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Grade 10

Term 1 (11 weeks)

States of matter (2 weeks)
G.O. (syll. P. 7) Students should 1.demonstrate an awareness that matter is made up of particles
2. be aware of the different forces of attraction that exist between particles
S.O. Students should Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
be able to SBA skills
A. p.8 1.1state Evidence of submicroscopic Jar of air inverted over jar over bromine Use of models
evidence in support of particles that can intermingle liquid, small amount of syrup or solution Teacher demonstration
the particulate nature inferred from diffusion. of KMnO4 pipetted carefully in the
of matter Water particles able to pass bottom of a beaker of water, a Smartie or
through semi permeable M&M placed in shallow water, strips of Student activity
membrane by osmosis. green papaw immersed in water M/M , ORR, A&I
Constant and random motion
of particles (kinetic theory) Plan and design (and then carry out) an
Differences in rates of investigation to determine which dye in P&D hypothesis testing.
diffusion in gases and two different coloured Smarties will (hypothesis stated in a
liquids. dissolve and diffuse faster, provided with testable form, variables
Dissolving versus diffusion Styrofoam or plastic plates, ball point pen, identified -manipulated and
paper cup to draw circles, and water. responding [measurable],
those kept constant/controlled
[to make it a fair test], data to
be collected, repeated trials,
results linked to hypothesis).
1.2.explain the Force of attraction in three Make predictions then attempt to Student activity
differences states accounting for compress air, then water in a Models, particle diagrams
between the three difference in syringe, and to compress a solid.
states of matter packing/arrangement of Prepare ice, water, and steam. Determine Plot cooling curve of
in terms of particles.* the heating and cooling behaviour of napthalene
energy and Differences in energy. naphthalene or p-dichlorobenzene
arrangement of Interconversion freezing, Plot heating and cooling curves. M/M (lighting burner, use
particles melting, boiling, Heat and cool iodine and ammonium of thermometer), ORR
condensation, sublimation. chloride A& I
Endothermic and exothermic
1.3. explain the use of Salt and sugar are used a Discussion , video
salt and sugar as preservative and pest control
preservative. as the pull water from cells
preventing decay and
causing dehydration
* Common misconception: liquids represented in particle diagrams as having large spaces between individual particles or groups of
particles that would allow compression. Liquids should instead be represented as consisting of particles that are close packed with some small spaces
just large enough to allow the particles to slide past each other.
Students tend to define the term diffusion or osmosis when ask to explain the process rather than explain the phenomena.

Sample class work activity:1.With reference to the particle diagram to represent a gas and your attempts at compression, deduce what is between the
particles of a gas.
(A common misconception is that mater is continuous with no vacuum between the particles, especially between the particles in a liquid)

2. Interpret the results in terms of particle theory when a ball of cotton wool soaked in conc. aqueous ammonia and another in conc. hydrochloric acid
are put simultaneously in opposite ends of a transparent tube (such as an old burette that was previously damaged - end broken off near the tap and
that end made smooth in a flame) and stoppered.

Mixtures and their separations (p. 13) (2 weeks) reviewing grade nine some classes never did simple and fractional displacement as well as

G.O. p. 7, 5 Students should demonstrate an understanding that different types of mixtures can be separated based on the properties of the
S.O. Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
A 5.1.p.13 identify different Solution as a uniform mixture of Identify from a variety of ORR, A&I
types of solutions solid in solid, solid in liquid, examples
gas in liquid, liquid in liquid.
5.2 distinguish among solutions, Continuous gradation of particle Identify from a variety of ORR, M/M (filtering),
colloids and suspensions size. Dividing line not absolutely examples. A&I
fixed. Filtration
Solution as uniform/homogeneous
mixture vs suspension as
heterogeneous solid in liquid
mixture. Tyndall effect in colloids.
5.4 identify suitable separation Mixtures as impure, properties of Simple and fractional distillation teacher demonstration
techniques based on differences components retained. Properties -ethanol and water, (compare and discussion
in properties of components include boiling point, solubility, crude oil p.28) CD Chemistry is Try
in mixtures particle size, solute motility in Filtration, evaporation, paper for animation of
solvent, miscibility chromatography, fractional distillation.
separating funnel,
sublimation (p.8, 1.2) Student activity M/M
Simple line diagrams of (separation techniques),
apparatus ORR, A&I,
SBA assessment
M/M lighting the
Bunsen burner

Plan and design an investigation ORR assessment.

to find out if three different
brands of permanent black P&D- hypothesis
inks/markers contain the same testing

5.5 describe the extraction of Simple treatment of crushing, Discussion, visit to

sucrose from sugar cane precipitation, filtration, sugar factory, CD
vacuum distillation,
Describe the separation of crude Name the fractions and give two Discussion, videos
oil into its various fractions uses of each

