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Review A
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3. Sistematika penulisan telah tersusun dengan baik dan jelas. Mulai dari judul,
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4. Volume dan halaman sudah tertera serta waktu penerbitan.
5. Reviewer


A. Title of the journal

The relationship between the proxy fiber type II and resting blood
pressure in American Athletes Division I

B. Name of the researcher

Christopher A. DiCesare, James R. Adams, Randal P. Claytor, Rose M.

Ward, Ronald H. Cox of the Laboratory of Human Performance,
Department of Kinesiology & Health, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio,

C. Place and time of research

Vol. 11, Issue 2 (April - June 2017)

Address for correspondence: Christopher A. DiCesare, 36 Hall Phillips,

Department of Kinesiology & Health, Miami University, Oxford, OH,
USA. Tel .: (513) 803-2517. Fax: (513) 636-0516. E-mail:

D. research Objectives

1. General purpose
Recognizing this association, it is important to clarify an individual's
risk for developing cardiovascular disease in adulthood.
2. Special purpose
The purpose of this study is to assess the size of performance football -
in particular the proxy for the strength of the muscles - and the effect
on blood pressure in athletes of football.

E. Research Methods

This research method :

1. The population in the research is
As much as 80 football players the college level
2. The statistical test used is paired t-test.
As much as 80 football players that each of the body fat of
participants%, body mass index, waist circumference, and mean
arterial pressure (MAP) diukur1.

Participants perform maximum repetitions of a bench bench, squat

rear, dash 40 yards, and the vertical jump, and power index (PI) is
defined as the product of the jump and the mass of the vertical

F. Results of the research

: PI found positive, correlated significantly with MAP in all the players (r

= 0,269; P = 0,035) and a subset of player skill (r = of 0.425; P = 0.004).


A. Analysis of the Research\/ discussion

The risk for cardiovascular disease associated with body mass index
(BMI) and has been documented in various investigations. this has also
happened with certain athletic populations, including college and
professional American football player.2-6 Despite the fact that football
athletes regularly engage in intense levels of physical activity, these
individuals are presenting with a high Bmi also showed an increased
risk of cardiovascular disease as reflected by an increase in blood
pressure.2-5 people who have high blood pressure at a young age has
been positively associated with increased morbidity and mortality
associated with cardiovascular disease later in adulthood;7 thus, the
ability to assess the risk of heart disease becomes important at a young
age. Hypertension has been associated with overweight, reduced
physical activity, excess dietary sodium and alcohol intake, and

inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables.8 However, several

lines of research have also shown that hypertensive patients, compared
with their normotensive counterparts, tend to have a higher proportion
of muscle fibers of Type II, regardless of body type and fitness
level.9,10 This suggests that the muscle fiber type distribution that may
have an effect on resting blood pressure, and in certain populations
such as the elite American football playerthis can contribute to an
increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

The nature of American football favors the individual that can generate
muscle strength quickly and efficiently. Given the physiological and
tactical demands of the sport, it may be fairly assumed that the elite-
level players which is characterized by muscle fiber type distribution
that allows them to meet the physical demands at an incredible rate.
Elite soccer players tend to have a higher percentage of Type II, or

B. Opinion of the group

1. Why a Lot of Athletes who Died of a Heart Attack?

According to the opinion of our group : We often hear, that there is

an athlete died when the middle of the match because of a heart
attack. As a result, we are also often afraid whenever there are people
nearby who want to do the same physical activity, such as that done
by the person who died. Actually, not any of the sport itself. You
need to know, although most athletes live a healthy lifestyle, does not
mean he is free from heart attack. The actual cause is, athletes who
had a heart attack, too much to undergo physical activity. as
expressed directly by the Specialist Heart and Blood vessels of the
`Mother Heart Centre` Bunda Hospital Jakarta, dr. Dicky Hanafy,
SpJP. Dicky explained, excessive physical activity can make the
occurrence of development in the organs of the heart are too wide .

"As a result, the oxygen obtained in the heart muscle of teak does not
stop. As a result, the person will experience a heart attack,\" said
Dicky Hanafy, in the event the Grand Opening of the Mother Heart
Centre in Plaza Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (24\/9\/2013)

2. In principle, such a risk can occur in all kinds of sports. Because it

seemed like any other muscle in the body, when trained, the muscles
will continue to grow. Whatever happens in the muscles of the heart.
When the muscles are being trained, will turn into thick and that's
good. "When people do physical activity very excessive to the heart
muscle is thickened and too wide, this is a danger. Oxygen should be
accepted by the heart muscle, so is not accepted. As a result, the
arising disturbances in the heart,\" he added. Know Sudden Cardiac
Arrest (Cardiac Arrest), The Enemy Of Great Football Players

C. Excess journal

1. The study intervention on the respondents and the results showed that
the relationship between the diseases of the cardiovascular system of
2. Research methods outlined quite clearly that the sample, place of
study, and techniques of intervention.
3. The research objectives are clearly outlined, namely general purpose
and special purpose.
4. terdapatb an example of a table of the Relationship between the
power index and resting blood pressure in college athletes especially
5. And the Relationship between the power index and resting blood
pressure in college football athletes in the skills players only

D. the Lack of journal

1. Benefits of a journal are not listed.
2. A series of he said difficult to understand
3. The explanation is less sequential

6. Sudah termasul jurnal internasional karena jumlah kata >200 (pada jurnal ini
terdapat 228 kata).
7. Dalam pendahuluan sudah sesuai karena mengandung tujuan, metode, latar
belakang masalah, dan gambaran dari isi jurnal.
8. Penelitian, menggunakan metode interdisipliner (dalam mengolah data dan
analisis akan menggunakan beberapa metode dan pendekatan. Terdapat 2
metode yaitu :
1. The population in the research is As much as 80 football players the college
2. The statistical test used is paired t-test. As much as 80 football players that each
of the body fat of participants%, body mass index, waist circumference, and
mean arterial pressure (MAP) diukur1.

