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(A Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah)

A Skripsi
Presented to Department of English Education
in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S-1)


Muhamad Romli
NIM. 107014001134





(A Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah)

Presented to Deparftnent of English Education
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (S-1)


Muham*d Rsmlii
NIM. 107014001134

Approved by the Advicer,

.19690912 20090r



Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini,

Nama Muhamad Romli
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir Tangerang, l0 Desember 1987
NIM 107014001 134

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi Improving The Students' Reading
Comprehension of Narrative Text Through Story
. Mapping (,4 Classrcom Action Research of the
second Grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor).

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Alek, M"Pd.

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa:
1. Skripsi ini merupakan hasil karya asli penulis yang diajukan untuk
memenuhi salah satu persyaratan memperoleh gelar strata I (S-1) di
UIN Syarif Hidayafullah Jakarta.
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Syarif Hidayatullah J al<arta,

Jakart4 27 April2}l4

Muhamad Romli
NM. 107014001134

The examination committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

certifies that the ooSkripsi" (Scientific Paper) entitled
THROUGH STORY MAPPING" (A Classroom Action Research af the Second
Grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor) " written by Muhamad Romli, student's
registration number: 107014001134, was examined at examination session of the
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training on Wednesday, April 30 2014. The
"Skripsi" has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements
for academic title of 'S.Pd' in English Language Education at the English
Education Department.

J akarta, 30tr April, 20 I 4


CHA"IRMAN: Drs. Syauki" M.Fd ,(

NrP. 19641212 199103 1 0A2

SECRETARY : ZahrilAnesvtM, HlLtrB

NrP. 19761007 2007101 002

EXAMINER I D rs H.-Bab rulHas ib_uan-M.&l

NIP. 1973062s t99903 2 001

Acknowledged by
Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

Dra. Nurlena Rifa'i. M.A., Ph.D.

NrP. 19591020 198603 2 001

MUHAMAD ROMLI. NIM. 107014001134. Improving the Students

Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text through Story mapping (A
Classroom Action Research of the second Grade of MTsTarbiyatul Falah Bogor)
Skripsi of English Education Department, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers
Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2014.

Advisor : Dr. Alek

Keywords : Improving, Narrative Text, Story Mapping Method and Classroom
Action Research.

The objective of the research was to get empirical evidenceof the

improving students reading comprehension of narrative text through story
mapping method. The method of this research was classroom action research
which was conducted in two cycles. The subject of this research was the 2nd
Grade of MTs tarbiyatul Falah Bogor at Academic Year 2013/2014 with total
number of students 35. The research instruments were the observation sheet,
interview guidelines, questionnaire and test form. Based on the results of data
analysis since pre-test up post-test of cycle 2, the average of study result gained in
tests with the average value was 65.14. Whereas in post-test of first cycle after
applying story mapping method had enhanced 10.29 point or 15.79% from
pre-test being 75.43. Next, the second cycle had enhanced 17.43 point from
pre-test or 26.75% to the average value being 82.57. Based on the learning
activities which have occurred the enhancing from the first to second cycle. From
this research findings, it showed that story mapping method could improve the
students reading comprehension of narrative text.


MUHAMAD ROMLI. NIM. 107014001134. Improving the students Reading

Comprehension of Narrative Text through Story Mapping (A Classroom Action
Research of the Second Grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor), Skripsi, Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negri Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Pembimbing : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci : Peningkatan, teks narasi, metode story peta cerita, dan penelitian tindakan

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang
peningkatan pemahaman siswa terhadap teks narasi dengan menggunakan metode peta
cerita. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang
berlangsung dua putaran. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa kelas 8 MTs
tarbiyatul Falah Bogor yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan
adalah lembar observasi, wawancara yang tersusun, lembar kuisioner, dan bentuk test. Dari
hasil analisis data dari mulai pre-test sampai dengan post-test 2 menyatakan bahwa nilai
rata-rata yang didapat siswa pada pre-tes adalah 65,14. Kemudian setelah menerapkan
metode peta cerita dalam pengajaran terdapat peningkatan 10,29 poin atau 15,79% menjadi
75,43. Kemudian, dalam putaran kedua terdapat peningkatan sebesar 17,43 poin dari hasil
pre-tes atau sebesar 26,75% atau didapatkan nilai rata-rata siswa sebesar 82,57.
Berdasarkan kegiatan belajar mengajar sudah terjadi perubahan yang signifikan antar pre-
tes sampai dengan pos-tes 2. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpilkan bahwa metode peta cerita
dapat meningkatkan secara signifikan pemahaman membaca siswa terhadap teks narasi.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, for the blessing given in
finishing the Skripsi entitled The Improving the Students Reading
Comprehension of Narrative Text through story mapping (A Classroom action
Research of the Second Grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor). Peace and
blessing be upon to the lovely prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his
companion and his followers.
This Skripsi is presented to The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers
Training as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd in the
Department of English Education.
In this opportunity, the writer would like to express the greatest honor and
deepest gratitude to his Parents, H. Daih and Hj. Rokayah also his beloved
The writer also would like to express his gratitude to Dr. Alek, M.Pd. as
his advisor for his time, kindness, suggestions, guidance and patience in
correcting and helping him in finishing this skripsi.
His Gratitude also goes to those who helped him in finishing this
Skripsi, among others:
1. Dra. Nurlena Rifai, MA., Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.
2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Chairman of the Department of English Education.
3. Zahril Anasyi, M. Hum., the secretary of the Department of English
4. All lecturers at the Department of English Education, for their knowledge,
guidance, motivation and patient during his study at UIN Jakarta.
5. Sofyan Adenansi, S.Pd.I., the Head of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor, for giving
permission to the writer to do observation and conduct the research.
6. Ibnatul Wathan HM who has given her spirit and motivation to the writer.
7. All his friends in the Department of English Education for sharing their
knowledge, time and being good friends.
Finally, the writer confesses that his writing is still far from being perfect,
hence, he hopes some suggestions and criticisms from the readers of this paper for
a better in future.

Jakarta, April 30th 2014

The Writer


APPROVAL.................................................................................................... i
ENDORESMENT SHEET ............................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLADGEMENT ............................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ vii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1
A. The Background of Study ............................................... 1
B. The Formulation of the Problem ..................................... 4
C. The Objective of Study ................................................... 4
D. The Significant of Study ................................................. 4

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................... 6

A. Narrative Text ................................................................. 6
1. The Understanding of Narrative Text ........................ 6
2. The Purpose of Narrative Text ................................... 7
3. The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text ............... 7
4. The Language Features of Narrative Text ................. 10
B. Story Mapping................................................................. 10
1. The Understanding of Story Mapping........................ 10
2. The Purpose of Story Mapping .................................. 12
3. The Technique of Using Story Mapping .................... 12
4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Story
Mapping ..................................................................... 14
C. Teaching Narrative Text by Using Story
Mapping ........................................................................... 15

CHAPTER III . RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................... 17

A. The Time and Place of the Research............................... 17
B. The Subject of the Research............................................ 17

C. The Research Instrument ................................................ 17
D. The Data Sources ............................................................ 19
E. The Role of the Researcher in the Research .................. 20
F. The Data Collecting Procedure ....................................... 20
G. The Technique of Data Analysis ..................................... 25


A. Research Finding............................................................. 28
1. The Result of Pre Action ............................................ 28
2. The Result after Implementing CAR ......................... 36
B. Interpretation ......................... 45
1. Pre-action Class......................................................... 45
2. Cycle 1 ...................................................................... 45
3. Cycle 2 ...................................................................... 46

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................. 48

A. The Conclusion ............................................................... 48
B. The Suggestion ................................................................ 48
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 50
APPENDIXES ......................................................................................... 52


Table 4.1 The result of Observation ...................................................... 29

Table 4.2 Questionnaire Rate ................................................................ 33
Table 4.3 The Result of Students Pre-action Test ............................... 34
Table 4.4 The Result of Post-action Test 1 ........................................... 37
Table 4.5 The Result of Post-action Test 2 ........................................... 42



A. The Background of Study

English language has an important role in educational world, especially in
Indonesia. It could be seen that English has been learnt in some level of education.
For instance, in Indonesia, this language has been taught from kindergarten level
to university level. It says that English is learnt for all level of education in
However, every language has its own rules and uniqueness, English does
too. English has four basic language skills. They are listening, speaking, writing,
and reading. Speaking and writing involve language production, so they are
regarded as productive skills. On the other hand, listening and reading involve
receiving message, so they are regarded as receptive skills. 1
Reading, as one of language skills, has a very important role. The students
should comprehend the reading for certain purpose, however it needs a practical
and suitable method.
The idea is supported by the fact that reading now has a part of daily life.
Reading can not be separated from daily activities. People read many kinds
written materials such as newspapers, magazines, novels, academic books and so
on. Through reading people can get a lot of information, knowledge, enjoyment
and even problem solution. Therefore, the ability to read the text in any form will
bring great advantages to the readers. All those purposes need reading skill
So that way, when people talk about reading, it might be automatically
related to comprehension or understanding. For instance, a reader who
understands what he has read can answer questions about it. It means that
understanding something is the main goal of reading.

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman,
1989), p. 16.

Reading becomes an important part of language teaching, and it has

complicated problem. Some teachers considered that reading is not favorite
activity for most students. Therefore, English teachers should find strategies to
overcome this problem. They are expected to find appropriate strategies or
activities to make students understand reading text and moreover enjoy reading.
Talking about reading activities, there are some techniques that can be
used by the English teachers. Absolutely, every teacher should choose the
appropriate one to reach their goals. For example in Indonesia, it is known that
most of the classes are big. These classes can consist of 35 up to 45 students or
more for each class. Consequently, it is hard for the teacher to manage such big
classes. It is difficult for the teacher to make the contact to the student directly,
moreover students at the back row. The teachers will be difficult to control every
students on by one. On the other side, it is also difficult for the students to ask for
and receive individual attention. Moreover, if the teacher wants to actively engage
the students in the students in learning activities, it will take more time to do it.
According to Dianes statement that good language learners are who have a strong
desire to communicate.2
From explanation above, it means that teachers must consider a strategy
that suitable for teaching reading in order to make the learning process becomes
effective. The strategy its self should be adjusted with the condition of the class
and the ability of the students. Because every class has its condition its self, it also
will determine the suitable strategy its self.
Also, the strategy used by English teachers in teaching reading must be
be adjusted to the kinds of reading text. In the current curriculum- School based
curriculum (Kurikuum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) There are several texts which
are ought to be learnt by high school students in Indonesia. According to the
Standard of Competence (SK) and Basic Competence (KD) in the current
curriculum KTSP 2006, some of those texts are procedure, descriptive,
argumentative and narrative text.

Diane Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 159.

Among the texts which are mentioned above, narrative text is considered
as the most interesting text. A narrative text is a piece of text which tells a story
and, in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener.3 The text consists of
orientation, complication, or problems and resolution. Students are expected to
understand the text, but many students still find difficulties in reaching the goal.
They sometimes can not find the ideas of whole the text. The students are difficult
to comprehend the text, it makes them confused. Finally, the students do not
understand the plot of the whole story.
In teaching narrative text, the students often feel bored because the
teachers sometimes ask the students to translate the story whereas it is ineffective
method of making students understand the text. Absolutely, the student can not
enjoy the text its self.
To overcome those problems in teaching narrative text, the teacher can use
suitable and interesting methods or techniques which are also suitable for the
learners. Every methode has its own features and weakness. Also, to minimize
these problems, studens should be a centre activity of teaching and learning
process or cooperative learning. It is based on Sharans idea about cooperative
learning in her book that cooperative learning is a group-centered and student-
centered approach to classroom teaching and learning. 4
Even though cooperative study has its problems, it becomes advantages
and disadvantages of the method. Slavin explains more about the problems and
how to solve them.5
From the explanation above, the writer would like to propose one teaching
technique which has been shown to be a beneficial teaching technique in
improving students understanding of narrative text, that is by using story
mapping. Story mapping is a graphic or semantic visual representation of a story.
The map illustrates ways to show an overview of a story. It also tell the

Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra: Macmillan, 2003), p.
Shlomo Sharan, Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods, (London: Preager
Westport, 1994), p. 336.
Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning, (Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon, 1995), p.

information about its generic structure, such as characters, setting, goal, event and
In teaching narrative text by using story mapping, the teacher asks the
students to read first the text then make a summary by drawing graphic and filling
it with everything that related to the story. Its purpose is to improve their
understanding of what they read. These steps are preceded by pre-test then
finalized by post test to get the summary of the whole research to show the
effectiveness of the method.

B. The Formulation of the Problem

In this study, the writer necessarily does classroom action research to see
the students improvement in reading comprehension of narrative text at MTs
Tarbiyatul falah Bogor. The writer applies story mapping method in this research.
The main problem of this study is Can story mapping improve the students
reading comprehension of narrative text at MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor?.
In addition, How does story mapping improve students reading
comprehension of narrative text at MTs Tarbiyatul falah Bogor?

C. The Objective of Study

Based on the formulation of the problem which posed above, the main
objective of the study is to evaluate the English teaching learning process
especially in learning narrative text at MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor. The objective
of the study are:
1. To know whether story mapping can improve students reading comprehension
of narrative text at MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor.
2. To know how story mapping improve the students reading comprehension of
narrative text at MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor.

Pamela J. Farris, et al., Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Todays
Classroom, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004), p. 345.

D. The Significant of Study

The results of the research was expected to help English teachers applying
appropriate method in teaching narrative text to make teaching learning process
will get more understanding about the material, so it will get some improvement
Also, this research may be used by other researcher as a tool to make a
comparison of other similar research particularly to comepare some methods
which are used to improve the students understanding of English texts especially
to improve the understanding of narrative text. Finally the teaching learning
process will be innovative and effective. This research may be called as
participant research, which is based on Agungs opinion in his book that the
researcher takes part of the study.7
Also this research was used to give the ideas of empirical evidence about
using story mapping method on improving the students understanding of
narrative text. The explaination above agrres with Nazirs argumentation in his
book. He states that a research is a research of knowladge and giving meaning
continuelly about something.8
Morever, this research was regarded as one of ways for the researcher to
widen his knowladge about teaching reading method, especially the idea about
story mapping method in teaching narrative text.

I Gusti Ngurah Agung, Metode penelitian Sosial, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia, 1992), p. 9.
Moh. Nazir, Metode Penelitian, (Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia, 2005), p. 13.

