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Estudio de la eficacia antibitica de un extracto

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Article January 2009

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3 authors, including:

Adriana Fontanals Silvia Moreno

University of Buenos Aires National Scientific and Technical Research Cou


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Sistema de Informacin Cientfica
Red de Revistas Cientficas de Amrica Latina, el Caribe, Espaa y Portugal

BARNI, Mara V.;FONTANALS, Adriana;MORENO, Silvia

Estudio de la eficacia antibitica de un extracto etanlico de Rosmarinus officinalis L.
contra Staphylococcus aureus en dos modelos de infeccin en piel de ratn
Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas, Vol. 8,
Nm. 3, mayo, 2009, pp. 219-233
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Fitoqumica

Disponible en:

Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas

Medicinales y Aromticas
ISSN (Versin impresa): 0717-7917
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Fitoqumica

Cmo citar? Nmero completo Ms informacin del artculo Pgina de la revista
Proyecto acadmico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
2009 The Authors
2009 Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas, 8 (3), 219 - 223
BLACPMA ISSN 0717 7917

Artculo Original | Original Article

Estudio de la eficacia antibitica de un extracto etanlico de Rosmarinus

officinalis L. contra Staphylococcus aureus en dos modelos de infeccin
en piel de ratn
[Study of the antibiotic efficacy of an ethanolic extract from Rosmarinus officinalis against Staphylococcus aureus
in two skin infection models in mice]
Mara V. BARNI, Adriana FONTANALS y Silvia MORENO*

Fundacin Instituto Leloir I.I.B.B.A-CONICET, Patricias Argentinas 435, C1405FFX, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


In this paper we examined the antibacterial efficacy of an ethanolic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L. containing a high amount of antioxidant
polyphenols against the pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus in two skin infection models in mice, superficial and subcutaneous. Results obtained
showed that the rosemary extract containing 2.3% of polyphenols had bacteriostatic activity against S. aureus on the skin infection. Using a double
concentration of bioactive polyphenols in the treatment (4.6% of polyphenols), a total bacterial growth inhibition on the skin was suggested since we did not
recover any bacteria viable in the skin mouse. A similar effect was observed in two skin models. Our results also showed that the antibacterial efficacy of the
bioactives of rosemary is comparable with the antibiotic action of the well recognized antibiotic fusidic acid. All findings indicated that bioactive polyphenols
of rosemary are able to carry out bactericide as well as bacteriostatic action against S. aureus in the skin mouse.

Keywords: Rosmarinus officinalis L;, Antimicrobial activity; Superficial skin infection model in mouse; Subcutaneous skin infection model in mouse.


En este trabajo evaluamos la eficiencia antibacteriana de un extracto etanlico de Rosmarinus officinalis L. que contiene altas concentraciones de
polifenoles antioxidantes, en dos modelos de infeccin en piel de ratn: superficial y subcutneo contra la bacteria patgena Staphylococcus aureus. Los
resultados obtenidos muestran que el extracto de romero que contiene 2,3% de polifenoles bioactivos present una accin bacteriosttica contra S. aureus
sobre la piel del ratn, mientras que ensayando una doble concentracin de polifenoles bioactivos (4,6%) se observ una inhibicin total del crecimiento
bacteriano. En los dos modelos de infeccin experimentados se observaron efectos similares. Los datos obtenidos tambin demuestran que la eficacia
antibacteriana del extracto de romero es comparable con la accin del antibitico comercial cido fusdico. Los resultados indican que los polifenoles
bioactivos del romero, dependiendo de su concentracin, pueden ejercer in vivo acciones bacteriostticas y bactericidas contra S. aureus.

Palabras Clave: Rosmarinus officinalis L.; Actividad antimicrobiana, Modelo de infeccin superficial en piel de ratn, Modelo de infeccin subcutneo en
piel de ratn.

Recibido | Received: December 30, 2008.

Aceptado en Versin Corregida | Accepted in Corrected Version: May 18, 2009.
Publicado en Lnea | Published Online: May 29, 2009
Declaracin de Intereses | Declaration of interests: authors have no competing interests.
Financiacin | Funding: This work was supported by Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET) and ANPCyT, proyecto PICT2005-35401
This article must be cited as: Mara V. Barni, Adriana Fontanals y Silvia Moreno. 2009. Estudio de la eficacia antibitica de un extracto etanlico de Rosmarinus officinalis L.
contra Staphylococcus aureus en dos modelos de infeccin en piel de ratn. Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med Aromat 8(3):219 223. {EPub May 29, 2009}.

*Contactos | Contacts: E-mail:

BLACPMA es una publicacin de la Cooperacin Latinoamericana y Caribea de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas

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Barni et al. Eficacia antibitica de Rosmarinus officinalis L. contra Staphylococcus aureus en ratones

