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1) Teaching (obviously): Middle school all the way up to college.

BA/BS for high

school (30-50k). Masters for community college (30-60k). PhD for college. Professor
get min 60k-150k, they teach and do research, plus a little administration. If you are a
great Prof. your job may lead to tenure - job for life!
2) Finance Analyst - check out people who work as Quants (quantitative analysts) for
hedge funds or investment firms and make millions in the market. Physics and math
degrees all over. Why physics? Because they know the math and how to model a system
(the market). You can get a job a Goldman Sachs, but don't lose your soul! 100k-
3) Electrical Engineering/Materical Science - ALL Semicondutor technology depends
on physics & chemistry, especially Quantum Mechanics/Solid State physics. New
smaller faster cheaper devices need to be made, and you need physics talent to figure
out solutions. Think computer simulations, MEMs, nanotechnology etc. Needs a PhD.
(in any area) but you can make >100k easy.
4) Bio/related: this requires PHD in physics or related biofield, also because it's a
new area, demand will only increase over time. Think Professorships again. Why
physics? Again math and makeing accurate models of real complex things. 80k-150k 5)
Doctors/nurses/PA: Many - MANY - physics (and sci) grads apply and get accepted to
Medical schools easily. >100k. Remember there is a predicted GP shortage by 2025.
GPs will be in demand.
6) Government jobs: NASA, JPL, ORNL, LBNL, NIST and hundreds of other
government agencies, not exculding Lobbyists, Politician, think tanks, military. I mean
c'mon! 50k-300k.
7) Programmer: Somebody has to design phsics engines for 3D ray tracing, game play,
etc. Not limited to that, but doing a dual major with Computer sicence, and your a hot
item in the game development world. 90k-200k. Plus you get to play video games!
8) Entreprenuer/Innovator: 1 in 8 physics grads tend to start their own company. It's
risky, but once again it's about taking a problem, being able to figure out a realistic
solutions, and making it into a product. Elon Musk is a good example, founder of Tesla
Motors and Space X. But in reality, many professors use their research patents to start a
company and can make millions - in addition to their university job. Also I have to
disagree with video, Musk credits his physics training as giving him tools to know what
is a good idea or not - also all the companies and ideas (vacuum tube shuttle, anyone)
certainly have a very physics-y feel to them! So I think his degree was a deciding factor
in the choice of where he invested his Ebay money. 0-1000k
9) Research: you get paid nicely by university to do research. Majority of physicists do
research but not necessarily in their field. After BS you can apply to ANY field you
want. Any field: EE, BIO, MED, NEUROSCIENCE, CHEM, MAT SCI. Any field. But
get a PHD in that field. If you're a good researcher and bring in a lot of funding, you can
get 100k-400k. Also many
10) Administration: hey, somebody has to run that university, but not do research or
teach, but knows what he/she is doing in the field. Get a PHD, and you're set. 100k-
11) Film consultants, Directors, Scifi Writer, etc...

PTICA: investigacin y desarrollo de nuevos materiales o mejorar las propiedades

pticas de estos; adems de estudiar todo lo relacionado con la formacin de imgenes y
lseres. Por si fuera poco desarrollo y mejora de equipos para astrofsica, metrologa,
ptica de multicapas,....
ELECTRNICA: casi lo mismo que lo anterior pero con dispositivos electrnicos,
desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos y mejoras de los existentes.... mejora de detectores....

NUCLEAR: estudio terico y experimental de nuevos modelos nucleares as como de

la ingeniera nuclear, teora, modelos y experimentos de reacciones nucleares
controladas y descontroladas (o despendoladas jajaj)

MATERIALES: lo mismo pero con materiales, incluyendo las propiedades mecnicas,

pticas, trmicas, elctricas, magnticas.... Desarrollo de nuevos materiales especficos
(por ejemplo biomateriales, biotejidos,...). Test y ensayos de propiedades mecnicas,
incluyendo estructuras, cementos, hormigones, metales,....

FISICA TERICA: estudio de modelos e investigacin.. ya te lo ha comentado Rafa..

aunque hay mucho ms.

FSICA MDICA -RADIOFSICA: el uso de las radiaciones ionizantes en medicina

requiere la supervisin de un profesional licenciado en fsica, llamado radiofsico
hospitalario, cuya especialidad se consigue por residencia hospitalaria durante 3 aos
seguidos por el sistema nacional de salud y va oposicin. Adems del trabajo en
hospitales se trabaja en empresas privadas desarrollando y mejorando aparatos de
medida y control de radiaciones, o la produccin de las mismas con fines mdicos o

BIOFSICA: adems del trabajo con radiaciones se trabaja con distintos aparatos de
anlisis de inters biomdico. Biomecnica de vertebrados. Bioelectromagnetismo (no
confundir con el new age y las pulseritas para curar la artrosis), electro y
magnetoencefalografa, separacin y cristalizacin de protenas. Desarrollo de
materiales de inters sanitario.


control, puesta en marcha y verificacin de protocolos ante amenazas emergentes
relacionadas con las radiaciones y con la radiactividad (protocolos NBQ). Control de la
radiacin ambiental e industrial as como verificacin y supervisin de los sistemas de
seguridad en instalaciones nucleares.

FSICA DE SISTEMAS COMPLEJOS: las nuevas vas laborales para fsicos vienen
de esta rama que conjuga mecnica, termodinmica, fsica estadstica y teora de la
probabilidad. Creacin de modelos econmicos a partir de modelos fsicos
(econofsica), modelos de finanzas (mecnica estadstica de los mercados financieros),
modelos burstiles. Consultoras y banca son los principales empleadores, adems del
Adems consultoras tecnolgicas, informticas, de construccin....

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