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a SSeteeaiwenStudent’siBOOk=am ig eae Brendan|Dunne|-jRebin|Newton ear Dally routines: rush your tooth, getup, gos bed, go to schoo! havo a snack, have breaklent, have lunch, have a shower Prosent simple (routinesk / ot vp at half past savon. !have lunch at twe o'clock. What time da you have breaktast? [have broakiost ef seven o'clock, Buiter What dime fs ir? I's tan o'ckock. It’s half post five. oe ee Propositions of place ibehind. City places: bookshop, bus station, fino between, next to, opposite: -Batlon, heapital, Mbrary. ahopping canta, Wharo’s tha einoraa? Me noxt to tho: ‘cinoma, musoum, park pet shop, reetaurant, | mmusoum, Is botwoon the museum and ‘shoe shop, suparmatkat, toy shaps the library, There is / There ian’: Thovw'va library. Those isn'ta fire station. fs thoro.a Upteomtones booksiop? Yos. there is. 'No, thore fen, Don't touch! Don't run! Bont walkonm the grass! Don't tala! ew words ‘Animals: bat, buttotlly crocodile, elephant, | Can Gontt: toon swim, Iteant fy Con Opa infly? You, it can. (No, itoan't, pe spa es ntl : Present simple: Tho 2obea lines tn tho zavonaoh, ft sae plants, Boos teat plants? Yoa, ttdoos. No, itdooen't uiemnnn Think is soary. don think i's seary. [Ahink ie eure, ‘ew wands ‘Clothes: boit, coat, glove. jeans, soarl, sock, sunglasiis, ariper, tie Nusabers: thirty. foony fifty, omy. savority, -oighly, ninety, ane hundred Possessives: WWhooo scart is this? Ins Dave's, Whooo glovas-aro thon? Thoy-re Lucy’. These Those: These cto my sunghasee. Theeo-are my glows. Brewin How much ts tho soar? ite M pounds. How auch aro tho socks? Thoy'v0 3 pounds, ew noes ‘Weather: cloudy. cold, hot. raining, snowing. sunny, windy Seasons spring. summer, autumn, winter Present simple: Wo wear sondals. Wo dont wear boots. Where do you goon Sundays? Wo go to tha park, Wat de you play? Wo play football, BR voamimer What's the woathor like? Mts snowing. oo Food avocade, bread, cheoee, popput, Ecmpenetenbreriey astra, chocelat egg. ham fomon,tenarada, moot, | Frew aus some apple, Tevet om Pear, potato, crisps, roo, sas999, 2p, aren'tany pears, die ts spicy. They're sally. li's sweet. They're sous, ett ads Prosent almple: Sho works in.a school. ‘Occupations: astionaut.chol, clown, decter, | Shodoesn wear a uniform, Doos ho firolighter, musician, nurse, piles polio ‘workat nigh? Yos, he dos. No, ho cofficnr. secretary football player. taxi driver, | down’ rooshor vot Bee mimen What do you want fo bo?! want to bo: @ hrotighter, fem ds ; Prosoat simple: lito skipping. Sho : Sea data tdpenede | soot Me rollorstting-Do you lke ‘ree time fund iting, her gem, rollot ahating, | BRIG! f farang cma | Goh toe cops came, guitar skipping rope. korea uniform, | 99% She hasn't gota karate uniform, madol, rollorakate 1B viserinen What are your hobbfea? My hobbies aro roller Page za skating ond painting. et wart ‘Months: fanvary, February. March, Apri, May, Juno, july, August, Soptombor, Octabor, November, Decombor Panles balloon. candle, swost,costumo, prooont, stroma Plural pronouns (we they Wo Live in Maxieo. Thay live in Iraly. Wh: questions with present simple: What do thoy eat? Thy oat bloculte. Whore do you ga? Wa goto tho park, Lech enlebeatal Bvt eto Whents your birthday? Ite in March. When's pours? Mina ts tn August, What time is it? I's tan o'clock. es) I's half past five. f= » Listen and point. 2)" é « Listen and repeat. Zp* “2% Read and draw. . era ee Thave eggs and || toast for breakfast. z cecmeett TT 3 Cael ip Thave chicken and chips for] lunch, I have water, too, =) 2 c Thave soup, salad and fruit for dinner. « Listen and repeat. 2)" « Match, ES {I's half past twelve. @ testairpaainine! {I's seven o'clock. snack} © Whattimeaoyouget up? Csi Unie 418) Listen and chant. 