A. Narrative Text
1. The Understanding of Narrative Text
There are two main categories of texts, literary and factual. Within these,
there are various text types. Each type has a common and usual way of using
language. In this paper, the writer will only dicuss one of the texts that is being
used for his researach, that is narrative text.
A narrative is a text that tells a story and, in doing so, entertains the
audience.1 Also, its narrative purpose is mainly to inform often contains large
passage arranging the events in a story strictly in chronological order.
Narrative can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables,
romances and adventure stories, myths and legends). Anderson and Kathy
describe many different types of narrative; namely humour, romance, crime, real
life fiction, historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, diary novel, and
From the explanation above, narrative text is a story occurred in past time
which its social funtion is to emuse or entertain the readers. It is written with
certain characteristics and its language features.
Chatman classified narrative text into four basic elements as follows: 3
a. Characters
In every story, there must be characters that play in it. There are two
characters take place within a story. They are main characters and
secondary characters. Character is the single most important element in the
narrative text. It describe physical of the character such as age, weight,
height, even personality traits including the strength and weaknesses.4

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: Mcmillan,
1998), p. 3.
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra: Mcmillan,
2003), p. 18.
Chatman, S., and B. Attebery, Reading Narrative Fiction, (New York: McMillan, 1993),
p. 23.
Ibid., p. 23.
A character is the most important part in the story which will be more
focus in it. He or she plays the role of the story.

b. Settings
Settings are what author writes to describe the reader where and when the
story takes place. The setting addresses the location (where) and period (when) of
the story whether the story tells a reader among realistic, historical fiction or
c. Plot
The plot includes a series of episodes or events written by the author to
hold the readers attention and to build excitement as the story progresses. The
plot contains an initiating event, starting the main character of the series of events
toward problem solving. 6A good writer will make the reader drown to the plot of
the story that he writes. The writer will be as an actor of the story its self.
d. Conclusion
The writer ends up the story by summarizing and telling the solution of the
problems in the story. This last part is called by conclusion.

2. The Purpose of Narrative Text

People write narrative text might be basically for pleasure, to gain and
hold the reader interest in a story. It means that they like to write any kinds of
stories to entertain or even to teach the readers about the writers reflection on
This is one idea to Andersons explanation that narrative is used to present
a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or listener. 7 It is also to
eentertain the readers or listener by presenting a story.
From the explanation above, it means that the social function of narrative
text is to emuse the reader or listener, other than providing entertainment, can be

Ibid.,p. 23.
Ibid.,p. 23.
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson., Op.Cit., 2003, p. 6.
to make the audience thinks about an issue, teach them a lesson, or excite their

3. The Schematic Structures of Narrative Text

The generic structures of narrative texts are orientation, complication,
sequence of events, resolution, and Coda.8 A more detailed generic structure of
narrative text has been proposed by Anderson and Anderson who argue that a
narrative text includes
a. Orientation that sets the scene (when and where) and introduces
participants/character (who).
b. Complication where a crisis arises and something happened unexpectedly.
c. Resolution when the crisis is resolved in which the characters finally sort out
the complication.
d. A code which is closing to the narrative (an optional step).

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, op.cit., 1998, p. 4.
SNOW WHITE Schematic Language
Structures Features
Once upon time there lived a little girl
named Snow White. She lived with her Orientation
Aunt and Uncle. She lived with her Aunt
and Uncle because her parents were died.
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt Specific
talking about leaving Snow White in the Major Participants
castle because they both wanted to go to Complication
America and they didnt have enough
money to take Snow White.
Snow White didnt want her Uncle and
Aunt to do this so she decided it would be
best if she ran away. The next morning she Resolution
ran away from home when her Aunt and
Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away
into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry.
Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked
but no one answered so she went inside Complication
and fell asleep. Past
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were Tense action
coming home from work. They went inside. Resolution
There they found Snow White sleeping.
Then Snow White woke up. She saw the
dwarfs. The dwarfs said, What is your
name? Snow White said, My name is Snow
Doc said, If you wish, you may live here Complication
with us. Snow White said, Oh could (I)?
Thank you. Then Snow White told the
dwarfs the whole story and Snow White
and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

Major Resolution Samples

of temporal

Chart 2.1
Schematic of Narrative Text
4. The Linguistic Features of Narrative Text
The language features usually found in a narrative are:
Specific characters
Time words that connect events to tell when they occur.
Verbs to show the actions that occur in the story.
Descriptive words to portray the characters and settings.9
The language features shown above are being used by a narrator. There
always be specific characters in every story. For instance, in the story of Snow
White above, the specific character is Snow White. Time words are also used in
that story, for example "One day...... And also the last two language features.

The language features are provided to help the readers in understanding

the story. By past tense used, the readers will know what happened in the story.
Conjunction is also really important to describe the characters and settings of the
From the explanation above, narrative text has certain language features
which is adapted from a story. It shows how the whole story is, also it becomes a
special characteristic of narrative text among other texts.

B. Story Mapping
1. The Understanding of Story Mapping Method
Generally, the target of a reading activity is to get understanding of a text.
That is why sometimes the students are being taught in a less teacher directed
manner in order to make them practicing the previous lesson and then use their
skill to improve their knowledge. Idol-Maestas and Croll (1985) demonstrate this
using a reader-directed story map study guide procedure structured to take
readers attention to the elements of story grammar (e.g., setting, problem, goal,
action) during reading.10 One of the easy way to make the students understand the
text easily is by using story mapping.

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra: Mcmillan,
1998), p. 8.
Zephaniah T. Davis, The Journal of Educational Research: Effects of Prereading Story
Mapping on Elementary Readers Comprehension, (Sacramento: California State University,
1994), p. 353.
Before explaining more about story mapping method, it should be better to
know first the origin of this method. According to Pamela J. Farris, the origin of
story maps lies within story grammar research. the term story grammar refers to
the hierarchical rules or psychological structures that people use to create and
remember stories, the skeleton underlying a story, so to speak. These
psychological models of comprehension and memory are used by both adults and
children to encode and store in formation in their long-term memories.11
The term story mapping consists of two different words. They are story
and mapping. Based on Hornby in Oxford Advanced learners Dictionary story
is a description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in
order to entertain people.12
Story is also regarded as a fiction selection to entertain a reader; as a part
of pleasure. On the other side, map is defined as a drawing to describe or give
information about something, especially the way it is arranged or organized. So, if
the word is added with ing, become mapping, it could be defined as a sketch or
drawing that shows location or relation between things or place. In other word it is
an action to make a map.
From the explanation above, it means that story map is a graphic or
semantic visual representation of a story. The map will illustrate a way to provide
an overview af a story. It may consist of brief information about characters,
setting, problem, goal, events and resolution.13
It means that story mapping is a technique used after story has ben read. It
includes identifying the main elements, and categorizing the main events in
sequential order. A graphic representation is often used to illustrate the story
structureand sequence of events. Story mapping also can be referred as word
mapping or idea mapping. They are strategies which designed to show how the
concept or key words of a story are related one another. The result is shown

Pamela J Farris, Teaching reading: A Balanced Approach for Todays Classroom, (New
York: McGraw Hill, 2004), p. 345.
A. S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 815.
Pamela J Farris, Op.Cit., p. 345.
through graphic representation. So, the whole story will be shown at the end
Based on the concept of some experts above, it could be concluded that
story mapping method is a way to understand a story by illustrating it into a chart
of map. It describes how the story is. Some clues of a story are attached in the
map, so it guides the reader to understand the whole story.

2. The Purposes of Story Mapping

Pamela stated that there are some purposes of story mapping. They are:
Enhances meaning with mental imagery.
Links past experience to the words and ideas in the text.
Allows readers to create mental images from words in the text.
Enables readers to place themselvesin the story.
Strengthens a readers relationship to the text.
Stimulates the imaginative thinking.
Brings joy to reading.
Heightens engagement with text.14
Based on the purposes above it means that the function of story mapping
method are expected to facilitate and help the students getting a good
understanding of a story or text and supposed to comprehen the mean of whole

3. The Technique of Using Story Mapping Method

Before applying this method, the teacher is supposed to know well how to
apply and use it. The following steps are the general procedure to follow when
preparing a basic story map:15

Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Todays Classrooms,
(New York: McGraw Hill, 2004), p. 512.
Ibid., p. 346.
a. Read the story. Write a sequenced summary of the main ideas, key events,
and characters that make up the plot of the story.
b. Place the title, theme, or topic of the story in the center of the graphic story
map in a predominant box or at the top of the semantic chart.
c. Draw enough ties projecting out symmetrically from the center of the map
to accommodate the major events of the storys plot. Attach related pieces
or second-level information from the summary list to these ties in
chronological order, moving clockwise around the center. The
semantically organized chart is simply arranged by story elements, so
information is transferred to it accordingly.
d. Draw additional ties projecting out symmetrically from each secondary
box to accommodate the important details associated with the key plot
event, adding relevant information from the summary list.
e. Review the final semantic chart or story map for completeness.
Those steps are preview of procedure how to apply the story mapping
method theoretically. Here the writer will make the graphic of story mapping to
draw the steps above.

Main Character Setting

Supporting Character Title

Figure 2.1.
Story Map16

4. The Advantages and disadvantages of Story Mapping Method

In every techniques or methods, they have some advantages and
disadvantages, and story mapping does too. Its advantages, it could be helpful for
students and also the teacher. In her book, Pamela stated that when created as part
of the process of preparing a reading lesson, teachers become more involved in
thinking about the structure of the story they are to teach and how each part of the
story relates to the others.17 It means that completing a story map chart helps
students to focus on lesson, leads to more purposeful teaching, and the result is a
better quality learning experience for the students. So, the target of learning will
be closer to get perfectly.
Also, there are some advantages of story mapping for the students. They

a. Students will be more easily understand how the story pieces mesh.
b. By mapping, students can store some information of the story from their
personal schema.
c. It facilitates to recall of story elements more completely.
d. It enhances the students ability to interpret the story by visualizing story
characters, events and setting.
e. To increase the students comprehension of selection by organizing and
sequencing main story events.
f. It will increase the students awareness that story characters and events are
g. To develop the students sense of story which will assist story telling,
retelling and writing.
h. The students knowledge continually applies when they predict what might
happen next in one story after another.

Ibid., p. 347.
Ibid., p. 346.
On the other side, story mapping has also some disadvantages. They are :

a. Story mapping can be applied only for certain kinds of text, such as
narrative text, then the maps can be applied to the stories, particularly the
shorter text.18
b. Applying story mapping in teaching narrative text needs a longer time than
without using this method. Therefore, this method can not be used for
anytime of teaching.

C. Teaching Narrative Text by Using Story Mapping Method

Jeanne M. Stone suggests to give the students an idea of what is expected
before the students begin creating their own maps. 19Using story mapping in
teaching narrative text, there are some steps which should be done by the teacher
systematically. Pamela told clearly about these steps. They are:20
Step 1
Introduce to the students the concept of story mapping together with what
benefits for students are. Tell the students that story mapping would be helpful to
develope their reading comprehension of a story. Make them sure using story
mapping will give more understanding about narrative text.
Step 2
Explain the major components of story mapping through identifying a
story first concerning to figure out the title, the theme of the story, the important
characters and personality traits of specific participants of a story, after that
identifying the orientation or significant plot developements. It leads to sequence
of action to note characters attempts in overcoming problems, then evoke to get

Ibid., p. 346.
Jeanne M. Stone, Comparative Learning Reading Activities, (San Clemente: Kagan
Publishing, 2000), p. 160.
Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Todays Classrooms,
(New York: McGraw Hill, 2004), p. 346.
the solution. A teacher needs to give the interactive instruction for each story
component clearly. Build questioning to the students before or after reading the
story to construct their motivation or to check their comprehension. After students
read a story, let them fill out section of the story map worksheet. Make sure that
all the components of story mapping form are defined.

Step 3
Direct them when the students commit errors to reread the story using
guidance question even modeling to help them come up with an appropriate
response, to make the students get the focus on the target of reading.
Step 4
Ask students to read independently. Encourage them to write the answers
using key words only while the teacher is still questioning such as who is the
main character? what is he like? where does the story take place? what problem
does happen mostly? how is the end of the story? Etc. After that give some
comments to the students for appropriately identifying story mapping elements.
And then evaluate the answers to make sure them fix to the appropriate questions.
Step 5
Have students through selected stories and complete the story map
worksheet on theirs after students use the story mapping technique independently.
And then, check students responses and share individually with those students
requiring additional guidance and support them.
Step 6
Prepare some exercises and give them to the students to evaluate. It will
measure the students comprehension of the story. It is done individually through
to take students daily score.
Based on Joys statement in his book that various kinds of graphic
representation have also been successfully used with students learning as a second

Joy M. Reid, Understanding Learning Styles in the Second Language Classroom, (New
Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents, 1998), p. 116.


A. The Time and Place of the Research

The research was conducted from August up to November 2013. The
research took place at MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor which was located at Cibadak-
Sukamakmur Bogor. The reason of taking the research for this educational level,
because this level should master narrative text. It was one of the important kinds
of texts for final test or national final examination.

B. The Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was the second grade students of MTs
Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor in 2013/2014 academic year. Exactly, it was at the first
semester of the year. There were 35 students in class VIII B as respondents of the
research. There were some reasons why the subject was chosen. Such as; the
students of this class had lower ability in English lesson, especially in reading
English text, the class had a enough quantity of the students to do research.

C. The Research Instrument

There were four kinds of instruments used to get the data in this research.
They are observation sheet, interview guidelines, questionnaires, and test form.
Observation sheet and interview guidelines were used to get qualitative data, and
to abtain quantitative data, questionnaires and test form were used. Two both
research methods were applied to support each other. Both methods can be used
together or combined.1

To make it clearer, here are some explanations about each instrument.

1. Observation Sheet

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2008), p. 27.
Observation is a research instrument which has special character among
other research instruments. It observes not only about the person, but also the
Observation sheet was used as the first research instrument. This season,
the researcher as only an observer. Because the researcher took a nonparticipant
observation. The observer was not involved and only as an independent observer. 3
This season was used to monitor and record the data of the teachers and
students performance during learning and teaching process in the class. The data
from this season was used as a basis data to continue to the next season. Also, the
data was used to prepare all the materials needed in the following steps.

2. Interview guideline
Interview guideline was used as a tool to collect data, if the researcher had
known the information which will be gotten. So, the researcher had prepared a
research instrument as some questions with their answer.4
This season was used also to get the data needed. It was done direct to the
subject orally. The interview was conducted to the English teacher and students of
MTs Tarbiyatul Falah second grade B. This process was applied before and after
Classroom Action Research. This season was used to complete the qualitative

3. Questionnaires
Questionnaires is a technique of collecting data by giving some questions
or written statements to respondents to be answered. 5
Much information can be gathered by means of a written questionneir
presented to the subject. As compared with interviewing, the written questionnaire
is typically more efficient and practical and allows for the use of a larger sample. 6

Ibid., p. 145.
Ibid., p. 145.
Ibid., p. 138.
Ibid., p. 142.
Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education, (DeKalb: Library of Congress
Cataloging, 1979), p. 174.
Further some advantages of this technique are that standard instructions
are given to all subjects and personal appearance, mood, or conduct of the
investigator will not color the result. There are two types of questionnaire. They
are structured and unstructured questionnaire. Otherwise, the structured
questionnaire was used in this research which contains the questions and
alternative answers to them.

