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How NSW Justice Department via the NSW Parliament Legislates to

somehow give a victim(s) right to justice under the Rule Of Law but
instead promotes to subordinate perversion of the course of justice -
submitted by Charles H Norville a victim of a criminal assault that
culminates into a multiplicity of criminal conspiracy by NSW Government
Departments, Judiciary and Law Officers.
To Victims Services (VS)
Level 1 160 Marsden
Parramatta Locked Bag 5118
Cc to be up loaded later
Date: posted on line 28 Nov 2017
NB: Post entry 13 Mar 2018 (pages 99-100)– An updated VS determination was made 5 Mar 2018 with consideration to the above,
further evidence highlighting the intensity of the crime and its effect on me and more detailed reasons for decision which did not
and cannot impede any possible follow-up of crime investigations. The compensation regime has been expanded to respect the
victims of crime. The economic losses were not a consideration here nor were legislated financial loses as per 1981 crime
investigated 2010.

Ref 1: Victims Services (VS) invitation 11 Sept 2017 [pge 10] the economic losses due to a criminal
assault committed against me 1981 by the NSW Fire Brigades personnel. The submission must be
complete by 27 Nov 2017 for review in December by the VS. [permission to delay given]

Ref 2: The VS review will be to return a cheque for $9,481.06 I sent to the VS which was issued to
me without validation of all criminal events surrounding the assault in 1981 and criminal conspiracy
1995-1996. The VS have failed to present this cheque and I have requested the NSW Ombudsman
to instruct the VS to present this cheque I retuned. [pge 13]

 This report has legal imprimatur under the criteria submission of economic losses [Ref 1 –
pge10] and is consistent with contentions of review previously submitted per VS [pge 77-79]

Ref 3: There is a twin report posted 26 Sept 2016 to State and Federal Ministers. 1st report on
training parameters to Simon Birmingham, Federal and NSW John Barilaro. The legal permatters 2nd
report to the Attorneys General - Hon George Brandis, Federal and Gabrielle Upton, NSW – All
honourable Ministers receiving both reports. The reports were sent registered post on 26 Sept 2016
and emailed again on 9 Nov 2016. The report has been uploaded to SCRIBD and can be accessed by:
Training-Ministers-Attorney-Generals-26-Sept-2016 The NSW AG Mark Speakman responds 9 Mar
2017 [pge 1&11 nb @1-3]
1. INTRODUCTION: The Attorney General Office 6 March 2017, response was to seek legal advice
– this is like looking for a needle in hay stack. But also with regard to the retirement 1995 they
consider at point 1 of 3 “at the time the decision,” (retirement 1995), “was made you were not
informed that the matter that gave rise to your early retirement could have formed the basis of
criminal proceedings against the perpetrators of the abuse endured by you nor were attempts
made to pursue that course.” [pge 11 @1] not just the perpetrators but the crime of Law
Officers not reporting the crime inspired an illegal retirement.
2. There is also the contentions of my review submission 18 Sept 2014 of dismissal of Victims
Compensation (VC) 11 Aug 2014 via Victims Compensation Lawyers Napier Keen 27 Aug 2014
they considers that a review will be unsuccessful and they can no longer act for me [pge 76]
I stand in my own shoes again and $9,481.06 VC is awarded which I subsequently return
because the Victims Services (VS) have not satisfied issues of contention in the review
submission [pge 79]. The only NSW AG response is acknowledging issues with regard to the
twin report (Ref 3).
3. SUMMARY OF DISCOVERY: to the criminal assault against me in 1981 it remains unclear as to
how trained legal Law Officers, including watchdog bodies and judiciary could not have known
what a crime looks like – I should point out that as many as 50 firefighter complaints were
made in 2010 under Police Task Force SIME and eagle eye and it could be assumed that these
firefighters may have been, as I was, were under the impression that the assaults were a civil
tort, because by all account they seemed in my case to be treated as civil tort – ie get legal
advice if you can find it and get the for sale sign on the house.
4. I contend that whilst I had reported the assault in 1981 to my OIC at Stanmore in 1987 and
others I also reported the assault to the Secretary of the Union, Chief Officer and Personnel
Officer. The assault is stipulated in a ‘26 page Chronology’ in two entries [pge 37&40] which
was initially addressed to my Worker Comp (WC) solicitors PK Simpson 12 May 1995. This was
in respect to my 2nd Workers Comp claim for work related stress 26 Aug 1994 [pge 19-44].
5. This chronology was given to all judiciary, HelathQuest, watchdog bodies, HCCC, my treating
medical doctors, WorkCover and of course the Fire Brigades and I am sure that State Super
should still have a copy given via the previous named ADT (in contention with HealthQuest
6. More detailed evidence shows that May 1st 1995 I was called by my Workers Comp solicitors
PK Simpson to Garfield Barwick Chambers of Vaughn Jurisich the instructing barrister and
together with 3 other solicitors a Gabrielle, Jeffery J Ellia, and another tall young male, gave a
detailed account of the criminal assault [personal diary @ pge 46]
7. The Barrister Vaughn Jurisich at the time seemed so concerned of my distressed state that he
stated that “he would get them” and I was then instructed by Jeffery Elia the lead solicitor to
submit a Workers Comp history ie the ‘26 page Chronology’ [pge 19-44].
8. There were four legal minds at present at the distressing details of the assault which were also
corroborated by my long term Psychologist Nicholas Marlowe in his report to PK Simpson, 2
May 1995 [pge 81-84 assault @ 82] and personal diary entries [pge45-49]


9. There is clear testament from adversarial WC forensic psychiatrist Dr Rod Milton [59 @9] &
Treating psychiatrist Dr Mark Howard [85 @6} that I was drawn to the Fire Brigades to serve
the community as per the FB Charter. I actually had something to give any organisation –
being one of the first if not the first TAFE qualified firefighter in Australia [twin report 1 @30 &
31] . I have spent years in TAFE study, but in Trade training you needed access to an employer
for on-site training [twin report 1 @29]
10. In 1994-95 I had to apply for welfare to care for my family and during that period of
unrecognised Workers Comp I was given partial sums of money by the Fire Brigades and
obtained some manufacturing work which was terminated. [personal dairy pge 45-49 NB 1
May 1995 page 46]
11. In 9 July 2003 - S51(10) Superannuation Act 1916 being restored by the same HealthQuest
organisation that retired me in lieu of dismissal 5 July 1995 on false medical diagnosis based on
a Workers Comp adversarial doctor Rod Milton [pge 59-61] – there was never a written
diagnosis but rather a misconstrued understanding of ‘personality disorder’ [pge 55-61]
12. Brigades’ Doug Messenger, Personnel Officer [pge 68-69] refuted the restored to fitness July
2003 by HealthQuest adding a scurrilous submission against me. The NSW Department of
Premier and Cabinet Public Sector Workforce Office followed through [pge 70] twin report @
50]. This Department had the responsibility not to sideline me to a government website but to
interact as an employer agency should have under S51(1) Superannuation Act 1916, not as a
standalone competitor re S48.
a. AS PER: Part 4 Pensions and benefits; Division 3; Breakdown pensioners—special
provisions re; 48 Breakdown pensioner held to be on leave – this provision does not
suggest that I should get on the employment que with the rest of the fresh
applicants, some with inside.
13. A more recent anomaly is that it is now illegal for me to work in Australia. After breaching a
Federal Statutory Declaration, to never be gainfully employed but worked part time thus
breaching the Declaration. The Declaration was to gain access to private Superannuation
amount of $4,694.45 which was for legal advice on employment law and family law. [pge 16;
AG @ 1 pge 11 – twin report]
a. Napier Keen have already stated they cannot represent me [pge 76]
b. A Prior to 1st May 1995 I signed a cost agreement with PK Simpson and it stated @12
“The Solicitor shall not investigate negligence proceedings as I do not wish to spend
any funds for that investigation.” [pge 17] instead they are negligent themselves
c. The attached [pge 13-14] I have spoken to a number of solicitors at our firm and
unfortunately none of our team have the necessary experience to deal your matter
and as such we are unfortunately unable to assist.
d. Federal Human right Commission 3 Mar 2017 states: “Unfortunately, I can’t comment
on the validity of a closed complaint. The best time to dispute it was when it was
open”. [pge 80] Not only was the complaint current as now but my conclusion of
the HRC is that they are nothing more than left wing foot soldiers for the NWO
under the UN corrupt elite, that is in the process of decimating Australia’s


15. The Evidence of the Workers Comp proceedings, [pge 89-97] The Short Minutes Of Order
(SMO) show that Barrister Jurisich and clearly with the support of all Law Officers, mislead the
Workers Comp Judge he states “There was lots of stress being caused, there was allegations of
victimisation and matters of that nature, is the right? I answer “that’s correct”. There were no
further questions on the details of the assault that PK Simpson had known to be fact. [@ Q8
SMO pge 95]
16. 24 April 1996 FOI discovery …[pge 98] From Fire Brigades Workers Comp section, Sue Stirling
to Anne Fien. In short 2nd Workers Comp claim 26/8/94 declined thus WC Commutation
$30,000 only for 1st Workers Comp claim 16/2/93 – 26/3/93 via Sue Noris GIO and approved
by Workcover Authority. It is assumed this action was to obviate any overpayment on the
termination of employment annual leave and Long Service Leave taken at the time [pge 50].
I’m not sure if there is actually any unwind on any of the inputs but still it’s a curious
consideration where the Fire Brigades are able to move the goal posts at will.
17. PK Simpson and entourage and Barrister should have reported the matter to Police it was an
offence under the law not to. The overwhelming weight of legal affidavits would have initiated
a major inquiry into the Fire Brigades behaviour and as was the case most recently via media
pressure in 2010 subject to Police Task Force SIME and Eagle Eye [pge 75].

If Law Officers had informed Police I would have then been paid Workers Comp and been
also given rehabilitation and not been retired in lieu of dismissal for the ‘term of my natural
life’ and a transfer, when sufficiently well, to another branch of Fire Brigades away from the
torment of FB senior officers who would have been under scrutiny for their own round of
activities against me as per the 26 page Chronology. [Doug Messenger pge 68-69] – as well I
would not have breached a Federal Statutory Declaration [pge 16]

18. The Law Officers committed an offence by not revealing the crime to Police that clearly under
obvious momentum became worse as 2010 Police task forces can reveal – lives smashed for
monetary gain, this is the legal representation that was supported for years by the Judiciary
and Government, the ‘Contentions’ to review 18 Sept 2014 are the same as now and there has
been no recanting just a doubling down with the VS/Justice Dept protecting the guilty..
19. It begs the question (to those perhaps reading this report) as to why Law and Judicial Officers
never questioned the criminality of the numerous litigations I thought were civil tort. It is
because they hide behind their cliques and adversarial procedures without conscience [SMO
Q8 pge 95]. It is never about the truth but the score and money.
20. It therefore stands to reason that the only hope for any disclosure is via the media but the
NSW Police Force should be given a chance to respond with a brief legal outline and link to this
evidence on line and the twin report.
21. The reasons for retirement are medically baseless:
The retirement is clearly an economic disadvantage (Ref 1) as it excludes me from equal access to
employment. [twin report – retirement was on many occasions able to be unwound]
Training-Ministers-Attorney-Generals-26-Sept-2016 gives better account of this process and
was forwarded on the 26 Sept 2016 and emailed on 9 Nov 2016.
22. It is therefore manifestly obvious that retirement was the core issue of my economic loss and
requires overturning the retirement, for the term of my natural life having tried for so many
years [Ombudsman4 Nov 2013 pge 73] but would seem impossible in the state of NSW.