Atoms and the periodic table (2 weeks) This was done in grade 9 simple review.
G.O.. p. 7. 2. Students should be familiar with the concept of the atom as the basic building block of matter
S.O. Students should be Content Suggested practical Teaching strategies, SBA
able to activities skills
A 2.1 p. 8 describe with The atom as the basic building block of Make models of atoms. Use of analogies, models,
illustrations the matter. Atoms are the particles that are diagrammatic representations.
structure of atoms packed closely together in metals; copper
of atomic number atoms in copper metal, iron atoms in iron
1 to 20 metal etc. Atoms are too small to be seen
even under a microscope. Two million
hydrogen atoms would be needed to cover
an average full stop.
The atom consists of even smaller particles
- electrons, protons, and neutrons, the three
basic particles in an atom.
Electrons are arranged in shells. * Order of
filling 2,8,8,2 (up to atomic number 20)
2.2 state the properties Properties related to relative mass Lecture discussion
of electrons, protons, and charge
and neutrons
2.3 define atomic number
and mass number
2.6 define isotopy Isotopes as atoms with same number of
protons but different number of neutrons
2.7 List three uses of Use of radioisotopes in carbon dating, Library/internet research
isotopes radiotherapy, tracers, pacemakers, and
energy generation
2.4 define relative atomic Relative atomic mass based on
mass carbon-12 isotope. Weighted average of
relative mass of isotopes.
2.5 interpret notations of mass charge/oxidation
the form number number
a c X
X atomic number of items
b d number in the entity

(oxidation number to be dealt with

later in section on redox p.17)
2.8 explain the basis of the Classification based on atomic number, Lecture discussion
arrangement of elements atomic structure.
in the periodic table Arrangement in periods and groups

Term II (4 weeks)
Structure and bonding - Ionic vs covalent Bonding p.11 (5 weeks)
G.O p.7 Students should .4 be aware of the different forces of attraction that exist between particles.
3.demonstrate an understanding of the mole as the unit for comparison of the amounts of matter
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
A 4.1 explain the formation Formation of ionic vs covalent bonds Construct models of sodium chloride Lecture discussions,
of ionic and covalent bonds in Ions are the particles that are packed using two different coloured balls of diagrammatic
forming compounds together in ionic compounds held modeling clay held together by short representations,
together by strong electrostatic lengths of match sticks to represent models
attraction (ionic bond). The particles ionic bonds. (These should be kept
in covalent compounds are molecules for a later activity on solubility)
with weak intermolecular (Van der
Waals) forces but strong
intramolecular covalent bonds
4.2 predict the likelihood ionic bonds are formed by the
of an atom forming an ionic or combination of a metal and nonmetal;
a covalent bond based on covalent bonds by the combination of
atomic structure nonmetals
4.3 Write formulae to represent Valences. Formulae of ionic and
ions and molecules covalent compounds. Radicals and use
of brackets.
Formulae determined from valences
may also be determined from the
quantity of the combining atoms.
Explain how metallic bonds are Cation and see of electron

4.8 distinguish among ionic , Melting point, solubility in water and Investigation of the differences in M/M (bunsen
metallic organic solvents, and conductivity. the melting points of covalent and burner, circuit)
and molecular solids Polar water molecules. ionic compounds, their solubility in ORR, A&I
Solubility in water of common water and organic solvents, and Use of CD,
compounds. ability to conduct electricity overhead projector

PD plan and design an experiment

to show how to distinguish PD
between two purple solids iodine
and potassium permanganate.

4.7 relate structure of sodium Use melting point, solubility in water,

chloride, diamond and graphite conductivity, hardness, and lubricating
and metals power
to their properties

5.3 investigate experimentally the Saturated, unsaturated, supersaturated Investigation of effect of M/M, ORR, A&I
effect of structure and solutions, (supersaturated solution as a temperature on solubility of salts
temperature on solubility of solids solution that contains more solute than such as potassium nitrate,
in water a saturated solution at the same copper(II)sulphate. Preparation of
temperature), crystallization, mother small and large crystals.
Mix 4g of each of two solids,
potassium chlorate and potassium
sulphate, thoroughly with 20cm 3 of P&D- hypothesis
water in separate boiling tubes. testing
Based on your observations plan and
design an investigation to find out
which of the two solids will
crystallise first, that is at a higher
temperature, if both mixtures are
heated and the hot solutions are
cooled. **
Carry out the investigation M/M, ORR, A&I

Plan and design an investigation to SBA assessment

find out if the increase in P&D- hypothesis
temperature when anhydrous testing
Copper(11) sulphate is added to
water is directly proportional to
the amount of copper(11) sulphate

Water of crystallization Preparation of a supersaturated M/M, ORR, A&I

solution e.g. by gently heating
sodium thiosulphate (VI) until a
solution forms, cooling. Seeding to
form crystals

Research or revision this was done in grade 9R however did not complete this. Teacher can give students work for mid term break.

Characteristics of metals and nonmetals (2 weeks) p.33

G.O. p. 32, Students should 1. demonstrate an understanding of the features which characterize metals and non-metals
5. appreciate the relationship between metals and non-metals and their uses
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
B 2 1.1 p. 33 describe the Physical properties of Stations set up with metals and Student activity
physical properties of metals metals compared with nonmetals non-metals e.g. sticks of sulphur, M/M (bunsen burner,
(chemical properties to be done metal bottle caps, copper wire, circuit), ORR, A&I
later in section on reactivity of graphite (removed from dry cell
metals p.35) batteries) to examine various
B2 1.3 p.34 describe the properties e.g conductivity,
physical properties of nonmetals melting point, malleable vs
(chemical properties to be done brittle, sonorous (ringing sound
later in section on redox) when hit or dropped) , luster
when smooth, density, hardness
(ease of penetration)
5.1 p. 35 explain why metal Alloys are mixtures. Discussion, specimens,
alloys are often used in place of Properties of metals compared with pictures, CD
the metals those of their alloys. Properties related
5.2 relate the properties of the to uses.
metals (aluminum, lead and Include furniture, batteries, cutlery
iron) and their alloys to their
5.3 p. 36 list the uses of non Include strengthening of plastics with Discussion,
metals carbon, sulphur, carbon fibre, jewellery, tyre examination
phosphorus, nitrogen, chlorine, manufacture, insecticides, matches, of labels, specimens,
silicon and their compounds phosphate and nitrate fertilizers, pictures, CD
bleaches, glass, ceramics