4 4} Listen and underline, %),"* At half past six. i ? At half past two. At half past seven. At half post three. At hall past six. ‘At half past nine. At half past five. i : At half past ten. Ody wack, Monday, Tuesday. I get up at half past seven. T get up oF Seven o’clocy. [have lunch at two o'clock. Tuesday, Wednes, go to school at eight o'clock + Draw and write about you. Wednesday, Thursday, Thave lunch at three o'clock. ‘Thursday, Friday, Tgo te bed at hine o'clock, saturday, Sunday, Hurray! No schoo! todays { 1. What time do you have breakfast? At 2. What time do you get up? a: Gas, What time do you have lunch? (ear 4. What time do you go to bed? At ae ae ert r What time do you get up? What time do you have dinner? ff What time do you go to bed? © Ask a friend and complete. + Complete. What time do you have breakfast? What have lunch? Thave breakfast at seven o'clock. 42) Sing a song. B Tick, tock, tick, tock! Quick, get up! I's seven o'clock. Splish, splash, splish, splash! Have a shower, Got to dash! Ding. ding. beep, beep! Here's the bus, You're still asleep. Quick, run! Don't be late! It's time for school. School is great! E Read and stick. @@, [have pizza and a ms Thave spaghetti, salad yoghurt for lunch. and an orange for lunc’ 42) Read and circle. l. Thave cereal and/, orange juice for breakfast. 2. [have asandwich and/, anapple and/, water for a snack. 3. [have hotdogs and/, abanana and/, milk for dinner. 4 Write about you using. and and. ge repre Arete tee A te sO Ny f Thave for breakfast. ‘ for a snack. Fo for Finch. i : _for dinner. Sos 29 aS a EN AR AR ANAS f lighthouse keepers/story) Ons Before you read = Colour eight clocks and play. { na ver esto tame a SO 5 : 5 ra WS (00 Le iia FF Lao P| (Lace (L100 [oo IE (L20_Ie}" 12:00 8:30) 5:00. |_6:00 le A Listen to the first part of the story. 225,'* —_ var . Here's Monica. Is half | oe “i past eight ond she's Cra runaing to schoo! She's You're late again. — - “ ny Be 29 Listen to the second part of the story. Be» AS 4 Complete the label. Meese wan Ganada" tacts Canada touches the Pacific, the Atlant. and the Arctic ocean. “The national tree is the ample free. Canada has got 2,000,000 lakes ‘The national sport is hockey. Chidren speak English end French The national animal is the beaver. ne d (inonenacran (>) I) AFD Fe ld Jn the summer, children go to summer camps in Canada, love itl They hove different a Sports Other activities Y ay Snacks Sor bic @ SS Read about a camping trip. |\] Colour the pictures. We_sit_by the fire and sing songs. ‘There's an island in the lake.\! We spend one night there every Summer. , tent with my friend, Dan. Be 29 Listen and number. DB e © Listen and stick. 2B)? Ze + Listen again and repeat. #3)! + Colour and match, a | Don't run! Don't talk! Don't walk on the grass! Don't touch! oF. _-ltisnexeto tieitdy jy shop 345 Look and read. (enmsiio| (nen 8 Listen and stick. BB a | =) a Listen and chant. 84 Se Whhara, ala where? where's ft Y : qr's behind the hospitay, 's the. tale ne eae . hi BS Ne had Where's the cinema? whe brea eco I's next to the museum. sere the 100? Te It's between the museum and the library. g next to YOU! a's peptone Look at the map and ask a friend. @ Unie 2 i There's a pet shop but there isn'ta toy shop. mot So e Read and point to the map. + Act out a similar dialogue with a friend. There's a library. There isn't a fire station. Is there a book shop? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. 2 Write about your town or city. Init 2 e practise! 