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Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

SED 464 Signature Assignment

Innovation Grant Proposal Template

based off of the

Arizona Technology in Education Association (AzTEA) and CenturyLink

Innovation in Classroom Technology Integration (ICTI) Grant

Seeing the True Nature of Accomplishment

Scott Holland

Arizona State University

Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

School Environment Narrative

The Dysart School District is a coalition of twenty three separate schools all working together to

educate Arizonas children. More than 24,000 children are fortunate enough to be in the Dysart

School District Zone. Populations vary from school to school, but district wide at least 92% of

the students speak English with 8% speaking other. Dysart Elementary breaks down ethnically to

54.91% Hispanic, 33.76% White, 5.66% Black, 2.89% Asian, and 2.77% American Indian.

The AzMERIT test is a window into work that can still be done at Dysart Elementary. Only 33%

percent of 8th graders based the ELA part of the exam, Math only at 37% passing. This should

not be seen as a failure, but as an opportunity to fix problems we may have, and to listen to

teachers, and faculty dealing with these great kids on a daily basis.

In the 8th grade, at Dysart Elementary, the students have five blocks, or periods, throughout the

day. Social Studies, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Specials are all classes vital to a

students success, but when supplemented with technology the way of learning becomes open to

all. Classes are around 120 minutes with 20 minutes of that being dedicated to making sure the

dilapidated laptops the students are using work correctly. Along with the laptops, a projector

setup to the teachers computer provides easy access for the teacher to show work, or current

events through the power of the internet. Internet can be a fickle mistress though as our Dysart

Elementary Wireless Network seems to have trouble keeping up with demand. Outages are a

common occurrence, and has effected the learning process as some teachers come to rely on the

coaxial god.

However, when the network does work the students can learn Social Studies, and Reading with a

program called Achieve 3000. This program allows students to read a story, or article, and then

be tested on the contents of the reading with different types of formative assessments. Reading
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

comprehension, statistics, and essay structure are just a few activities that can be set to test the

student for understanding.

Having even the most meager of technology in the classroom is a great achievement for the

Dysart School District, Dysart Elementary, and the Dysart family of students. Not all students

have access to a computer at home, or may not have easy access to the internet, and that is why

having a computer for every child, no matter how old, is a real benefit to the student not feeling

left out of the education process.


The United States has the great honor of being one the first countries to establish a home for all

peoples, no matter what ethnic background you may have, with values, and rights as a means of

inclusion. Washington D.C., the capital of this great nation, holds these values in its historic

halls, and prodigious monuments. Taking the 110 students of the Dysart Elementary 8th grade

class to this glorious, and historical location is instrumental for truly understanding what this

country is built upon, and what can continue to be built with the scaffolding we have in place.

Each student will have a tablet issued to them at the beginning of the day, and turned in one hour

after the last tour of the day. These tablets will not only serve the purpose of added educational

information through pre-screen websites, but will also serve as the students journal when

visiting each monument. Students will describe the significance of each monument, or exhibit,

and how it makes them feel about their place in the U.S. Upon returning to class, students will be

asked to compile their individual knowledge and journal entries into an essay describing their

overall experience in Washington D.C.

Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

While I am currently a student studying Secondary Education, with an emphasis in History, I feel

technology itself is currently outpacing the use of tech in the classroom. I feel technology can

help students learn History especially since, as Mark Twain put it, History doesnt repeat itself,

but it often rhymes. Using the internet to connect current, and past events will help students

make connections in their own lives, and spark self-exploration of an event that speaks to them.

Software like Achieve 3000 can give students access to assignments from the comfort of their

own home, or from any school computer if internet at home is not available to them. Lowering

the stress of schoolwork, and homework can help students focus on what is being taught to them

on a daily basis. Using technology is not just another tool to be used, it must be the tool we use

in todays, and in future, classrooms if we want to make meaningful connections with todays


Project Narrative

Need for Project

I understand History can be a tough subject to get excited about for an adolescent. Some

questions I have heard in the classroom are What does this have to do with me; Why does this

matter now; and What does it matter if I know this, or not? These are not questions to be simply

ignored, and glossed over while teaching. These questions need to be answered when they are

asked because you will not only lose that one student while trying to teach something they do not

understand, but you will also lose any other student that may have been asking that same

question to themselves. During the Washington D.C. trip tablets will be an integral part of the

process when teaching the students about our nations capital, and will continue to be an

important part of the 8th grade as a whole for years to come. Having 110 students, each with their

own individual questions, can be quite the daunting task no matter the number of chaperons.
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Having these mobile tablets can answer questions for the student as they come to them, and with

internet sources already chosen by the teacher, everyone can rest assured the proper information

is being viewed.

