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All teachers in each classroom have pediatric first aid certification, A copy of the certificate is kept on file. Give first aid certification information to the Child Lab manager. Supervisors are responsible to assure that all staff members and children receive necessary safety training, All teachers should know where the first aid kits and fire extinguishers are located and how to use them. Straw, hay, com stalks, lighted candles, open flames, or other combustibles or sources of ignition may not be used in the least two (2) days in advance, for approval of any outdoor fire that produces an open flame. Check the BYU-I website for the form. time children will spend outdoors, if the sun 1s snining, tne amou of precipitation, and wind chill. 15° F and above or below 90° F are recommended 0° F-15° F use caution Below 0° F or above 90° F NOT recommended Proper clothing on cold days, for teachers and for children, is a mi Teachers are responsible for assessing weather conditions and determining what outer clothing is necessary. In cold weather, coz must be zipped and mittens and hats on. Careful supervision is imperative when children are outdoors. least two teachers from each classroom must be onthe piayeeand all times. The supervising teacher must carry an er with her when on the playground. ‘The pack should disposable gloves, large gauze pads, and other first aid Poisoning Each staff member is responsible to see that all caustic substances are kept on high shelves, out of children’s reach and in a locked cabinet. If a child does ingest a poisonous substance, you should contact a faculty member and use the following procedures: ak call Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 2: make a written note of the caustic substance, amount ingested, and time of poisoning 3¢ write down instructions given by Poison Control Center 4. have child transported to the hospital for therapeutic intervention and observation if instructed Se contact parents or guardians about the accident

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