4. Test
Written test was used to collect data in this season. There were two kinds
of tests used to gain the data . They were pre-test and post-test. Both were done
before and after the implementation of using story mapping in teaching narrative
text. The purpose of this season was to measure students understanding of
narrative text, also to obtain the quantitative data. Tasks are proposed as useful
vehicles for applying these principles.7

D. Data Sources
The data of this research was got from the process and procedure of the
research instrument and the result of teaching narrative text by using story
mapping. According to Arikunto in his book that data sources is subject which is
got from.8 All the instruments to get the data were prepared and made before
implementing CAR. Such as; time table, observation sheet, interview gudelines,
pre action test form, lesson plan, teaching materials, post action test, and so on.
Also, some data was got from English teacher of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor
which was based on himself document. And the data of the students evaluation
was given and calculated by the researcher. In the final, the result of comparison
between pre action test and post action test score become a real evidence to
measure the students achievement.
E. The Role of the Researcher in the Research

Jack C. Richards & Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 223.
Suharismi Arikunto, Procedur Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010), p. 172.
The role of the researcher in this reserach was a main actor. In the
observation season, the writer acted as an independent observer, he did not
involve in teaching learning process. Then, in the next season, the writer took a
part of teaching learning process. The writer acted as the English teacher in the
research process. Therefore, the writer prepared a lesson plan and pre action test
before implementing story mapping method in teaching narrative text process,
also post action test form after implementation. In the final, he calculated and
analyzed data to make a report as a result of the research.

F. The Data Collecting Procedure

In gathering the data of this research, there were some techniques used,
namely; observation, interview, questionnaire and test. To make it clearer, here
are the following details:
1. Observation
Through the observation as the first technique of collecting data. In this
technique, the data was taken from the notes about everything happened during
teaching learning process which were about the teachers treatment to the
students, which method the teacher used and how the process worked. The
observation also were about students responses and participation in teaching
learning process. This method also as a barometer to do previous data collecting.
By direct observing, there are possibilities to take some notes, behavior,
development, and so on, which happens any time.9

2. Interview
The way of collecting data of pre-action was used also interview
guidelines. It was the second technique to get more information in collecting data.
There two kinds of interview which were used. They were: unstructured interview
and structured interview.10 The interview conducted to both English teacher and
some students who were the participants of teaching learning process. The

Moh Nazir, Metode Penelitian, (Bogor: Gralia Indonesia, 2005), p. 175.
Suharismi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010), p. 172.
interview was about the English teaching learning process at MTs Tarbiyatul falah
which was conducted before and after implementing story mapping in teaching
narrative text. Then, the result of interview was taken as guidelines to complete
the data needed.

3. Questionnaire
In this collecting data technique, gaining the data was conducted twice,
pre-action and after implementing CAR. It was used structured questionnaire
which contained the questions and alternative answers to them. In this technique,
the students were supposed to choose one of the alternative answers according to
their personal estimation of each question. After conducting this phase, it resulted
a percentage of students response. Its aim was to support other data to get a valid
research result.

4. Test
The test was the last technique used to know about the students
improvement of understanding narrative text by using story mapping method.
This technique was used to know the students achievement in learning narrative
text by using story mapping. It may be as the main technique in collecting data.
So, this technique would be told more how this technique worked to prove that
story mapping could improve the students understanding of narrative text.
The result of tests were provided by some tables to make it more eficient
and communicative enough.11

Sugiyono, Statistika untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2005), p. 22.
The wholeness of the research process would be drawn in the Chart 3.1

Planning Acting

Cycle 1 Reflecting Observing

Planning Acting

Cycle 2 Reflecting Observing

(Adapted from Suharsimi Arikunto)12

Chart 3.1
The Kurt Lewinss Design of CAR

In General, there are many Classroom Action Research designed by

some experts. Otherwise, in this research used Kurt Lewins design for many

Ibid., p. 137.
reasons. It is easy to be applied, applicable, suitable for this study. Kurt
Lewins design consists of four phases within one cycle. They are planning,
acting, observing, and reflecting. 13 Teacher is possible to find a new problem
or the previous unfinished problems yet after applying first cycle. If it
happens, it is necessary to do same way to submit the second cycle. Here some
explanations about each phase and how it works.
1. Cycle 1
a. Planning
In this season, the research was conducted as a real action. Its aim was
to know what problems of the students in learning English in terms of reading
lesson especially in understanding narrative texts. So, the English teacher
would know what he should do. Therefore, in this phase, there were many
things should be prepared to start the action. Firstly, lesson plan was prepared
to make a scenario of the action. Then, choosing teaching materials, After that,
making time table, preparing all of media which needed, also preparing
evaluation sheet to measure the students achievement in the end of this cycle.

b. Acting
In this phase, everything which was determined on the lesson plan was
done as on the scenario. Firstly, The teacher asked the students about narrative
text and their difficulties in understanding the texts. Then, the teacher
explained the schematic structures of narrative texts and everything that can be
found in narrative texts. After that, the teacher introduced and explained what
story map was with the strategy used by students in learning narrative text.
Next, asked The students to filled out some points in the story map according
to the texts which has been given.

Ibid., p. 137.
c. Observing
In this phase, the teacher observed the process worked also the
students response, participation, achievement and everything which was found
during the teaching and learning process.Also, it was necessary to ask some
students opinion about the process of teaching and learning narrative text by
using story mapping to get feedback. When observing, the teacher should notice
all of activities in the classroom. It was done in order to get accurate result in the
end of the research and to prepare for the next agenda.

d. Reflecting
In this last phase, the teacher reflected the whole action based on data that
have been collected, and then it was necessary to give some evaluation before
continue to the next cycle. This phase was carried out collaboratively, that was to
discuss some further problems occurred in the class with the students. Its aim, the
reflection was able to be determined after implementing the action and
observation outcomes. If there were still some problems, so it was needed to start
the next cycle. By continuing to the next cycle, it was expected that the unfinished
problems yet can be overcome and the target can be achieved. The researcher tried
to find some more interesting stories, it is based on sarahs suggestion in her

2. Cycle 2
a. Planning
Cycle 2 began from making new lesson plan with some revised part. It was
aimed to get better of implementation the method. As the planning phase in Cycle
1, Also the teacher mde preparation of teaching aids. Evaluation and post test 2
were prepared to know students' achievements in the end of this cycle. The
teacher also re-selected the topics and teaching aids to motivate students, so that
they would get a better understanding of the texts.

Sarah Philips, Young Learners, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 46.
b. Acting
In this phase; the researcher applied the new lesson plan. As the teacher,
the researcher also emphasized and reviews schematic structures to the students in
order to make them getting better understanding. In this phase, the students were
also taught to paraphrase a story. Generally, it did all the activities in cycle 1, to
make sure the students understand well about the concept.

c. Observing
The researcher observed students participation and achievement in this
phase. Here, the researcher tried to make sure whether students improved their
understanding or not and differed their achievements between cycle 1 and cycle 2.

d. Reflecting
The teacher discussed about the implementation of the method also the
result of the implementation of the modified action and decides whether the action
should be continued or not.

G. The Techniques of Data Analysis

The observaion and interview were conducted before and after Classroom
Action Research used to analyze qualitative data. On the other side, to conduct the
quantitative data, it was conducted questionnaire and test. Here several steps were
done to get the data. There was some numerical data to be processed. First, the
researcher measured the average or mean of students reading score per-action
within one cycle. It was used to know how the students reading skills were
improved. It used the formula as below:15

X =

X : mean or average.
x : total score of all students.
n : number of students.
Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, (Bandung: PT Tarsiti, 2002), p. 67.
Next, the writer tried to get the class percentage which passed the minimal
mastery level kriterian (KKM) considering English subject gains score 75
(seventy five). The formula is:16
P = x 100%

P : Pre test presentage.

F : Total students who get score 75.
n : Number of students.

Then, after getting average of students score per-action, the researcher

identified whether the students improved their understanding of narrative text
from pre-test up to post test 1 in cycle 1 and post test 2 in cycle 2. The writer used
the formula below to analyze the data :
y1 y
P= x 100%

P : Presentage of students improvement.

y1 : Average of post test 1.
y : Mean of pre-test.

y2 y
P= x 100%

P1 : Presentage of students improvement.

Y2 : Average of post test 2.
y : Mean of pre-test.

Anas Sudjono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada,
2008), p. 43.


A. Rsearch Finding
In this sbutitle would be described some findings which were found on
classroom action resrach of implementing story mapping method on teaching
narrative text at second grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor. This reserach was
conduted in 2 phases. First phase was conducted before implementing story
mapping method and the second one was conducted after applying story mapping
method. Its aim to know whether the students score got improvement before and
after applying story mapping method in teaching narrative text.
1. Result of Pre-action
This first phase was conducted before applying story mapping in teaching
narrative text. In this phase, the data which was collected about teaching method
that English teacher used in teaching learning process, condition of the class,
students participation. Those information was collected by conducting
observation sheet, interview, questioner guidelines, also pre-action test for the
a. Observation
After conducting observation season, it resulted a preview of the teaching
classroom condition. The data was collected before Classroom Action Research
applied. The result of observation would be summarized in the following table.
Table 4.1
The Result of Observation before CAR
NO Observation Aspects Condition Interpretation
A. Preparation
Teacher prepared lesson
1. Teacher prepared lesson plan Enough plan before teaching
Sometimes the teacher
The goal of the teaching in the lesson
2. Enough determined the goal of the
plan was clear
Teaching media was
3. Teacher prepared teaching media Enough
Teacher only used the
Teacher prepared setting of the class for ordinary setting, without
4. Enough
teaching making any variation
Teacher did not too care
Teacher prepared the students
5. Enough about the students
condition physically or mentality
B. Presentation/delivering material
Teacher did not tell the
Teacher told the target of teaching
1. Poor goal of teaching before
which should be achieved
teaching learning started
Teacher never gave the
Teacher motivated students, took
students motivation but
2. students attention to join teaching Enough
sometimes he took the
process well
students attention
Teacher explained the lesson using
3. certain technique to make it clearer and Poor Less of method variation
easier to understand
Teaching process was
Teaching process was based on logical based on the truth steps.
4. Good
steps They were preparing,
acting, main and closing.
While teaching learning process, the
Teacher seldom asked the
5. teacher made time to ask some Enough
students some questions
questions to the students
Teacher could answer
The teacher answered students students question clearly
6. Good
question clearly and could make them
Teacher did not ask the
Teacher asked the students to conclude students to mak a summary
7. Enough
lesson in the end of the class of teaching learning of the
C. Teaching Method/Acting
Teaching was done variantly as long as Lees of the technique
1. the time location possible, Poor variety in delivering
not classical and boring Material
Teacher could deliver the
Material was based on the purpose of
2. Good material based on the
During teaching learning process,
Sometimes the teacher
3. teacher gave the students reinforcement Enough
emphasize the materials
Illustration and example were chosen
Teacher gave a common
4. carefully, so those could be effective Enough
and easy to understand

Based on the table 4.1, the condition of the class was not so effective to do
teaching learning process. The observation was conducted on August 21st 2013, it
describe how English teaching learning process works. Especially, the process of
Teaching reading text at the second grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor. First,
the teacher taught reading by explaining what kind of text is. After that, the
teacher asked students to read the text (a story). Then, the teacher explained the
students the schematic structure and content of the story. And then, he asked
students to answer some questions related to the story. And the last, he asked the
students about their achievement to submit the students daily score. The writer
assumes that this teaching technique could not help the students to understand
about the lesson. Furthermore, this technique caused many problems in teaching
reading, especially in teaching narrative texts. The writer will try to describe some
problems based on the observation.

First, it is related to the students skill who are lack of vocabulary. So, it
makes them hard to understand the words used in the story. Second, the students
only know about the theory (schematic structures) of the text without
understanding the whole text. The students do not get the ideas of the text well.
Consequently, the students get bored and difficult to answer some questions given
related to the story. And the real effect is the students English score is low
According to Ngalim Purwanto, observation is a direct method of social
behavior, so it is important tool of evaluation.1

b. Interview
1. Data from Interview of the Teacher
The interview was conducted the English teacher for many times. First
interview was conducted on 26 of August 2013. This study used two kinds of
interview. Structured and unstructured interview. It asked about the condition of
teaching learning process generally. First, it was asked about problems in the
classroom happened frequently. Furthermore, the researcher conducted structured
interview using interview guidelines. Here, the teacher answered some questions
based on the interview guidelines which made by the researcher about English
teaching learning process at MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor. Those were the general
condition in English class primarily on students reading achievement and
performance, the difficulties faced by students in reading lesson, and the kinds of
strategies implemented by the teacher previously to improve the students
understanding of English texts.
Firstly, the teacher answered some questions about general condition of
the class. The teacher described much about what the writer asked. The teacher
said that sometimes the students followed the lesson enthusiastically but
sometimes they did not really reactive with the lesson. He added that the students
were easy to feel bored. Reading and listening were considered as hard English
skills to be mastered by the students. The students were easier to master speaking
skill. On the contrary, the students were hard to understand about reading text,
also the teacher got difficulties to teach this skill, he added. The teacher said that
there were some difficulties faced by students in understanding English texts. In
this semester, the teacher tough recount text, descriptive text, and narrative text,
based on Standard Competence (SK) and Basic Competence (KD). The teacher
got the texts from some books. The teacher also said that it was hard for some

M. Ngalim Purwanto, Prinsip-Prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran, (Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004), p. 149.
students to pass the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) concerning the
school policy. So that, the teacher still tried to solve that problem by giving
additional score to get KKM standard. This method used to get the information
directly from the source of the research.2

2). Data from Interview of the Students

The second interview was conducted to the students using interview
guidelines. It consist of how teaching learning process, how effective the process,
and what their hope in teaching process. Through interview guidelines, the
researcher asked their opinions about the teacher technique of teaching. Some of
them said that English teaching learning process is interesting enough. Some
others said they were not really interested in following the lesson. Then, the
students told the researcher about their difficulties in learning English. Some of
them feel that reading is the most difficult skill to master. They stated that they
were hard to understand the ideas of the text. They said that their difficulties
caused by their lack of vocabularies. For example, in reading lessons, it was hard
for them to understand the text, because they did not know the meaning of several
words so they could not find what the ideas of the text. The students also said that
the teachers teaching techniques did not make the students interested in following
the lessons. Consequently, they could not receive what has been given by the
teacher well.

c. Questionnaire

From the students answer of the questioner sheet given, its calculation
used Likert Scale which 5 options scale.3

Table 4.2
Questionnaire Rate
Option of Answer Score

Riduwan, Skala Pengukuran Variable-Variabel Penelitian, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2002),
p. 29.
Sasmoko, Metode Penelitian, (Jakarta: UKI Press, 20014), p. 95.
Positive Question Negative Question
Really agree 5 1
Agree 4 2
Rather agree 3 3
Disagree 2 4
Really disagree 1 5

To calculate the total score which is got from 35 respondents used the
following pattern:
Total Score = T x Pn
Which T : Total respondents
Pn : Rate option

To estimate the interpretation used by calculating % index, the following

pattern :

Index % = 100

Which Y : The highest score of Likert Skor x total respondents

= 5 x 35

= 175

To search criteria of interpretation score, it is calculated by interval

pattern. As the following:

Interval =


= 20

So, it resulted Criteria interpretation score based on interval. As the


0%19.99% = Really Disagree

20%39.99% = Disagree
40%59.99% = Rather Agree
60%79.99% = Agree
80%100% = Really Agree

d. Result of Pre-action Test

Table 4.3
The Result of Students Pre-action Test
Total of
Total Score Average
35 2280 65,14
Note. For the complete data can be seen in the appendix III

1. Class Average Score

To get class average score, the observer used following formula :

X =

X : Class average score
x : Total Score
n : Total student
a. Class Average Score of Pre-action Test.