345 Listen and mamber. %),"” 85 Sing a song. BB When you're in the library, When you're in the library, Be good girls and boys! Be good girls and boys! = Don't eat. Don't drink. Don't jump. Don't climb. Don'tsing.Den'tdance. Don't run. Don't shout. And don't play with toys! And don't make a noise! tum to 2. AS Read ond ac i~ common nouns + Complete the nouns. @ — ow: > _aturday &} __mma RE — vider = __uesday & __sear Look and complete. & Look and write. is Peter. goto oS i { ) Thellighthouse|keepers/story) 2 Ps: , } one Before you read | G& Solve the crossword puzzle. ‘Maen and Tom one in the park Man's tatking to a friend and Ton's playng. Goand play.) Don't go too far! |. ny ae J y we Listen to the secend part of the story. Bw 2 vat That's my jacket! CCC y : No ‘After you read , Unit Read and match. Italy is in Europe. The capital city of Italy is Rome. The flag of Italy is. green, white and red. aay The piano, the \ thermometer and oO the battery are £ Italian inventions. p, Read and look at the mosaic. MU er me ee Retort ge rie) 2,000 years old. Colour by number. 123 4 R2RAN Read about Venice. My boat is a gondola. All gondolas are bl ambulance Unscramble the names of places. refi tatsino = soary | _sute | (> * Liston and repeat. eB” i cag Listen and complete. Ba BCs Sing a song. BB me Walking through the jungle, T'm not scared. © ‘Oh, no! What's that noise? Phew! It's just a bird. Be quiet! We're in the jungle, Please don't cry. r ‘Oh, no! What's that behind you? Phew! A butterfly. Shh! We're in the jungle, Look! Behind that tree. Oh, no! It's a gorilla, And it's chasing me! & Listen and check, BoB” 18 Listen and chant. 4 1 enacihhh sim a dolphin swim? ™ va it.can. Yes, it can, = cqnit walk? 5 to, it: can't. No, can a zek Z, No. it can't. Ro, regen Con it run? yes, it can. Yes, it can, Itean swim. —'t fly. Can it fly? No, it can't. Yes, it can. + Draw an animal and write. 445 Read and match. I It lives in the sea. It eats fish. | Bid Listen and number. B” | mmar « Unscramble and answer. ‘The zebra lives in the savannah. i It ects plants. meat: it: Does- eat Does it eat plants? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't. © Time)to practise!) ahs Complete with It can or It can't. QO wg _seswim. ©, jump. ‘7 rn. ad | swim. : en. @ fly. ir swim. ‘ run. ul ~ climb. jump. a 42) Read the riddle and lock. & Write an animal riddle. « Solve your friend's riddle. ee AS Look and complete. Ithas got It'sa Name: zebra Description: black and white stripes and four legs Abilities: run and jump Diet: leaves Habitat: savannah Iteats It lives in the ~ Draw and write about an animal. Complete with names of animals. ’ EE, ay, F : -s ‘One doy, the rabbit | BT ne rurrie’anD meats the tuntla AD, -_~AV A f ~ «5 Hello, turtle. Where are you going? ' } I “ a { . f — - —_ a ae L : “ s he fy al f= es fa ® £4 ‘ g The rabbit ts ruming fast He fee’ tired and goes to sleep: Now read the story in groups. cca Listen to the second part of the story. B= ce C) After you read Count and find the winner. 2. Pandas can swim. 3. Pandas have got a tail. 4. Pandas can climb trees. | 5, Pandas have got white ears. 6. Pandas eat for 12 hours a day. 12 f | (Read and colour the shapes. bh ‘ a AT ( a A tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle. A square is divided into seven shapes. gy There are: 5 triangles F x a rane 4) ae 7 4 ‘ ~ Lames \*, * (ts tapounas) we per NS 345 Listen and match. 2%)" Whose scart é is this? +t Listen and chant. Pl i Wheee is this? Whose scarf is this? Ty", Jo whose coat 1s 1a roe sie whose. vis 1? Tr wee tis that Tyco": whose hat is this? Tr. , whose gloves are re those ee ensy'® Whose scarf is this? It's Dave's, Whose gloves are these? They're Lucy's. 48 Read and stick. = Those are my sunglasses! 4 These / Those Tecate | re care my sunglasses. my sunglasses. These / Those e 3 i. . ae are my trousers. nits © Time to practise!) 