antimicrobiana con el antibitico comercial cido

Las enfermedades infecciosas representan en la
actualidad una importante causa de mortalidad en
humanos, especialmente en los pases en desarrollo.
Material vegetal
Actualmente la emergencia de resistencia a
antibiticos de uso comn en la clnica, se ha El material vegetal fue cosechado en marzo del
incrementado en algunas bacterias patgenas 2008 en el Valle de Lerma (Salta, Argentina). El
(Cabrera Cao et al., 2005) y es un problema particular extracto de R. officinalis L. fue obtenido a partir de
en pacientes infectados con Staphylococcus aureus hojas secas por extraccin etanlica y se determin
debido al aumento de variantes resistentes a - por HPLC la composicin de polifenoles (cido
lacatamasas, aminoglicsidos (Styers et al., 2006). carnsico, carnosol y cido rosmarnico) como se
Esta bacteria puede ingresar al cuerpo a travs de describi previamente (Moreno et al., 2006). El
heridas, quemaduras, lceras o puede ser trasportada extracto de romero seco se almacen a -20 C.
a travs de sondas o cnulas en los pacientes
hospitalarios, pudiendo llegar al torrente sanguneo y Preparacin de inculo bacteriano
as diseminarse en el organismo, comprometiendo el Se prepar un cultivo bacteriano de
corazn, la sangre o los huesos (Naimi et al., 2003). Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 en caldo
Adems, recientemente se encontraron bacterias Mueller Hinton (DIFCO) que se creci durante 20
resistentes en mbitos hospitalarios que fueron horas a 37 C con una agitacin de 250 rpm, luego se
transmitidas en la comunidad (Kollef et al., 2006). midi la concentracin bacteriana por densidad ptica
En consecuencia, dichos sucesos impulsan la a 625 nm y se diluy a una concentracin final de 0,5
bsqueda de nuevas drogas para controlar las Mc Fardland correspondiente a 1 x 108 UFC
bacterias resistentes. La obtencin de nuevos agentes (unidades formadoras de colonias)/mL.
antimicrobianos de origen vegetal es una estrategia
competente en la farmacologa actual (Cowan et al., Animales y modelos de infeccin en piel de ratn
1999). Se sabe que las plantas bajo condiciones de Se utilizaron ratones hembras BALB/cAnNCrl de
estrs bitico y abitico sintetizan metabolitos 2 meses de edad y peso variable (19-21 g), criados en
secundarios que incluyen flavonas, taninos, la Fundacin Instituto Leloir. El protocolo de trabajo
antocianinas y terpenos (mono-di y sesqui terpenos) fue aprobado por el bioterio del Instituto Leloir, y
para adaptarse al medio que las rodea (Demming- cumple con el reglamento interno vigente y con la
Adams et al., 2002, Kliebenstein, 2004). Algunos de legislacin nacional (Disposicin 6344/96 de la
estos compuestos presentan actividad antimicrobiana Administracin Nacional de Medicamentos,
(Lewis et al., 2006). Alimentos y Tecnologa Mdica y Resolucin
Las plantas pertenecientes a la familia Lamiaceae 617/2002 del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad
crecen en zonas ridas y de alta irradiacin UV, por Agroalimentaria). Responsable a cargo del bioterio
lo tanto acumulan una gran cantidad de metabolitos Adriana Fontanals.
secundarios, en particular el gnero Rosmarinus Los ratones fueron anestesiados va intra-
officinalis L. es una fuente importante de compuestos peritoneal con una dosis de 100 mg/kg de ketamina
antioxidantes de naturaleza polifenlica que presenta (Ketonal, Richmond) y 5 mg/kg de clorhidrato de
propiedades biolgicas como antibacteriano, anti- xilacina (Xilacina 20, Richmond). Luego se procedi
inflamatorio y antitumoral. Previamente reportamos a rasurar con gillette la parte dorsal izquierda del
que la eficacia antimicrobiana in vitro de diferentes animal para eliminar el pelaje.
extractos de romero estandarizados en el contenido Se establecieron dos modelos de infeccin en piel
de cido rosmarnico, cido carnsico y carnosol de ratn:
dependa de la composicin de sus polifenoles Modelo de infeccin superficial. Se utiliz el
(Moreno et al., 2006). El objetivo de este trabajo es modelo de infeccin superficial previamente
estudiar la eficacia antibacteriana in vivo de un descripto por Kugelberg et al. (2005), con algunas
extracto etanlico de R. officinalis contra la bacteria modificaciones. Se removieron las primeras capas
patgena Staphylococcus aureus, en dos modelos de drmicas del rea de la piel de ratn rasurada, con
infeccin en piel de ratn comparando su potencia tres pasajes de hoja de afeitar de acero inoxidable Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 220
Barni et al. Eficacia antibitica de Rosmarinus officinalis L. contra Staphylococcus aureus en ratones

para facilitar la infeccin bacteriana. Bajo campana las 8 h post-inoculacin (Fig. 1A). En el otro ensayo
de flujo laminar se colocaron 5 L del inculo se aplic una nica dosis de tratamiento a las 4 h
bacteriano (5 x 105 bacterias) sobre una superficie de post-inoculacin y la recuperacin de bacterias se
piel de 2 cm2. Pasados 5 min, para dar lugar a la realiz a las 6 h post-inoculacin (Fig. 1B).
absorcin de las bacterias en la piel del ratn, se Para el modelo de infeccin superficial se realiz
coloc un apsito estril sobre el rea inoculada. el ensayo que consisti en la aplicacin de 2 dosis a
Modelo de infeccin subcutnea: Como describi las 4 y 6 h post-inoculacin y la recuperacin de
Gisby et al. (2000), se estableci el nmero de bacterias se realiz a las 8 h post-inoculacin (Fig.
bacterias adsorbidas en 1 cm de hilo de ciruga en 1A).
ensayos in vitro (7,5 x 104 bacterias). Para llevar a La primera dosis de los tratamientos se aplic a
cabo la infeccin subcutnea se colocaron hilos de las 4 h post-inoculacin como se describi previa-
ciruga de 10 cm en tubos con 5 mL del inculo mente (Gisby et al., 2000) dado que la colonizacin
bacteriano (1 x 108 UFC/mL) y se dejaron incubar a bacteriana se establece dentro de dicho perodo.
temperatura ambiente durante 30 min. Luego cada Figura 1. Diseo experimental. A - Modelo de infeccin
hilo inoculado se enhebr en una aguja de ciruga. subcutneo y superficial (2 dosis). B - Modelo de infeccin
Esta se introdujo en la parte rasurada del ratn de subcutneo (1 dosis).
modo de atravesar la dermis sin llegar al msculo
carnoso y dejando 1 cm de hilo bajo la piel. Luego se
anudaron y se cortaron los extremos del hilo. Para
permitir la penetracin de las cremas de tratamiento
se realiz un incisin con bistur por debajo de la
sutura en la misma direccin que el hilo (Gisby et al.,
2000). Posteriormente se coloc un apsito estril
sobre la herida.