Conservation of materials in the environment, and impact of metals and non-metals on living systems p. 36, 40
(2 weeks)
G.O. p.32, Students should 6. appreciate the need to conserve materials
8. appreciate that metals and non-metals and their compounds impact on living systems
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical Teaching strategies, SBA
activities skills
B.2.6.1 p. 36 describe the Corrosion, rusting Investigate conditions for P&D, M/M, ORR, A&I
conditions necessary for the corrosion of Reference to aluminium Rusting
metals (protective oxide coat) and iron (loose and
non-protective oxide coat)
8.1 p. 40 explain the importance Magnesium in chlorophyll, iron in Lecture dixcussion
of metals and their compounds haemoglobin. Importance of trace metals
to living systems and environment for example zinc (for immune function, skin
health) Reference to toxicity of
certain metals e.g mercury causes nervous
disorders, lead can cause brain damage
especially in young children.
6.2 describe the carbon, nitrogen and Cycles
water cycles
8.2. state the importance of the The need for recycling and the importance
carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles to of cycles in nature.
living systems.
8.3 discuss the harmful effects of Pollution and role played by sulphur dioxide, Photographs, CD
nonmetals and non-metal oxide of nitrogen (include acid rain), carbon Internet
compounds to living systems monoxide (prevents uptake of oxygen by
and the environment. haemoglobin), hydrogen sulphide
(poisonous), carbon dioxide (excess
contributes to global warming),
chlorofluoro carbons (destroys ozone layer).
Lead compounds in car exhaust fumes (brain
damage), soaps and soapless detergents (toxic
to some aquatic organisms, eutrophication).

Term II
Trend in Group II and VII

S.O Students should be Content Suggested practical Teaching strategies, SBA skills
able to activities
Write the formulae of Solubility rules, state symbols, write equation Practice
ions and formulae.
Write balanced chemical
6.1 identify trends in gp.II Increasing ease of ionization /reactivity as go 6.1 identify trends in gp.II Increasing ease of ionization /reactivity as
down the group related to size. p.14 go down the group related to size.

Write chemical equation for the reaction News report

between Mg and Ca and acid and water
compare how Mg and Ca ORR and AI
Testing for hydrogen gas reacts with hydrochloric
acid and distilled
6.2 identify trends in gp. Physical state, increasing ease of ionization/ Displacement reaction.
VII reactivity as go up the group related to size
Write equation to show
Discuss displacement reaction and how to displacement reaction
complete then.

Reactivity series of Metals ( 3 weeks)

S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical Teaching strategies,

activities/ teaching aid SBA skills
Describe the reaction between metals and These reactions determine the position of Make up mnemonics to Practice
oxygen, water and acid metals in the reactivity series . remind the reactivity series..

Write balance chemical equation for the

reaction between metals and water/ Give students metals and an
hydrochloric acid/ sulphuric acid and unknown metal and they
oxygen will react it with acid and
water and find the position
of the unknown element in
the reactive series. ORR/ AI

Discussion how the position of metal in Reactivity series its use and importance to Displacement of copper ORR/ AI
reactive series action: understanding reaction of metals and acid using zinc dust and copper
- single displacement reaction metal with salt solution . sulphate
- decomposition of nitrate/ hydroxide/ Adding copper to zinc
carbonate Testing for nitrogen dioxide and oxygen suphate.
- extraction from their ore. Discuss the and cardon dioxide. Explain why one reaction
extracton of iron from its ore. work but the other does not.
- uses as jewelery/ coins and store acids

PD: Distinguishing between PD

lead nitrate and potassium
Acids, bases and salts p.15 (6 weeks)
G.O. p. 7, 6. Students should appreciate that matter can be classified based on physical and chemical properties.
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies
SBA skills
A 6.5. define acid, base, alkali, salt proton donor, proton Use of indicators - litmus, methyl Lecture Discussion
acceptor, replaceable hydrogen orange, screened methyl orange student activity
6.11 p.17 distinguish between acid (in mineral acids and organic phenolphthalein, universal M/M(use of indicators),
salts and normal salts acids), acid salts, normal salts, indicator (paper and coloured ORR, A&I
names of salts derived extracts from petals) to determine pH
from acids of common substances.

6.6 relate acidity and alkalinity to pH scale indicators, the pH scale Determine the importance student activity
universal indicator, pH meter of water - use of dry then moist M/M, ORR, A&I
alkaline and acid solutions due indicator paper with dry calcium
to hydrolysis e.g. aqueous hydroxide and dry citric acid or tartaric
solutions of sodium carbonate acid
and iron(III)chloride

Properties of acids and pH noted as base added a little at a

bases compared. time to an acid. M/M (bunsen burner,
Neutralization Reaction of bases with ammonium testing for ammonia),
salts, identification of ammonia ORR, A&I
list examples of acids Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Plan, design and PD
in living systems methanoic acid (in ants), conduct an
lactic acid (build-up in investigation to
muscles). Neutralisation compare the
of Vitamin C with sodium vitamin C content
hydrogen carbonate. of a named fruit
Formula of Vitamin C not juice before and
required. The treatment after heating.
of ant stings, use of
vinegar in food
preservation due to low
pH. Use of lime juice to
remove rust stains.