X =


X = = 65.14

From the calculation above, it says that class average score is 65.14.
b. Persentage of KKM Pre-action Test

P = x 100%

Which P : Percentage of pre-test KKM

F : Total students who get score 75
n : Total students
P = x 100%
= 22.86%

From calculation above, it says that percentage of pre-test KKM is

Based on the result of pre-action research, there were some conclussions.
The data was got from some instruments given to the students. Such as:
Observation, questioner, interview and pre-action test. Its aim was to know the
condition of the students, classroom, also the teacher. Generally, the condition
was not ready to do teaching learning process. It effected that teaching learning
process was not effective. It can be shown on Table 4.3, the result of pre action
test which class average score was only 65.14. Meanwhile, English KKM score
was 75. It means that students were on the serious problem. They needed a special
treatement to improve their English score.

2. Result after Implementing CAR

a. Cycle 1
In this phase, data was collected after implementing story mapping method
in teaching narrative text at second grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor. The
data was collected by conducting questioner sheet and post test 1.

1. Planning
In this phase, the researcher made a time table which described about the
steps of the research. After that, it was prepared lesson plan for the action based
on the problems faced by students according to the observation step done by the
researcher. The teacher selected material and exercises into a lesson plan.
Absolutely, narrative text was chosen as the text to be delivered for students in
which was needed to prove that teaching narrative text will be active by using
story mapping method. In the lesson plan, there were some scenario steps which
must be done by the researcher. Beside of making lesson plan, also prepared the
post-action test 1 form to collect the data needed, in order to know whether there
were students' improvement scores from pre-action test to post-action test in cycle
1. So that, in the end of teaching learning process the researcher will know
whether the strategy worked or not. In this phase, the researcher also prepared a
sheet of questioner guidelines to know the students opinion about the strategy
used for first time.

2. Acting
Here, all the preparations and plans were implemented. It was begun in
September 2013. In the beginning of teaching learning process, the teacher asked
the students about narrative text and their difficulties in understanding the text,
because the reseracher knew that this material has been taught by the English
teacher. After that, the teacher asked the students to tell everything about narrative
text that they knew. It may be about the definition, purpose, the characteristic, the
schematic structures. Afteropening by brainstorming, the teacher explained the
schematic structures of narrative texts. The teacher told the students about what
they should find in narrative text such as the characters, settings, problems, and
solution of the problems. Next, the students were divided into several groups then
each group. After that the teacher gave an example of narrative text, that is a story
about narrative text. The teacher also give every group a chart of story mapping.
Every group is supposed to fulfill a chart based on the story given. After that the
teacher asked them to deliver the story by using a story mapping chart.

3. Observing
In this phase, the researcher observed the students activities, response,
participation, achievement and everything happened which was found during the
teaching and learning process. Sometimes, the teacher also asked some students
opinion about the process of teaching and learning narrative text by using story
mapping. When observing season, the observer noticed all of activities in the
classroom to get the data. There were some students who asked about the meaning
of some words they did not know. Some others asked about the questions which
they did not understand. Also, there was a student asked about story mapping
chart its self. In the final section, the students were given a post action test 1 as
seen in the table 4.4 below.

Table 4.4
The Result of Post-action Test 1

Number Incorrect Correct

of Score KKM Mastery
Answer answer
1 5 15 75
2 6 14 70
3 6 14 70
4 5 15 75
5 4 16 80
6 3 17 85
7 3 17 85
8 5 15 75
9 5 15 75
10 4 16 80
11 6 14 70
12 5 15 75
13 5 15 75
14 4 16 80
15 5 15 75
16 5 15 75
17 6 14 70
18 5 15 75
19 3 17 85
20 2 18 90
21 7 13 65
22 6 14 70
23 5 15 75
24 5 15 75
25 5 15 75
26 4 16 80
27 2 18 90
28 5 15 75
29 7 13 65
30 6 14 70
31 5 15 75
32 5 15 75
33 6 14 70
34 7 13 65
35 5 15 75
Total 2640
Average 75,43

a. Class Average Score (mean)

Mean states the condition generally. 4To get class average score, it used the
following formula:

X =

X : Class average score
x : Total Score
n : Total student
By using that formula, it got the following class average score of post-
action test 1:


X =


X = = 75.43

Subino, Konstruksi dan Analisis Tes Suatu Pengantar kepada Teori Tes dan pengukuran,
(Jakarta: P2LPTK, 1987), p. 79.
From the calculation above, it shows that class average score of post-
action test 1 was 75.43.

b. Percentage of Post-action Test KKM

P = x 100%

Which P : Percentage of post-test KKM 1

F : Amount students who get score 75
n : Total students

It means:
P = x 100%
P = 68.57%

From calculation above, it stated that percentage of post-test KKM 1 was


c. Improvement of Class Average Score from Pre-action Test to Post-action

Test 1

post test 1 X
X pre test = 75.43 65.14

= 10.29

1. Percentage of class average score from pre-action test to post-action test 1:

y1 y
P1 = x 100%
Which P1 = Percentage of improvement score from pre-test to
post-test 1
y1 = Class average score of post-test 1
y = Class average score of pre-test
It means:

75.43 65.14
P1 = x 100%

= x 100%

= 15.79%

From the calculation above, it shown that percentage of class average

score improvement from pre-action test to post-action test 1 was 15.79%

4. Reflecting
In this phase, the researcher analyzed students achievement and progress
based on their test score got. In this phase, the researcher also discussed the result
of the implementation of the modified action and decided whether the action
should be continued or not. From the data and observation, it could be seen that
some students still got difficulties in elaborating specific information of a story to
the story mapping chart. Therefore, according to the discussion and the result of
post-action test 1, the researcher decided that it was necessary to continue to the
second cycle because the researcher found only few students who got significant
Based on the result of previous cycle, the research must be continued to
the next cycle (Cycle 2) with doing some improvements, not only about the
students activities but also everything that supported the teaching learning

b. Cycle 2
In this phase, data was collected to support the data before to prove that
students understanding of narrrative text could be improved by using story
mapping method. Also to complete the data which has not be achieved.
1. Planing

In this cycle, it was begun from making new lesson plan. It was aimed to
change some parts that need to be revised, also to select more interesting story and
easier to understand. This cycle was hold in the end of September 2013. Exactly,
it began on 25 September. As in the planning season in Cycle l, here the
researcher also made preparation of teaching materials and media. Evaluation and
post-action test 2 form also were prepared to get students achievements in the
end of this second cycle. The new texts were also selected to motivate students.
The teacher chosen Why the Sun and the Moon live in the sky and Lake Batur
as materials stories in the teaching process.

2. Acting
In this phase, it was implemented the new lesson plan which had been
made. Because this is the second cycle, the researcher emphasized and reviewed
schematic structures of narrative texts to the students in order to make them
getting better understanding. In this phase, the students were also taught how to
paraphrase a story. Its aim was to make students were able to retell the story.
Different with the activity in the first cycle, here the researcher shown a
story, then he give them a limited time to read that story. When the time was over,
the students started to fill story map sheet with the information from the story
which they got, but they were not allowed to look back to the story. The first story
was given (Why the Sun and the Moon live in the sky) the students were easier to
get ideas needed than in the first cycle.

3. Observing
In this stage, the students were observed to know whether students
improve their understanding or not, then the teacher measured their achievements
between cycle 1 and cycle 2. The teacher found that in this second cycle, students
had a significant progress. They improved their understanding of narrative text
significantly. Also they could do the task easier faster than before. The students
participation also was observed to know the students enthusiastic.
In the end of this phase, the students were given the second post action
test. The following was a result of students score of post-action test 2.

Table 4.5
The Result of Post-action Test 2

Number of Correct Score KKM Mastery

1 17 85
2 16 80
3 15 75
4 16 80
5 17 85
6 18 90
7 18 90
8 16 80
9 17 85
10 17 85
11 18 90
12 16 80
13 17 85
14 17 85
15 17 85
16 16 80
17 15 75
18 15 75
19 18 90
20 18 90
21 14 70
22 16 80
23 17 85
24 17 85
25 16 80
26 17 85
27 19 95
28 17 85
29 14 70
30 16 80
31 16 80
32 17 85
33 17 85
34 14 70
35 17 85
Total/Average 2890 82.57 91.43%

a. Class Average Score

To get class average score, the researcher used following formula :

X =

X :Class average score
x : Total Score
N : Total student
by using that formula, so it resulted the following class average score of
post-test 2

X =


X = = 82.57

From the calculation above, there was class average score of post-action
test 2. That was 82.57.

2. Persentage of KKM of Post-action Test 2

P = x 100%

which P : Percentage of post-test KKM 2

F : Amount students who get score 75
n : Total students
P = x 100%
P = 91.43%

From the calculation above, it stated that percentage of post-test KKM 2

was 91.43%.

3. Class average score improvement from pre-test to post-test 2

Xpost test 1
Xpre test = 82.57 65.14

= 17.43

Percentage of average score from pre-action test to post-action test 2 :

y2 y
P2 = x 100%

Which P2 : Percentage of average score improvement from pre-test

to post-test 2.
y2 : Class average score of post-test 2.
y : Class average score of pre-test.
It means that:

82.57 65.14
P1 = x 100%

= x 100%

= 26.75%

From the calculation above, it stated that percentage of average score

improvement from pre-action test to post-action test 2 was 26.75%.

4. Reflecting
Based on the results of cycle 2, showed that students progress was
significant. The researcher also discussed the result of the implementation of the
modified action and decided whether the action should be continued or not. Based
on the observation which had been done in teaching narrative text by using story
mapping method The students got easier to understand the text. So that way, the
researcher decided that the implementation of story mapping in teaching narrative
was successful and the research could be ended.
B. Interpretation
1. Pre-action Class
The students were given some treatements before implementing Classroom
Action Research. They were: Observation, questioner, interview and pre-action
test. Its aim is to know the condition of the students, classroom, also the teacher.
Based on the data collected, it resulted some points. Generally, the condition was
not ready to do teaching learning process. It effected that teaching learning
process was not effective. It could be shown on the result of pre action test which
class average score was only 65.14. Meanwhile, English KKM score is 75. It
means that students were on the serious problem. They needed a special
treatement. Also, the result of observation sheet said that many students less
motivativation of studying in the class. It may be caused by environment factor,
such as teacher, media also the technique used.
The data above were got from the research before implementing CAR. It
was based on the Sugiono opinion in his book about the aim of research that
methodological research basically is a scientific way to get the data for certain
2. Cycle 1
In this cycle, all preparation were done. Such as; making lesson plan, time
table, making teaching materials, preparing post-action test 1 form. It started
implement Classroom Action Research which using story mapping in teaching
narrative text to improve the students understanding at second grade of MTs
Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor. There were some treatements applied in this step. To
know the result of first cycle, it was applied questionnaire sheet also the students
were provided by post-action test 1. This was to measure the students
achievement of first treatment. And the result said that there was an improvement
of the students achievement of understanding narrative text. It was supportd by
the data gotten.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2008), p. 2.
The students could improve their score on post-action test 1. Based on
the data that class average score was 75.43, which score was higher than before. It
means that there was an improvement for about 15.79%. To make sure about the
effectiveness of the technique and to maximize the result, so it was decided to
continue to the second cycle.

3. Cycle 2
In this cycle, the researcher did what he did in the first cycle. This steps is
to strengthen the students achivement of understanding narrative text by using
story mapping. In this cycle, the students also were provided by post action test,
which purpose to get the final result achivement. To show the result of the
research, here are some graphs of students achivement during implementing
classroom action reserch in teaching narrative text by using story mapping.
It stated that class average score before implementing CAR was 65.14, and
after implementing CAR it gets improvement. The students improvement of post-
action test 1 was 75.43 and 82.57 of post action test 2. It indicates there was an
improvement of students achievement of English class. Its improvement was so
significant, which in the first post-action test was 15.79% and the most
significant improvement was 26.75% of the second post test.
Thus, the calculation of KKM improvement also occurs significant
changes. Before implementing CAR, the students who achieve KKM standard
was only 22.86%. It indicated there was a serious problem of students
achievement in English class. Based on the data, after applying story mapping of
teaching narrative text in the classroom, it resulted a significant improvement. It
stated that 68.57% of the students who achieve KKM standard in the first cycle.
And the second cycle, the students who could achieve KKM was 91.43%.
Based on the graph above, it states that there is an improvement of KKM
percentage. It occurs after students are treated by teaching narrative text using
story mapping. It means that using story map in teaching narrative text was an
effective way to improve the students English score, specially in reading skill.
Based on the theory of Nazir in his book about the purpose the research.
The research was used to give the ideas of empirical evidence about using story
mapping method on improving the students understanding of narrative text. It
was proved by the data got that story mapping could improve the students
understanding of narrative text.


A. Conclusion
After implementing Classroom Action Research at the second grade
students of MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor and according to the result of any tests, it
could be summarized that there was a significant difference before and after
implementing story mapping method in teaching narrative text. It means that
using story mapping in teaching reading is helpful, especially in improving
students' reading comprehension of narrative text. It can be shown from the result
of pre-action test and some post-action test.
Furthermore, the students improvement of reading comprehension of
narrative text can be seen clearly in the students improvement score of their
achievement in pre-action test and two post-action tests. The result of pre-action
test and post-action test shown the significant improvement. The average score of
pre-action test was 65.14. It means there were only 22.86% of the whole students
could pass the KKM. The average score of post-action test 1 was 75.43. It proved
that 68.57% students passed KKM. The average score of post-action test 2 was
82.57. Then, it was obtained that the percentage of students who could get the
score above the KKM in post-test 2 was 91.43%. It can be concluded that teaching
narrative text by using story mapping, the students reading comprehension of
narrative text can be effectively improved.