El extracto seco de R. officinalis L., empleado
para la preparacin de los tratamientos, contiene un Por lo tanto, para evaluar la accin antibitica del
porcentaje total de compuestos fenlicos de 23%, que extracto de romero se realizaron 3 tipos de ensayos
comprende un 20% de diterpenos fenlicos (cido diferentes en total, considerando los dos modelos de
carnsico 10% y su derivado carnosol 10%) y un 3% infeccin, variable tiempo y dosis aplicadas. En cada
de cido rosmarnico, determinados por HPLC. ensayo se incluyeron los controles: placebo, sin
Se realizaron dos preparaciones del extracto de tratamiento y el control positivo (cido fusdico a tres
romero que contienen diferentes concentraciones de concentraciones).
compuestos polifenlicos bioactivos: 2,3% (p/p) y
4,6% (p/p), respectivamente. Para ello, se emulsion Recuperacin de bacterias de la piel de ratn
de manera homognea el extracto de R. officinalis L. La determinacin de la concentracin bacteriana
con crema base hidrosoluble comercial. post-tratamiento en ambos modelos se realiz segn
El placebo consisti en la aplicacin de la crema Gisby et al. (2000). Se retir con bistur el rea de 2
base hidrosoluble sin ningn agregado, y se consider cm2 de la piel tratada, se coloc en un tubo con 1 mL
como control negativo. Como control positivo se de caldo Mueller Hinton donde se homogeneiz con
utiliz el antibitico tpico comercial, cido fusdico un grinder. Luego se realizaron diluciones del
(FUSIMED, Laboratorio Cassar) al 0,5; 1 y 2%. homogenato en solucin fisiolgica y se sembraron
Las dosis aplicadas fueron de 20 mg/2 cm2 de piel. alcuotas de 100 L en placas de Petri con agar
Mueller Hinton. Las placas se incubaron a 37 C
Ensayos y diseo experimental
durante 24 h y posteriormente se determinaron las
Para el modelo de infeccin subcutneo se UFC/mL.
realizaron 2 ensayos que difieren en el diseo Se realiz un control de inculo recuperando las
temporal y cantidad de dosis aplicadas. Uno consisti bacterias de la piel del ratn sin tratamientos previos
en la aplicacin de 2 dosis a las 4 y 6 h post- para confirmar su viabilidad en la piel.
inoculacin y la recuperacin de bacterias de la piel a Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 221
Barni et al. Eficacia antibitica de Rosmarinus officinalis L. contra Staphylococcus aureus en ratones

Anlisis estadstico 1,63), cido fusdico 1,0% (0), cido fusdico 2,0%
Se utiliz el programa Info Stat para el anlisis (0). Mientras que para el modelo de infeccin
estadstico. El test t de Student ( = 0,001) se aplic subcutneo con el diseo experimental (Fig. 1A), los
a muestras independientes para cada grupo de promedios para cada tratamiento fueron: placebo
tratamiento (n = 6). (1,95 x 104 5,47 x 102), no tratado (1,72 x 104
El promedio del nmero de bacterias (UFC) 5,61 102), extracto de R. officinalis 2,3% (2,57 x 102
recuperadas de la piel de ratn (n = 6) en cada 22,03), extracto de R. officinalis 4,6% (0), cido
tratamiento con su respectiva barra de error se fusdico 0,5% (1,78x 101 3.33), cido fusdico 1,0%
transform a log10 UFC/herida. (0), cido fusdico 2,0% (0).
En el tercer ensayo, modelo de infeccin
subcutneo con el diseo experimental (Fig. 1B) los
RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIN resultados fueron: placebo (1,02 x 104 5,63 x 102),
no tratado (1,10 x 104 1,74 103), extracto de R.
Se utilizaron dos modelos de infeccin en piel de officinalis 2,3% (1,21 x 102 30,09), extracto de R.
ratn para determinar la actividad antibitica del officinalis 4,6% (0), cido fusdico 0,5% (1,27 x 102
extracto de R. officinalis. El modelo de infeccin 27), cido fusdico 1,0% (4,40 x 101 3,52), cido
subcutneo fue ensayado para estudiar el efecto del fusdico 2,0% (0).
extracto de romero sobre infecciones que se producen Para los 3 ensayos se determin que los resultados
a niveles intradrmicos, como por ejemplo las individuales de los tratamientos: placebo y no tratado,
infecciones producidas en heridas quirrgicas. Por el no fueron significativamente diferentes ( = 0,001).
contrario, el modelo superficial fue diseado para En cada ensayo se compararon los resultados
estudiar infecciones provocadas en zonas drmicas individuales de los tratamientos: extracto de R.
expuestas al ambiente. officinalis 2,3% y cido fusdico 0,5% y se obtuvo
En el modelo de infeccin superficial los que no fueron significativamente diferentes ( =
promedios de concentracin bacteriana recuperados 0,001) para el modelo de infeccin superficial y para
de la piel de ratn para cada tratamiento expresados el subcutneo con una dosis, mientras que para el
en UFC/herida fueron: placebo (1,55 x 104 5,47 x modelo subcutneo con dos dosis si fueron
102), no tratado (1,25 x 104 8,99 x 102), extracto de significativamente diferentes (P<0,001).
R. officinalis 2,3% (2,02 x 101 4,12), extracto de R.
officinalis 4,6% (0), cido fusdico 0,5% (1,27 x 101

Tabla 1. Actividad antibitica in vivo del extracto de R. officinalis.

log10 UFC/herida

Tratamiento Modelo de infeccin Modelo de infeccin Modelo de infeccin

superficial subcutneo subcutneo
(2 dosis)* (2 dosis)* (1 dosis)**

Extracto de R. officinalis (%)

2,3 1,30 0,24 2,41 0,27 2,07 0,08
4,6 - - -

cido fusdico (%)

0,5 1,11 0,04 1,24 0,16 2,10 0,07
1 - - 1,64 0,03
2 - - -

Placebo 4,19 0,38 4,29 0,30 4,01 0,02

No Tratado 4,10 0,35 4,23 0,24 4,00 0,02
* Se realiz segn diseo experimental A. ** Se realiz segn diseo experimental B.
( - ) Ausencia de crecimiento bacteriano.
Los tratamientos fueron realizados con al menos n = 6 animales. cido fusdico, control positivo. Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 222
Barni et al. Eficacia antibitica de Rosmarinus officinalis L. contra Staphylococcus aureus en ratones

Se determin que los resultados de los tratamientos REFERENCIAS

con extracto de R. officinalis 2,3% y 4,6%, lograron Cabrera Cao Y, Fadragas Fernndez A, Guerrero LG.
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2009 The Authors
2009 Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas, 8 (3), 224 - 233
BLACPMA ISSN 0717 7917

Artculo Original | Original Article

The effect of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil on the immune

response of patients allergic to dust mites
[Efecto del aceite esencial de Minthostachys verticillata sobre la respuesta inmune de pacientes alrgicos a caros
del polvo]
Laura CARIDDI1,*, Marina MOSER1, Melisa ANDRADA1, Mirta DEMO1, Julio ZYGADLO2, Liliana SABINI1, Ana

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto, Ro Cuarto, Crdoba, Argentina
Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Crdoba, Crdoba, Argentina.