3.4 p.10 write balanced equations including Molecular and ionic equations Plan and carry out the determination of Student activity-
state symbols to represent unknowns e.g. provided with blue practice in planning steps
chemical reactions done. litmus and test tubes identify solutions in an investigation
of an acid, lime water, a carbonate, and M/M, ORR, A&I
ACID + METAL/ METAL OXIDE/ Lab preparation of carbon distilled water in bottles with
METAL CARBONATE/ METAL dioxide and ammonia gas labels dropped off


6.7 discuss strength of acids and alkalis on Weak and strong acids Determine strength by conductivity Teacher demonstration,
the basis of their completeness of ionisation and alkalis. Strength vs and pH of equal concentrations of Student activity
concentration strong and weak acids and alkalis M/M, ORR, A&I
6.5 define acidic oxide, acid anhydride, Types of oxides. Determination of pH of aqueous Student activity
basic, amphoteric and neutral oxides Not all metallic oxides are solution of nonmetallic oxides e.g. M/M, ORR, A&I
basic, and not all non-metallic carbon dioxide solution (produced by
oxides are acidic blowing into water) Distinguish
between basic and amphoteric oxides SBA assessment A&I
6.10 identify an appropriate method of salt Methods of preparation of Preparation of insoluble and Introduction to titration
preparation based on solubility of the salt salts. Titration method for soluble salts. techniques. (teacher
sodium, potassium and demonstration)
ammonium salts Preparing copper sulphate using M/M, ORR
Anhydrous and hydrated salts. copper sulphate using copper oxide SBA assessment. M/M
Some salts e.g. calcium and sulphuric acid. Isolation of pure salt
chloride are deliquescent, some
e.g. Na2SO4.10H2O are Preparing lead iodide using lead nitrate
efflorescent and postassium iodide

Qualitative Analysis
G.O. Students should understand the characteristics by which ions of specific metals and non-metals can be identified
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
2+ 3+ 2+
B.2. 7.1 p.37 identify cations Colour, solubility of hydroxides in Detection of Pb Al Ca M/M, ORR, A&I
(i) aqueous sodium hydroxide(ii) aqueous Zn2+ Fe3+ Fe2+ NH4+ Cu2+ SBA AI
ammonia or a suitable confirmatory test,
evolution of ammonia gas
Ionic equations Detection of NH3
B.2. 7.2 p.38 identify gases Colour, odour, reaction with : lighted or Detection of H2O, O2, CO2, M/M, ORR, A&I
glowing splint, moist litmus, dry cobalt SO2, NO2, Cl2
chloride paper, acidified KMnO4,
K2Cr2O7, lime water Detection of CO32 - SO4 2 SBA assessments:-
SO3 2 - NO3 Br I Cl ORR and A&I
B.2. 7.3.p.39 identify anions gases evolved, colour, solubility of silver (include use of dilute and conc. cations and anions in
halides in NH3(aq), precipitation with acid, copper turnings and conc. unknowns
barium ions and solubility of precipitate in sulphuric acid)
dilute HCl

Summer assignment: Water and all its objectives

Grade 11

Mole concept
S.O. Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching
strategies, SBA
A 3.1 p.10 define mole, molar * The mole as the amount of
mass substance that contains approximately
6.0 x 10 23 (the Avogadro number of)
particles which is equal to the number
of carbon atoms in 12g of carbon-12.
Molar mass has units of g mol 1
and is numerically equal to the relative
mass based on carbon-12
3.5. derive empirical and Empirical formula as the simplest
molecular formulae whole number ratio of atoms of the
different elements in a compound.
Use mass or percentage composition
A.3.2. state Avogadros law Equal volumes of gases at the same
temperature and pressure contain
equal number of molecules.
3.3. apply the mole concept to Types of chemical reactions done so
equations both ionic and far.
molecular * Calculations involving masses and
volumes of gases
Molar volume has units of dm 3 mol
= 22.4 dm 3 mol 1 at s.t.p. and
24 dm 3 mol 1 at r.t.p.
A p.10 3.6. define the term A solution of known concentration
standard solution
3.7. use results from volumetric Volumetric analysis, acidbase/carbonate M/M, A&I
analysis to calculate: i) the titration titrations **SBA assessments
number of moles reacting ii) the Concentration in M/M
mole ratio in which the reactants mol dm 3 use of the burette,
combine and g dm-3 use of the pipette
iii) the mol concentration A&I-calculation
and mass concentration of Plan and design investigation
reactants to determine which of two SBA assessments
brands of vinegar contains A&I
more ethanoic acid P&D hypothesis

Redox p.17 (4 weeks)

G.O. Students should 1. be familiar with methods of determining redox reactions
p.32, 2. demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the method of extraction of a metal and its

S.O. Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
A 6.13 p.17 define oxidation and Loss and gain of electrons,
reduction and a change in oxidation state
6.14. deduce oxidation numbers
from formulae .