B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, it can be delivered some suggestions to be
paid more attention in teaching and learning process go to:

- Teachers should prepare and select appropriate method and materials to

produce the effective teaching learning process. Also, the teachers should
determine the target of the teaching which must be achieved. It was
important for teachers should pay more attention to students activity
during the teaching learning process in order to achieve the goal of study.

The last, the teachers should be able to create the teaching learning process
enjoyable, such as selecting interesting text or new teaching media.
- Students should know some methods which may be used in learning to
improve their understanding.
- Other reserchers may use this research result as a guidelines to complete
the project in similar problem of the stude.
- Readers can take notes from this rsearch for certain academic purposes.


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Nazir, Moh. Metode Penelitian. Bogor: Gralia Indonesia, 2005.

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1. Silabus MTs Tarbiyatul Falah ..................................................... 52

2. Lesson Plan ................................................................................. 69

3. Pre-action Test Score .................................................................. 82

4. Post-action Test Score 1 .............................................................. 83

5. Students work on Story Mapping .............................................. 84

6. Questionnaire before CAR .......................................................... 85

7. Questionnaire after CAR ............................................................. 86

8. Graphic of Story Mapping........................................................... 87

9. Surat Pengajuan Judul ................................................................. 88

10. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ............................................................. 89

11. Surat Keterangan Penelitian ........................................................ 90

12. Surat Keterangan KKM ............................................................... 91

13. Result of Observation .................................................................. 92

14. Analysis Score ............................................................................. 94

Sekolah : MTs. Tarbiyatul Falah
Kelas : VIII ( Delapan )
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Semester : 1 (Satu)
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
1.1 Merespon makna Percakapan singkatan 1. Brainstorming Merespon ungkapan Tes lisan Merespon secara Respond the 2 x 40 1. Script Bersahabat,
yang terdapat memuat ungkapan bertanya dan meminta, memberi, lisan following statement menit percakapan komunikatif
ungkapan: menjawab tentang menolak jasa Q: Let me help you 2. Rekaman Cermat.
dalam percakapan
berbagai hal terkait Merespon A:....... Percakapan: Percaya diri.
transaksional (to Kreatif.
A : Let me help you. tema topik yang ungkapan meminta, Q: Can I have a bit? - Cassette
getthings done ) B : Thank you so much. memberi, menolak Tes lisan Pertanyaan lisan A: ........... - Tape
Kerja sama.
akan dibicarakan. Ulet.
daninterpersonal 2. Membahas barang Choose the right Recorder Rasa ingin
(bersosialisasi) A: Can I have a bit? kosakata ( noun Mengakui, mengingkari response - CD tahu.
sederhana secara B: Sure. Here you are. phrase, verb fakta Q: Did you break the - CD Player
akurat, lancar, dan phrase, adverb Merespon ungkapan glass? - TV
berterima untuk A: Did you break the phrase) tata bahasa meminta dan memberi a. Yes, I did 3.
berinteraksi dengan glass? (kalimat Pendapat b. I dont know Gambargamb
lingkungan sekitar B: Yes I did / No, it sederhana tentang c. Im not sure ar/ benda
wasnt me. tawaran jasa, d. All right terkait
yang melibatkan
meminta sesuatu, Q: What do you think
tindak tutur: A: What do you think of informasi faktual, of my new dress
meminta, memberi, this? A:............
pendapat terkait
menolak jasa, B: Not bad. materi percakapan Write your
meminta,memberi, Percakapan singkatan 3. Mendengarkan Tes lisan Pilihan ganda response to the
barang, mengakui, memuat ungkapan percakapan yang following
mengingkari fakta, ungkapan: memuat ungkapan statements:
dan meminta dan A: Would you come to ungkapan dalam materi 1. Would you go
memberi pendapat my party? dengan cermat Tes lisan Pertanyaan lisan with me to the
B: Id love to / I want to, 4. Menjawab Merespon ungkapan movie? 1 Script Toleransi
1.2 Merespon makna
but ........ pertanyaan tentang mengundang,menerima, 2. I do agree with percakapan
yang terdapat A; I do agree isi percakapan. dan menolak ajakan you to join the speech 2 Rekaman
dalam percakapan B; Thanks for the Merespon ungkapan Tes lisan Isian contest percakapan
5. Memberi respon
transaksional (to get support. lisan dan tulis menyetujui / tidak 3. You have 3 Tape recorder
things done) dan A; No way .... terhadap ungkapan menyetujui beautiful hair. 4 Gambar yang
interpersonal B: Its O.K. No problem yang didengar. Merespon ungkapan 4. You passed your relevan Buku
(bersosialisasi) A: You have beautiful 1. Memberi respons memuji exams. teks yang
sederhana secara hair. lisan Curah Merespon ungkapan Congratulations. relevan
akurat, lancar, dan B: Thank you. pendapat tentang memberi selamat
berterima untuk A: Happy birthday. hal-hal terkait
B: Thank you. topik/ungkapan
berinteraksi dengan
yang akan dibahas
lingkungan sekitar 2. Membahas
yangmelibatkan kosakata dan tata
tindak tutur: bahasa terkait topik/
mengundang,mener ungkapan yangdibahas
ima dan menolak 3. Mendengarkan
ajakan, menyetujui/ percakapan
tidak menyetujui, memuat ungkapan
memuji, dan terkait marteri
4. Tanya jawab tentang isi
memberi selamat
5. Tanya jawab tentang fungsi
dan makna ungkapan
dalam percakapan

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
2.1 Merespon makna Teks fungsioanl 1. Tanya jawab tentang Mengidentifikasi Tes Melengkapi Complete the 2 x 40 1. Script teks Rasa Ingin tahu
yangterdapat dalam pendek berupa : berbagai hal terkait informasi yang rumpang following sentences menit undangan
teks lisan fungsional Undangan topik/tema yang akan terdapat dalam teks based on the text 2. Rekaman
fungsional pendek you hear undangan
pendek sederh ana Contoh: dibahas dengan rasa ingin
berupa undangan. tertulis Pertanyaan Answer the - cassette
secara akurat, Dear Rio, tahu Mengidentifikasi ciri lisan questions orally - tape
lancar, dan I want you to come 2. Membahas kosakata yang kebahasaan dalam teks based on the text recorder
berterima untuk to my house forlunch terkai tema/topik/undang fungsional pendek you listen to - CD
berinteraksi dengan on Sunday at 12 a.m. an (noun phrase, berupa Tes lisan Choose the best - CD Player
lingkungan sekitar. Thanks. verb phrase) Undangan. option based on the - TV
2.2 Merespon makna Mona 3. membahas text you have 3. Gambar/ Kreatif, mandiri
yang terdapat dalam Ciri kebahasaan teks ungkapanungkapan Tes tulis PG listened to realia
monolog pendek fungsional pendek yang sering muncul Mengidentifikasi 2 x 40 terkait
Informasi/makna yang menit tema/topik
sederhana secara Langkah retorika dalam undangan:
terdapat dalam teks / jenis teks
akurat, lancar, dan teks: - I want you to come to....... Berbentuk descriptive
berterima untuk - descriptive - Please come to ... dan
berinteraksi dengan (identification - Dont forget to recount 1 Buku teks
lingkungan sekitar descriptions) Come to...... Mengidentifikasi yang
dalam teks - recount ( 4. Mendengarkan fungsional dan langkah relevan
berbentukdescriptive orientation events) teks fungsional pendek retorika teks deskriptif 2 Gambar
dan recount. terkait
dan recount - reorientation (undangan)
tema /
Teks lisan berbentuk 5. menjawab pertanyaan topik
descriptive tentang berbagai Script teks:
recount informasi yang terdapat descriptive /
Langkah retorika teks : dalam teks fungsional, recount
descriptive undangan. 4 Rekaman
(identification 6. Mendengarkan teks
descriptions) contoh-contoh undangan 5 Tape
recount (orientation lainnya dari teman dengan recorder
events cermat
7 Lingkungan
reorientation) 7. Mengidentifikasi ciri sekitar
kebahasaan teks fungsional
pendek :
- invite
- occasion
- time
- place
- Invitor
1 Eliciting kosakata
terkait tema/topik/
jenis teks
2 Membahas tata
bahasa terkait jenis
teks yang akan dibahas
3 Mendengarkan teks
Monolog descriptive /
recount dengan topik
tertentu dengan ingin tahu
4 Menjawab pertanyaan
tentang berbagai informasi
terkait teks yang didengar
5 Menjawab pertanyaan
tentang tujuan komunikatif
teks yang didengar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
3. Mengungkap kan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
3.1 Mengungkapkan makna Percakapan singkatan 1. Review kosakata Tes lisan Bermain peran Create a dialogue 2 x 40menit 1. Buku teks Kreatif,
dalam percakapan memuat ungkapan dan ungkapanungkapan tentang meminta , based on the role yang toleransi,
transaksional (to get ungkapan. terkait materi dan tema memberi, menolak jasa cards and perform relevan bersahabat,
things done) dan A; Let me help you. 2. Tanya jawab it in front of the 2. Gambar- komunikatif
interpersonal B: Thank you so much. Menggunakan ungkapan menjawab tentang class. gambar Percaya diri
(bersosialisasi) A: Can I have a bit. ungkapan tersebut meminta,memberi, terkait
sederhana dengan B: Sure. Here you are. 3. Bermain peran melakukan menolak barag tema
menggunakan ragam A: Did you break the percakapan yang 3. Realia
bahasa lisan secara glass? disediakan guru dengan menjawab tentang Benda
akurat, lancar, dan B: Yes, I did / percaya diri mengakui, mengingkari sekitar
berterima untuk No, it wasnt me. 4. Bermain peran fakta
berinteraksi dengan A: What do you think of Melakukan percakapan
lingkungan sekitar yang this? Berdasarkan situasi pendapat
melibatkan tindak tutur: B: Not bad. /gambar yang disediakan
meminta,memberi,menolak percaya diri
jasa meminta, memberi, 5. Menggunakan ungkapan
menolak barang, yang telah dipelajari
mengakui,mengingkari dalam real life
fakta, dan meminta dan situation dengan mandiri
memberi pendapat

3.2 Memahami dan merespon A: Would you come to 1. Review kosakata terkait Tes lisan Bermain peran Create a dialogue Kreatif,
percakapan transaksional party? tema, topik sebelumnya tentang mengundang, based on the role toleransi,
(to get things done) dan B: Id love to / I want to, 2. Memperkenalkan menerima, menolak cards and perform bersahabat,
Interpersona but ......... kosakata baru / ajakan it in front of the komunikatif
l(bersosialisasi) A: I do agree. ungkapanungkapan class.
sederhana dengan B: Thanks for the yang
menggunakan ragam Support. akan dibahas tentang menyetujui.tidak
bahasa lisan secara akurat, A: No, way, ... 3. Tanya jawab menyetujui
lancar, dan berterima untuk B: Its O.K. I menggunakan
berinteraksi dengan understand. ungkapanungkapan tentangmemuji
lingkungan sekitar yang A: You have beautiful terkait
melibatkan tindak tutur: hair. materi dengan bersahabat tentang
mengundang, menerima B: Thank you. 4. Menirukan memberi selamat
dan menolak ajakan, A: Happy birthday. percakapan yang
menyetujui/tidak B; Thank you. diucapkan guru
menyetujui, memuji, dan 5. Melakukan
memberi selamat percakapan yang
6. Melakukan tanya
Jawab menggunakan
Ungkapan tersebut

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

4. Mengungkap kan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
4.1 .Mengungkapkan makna Teks fungsional pendek 1. Mendengarkan teks Mengungkapan Tes lisan Performance Invite your friend to 2 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks Cermat
dalam bentuk teks lisan berupa :Undangan fungsional pendek: secara lisan teks come to your yang relevan Kreatif,
fungsional pendek undangan dengan cermat fungsional pendek bithday party 2. Gambar Bersahabat
sederhana dengan 2. Tanya jawab berbentuk orally! terkait
menggunakan ragam tentang isi teksundangan undangan. Think of an activity tema/topik
bahasa lisan secara akurat, 3. Tanya jawab Contoh: or event that 3. Benda-benda
lancar, dan berterima tentang struktur Dear Rio, happened to you sekitar
untuk berinteraksi dengan teks I want you to come to my yesterday and tell
lingkungan 4. Membuat kalimat house for lunch on Sunday us about it.
4.2. Mengungkapkan 1. Teks pendek sederhana terkait at 12 a.m. 4 x 40 menit
makna dalam monolog berbentuk recount jenis teks bentuk Thanks.
pendek sederhanadengan 2. informasi faktual- undangan Mona 1. Buku teks
menggunakan informasi rinci - I want to come to.... Bertanya dan menjawab yang Relevan
ragam bahasa nista - gagasan utama - Please come to........ secara lisan berbagai 2.
secara akurat, lancar, - gagasan 5. Berlatih mengundang Informasi tentang teks Koran/majala
dan berterima untuk pendukung dalam seseorang secara fungsional pendek h
berinteraksi dengan teks pendek lisan menggunakan berbentuk undangan 3. Gambar
lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount gambit-gambit tertentu 1. Bertanya dan menjawab peristiwa
dalam teks berbentuk 3. Ciri kebahasaan teks dengan kreatif dan berbagai infmasi secara Kreatif,
descriptive dan recount recount komunikatif lisan dalam teks pendek komunikatif
Contoh: berbentuk : - Recount
2. Melakukan
A: Hi Guys, I want you all to monolog pendek
come to my birthday party. dalam bentuk
B: Wed love to! When? recount
A: Tomorrow, at 4.00
6. Secara berpasangan atau
dalam kelompok
mengungkapkan undangan
berdasarkan konteks /
situasi yang diberikan
7. Secara mandiri
Mengungkapkan undangan
1. Tanya jawab berbagai hal
terkait topik tertentu (
peristiwa, kejadian,
pengalaman )
2. Mengembangkan
kosakata, tata bahasa
terkait topik / jenis teks
3. Mengidentifikasi kejadian,
peristiwa, pengalaman
yang pernah dialami
melalui tanya jawab
4. Melakukan
monolog dalam
bentuk recount