345 Look and match. these Those These Those es 48} Sing a song. $5" How much is that scarf, are their bikes. © are my shoes. are his degs. are oursocks. ¢f Next to the door? How much are those gloves, Fillcen pounds Next to you? How much is this coat, I've only got four! Fourteen pounds. Ren omer. I've only got two! Forty pounds. I've only got three! {E} Complete the spiders. Unscramble the sentences. q Mike -is- This has - brown + He- eyes. got short: He's » happy + and / a-scarf. wearing -and He's. gloves + Draw and write about a friend, My friend bj > Thelaithouselepers story) Before you read Colour the clothes and write. J am Inthe shop, there ane many. ‘cco! thags fo wean a De you like these, Dave? PF Loc Pistese stoping ¢ € ee a eT [eI wo After you read Design an outfit for Dave, but I think it's ime to. go home. Read and match. My hat's a My hat'sa Complete the sentences. aan Al 5 the dots and find snow figures. ———— + Listen and repeat. % a a Listen and colour. By = Listen and repeat. Bo 8 Sing a song. & ar Rain, rain, whatcan wedo? Snow, snow, what can we do? Let's stay at home, Let's throw snowballs, Me and you! Me and you! Wind, wind, what can we do? Sun, sun, what can we do? © Let's fly a kite, Let's have a picnic, Me and you! Me and you! © Play a mime game. Units 485 Read and circle. Dear Jenna, We're on holiday by the seaside. We go/ don't go to the beach every day. It's hot and we wear / don't wear Aree swimsuits and sandals. ng Cool Street We drink / don't drink hot milk, And best of all, we do / don't do homework! + Complete the sentences. We reer eoacdet In the summer, we We don't wear boots. _ In the winter, we don't 48 Listen and circle. Yj!" 1. What do you wear? eB on, 3. What do you eal? i “#5 Listen and chant. $4 Where do Sundays? y's outumn, it's outumn, ere do you go on Sundays her do you see? We go to the park. wwe see big red opples, What do you play? Up inthe Tree. We play football. tr's winter, it's winter, where do you ge? + Answer the questions about you. Wego to the mountains, and play in the snow, 1. What do you do on Saturdays? a's spring, it's spring, 3 ‘where do you play? g we play in the park, 2. Where do you play? Hurray! Hurray! ya's summer, it's summer. what do you do? 3. What do you have for a snack? We swim in the sea, and eat ice cream, too, —= © Timeytoypractise!} ™“ i Unscramble the questions. i ee —) 3 In the summer... « Now ask a friend. 485 Look and complete. haven'tget wear don'tgo have got [- We a school uniform. Baba Look and ie 7 3g~ naming part @ = telling part Charlie likes My mum has breakfast ice cream. at half past eight. « Find and colour the naming and telling parts. cam Draw the paths. Naming part — Our teacher —] ‘ __ gets up at My sister ~~ | j> seven o'clock. Crocodiles. j L likes cats. Joe a |. plays football on Saturdays. + Write the sentences. 1. It'sa snow monster! }} f i Mark ond Fiona tice inacave, 2) Listen to the second part of the story. B= a +4 Lae < # toni g Wishes =e ae The storms verybod Markand fiona SoS encee { What's that noise? O's the. . snow monster! J @ ; 2 a eh. Go Naot Look and complete. er Sane -¢ FR SH fe ~ “+e “J Ae sen co > ‘pe ato k 4 ttt e404 g tet ee DPA EPPA —— It's the snow monster. Egypt has got a red, F_white and black le call camels scammer Arabian camels have got They can drink ie litres of water in 715 minutes, They can live without water for /6 months, They travel at 25 kilometres Per hour, They live for years, Colour the desert. —. Decode the message. Crqaeatatatrs cai (eee ier eo | b Pcs atd aren tes fe cass |slalpoec hatin \ ~ scjt [Siena there wluatars ees eS, SAAS ALS GSS @ It's spicy. They're sally. _It's sweet. ‘They're sour 4 Lis ten and co! low re BS 1s Ss] And there's some | cheese some tomatoes and peppers. « Classify the foods. Theres some « Listen and check. %)"” + Complete and draw. There's some There's some cheese. There are some apples. There are some a Listen and write. Bw There isn'tany ham. There aren't any pears. as Listen and chant. 