6.15. identify oxidation and e.g. reaction of metals with identify redox reactions M/M, ORR, A&I
reduction reactions nonmetals: metals as reducing - in identifying anions e.g. sulphite
(reactions at electrodes to be agents and nonmetals as
dealt with later in section on oxidizing agents
electrochemistry p.19) Consideration of ease of - displacement reactions use bleach
ionization (strength of oxidizing which liberates chlorine to displace
6.2 p.14 identify trends in power) bromine and iodine from solutions of
Group VII their sodium or potassium compounds
6.16 describe the tests for Reactions with potassium M/M, ORR, A&I
oxidising and reducing agents manganate(VII), iron (II)sulphate,
potassium dichromate(VI), hydrogen
peroxide, potassium iodide
6.17 distinguish between Redox titration M/M, ORR, A&I
oxidizing and reducing agents
Inclusion of at least one Hydrogen peroxide with
example of a substance which potassium manganate (VII) and with
can behave as an oxidizing and potassium iodide. Compare reaction of
a reducing agent. sulphur dioxide with hydrogen sulphide
and with acicified potassium

B.2. 1.1 p. 34 describe the Reactions with oxygen and Use of deflagrating spoon to Teacher
chemical properties of non- metals. burn carbon, sulphur, Mg in air demonstration
metals: oxygen, chlorine, sulphur, then plunged in jar of oxygen.
nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon Oxidizing and reducing Products shaken with water and tested
properties. with litmus
Chlorine as oxidizing agent
Chlorine bleach. Plan and design an investigation
to determine which of two
Carbon and hydrogen as brands of bleach is better SBA assessment -
reducing agents. Metallic hypothesis testing
oxides reduced related to
position of the metal in the Reduction of metallic oxides
reactivity series. e.g. copper oxide with carbon Student activity
2.1 p. 34 relate the principles Extraction from the ore
underlying the extraction of a metal involves reduction.
to its position in the electrolysis - powerful method
electrochemical series. of reduction, is required for the
most reactive metals (at the top
of the reactivity series); carbon
for the less reactive e.g iron.
Least reactive metals e.g gold
found free (uncombined) in

2.2. describe the extraction of iron Industrial extraction of iron

(details of purification of raw
(Extraction of aluminium and materials not required).
industrial preparation of chlorine
to be dealt with later in section on
Industrial preparation of sulphuric
acid and ammonia, to be done after
rates of reaction)
Common errors include: misapplication of rules in assigning oxidation numbers e.g. assigning oxidation numbers to polyatomic species instead of
only to individual atoms and ions.
Precision of language should be stressed. Statements such as the oxidation number of zinc changes from +2 to 0 leads to confusion between ions
and the elements from which they are formed. Incorrect conclusions are also drawn e.g. copper (metal) acts as an oxidizing agent when copper oxide
reacts with carbon.

Electrochemistry p.19 (3 weeks)

G.O. Students should 1. understand the conditions under which an electric current can be used to bring about chemical change.
p.32, 2. demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the method of extraction of a metal and its reactivity

S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
A 6.19 p.19 describe Low voltage supplies only. Test conductivity of various M/M, ORR, A&I
investigations leading to the Plastic and metals, graphite materials Refer to B21.3,
classification of substances as p.34
conductors or nonconductors
6.20 distinguish between Reference to mobile electrons Use simple circuits
metallic and electrolytic in metals and mobile ions in
conduction solution.
6.21 classify electrolytes as Use of acids, salts and alkalis
strong and weak based on as examples of electrolytes
their conductivity
6.22 define electrolysis, Lecture discussion
cathode, anode, cation, anion
6.23 identify ions present in
6.24 predict the electrode to
which an ion will drift
6.18 predict chemical Electrochemical series vs
reactions making use of reactivity series.- ease
electrochemical series of loss of electrons and
formation of cations vs ease of
formation of cations in aqueous
solution (hydrated ions)
6.25 discuss the electrolysis Factors affecting discharge of Electrolysis of, dilute sulphuric acid, Mainly teacher
of certain substances ions: (i) position in (see Lesson Plan 2) copper (II) demonstrations
electrochemical series (ii) sulphate using carbon or platinum
concentration of electrolyte and copper electrodes, very dilute
(iii) type of electrode aq.sodium chloride, conc. aq.
sodium chloride, aq., conc.
hydrochloric acid, one fused halide
Equations for electrode reactions e.g. lead (II) bromide using inert
Draw simple line diagrams
6.28 p. 21describe industrial Reference to metallic extraction
application of electrolysis and purification (e.g.of copper),
electroplating, and anodizing Electroplating with copper Teacher
(aluminium) demonstration/
Plan the steps in electroplating of Student activity
object e.g with chromium
B.2,2.2.p.34 describe the Extraction of aluminium by
extraction of aluminium electrolysis from purified
aluminium oxide
B.2 ,3.21 p. 35 describe the Lecture discussion
industrial preparation of
A 6.26 p.20 define the Approximate value of the Faraday
Faraday constant constant as 96,500 C mol-1
(coulombs per mole of electrons)
6.27 calculate the masses and Faradays laws. Quantity of
volumes of substances electricity dependent on current
liberated and time
during electrolysis Q (coulombs)= I (amps) x t (secs)

Common errors include: misapplication of rules in assigning oxidation numbers e.g. assigning oxidation numbers to polyatomic species instead of
only to individual atoms and ions.
Precision of language should be stressed. Statements such as the oxidation number of zinc changes from +2 to 0 leads to confusion between ions
and the elements from which they are formed. Incorrect conclusions are also drawn e.g. copper (metal) acts as an oxidizing agent when copper oxide
reacts with carbon.
Electrochemistry p.19 (4 weeks)
G.O. Students should 1. understand the conditions under which an electric current can be used to bring about chemical change.
p.32, 2. demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the method of extraction of a metal and its reactivity