Authorities Superannuation Trustee Corporation (2005) NSW ADT 137 – Hennessy denies
access to FOI under legal privilege, Hennessy was influences by Crown Solicitors Office.
24. I can try again with the media and the flaccid fee legal advice but really the posting on the
internet may attract more interest – all activities will be updated in this report.
25. And this is why I returned the cheque for $9,481.06 because we are looking at another cover up
by the VS and unfortunately the NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman must also now and
understand the implications of how the legislative mechanism of VS is simply a way of
Government deciding that I should remain as a victim to be punished by retirement for the
term of my natural life for crimes committed by others – there are two basic sets of
perpetrators 1981 & May 1995 but the whole things stinks of conspiracy on all applied
Jurisdictions and watchdog authorities with tainted decisions and evidence. We are looking
at something curiously evil. I understand that things are not meant to be but reasons are not
excuses to pursue poor performance and lack of merit under the ‘Rule Of Law’ [twin report 1 @
26. I understand that Police may not have been interested in the follow up from 1981 of Workers
Comp solicitors of not reporting the crime [email 15 Mar 2011 to DSC documents to Saul
Wiseman pge 71] however the recalcitrance of the Police generally in not providing an event
number for the criminal event to VC Lawyers Napier Keen was wrong but legally adversarial.
The perpetrators had been interviewed and was stated to me personally by Police DSC Macklin
and Wiseman that (paraphrase) the perpetrators were guilty [Napier Keen 18 Nov 2013 pge 74-
75] – on these points and given my written interjections of reports and emails [twin report 2]
that Officers Macklin and Wiseman were acting under dictation, the Ombudsman must protect.
27. My VC lawyers Napier Keen may have also been warned off not to go any further with support
of the review which I surprising won on the contentions [pge 77-79] that were not that
different to other litigations, although I think I was more succinct with the review contentions
as I’m catching up on the underlying problem that we are dealing with - conspiracy, rule by
adversarial law not Rule Of Law – I will need to post this report and link it for review by the
VS as required.


28. People reading this report should try to identify the immense corruption under which our legal
system burdens our citizens and Justice for victims. The Parliaments of Australia serve as an
example of the low quality and disrespectable integrity of our representatives.
29. One terrible example of NSW Justice
trial-delivers-guilty-verdicts/8878848 .
30. The posting of these reports may also serve those who are thinking of entering the law to
consider the illicit fraternal corruption such as institutionalised Freemasonry. One book I have
read is, Our Corrupt Legal System by Evan Whitton his profile:,84
31. Evan Whitton is the enemy of the adversarial system and therefore a truthful person sees that
the adversarial system does us great harm. In that way the law I think becomes a curiosity of
trial by ordeal. Justice & truth is a welcome bi-product and generally a surprise.
32. Yet we see in Australia’s past where skilled convicts were given a chance to reengage a system
of employment without the prejudice of multi-billion dollar employment industry that
excludes without merit [twin report 1 @10 & 34] … excerpt from [twin report 1 @22]:
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) 2012 titled Evolution of
Apprenticeships and Traineeships in Australia: an unfinished history …. Page 11 - Among the
780 convicts who arrived in 1788 on the First Fleet, there were two apprentices, 63 whose
declared occupation was a skilled trade, and 58 who appear to be semi-skilled ….. These people
helped build a Nation, Australian society is now living in the midst of a destruction hosting the
wrong ideas against sovereignty – I think curiously evil but interestingly human.


a) Ref 1: Report Imprimatur by way of the Victims Services to submit economic losses, the cover
page only dated 11 sept 2017 [pge 10]
b) Ref 3: NSW Attorney General Office response 6 Mar 2017[pge 1, 11] to twin report submitted
to Federal and NSW Attorneys and Federal and NSW Training Ministers 26 Sept 2016 and
emailed 9 Nov 2016.
c) *Ref 2: Unpresented cheque notice 15 Oct 2016, $9,481.06, by my Bank with request attached
to Ombudsman 2 Nov 2017 with attached email from solicitor firm that “…none of our team have
the necessary experience to deal your matter and as such we are unfortunately unable to assist”. [pge 13-
d) *Application for VS reassessment dated 22 Aug 2016. I make request for a de novo inquiry
into the criminality of retirement with additional evidence …. Being the crux of this report [pge
e) *Letter from former Federal Attorney General, Nicola Roxon [pge 16] with respect of point 3
NSW Attorney General Office response 6 Mar 2017 to twin report of 26 Sept 2016 [Ref 3 pge 1
f) Terms and Conditions of PK Simpson Workers Comp 2nd cost agreement [above @ 6; pge 17].
g) Contents of my FOI request of HealthQuest the retirement organisation. This organisation acts
in collusion with State Super, Fire Brigades, Workers Comp solicitors PK Simpson, adversarial
doctors [pge 18].
h) “26 page Chronology” [19-44] NB page 4 inordinate amount of fire station shifts NB [pge
21,22] criminal assault detail and as expressed to PK Simpson and Barrister Vaughn Jusisich
[pge 37] assault reported to Union Secretary, John Slade, Chief Officer, Bill Reay and
Personnel Officer, Allan Grunsell 1st Oct 1987. [pge 40]
Sat 15 Apr 1995 – Tue 25 Apr 1995 NB Workers Comp appointment Garfield Barwick Chambers ;
Wed 26 Apr 1995 – 1 May 1995 meeting at Garfield Barwick Chambers
Sat 13 May 1995 – Wed 17 May 1995
Sat 13 May 1995 – Wed 17 May 1995 with letter from my father received 15. 5. 95
j) Retirement Payments:
Annual Leave and consolidated leave; provided during Workers Comp; LSL and other payments
made that don’t seem bonefide LSL was paid out in 1st Worker Comp claim “16/02/92-
26/3/93” [pge 50] NB 2nd Claim in question, as was stated by Fire Brigades, Workers Comp
Officer, Sue Stirling letter to Anne Fein 26 April 1996, ie $30,000 Commutation was refuted
and paid for 1st Claim “only”– FOI discovery. [pge 98]
k) PK Simpson, WC solicitor, letter inquiry 7 June 1995, of superannuation payouts by State Super
Scheme including sacking - FOI discovery [page 51-52]
l) My letter inquiry 27 June 1995, as instructed by HealthQuest to define superannuation
entitlements for invalidity [pge 53-54]
m) RETIREMENT DOCUMENTS: HealthQuest and company - FOI discovery
*page 1 – 9 June 1995 “Fitness to continue” notes …interview by Dr Mandel (psychai) giving
her extensive documentations of my statutory informant obligation as well as ’26 Page
Chronology’ not stated - FOI discovery – [pge 55]
*page 2 – 9 June 1995 Dr Jagger (unknown qual) referencing, Dr Milton (forensic psychiatrist)
adversarial Workers Comp report, notation 16 June 1995, and without interviewing, stating I
have a permanent personality disorder based on misconception of Dr Milton report 16 Nov
1994 ….. ie no diagnosis never actually made of personality disorder. [Pge 56]
n) 19 June 1995 – Interim Advice to Fire Brigades to retire – FOI discovery [pge 57]
o) Retirement Certificate 5 July 1995 issued to me ie “personality disorder”[pge 58]
p) RE: Milton (forensic psychiatrist) Report 16 Nov 1994 [pge 59-61] mention of “bastardisation”
ie assault [pge 59 @43] no diagnosis of personality disorder [pge 61]
q) FITNESS TO RESUME: 3 page detailed submission 9 July 2003 by Dr Donsworth (psychiatrist)
under direction of honest Ombudsman Officer to State Super for HealthQuest to examine me
under Superannuation Act 1916 [pge 62-64]
r) State Super communications to Fire Brigades to commit decision under S51(1) Superannuation
Act 1916 , 12 Aug 2003; 3 Mar 2004 [pge 65-67]
s) Fire Brigades, Doug Messenger refutes HealthQuest Certificate fitness to resume 19 Aug 2004
with severe admonishment {of statutory informant obligation} by Doug Messenger a Fire
Brigades Personnel Officer [pge 68-69]. The letter raises admonishment of my submissions to
watchdog bodies.
t) The NSW Government Department of Premier and Cabinet Public Sector Workforce Office
advises me to apply on line at their website for work, despite the fact that the Superannuation
Act 1916 requires that clearly this authorised Jurisdiction has the responsibility including the
fiduciary responsibility to actively find a position in order that the pension be cancelled. [pge
70] also ; S48 Breakdown pensioner held to be on leave
u) 15 Mar 2011 email documents to DSC Saul Wiseman the OIC to supplement my Police
statements made originally 2010. However Police were only concerned directly with the 1981
assault and the perpetrators hence supplemental information of evidence that corroborates my
statements – NB determination of criminal assault is yet to be VS. [pge 71]
However at some point in time Wiseman phones me to apologise for not being in contact
with me and a VS decision will be made. However the emailed documents were not a
consideration to DSC Wiseman which revealed a criminal conspiracy.
v) Ombudsman letter 5 Sept 2013 complaints to watchdog bodies. In repudiation the
Ombudsman states “While I note your allegations about being victimised, harassed or
discriminated against I cannot find any clear evidence of wrong administrative conduct of a
NSW Government agency.” ….Ombudsman is non committed to actual criminal assault(s) yet
undetermined but should have been obviously viewed as a crime as per WC lawyers [pge 72]
{NB Dept of Fair Trading is an outlier complaint}
w) 4 Nov 2013 email to NSW Ombudsman on complaint of Police Service advises that a NSW Police
Service Officer will be in contact, although Police needed to contact VC solicitor, Napier Keen for
an ‘event number’ which did not happen as per 18 Nov 2018 letter (below) sent by Napier Keen
marked urgent. The Ombudsman states “In closing no further action is proposed with respect to
your 2001 complaints (illegal retirement) and your recent 2013 complaint.”[pge 73]
x) 18 Nov 2013 copy of letter from VC lawyer Napier Keen to VS on URGENT request for ‘event
number’. Contact with DSC Anthony Macklin reveals another NSWPF task force “eagle eye” and
that DSC Wiseman is the OIC and was unable to be contacted [pge 74-75]
y) 27 Aug 2014 letter from VC lawyer Napier Keen advising that my VC has been dismissed and
considers that a review will be unsuccessful and they can no longer act for me. The important
thing however is that the assault was declared a crime – I was the last to know that it was a
crime, as was obvious to Law Officers [pge 76]
z) 18 Sept 2014 I submit a review of the decision and now I can see that I have been maintained as
the victim of Government, retired for the term of my natural life for crimes committed by others
that all Law Officers must have known what a crime looked like. Copy to Napier Keen who do
not respond [pge 77-79]
CONTENTIONS to review 18 Sept 2014 are the same in the above review submission, the twin
report, and this current submission criteria [Ref 1; Ref 3 pge 79]
z) 3 Mar 2017 email from Federal HR Commission – I raise an existing complaint that HR
Commission states is a closed complaint, a rebuttal I’m used to. The recommendation to get
legal advice is standard issue [pge 80] essentially a fob off [pge 4 @14d]
z) MEDICAL CERTIFICATES FROM TREATING DOCTORS –two treating specialists, Psychologist Dr
Nicholas Marlowe 2 May 1995 was my long term treating psychologist who knew of the
bastardisation (viz criminal assault) [pge 82] that I am not sure if he quite knew as a crime that
Police would investigate. My doctors were effectively neutered as being of any value to my
working rehabilitation which didn’t exist. [pge 81-84]
z) Psychiatrist Mark Howard 16 Feb1996, [pge 85-88] is used by the Workers Comp lawyers to
quantify a $30,000 WC Commutation March 1996 is treated as adversarial as was the NSW IR
case Charles Henry Norville and New South Wales Fire Brigades [2007] NSWIR Comm
45 – (in transcript) [twin report 1 @25] and removed by Justice Sams IRC.
z) WC Orders and Awards with THE SHORT MINUTES OF ORDER (SMO) [pge 89-97] - March 1996
the Evidence of the Workers Comp proceedings, The SMO show that Barrister Jurisich and
clearly with the support of all Law Officers, mislead the Workers Comp Judge he states [@Q8
pge 95] “There was lots of stress being caused, there was allegations of victimisation and
matters of that nature, is the right? I answer “that’s correct”. There were no further questions
on the details of the assault that PK Simpson had recognised.
z) 24 April 1996 FOI discovery …[pge 98] From Fire Brigades Workers Comp section, Sue Stirling to
Anne Fien. In short 2nd Workers Comp claim 26/8/94 declined thus WC Commutation $30,000
only for 1st Workers Comp claim 16/2/93 – 26/3/93 via Sue Noris GIO and approved by
Workcover Authority. It is assumed this action was to obviate any overpayment on the
termination of employment annual leave and Long Service Leave [pge 50].