Student Impact

Taking this trip to Washington D.C. is an answer for these students that they can see, feel, and

experience for themselves. Living in the history is the best way to absorb it, and take in the grand

scale of what we are teaching to these students. Student impact in the first year of the

Washington D.C. trip will be 110 8th grade students seeing what history is, and how it relates to

them. Within five years over 550 students will have had the opportunity to visit our capitol, and

take in all the historic sites, and find what makes America so great.

Teachers Impact

Students will not be the only ones to take something away from this trip. As teachers, history

especially, we tend to get lost in books, and texts that we intend to teach, or we have a passion

for, but this does not translate into real world experience. With teachers going on the trip, and

maybe learning along with the student, they can share their own perspective of what our capitol

means to them, and with the teachers prior educational background, this prospective will now be

more rounded to the benefit of both teacher, and student.

Community Impact

With Dysart Elementary being a Tile One school the idea of these students going on a trip like

this outside of the educational system does not seem likely. This could be the only time most of

these students even go outside of their own state. Having this experience in Washington D.C.

will have a lasting impact on the students life, and that creates a ripple effect in the community

as a whole.
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Learning Goals and Outcomes

To many people, Washington D.C. is just another city where politicians go every once in a while

to argue, and accomplish nothing. The farther you go from D.C. the more this ideology takes

over even with our current technology. Showing students the foundations of the United States

will give them a better understanding of why America is different from other nations, why the

historical figures we have are important to the founding of this nation, and using technology to

enhance practical, and real life experience can be a great benefit. This trip is not only for the

individual student, but for students to learn, and have experiences as a group. Texting, and video

sharing apps like Glide, Snapchat, and Messenger will be fully integrated into the experience, via

their tablet, to help students share thoughts, and feelings in real time, but to also share those same

thoughts, and feelings with the community back home. Collaboration does not just include

students, it includes parents, administrators, and anyone else who wants to see student success.

Social Study standards that will be implemented:

SS08-S01-C04-04: Describe the significance of the following documents:

a. Declaration of Independence

b. Articles of Confederation

c. Constitution

d. Bill of Rights

SS08-S03-C03-01: Compare the ways the Federal and Arizona governments operate:

a. three branches

b. Constitution

c. election process (e.g., congressional and legislative districts, propositions, voter

Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

SS08-S01-C04-05: Explain the influence of the following individuals in the establishment of a

new government:

a. Thomas Jefferson

b. James Madison

c. John Adams

d. Benjamin Franklin

Technology Standards:

ISTE-3a: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other

resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

ISTE-3b: Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems,

developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

College and Career Readiness Standards:

68.RH.6: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an authors point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded

language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).

68.WHST.5: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen

writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on

how well purpose and audience have been addressed.

68.WHST.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present

the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.


Students will be expected to participate in all activities.

Visiting, and touring the Jefferson Memorial

Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Students will document their experience, and thoughts on the significance of Thomas

Jefferson on the provided tablets.

Visiting, and touring the National Archives

Students will document why the Constitution, and Declaration of Independence are

significant to the founding, and continuation of the U.S. Also, students will document

their own feelings of what these two documents mean to them

The National Mall in General will be visited, and toured.

Students will document what each monument means to them, and why they think this

monument needed to be built.

Upon return, students will compile their knowledge into an essay in which they will

present to the class.


The students will complete a three to five page essay detailing their thoughts, and feelings

regarding the field trip to Washington D.C. In addition, the essays will be expected to include

key vocabulary, and references to important figures listed in the content standards, which will be

provided by the teacher. A rubric will also be provided to show what will be expected in terms of

grammar, organization, accuracy, knowledge gained, and mechanics regarding the essay. The

tablets provided to the students during the field trip will also be provided while writing the essay

to make sure thoughts, and experiences can accurately be portrayed in their writing.