S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
A 6.19 p.19 describe Low voltage supplies only. Test conductivity of various M/M, ORR, A&I
investigations leading to the Plastic and metals, graphite materials Refer to B21.3,
classification of substances as p.34
conductors or nonconductors
6.20 distinguish between Reference to mobile electrons Use simple circuits
metallic and electrolytic in metals and mobile ions in
conduction solution.
6.21 classify electrolytes as Use of acids, salts and alkalis
strong and weak based on as examples of electrolytes
their conductivity
6.22 define electrolysis, Lecture discussion
cathode, anode, cation, anion
6.23 identify ions present in
6.24 predict the electrode to
which an ion will drift
6.18 predict chemical Electrochemical series vs
reactions making use of reactivity series.- ease
electrochemical series of loss of electrons and
formation of cations vs ease of
formation of cations in aqueous
solution (hydrated ions)
6.25 discuss the electrolysis Factors affecting discharge of Electrolysis of, dilute sulphuric acid, Mainly teacher
of certain substances ions: (i) position in (see Lesson Plan 2) copper (II) demonstrations
electrochemical series (ii) sulphate using carbon or platinum
concentration of electrolyte and copper electrodes, very dilute
(iii) type of electrode aq.sodium chloride, conc. aq.
sodium chloride, aq., conc.
hydrochloric acid, one fused halide
Equations for electrode reactions e.g. lead (II) bromide using inert
Draw simple line diagrams
6.28 p. 21describe industrial Reference to metallic extraction
application of electrolysis and purification (e.g.of copper),
electroplating, and anodizing Electroplating with copper Teacher
(aluminium) demonstration/
Plan the steps in electroplating of Student activity
object e.g with chromium
B.2,2.2.p.34 describe the Extraction of aluminium by
extraction of aluminium electrolysis from purified
aluminium oxide
B.2 ,3.21 p. 35 describe the Lecture discussion
industrial preparation of
A 6.26 p.20 define the Approximate value of the Faraday
Faraday constant constant as 96,500 C mol-1
(coulombs per mole of electrons)
6.27 calculate the masses and Faradays laws. Quantity of
volumes of substances electricity dependent on current
liberated and time
during electrolysis Q (coulombs)= I (amps) x t (secs)
To avoid confusion, distinction should be made between the methods of describing current in chemistry and physics, the former in terms of electron
flow and the latter in terms of conventional current (in the opposite direction to electron flow).

Sample homework/test items: 1.Use the following data to answer the questions below
Substances: acetic acid calcium chloride lead sulphur dioxide sodium chloride
m.pts. (oC): 16.6 772 327 -72.7 801

State, giving reasons for your answers, which of these substances will (i) conduct electricity at 20 oC (ii) are covalent when pure but dissolves in
water to give solutions that conduct electricity (iii) will conduct electricity at 900 oC but not at 20 oC (iv) are strong electrolytes in aqueous solution?
2. In order to electroplate an iron spoon, of mass 25.59g, with silver, a current of 0.25 amperes was passed through a solution of silver nitrate using
the spoon as the cathode. The mass of the spoon was measured at intervals of 20 minutes and the following results were obtained.
Time/min 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Mass of cathode/g 25.92 26.25 26.59 26.92 27.26 27.59 27.92
(a) What should be used as the anode? (b) Plot a graph of time/min on the x axis against mass of cathode/g on the y axis. Calibrate the x axis from 0
to 160 min and the y axis from 25.0 to 28.0g. (c) What does the shape of the graph tell you about the relationship between time and the increase in
mass of the cathode? (d) Use the graph to determine the mass of the cathode after 130 minutes. (e) What mass of silver was deposited after this time?
(f) How many coulombs of electricity had passed through the circuit? (g) How many moles of electrons is this? (Answer to 2 decimal places).
Faradays constant = 96,500 C mol-1 Ans. (e) 2.5g (f) 1950 (g) 0.02)
Energy and energetics p.23 (2 weeks)
G.O. P.7, 8. Students should appreciate that energy changes occur during the course of a chemical reaction
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching sstrategies,
SBA skills
A 8.1. p. 23 distinguish between Determine temperature changes on dissolving M/M, ORR, A&I
exothermic and endothermic use of H notation substances such as anhydrous magnesium
reactions in terms of energy sulphate and ammonium nitrate (used as
content of products and reactants instant hot packs and instant ice packs
respectively for athletic injuries), potassium
nitrate, reacting a metal with dilute acid.
Determination of the end point of a
neutralization reaction by measuring
temperature changes.(p.67)
8.2. draw an energy profile Simple energy profile
diagram to illustrate endothermic diagrams including energy
and exothermic change barrier.
Include the action of
catalyst using energy
profile diagrams
8.3. calculate energy changes Reference to heat of Determine the heat change when a suitable M/M, ORR,
from experiments or from solution (endothermic as concentration of a strong acid and a strong A&I
experimental data well as exothermic) and base react completely. Use the results to
heat of neutralization of calculate the heat change when one mole of
strong acid and strong base hydrogen ions reacts with one mole of
hydroxide ions. Compare the heat of
neutralization calculated with that determined
for a weak acid and a weak alkali where some
of the heat energy is used to dissociate the
molecules into ions before neutralisation can
take place.
Sample homework/test item: CXC 1992 paper 3 When 7.0g of potassium nitrate were dissolved in 100g of water in a covered Styrofoam cup, the
temperature fell from 28.6 oC to 22.4 oC. (i) How many moles of potassium nitrate were used? (ii) Calculate the heat change in the solution (in
Joules) given that H = m (mass of solution) x specific heat capacity x t (temperature change)