Yours Sincerely
Charles H Norville Ref 170483 VSRP
NSW Office of the Ombudsman
John McMillan
Acting NSW Ombudsman
Level 24
580 George Street
Sydney  NSW  2000
Dear Mr McMillan
I have attached a notice, dated 15 Oct 2017, from my bank Newcastle Permanent Building Society of
a cheque issued by me to the NSW Justice Department that they have failed to present and to clear
this cheque $9,483.06. The cheque originally issued to me with regard to Victims Services, having
(upon review) changed their original decision that I had already been given compensation from the
Workers Compensation Court for $30,000, a commutation after being retired in lieu of dismissal
therefore no further compensation was required. I submitted a response for review on the facts
concerning the Workers Comp claim and followed up with a heavily laden twin report 26 Sept 2016,
dealing, inter alia, with further criminal conspiracy of workers comp Law Officers at the time, which
of course included the Fire Brigades. That is these Law Officers and their cohort ‘contracted out’ of
the Workers Comp law and also did not report what was clear to them a crime to Police. It is
unfortunate that this cohort, in post, also concerns the NSW Ombudsman. You may access the 26
Sept report above which is a twin report
by-Charles-H-Norville-to-Australian-Training-Ministers-Attorney-Generals-26-Sept-2016 . I will
assume you have not read this twin report.
The Attorney General Office 6 March 2017, response was in particular to seek legal advice. But also
with regard to the retirement 1995 they consider at point 1 of 3 “at the time the decision,”
(retirement 1995), “was made you were not informed that the matter that gave rise to your early
retirement could have formed the basis of criminal proceedings against the perpetrators of the
abuse endured by you nor were attempts made to pursue that course.” The attempts were not made
by Law Officers because they gamed the Workers Comp system, all parties were aware but Law
Officers must know what a crime looks like and so I was punished for crimes committed by others,
via retirement in lieu of dismissal having no workers comp income having to support a wife and two
I am now required as reinforcement of the Victims Services letter, date 11 Sept 2017, to submit
details of other losses, which is to reissue the same cheque. So as advised will issue far more
evidence of neglect by now I can state is a rampant fraternal system of injustice to save the
Government money on prosecutions and investigations of crime. This will also be posted onto the
The recent legal advice was as follows:
Subject: RE: C H Norville - Re:MGC:KLA:120082 further brief request (THL 660067)
Thank you for your email, I hope this email finds you well.
I have spoken to a number of solicitors at our firm and unfortunately none of our team have the necessary
experience to deal your matter and as such we are unfortunately unable to assist.
I wish you all the best for the future.   

Please instruct the Justice Department to present their cheque.

Yours Faithfully [Thu 02-Nov-17 12:56 PM]

Charles H Norville
21 Crosby Crescent NSW 2261
(2nd FOI to HealthQuest) 26 page chronology-190302 .doc
Not issued in 1st FOI to HealthQuest return dated 16 April 1996

SEE ALSO (2nd FOI to HealthQuest) O2 BA Report-InOrder on fitness-02 BA Assess

CHN&RH-to HQ.doc

MEMORANDUM (No. 5 sub.)


HM. PH. 7978105
12 MAY 1995



Dear Jeffrey,

RE: Mr C.H. Norville, (5815 Senior Firefighter, New South Wales Fire Brigades) inquiry
for outstanding medical remittances of work related stress injury, 16 Feb 1993; - With
regard to conference at the Chambers of Mr V. Jurisich (Barrister) at Garfield Barwick
Chambers on 1 May 1995 at 4:15pm.

The conclusion of the conference is that I’m to provide you with a Chronology (the facts) of
events which have occurred within the ‘Brigades’ and which relate, to what I understand to
be, either physical and/or psychological trauma, whilst employed by the NSW Fire Brigades.
In following such instruction a chronology of Workers Comp particulars spanning my working
life with an ANNEXURE of documentation will be included.
Together with the general Brigade chronology of related trauma events shall provide a cross
reference process - REFerenced right column denotes ANNEXURE and the left column will
concern the Chronology ITEM NO.(s) therein.

I shall provide:

ADDRESS: 54 Thomas Street, Ashfield 2131
D.O.B.: 21. 2. 1952 (Sydney).


• School Certificate 1968, left in 5th form 1969.

TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION (Correspondence and Face to Face)

• Fire Engineering Certificate, 1990.
• Firefighting Station Management Attainment, 1990.
• Associate Diploma Applied Science (Building), 5th year 1994 (one more subject in
1995 to complete).
• Building Code of Australia Attainment, to be completed in 1995.


• 1st Class Machinist - Toolsetter in fastener manufacturing for the following organisations:
SPURWAY’S INDUSTRIES PTY LTD - 1.3.73 to 10.2.78;
AUTOMATIC SCREW CO. PTY LTD - 10.2.78 to 12.5.78;
AJAX NETTLEFOLDS LTD - 29.5.78 to 14.3.80;
A.L. VINCENT PTY LTD - 17.3.80 to 21.1.81.
• EARLY EMPLOYMENT: COURIER, James Patrick & Co Pty Ltd 23.2.70-9.7.70; FARM
HAND, Norwell Milling Co Pty Ltd 18.8.70-25.8.70; STOREMAN, Basser Millyard Pty Ltd
3.9.70-29.7.71; STOREMAN, G.M.H. 8.10.71-28.1.72; BOAT HAND, Dept. of Civil Aviation
1.2.72-16.1.73; TRAINEE MECHANIC, Differentials Pty Ltd 5.2.73-21.2.73;

• Senior Firefighter N.S.W. FIRE BRIGADES - 30.1.81 to * (14 years)
QUALIFICATIONS: TAFE accredited firefighter.
Duties prescribed under Fire Brigades
Act 1989 & Fire Brigades Act 1989 - Regulation 1992.

MARITAL STATUS: WIFE: Karen Ladbroke Norville

D.O.B. 15. 6. 45 (Sydney)
EMPLOYED part-time 20 hours/wk secretary for Decoroll Homewares.
CHILDREN: James Carr Norville
D.O.B. 8.3.83 (Sydney);
Martin Charles Norville
D.O.B. 5.4.86 (Sydney).


SPURWAY’S INDUSTRIES: Approx Aug. 1977 sustained injury to right elbow and placed on
light duties; # further treatment required of cortisone injection by Dr P.E. Kiely suffering
lateral epicondolytis of right elbow M.C. dated 8.9.77; # reaction to injection within half-an-
hour sustaining bronchopneumonia approx in bed for approx 6 weeks;
# returned full duties. ATT CLAIM REF:

AJAX NETTLEFOLDS PTY LTD: 14 Sept. 1978 sustained injury anxiety when involved in
motor vehicle collision on route to work; # one day off; # returned full duties. ATT CLAIM
AJAX NETTLEFOLDS PTY LTD: 15 Oct. 1979 sustained injury cut to upper knuckle index
finger left hand; # remainder of day off; # returned full duties. ATT CLAIM REF:


5 OCT. 1987 : NO. 12 STN. BALMAIN - GIO CLAIM NO. ? - Sustained burns to neck and
ears whilst firefighting 24 Moore St. Balmain; # report of person, a young female, still
inside; # maintained post; # I attempted to make retreat stating to S.O./B. Edwards, who is
maintaining his post outside, I state “its ******* hot in hear” Edwards gives an order from his
informed position to “just do your best” - which I did; # later learn no one inside -
SO/Edwards & DO/Morgan must have known; # instructed to submit Brigade report; # new
helmet issued made unserviceable by intense heat and ash; # conveyed to and from
BALMAIN HOSPITAL; # contemporaneously submit GIO statement and submit further
report - Brigade Instruction; # make own way home; # short period on W.C. - accepted; #
return to normal duties; # feel I was exposed to unnecessary injury for not being duly
informed of no victim involvement; # other firefighters rebuke me for risking, (prima facie),
injury unnecessarily.