9. Subjek yang terdapat pada jurnal ini sesuai dengan metode dimana subjek
tersebut pada pemain sepak bola di perguruan tinggi.
10. Prosedur pada jurnal ini sudah mencangkup untuk hasil penelitian, pada jurnal
ini yaitu bagaimana cara melakukan penelitian tersebut.
11. Hasil analisa dari penelitian yang dilakukan sudah sesuai digambarkan dengan
12. Diskusi ini sudah dapat membuktikan perkembangan informasi sesuai dengan
penelitian karena adanya hasil label dan metode penelitian.
13. Pada jurnal ini sudah terdapat tabel untuk pemenuhan gambaran penelitian
14. Kesimpulan ini adalah The purpose of this study was to assess football
performance measuresin particular proxies for muscular powerand their
effect on resting blood pressure in football athletes. A total of 80 collegiate-
level football players participated in this study. The PI was found to be
positively, significantly correlated with MAP in all players (r = 0.269; P =
0.035) and the skill players subset (r = 0.425; P = 0.004). The results of the
present study indicate an association between muscle fiber type distribution,
as indicated by muscular power capacity, and resting blood pressure.
15. Tahun referensi jurnal ini tidak memenuhi syarat jurnal internasional karena
sudah lebih dari 5 tahun. Yaitu 2010, seharusnya minimal 2012.
B. Review B
1. Pertanyaan penelitian (intro)
Mengapa atlet pemain sepak bola beresiko dengan penyakit kardiovaskuler?
2. Mengapa pertanyan itu (introductions)
Jawaban :
Resiko untuk penyakit kardio vaskuler yang berhubungan dengan indeks masa tubuh
(BMI) dan telah didokumentasikan dalam berbagai penelitian. Meski adanya hal ini juga
terjadi dengan atletik tertentu, termasuk perguruan tinggi pemain sepak bola.
3. Apa yang mereka lakukan?
Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, di mana proxy untuk cepat-kedutan serat otot
yang digunakan untuk memprediksi tekanan darah istirahat, dilaporkan sebagai mean
arterial pressure (MAP). Kekuatan otot kapasitas dinilai menggunakan power index
(PI) variabel (KEKUATAN) didefinisikan sebagai produk dari lompatan vertikal (m),
massa (kg). Lompatan vertikal sebelumnya telah ditunjukkan untuk menjadi indikator
yang dapat diandalkan dari serat otot tipe distribusi.
4. Apa hasilnya?
Jawaban :
Tabel 2 menampilkan data antropometri untuk KETERAMPILAN dan BESAR.
Massa, BMI, BF, dan WC yang semua berbeda secara signifikan antara
KETERAMPILAN dan kelompok BESAR (P 0.001) (Tabel 2). Regresi linier
terdeteksi signifikan, hubungan positif antara BANGKU dan PETA (r = 0.314; P =
0.010), POWER (semua pemain) dan PETA (r = 0.269; P = 0.035), dan DAYA
(KEMAMPUAN) dan PETA (r = 0.427; P = 0,004) (Tabel 1). Angka 1 dan 2
menampilkan hubungan antara PI dan PETA untuk semua pemain dan
KETERAMPILAN, masing-masing. Pasti tidak ada hubungan yang ditemukan ada di
antara JONGKOK atau DASH dan PETA.
5. Bagaimana pendapat mereka tentang hasil?
Answer :
Menentukan individu risiko untuk penyakit kardiovaskular lebih penting di
usia dini. Hal ini terutama jadi untuk anak muda atletik populasi, yang sering
diabaikan ketika datang ke risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Sepak bola amerika
pelatih bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari wawasan ini dengan menilai pemain
mereka' risiko untuk penyakit kardiovaskular, menggunakan tekanan darah istirahat
sebagai barometer untuk risiko ini, dan, mengingat potensi morbiditas dan mortalitas
yang berhubungan dengan penyakit kardiovaskular di kemudian dewasa, membantu
mereka untuk mengelola risiko mereka
6. Apa yang kita lakukan nformasi itu
Apakah kualitasnya cukup sistematik atau tidak?
Jawaban :
Dari informasi pada jurnal tersebut kita tahu bahwa tidak hanya pemain
sepak bolak saja yang bisa terkena kardiovaskuler. Orang awam seperti kita juga
bisa beresiko terkena kardiovaskuler, jadi penting bagi kita untuk menjaga kesehatan
jantung supaya tidak mudah terkena resiko kardiovaskuler seperti pemain sepakbola
yang telah dijelaskan pada artikel tersebut.

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