4 ~_ We'ra hungry. quelre hungry! We're j . Z| + Look and circle. apinat con WE eat? [ baa : ren't ony por, Ls rere oren tory tomate, qpere St any cheese, | vers ge shopping _/ please, Please; Please ee nit There isn't / aren't any lemonade. S There isn't / aren't any biscuits. © Time)to practise!) 445 Find and colour the foods. + Look and complete. 'ssome isn'tany atesome aren'tany a l.There___—s cheese. 4.There__ sausages. 2. There bread. 5. There avocados. 3. There chocolate. 6. There pears. 3) Sing a song. 3" Chocolate and cheese, Peppers and meat, These are foods we love to eat! Sausages, ham, Tomatees and rice, All these foods are very nice. Spicy, sour, salty or sweet, These are foods we love to eat! US Read and decode. Look at Otto. He's a giant. | In the morning, he has | for breakfast. | At two o'clock, he has | ___and ' for lunch. Before he goes to bed, hehas gape and for dinner. Otto likes food! Look at Lisa. She's an astronaut. O pipet oelighthouse)keepersistory, Before you read Draw your favourite fruits and vegetables. Copmmmeme ==" poy Peete } | hes er You're right! They're disgusting! Yuck! « Now read the story in groups. a ea y Be 30 Listen to the second part of the story. B a J y At night, the children are hungry’ (Look! A cake, ; [pibieleriobitim tes pees) Te —_ Thi kei T'm happy you like ee it. It's carrot cake. delicious! What's in it? ss OF a. \l, = ‘ee Now read the story in groups. Poaka end Ion love eating carrots now. After you read Circle the foods you can find in the story. cake jp Unite Paris is the capital city of France. Look! : Football and cycling are popular sports in France. ee SN ar [Classity and stick the foods. EB ees ome ca »» & Listen and repeat. B” Be 23 Listen and point. 6° es. Play amime game witha friend. a * $4, Are you a taxi driver? A networkin’ school a the. He doesn't wear a | He works ina restaurant, ‘ 345 Read and match. She doesn't drive a taxi. She flies a plane, _———— He doesn't wear a uniform. He plays the trumpet. She doesn't work ‘on Sat She works in a school, rT She works in a school. She doesn't wear a uniform. & Look and circle. Si gue doesnt sre doesn't drive decors ‘ne i098 IN @ bane pb HN The iter * unit 7 nt fly ee fea pe nents 0 White coat, She wears / doesn't wear a uniform. and RE SHPES cous and cats a She writes / doesn't write letters. 1. Yes, she has./No,shehasn't. 2. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. 3. Yes, she does. /No, she doesn't. 4. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. cea Play a guessing game. Does he have lunch at two o'clock? Does he work at night? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. Init? « Unscramble and answer. Wi a-he-in- work+ hospital - Does. * Time to practise!) 345 Read the riddle and guess. He doesn't cure animals, He doesn't fly a plane. He wears a uniform. He works ina fire station, Who is he? « Now write your own riddle. 4 Read your riddle to a friend. 28 Look and complete. 3 she drive a taxi? No, she she fly planes? Yes,she wear big shoes? make pizzas? use a computer? cure animals? +44 Look and match. + Look and number. Then, I give them food. oO I'm Jenny the zookeeper. T take care of the elephants. Finally, Ubrush their teeth, [/] This is what I do every day: First, Iwash the elephants. oO « Complete using the sentences. in order. cig Look and colour the frames, + Complete the paragraph about Pat. Took forfocd) Tia ts Pats Hes fran eat sausages: gotosleep 45-2 Thelighthouse keeperstory (C) } Mor Before you read i ‘ Connect the dots and write. ioe * yw? 3 184 ot Ce i ee hes —2s bre waar ee 4; Listen to the first part of the story. 