Sustained smoke inhalation and heat stress whilst firefighting at 27 Watkins St. Newtown; #
immediate rescue of burns victim; # quick entry at own risk for more victims; # size-up
large fire to be engaged, withdraw; # don B.A. in the “approved” manner & take line of
38mm to fire; # 2nd station engages fire; # ventilation problems with most firefighters being
affected by nauseous fumes; # SF/Ansell and myself conveyed to and from R.P.A.
Hospital; # arrive back at No. 5 where I’m assured of transport back home which does not
eventuate; # make own way home by public transport arriving home 2121hr; # DO at No.
7 Stanmore phones my residence to inform me that I may have to submit report -
apologising for lack of ‘Brigades’ transport; # submit G.I.O. statement and report;

# submitted also ‘parallel scenario’ (explicit) report to obviate negligence; # submitted
better particulars to Union of fire chemistry (hand written); # regardless learn of adverse
report (3rd F.O.I. dated 14.5.91) of my alleged incompetence submitted by DO/Craige, 30
Dec. 1988; # Craige’s investigation was defamatory and ‘Comment’ incompetent as there
was at the time no donning procedure issued for the newly acquired positive pressure
breathing apparatus; # Craige never replied to ‘parallel scenario’ report, under delegated
authority; # approx 4hrs 20 min W.C. Claim - I believe went missing with attached report; #
not sure if Claim eventually submitted on complaint and investigation to Chief Officer of non-
compliance and missing G.I.O. Claim & report and PARALLEL SCENARIO REPORT, (also
to Work Cover Authority) which revealed maladministration - NO MC FROM HOSPITAL.


CLIAIM NO. A1559181 - technically on Brigade business since 13 July 1990, as follows:-
# 13.7.90 & 14.7.90 on day duty 38 Stn;
# 15.7.90 - 20.7.90 incl. OH&S conference Clyde Cameron College with Union and Employer
# 21.7.90 & 22 JUL. 1990 return on day duty;
# 22.7.90 suffering from physical and mental exhaustion at the time of injury; # injury
occurred at approx. 0900hrs at Federal Park, Glebe whilst on duty playing touch football not
from falling off pumper; # I sustained a Grade II subluxation of the A.C. (shoulder) joint; #
Newtown, 12 Balmain, & 18 Glebe, who were also playing, from harassment of ‘witnesses to
injury’ and other ‘Brigades Instructions’; # transported to R.P.A. Hospital where treatment
was sub- standard; # due to two previous bad W.C. experiences, and with contingency in
mind, I arranged for my own care and transport; # I eventually received treatment at
Western Suburbs Hospital; # rang HQ, and in a state of mild shock, informed DO/Luhr of
where I was and told him especially what I thought of him and other senior officers; #
arrived home a short distance at 2215hrs approx.;
# 23.7.90 submitted G.I.O. Claim form with WC. Certificate
unfit till 30.7.90 incl; submitted No. 14 Stn. Ashfield; INSTRUCTION SO/SLUYS (my SO at
# 23.7.90 phoned psychologist Dr Nicholas Francis-Jones (changed name to N. Marlowe);
referred by professor Lance, app. 3.8.90; PROFESSOR LANCE REFERRAL BY DR J.
# 30.7.90 submitted further WC Certificate from W.S. Hospital
unfit till 14.8.90; referral orthopaedic surgeon;
# 2.8.90 consultation Dr Clark, orthopaedic surgeon, unfit until 22.8.90; referral to
physiotherapist, V. Clements;
# 3.8.90; consultation psychologist;
# 7.8.90 physiotherapist, Clements;
# 7.8.90 instruction DO/HQ, report to BMO tomorrow;
# 8.8.90 consultation Dept. physician, Dr Lim insists that I’m fit for watchroom duties at HQ
and attempts to phone Dr Clarke in order to change specific fitness for light duties - without
success; no rehab. specification; instructed to report for examination, by Dr Lim - 15.8.90;
# 8/9/10/13.8.90; physio; # 9.8.90 consultation psychologist;
# 15.8.90 consultation Dept. physician - fit for watchroom duties; F.B. rehab officer, Jill
Meadows confers with Superintendent B. Smith, firefighter Norville to report to HQ
watchroom - 16.8.90;.......overruled by Dr Clarke;
# 15.8.90 physio # 15.8.90 consultation orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Clarke, overrules NSW
Fire Brigades - submitted at No 14 Ash. M.C. unfit until 26.8.90 fit to resume 27.8.90;
# 16.8.90 consultation psychologist; # 16/20/21/22.8.90 physio
# 22.8.90 DO/K. Thompson - I’m to report to B.M.O. - 29.8.90;
# 23.8.90 physio; # 24.8.90 consultation psychologist - end session;
# 27/29/30.8.90 physio; # 29.8.90 consultation Dept. physician - fit for watchroom
duties; also rehab officer;
# 30.8.90 I started light duties at HQ relay (watch room)
# 5/6/7/9/10/12/17/25/26.9.90 physio;
# 2/3/4/5/9.9.90 physio;
# 9.10.90 instruction to report to B.M.O. - 10.10.90;
# 10.10.90 consultation with Dr Clark, orthopaedic surgeon;
# 10.10.90 fit to resume full duties mid-day 10.10.90, however remain on light duties; I
perceived as punishment;
# 18.10.90 resume full duties; # 19.10.90 start 17 Stn Drummoyne - full duties;
# 1.11.90 G.I.O. Claim No A1559181 - received travel expenses $5.40;

9 DEC. 1992: 16 STN. CONCORD - GIO CLAIM NO. A1769303 -

1st day shift Notice of Injury Book, Station Occurrence Book - entry; # suffering pain to
“ligaments on knees, especially left knee”; # caused by “general wear and tear” - “possible
ergonomics due to twisting motion whilst mounting pumper over period of time”; #
‘operation in which worker was engaged at time of injury’ - “general duties and exercise”; #
felt problem with Baxter boots or top boots; ‘Remark’ - “will seek advice from
physiotherapist”; # recent excessive wearing of Baxter boots to save wear and tear on own
joggers (although I was separated from my wife I was economically accountable to my
family - it was an economic decision to wear the ‘Baxters’;

# 10.12.92 2 day shift; phoned same Fire Brigades rehab. officer Kerry Milgate who

advised that I should see G.P., and where physiotherapy required and if due to work related
injury, a claim could be made;
# 10.12.92 phoned Dr N. Marlowe, my clinical psychologist and asked for an appointment -
Wed 16 Dec. 1992 (feeling debilitated);
# 12.12.92 cancelled change-of-shift with firefighter T. Frew for Sat. night;
# 12.12.92 consultation Dr Messner, M.C. dated 12.12.92 - “unfit for firefighting duties
possibly available for other duties”; improvement in pain not wearing Baxter boots, wearing
joggers instead; contacted Fire Brigades Occ. Health Unit of ability to go on light duties;
referral to physiotherapist V. Clements - 14.12.92; referral to podiatrist;
# 16.12.92 consultation Dr Marlowe;
# 17.12.92 1st day shift fast tracking of light duties (M.C. received 12.12.92) - 36 Stn Crows
Nest, watch room duties;
# 17.12.92 PRELIMINARY INQUIRY, 1046 hrs, into sick leave abuse; no particulars given
(until 9.3.93);
# 18.12.92 consultation with physiotherapist, V. Clements report of fitness;
# 19.12.92 consultation with locum Dr (Weinman/Messner Practice) submit physio report -
declared fit;
# 21.12.92 consultation Dr Marlowe;
# 21.12.93 Dept. physician Dr Chan MC - return full duties;
# 6.1.93 consultation Dr Marlowe;
# 13.1.93 consultation Dr Marlowe;
# 20.1.93 W.C. Claim submitted;
# 21.1.93 consultation Dr Marlowe;
# 13.1.93 consultation podiatrist, Dr Ferguson, referral Dr
# 15.1.93 purchase of joggers; Fire Brigades O.H.&S officer gives permission in
accordance with F.B. In-Orders, i.e. for exigency purposes or carrying out active drills - top
boots worn - otherwise joggers;
# 27.1.93 operational senior officers repudiate MC and F.B. O.H.&S. officer;
# 29.1.93 Departmental Physician M.C. Dr Lim reiterates full duties;
# 1.2.93 consultation Dr Marlowe;
# 3.2.93 refuse to stand down from function; suspended;
# 3.2.93 suspended by Chief Officer, no complaint given;
# 8.2.93 return to punitive unspecified duties at F.B. College under threat of dismissal;
# 8.2.93 consultation Dr Marlowe;
# 12.2.93 examined by G.I.O. at 1100hrs to 1250hrs whilst on unspecified duties;
# 12.2.93 “suspension lifted” retrospectively by C.O./Hearn (suspension of function under
F.B. Act still applied);
# 15.2.93;22.2.93;23.3.93;29.3.93 consultation Dr Marlowe
• end session;
N.B. CLAIM NO. A1769303 OVERLAPS CLAIM NO. A1780202 - N.B. prev. 12.2.93 G.I.O. -
when was claim A1769303 accepted?
*16 FEB. 1993: NON SPECIFIC FUNCTION - GIO CLAIM NO. A1780202 - 2nd
PRELIMINARY INQUIRY faced in a month; denied natural justice; denied equitable
employment; forced to endure unlawful detention tantamount to cruel & unusual
punishment: # 16.2.93 suffering work related stress caused by “perceived and I feel real
victimisation - occurred over long period of time - I am seeking and have been under
medical supervision”
# 18.2.93 denied Long Service Leave for third time;
# 22.2.93 a phone call, advice from Phil Morgans, Union industrial officer stating that in his
view I will be charged formally with AWOL, and that my “continued employment with the Fire
Brigades is at very serious risk”;
# 22.2.93 GIO Claim form delivered by hand - Booragul address;
# 22.2.93 submit 3rd L.S.L application; SENT REGISTERED MAIL;
# 22.3.93 G.I.O. CLAIM A1769303;
# 25.2.93 consultation Dr Weinman, my G.P. stating that I need to return to work in order
that I face my accusers that the only viable remedy perceived was internal, (i.e. I would have
to put up with any humiliation or retribution by the Nemeses senior officers), Dr Weinman
knew I had a family to support, there was clearly my worse case scenario of being
unemployed; I knew I would eventually gain my rightful access to L.S.L.;
# 25.2.93 Dr Weinman M.C. states “was suffering symptoms of psychological stress as a
consequence of work related stress” understanding that I was to consult with Dr Marlowe;
# 26.2.93 withdraw L.S.Leave application make new application (4th) dated 26 Feb 1993;
# 26.2.93 submit Workers Compensation Claim for work related stress at No. 16 Stn
# 1.3.93 resume detention at College; off Workers Comp;
# 9.3.93 receive “DEFERRED” particulars of my alleged
misconduct, from 2 PRELIMIARY INQUIRIES N.B. prev. 16.2.93;
& 17.12.92 - the messenger is D.O./Billinghurst - and I must sign all 25 Items before being
permitted to receive copies;
# 23.3.93 detention concludes at F.B. College (ST&DD)
senior officers having determined my medical fitness for duty through selective reasoning of
“administrative” recommendations of F.B. Consultant O.H. Physician, Dr J. Pearce., and with
their purchase order for new boots now filled, purportedly exonerates their position;
# 25.3.93 take up full duties ....I reiterate that I was ready willing and able to wear my
(superseded) top-boots in accordance with the Fire Brigades Internal Orders;
# 25.3.93 G.I.O. notify claim for weekly payments received and in dispute;
# 29.3.93 consultation by clinical psychologist, D. Marlowe; end session;