Assume that the density of the solution is 1g cm 3 and its specific heat capacity is the same as that of water i.e. 4.18 J g 1 K -1

(iii)What is the heat of solution per mole of potassium nitrate? (Ar K =39, N=14, O=16)

(iv) Why was the experiment done in a Styrofoam cup? (iv) Represent the reaction on an energy profile diagram.
(Ans. (i) 0.0693 (ii) 2591.6 J (iii) 37.397 kJ)

Rates of reaction p.21 (3 weeks) begun and continued at the start of Term 11
G.O. p.7, 7. Students should understand that the rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds is dependent on a number of physical factors
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
A 7.1. p.21 define rate of reaction The change in concentration of
reactant or product with time at
a stated temperature
7.2. identify the factors which Factors: Carry out exercises varying one
affect the rate of reaction (i) concentration factor at a time while maintaining the Teacher
(ii) temperature others constant e.g. magnesium and demonstration
(iii) surface area dilute acid, potassium iodide starch and Student activity
(iv) presence of catalyst hydrogen peroxide, sodium thiosulphate M/M, ORR, A&I,
(v) light (photosensitive and dilute acid, dilute acid and marble P&D
reaction chlorine and alkanes chips. Record results in the form of SBA assessments
dealt with in section on tables and graphs where appropriate. ORR, A&I
Organic Chemistry) (interpretation of
7.3. predict the effect of factors Plan and design an investigation to SBA assessment
on rates reaction from given data determine which of two catalysts is P&D Hypothesis
better, manganese (IV)oxide or iron testing
filings, in the decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide
7.4 interpret graphical
diagrammatic presentation of data
in studying rates of reaction.
Sample homework/test item: In an experiment 0.5g of manganese(1V) oxide was added to 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 hydrogen peroxide and the
volume of oxygen evolved was measured at regular time intervals. The results are shown in the graph below.

(a) Explain why the volumes of oxygen collected at regular intervals vary in the way indicated in the graph
(b) Make a copy of the graph. Show clearly on your copy the approximate results you would have expected if the
Vol. experiment had been carried out under the same laboratory conditions using
cm3 (i) 100 cm3 of 0.1mol dm-3 hydrogen peroxide and 0.5g of manganese(1V) oxide
(ii) 50 cm3 of 0.4 mol dm-3 hydrogen peroxide and 0.5g of manganese(1V) oxide
Industrial preparation of compounds of non-metals p.35
G.O. p.32, 3. Students should be familiar with methods of preparation of compounds of non-metals
S.O. Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
p.35 describe the industrial Reversible reactions (simple (i)Potassium chromate acidified Lecture Discussion
preparation of sulphuric acid and treatment). Direction of with dilute sulphuric acid then sodium Student activity
ammonia chemical change reversed by hydroxide added dropwise to neutralise M/M, ORR, A&I
changing the conditions. the acid. Repeat by adding dropwise
acid then alkali.
(ii) Aqueous ammonia added dropwise
with shaking to aqueous
copper(II)sulphate until no further
change occurs, then dilute acid added
dropwise. Repeat by adding dropwise
alkali then acid

Term II (11 weeks)

Organic chemistry p.24 ( 5 weeks)
G.O. 1 Students should relate bonding properties of carbon to simple organic compounds
S.O Students should be able to Content Practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
B.1. 1.1 Recall that carbon formsOrganic chemistry as Heating bread, sugar. Student activity
branched and unbranched chains chemistry of carbon compounds M/M, ORR, A&I
and ring compounds (except carbonates and oxides Dehydration of sugar with Teacher demonstration
of carbon) concentrated sulphuric acid
Illustrations of unbranched and Diagrammatic
branched chains and ring representation
1.2 Illustrate that carbon atoms Covalent bonds Diagrammatic
can form single and double bonds Single and double bonds Representation,
Ability to form saturated as Use of models
well as unsaturated compounds
contributing to large number
of organic compounds

Homologous series and Structural isomerism

S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies, SBA skills
1.4 list the general characteristics Lecture discussion
of a homologous series
1.5 write general and molecular Functional groups Use of models
formulae for members of a given alkanes, alkenes, alcohols,
homologous series and alkanoic acids
General formulae
1.3 write formulae to represent Molecular, condensed and
simple organic compounds displayed structural formulae
1.6 deduce the homologous series
given the fully displayed formulae
of compounds
1.7 write fully displayed structures IUPAC notation structure
and names of branched and limited to compounds of
unbranched alkanes and unbranched up to 4 carbon atoms
alkenes, alcohols, and alkanoic
1.8 define structural isomerism
1.9 write fully displayed structures Limited to structural
of isomers given their molecular isomerism for alkanes and
formulae alkenes up to 4 atoms

Reactions of carbon compounds p.26

G.O. 2 Students should recognize patterns of reactions of the various homologous series of carbon compounds
Alkanes and alkenes (hydrocarbons)
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
2.1describe the reactions of Burning, halogenation
alkanes and alkenes of alkanes and alkenes, hydration
and hydrogenation of alkenes.
Equations and conditions for
reactions are required.
2.2 relate the characteristic Emphasis should be placed on the
reactions of alkanes and alkanes dominance of substitution in
to their structures alkanes and addition in alkenes.
2.3 distinguish between alkanes Carbon-carbon double bond Propane bubbled into Teacher demonstration
and alkenes (C=C) associated with unsaturation. acidified potassium
Bromine solution or acidified manganate (VII).
potassium manganate (VII) used as cyclohexene shaken with
test for unsaturation acidified potassium
(burning is not acceptable) manganate (VII).
2.4 relate properties of Alkanes as fuels and solvents, and
hydrocarbons to their uses alkenes as the starting material
for a wide range of polymers

