this now because I truly believe it will help me later on when I have to

do this for a real class.

I really enjoyed creating this thematic unit and I think the topic is of high importance for

students these days. So many of the relationships my generation has exist online. This lesson

strips away any sort of technology and examines real relationships. A lot of the activities and

concepts in this unit are easily applicable too. I hope to use this in my future classroom in order

to teach students how to build and maintain the relationships in their lives.
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Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Jordyns Reflection
A deep understanding of content knowledge is important to me because it shows

that I can take in the information and carry it with me. Having the deep understanding also

allows a person to carry the newly found information with them to new content areas and into

new units. It is necessary for the instructor to be knowledgeable on all subjects on a deep level in

order to proper and confidently teach the material. Students will come up with all sorts of

questions that we should be prepared for at all times or the students may not be able to learn the

material the first method you teach so it is necessary to know the material so that the instructor

can adjust their teaching method.

My understanding of relationship between the needs of learners, content

knowledge, and pedagogy has only grown stronger. They help each other and must all be thought

of while creating a lesson and then while teaching the physical lesson. The students may not

understand the material as expected so you must adjust to their needs of learning the material and

follow your philosophies in teaching.

To make learning accessible to all students, the instructor should include multiple

means of learning. Not all students learn in the same environment or with the same method so

they should be given a voice in how they learn as well as constant changes so everyone has a

way to learn. The students can voice their favorite methods in worksheets or journals to the

instructor so that they are in a mutual understanding of what is expected. The teacher should be

observing the environments of the students and providing multiple means of assessment as well.

Not all students test the same just as they do not learn the same as one another. Through this

assignment, I made sure to include many ways to express assessment and including the students.

We also made sure to utilize group work, individual work, and partnered work to meet

everyones needs. If students needed more time or needed a review or re-teaching of any
Relationships Thematic Unit 121
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material, time was provided during work time and most days had review time as reminders for

students. If more time was necessary, the instructor could provide individual support to small

groups during the work time so others could continue in their projects. This is so that everyone

has the learning opportunities needed for their individual learning style.

I think a huge part of this process that I can reflect on is how much time must be

filled throughout the days and with the many content areas. As I was planning my sections, I was

constantly wondering if the whole time was going to be filled. I have been receiving a lot of

practice with this in my practicum class because I create math lessons every time I go in and then

teach them four times that day to the 6th graders, however it still takes practice and knowledge of

your students. I think that is another aspect that I learned from this lesson plan as well, it is so

important to know your students. Creating these lessons may have been different if we had

known all of our students first especially with grouping, adaptions necessary, time they would

take, etc. Teaching and creating lesson plans is also a lot more time consuming than I think

anyone would ever expect. I am definitely getting the hang of it and becoming faster at creating

them, however it takes so much time and this is only the creating process and only four three

weeks of the whole entire school year. I did think this was fun to integrate one theme into all of

our content areas though. It was interesting to see it all come together. As a student I think it

would be very helpful to have one theme in several content areas and constantly having that

theme in our minds for projects. It would bring everything into perspective and into real life.

The thematic unit could be very helpful for us while we are teaching. For one, it

could help us with ideas for lesson plans because we have three whole weeks of planning done.

We could also return to it to look back on the theme and receive lesson or book ideas specifically

for the theme. If an issues arises in the class. It may be necessary to teach a lesson or a few days
Relationships Thematic Unit 122
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to the whole three weeks on relationships to open up the eyes of the students. Sometimes

students just need a wake-up call to let them see what they are doing wrong and some helping

changing it. I want students to see the best in themselves and want them to create the best lives

for themselves and I can help them with that with bettering their understanding of relationships

and their interactions.

Relationships Thematic Unit 123
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

Brennas Reflection:
After planning this unit, I have learned that literacy instruction can be implemented in

many other subject areas. I had a lot of fun relating the different subject areas to literacy. I found

that by doing this, I was able to be more creative and come up with a variety of activities and

methods of instruction throughout the unit. When designing the Social Studies lesson activities, I

really wanted to use different methods for the students to gain knowledge of the topic. I did this

by adding videos, pictures, worksheets and articles for the students to have access to in order for

them to gain a better understanding of the content.

Having a deep understanding of content knowledge is important to me because it builds

critical thinking and a better understanding of what the students are learning. Each student

should challenge themselves to think deeper about the content they are learning about. By

thinking deeper, you are able to understand the content in multiple different ways. I still learn

new things every day and when I learn new information, I can apply that information to what I

already know about a certain topic. As I was creating my lesson plan, I found myself learning

new information about our government which was a nice surprise so that added to my deeper

understanding of the U.S. government.

I think modifying your instruction to fit the needs of your students is necessary so each

student is getting equal access to the content which will allow them to grow in the classroom.

Finding accommodations was a little bit difficult while completing this unit but it was

manageable. I think by differentiating my instruction, I am able to provide multiple ways for

students to gain access to absorb the content. This is why I provided reflections, videos, art

projects, books, discussions and articles in my lessons. Before completing this unit, I had a

narrow mindset of what I was going to do for my activities, this changed quickly. I was able to

create a variety of different lessons throughout the 15 days. In order to make learning accessible
Relationships Thematic Unit 124
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to all students, there must be multiple ways for students to access that information. Some

students may need someone to write for them, some students may need the font size of the

worksheet to be bigger if they have an eyesight problem. It is important to be in communication

with the students and their parents to come up with a plan for ways that the student is getting the

same access to information as the other students in the class are.