# 7.4.93 Industrial Program Service myself and wife joint counselling;
# 14.4.93 consultation G.I.O. Dr Harris, occupational therapist;
# 17.4.93 G.I.O. investigator Mr Michael O’Brien, 6 hour interview and UNSIGNED
statement, at No.16 Stn. Concord,
# 28.4.93 I.P.S. consultation without wife, who would not attend (reconciliation seems
# 7.6.93 consultation G.I.O. psychiatrist, Dr O. Stanley;
# 19.7.93 Work Cover Authority, G.O.I. refutes claim; # 8.9.93 almost knocked down
old man crossing road when driving appliance - unnerving experience;
# 21.10.93 Departmental charges of misconduct preferred;
# 23.12.93, Dr Pearce, C.O.H.P., responds to my own inquiry;
his ‘report’ pad - ITEM 1 “MC specifies an illness” “recommendation (such as those
mentioned of 28.1.93) are intended for internal administrative purposes and do not refer to
an illness”; ITEM 5 “you have been on the sick leave protocol on numerous occasions - in
every case I have removed your name from it - by virtue of the authority given to me - that in
my opinion your sick leave relates to a chronic recurring problem which is the subject of
continuing treatment and that subjecting you to administrative protocols (calling upon you to
explain your sick leave absences) would be inappropriate for your future health”.
# 29.1.94, Dr Roberts, psychiatrist (referral by G.P. Dr Weinman), outcome - no psychiatric


A1780202 - recurrence of work related stress from previous injury now understood to be
caused by “long standing victimisation by my employer and senior officers” of the NSW Fire
# 27.7.94 wife falls ill 27.7.94, flue virus;
# 27.7.94 approach employer advocate at the time, DO/Billinghurst, who suggests that I go
sick due to my concern for my wife stating words to the effect....that in my position I need to
be careful..; N.B. memo to Pearce - 2.8.94;
# 1.8.94 G.R.E.A.T. hearing - take consolidated leave being 1st day shift;
# 2.8.94 (2nd day shift) submit wife’s M.C. as my own for night shift 27.7.94 as well as....
# 2.8.94 memo to Dr Pearce;
# 2.8.94 during morning; I’m at fault in minor collision in Firepac; P5 self reporting accident
form - 3.8.94;
# 11.8.94 decision from G.R.E.A.T affirms employers right to suspend “pending the
investigation of a complaint”, the Chairman believing that I had “failed to carry out a lawful
direction”; serious implications;

# 12&13.8.94 changes of shift obligation on night shift for members on ‘B’ Platoon due to
external study commitment;
# 13.8.94 obtained M.C. medical certificate (from Health 24 Medical Centre) to cover for
illness being concerned that I may have to go on sick leave regardless of my obligation to
the changes of shifts; a similar event occurred in 23.1.1993; # 14.8.94 an occasioned visit
by, DO/Billinghurst on early morning supervisory duties, to pursue malediction against me; I
believe the stage is set for further malediction;
# 16.8.94 consult G.P., Dr Weinman on the ensuing virus and obtain a certificate until the
19.8.94 and I explain about my stress and victimisation;
# 19.8.94 obtain and submit (to 16 Stn.) a further M.C. from Dr Weinman suffering stress, in
what I consider to be an undue physically threatening work environment - unfit till 29.8.94;
recognises psychologist Dr Marlowe; and psychiatry;
# 24.8.94 contacted my clinical psychologist, Dr Marlowe of a problem of stress detrimental
to health and my intention to go on Workers Comp., app. 29.8.94;
# 26.8.94 notify Workers Compensation: Notice of Injury; Occurrence Book Entry;
# 29.8.94 resigned from Union (NSWFBEU);
# 29.8.94 consultation with Dr N. Marlowe;
# 31.8.94 consulted Dr Weinman about workers comp. injury
particulars - G.I.O. CLAIM & G.I.O. RECURRENCE. filled in. Dr Weinman withholds Work
Cover Certificate until he can understand better the prognosis and refers me to psychiatrist
Dr Roberts. Also the report from psychologist Dr Marlowe will be forthcoming;
# 7.9.94 consultation with Dr Marlowe;
# 11.9.94 adverse report against DO/Billinghurst with respect to his personal attack against
me, is submitted confidentially to Commissioner/Ian Mac Dougall;
# 12.9.94 consultation with psychiatrist Dr Roberts, on realising that I’m on Workers Comp
stipulates that a report to Dr Weinman, requiring approx one hour consultation will cost
$450.00; further app. 23.9.94; N.B. prev. cons. 29.1.94;
# 13.9.94 phoned NSW Fire Brigades rehabilitation officer,
Kerry Milgate about what should happen; nil response.
# 14.9.94 consultation with Dr Weinman;
# 23.9.94 report date from Dr Marlowe to Dr Weinman;
# 23.9.94 consultation with Dr Roberts, he feels the conflict of my employment is an E.E.O.
problem; N.B. prev.cons.29.1.94;
# 26.9.94 consultation with Departmental Occ. Health Physician, Dr Chan; gave copy of
Billinghurst report - 11.9.94
# 30.9.94 bogus phone call to parents residence, Booragul, Lake Macquarie, mother
receives message - a Peter Stenwick is moving up to Lake Macquarie, stating he went to
Hornsby TAFE with me;
# 4.10.94 bogus phone call to my residence, Ashfield, wife receives message - a John
Simmons asking if I wanted any carpentry work done;

# 10.10.94 consultation with Dr Weinman who issues Work Cover Certificate; “I certify that
on 19/8/94 I examined Charles Norville who is suffering from anxiety state”, “specialist
rehabilitation required, same psychologist Dr N. Marlowe”.
# 10.10.94 contemporaneous submission of Workers Compensation Claim & Recurrence
Of Injury Report and WC Certificate to Fire Brigades;
# 12.10.94 two bogus phone calls; N.B. prev.30.9.94; 4.10.94;
# 14.10.94 via ‘grapevine’ SO/Tindall of 16 Stn Concord to submit report N.B.prev. 26.9.94;
# 27.10.94 - end of pay period; employment emolument runs out; the process of initial
sickness benefit from the Dept.
of Social Security and not withstanding this provision my
ability to find work begins; NSW Fire Brigades will not provide ‘Employer Report Form’
particulars; Dr Weinman providing the necessary DSS support certifications;
# 31.10.94 DSS certification for sickness benefit; under
psychologist Dr Marlowe treatment;
# 31.10.94 consultation with Dr Marlowe;
# 7.11.94 consultation with Dr Marlowe;
# 7.11.94 consultation G.I.O. psychiatrist Dr R. Milton;
# 23.11.94 register at C.E.S.;
# 25.11.94 phone call from Dr Pearce retired Brigades COHP to
inform me that he was only permitted to peruse Dr Milton report N.B.prev 7.10.94 - as my
previous Brigades counsellor he would like to help and asks if Dr Weinman and Dr Marlowe
could send him a letter of support, marked confidential, then
depending, he could lend some support in my favour to HEALTH QUEST; DR WEINMAN
DOES NOT KEEP COPY of report sent to Pearce;
# 28.11.94 memo to Fire Brigades, Assistant Paymaster, Sean Foyel - “NO CATCH-UP
DEDUCTIONS “ in the event of payment;
# 5.12.94 consultation with Dr Marlowe;
# 10.1.95 processed F.O.I. from D.S.S. reveals no ‘Employer Report Form’; CLEARLY NO
# 20.1.95 consultation HEALTH QUEST psychiatrist, Dr Hamilton # 30.1.95 consultation
G.I.O. psychiatrist, Dr Stanley;
prev. 7.6.93;
# 31.1.95 DSS certification, 3rd month assessment, “improving
for other work but not work with Fire Brigade” - from Weinman;
# 13.2.95 EMPLOYMENT in old trade, toolsetting, Machin & Ewen
Pty. Ltd. - 30.3.95 sacked; although productive and capable I could not come up to their high
setting speed after 14 years out of industry; it was gainful employment and was I

# 17.3.95 consultation; instruction Fire Brigades, with Dr Lim (heir apparent to Dr Pearce)
Brigades Consultant Occ. Health Pysician (COHP formerly BMO); N.B. prev. 26.9.94; I
inform the COHP of where I’m working; N.B. prev. 13.2.95;
I feel intimidated by being asked (order) to report to Zone
Commander/Messenger, the Personnel Officer; I inform Dr Lim that if he issues me with a
M.C. of fitness, that I will take it to my solicitor - in respect of the fact that the Department
questioned his (the Dept) previous M.C. N.B. prev. 29.3.93; 21.12.92 by Chan......
# 30.3.95 loose job - Machin & Ewen;
# 21.4.95 information; Brigades Personnel Officer, R. Ballie
(heir apparent ?) of recommendation of Brigades COHP to refer my case to Dept. of Health -
# 26.4.95 instruction; HEALTH QUEST -23.5.95;
# 26.4.95 consultation with Dr Marlowe; REPORT PROVIDED TO MY SOLICITOR P. K.
# 26.4.95 appointment with HEALTH QUEST - 23.5.95
PREV. 21.4.95; 26.4.95;
# 3.5.95 consultation with Dr Marlowe; concern of probable
increase in depression; recommendation to seek psychiatric consultation; colleague, Dr
Mark Howard; referral required from G.P. Dr Weinman - 3.5.95;
# 8.5.95 consultation with psychiatrist Dr M. Howard - treatment for depression - AROPAX
# 10.5.95 begin depression treatment; consultation with Dr Marlowe;
# 15.5.95 BEGIN EMPLOYMENT - CASUAL; Steelcraft Pty Ltd -
toolsetting [ I would like to keep this confidential from the court..........;


