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11/6/2017 beamer - Removing bullets in headline with own template doesn't work - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

Removing bullets in headline with own template doesn't work

I'm using Ilmenau in a beamer presentation (first image)

I want to hide the bullets, so I use my own headline template (I get the idea from Is it possible to get rid of the bullets in the
miniframes outer theme ). I remove the bullets but I get a white box on top of the slide instead (second image). I want to remove
the bullets and the rest of the header elements move to the top.

I'm using this code:


\begin{beamercolorbox}{section in head/foot}

UPDATE: Complete snippet: The empty template output white space on top, but if you uncomment the headline template body,
is more strange even.


\title{Active Galactic Nuclei}

\author{John Doe}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\insertframenumber} 1/3
11/6/2017 beamer - Removing bullets in headline with own template doesn't work - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

%% \begin{beamercolorbox}{section in head/foot}
%% \insertsectionnavigationhorizontal{\textwidth}{}{}
%% \end{beamercolorbox}%

\subsection{Active Galactic Nuclei}

\frametitle{Active Galactic Nuclei}
In some galaxies, the nucleus produces more radiation than the entire rest of the galaxy.
Gas spirals towards a supermassive black hole (SMBH) assuming a disk shaped structure,
generating massive amounts of radiation before falling onto the black hole.


\frametitle{Active Galactic Nuclei}
In some galaxies, the nucleus produces more radiation than the entire rest of the galaxy.
Gas spirals towards a supermassive black hole (SMBH) assuming a disk shaped structure,
generating massive amounts of radiation before falling onto the black hole.


{beamer} {header-footer} {mini-frames}

edited Apr 13 at 12:35 asked Oct 15 '12 at 21:59

Community Zhen
1 165 1 11

added the theme line Zhen Oct 15 '12 at 22:10

I added a complete example of the problem Zhen Oct 15 '12 at 22:28

1 Answer

Move the redefinition for headline to the preamble:


\title{Active Galactic Nuclei}

\author{John Doe}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\begin{beamercolorbox}{section in head/foot}
\insertsectionnavigationhorizontal{\textwidth}{}{} 2/3
11/6/2017 beamer - Removing bullets in headline with own template doesn't work - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange


\subsection{Active Galactic Nuclei}

\frametitle{Active Galactic Nuclei}
In some galaxies, the nucleus produces more radiation than the entire rest of the galaxy.
Gas spirals towards a supermassive black hole (SMBH) assuming a disk shaped structure,
generating massive amounts of radiation before falling onto the black hole.


\frametitle{Active Galactic Nuclei}
In some galaxies, the nucleus produces more radiation than the entire rest of the galaxy.
Gas spirals towards a supermassive black hole (SMBH) assuming a disk shaped structure,
generating massive amounts of radiation before falling onto the black hole.


answered Oct 15 '12 at 22:30

Gonzalo Medina
360k 30 1164

argg, it seem too obvious now!! Zhen Oct 16 '12 at 7:19 3/3

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