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Doctor of Philosophy (Mining Engineering)

University of Alberta, Expected Completion Date: April 8th, 2010

Master of Science (Mining Engineering)

University of Alberta, June 2007

Bachelor of Education with distinction (Secondary)

University of Alberta, June 2005

Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering with distinction

University of Alberta, June 2003


Graduate Student Teaching Award, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research,

University of Alberta, 2010
Honorary Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship (2009-2011)
Alberta Ingenuity Graduate Scholarship: Annually $26,000 (2009 2011)
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship: Doctoral level: $7,500 (2009)
Petro-Canada Graduate Scholarship in Petroleum Engineering: $4,600 (2009)
Frontiers and Innovation, CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention, Calgary Alberta:
Best Student Geophysical Oral Presentation - Honorable Mention: $250 (2009)
MITACS: Internship Program: Annually $9,000 (2007-2008)
NSERC: Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship Ph.D: Annually $21,000 (2007-2008)
NSERC: Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship M.Sc: Annually $21,000 (2005-2006)
Walter H. Johns Fellowship: Annually $4,672 (2005-2006)
Jason Lang Scholarship: $1,000 (2004)
Douglas Farquhar Johnson Bursary: $3,250 (2002)
Alberta Chamber of Resource Scholarship: $1,000 (2000)
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship: $1,500 (1996 1998)

Research Associate
September 2005 Present
University of Alberta: Edmonton, Alberta

Research Applications
September 2005 Present
University of Alberta: Edmonton, Alberta
I have worked on a variety of mining and petroleum related geostatistical projects for Chevron
Canada Limited, GeoSystems International, Conoco Philips, Husky Energy, Innovative
Petrotech Solutions, Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada and North American Oil Sands

January 2005 July 2005
Putteridge High School: Luton, United Kingdom

May 2003 September 2004

Engineering Co-Op Student

Fording Coal and Suncor


senior editor and founder of the International Association for Mathematical Geology
(IAMG) student chapter review board, 2008-present
president and founder of the IAMG student chapter, 2006-2008
volunteer with the Citizens on Patrol (COP) program run by the RCMP, 2006-2008
volunteer board member Morinville Curling Club, 2004-Present
interests include golf, curling, soccer, mountain biking, billiards, reading, and hiking


My research to date can be categorized into two main contributions, reserve estimation and
modeling with locally varying features. My advancement of reserve estimation techniques
include tools to generate more accurate reserves for mining applications on a panel scale as
well as a number of publications that deal with reserves for specific mineralogy such as vein
and kimberlite deposits. The second area where I have made significant contributions deals
with the modeling of non-linear features. I have explored multiple solutions to this issue
including: multiple point statistics (M.Sc work) and non-stationary modeling (Ph.D work).

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