JAN. 1990: 38 STN PYRMONT - Started getting headaches just prior to Xmas 1989;
process of treatment ensues:
# 2.1.90 MC from GP, Dr Shah, located near parents residence suff. from headache cause -
I don’t know what the GP stated on Certificate;
# 4.1.90 back to Dr Shah again, referral to chiropractor; # 5.1.90 treatment at chiropractor at
Toronto; # 11.1.90 phoned BMO Dr Pearce about headaches he recommended a specialist
at Royal Prince of Wales Hospital - Pearce stating that THE RESULTS WOULD GO TO HIS
ADDRESS i.e. not to the Brigades;
# 17.1.90 appointment made through BMO to attend RPWH; Professor Lance, rang HQ
District Officer to let him know about appointment - 18.1.90;
# 18.1.90 consultation Professor Lance, prescribed TOFRANIL (Imparamine
Hydrochloride); # returned to BMO Dr Pearce later to obtain Dept Certificate; # took
Certificate of fitness to Superintendent/B. Smith who stamped it for my return to the SO/P.
Butler 38 Stn; # SO/Butler asked if my injury was an ordinary illness having declared such
to DO/HQ - I stated I did not know (and wished to keep it
confidential); # was coerced into divulging the whole process of my treatment; #
SO/Butler contacts DO/White who intern instructs that I must obtain a Certificate from
Professor Lance that he is not accepting the Certificate from Dr Pearce, approved by
Personnel Superintendent/Smith.....
“1335 : omitted at 1315(hrs) 5815 SF/Norville reported for duty as told by BMO;
1345 : 5815 SF/Norville to be stood off as ordered by DO/White until MC is produced;
1400 : Instruction from DO/White via Personnel Supt. Smith
5815 SF/Norville to remain on duty, MC will be issued
by BMO for 18.1.90 period of 5 hours 15 min (O.I.)
ordinary illness;
1435 : Instructions from DO White 5815 SF/Norville issued
with MC from BMO stating unfit 0800 to 1315 18.1.90,
ordinary illness fit resume”;

# 18.1.90 resignation from F.B. OH&S Committee; # 19.1.90 started TOFRANIL;

# 25.1.90 headaches worse; weight creeping up;
# 8.2.90 RPW Hospital Professor Lance treatment:
1. TOFRANIL 25 - 3 X DAY;
2. INDEROL 40 - ½ TO 2 X DAY;
# 13.2.90 attend Trades & Labour Council seminar on Aids & Hepatitis, Biological Exposure
Rang Pearce; # 8.3.90 consultation with Professor Lance assistant - I did
not want to take any more pills I’m having conflict with my employer; # recommendation to
clinical psychologist, Dr Francis-Jones (changed name Marlowe); # SENDS REPORT TO
# 8.3.90 GP Dr Weinman informed gives referral for blood test also prescribes
# 12.3.90 Blood test, at Shaftsbury road; results to Weinman;
# 23.3.90 Ultra sound test; referral by Dr weinman;
# 24.3.90 BMO BECOMES COHP (Consult. Occ. Health Physician);
# 25.3.90 personal confirmation from DO/Drinkall that I’m to
be transferred to HQ unless I relinquish my Oxygen Breathing Apparatus (O2 BA)
# 27.3.90 I go to Union meeting to admonish the intimidation by senior officers through the
intimidation of members to make them relinquish a safety qualification - O2 BA; # NEW
# 29.3.90 consultation Dr Kater, blood specialist, considers side effect of TOFRANIL on my
liver and advises (either in some specialist capacity or otherwise) that I should see the
psychologist recommended by Professor Lance; # report sent to Weinman;
# 30.3.90 COHP Dr Pearce phoned me; told him about TOFRANIL side effects; and O2 BA
subversive practice; #.............Brigades conflict continues;
# 16.5.90 F.B. OH&S Chairman - Firefighter/B. Stewart assuring me off duty remuneration for
my OH&S attendances; # 20.6.90 I volunteer to have physical fitness test through F.B. Occ
Health Unit; FAIL TEST;
# 5.7.90 F.B. OH&S Chairman - Firefighter/B. Stewart sends
code NO. for OH&S attendances to be entered into my paysheet
at 38 Stn Pyrmont, paysheet dated 27.7.90; repudiated by DO/White 29.7.90;
# 6.7.90 gave blood donation;
# 7.7.90 official notification of (penalty) transfer to HQ;



15 JUN. 1991: 17 STN. DRUMMOYNE -

# 14.6.91 attended a fire duty at Bibby Street Chiswick with crew from No 17 Brigade; #
Asbestos roofing disintegrated; # influenced by mood of group not to wear protective
clothing; # inadequate facilitation of proper refreshment and sustenance; # no toilets; #
in excess of four hours duty; # regardless, my personal neglect would amount to
contributory negligence on my part;
# 15.6.91 No. 17 crew once again is instructed to attend the same fire duty; # attendance
also of incompetent senior officer, DO/G. Earl; # intention to lift portions of structure; # I
consider the scene to be a totally uncontrolled work environment; # the mood of the group
may once again influence good judgement; # entries in the Notice of Injury Book &
Occurrence Book; # obtain medical certificate from G.P. Dr Weinman - 18.6.91 suffering
# remainder of 2nd day and two nights off;
# 20.6.91 submit M.C. and memorandum to BMO Dr J. Pearce at No 14 Stn. Ashfield;

# 22.6.91 submit under instruction from Inspector/Templeman
my reasons for declaring sick and injury entries; I decline under ‘Incriminating Submissions’
In-Order 1981/2;
# 28.6.91 reply from COHP Dr J. Pearce; expresses policy on confidentiality;
# 17.7.91 placed on NSW Fire Brigades ‘Sick Leave Protocol’;
N.B. prev. 23.12.91, Pearce response;
# 9.8.91 summoned to South-West Regional Office, by Regional
Commander, RC/Royce Atkinson; # to sight and sign adverse report; # abuse of sick
leave in respect to Asbestos incident; # refuse to state particulars of memo sent to Dept.
physician Dr Pearce and contents of MC; # Atkinson makes medical appointment and
orders me to see Dept. physician; heated argument; I neglect to get copy of incriminating
# 23.8.91 I SUBMIT MAJOR REPORT: NB PREV., BRIEF 19.10.94;
# 3.9.91 consultation with Dept. physician Dr Pearce - as instructed; Dr Pearce
recommends that I seek I.P.S. counselling for a month to avoid disciplinary charges;
# 9.9.91 counselling by Warwick Peters, Industrial Program Service (IPS);
# 24.9.91 counselling by IPS, W. Peters; state that Brigades
are misappropriating the IPS counselling for the purpose of directing blame away from
Brigades and onto personnel;
# 10/23/24.DEC.91 three F.O.I. reports submitted through Brigade channels; specific
request for adverse/incriminating report; due to past unauthorised removals and additions of
personal file particulars under general request, specific request is submitted;
# 18.12.91 & 2.1.92 replies to my FOI access denied, by RC/Atkinson; stated criteria of
“Freedom Of Information Protocol” is to do with information to the public, not members of the

8 JAN. 1994: 16 STN. CONCORD -

# date of injury 7th & 8th Jan. 1994 whilst attending bush fire emergency; # Notice Of Injury
& Occurrence Book;
# “as a consequence of exposure to wet foot wear due to firefighting”; # “1st aid applied
and adequate changes of footwear socks and boots” # on duty for 24hrs without a break -
only meal breaks permitted from 1730hrs Fri 7 to 1730hrs Sat 8 + 30 min cleaning time -
dismissed 1800hrs - ( awake, conscious, for 36 hrs + ) # back on duty after less than 8 hrs
of disturbed sleep - 0200 hrs; # back up to Forward Fire Control then back to 16 Stn
Concord; # 1hr or so in bed, then turn out a code call 0530 approx.;
# dismissed 0800 hrs Sunday morn;.....the mood state of the group, is coercive if not
intimidating; ......clearly the danger became intrinsic as well as extrinsic......driving heavy
appliances and doing the work of a firefighter under these conditions becomes dangerous to all
concerned, contravening the very purpose of a fire brigade’s Charter

8 JAN. 1994: 16 STN. CONCORD - CONT.
......if my employer advocate does not want to recognise the danger of this practice that I’ve
described then firefighters
are simply operating under Marshall Law.......statutory indemnity protects the employer not
the firefighter if a death or injury occurs - it is squarely on the shoulders of the firefighter
concerned.......I’ve come under personal attack for submitting reports concerning health
safety & Brigades Practice.......I have imprimatur expressed under the Fire Brigades Act and
Industrial Award and implied under the Australian Constitution......

30.1.81 Induction into Alexandria Training College - the Staff Training
and Development Division (ST&DD) as a probationary fireman (1909 Act).
Perceived infringement -I unknowingly neglected to clean SO’s toilet -
was given an unfair driving test so as ensure failing that test.
Placed well in preliminary exam but placed last in exam on conclusion
of 3 month college induction - Brigade No. 5815.

26.4.81 First Stn No 7 Stanmore ‘B’ Platoon a bastardisation Plt. and

on a date prior to confirmation of appointment - 9.9.81 the following took place:
The 8 members involved in the violent physical assault against me,
in order of responsibility:
Cliff Herbert;
Steve Bamford;
Luke McKenzie;
Ross Waterman;
John Oxenham; (camera man)
Steve Brown; Chris Sykes; Craig Harris..these last 3 members
being somewhat repentant later.

I was stripped naked and tied to a wooden cross with Brigade pocket
lines (tools of trade); pubic hair half shaven off; a vacuum cleaner
was used on my genitals in an attempt to produce an erection.
I was then made to walk, and I think I was partly carried, then placed
against the running appliance and in a vertical position, a camera was
operated with a flash-light which had been previously. In the final act
glue was rubbed onto my upper torso and tinsel sprinkled.
I was untied and permitted to have a shower.

One member that did NOT take part was ‘Chicka’

Bryson, who considered such humiliation beneath normal human
behaviour - and sympathised. SO/Malpass on realising my underlying
hostility towards these members, reprimanded personally each
member involved. Whilst I was stationed at 7 there was never
another assault committed on any new members.

9.9.81 Placed well in confirmation of appointment exam...4th Class

fireman. I feel my seniority - exam result was interfered with.

17.1.82 Compassionate leave requested “to attend

to my wife who took suddenly ill” (miscarriage - 1st child); wife’s MC
submited...I’m not sure if my accrued leave was taken off me.

26.3.83 Transfer to 16 Stn ‘D’ Concord.

26.3.83 Compassionate leave granted to attend birth of son,
James, 3 reports required one a‘Brigades Instruction’ of Change Of Marital

15.10.83 Volunteer for ‘Special Response Squads’ in the event of

bush fire emergency.Gain internal accreditations above that which is
required for firefighters: Oxygen B.A. Qualification 6.9.85. (pay adj. 27.7.85)
& Bush Fire School - 9.9.85.