The essential oil from leaves of Minthostachys verticillata was obtained by steam distillation and analyzed by gas chromatography. Peripheral blood
mononuclear cells from allergic patients were stimulated with essential oil. By application of MTT or 3,(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium
bromide colorimetric test the proliferation was assayed. In lymphocyte cultures CD4+, CD8+ and B cells were quantified, and in supernatants, IFN- and IL-
13. The liberation of -hexosaminidase enzyme was determined for basophils with essential oil added and challenged with allergen and its effects were
compared with those of anti-allergic drugs. The main constituents identified were pulegone, menthone and limonene. Essential oil increased absolute values
of CD4+, CD8+ and B cells (p<0.002), stimulated IFN- synthesis and reduced IL-13 levels. Essential oil diminished -hexosaminidase liberation by basophils
(p<0.0001), with effects majors to those of the drugs tested. Essential oil stimulated the Th1 deviation and reduced -hexosaminidase enzyme liberation by
basophils from allergic patients.

Keywords: Minthostachys verticillata; Essential oil; Immunomodulator; Basophil degranulation; -hexosaminidase.


El aceite esencial de hojas de M. verticillata fue obtenido por destilacin en corriente de vapor y analizado por cromatografa gaseosa. Clulas
mononucleares de sangre perifrica de pacientes alrgicos, fueron estimuladas con aceite esencial. La proliferacin fue ensayada mediante mtodo
colorimtrico del MTT o 3,(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide. Se cuantificaron clulas CD4+, CD8+ y B en cultivos de linfocitos y
en sobrenadantes, IFN- e IL-13. Se determin la liberacin de la enzima -hexosaminidasa de basfilos adicionados de aceite esencial, y desafiados con el
alergeno. Los efectos del aceite esencial fueron comparados con los de drogas antialrgicas. Los principales constituyentes identificados fueron pulegona,
mentona y limoneno. Aceite esencial increment los valores de clulas CD4+, CD8+ y B (p<0.002), estimul la sntesis de IFN- y redujo los niveles de IL-13.
El aceite esencial disminuy la liberacin de -hexosaminidasa de basfilos (p<0.0001) con mayores efectos que los de las drogas ensayadas. Aceite esencial
estimul la desviacin Th1 y redujo la liberacin de la enzima -hexosaminidasa de basfilos de pacientes alrgicos.

Palabras Clave: Minthostachys verticillata; Aceite esencial; Inmunomodulador; Desgranulacin de basfilos; -hexosaminidasa.

Recibido | Received: March 19, 2009.

Aceptado en Versin Corregida | Accepted in Corrected Version: May 18, 2009.
Publicado en Lnea | Published Online: May 25, 2009
Declaracin de Intereses | Declaration of interests: authors have no competing interests.
Financiacin | Funding: This work was supported by grants from PICTOR 8/20325 BID 1728/OC-AR, Agencia Crdoba Ciencia-Nacin, Resolution #222, years 2007/09, and
SeCyT, Resolution #425, years 2007/09, from Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto and CONICET.
This article must be cited as: Laura Cariddi, Marina Moser, Melisa Andrada, Mirta Demo, Julio Zygadlo, Liliana Sabini, Ana Maldonado. 2009. The effect of Minthostachys
verticillata essential oil on the immune response of patients allergic to dust mites. Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med Aromat 8(3):224 233. {EPub May 25, 2009}.

*Contactos | Contacts: E-mail:; Tel.: 54-0358-4676433; Fax: 54-0358-4676231.

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Cariddi et al. Immunomodulatory effects of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil

an in vitro study carried out on patients allergic to

INTRODUCTION environmental fungi, essential oil, in concentrations of
Allergic pathologies occur at an incidence of up to mg/mL, revealed mitogenic properties similar to those
30% in the population. Allergic patients are generally of PWM on human lymphocytes (Cariddi et al., 2005),
treated with corticoids and/or antihistamines, which were able to stimulate CD8+ T cells, increased levels
constitute the anti-inflammatory therapies of choice of IFN- and demonstrated anti-allergic properties
because they block many inflammatory routes that are majors to those of dexamethasone and theophylline
abnormally activated in this type of pathology (Barnes, (Cariddi et al., 2006).
2001). Nevertheless, these methods are not always The purpose of this investigation was to determine
effective and can produce several adverse effects. if the essential oil from M. verticillata, at concentra-
Corticoids suppress both the innate inflammatory tions smaller than previously evaluated, can modulate
response and cellular immunity, inhibiting synthesis of the Th1/Th2 response in allergic patients with history
IL-1, on behalf of macrophages, and of IL-2, on behalf of allergies and asthma, and to verify if it maintains its
of T cells. A correlation has also been discovered inhibiting properties on basophil degranulation in
between their anti-lymphoproliferative effects and these patients, comparing its effects with those of
capacity to produce apoptosis in lymphocyte conventional anti-allergic drugs.
populations (Winiski et al., 2007).
Antihistamines can produce diverse adverse effects
such as anemia or reduced platelets, reduced white
Plant samples
cells and bone marrow failure (Leonardi et al., 2007).
In addition, some allergic patients display no Green leaves and thin stems of Minthostachys
response to treatment with these drugs, which, in verticillata (Griseb.) Epling (Labiatae) were collected,
conjunction with the fact that this resistance has also during morning hours, from the city Santa Rosa in the
been observed in other inflammatory diseases (Barnes, Crdoba province, Argentina, in April 2004. The plant
2001), justifies the search for new immunomodulators. was identified by Dr. Margarita Grosso, professor in
A quarter of the drugs used in industrialized countries the Area of Botany of the Universidad Nacional de Ro
are obtained from the Plant Kingdom. Current Cuarto, and a voucher specimen was stored in the
investigations aim to find plant/herbal medicines RCV (Ro Cuarto Vasculares) herbarium as file #1955.
whose therapeutic indices: permit phytomedicinal The morphological characterization of the plant was
application, are low-priced and do not bring about executed macro-and microscopically to confirm the
adverse reactions or undesirable indirect effects, in identity of these specimens. The aerial parts of the
order to be administered as an alternative or plant were made up of the leaves and parts of the stem.
complementary therapy for conventional treatments. The oil was isolated from the aerial parts.
Several in vitro or in vivo investigations have
demonstrated that different extracts or pure Oil isolation
compounds derived from medicinal plants can To prepare the essential oil (EO), 60 g of ground
modulate the Th1/Th2 response, towards the Th1 plant material were hydro-distilled for 3 h using a
profile, producing a beneficial effect for allergic Clevenger-type apparatus, yielding 4.8% of the oil.
patients (Na et al., 2002; Ko et al., 2004; Lee et al., The oil was separated from the aqueous phase, dried
2006; Park et al., 2009). over anhydrous Na2SO4 and stored in the dark at -20
Minthostachys verticillata (Griseb.) Epling, C until use (Senatore, 1998). In order to perform the
(Labiatae) commonly referred to as peperina', has a immunological in vitro assays, various concentrations
wide geographical distribution and is known for its were obtained, and the oil was emulsified in
ethno-medicinal properties. It is used as a digestive, a dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and diluted in Roswell
sedative, an anti-spasmodic, a stimulant and a Park Memorial Institute (RPMI-1640) medium.
bronchial-dilating agent (Ratera & Ratera, 1980).
Previous studies have revealed that the essential oil Identification and quantification of EO compounds
derived from this herb presents antimicrobial activity by Gas chromatography (GC)
against some staphylococcal strains and antiviral Quantification of components present in the oil
properties against HSV-1, strain RC/79 of PrV and sample was made by measuring the area under each
Herpes Suis Virus (Primo et al., 2001). Furthermore, in peak of the chromatogram (Zygadlo et al., 1996; Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 225
Cariddi et al. Immunomodulatory effects of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil

Cariddi et al., 2007). Briefly, analytical GC was were evaluated. A dose-response curve was construc-
performed on a Shimadzu GC-R1A gas chromato- ted in a previous in vitro assay. EO visibly
graph fitted with a DB5 capillary column (30 x 0.25 demonstrated lymphoproliferative capacity, with dose-
m). Carrier gas N2, flow rate 1.5 mL/min, split mode. dependency. The concentration of 6 g/mL obtained
Oven temperature programmed from 40260 C at 3 constituted the highest Proliferation Index (PI)
C/min. Injector temp 280 C. Detector used FID, PBMCs were isolated from blood samples using
temperature 300 C. The identification of the Ficoll-Hypaque (Hystopaque-1077; Sigma, St. Louis,
compounds was made comparing their retention times US) centrifugation. The cellular proliferation assays
against standard pure drugs injected in the same were carried out with the Vybrant MTT Cell
conditions. Proliferation Assay Kit (Molecular Probes Invitrogen
Detection Technologies, Eugene, Oregon, USA). Cells
Human blood sample (2 x 105/mL), with a final volume of 200 l, were
The sample included peripheral blood mononuclear cultured in 96-well sterile microplates containing
cells (PBMCs) and basophils from 57 allergic patients, RPMI-1640, to which was added 25 mM Hepes, 2 mM
27 male and 30 female (ages 1 to 30, average value: L-glutamine, 5% FCS, 50 mM 2-ME, 100 g/mL
17) with positive prick tests for allergy to dust mites streptomycin and 100 g/mL penicillin (Merck).
(Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides Cultures were stimulated with 10 g/mL PHA, 5
farinae). This study was approved by the Universidad g/mL ConA and 6 g/mL oil. Control lymphocyte
Nacional de Ro Cuarto Institutional Review Board. In cultures were performed using only media.
accordance with ethical standards, parents of underage Cells were incubated during 72 h at 37 C with 5%
children were properly informed of the study and CO2 in a humid atmosphere. An aliquot of 100 L of
signed an agreement authorizing the test. The fresh RPMI-1640 and 10 L of MTT (3,(4,5-dimethyl-
characteristics of these patients are shown in Table 1. 2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide)
Skin prick testing was performed using a standard solution (1 mg/mL of MTT in PBS 0.01 M pH 7.2)
technique (single-headed lancet technique) and was added to each well and the plate was incubated at
standard commercial solutions (International 37 C with 5% CO2 for 4 h. After incubation, the plate
Pharmaceutical Immunology SA). All tests were was centrifuged and supernatants, removed. DMSO
performed by a single operator, an allergist doctor. (50 L) was added to each well in order to dissolve the
Each patient underwent skin prick testing for formazan crystals that resulted from the conversion of
allergens. Saline solutions and histamine were used as the salt (MTT). The plate was read in a UV
negative and positive controls, respectively. The size spectrophotometer (Labsystems Multiskan MS) at
of the wheal was measured after 15 min and a positive 570/690 nm wave lengths.
result was noted if the wheal size was at least 3 mm The cellular expansion reached by the classic
greater than the negative saline control (Barbaud mitogens was compared with that produced by EO by
2001). The allergen extracts were provided by calculating the PI according to the following formula:
International Pharmaceutical Immunology, S.A. PI = stimulated cells/ non-stimulated cells > 1.20
(Alicante, Spain) Dropper vials were used, containing (Tuchscherer et al., 2002).
3 mL of the antigen extract in 50% glycerin solution,
plus 0.42% phenol each (concentration = 10.000 CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and B cells quantification
PNU/mL). The in vitro assays were performed with by immunofluorescence (IF)
the same extracts. Ten milliliters of venous peripheral The CD4+ and CD8+ T cells present in the EO-
blood were obtained from each patient and stored in stimulated cultures were counted with the indirect IF
sterile tubes containing heparin. technique using anti-human CD4 and anti-human
(Sigma, St. Louis, US) CD8 monoclonal antibodies
PBMCs cultures (Sigma, St. Louis, US), and B cells were counted with
The effects of different concentrations (6 x 103, direct IF using anti-human -globulin-FITC (Sigma,
600, 60, 6, 0.6, 0.06 and 0.006 g/mL) of EO on the St. Louis, US) (Edidin, 1989).
proliferation of lymphocyte from healthy individuals Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 226
Cariddi et al. Immunomodulatory effects of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil

Table 1. Characterization of select allergic patients, including: age in years, symptoms, total IgE values and skin prick testing results.
Skin prick testing with dust mite

N clinical Age Symptoms IgE D. pteronyssinus D. farinae

history (years) (UI/mL)*
5 2 As Rh 618 ++ +++
9 5 Rh Ecz 190 +++ +
10 5 As Rh 790 +++ ++
12 6 As Rh Sin Pr 1133 ++ +++
13 6 As Rh 1664 ++ +
14 7 Rh, As 1236 ++ +
15 8 Rh Si 365 + +
16 8 As Rh 760 ++++ ++
18 9 As Rh 1000 + +
20 11 Rh As 1321 ++ ++
21 11 As Rh 786 ++ ++
23 12 Rh Si 420 ++ ++
27 15 Rh 460 +++ +++
28 17 Rh Ecc 350 + +
33 19 As Rh 512 ++++ ++
35 21 As Rh Ecz 122 + +
36 21 As Rh Ecz 122 + +
38 23 Rh Ecz 280 + +
39 23 As Rh 139 + +
41 26 As Rh 141 + +
44 27 As 512 + +
45 27 As RhEcz 123 + +
47 28 Rh Ecz 790 + +
50 29 As Ecz Rh 1560 + +
51 29 As Rh Sin Pr 1133 ++ +++
52 29 As Rh 355 + +
53 29 Rh, As 236 ++ +
54 30 As Ecz Rh 568 + +
55 30 As Rh Sin Pr 1233 ++ +++
56 30 As Rh 965 + +
57 30 Rh, As 1236 ++ +

As - Asthma; Rh - Rhinitis; Ecz - Eczema; Pr - Prurigo; Si - Sinusitis. D. Pteronyssinus - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus; D. Farinae -
Dermatophagoides farinae. Prick test: scale from + to ++++ according to Bousquet (1988).
* IgE was measurement by ELISA Kit (Iema Well de Radim, Rome, Italy)

6 g/mL of EO, plus allergen. As a control, these

IFN- and IL-13 measurement cytokines were quantified in PBMC cultures with
IFN- and IL-13 synthesis was quantified in EO- media alone. Each instance was triplicated.
stimulated supernatants of PBMC cultures from
allergic patients, collected at 60 h incubation to -hexosaminidase enzyme release assay
optimize the detection of cytokine levels. IFN- The effects of different concentrations (160, 80, 40,
detection was performed using a commercial Human 20, 10 and 1 g/mL) of EO on the release of - hexo-
Interferon Gamma (Hu- IFN-) ELISA kit (PBL saminidase enzyme were evaluated constructing a
Biomedical Laboratories, USA) and the lower limit of dose-response curve in a previous assay. It was
detection for the cytokine assay was less than 2 pg/mL observed that EO reduced the levels of enzyme
(Kelder et al., 1986). IL-13 detection was performed released in a dose-dependent way. The concentration
using a commercial EHIL13 Human Interleukin-13 of 10 g/mL was that which produced the highest
ELISA Kit (Pierce Endogen, France) and the lower diminution of the release of enzyme.
limit of detection for the cytokine assay was less than Basophils of peripheral blood were obtained by
7 pg/mL (Ly et al., 2005). This assay was carried out density gradient using 6% of dextran 70 with NaCl
with PBMC cultures stimulated with: a) allergen alone 0.9%. The interphase that contained the cells was
(a suspension of dust mite at 10.000 PNU/mL) and b) centrifuged and re-suspended in RPMI-1640. An Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 227
Cariddi et al. Immunomodulatory effects of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil

aliquot from the cellular suspension was taken and the differences were considered significant when the value
cells were dyed with Toluidine Blue that it dyes only was p <0.05.
basophils. The cellular count was realized in camera
Fuch Rosenthal in optical microscope. The concen- RESULTS
tration of basophils was increased 100 to 200 times
after the treatment with dextran (from 1-2 to 128-256 Identification and quantification of essential oil
cells in 64 fields). It had contamination by other PMN, compounds
such as neutrophils and eosinophils. GC analysis revealed a composition not
Fifty microliters of the basophil suspension at a significantly different than those reported previously
concentration of 1 x 105 cells/mL were placed in each by the authors (Zygadlo et al., 1996; Cariddi et al.,
well of the 96-well microplate and pre-incubated for 2007). The main components were pulegone 63.0%,
15 min at 37 C with the specific allergen alone (dust menthone 16.4% and limonene 1.9%, accompanied by
mite suspension), and the allergen plus: a) 0.04 mg/mL other minor terpenoid components such as -pinene
dexamethasone (Sidus); b) 0.2 mg/mL theophylline (0.2%), -pinene (0.3%) and 1,8-cineole (0.1%) were
(Phoenix); c) 0.2 mg/mL disodium cromoglicate found in lower quantities in accordance with previous
(Phoenix); d) 0.05 mg/mL ipratropium bromide reports.
(Altana Pharma), or e) 10 g/mL essential oil. The
negative control values were obtained using RPMI- Lymphocyte response to stimulation with essential
1640 and the cells alone, without any allergen oil
stimulation, in order to view unspecific spontaneous
EO (6 g/mL) stimulated the proliferation of
degranulation. In addition, montelukast (0.04 mg/mL)
lymphocyte from allergic patients, revealing
(Merck) was used as a negative control of -
significant statistical differences in comparison with
hexosaminidase enzyme inhibition because it acts in
the cultures lacking stimulus (p<0.0001) and no
the late phase of the allergic reaction, inhibiting
differences when compared to PHA (p=0.1396) or
leukotriene receptors. Blank values were obtained
ConA (p=0.1749). The PI calculated for EO, PHA or
using just the media or DMSO. Following incubation,
ConA, were > 1.20, indicating cellular proliferation
50 L of the chromogenic substrate for the enzyme - (Fig. 1).
hexosaminidase (4-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl--D-glucosa- Absolute values of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and B
minide) (Sigma-Aldrich, Inc, St. Louis, USA) 1 cells in cellular cultures stimulated with EO revealed
mmol/L, was added to each well and dissolved in 0.1 an increase (p<0.002 to each one of cell types) in
mol/L of citrate buffer, pH 5. The system was regard to the cultures without stimulus (Table 2).
incubated at 37 C for 1 h. The reaction was stopped In supernatants of EO-stimulated cultures, values of
with 200 L of carbonate buffer 0.1 M, pH 10.5 per IFN- revealed an increase in regard to cultures
well. The product of the cleavage (4-nitrophenol) was without stimulus (p<0.001) and cultures stimulated
interpreted by reader ELISA (Labsystems Multiskan with allergen alone (p<0.0001) (Fig. 2). IL-13 levels
MS) at 405 nm (Shibata et al., 1996). The percentage were greater in the cultures stimulated with allergen
of - hexosaminidase release inhibited was calculated than in cultures without stimulus (p<0.0001). In
according to the formula: Inhibition % = (A B) x allergen-stimulated cultures with EO, the levels of IL-
100/A, where A is the amount of -hexosaminidase 13 were visibly reduced in regard to cultures
released by basophils in the presence of the specific stimulated with the allergen alone (p<0.0001) (Fig. 2).
allergen alone and B, in the presence of the allergen
aggregates from the anti-allergic drugs or oil (Na et Effects of essential oil on basophil degranulation
al., 2002). Basophils of all the allergen-challenged patients
released high amounts of -hexosaminidase enzyme in
Statistical analysis comparison with the values of enzyme released
All of the values obtained in the assays carried out spontaneously (p<0.01) (Fig. 3). The anti-allergic
during this investigation were expressed in averages drugs, excluding montelukast, reduced the in vitro
and standard deviation. The parameters were evaluated levels of released enzyme in comparison with
using the program GraphPad Prism version 4.0 (Inc. basophils challenged with the allergen alone (p<0.02)
San Diego, USA, 2004) and compared with the (Fig. 3). This result demonstrated that the plant
parametric test t-Student for twin samples. Statistical fraction did not reveal allergenic effects in vitro. The Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 228
Cariddi et al. Immunomodulatory effects of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil

addition of EO to allergen-challenged basophils disodium cromoglicate and 0.05mg/mL of ipratropium

reduced -hexosaminidase liberation to the same bromide (p<0.05 for each one) (Fig. 3). The per-
levels as those of the spontaneous release of the centage of inhibition of -hexosaminidase released
enzyme. The inhibiting activity of the oil at 10 g/mL under different treatments is shown in Table 3 and the
on the enzyme was higher than the one produced by essential oil is significantly active.
standard drugs at concentrations: 0.04 mg/mL of dexa-
methasone, 0.2 mg/mL of theophylline, 0.2 mg/mL of

Tabla 2. Average absolute values + SD of total leukocytes from allergic patients and T CD4+, T CD8+ and B cells in cultures without
stimulus (W/S) or stimulated with essential oil (EO).
n Total W/S cultures Cultures stimulated with EO
leukocytes/mm3 CD4+ CD8+ B cells CD4+ CD8+ B cells

22 6432.6 + 1321,6 1677 + 65 714 + 60 705 + 57 2174 + 82 988 + 60 916 + 61

Table 3. Percentage + SD of inhibition of -hexosaminidase enzyme release from basophils of allergic patients by anti-allergic drugs or
essential oil.

Anti-allergice drugs or essential oil

dexa theo crom Ip EO

Inhibition (%) 44.8 + 8 47.6 + 10 44.7 + 7 46.9 + 5 54.2 + 7

Dexa - dexamethasone; theo - theopylline; crom - disodium cromoglicate; Ip - ipratropium bromide; EO - essential oil.

Figure 1. Proliferation of lymphocytes from allergic patients Figure 2. Quantification of IFN- and IL-13 in supernatants of
(n=57), stimulated with 6 g/mL essential oil (EO) from M. lymphocyte cultures from allergic patients (n=38).
verticillata, according to MTT colorimetric assay.
allergic patients e
concentration (pg/ml)

d 150 c f
Lymphocyte proliferation

(OD 570/690 nm)

1.5 a b
50 d

0.5 0












PHA (10 ug)

ConA (5 ug)

EO (6 ug)



IFN- was quantified in lymphocyte cultures without stimulus or

PHA (10 g/mL) or ConA (5 g/mL) were used as positive stimulated with 6 g/mL essential oil (EO) from M. verticillata.
controls of proliferation, and lymphocyte cultures without IL-13 was quantified in lymphocyte cultures without stimulus,
stimulus, as negative controls. W/S, without stimuli; a vs d p < stimulated with allergen alone or stimulated with allergen and
0.0001; b vs d p = 0.1396; c vs d p = 0.1749; PI (PHA) = 1.81 + with 6 g/mL EO from M. verticillata added. W/S, without
0.12; PI (ConA) = 1.90 + 0.11; PI (EO) = 1.87 + 0.10 stimuli; a vs b p= 0.1332; a vs c p<0.001; b vs c p<0.0001, d vs e
p<0.0001; d vs f p<0.0001, e vs f p<0.0001. Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 229
Cariddi et al. Immunomodulatory effects of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil

Figure 3. The amount of -hexosaminidase enzyme released by types of enzymatic routes which involve Ras-Map
allergen-challenged basophils from allergic patients (n=57) was kinases, calcium-dependent PLCl and PLClDAG,
reduced by essential oil (EO) and several anti-allergic drugs,
excluding montelukast. key participants in cellular proliferation, differen-
tiation and apoptosis (Crespo & Gutkind, 2004).
c i
According to some authors in vitro studies of
allergic patients have shown increased values of
CD4+ T cells (1500-1750 cells/mm3), differentiating
-hexosaminidase released (%)

d f towards the Th2 profile; a decrease in CD8+ T cells
50 g (370-520 cells/mm3) (Bratke et al., 2006) and high
40 values of B cells (480-650 cells/mm3) (Mohamed et
h al., 2003) in comparison with non-allergic
30 a
b individuals. In this study EO (6 g/mL) increased in
vitro absolute values for both T CD4+ and CD8+ cells
subpopulations in patients allergic to dust mites,
indicating that this plant fraction stimulated cellular