Technology Support

Making sure the technology provided to the students works correctly, and without interruption, is

key to setting the students up for success. The 8th grade class has a tech team lead, and will be in

charge of any technical issues that cannot be settled by the student, or that students chaperon. He
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

will also do an inventory of the tablets every night, from either a hand count, or chaperons

counting from their individual group, and reporting the numbers. In addition, the 8th grade math

teacher is Dysart Elementaries IT professional, and offers a large range of knowledge concerning


Sustaining the Project

Keeping the project going for the next 8th grade class will be crucial to making the trip a rite of

passage for students getting ready to leave middle school, and moving on to high school. After

the first field trip to Washington D.C., most of the kinks and logistics will be worked out, and

will make all future trips that much easier to plan, and execute, and all while making it cheaper

per trip with this extra efficiency. Documentation by the chaperons will also give the 8th grade

teachers, and administration, data on what worked while on the trip and what did not. For

example, what locations are open to students? What is the maximum number of students per

location? Are more chaperones needed for the next trip due to workload? These questions, and

many more like them, are going to be essential to creating an environment of safety, and

comfortability, which will help student, and chaperones learn from this once in a lifetime



The Washington D.C. field trip is the best way to show students our history as a nation. Seeing is

believing when you want to teach any subject to any student. Going to our nations capital,

seeing the monuments with their own eyes, and having the time to think and reflect will foster a

sense of discovery most students will never have. Combine this with the use of technology to

enhance the scope of what the students is experiencing and you have a recipe for making well-

rounded students getting ready to move to the next phase of life.

Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Budget Table and Narrative

Item Quantity Individual Cost Total Cost (Tax

Plane tickets. Round
trip from Phoenix to 125 $345.00 $48,090.24
Washington D.C.
Hotel rooms 62.5 (two per room) $197.00 $26,032.51
Per diem (food) 125 (x3 meals a day) $80 per day, per $10,000
Asus 8-inch ZenPad
8 Quad-Core 1.3GHz 120 $128.00 $16,220.16
5MP Camera IPS
Tablet - Dark Grey
Tablet warranties (2 120 $52.00 $6,589.44
Tablet accessories 120 $21.00 $2,661.12
Entry fees 125 $0.00 (free admission $0.00
to all national
Per diem (academic As seen necessary $30.00 $3,600.00
Total $113,193.47

Many aspects of the budget table for the Washington D.C. trip are for basic needs that have to be

taken care of no matter what. The Asus tablets that will be used during the trip will help students

document, and catalog what kind of experience they are having. Using this type of technology on

the go, in such a bustling, and historic city, will be a great test for the students in managing

important items, and using those important items responsibly. With todays working world

integrating technology more and more into every aspect of business, it becomes essential that

students learn to use, and handle devices that an employer may give them.
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Appendix A: Inquiry Based Lesson Plan

Teachers: Scott Holland Subject: Social Studies Grade: 8th


SS08-S01-C04-04- Describe the significance of the following documents: a. Declaration of Independence b.

Articles of Confederation c. Constitution d. Bill of Rights, ISTE-3a- Students plan and employ effective research
strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits., ISTE-3b- Students
evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources., ISTE-
7c- Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work
effectively toward a common goal., 68.RH.4- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies., 68.RH.7- Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital
texts., 68.WHST.2- Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific
procedures/experiments, or technical processes., 68.WHST.4- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience., 68.WHST.9- Draw evidence
from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Objective (Explicit):

Student will describe the significance of the following documents: The Declaration of Independence, the
Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the Bill of rights by identifying how they influenced, and
helped construct the United States.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An essay detailing each document, and its significance to the founding of the

United States, will be used as the assessment for this lesson. An example of this would be One of the reasons the

Declaration of Independence was significant to the founding of the United States because it set forth the reason why

the Colonies were leaving the English Empire. Grammar, viability of argument, inclusion of key vocabulary, and

basic structure of the essay will all contribute to the overall grade.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

Student will discuss what influence the Magna Carta, and the English Bill of Rights may have had on the
United States founding documents.
Knowledge of this, and the past units key vocabulary, will be needed to show mastery. Basic writing skills
will also need to be applied to show ability.
Students living in the United States should know what rights they have, and why they were implemented the
way they were in order to make sure they are never lost.
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Key vocabulary: Declaration of Independence, Articles of Materials/Technology Resources to be used:

Confederation, Constitution, Bill of Rights. Laptops, textbooks, journals, writing utensils.

Engage (Make content and learning relevant to real life and connect to student interest)

Knowing about your rights as an American will be used to get the students attention. Relating the material to modern

day politics of warrants, right to privacy, and what the Federal Government can and cannot do will get the students

involved in discussion. What similarities do you see with why the Colonies wanted to leave Great Britain, and what

current political debates are happening today?