24.8.85 Apply for Newcastle transfer in order to gain better life style
(assumed) and better promotion prospects - this is a long term prospect as
my wife will take some convincing.

1.11.85 Transferred from 16 Stn. ‘D’ to ‘C’ Plt. 6.3.86 Apply to have
sick leave entitlement grant-as paternity leave to care for son James, whilst
wife nurses new child (5.4.86) & to attend to other family needs;
anti-discrimination grounds. EEO Co-ordinator, Edith Shenton, states - 10.3.86
inter alia: paid leave must be refused; access to own accrued leave
only etc. Union, J. Slade for Secretary F. Bryce; belated response 9.3.87; states
inter alia: apply for leave without pay only (or accrued leave). Accrued
leave entitlement is very limited; my wife is 41 years of age and may have
had problems at birth - having already a chorionic villus biopsy.

13.3.86 Threat of sooner than unexpected transfer to Newcastle by

Personnel Superintendent/A.Baker knowing that my wife was booked into St.Margarets
Hospital, Surry Hills, to give birth to our son Martin (NB prev) -
an act of pure bastardry. S/Baker occasions my penalty shift to No.12 Stn.
Balmain being further from home than No.16 an alternative
to being transferred to Newcastle.

12.3.86 is the date that the transfer to No.12 Stn. is effected however
I was only shown a short transfer list to Newcastle - my name being on it - by
DO/McCombe on the 13.3.86. Regardless I submit a further report whilst still stationed
at Concord - 20.3.86 stating the reason why I cannot go to Newcastle;
I fear the Brigades may ambush me with a second transfer attempt.
On my transfer to Balmain I learn that I’m the only qualified motor driver
on shift so that in the event of my having to leave to attend to my
wife’s needs I would legally be unable to do so. It is an offence to
obstruct a fire brigade in the performance of its duty - I would have to remain


on duty until relieved of motor driving - theStation Officer
SO/B.Edwards will not drive but states that I should go sick just
when the baby is due, the Brigades would have to supply a driver on
overtime - and so I imagine an illness to a GP to effect my attendance
to my wife’s and family needs.

My wife did not know the background to my transfer as I did not want
to trouble her unnecessarily, it was meant to be a time of rejoice as well as
caution. As ‘Murphy’s Law’ would have it Martin does not arrive neither
on the period of MC nor on the following days off duty, but instead, on
resuming duty on the morning of 5.4.86 my wife phones 12 Stn stating
that she is in labour, however my mother has arrived in time to tend to
James. On reporting my circumstances to the Brigades at 0900 hrs
it took 2 & ¼ hrs to be relieved. I was in an anxious state, SO/Edwards
would not relieve me of my driving responsibility. Providence alone
permitted me to be in attendance at my wife’s side whilst Martin was born.

10.7.86 In the interest of personal safety I request, (memo to Pearce)

being offered by the Brigades, to be inoculated against Hepatitis B.
- I have continued the process of self accountability and endeavoured
to contribute to the process of health and safety for all members
throughout my career.

4.2.87 On passing my senior firemen exam (and not before)

I submit a report “Dissatisfaction with Brigades Attitude and
Teaching Practice”. The Brigades endeavoured to have me retract this
report, rather than accept it as constructive criticism; they intimidated SO/B.Edwards
who had proven himself untrustworthy - but regardless
the report was not aimed at him personally. He did not agree, Edwards
deciding on a campaign of retribution which would bring about danger-
ous and divisive practice of a fire brigade.

I did not realise that I had struck at the ‘Achilles heel’ of the Brigades’
vehicle for promotion being the STⅅ my fate was sealed;
my external studies commitment only fuelling the malediction.

26.3.87 “Disobedience to alleged lawful order to stop traffic by

standing in front of traffic with a red flag on 25.3.87” - SO/B.Edwards, in
his report, response, dated 27.3.87 & submitted 31.3.87, alludes to
the fact that he in deed issued a dangerous instruction, admitting that


another firefighter had obeyed the same instruction issued to me
exposing himself to danger by using a red flag at night-time.

2.4.87 The entrapment employed by DO/Morgans when arriving at 12 Stn. watchroom

some two minutes after a similar night event, where
instead of flags an order is issued by Edwards to use barrier lamps
behind parked cars, only confirms the conspiracy when his reason for his
supervisory attendance was to inform me that I had disobeyed a lawful

10.5.87 “Wilful damage to Brigade property & personal property &

wilful damage defacing of clothes locker “; upon my return from annual
leave; # the mood of the young firemen on shift was turned against me;
the report is acknowledged 14.5.87 - Inspector/R. Kennedy stating
communication of the 12th and not 10th when submitted
contemporaneously as instructed by SO/Edwards.

11.5.87 Fireman/M. Pritchard, being on leave the previous day

and coming from SO’s office is enraged by the report I submitted - 10.5.87.

16.7.87 Complaint to the Union about the deteriorating circumstances

at 12 Stn Balmain. The Brigades In-Orders 1986/14 is meant to be
fulfilling a disciplinary requirement against adverse behaviour which
would impede the efficiency of a brigade. Yet the Brigades senior
officers are actively involved in condoning the very behaviour that
impedes the performance of a brigade.

21.8.87 1st FOI is submitted to gain access to my personal file,

after adding to the report -“Reasons are to ascertain the contents.”

31.8.87. The viewing of my file is assented to. Reports missing:

4.2.87 -“..Attitude & Teaching Practice etc.” &
10.5.87 - “Wilful Damage etc”.

9.9.87 Union industrial officer, J. Slade, allows himself “a few weeks”

more before intervening; SLADE IS INFORMED OF THE

2.10.87 Meeting with the Chief Officer, Bill Reay, Personnel Officer,
Allan Grunsell, and John Slade and myself. THE CHIEF OFFICER
THE WAY IN WHICH I’VE BEEN TREATED.....Slade had to get away
for the long weekend; meeting abandoned.


25.10.87 Submit “Lack of acknowledgment of reports/ Behaviour requiring disciplinary

action/Incomplete personal file” - sent also to Union;
Acknowledged 5.12.87.

7.12.87 submit application to go onto the relieving staff; - the relieving

staff is a penalty shift, I’m desperate to get away from the oppressive
and highly dangerous conduct of Balmain brigade.

16.12.87 2nd FOI is submitted to gain access & copies to

personal file. Gaining access on the 21.12.87, I find that the
responses to my submission to report 4.2.87 “...Attitude & Teaching Practice
etc.” are defamatory; the report 10.5.87 “Wilful Damage etc” is still missing
- NB prev FOI 1. The Brigades having openly no regard for human
rights let alone natural Justice - the Award is hardly a consideration.

23.12.87 send copy of report 10.5.87 to Superintendent/Montgomery.

6.1.88 Surprise visit by DO/Morgan to carry out a perfunctory

Preliminary Inquiry NB prev 10.5.87 “Wilful damage to Brigade Property
where I’m made out to be the guilty party; Without any warning or
preparation; I’m to be humiliated by senior officers whose
maladministration is rivalled only by their incompetence at fires.

10.2.88 Transferred to relieving staff -No.5 ‘A’ as stated - 7.12.87

18.2.88 submit an adverse report on the Brigades Staff Training

& Development Division (ST&DD) & senior officers in general
to UNION - no response was forthcoming.....

29.7.88 Physical Challenge by DO/Thompson approx 15 min after comming off

annual leave on my 1st shift.

29.8.88 ..X 3 REPORTS are submitted under Brigades Instruction
DO/Ryan and with gay abandon on receiving the reports he
throws them out....The Chief Officer on receiving his copies of the
reports instructs DCO/Rogers to intervene - 7.10.88
All I ask is that the Brigades pay me my rightful emoluments

21.12.88 Sustain an Injury at 27 Watkins St Newtown NB prev.

Pges 6 & 7 - A process where there was a complete disregard
for proper investigation and report administration. The incompetence of
DO/Craige & SO/Fields in their adverse report submission dated
29/30.12.88 would have endeavoured to find contributory
negligence in a Coroners Court if the worst case scenario
would have BEEN FULFILLED. DO/Ryan throws away my
WC Claim (it was never sub.) and injury report which when brought
to the attention of the Work Cover Authority and Chief Officer
is somehow condoned. The ‘parallel scenario report’- 4.1.89 would
serve to obviate erroneous negligence against me.

20.3.89 I’m referred to psychologist Evan Davies for psychological

appraisal, by Charles Kenna - who is a friend of the family (parents).

23.5.89 Transfer to HQ is quashed.

2.6.89 Transfer to No 38 Stn Prymont.

18.1.90 I resign from the NSW Fire Brigades OH&S Committee

due to its maladministration which was self serving and defeated the
objectives of the OH&S Act - hardly surprised I felt that the money
received as overtime attendances should be given to charity (it was blood money).

24.4.90 Submit a report to the Union in respect to intimidation

and victimisation of personnel who are qualified in the use of
Oxygen B.A. - in an act of attritional lunacy members, which
included myself are told by their respective District Officers that
unless they relinquish their O2 B.A. qualifications then they will be
transferred to a O2 B.A. Station, occasioned for the purpose and
mostly difficult to travel to. The process of physical fitness evaluation
of these members qualified (O2 BA) is of concern as there
has been clearly maladministration by the Occ. Health Unit’s
passing of members with serious physical fitness problems - the Occ Health
Unit has been told by the Dept to go easy on Station
Officers in an act of differential treatment against other firefighters.
It clearly represents a safety concern having to rely on members that
are unable to function properly.

22.7.90 Sustain injury whilst at work NB prev.Pges 7 & 8.

End up transferred to HQ, on light duties initially, to then
part of the general manning. Is subject of a report to
Director-General in respect of the duty of care by the employer
advocate when a firefighter is injured - 31.8.90.

31.8.90 Whilst on watchroom duty at HQ relay, and at approx.

0820 hrs, my wife phoned in a state of despair. She was bleeding
profusely, from her womb, she was at home alone with the two boys,
7 & 4 yrs; # it was imperative I attend to her needs
# SO/Hodgson taking advantage of my concerned state insisted
that I fill in a consolidated leave (accrued leave) form before leaving
the station; # My wife required a curet and it was a full-time care
operation to attend to her needs and the needs of my children;
# I was robbed of the full ten hours leave and was denied compassionate

12.10.90 Transferred to No 17 Stn Drummoyne on a mutual swap

which required my submitting a memo of request to be transferred,
instruction - SO/Fields, firefighter disposition; # the reason
for the memo is their concern of the inordinate amount of shifts
I’ve prima facie an admission of an inordinate
personnel practice (above that of their normal practice).