2%," Rouieuestniepee Tate s aeche cbt nkshokes, | WEEE opens her t Tee afootbal s inher ballet class. hint insicial & Now read the story in groups. 7) aes a ' (eI ay | , — E — , | 3% Listen to the second part ot the San B q y RexsoRoIEg Hels payngina’ Rene ae manent Toda ea ania ee Kes on 7 i & Now read the story in groups. 1 ‘After you read = List all the jobs from the story. x Bi Look and stick. eS 4 ( Mm Chat EE cctv Er Seles t aaa tig the ae [ees and Spanish are ~@ cE rd parace| x Dey tute ee | phe t Bile iS are the plane and the aX pe eae y = a ZS Hoy, lot's go for anicecream. } £9 Es After you read Si ligitiapsbeworlay Read and follow the lines. London is the capital city. Theres a big clock in London. Poople calll it Big Bon. Colour the pictures. Listen and number. 325 Look and stick. 2, a a a 4 doy cia ~ Listen and point. a Listen and repeat. Be « Talk about birthdays 48} sing a song. $3 with a friend. I's my birthday. Let's have fun! There's a costume for everyone. J Balloons and streamers, candles, too! Pun for me and fun for you! Lots of games and lots to eat. Chocolate and cake, and best ofall sweets! So many pretty things to see, And lots of presents just for mel Wee aqreakerardnity eat sweets a a AS Road and number the pictures. 5 We're Pablo and Ana. We live in Spain. They're Bruno and Lola from Italy. We all like Three Kings Day, ut the celebrations are different in our countries, In Spain, we can visit In Spain,we the Kings and take eat a special photos with them. to the Kings and ask for cake. In Italy, In Italy, they go loa presents. In Italy, they find they eat sweets, Christmas market. presents in their stockings. is wnat do we do? Where do We gowith our fomilies to andwegieour letters, es and wish for mary things os in Spain. in Itedy. Look and complete with 6 45 Listen and circle. YB *” Gifthants Bay fa depen 1, When do they celebrate it? 2. What do they do? @% | We celebrate Children's Day When do you celebrate Children's Day? 4 Look and complete. What do they eat? Wh_r_ d_ th_y g_? They eat biscuits. or = bed Wn 57 i Gs Where do you go? We go to the park. Wh_td_ y. e_t? ieee com icen *) Timeyto practise! 345 Look and circle. In the United sae wees lebrate Independence Doy in in July ! September. We go to the shopping centre / park and have picnics with our families. We eat pizza / hamburgers. We have cake/ ice cream, too. We decorate our houses with red, white and blue balloons / candles. At night, we watch TV / fireworks. 8 Complete the questions and answer. cease * —___ do they celebrate = ‘Children’ 's Day in Japan? do they do? do they go on Three Kings Day in Italy? do they eat? do they celebrate Three Kings Day in Spain? do they do’ ‘Tixae bo wurde AS Read and mark the mistakes. PAAR I spelling ~ mistake missing word 1 like paintingsy—+ fullstop | like painting. -, Now rewrite the text correctly. My favourite holiday is christmas. We have got o tree with pretty decorations We open th presents in the morning. For lunch, we eat turkey and Christmas keik In evening, we sing Christmas songs. ie" & ete lighthouse keepers/story) Before you read Circle the odd word out. oS sam wat | | om Ee = # Listen to the first part of the story. 225," e Listen to the second part of the story. B= Ha. ha, hal April Fools!) Ltr ip Unit Hockey is a very popular sport in India. >The Taj Mahal is @ famous monument. , Spices ere very importent in Indien food, Soe Teo with milk is @ populer drink. The National enimel of India is the tiger. Read and circle True or False. The tiger is the biggest cat in the world. Tigers have got more than 100 stripeson theirbody. Tre False A tiger's tail is two metres long. True False Tigers don't like swimming. True False Tigers don't sleep a lot. True False ei e- Listen and check. a ‘The most popular