Teacher Will: During the reading/lecture portion, Student Will: Keep in mind what may still be

the information will be disseminated in a logical relevant today with the information given, making

order, with the examples of an outline being made as sure to write down terms that they see as relevant, or

progress is made. Question: What are you seeing teacher emphasizes.


similar between then and now?

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: If co-teaching is available, then a back and forth approach would be

beneficial. One teacher dealing with the main reading, and lecture portion, and another being in the back

adding information that supplements the information. Accommodations can be made with not having

students read, or having another student translate material if needed.

Teacher Will: Discussion while reading will give Student Will: Reflect on other students

some opportunity for students sharing their interpretation of events to get another point of view.

thoughts. Instruction will be given to list five Write down five similarities of the political climate

similarities between then, and now politically. during the content time period, and the current time


Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: If co-teaching is available, then a back and forth approach would be

beneficial. One teacher dealing with the main reading, and lecture portion, and another being in the back
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

adding information that supplements the information. Accommodations can be made with not having

students read, or having another student translate material if needed.

Teacher Will: Discuss with various small groups on Student Will: Partner with a neighbor to come up

what their thoughts are, and test for understanding with, and discuss senerios of What do you think

with simple review questions on the subject. would happen if the U.S. never declared

Independence, or never replaced the Articles of

Confederation with the Constitution?


Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: If co-teaching is available, then a back and forth approach would be

beneficial. One teacher dealing with the main reading, and lecture portion, and another being in the back

adding information that supplements the information. Accommodations can be made with not having

students read, or having another student translate material if needed. Small group discussion will also act as

an accommodation with peer responses being able to help others understand the material.

Evaluate: The partner review, and What if scenario will serve as a closure to the content, and will lead into the

evaluation. Teacher will have students write an essay detailing the key vocabulary, and general concepts of politics

discussed during the class.

Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Appendix B: Washington D.C. Essay

Teacher Name: Mr. Holland

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Writing - Grammar There are no or 1-2 There are multiple There are multiple The paper is filled with
grammatical mistakes in grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes. grammatical mistakes
the essay. It is obvious that would be easy to Mistakes are to obvious that shows a lack of
though the paper was over look while writing. to miss with a proof effort in the overall
proof read. May or may not have reading. project.
been proof read.

Writing - Organization There is a clear Student showed good There was little There is no
organization, and organization, and structure, and Organization, or
structure to arguments, structure but misaligned organization in the structure to the paper.
and personal one, or two points. paper. Arguments and Personal experience and
experience. personal experience do arguments are
not connect. combined in a
haphazard way that
hurts both.

Content - Accuracy All facts presented in the 99-90% of the facts in 89-80% of the facts in Fewer than 80% of the
essay are clear, and the essay are clear, and the essay are accurate. facts in the essay are
accurate. accurate. Mistakes made Mistakes made are accurate. Obvious fact
are obvious misspellings, oversights to obvious, checking did not take
or common confusion of and easy to miss. place. Little regard for
two individuals, or accuracy of any fact in
places. the essay.

Knowledge Gained Student shows Student shows Student does not show Student did not gain
knowledge gained knowledge gained above knowledge gained past knowledge to get to the
above, and beyond the general curriculum. the general curriculum. general curriculum.
general content though Showing through their Arguments are below Arguments, and personal
personal experience, personal experience, average, with little detail experience show no
and accuracy of and arguments. in terms of personal growth what so ever.
arguments. experience.
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Writing - Mechanics Capitalization and Capitalization and There are 3-4 There are several
punctuation are correct punctuation are mostly capitalization and/or capitalization or
throughout the essay. correct, but shows a punctuation errors in punctuation errors in
understanding of the the essay. Little time the essay. Time was not
mechanics. was put in proofreading. put into proof reading.
Running Head: Innovation Grant Proposal

Appendix C: Works Cited

Google Flights. (2017). Retrieved from;f=PHX,AZA;t=IAD,DCA,BWI;d=2017-11-


Asus 8-inch ZenPad 8 Quad-Core 1.3GHz 2GB RAM 16GB 5MP Camera IPS Tablet - Dark

Grey. (2017). Retrieved from

Tablet accessories. (2017). Retrieved from



Google Maps/ Hotels. (2017). Retrieved from,-77.0407629,15z

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