13.5.91 DO/Earl informs me that I’m to show cause of my

allegations of vocational corruption, that I verbally stated to TAFE.

14.5.91 3rd FOI request - I assumed that certain OH&S reports

were missing; submitted copies of missing reports to Chief Officer/B. Reay - 21.5.91 (to
put on file if need be); Reay returns the reports with a memo -
2.7.91; (originals hopefully on file).

21.5.91 Paraded to DCO/Freeman on a complaint raised in so called

confidence to TAFE Head teacher David Boyd, on a matter of vocational corruption
- I decline to give any information NB prev 13.5.91.

11.6.91 Veiw file NB prev.14.5.91

15.6.91 Asbestos incident NB prev. Pge 16.

1991 Period whilst at 17 Stn Drummoyne continued with external
studies using changes of shifts with other firefighters but as well, and
as Preliminary Inquiry - 17.12.92 selectively permits itself to
investigate, and without statutory authority to do so, I was going sick.
I was excluded at times from my employment in the interests
of health, why shouldn’t I attend TAFE or a movie or just be
with my family. The truth is I was endeavouring to manage the
stress produced by my employment - not because of the alleged
over commitment to study, but because of the
Brigades under commitment to Occupational Health.

FEBRUARY 1992 TO JULY 1993 : Separated from wife; # having

to travel down from Booragul, Lake Macquarie - parents residents;
# travelling to visit my children; maintain my family, brigade,
and external studies commitment # the permitted mutual transfer
between another firefighter and myself does not give rise to
a meritorious decision by senior officers who simply ‘OK’ it.
The transfer to 16 Stn Concord was the best I could do under
the circumstances, there were certainly better stations that would
better served my predicament.

The unlawful detention at the ST&DD gave rise to Oct 21 1993

were laid on the same day as another officer, SO/Boon, GREAT
Appeal - 206 of 1994. My Appeal - 664/94, being only the
second Brigades disciplinary Appeal since the GREAT Act 1980.

8.3.94 Mr P. Hearne, solicitor for the Dept states in his

memorandum to Acting Chief Officer Freeman, in respect to
Formal Inquiry that, “statutory and award procedural requirements
of the Regulations under the Fire Brigades Act 1989 and the
NSW FBEU Award were followed strictly” - this was not he case.

11.3.94 Two separate correspondences are received by me whilst

on duty at Concord, and signed for. The 1st relates to the
invitation to submit mitigation of penalty to the Director-General
(now Commissioner) signed P. Hearne, Dept solicitor. The 2nd
relates to an unsuccessful application of exchange firefighter with
the Civil Aviation Authority, signed ZC/D. Messenger,
Personnel Officer (Operations) BOTH WERE DATED 9.3.94.

21.4.94 Medical recommend. by Dept. C.O.H.P. Dr Pearce as per

advice of consulting Podiatrist to the Dept. Shirley Marr,
viz. inner soles, is repudiated by Dept. Supply Services.
Personal Diary Entry: Sat 15 April 1995 - Tue 25 April 1995
Personal Diary Entry: Wed 26 April 1995 - 1 May 1995
Personal Diary Entry: Tue 2 May 1995 - Fri 12 May 1995
Personal Diary Entry: Sat 13 May 1995- Wed 17 May 1995
Personal Diary Entry: Sat 13 May 1995- Wed 17 May 1995 with note from Dad
DATE 18 SEPT 2014
1. To Victims Services Commissioner in response to the decision not to pay the victim,
myself and state that any compensation which I consider and stated before the
Victims Services should be paid by the perpetrators who have been investigated by
the Police and that no charges had been laid.
2. The $30,000 compensation paid to me was paid as a result of one of the Workers
Compensation claims made due to injury of stress and did not include the
compensation for criminal assault because it would have been ultra vires for a
Workers Compensation Court to absolve a crime by way of the solicitors PK Simpson
submission for damages.
3. ATT A - PK Simpson ‘Retainer Agreement’ dated 28 Oct 1994 was as follows:
11. The solicitor shall negotiate and at their discretion, settle payment of party/party costs
where payable;
12. The solicitor shall not investigate negligence proceedings as I do not wish to spend any
funds on that investigation
4. As was explained the solicitors and the barrister knew of the criminal assault but did
not report it to the Police as they should have.
5. ATT B – A letter regardless from Fire Brigades Workers Compensation section officer
Sue Stirling to Anne Fein dated 24 April 1996 stipulates the period of compensation
between 16 Feb 1993 to 26 Feb 1993, being my first claim for stress.
6. ATT C - I have attached the diary entry for 1 May 1995 where I was summoned to
Garfield Barwick Chambers where I broke down in front Vaughn Jurisich and Gabriel a
female colleague who stood in for Jeffrey J. Elia both from PK Simpson. Gabriel was
standing behind me I was seated and she left before I was finished with barrister
a. Vaughn Jurisich stated that he would get them (NSW Fire Brigades) but he
7. So therefore the 26 page chronology addressed to Jeffrey Elia of PK Simpson 15 May

1995 was a consequence of the meeting on the 1 May 1995 at the barrister’s chambers.
a. I trusted my legal advisors and they let me down, they committed an offence.
8. The Fire Brigades solicitors would have been privy to the doctors reports that
stipulated likewise the assault and no doubt both parties discussed what should
because if it got referred to the Police they may miss out on costs because it would
not be a Workers Compensation Jurisdictional and therefore ultra vires.
9. As the Fire Brigades refused to acknowledge my stress injuries and bastardistation
and would not give me rehabilitation nor wages and I was in a deep depression
having to go onto Aropax anti-depressant mediaction and look for work and go
benefits to feed my family.

10. ATT D – Reply was sent to PK Simpson 7 June 1995 from State Super. A letter was
sent to my State Super Scheme by PK Simpson 1 June 1995 by without my knowledge
and I doubt it was in strict accordance with the retainer agreement nor Workers
Compensation Act rather it was a ploy to keep me in the Workers Comp Jurisdiction.
11. I have maintained to previous correspondences to various Jurisdictions that my
retirement was in lieu of dismissal and therefore a ‘contracting out’ of the Workers
Comp Jurisdiction.
12. In essence I was punished for being bastardised physically, administratively and
judicially. On the judicial bastardisation medical reports relating to the crime were
again removed from Judicial function see IRC 1513 of 2006 transcript:
a. ATT E – relates to the removal of medical reports relating to the crime;
b. ATT F – relates to my statutory informancy (whistleblowing) on vocational
corruption and institutionalised freemasonry by the Fire Brigades.
13.$30,000 Workers Comp payment had nothing to do with the criminal assault, I was
instead punished by removal from mainstream society.
14.I have been advise by my solicitor Napier Keen that a review of the Victims Services
“would be unsuccessful” and I would have to agree because we are dealing with a
continuous statutory occasioning by government and its judiciary consort at the
behest of the removal of Common Law Rights.
15.I believe in appointment on merit, given my belief system previously indicated at ATT
D. I have explained that I am not permitted to access Government subsidised
employment regimes that are not based on merit and that I have always had to
compete with directly.
16.ATT G - I will instruct a solicitor to invoke my breach of Federal Law of
Commonwealth Statutory Declaration. I need a solicitor because Police are likely to
ignore me yet again. I will then as a criminal be able to access subsidised
employment with training.
17.This is the best opportunity for me at this late stage of my life, my wife is safe in our
home and my children are both in stable employment and relationships and it
demonstrates a resolve of my innocents in the way I am being treated and punished
as a victim.
In oath
Charles Henry Norville

CONTENTIONS: The Contentions of this report and twin report are the same as submitted
at the above review 18 Sept 2014. Law Officers and judiciary must have known what a
crime looks like in 1994-1996 W Comp advocacy. I am being punished for crimes committed
by others.

The recent twin report submission 26 Sept 2016, the Attorney General Office 6 March 2017,
response was in particular to seek legal advice, which has been an arduous and almost
pointless exercise, where clear bias is part of the contentions and which is likely to continue
– the simple way of putting off any client is to tell them to sell their house for legal costs,
the law is adversarial and is not meant to avail the truth….. The Government and agencies
will “vigorously” challenge my right to equal access to employment and maintain the
punishment for crimes committed by others to be retired for the term of my natural life.
Yet the overturning of the retirement is precisely what is required and therefore the return
of the illicit VC of $9,481.06 was required (Ref 2).

The NSW AG Office also states with regard to the retirement 1995 its considered at point 1
of 3 “at the time the decision,” (retirement 1995), “was made you were not informed that
the matter that gave rise to your early retirement could have formed the basis of criminal
proceedings against the perpetrators of the abuse endured by you nor were attempts made
to pursue that course.” [pge 11]

From: Info Service []

Sent: Friday, March 3, 2017 8:47 AM
Subject: Contact with the Australian Human Rights Commission [DLM=Sensitive:Personal]

Dear Charles

I refer to your email about your complaint about the NSW government.
Unfortunately, I can’t comment on the validity of a closed complaint. The best time to dispute it was
when it was open.

I can only suggest you seek legal advice about your options if you wanted to pursue it in some way.
You can contact Law Access on 1300 888 529 (, Legal Aid of NSW
( or your nearest community legal centre (


Rebecca Gieng
National Information Service

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T 1300 656 419 F +61 2 9284 9611
Human rights: everyone, everywhere, everyday

Note: The National Information Service’s opening hours are Monday to Friday, between 10am
to 4pm AEDT.

Date 2/10/2017 10:26:00 PM
Unit Complaints - <a
href=""></a>  (For
more information about the complaints process <a
href="//">click here</a>)
Name charles h norville
Query Some time ago I made a complaint that you declined to investigate on my being forced to be
on NSW State Pension, which was detrimental to my being employed as I was not welfare
dependent, and thus not within the area of assistance.  I was declared fit and there was no
reason for me to be maintained on a pension.  More up to date information may be located
I would appreciate the confirmation that you can do nothing and also attach previous email to
you Thankyou.  My previous address was at 6a Kahibah st swansea and my email was
probably different as well. 

Dr MARLOWE (treating phycologist) – Excluded by HealthQuest & ADT Included under S47 FOI
Dr MARLOWE (treating phycologist) – Excluded by HealthQuest & ADT Included under S47 FOI
Dr MARLOWE (treating phycologist) – Excluded by HealthQuest & ADT Included under S47 FOI
The following report was first issued 19 February 1996 instructs taking the $30,000 WC
Commutation March 1996. On conclusion of initial 2nd claim for unrecognised Workers
Comp Aug 1994. But is refuted and instead 1st claim Feb- Mar 1993 was the claim
recognised for Commutation referenced by the Fire Brigades Sue Stirling to Anne Fien 24
April 1996 [pge 98]
Mark Howard makes reference to the 26 page Chronology in his para 4

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