Alcohols acids and esters p. 27

S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
2.5 identify alcohols, acids Alcohol OH
and esters by their functional Acid -COOH
groups Ester -COOR where R represents
an alkyl group
2.6 relate the properties of The presence or hydroxyl (-OH) Investigate solubility in water Student activity
alcohols, acids and esters to group linked to solubility and M/M, ORR, A&I
their functional groups volatility
2.7 describe the reactions of Combustion, reaction with sodium, Demonstrate the principles of Student activity
ethanol dehydration. Oxidation by reaction the breathalyzer test by M/M, ORR, A&I
with potassium dichromate. Equations warming acidified potassium
and conditions for reactions are dichromate (V1) solution with
required. Equations for the conversion ethanol
to acid are NOT required.
2.8 describe the reactions of Condensation reactions with alcohols Preparation of an ester e.g. Student activity
ethanoic acid (ester formation). Reactions with ethyl ethanoate, reaction with M/M, ORR, A&I
metals, oxides, hydroxides and magnesium, copper oxide, SBA assessment ORR
carbonates. Equations and conditions sodium hydroxide, sodium
of reactions are required. carbonate

Sample homework/test items:1. Oxidation of an alcohol X gave a weak acid with the molecular formula C3H6O2. 3.7g of Y neutralize 50cm3 of 1
mol-3 sodium hydroxide. (a) What is the relative molecular mass of X ? (Ar C=12, H=1, O=16) (b) Give the general formula for the alcohol series.
(c) What volume of 1 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide will be required to neutralize 0.5 mole of Y ? (d) Give the name and the displayed structural
formula of the acid Y, and indicate which atom or atoms is /are replaced by sodium ion(s) in the reaction with sodium hydroxide. (Ans. (a) 60 (c) 500
2. CXC 1987 Paper 2A question 4.Use the following reaction scheme to answer the questions below.

(a) (i) To which homologous series does compound A belong? (ii) Name the functional
group present in A.
(b) What type of reaction is involved in going from (i) A to B (ii) C to D
(c) C2H6O, (A), reacts with a carboxylic acid E to form compound F which has
the molecular formula C5H10O2. Give the molecular formula and the name
of acid E.

3.3 describe cracking of Thermal and catalytic cracking of

petroleum fractions. alkanes
3.4 describe the fermentation Fermentation of glucose Teacher demonstration
process by which ethanol is
produced from carbohydrates.
3.5 explain hydrolysis of Equations for hydrolysis of an ester. hydrolysis of an ester Student activity
esters including saponification Include saponification of fats and oils Preparation of a sample of soap M/M, ORR, A&I
3.6 distinguish between soaps and soapless Hard water Plan and design an SBA assessment P&D-
detergents Reference to ease of formation of a investigation to find out the hypothesis testing
lather in reactions with hard water. approximate time required by
Soaps vs soapless detergents each of three different samples
of water (e.g. tap water,
distilled water, sea water) to
form a permanent lather
provided only with the samples
of water, containers, and cakes
of soap.
Carry out the investigation then group activity
repeat with soapless detergent M/M, ORR, A&I

Polymers p.30
S.O Students should be able to Content Suggested practical activities Teaching strategies,
SBA skills
4.1 define polymers Thousands of small molecules
(monomers) linked to form large
molecules called polymers
4.2 distinguish between addition Monomers with carbon-carbon
and condensation as reactions double bonds form addition
in the formation of polymers. polymers. Monomers with two
functional groups and elimination of
a small molecule form condensation.
polymers. The mechanism of
polymerization is NOT required.
4.3 name examples of polymers Polyalkenes, polyamides, Examination of specimens ORR
formed by (i)addition reaction polyesters, polysaccharides of polymers
(ii)condensation reaction
4. 4.draw diagrams to represent the Monomers of condensation
formulae of monomers Polymers can be represented by a
symbol such as X together with its
functional groups(s).
4.5 state at least one use of each of A named example is required in
the following types of polymers each case e.g. polyvinyl chloride
(i) polyalkene (PVC) used in pipe fittings
(ii) polyamide
(iii) polyester
(iv) polysaccharide
4.6 show how the monomers are The link on the polysaccharide to be
linked in the structure of a polymer represented by [-X-O-X-O-X-]
Illustrate using glucose (monomer)
and starch (polymer)
4.7 demonstrate the differences in For example glucose and starch Solubility, chemical tests: glucose Student activity
properties between a monomer and and starch- colouration with M/M, ORR, A&I
the polymer it forms. iodine, use of Fehlings solution.
Sample homework/test item CXC 1988, Paper 2, question 1
The structures P-R below represent three types of polymers.

[x =the part of the monomer not

involved in the polymerization reaction]
Use the above information to answer the following questions (a) (i)What type of polymerization is involved in the formation of P and
of Q? (ii) Draw the structural formula for EACH monomer unit in P and Q. (iii) Which of the polymers P-R would you expect to react with
hydrochloric acid? (iv) Name the type of reaction involved in (iii) above. (b) (i) Name ONE naturally occurring polymer which could be represented
by R (ii) Name the reagent that you would use to identify the monomer unit of polymer R and state the result you would expect to observe.

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