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D e s c r i b e s the c p e r a t i o D a l exl~lence and develop-" 83112~ EFFECT OF ARTESIAN ACDIF~ ON FEASIBILITY OF

m e n t c f a British b e n t o n i t e s h i e l d (for the ~]FFALO LRRT PROJECT
Warrington sewer) a ~ the G ~ - ~ - PA~roshleld Gu~rtlnj J D; F I - ~ - , R F
In: ~ n g 82, Proceedings of the 3rd
( f ~ the Hamburg~Wilhelm~urg ~wer). Two
Intermtiomal SFmpo~lu~, Brlgh~on, 7-11 JuDe
newly developed bentonite shields are also
reported: the Holzmamm Thlxschild, using a ro- 1982, P121-12~. I ~ i Lordon: IMM, 1962
tary cu~ter, ar~ the Wayss ar~ F T e y ~ ~ e t
The feasibility of constructing rock tunnels for
shield. the Buffalo LRRT project, New York, USA was
seriously ~hreatened by the discovery of a
831120 ROCK MECHANICS STUDIES FOR NE~ ~ , ~ - S H ~ F ~ fractured rock artesian aquifer immediately
beneath 3.2kin of the ~roposed tunmels. Detailed
Ber edlk, R
In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings uf the 3rd im~vatlve investigations, Includlng mar~ test
International Symposium, ~righton, 7-ii June borings plus drillir6 of l a r g e - d i a ~ explor-
1982, F57-63. Publ London: I~g, I ~ 2 atory shafts and test wells with s~sequmnt pump
testing, demonstrated the feasibility of controll-
A su~m~ry is given of the geological cor~lltions ing groundwater inflows from the aquifer during
found when tunnelling for the new ~ t - tunnel construction. It was concluded that the
shaped station chambers of t h e STockholm un~er- tunnel construction was i~deed feasible, and
g r o u ~ system, and their effect on crown stabi- the project went forward with the start of
lity and support requirements. Rock suplx~t const~Ictlon in 1979. An extensive monitoring
used in the chsmbers consisted of ~route~ rock- ~rogramme to measure piezome~ric levels and
bolts and reinforced shc~crete linings, with water quality was maintained during construction.
tensioned cable anchors used in difficult ground
conditions. Exceptional tunnelling methoCs - 831125 REVIEW OF ~ / N ~ I ~ ACTIVITY IN HU~3ARY
heading with slashing cr tunnelling with a Greschlk, G; Muller, M; Rozsa, L
tempurary pillar left standing - were used for In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd
rock chamber spans greater than 16m. Intern~tiorml SFmposium, Brighton, 7-11 June
1982, P135-138. Pub1 London: D~, 1982
Duddeck, H; Erdmamm, J A new tunnel lining system of precast reinforc-
In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd ed-concrete se6ments was developed in HuDgary in
Internationsl Symposium, Brighter, 7-11 June the 1960s. The waterproofing of this system was
1982, I~3-91. Fubl London: I~, 1962 solved by a special concrete technology, a new
kind of bituminous coating, a~d a caulkA~ of a
Three of the most common design models for sc~t swelling cement-based m~terlal. The s u r ~ n g
grourd tur~els are competed: the plane strain soil must have a minimum bedding coefficient to
continuum model, the Muir Wood d e s ~ n model, and provide elastic suppurt of the tunnel: this is
the bedded beam model without beddiD~ at the achieved by perfect grouting between the soil
crown region. The basic ass~aptions to derive and linir~.
such models are considered and how they differ in
these ass~m~ptions. A comparison is then m~de of 831126 EXCAVATION OF AN INCLINED TUNNEL BY TUNNEL-
design values derived usir~ the ~hree methods: BORING MACHINE
bending moments, hoop forces and radial displace- Ni shida, T
ments. In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd
International Symposium, Brighton, 7-11 June
831122 SEIEAN TUNNEL, JAPAN: PRESENT POSITION 1982, PI~5-152. PUbl London: I ~ , 1982
F~Jita, M; Niahim~ra, T; Kita~u~a, A
In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd A case study of the Shimogo pmnped storage hydro
Internatior~l Symposium, Brighton, 7-Ii June power station, Japan. A tunnel boring machine
1982, P93-99. P~bl Lotion: I~, 1982 (T~4) was used instead of conve~cional blastiDg
to excavate an inclined tunnel for the penstock
The construction of the undersea sec~lon uf the because af the highly fractured rock present.
Seikan tunnel is described, including the geo- Investigation of tunnelling performance showed
logy under the sea bed. Details ~f the pilot a linear relationship b ~ w e e n the ratios thrust
boring and grouting operations a r e given. fcrc~tcrque acting on bering head, and unlaxial
compressive streDgth/termile strength. The thick-
831123 CONSTRUCTION OF A SECTION OF THE DU TOITS~X~F ness of the loosened zone around the tunnel
TUNNEL BY USE OF GROUND FREEZlI~ due to boring has led to a more economical design
Cockcroft, T N; Demme, R J; Harvey, S J of the tunnel steel lining.
In: Tunuelli~g 82, Proceedings of the 3rd
Internatloml Symposium, Brighton, 7-ii June 831127 I ~ C E OF SHOTCRETE-LINED AND ROCK3OLT-
Pan Char~shi; Liu Qul-shen
As a result of the construction ~roblems that In: Tunnalli~g 82, Proceedings of the 3rd
were experienced in the western heading of the In~er~atlo~al Symposium, Brighton, 7-11 J u ~
pilot bore, ground freezing is a ~ n being used 1982, F161-171. Pub1 London: I~, 1982
for the excavation of the 168m western heading
of the main Du Toitakloof tulles! through the sat- The extent of the application of shc~crete add
urated decomposed granite. Excav~tlon of the rockbolts in railway tunnels in China is present-
first 32m of stage 1 of the tunnel has been ed briefly. The field tests carried out in
completed and details a r e given of the cons~un- Xiakeng tunnel and Yac~/arahe tunnel are r e l ~ -
tion work. Results from the extensive moniT~r- ad. The linear elastic and hOt, linear finite-
i ~ g pro~ra~ae u n d e r t a k e n d u r i n g t h e freezing and element are/ysis of t h e s h o t c r ~ l ~ n e d Yacx-
excavation cycles a r e compared w~th similar da~a isu~he railway loess tunnel is Ix~roduced. Res-
obtained from the pilot bare cons~Iction w~rk. ults from the tests add finite-element analysis

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