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
5.1. Membaca nyaring Teks fungsional pendek 1. Brain storming tentang Tes lisan Membaca Read the the text 2x 1. Buku teks Percaya diri
bermakna teks tulis berupa: Undangan berbagai hal terkait teks nyaring dan nyaring aloud and clearly. 40menit yangrelevan Kreatif,
fungsional dan esei fungsional pendek bermakna teks Answer the 2. Gambar cermat,
berbentuk berbentuk undangan fungsional pendek following questions terkait komunikatif
descriptive dan 2. Mendengarkan undangan berbentuk undangan Tes Uraian based on the text tema/topik mandiri
recount pendek dan yang dibacakan oleh guru/ tertulis Choose the best 3. Benda-
sederhana dengan teman dengan cermat berbagai informasi option based on the benda
ucapan, tekanan 3. membaca nyaring teks dalam teks fungsional text. sekitar
dan intonasi yang fungsioanl pendek tentang pendek berbentuk Read the text
berterima yang undangan dengan percaya undangan aloud.
berkaitan dengan diri PG
lingkungan sekitar 4. menjawab pertanyaan fungsi sosial teks Tes tulis
tentang isi teks fungsional fungsional pendek
5.2. Merespon makna descriptive dan recount pendek undangan berbentuk undangan Membaca
dalam teks tulis 5. Menyebutkan tujuan asi ciri nyaring
fungsional pendek descriptive dan recount komunikatif teks fungsional kebahasaan teks
sederhana secara pendek undangan fungsional pendek
akurat lancar dan descriptive dan recount 6. Menjwab pertanyaan berbentuk undangan
berterima yang descriptive tentang ciri kebahasaan
berkaitan dengan dan recount teks fungsional pendek
lingungan sekitar undangan dalam teks descriptive
dan recount Tes lisan
5.3. Merespon makna 1. Tanya jawab berbagai hal 4x Rasa ingin tahu
dan langkah retorika terkait tema/topik bacaan descriptive dan 40menit antusias
dalam esei pendek 2. Review kosakata dan recount
sederhana secara tatabahasa terkait jenis 1. Buku teks
akurat, lancar dan teks descriptive/recount teks descriptive dan yang
berterima yang 3. Membaca teks recount relevan
berkaitan dengan descriptive/recount 2.
lingkungan sekitar dengan rasa ingin tahu descriptive dan Koran/majal
dalam teks 4. Menjawab pertanyaan recount ah
berbentuk tentang informasi yang 3. Gambar
descriptive dan terdapat dalam teks peristiwa/te
recount 5. Menjawab pertanyaan mp at
tentang tujuan komunikatif 4. Lingkungan
dan langkah retorika teks sekitar
6. Menyebutkan ciriciri
Kebahasaan teks yang
dibaca dengan antusias

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive, dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
6.1. Mengungkapkan Teks fungsional pendek 1. Tanya jawab berbagai hal Melengkapi Tes tulis Essay 1. Write simple 2 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks Kreatif
makna dalam bentuk berupa : terkait tema/topik rumpang teks Completion sentences based on yang Cermat
teks tulis fungsional - Undangan teks fungsional yang akan fungsional pendek Jumbled the situation given. relevanCont Komunikatif
pendek sederhana - Pengumuman dibahas Meyusun kata sentences 2. Write an invitation/ oh
dengan - Pesan Singkat 2. Penguatan kembali menjadi teks Essay an announcement / undangan,
menggunakan kosakata dan tata bahasa fungsional yang message based on pengumum
ragam bahasa tulis terkait jenis teks fungsional bermakna the situation given. an, SMS
secara akurat, lancar 3. Menulis kalimat Menulis teks Complete the 2. Gambar
dan berterima untuk sederhana terkait jenis teks fungsional pendek Tes tulis paragraph using the yang
berinteraksi dengan 4. Menulis teks suitable words. relevan
lingkungan sekitar fungsional pendek Rearrange the
berdasarkan konteks following sentences
dengan kreatif dan correctly.
komunikatif Write an essay Kreatif
6.2. Mengungkapkan Teks rumpang Melengkapi Tes tulis describing something 4 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks Cermat
makna dan langkah berbentuk 1. Review Ungkapan rumpang teks essai or a certain place. yang Komunikatif
retorika dalam esei - descriptive ungkapan yang pendek berbentuk relevan Percaya diri
pendek sederhana - recount mendeskripsikan descriptive 2. Gambar Mandiri
dengan Kalimat acak benda, orang atau tempat. Menyusun kalimat terkait
menggunakan 2. Menulis kalimat yang menjadi teks yang tema/topik
ragam bahasa tulis Mendeskripsikan benda, bermakna dalam 3. Benda-
secara akurat, lancar tempat, orang atau bentuk descriptive benda
dan berterima untuk binatang berdasarkan Menulis teks essai Tes tulis sekitar
berinteraksi dengan gambar/realia. dalam bentuk
lingkungan sekitar 3. Melengkapi rumpang descriptive .
dalam teks dalam teks deskriptif
berbentuk dengan kata yang tepat.
descriptive dan 4. Menyusun kalimat acak
recount menjadi teks deskriptif
5. Membuat draft teks
secara mandiri.
6. Mengekspos teks
descriptive yang
ditulis di kelas dengan
mandiri dan percaya diri
Sekolah : SMP
Kelas : VIII (Delapan )
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (Dua)
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
7.1 Merespon makna Percakapan yang memuat 1. Eliciting kosakata terkait erespon ungkapan Tes Isian singkat Listen to the 2 x 40 menit 1. Script Bersahabat,
yang ungkapanungkapan topik yangakan dibahas meminta,memberi, tertulis expression and percakapan komunikatif
terdapat dalam berikut: (noun, verb, adjective, menolak jasa write your response uku teks Cermat.
percakapan A: Do you mind lending adverb) to it. 2. Rekaman Percaya diri.
transaksional (to me some money? 2. Menentukan makna meminta,memberi, Listen to the percakapan Kreatif.
Kerja sama.
getthings done) dan B: No Problem / I want to, but ... kata dan menggunakannya menolak barang Jawaban expression and give 3. Tape
interpersonal A: Can I have a bit dalam kalimat Tes lisan Singkat your response to it. recorder Rasa ingin tahu.
(bersosialisasi) B: Sure, here you are 3. Mendengarkan guru meminta, memberi, 4. CD
pendek sederhana A:Heres some money for you dan menirukan mengingkari 5. CD player
secara B: I cant take this, sorry ungkapan-ungkapan informasi 6. gambar
akurat, lancar, dan A: Do you like it? terkait materi dengan 7. Benda
berterima untuk B: Yes I do cermat meminta,memberi, sekitar
berinteraksi dengan A: Have you done it? 4. Mendengarkan menolak pendapat 8. model
lingkungan terdekat B: Sorry, I havent percakapan tentang benda
yang melibatkan A: Do you think its good? materi terkait ungkapan meminta,
tindak B: I think so / Sorry, I cant say 5. Menjawab berbagai menerima, menolak
tutur: meminta, anything informasi yang terdapat tawaran
memberi, menolak A: Would you like some... dalam percakapan
jasa, meminta, B: Yes, please / No, thanks 6. Merespon meminta,memberi
memberi, menolak Percakapan yang memuat ungkapan-ungkapan persetujuan
barang, dan ungkapan ungkapan berikut: yang terkait materi dengan
meminta, A: What if it I do it again. bersahabat dan Pernyataan
memberi dan B: Fine, with me. komunikatif
mengingkari A: I have to go now. memberi perhatian
informasi, B: Do you have to? terhadap pembicara
meminta, memberi, A: ..........
dan B: Right / I see / Hm...m. Memperpanjang dan
menolak pendapat, Hello, excuse me ..... menutup percakapan
dan Did you? / Were you?
menawarkan / Thanks/ Bye.../ See you. mengawali,
menerima / menolak Could I speak to ....please? memperpanjang dan
sesuatu Well, Im calling to.... menutup percakapan
7.2 Merespon makna 1. Tanya jawab berbagai hal telepon Merespon Listen to the 2 x 40 menit 1 Buku teks Percaya diri
yang terdapat dalam terkait tema/topik yang Tes tulis ungkapan expressions and give yang Antusias
percakapan akan dibahas your response to relevan Kerja sama
transaksional (to get 2. Mendaftar kosakata yang them. Listen to the 2 Script
things done) dan digunakan dalam dialogue and percakapan
interpersonal percakapan complete the text 3 Rekaman
(bersosialisasi) 3. Menentukan makna percakapan
pendek sederhana kosakata dalam daftar 4 Tape
secara akurat, lancar, 4. Menggunakan Melengkapi recorder
dan berterima untuk kosakata dalam kalimat Tes lisan percakapan 5 Gambar
berinteraksi dengan 5. Tanya jawab menggunakan yang
lingkungan terdekat ungkapan ungkapan relevan
yang melibatkan terkait dengan santun
tindak tutur: 6. Menirukan ungkapan yang
meminta, memberi diucapkan guru dengan
persetujuan, antusias
merespon 7. Mendengarkan percakapan
pernyataan, 8. Menjawab pertanyaan
memberi perhatian tentang percakapan
terhadap pembicara, dengan bekerja sama
memperpanjang, dan

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

8. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
8.1 Merespon makna Teks fungsional pendek : 1. Tanya jawab tentang Mengidentifikasi Tes tulis Melengkapi Listen to the 2x 40 menit 1 Buku teks Cermat
yangterdapat dalam - undangan, berbagai hal menggunakan berbagai informasi rumpang dialogue and yang Rasa ingin
teks lisan fungsional - pengumuman, kosakata dan ungkapan yang dalam teks complete the relevan tahu
pendek sederhana - pesan singkat telah dipelajari fungsional pendek following text. 2 Script teks
secara akurat, Tujuan komunikatif teks 2. Review berbagai jenis teks undangan,pengum fungsional
lancar, dan fungsional pendek : fungsional pendek yang uman,pesan 3 Rekaman
berterima untuk - undangan, sering dijumpai singkat percakapan
berinteraksi dengan - pengumuman, 3. Mendengarkan teks Mengidentifikasi 4 Tape
lingkungan sekitar - pesan singkat fungsional pendek terkait tujuan recorder
8.2 Merespon makna Teks monolog berbentuk : tema/topik tertentu dengan komunikatif teks Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Listen to the t 5 Gambar
yang terdapat dalam - narrative cermat fungsional pendek and choose th yang
monolog pendek - recount 4. Menjawab berbagai Mengidentifikasi right answer relevan
sederhana secara Tujuan komunikatif teks pertanyaan terkait berbagai informasi
akurat, lancar, dan berbentuk : informasi dalam taeks dalam teks
berterima untuk - narrative fungsional yang didengar monolog
berinteraksi dengan - recount 5. Menentukan tujuan narative
lingkungan sekitar komunikatif dari teks Mengidentifikasi
dalam teks yang didengar tujuan
berbentuk narrative 1. Tanya jawab berbagai hal ter komunikatif teks
dan recount kait tema/topik/jenis teks naratif
2. Eliciting cerita yang
dikenal siswa
3. Tanya jawab tentang salah
satu cerita yang dikenal siswa
- tokoh, tempat kejadian
- problem, solusi, akhir cerita
4. Mendengarkan cerita terkait
tema/topik dari guru/teman
dengan rasa ingin tahu
5. Tanya jawab tentang
informasi dalam cerita yang
di dengar
6. Tanya jawab tentang
tujuan komunikati dari teks
yang di dengar

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
9.1. Mengungkapkan Percakapan singkat memuat 1. Mengembangkan Bertanya dan Tes lisan Bermain peran Create a dialogue 2 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks Santun
makna dalam ungkapan ungkapan : kosakata terkait menjawab tentang based on the role yang Cermat
percakapan A: Do you mind lending me dengan jenis meminta,memberi, cards and perform relevan Percaya diri
transaksional (to get some money? ungkapan dan menolak jasa it in front of the 2. Gambar Semangat
things done) dan B: No, problems tema/topik yang terkait Bertanya dan class yang
interpersonal A: Can I have a bit? 2. Tanya jawab tentang menjawabtentang relevan
(bersosialisasi) B: Sure, here you are. berbagai hal meminta,memberi, 3. Benda
pendek sederhana A: Here is some money fo you. menggunakan menolak barang sekitar
dengan B: Sorry, I cant take this. ungkapan terkait Bertanya dan
menggunakan ragam A: Do you like it ? materi/topik.tema yang menjawab tentang
bahasa lisan secara B: Yes, I do. di pillih dengan santun meminta, memberi
akurat, lancar, dan A: Have you done it? 3. Menirukan danmengingkari
berterima untuk B:No, I havent. ungkapanungkapan informasi
berinteraksi dengan A: Do you think its good? terkait Bertanya dan
lingkungan terdekat B: I think it is / Sorry I cant materi yang diucapkan menjawabtentang
yang melibatkan say any thing guru dengan cermat meminta,memberi
tindak tutur: A: Would you like some .....? 4. Latihan bertanya dan danmenolak
meminta, memberi, B: Yes, please / No, Thanks menjawab pendapat
menolak jasa, Teks percakapan memuat menggunakan Bertanya dan
meminta, memberi, ungkapan berikut: ungkapan yang telah menjawab tentang
menolak barang, A: what if I do it again? dipelajari secara menawarkan,
meminta, memberi B: Fine with me. berpasangan menerima,
dan mengingkari A: I Must go now 5. Bermain peran menolak sesuatu
informasi, meminta, B: Do you have to? melakukan Bertanya dan
memberi, dan Right. percakapan menjawab tentang
menolak pendapat, I see. berdasarkan situasi meminta,
dan menawarkan / Hm...m yeah yang diberikan memberi
menerima / menolak Hello,excuse me persetujuan
sesuatu Did you? / Were you? 1. Tanya jawab Bertanya dan Tes lisan Bermain peran Create a dialogue 2 x 40 menit
Thanks/ Bye / see you menggunakan berbagai menjawab tentang based on the role
9.2. Mengungkapkan Could I speak to ..? kosakata dan ungkapan merespon cards and perform
makna dalam Well,Im calling to ...? yang telah dipelajari pernyataan it in front of the 1. Buku teks
percakapan transaksional Nice talking to you. 2. Mendengarkan percakapan Bertanya dan class. yang
(to get things done) dan yang menjawab tentang relevan
interpersonal memuat ungkapanungkapan memberi 2. Gambar
(bersosialisasi) pendek yang telah dipelajari perhatian yang
sederhana dengan 3. Menjawab pertanyaan terhadap lawan relevan
menggunakan ragam tentang isi percakapan bicara 3. Benda
akurat, lancar, dan 4. Menjawab pertanyaan Mengawali, sekitar
berterima untuk tentang makna dan memperpanjang 4. Kartu
berinteraksi fungsi ungkapan terkait menutup peran
denganlingkungan 5. Menggunakan percakapan
terdekat yang melibatkan ungkapan ungkapan Mengawali,
tindak tutur: meminta, terkait berdasarkan memperpanjang
memberi persetujuan, konteks dengan percaya diri menutup
merespon pernyataan, 6. Bermain peran percakapan
memberi perhatian mengunakan ungkapan telepon
terhadap pembicara, yang telah dipelajari dengan
mengawali, semangat
memperpanjang, dan
menutup percakapan,
serta mengawali,
memperpanjang, dan
menutup percakapan
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
10.1 Mengungkapkan Teks fungsional pendek : 1. Review kosakata dan ungkapan Mengungkapkan Tes lisan Performance 1. Invite your friend 2 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks Aantun
makna dalam teks - Undangan yang digunakan dalam teks secara lisan teks orally to join a yang Percaya diri
lisan fungsional - Pengumuman fungsional pendek terkait materi fungsional : discussion on the relevan Komunikatif
pendek sederhana - Pesan singkat 2. Membuat kalimat sederhana - Pengumuman danger of drugs. 2. Gambar Cermat
dengan untuk: - Undangan 2. Give terkait Semangat
menggunakan ragam - mengundang- mengumumkan - Pesan singkat announcement materi dan
bahasa lisan secara - memberi pesan orally about the topik
akurat, lancar dan 3. Membahas gambitgambit yang Bertanya dan plan of the trip to 3. Benda
berterima untuk sering muncul dalam teks menjawab secara Borobudur Temple. sekitar
berinteraksi dengan fungsional terkait lisan berbagai info 3. Tell your friend to 4. Teks
lingkungan sekitar 4. Mengungkapkan secara lisan: dalam teks wait for you after bentuk
- undangan - pengumuman pengumuman, school. khusus:
- pesan singkat dengan santun dan undangan, pesan - undangan,
komunikatif singkat pengumuman
1. Review kosakata dan tata bahasa pesan singkat
terkait jenis teks narrative dan
tema yang dipilih
2. Membuat kalimat sederhana 1. Retell a stor that
10.2 Mengungkap kan Teks monolog secara lisan terkait ciri-ciri Tes lisan Performance you know very well. 4 x 40 menit
makna dalam berbentuk narrative kebahasaan teks narrative Melakukan 2. Tell a story based
monolog pendek - simple past monolog pendek on theseries of a
sederhana dengan - past continuous sederhana dalam pictures given.
menggunakan ragam - temporal conjunctions bentuk narrative
bahasa lisan secara - connective words dan recount 1.Buku teks
akurat, lancar, dan - adverbs - adjectives yang
berterima untuk 3. Menceritakan kembali cerita relevan
berinteraksi dengan populer di kotanya menggunakan 2.Gambar
lingkungan sekitar gambit-gambit yang sesuai. yang
dalam teks Contoh: Really? Thats terrible!, relevan
berbentuk recount How then?, First,...., 3.Benda
dan narrative then....,finally... dengan percaya sekitar
diri dan komunikatif 4. Buku cerita
4. Menceritakan kembali teks dalam
narative yang pernah didengar bahasa
dengan semangat Inggris