festival in India is Diwali. It’s a festival of lights People celebrate itin autumn. ‘They clean their houses and decorate them with special lamps. They also wear new clothes! Diwali lamps are called diyas. Pees reert less ane te Par Were elm Sno CAN Una tcl re Etat} 4, At Diwali, children wear new ___ (>) SMe a uu 6. At Diwali, children eat ___, SAE Sa eric lcci ae nc oe” brush your teeth get up goto bed go to school Daily routiin have a snack have breakfast have lunch have dinner have a shower bookshop bus station cinema fire station hospital library pet shop restaurant shoe shop shopping centre supermarket butterfly crocodile elephant frog gorilla hi ippo leopard lion monkey ostrich snake turtle zebra thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred hot raining snowing sunny windy summer autumn winter avocado bread chocolate crisps egg Jemon lemonade potato rice sausage soup tomato € Bas Jobs: % astronaut chef clown doctor firefighter football player musician nurse pilot 5 police officer secretary taxi driver teacher ictiona: collecting toy cars. doing ballet doing gymnastics. making models painting playing computer games roller skating ballet shoe comic book computer game guitar karate uniform. medel roller skate skipping rope toy car October November December Parties; %,” balloon candle costume present streamer sweets 2a 4 Ask your partner and draw the places, hospital busstation shopping centre toy shop 3a t Listen to your partner's description and draw the animals. + Label the animals. 4a + Ask your partner and circle what Matt is wearing. 2 Listen to your partner's description. and draw the symbols. 6a 7 Ta Listen to your partner's description and draw the people. teacher 4 Write the jobs. 8a «Ask your partner and circle the differences. 9a « Ask your partner and draw Christmas in Australia. Christmas in Australia) 1. What do they do? = 2. What's the weather like? 3. What do they eat? 4. What do they wear? 1b, “Ask your partner and complete the clocks. 2b 2 Ask your partner and draw the places. fire station petshop restaurant bookshop -t Label the animals. Pair work 4p «Ask your partner and circle what Melissa is wearing. 5b + Listen to your partner's description ~ and draw the symbols. rir Birmingham Garditt Ls Ls Edinburgh Liverpool 4 Write the jobs. 9% + Ask your partner and draw Christmas in the UK. Christmas in Australia 1. Whatdo they de? 2. What's the weather like? 3. What do they eat? 4. What do they wear? Bichmand S85tAldates Onford ORI 1ST Urted Kingdoen © Brandan Dunne, Robin Newton © Santillana Exucackin, $.L./Richmond Publishing 2011 ABighes eserves. Noppott of this work may be eeproduced, stoeod in. retievall system, cr ransiraed in any form eecwonic, mechanical phokaconying OF otherwise without the price penmisson in wai ofthe copyright halders. Ay inftaction of the sighs mentioned would be consieest a vibiion of tho inteetal pope {Arise 270 of the Penal Godel if you need to phetocopy ar sean any Hames ofthis work, certact CCEOAO (Centra Expat! te Derechos Reprogedficas werwcedsoceg Printed in Spin by (BON 978 94-668-1000.3 om cP, 282578 Music and Recordings: tity Peers Publishing Dieeetor: Acs Hoch, Vek Coben Anerson Managing Esitor: Jone Wivorssnit Development Editor sine Pickasowica, a Rivera Editorial Team: Lenore Coben, Morie Dees, Suzanne Hats Jacatanda Riz Chuistede Wakefield Proofreading: «Hs, Rebecca Women Art Director abel Arnaud, Karla Avila, Jost Crespo: Design supervisor: se!) Riwez Gover Design; 9 Aus Cover illustration: § ytuctio de Disetio"A conan obslerte” lhustraters: Dolo Atvoreda, tudo de Disctio'A corazin abiestot Tania Jabs, Tees Martine, Jasa Manuel Moen, ‘Clusia Nite, Emiana Ord, rid Pon, Gerard Vara, mae! 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