Having class discussions and checkpoint worksheets will help the teacher to understand

what level of understanding the students are at. From there, the teacher will make changes to

their instruction. The teacher may need to do that by going down a step on Blooms level of

Taxonomy or even try presenting the information to the students in a different way. It is

important to differentiate your instruction which I think all members of my group did a great job

with that. My knowledge about teaching has definitely expanded since doing this project. I feel

like the most beneficial part of this project was picking a theme and completely picking it a part

by finding different lessons and activities that relate to that theme. Our theme was looking at

relationships. When I first think of relationships I think of the personal relationships I make with

friends and family. As I began working on this project, I realized that relationships come in all

different forms. We implemented those different forms of relationships in our thematic unit. We

focused on the relationships with friends, our community, the government, chemicals and

solutions, math equations, strangers and people who are different then us. I think by having such

a variety of the different types of relationships, this deepened my understanding of relationships

around the world.

I think I could use a thematic unit in my teaching with almost any theme. I think during

Black History month I could implement a thematic unit. I could even use this theme in my

teaching to talk about the different types of relationships that are in the world. Thematic units are
Relationships Thematic Unit 125
Alyx, Brenna, Brieanna, Jordyn

great for digging deeper into a topic and analyzing how it can be implemented into not just one

subject but a handful of subjects. This project forced me to think outside of the box and reflect

on what I know about certain subjects and how I can implement our theme into these lessons. I

really enjoyed collaborating with my peers because we all had some really thoughtful and

meaningful ideas that we added into our lessons to make this thematic unit as creative and

contextual as we could. I will certainly use a thematic unit in my future teaching, I dont know if

I will have it last three weeks, but I can see myself using a two-week long unit on a smaller

theme. I am curious how a thematic unit would be done in younger grades like first or second

since the lessons contain so much content and a variety of subjects. I am glad that this project

was saved until the end of the semester because I feel like I was able to think more critically

when planning lessons and my lesson plans are much more thought out then they would have

been if we would have done this assignment at the beginning of the semester.
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Brieannas Reflection

As a future teacher, a deep understanding of content knowledge is important to

me because it provides me to be more aware of what my students need as learners. It will help

me be able to the explain the content and make connections more quickly when something may

not be working or beneficial. The more I know the content, the more successful the students will

be. As for my students, content knowledge is important because they must be able to understand

what is being taught, so they can apply it later. Students should be able to feel comfortable

enough to ask more about the content if they do not believe that they have a full understanding

because in the end, it will make them be a more effective learner now and over time as well.

My understanding of the relationship between the needs of learners, content

knowledge, and pedagogy has grown and become a lot stronger. I now understand how much

they each rely on each other to have the best results. If the students needs are not being met and

they may not be knowledgeable to the content quite yet, the instruction will have to change and

become more suitable for this situation. By changing parts of my instruction, I may be able to

meet all of the needs of my students and have a more successful learning outcome.

One of the first things that I think of when thinking about what I can do to make

learning accessible to all students is providing multiple different types of assessments. I think

this is very beneficial because all students are different and they do not always express their

knowledge of a topic in the same way. The way I teach is also something I must do for accessible

learning. Some students learn better from visuals, while other learn from reading directly from a

content worksheet. This includes providing meaningful activities that the students will

remember. I would never want one of my students to feel as if they were not getting the
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accessibility with lessons that they may need. I will do my very best to have a very wide range of

different tools to use for the most effective teaching and learning.

Throughout our unit, there are multiple opportunities of space to utilize for re-

teaching moments of concepts that are not fully understood by the students. There are days when

we have open discussions where the students have the chance to say what they need to say. There

are also exit slips and worksheets that we included that specifically ask questions how confident

they feel about their learning objectives. If there are students who do not like to speak up during

discussions, or who may not be honest within their worksheets, there is also a many times when

the teacher will be walking around and monitoring students progress. During this time, the

teacher will have a checklist of what the students should be doing or learning at the time being.

This is important because it instantly tracks a students progress and they also have the

opportunity to talk one-on-one and ask questions. If a concept is not understood, it will be re-

taught right away until the students can prove that they understand it.

I personally have learned an incredible amount from completing this thematic

unit. I now understand that it takes a lot of thinking, planning, input, effort, and enthusiasm to

create work for students to learn. As a teacher, we teach for 180 days. That is 180 days of

planning, in most cases, several different subjects each day for your students. I did not fully

understand how much time it takes to put together well-thought-out lesson plans. I now have a

deeper understanding of what goes into creating worksheets, different types of assessments,

finding standards, objectives, etc. This experience has helped me prepare for my future in the

classroom and I am thankful for that.

I would love to look back on this thematic unit and use it on my own class

someday. I would be so proud to tell them that I came up with this unit with a few other
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classmates in Dr. Barbara Wards class. I would tell my students that I put an incredible amount

of time and effort into this unit and it really means a lot to me. If I had a sixth grade class, I

would definitely use this thematic unit for the entire three weeks because it matches all of their

learning standards and objectives up to date. I also think they would really enjoy this because it

is a topic that is not like many topics that they would normally be use to. I think it would be a

good idea to use this lesson plan for other ideas as well because we incorporated so many great

ideas into it. However, I want to be a lower elementary teacher, so I would modify this lesson so

it was more suitable for my younger learners. I do believe that it would be made up of a lot of the

same concepts, but a much different grade, so there would need to be some changes. Overall, I

really enjoyed creating this entire unit with my partners and I learned so much. I think that my

future students would be really excited as I introduced this unit to them and I would hope that it

would positively impact them as well.

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