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca
11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
11.1 Membaca nyaring Teks Essai berbentuk 1. Tanya jawab mengembangkan Membaca nyaring Tes lisan Membaca Read the story 4 x 40 menit 1.Buku Rasa ingin tahu
bermakna teks narrative / recount kosakata berdasarkan gambar danbermakna teks nyaring aloud. teksyang Percaya diri
fungsional dan essai Ciri kebahasaan cerita popular fungsional/ essai relevan Teliti
pendek sederhana Teks Essai berbentuk 2. Tanya jawab menggali informasi berbentuk 2. Buku cerita Cermat
berbentuk recount dan narrative / recount dalam cerita berdasarkan gambar narrative / recount bahasa
narrative dengan Tujuan komunikatif teks 3. Mendengarkan teks narrative / Inggris
ucapan, tekanan dan essai narratif / recount recount yang dibaca guru dengan Mengidentifikasi 3. Gambar -
intonasi yang Langkah retorika rasa ingin tahu berbagai makna gambar
berterima yang narrative / recount 4. Membaca nyaring teks narrative / teks narrative / terkait
berkaitan dengan recount dengan ucapan dan recount cerita
lingkungan sekitar intonasi yang benar dengan .Mengidentifikasi Tes Pilihan ganda Choose the right 4. Rekaman
percaya diri rujukan kata dalam tulisan answer based cerita
5. Menjawab berbagai pertanyaan teks narrative/ on 5. Tape
tentang informasi dalam teks yang recount yang the text. recorder
di baca dengan teliti dibaca 6. CD
7. VCD player
11.2 Merespon makna Teks fungsional : 1. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif Mengidentifikasi
dalam teks tulis - undangan teks fungsional yang dibaca berbagai informasi
fungsional pendek - pengumuman 2. Menentukan langkah retorika dari dalam teks
sederhana secara - pesan teks fungsional yang dibaca fungsional yang
akurat, lancar dan 3. Menentukan ciri kebahasaan teks dibaca
berterima yang fungsional yang di baca Mengidentifikasi
berkaitan dengan 4.. Membaca teks fungsional tujuan komunikatif
lingkungan sekitar undangan, pengumuman dan teks fungsional
pesan dengan teliti Mengindentifikasi Pertanyaan 2 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks
ciri kebahasaan Tes tulis tertulis Answer the yang
11.3 Merespon makna Tujuan komunikatif 1. Mencermati teks monolog teks fungsional following relevan
dan langkah retorika Teks narrative/ recount terkait materi questions 2. Contoh
dalam esei pendek Ciri kebahasaan teks 2. Menyebutkan jenis teks monologl . Mengidentifikasi based on the teks
sederhana narrative/ recount yang dicermati tujuan komunikatif text. fungsional
secaraakurat, lancar 3. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang teks narrative / 3. Gambar
dan berterima yang informasi yang terdapat dalam recount terkait
berkaitan dengan teks monolog dengan cermat Mengidentifikasi materi dan
lingkungan sekitar 4. Menyebutkan ciri-ciri teks langkah retorika topik
dalam teks berbentuk fungsional yang dibaca dan ciri kebahasaan 4. Benda
recount dan nararative teks narrative / sekitar
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis
12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Indikator Bentuk Contoh Karakter
Dasar Pokok/Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
12.1. Mengungkapkan Teks fungsional : 1. Review tujuan komunikatif Menulis teks fungsional Tes tulis Essay 1. Write sentences based 2 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks Sopan
makna dalam bentuk - undangan dan ciriciri kebahasaan teks pendek berbentuk : - on the situation given. yang Cermat
teks tulis fungsional - pengumuman fungsional pendek terkait Pengumuman - 2. Complete the text relevan Teliti
pendek sederhana - pesan singkat materi Undangan - using suitable 2. Contoh Kerja sama
dengan 2. Menulis kalimat sederhana pesan singkat word/words. teks Mandiri
menggunakan ragam untuk mengundang, 3. Write a text of fungsional Percaya diri
bahasa tulis secara mengumumkan, pesan singkat invitation on your 3. Gambar
akurat, lancar dan dengan sopan farewell party. terkait
berterima untuk 3. Melengkapi taeks fungsional materi dan
berinteraksi dengan pendek topik
lingkungan sekitar 4. Menulis teks fungsional 4. Benda
pendek dengan cerman dan sekitar

12.2. Mengungkap kan 1. Review ciri kebahasaan teks Menulis teks pendek
makna dan langkah Teks Essai narrative / narrative dan sederhana dalam Write a short
retorika dalam esei recount 2. Membuat kalimat sederhana bentuk narrative Tes Uraian narrative text based 4 x 40 menit
pendek sederhana Ciri kebahasaan teks terkait teks narrative dengan langkah tertulis on:
dengan menggunakan narrative / recount 3. Mengembangkan langkah retorika yang benar a. The story you have
ragam bahasa tulis Langkah retorika teks retorika teks recount dan ever read.
secara akurat, lancar narrative / recount narrative dengan kerja sama b. Series of pictures
dan berterima untuk 4. Membuat draft teks recount given. 1.Buku teks
berinteraksi dengan dan narrative dengan mandiri yang
lingkungan sekitar 5. Menulis teks recount dan relevan
berbentuk recount narrative berdasarkan draft 2. Buku cerita
dan narrative yang dibuat bahasa
6. Memajang hasil tulisan di Inggris
dinding percaya diri 3. Gambar -

Bogor, Juli 2012

Kepala MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor Guru Mata Pelajaran

Sofyan Adenansi, S.Pd.I Syaepul Irsyad,S.Pd.I



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( RPP )

SMP/MTs : MTs. Tarbiyatul Falah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII ( Delapan ) / 1 ( satu )

Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan
monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar : 10.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative.

Indikator : Melakukan monolog pendek sederhana dalam bentuk

narrative dan recount

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Tema : Once Upon Time

Aspek / Skill : Membaca

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Menambah pengetahuan siswa tentang berbagai macam teks
2. Membuat teks narasi
3. Memaknai isi teks narasi
4. Membedakan berbagai macam teks
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Text Narasi


Once upon a time, there lived a kind young Prince named Jonathan. He was
loved, and adored by his people. His two close friends were Peter Piper, the servant of
the palace and Franklin Greedy, the son of an Aristocrat.
One day, The Prince, Peter Piper, and Franklin Greedy were walking through
the forest. Suddenly a group of bandits attacked the three boys near an old house.
They entered the old house and blockaded the gate and doors. The three boys were
trapped inside the house.
Franklin was very terrified and asked the Prince to surrender immediatly, but
Peter was not affraid. He urged and supported the Prince not to give up. The Prince
decided not to surrender because he realised that he would become a hostage for the
bandits tto ask for ransom to his father, but Franklin was scared and wanted to make a
deal, it made Peter suspicious about Franklins behaviour. So he quietly made up a
plan for him and Prince to escape.
Early at dawn, Franklin opened the front gate and unlocked the doors. The
bandits entered the house in search of the Prince. When they came to the room where
the Prince was supposed to be sleeping, no one was there. Suddenly they heard a
horse running outside the house and saw over the window that Peter Piper and the
Prince were riding away on one of the bandits horses.
It turns out, Peter Piper sneaked out of the house and waited in the yard, while
the Prince was hiding behind the house. The bandits were very angry at Franklin and
took him with them while the Prince and Peter went safely going bac to the Capital.

Dalam narrative text terdapat:

1. Orientation
2. Complication
3. Resolution

b. Kosakata terkait tema / jenis teks.

Misalnya : Prince, Friends, Palace, Servant, Bandits, etc .
c. Verbs : Loved, Walking, Give, Attacked, Entered, Trapped,
Urged, etc .
d. To be : was, were
e. Adjective : Angry, Afraid,
f. Personal pronouns : I, You, we, They, He, it.
g. Ungkapan Baku : - Once upon a time
- One Day
- Early at dawn
- It turns Out
3. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik
Story Mapping method
4. Langkah Langkah Kegiatan
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa
Guru menanyakan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi
Guru menyebutkan judul materi yang akan diajarkan
b. Kegiatan inti

Guru menanyakan siswa tentang cerita yang pernah ditemui siswa

Guru memberi contoh cerita
Guru memberikan hand out yang berisi sebuah teks narrative
Meminta siswa untuk memahami teks tersebut
Meminta siswa untuk menterjemahkan
Meminta beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks secara maraton
Meminta siwa untuk mengisi form story mapping sesuai dengan cerita
Meminta siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan secara lisan dan tulisd
Meminta siswa untuk membuat 5 kelompok
Meminta siswa menulis perkelompok apa yang diinstruksikan oleh guru pada karton
c. Kegiatan Penutup

Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.

Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar).
Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat narrative text di rumah sebagai pekerjaan
Memberi salam
5. Sumber Belajar
1. English in Focus, Artono dkk, Pt. JePe Press Media Utama, 2008,hal 92-93
2. Teks Narasi
3. Alat Peraga Kertas A3 dan Amplop

6. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Meminta siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan
b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan
c. Instrumen :
Answers the questions based onthe story above!
1. What kind of person was Prince Jinathan?
2. Who were Prince Jonathans friends?
3. What happened when the Prince and his two friends were walking in theforest?
4. Why did Franklin try to persuade the Prince to surrender?
5. What did Peter Piper do when Franklin tried to persuade the Prince to surrender?

d. Pedoman Penilaian:
1. Setiap nomor benar diberi skor 20
2. Skor maksimal : 5 x 5 = 100
3. Nilai maksimal 100
4. Nilai Siswa Skor perolehan x 10

Skor Maksimal

e. Rubrik Penilaian


1 Tata bahasa tepat, grammatical tepat, conten tepat 20

2 Tata Bahasa tepat, grammatical tepat, conten kurang 15

3 Tata Bahasa tepat, grammatical kurang tepat, content kurang 10

Tata Bahasa kurang tepat, grammatical kurang tepat, content

4 5

Bogor, 25 September 2014


Guru Mata pelajaran Researcher

Saepul Irsyad, S.Pd.I Muhamad Romli

NIP.- NIM: 107014001134


( RPP )

SMP/MTs : MTs. Tarbiyatul Falah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII ( Delapan ) / 1 ( Satu )

Standar Kompetensi : 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar : 11.1. Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai
pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan
ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Indikator : Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk

narrative / recount

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Tema : Old Story

Aspek / Skill : Membaca

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Membaca teks narrative dengan suara nyaring, jelas dan dapat dipahami
2. Menambah pengetahuan siswa tentang berbagai macam teks
3. Membuat teks narasi yang sesuai dengan elemen narrative text
4. Memaknai isi teks narasi
5. Membedakan berbagai macam teks

2. Materi Pembelajaran

- Teks Narasi adalah : Teks yang menceritakan sebuah kejadian pada masa lampau,
yang berfungsi untuk memberi tahu, menceritakan atau menghibur.
- Someone tells a narrative text in order to entertain, stimulate emotion or to teach.

Seseorang menceritakan teks narasi itu untuk menghibur, membangkitkan

semangat seseorang atau mengajarkan kepada mereka.

- Dalam narrative text terdapat 3 elemen, yaitu:

1. Orientation
The orientation introduces main characters in a setting of place and time.
Orientasi itu mengenalkan tentang karakter-karakter utama dalam
keadaan tempat dan waktu
2. Complication
The complication tells the problems of the story and how the main
characters solve them.
Komplikasi itu menceritakan tentang masalah-maslah yang ada pada
cerita dan bagaimana pokok-pokok karakter itu memecahkan masalah-
masalah tersebut.
3. Resolution
The resolution tells the ending of the story
Resolusi itu menceritakan tentang akhir dari cerita.

3. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik

Story Mapping
4. Langkah Langkah Kegiatan
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa
Guru menanyakan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi
Guru menyebutkan judul materi yang akan diajarkan

b. Kegiatan inti
Guru membagi siswa kedalam 7 kelompok

Guru menanyakan siswa tentang cerita yang pernah ditemui siswa

Guru memberi contoh cerita

Guru memperkenalkan konsep metode story mapping beserta keuntungannya
menggunakan metode tersebut
Menjelaskan komponen-komponen yang terdapat dalam story mapping
Meminta beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks secara maraton dalam masing-masing
Meminta siswa untuk mencari beberapa kata kunci yang terdapat dalam cerita
Meminta siswa untuk melengkapi lembar kerja story mapping sesuai dengan kata
kunci yang didapatkan
Guru menyiapkan lembar latihan dan kemudian diberikan kepada siswa untuk
mengadakan evaluasi

5. Kegiatan Penutup
Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar).
Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat narrative text di rumah sebagai pekerjaan
Memberi salam

6. Sumber Belajar
1. English in Focus, Artono dkk, Pt. JePe Press Media Utama, 2008, hal 92-93
2. Bahasa Inggris 1, Tim Penulis Ahmad Thomy Hanafie, Diterbitkan oleh PT Tiga
Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri KTSP 2006, Hal 115-116
3. Teks Narasi
4. Lembar kerja story mapping
5. Hand out

7. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Meminta siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan (Pilihan Ganda)

c. Pedoman Penilaian:
1. Setiap nomor benar diberi skor 10
2. Skor maksimal : 10 x 10 = 100
3. Nilai maksimal 100
Bogor, 28 Agustus 2013


Guru Mata Pelajaran Researcher

Syaepul Irsyad, S.Pd.I Muhamad Romli

NIP. - NIM: 107014001134



( RPP )

SMP/MTs : MTs. Tarbiyatul Falah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII ( Delapan ) / 1 ( satu )

Standar Kompetensi : 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar : 11.1. Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai
pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan
ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Indikator : Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk

narrative / recount

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Tema : Old Story

Aspek / Skill : Membaca

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Siswa dapat membaca teks narrative dengan suara nyaring, jelas dan dapat
2. Menambah pengetahuan siswa tentang berbagai macam teks
3. Membuat teks narasi yang sesuai dengan elemen narrative text
4. Memaknai isi teks narasi
5. Membedakan berbagai macam teks

2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Text Narasi


Once, a fisherman named Batara Guru Sahala lived in Batak land. One day e caught a
fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk. It begged Sahala to set it free. He did

As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She was so beautiful that
Sahala fell in love with her at once. He asked her to marrry him. The woman agreed to marry
Sahala. However, she told him that he must never let out the secret that she was once a fish.
Sahala promised her that he would not tell anyone about it.

They were happily merried, and had two daughters. Every morning Sahala went out
fishing. His daugthers would bring him his lunch. Once day, however, instead of bringing the
food to their father, the two girls ate it. When Sahala knew what they had done with the meal,
he very angry. He shouted at the saying. You behaved exactly like the daughters of a fish!.

The girls did not know what their father meant. They went home and asked their
mother about it. Their mother was very annoyed. Although Sahala apologized ti her later, she
would not forgive him for breaking his promise.

Then the earth began to shake, and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked and
formed a big hole. People said that hole become Lake Toba.

- Teks Narasi adalah : Teks yang menceritakan sebuah kejadian pada masa lampau,
yang berfungsi untuk memberi tahu, menceritakan atau menghibur.
- Some one tells a narrative text in order to entertain, stimulate emotion or to teach.

Seseorang menceritakan teks narasi itu untuk menghibur, membangkitkan

semangat seseorang atau mengajarkan kepada mereka.

- Dalam narrative text terdapat 3 elemen, yaitu:

1. Orientation
The orientation introduces main characters in a setting of place and time.
Orientasi itu mengenalkan tentang karakter-karakter utama dalam
keadaan tempat dan waktu

2. Complication
The complication tells the problems of the story and how the main
characters solve them.
Komplikasi itu menceritakan tentang masalah-maslah yang ada pada
cerita dan bagaimana pokok-pokok karakter itu memecahkan masalah-
masalah tersebut.
3. Resolution
The resolution tells the ending of the story
Resolusi itu menceritakan tentang akhir dari cerita.
b. Kosakata terkait tema / jenis teks.
Misalnya : Fisherman, Land, Beautiful, Earth, Lake, Married,
Shake, Annoyed, Erupt, Volcanoes, etc
c. Verbs : Went, Talked,
d. To be : was, were
e. Adjective : Beautiful
f. Personal pronouns : You, They, She, He, It.
g. Ungkapan Baku : - Once
- As soon as
3. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik
Story Mapping method
4. Langkah Langkah Kegiatan
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa
Guru menanyakan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi
Guru menyebutkan judul materi yang akan diajarkan
b. Kegiatan inti

Guru menanyakan siswa tentang cerita yang pernah ditemui siswa

Guru memberi contoh cerita
Meminta beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks secara maraton
Meminta siswa untuk memahami teks tersebut
Meminta siswa untuk menterjemahkannya

Meminta siswa untuk mengisi form metode story mapping sesuai dengan cerita
Meminta siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang guru berikan
c. Kegiatan Penutup

Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.

Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar).
Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat narrative text di rumah sebagai pekerjaan
Memberi salam

5. Sumber Belajar
1. English in Focus, Artono dkk, Pt. JePe Press Media Utama, 2008, hal 92-93
2. Bahasa Inggris 1, Tim Penulis Ahmad Thomy Hanafie, Diterbitkan oleh PT Tiga
Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri KTSP 2006, Hal 115-116
3. LKS Bahasa Inggris, Juli Waskito, S. Si dkk, CV Media Kreasi, KTSP 2006, hal
4. Teks Narasi
5. Hand out

6. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Meminta siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan
b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan
c. Instrumen :
Chose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d.
1. Batara Guru Sahala was a....
a. Farmer c. Sailor
b. Villager d. Fisherman
2. Batara Guru Sahala had.......daughter.
a. Two c. Four
b. Three d. Five
3. How did they fell when Batara Guru Sahala were married and have two
a. Happy c. Said

b. Doubt d. Angry
4. His wife was annoyed because.....
a. Sahala apologized to her
b. He forgave her for the mistake she made
c. Sahala broke his promise
d. His daughters ate Sahalas meal
5. What happened when the earth shook?
a. The earth began to shake
b. The earth cracken and made a big hole
c. The earth became Lake Toba
d. Volcanoes started to erupt

d. Pedoman Penilaian:
1. Setiap nomor benar diberi skor 20
2. Skor maksimal : 5 x 5 = 100
3. Nilai maksimal 100
4. Nilai Siswa Skor perolehan x 10

Skor Maksimal

Bogor, 04 September 2013


Guru Mata Pelajaran Researcher

Syaepul Irsyad, S.Pd.I Muhamad Romli

NIP.- NIM: 107014001134


( RPP )

SMP/MTs : MTs. Tarbiyatul falah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII ( Delapan ) 1 / 1 ( Satu )

Standar Kompetensi : 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar : 11.1. Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai
pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan
ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Indikator : - Mengenali berbagai macam teks

- Mengidentifikasi berbagai macam teks

- Memahami model text narrative
- Mendemonstrasikan text narrative

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Tema : A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

Aspek / Skill : Membaca

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:
1. Siswa dapat membaca teks narrative dengan suara nyaring, jelas dan dapat
2. Menambah pengetahuan siswa tentang berbagai macam teks
3. Membedakan berbagai macam teks
4. Membuat teks narasi yang sesuai dengan elemen narrative text
5. Memaknai isi teks narasi

2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Text Narasi

Once upon a time there lived two closed friend, the hare and the tortoise. They
liked to race against each other, but the hare always won.

One day, the hare asked the tortoise to race down to the beach. The tortoise
refused, he said that he will loose anyway. The hare laughed at a tortoise for his
slowness. Because of that the hare agreed to have a race.

When the race started, the hare ran very fast and was ahead of the tortoise. The
day was hot and the tortoise was left far behind him; therefore, the hare decided to
sleep for a while. While the hare was sleeping, the tortoise crawled on.

When the hare awoke, he directly ran to the finish line as fast as he could.
However, the tortoise was already there. I am slow but sure. said the tortoise.

- Teks Narasi adalah : teks yang menceritakan sebuah kejadian pada masa lampau,
yang berfungsi untuk memberi tahu, menceritakan atau menghibur.
- Someone tells a narrative in order to entertain, stimulate emotion or to tell
someone about something
(Seseorang menceritakan teks narasi itu untuk menghibur, membangkitkan
semangat seseorang atau untuk memberitahukan seseorang tentang sesuatu.)
- Dalam narrative text terdapat 3 elemen, yaitu:
1. Orientation
The orientation introduces main characters in a setting of place and time.
(Orientasi itu mengenalkan tentang karakter-karakter utama, tempat dan
2. Complication
The complication tells the problems of the story and how the main
characters solve them.
(Komplikasi itu menceritakan tentang masalah masalah yang ada pada
cerita dan bagaimana pokok pokok karakter itu memecahkan masalah
masalah tersebut.)
3. Resolution
The resolution tells the ending of the story.
(Resolusi itu menceritakan tentang akhir dari cerita)

b. Kosakata terkait tema / jenis teks.

- Verbs : Lived, liked, won, asked, refused, laughed, agreed,

started, ran, and awoke.

- Adjective : Hot, slow, sure.

- Nouns : Hare, tortoise, slowness, race, day.
- Personal pronouns : I, He.
- Ungkapan Baku : Once upon a time

3. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik

Three-phase technique

4. Langkah Langkah Kegiatan

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa
Guru menanyakan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi
Guru menyebutkan judul materi yang akan diajarkan

b. Kegiatan inti
Guru menanyakan siswa tentang cerita yang pernah ditemui siswa
Guru memberi contoh cerita
Guru memperkenalkan kembali tentang konsep metode story mapping beserta
keuntungannya menggunakan metode tersebut
Menjelaskan komponen-komponen yang terdapat dalam story mapping
Meminta beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks secara maraton
Meminta siswa untuk mencari beberapa kata kunci yang terdapat dalam cerita
Meminta siswa untuk melengkapi lembar kerja story mapping sesuai dengan kata
kunci yang didapatkan
Guru menyiapkan lembar latihan dan kemudian diberikan kepada siswa untuk
mengadakan evaluasi

5. Kegiatan Penutup
Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar).
Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat narrative text di rumah sebagai pekerjaan
Memberi motivasi kepada siswa
Memberi salam

6. Sumber Belajar
1. English in Focus, Artono dkk, Pt. JePe Press Media Utama, 2008, hal 88, 116-117
2. Teks Narasi
3. Bahasa Inggris SMART, Sri Eti Muchtinah dkk, Swadaya Murni, 2012, hal 22

7. Media Pembelajaran
1. Lembar kerja story mapping
2. Hand Out soal-soal
3. White board
4. Teks Narrative

8. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Meminta siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan
b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan
c. Instrumen :
Answers the questions based on the story above!
1. Who were the two friends?
2. What did the hare ask the tortoise?
3. How was the end of the story?
4. Why did the hare decide to sleep for a while
5. What is the lesson which we can take from the text above?

d. Pedoman Penilaian:
1. Setiap nomor benar diberi skor 20
2. Skor maksimal : 5 x 20 = 100
3. Nilai maksimal 100

Bogor, 11 september 2014


Guru Mata pelajaran Researcher

Saepul Irsyad, S.Pd.I Muhamad Romli

NIP.- NIM: 107014001134

i No. Dokurnen rtix-rR-RXO-0At
Tgl. Terbit '.
1 Maret 20i0
Jt. k. t'i. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412 lndanesa


Nomor : Un.0 1/F. l/KM .01' 3 I 2'?9.k.12012 Jakarta,23Desember 2012

Lamp. :-
Hal : Bimbingan SkriPsi

Kepada Yth.

Dr. Alek. M.Pd

Pembimbing Skripsi
Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

As s alarnu' al aikum wr.wb.

ini diharapken kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi Pembimbing I/II
(materi/teknis) penulisan skripsi maliasiswa:

Nama Muhamad Romli

NIM 107014001 134

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Semester XI (Sebelas)

2? Desember
Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersang\utan pada tanggal
redaksional pada
2012, abstraksrloutline teilampir. Saudara iupit m*lutui<an perubahan
judul tersebut. epaUita perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembirnbing
inenghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu.

Bimbingan skripsi ini diharapkan selesai dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan, dan dapat
diperpaijang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnya tanpa surat perpanjangan.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Was s al amu' al aihtm -wr.w b.

Bahasa Inggris

1964 99103 1 002

l. DekanFITK
2. Mahasiswa ybs.
Jakarta 27 Desernber 2012
No : istirnewa
Lamp : I (satu) berkas
Hal : Penqajuan Judul Skiripsi

Kepada Yth,
Ketua Jurusan Fendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Mengingat akan berakhirnya masa studi saya di tingkat strata satu (Si), maka saya
yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama Muhamad Romli

NIM 107014001134
Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Jurusan / Smtr Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris / XI C

Bermaksud mengajukanjudul skripsi sebagai salah satu syarat menyelesaikan

prograrn strata satu (S-l) LJIN Syarif Hidayatullah JakartA adapun judul yang saya
ajukan adalah:


(A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year Students of Ws Tarbiyatul Folah

Bersama ini saya lampirkan satu berkas proposal skripsi yang terdiri dari:
l. Outline Skripsi
2. Abstract Skripsi, dan
3. Bibliography sementara
Demikianlah surat pengajuan ini saya sampaikan. Atas segala pertimbangan dan
perhatiannya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.
Wassalamu' alaikum Wn Wb.

Menyetujui, Pemohon,

Ketua Jurusan PBI

Drs. Svauki" M.Pd

NIP:T9il41212 199103 I 002
Alamat : Kp. Surupan RT 03/05 Desa Cibadak Kec. Sukamakmur Bogor
Kode Pos 16830 Telp"/HP. 085695005855

No. 0 I 5/]vITs. S-TF/XIU20I3
Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:
Nama : Soffan Adenansi, S.Pd.I
Jabatan : Kepala Madrasatr

Dengan ini menerangkan bahwa:

Nama Muhamad Romli
NIM 107014001 134

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah da4 Keguruan

Jurusan/Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa lnggrrs

Semester 13 (Tigabelas)

Tahun Akademik 201312014

Adatah benar telah mengadakan penelitian d MTs Tarbiyatul Falah Bogor dalam
rangka menyelesaikan penelitian skripsi yang berjudul "Improving the Students'
Understanding of Narrative Textby Using Slqry Mapping".
Demikianlah syrat keterangan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya dan kepada
yang berkepentingan dapat dipergunakan seperlunya.

CiUaiat<, l8 Desemb er2013

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