ba ils







immunity. These data are compatible with those from



ba + E






s+ + a

s+ rg+

ba rg+


s+ ler

ba erg

a previous in vitro study in which high EO

ba erg










concentrations (mg/mL) increased values of CD8+ T





cells in both patients allergic to environmental fungi

Basophils were incubated with EO alone, without allergen, and and healthy individuals alike (Cariddi et al., 2006).
no significant liberation of the enzyme was observed. Cells The EO also increasing the absolute values of B
without the addition of allergen and cells with addition of cells. Previously we demonstrated that EO had effects
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) were also evaluated as controls.
similar to those of PWM, mitogen of B and T cells,
a vs c p< 0.0001; a vs b p = 0.3373; b vs c p <0.002; c vs d p < on lymphocyte proliferation in both allergic and
0.01; c vs e p < 0.002; c vs f p< 0.01; c vs g p < 0.002; c vs h p
< 0.0001; c vs i p = 0.8245; h vs * p = ns; h vs i p<0.0001; d
healthy individuals (Cariddi et al., 2005). These
vs i p < 0.01; e vs i p< 0.002; f vs i p< 0.02; g vs i p<0.003. results correspond with those of this investigation,
where we demonstrated that EO was able to stimulate
blank, media alone; DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide; bas, basophils;
allerg, allergen ; dexa, dexamethasone ; theo, theopylline ; crom,
both T and B cells.
disodium cromoglicate; iprat, ipratropium bromide; EO, essential Treatment with the EO increased the levels of
oil; mont, montelukast IFN-, which is why it is suggested that the EO-ac-
tivated CD4+ T cells in this study could be Th1 cells,
DISCUSSION which produce IFN-. EO was able to stimulate in
In the present study, the essential oil from M. vitro CD8+ T cells as well, also producers of IFN-.
verticillata was composed mainly by mono-and In addition, we observed that EO reduced IL-13
sesquiterpenes. Zygadlo et al. (1996) analyzed oils of values in lymphocyte cultures co-stimulated with the
M. verticillata of different geographic areas from allergen, as compared to cultures stimulated with
Argentina. They found that the main components are allergen alone. These data demonstrated that EO mo-
terpenes and seem to be divided in three chemotypes: dulated the in vitro Th1/Th2 response, favoring Th1
carvone, thymol-carvacrol and predominantly deviation. Anti-allergic therapies aim to redirect the
pulegone-menthone. Our results agree those of De profile of Th2 cells towards Th1, increasing IFN-
Feo et al. (1998), Gonzlez Pereyra et al. (2005), synthesis and decreasing IL-4 and IL-13 values, thus
Cariddi et al. (2007), Maldonado et al. (2007), who reducing IgE levels (Bang & Plosker, 2004). It was
studied M. verticillata oil and reported the confirmed that the vegetal derivative acts on the
composition. immune response by means of the stimulation of the
At optimal concentrations, EO from M. Th1 profile. In previous studies this was deduced of
verticillata was able to stimulate in vitro the the cuantification of IFN- and LT CD8+ (Cariddi et
lymphocyte proliferation in patients allergic to dust al., 2006, 2007; Maldonado et al., 2007).
mites with effects similar to those of PHA or ConA. -hexosaminidase, an acid hydrolase, is released
These lectins bond specifically to carbohydrate along with histamine when basophils are activated.
components, including proteins of the TcR-CD3 Therefore, -hexosaminidase is accepted as a
complex. This produces the activation of several degranulation marker (Shibata & Yagi, 1996). Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas Vol. 8 (3) 2009 | 230
Cariddi et al. Immunomodulatory effects of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil

During the -hexosaminidase enzyme release increase in basophil membrane permeability may be
assay, we confirmed that the anti-allergic drugs an essential trigger for the release of -hexo-
tested, excluding montelukast, were able to reduce saminidase. The terpenes from EO may have acted
the levels of enzyme released, as compared to upon basophil membranes, avoiding the disturbance
basophils challenged with allergen alone. induced by the specific allergen. There would not be
Dexamethasone, in addition to bonding to the modifications related at least to types of allergens
cytoplasmic specific receptor that enters the nucleus both tried (fungi and dust mite) (Gonzlez Pereyra et
and attaches itself to the DNA, works by stimulating al., 2005; Cariddi et al., 2006, 2007; Maldonado et
cAMP production, inhibiting the degranulation al., 2007). Moreover the active concentrations seem
process in basophils and mast cells (Fukui, 2008). to be much lower than previously thought, as this
Theophylline acts as inhibitor of phosphodiesterase. work found activity in the range 6 mg/ml at 0.006
This enzyme deactivates cAMP forming icAMP, g/mL, in contrast with our previous tests at only 150
which favors cell degranulation (Lipworth, 2005). mg/mL (Cariddi et al., 2005).
Cromoglycate is a basophil and mast cell membrane
stabilizer, as it prevents their degranulation (Gotua et CONCLUSION
al., 2008). Ipratropium inhibits the liberation of The EO from leaves of Minthostachys verticillata
chemical mediators, increased by acetylcholine, by at small concentrations acted as a mitogen, increasing
blocking cholinergic receptors on the surface of proliferation of T and B cells from allergic patients.
basophils and mast cells (Spooner et al., 2003). In As an immunomodulator, it favored Th1 deviation by
contrast, montelukast, a leukotriene receptor increasing IFN- synthesis and decreasing IL-13 pro-
antagonist (Kawai et al., 2008), which was used in duction. EO maintained its inhibiting effects on baso-
this study as a negative control for inhibition of the phil degranulation, reducing the levels of -hexo-
immediate reaction, did not decrease the levels of - saminidase released.
hexosaminidase released by basophils challenged Additional studies are being realized along the
with allergen, as expected in this model. same line of investigation to reveal if the terpenes
EO, at a concentration of 10 g/mL, reduced the identified can have therapeutic applications in
levels of -hexosaminidase released by basophils, allergies. In the future, these products could be
with effects majors to the anti-allergic drugs tested, applied in alternative or complementary therapies
excluding montelukast, which is why it has been with patients who do not respond to conventional
suggested that this plant fraction could act upon cell treatment.
membranes with a mechanism similar to that of one
of these drugs. These results demonstrated that EO ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
maintained its inhibiting properties on basophil
degranulation at high (Cariddi et al., 2006) and small We would like to thank Mnica Wagner for the
concentrations alike. English version.
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