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Home UVD INGLES 338 Second Term pref_1_Grammar 2.

Started on Sunday, 25 June 2017, 6:07 PM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 25 June 2017, 6:17 PM
Time taken 10 mins 14 secs
Grade 95.00 out of 100.00

Question 1

Partially correct Review of present simple, past simple and future simple
Mark 45.00 out of
Let's recap the most important things in each of these tenses. Please, take a look at the following chart taken

With the information you already have, please choose the correct option in each case. Be careful, keep in mind the information
you know about simple present, past and future.

HiJeff.IamwritingthisemailfromthesunnyCartagenawhereI get marriedlastweek.Mywife'snameisNataliaand

she comes fromVenezuela.SheisajournalistinElEspectador,butafewyearsagoshe worked inElTiempo

asaparttimereporter.We met atafriend'sdinneraboutayearago.We didn'thave abigwedding,onlyour

parentsandafewrelatives.Weareenjoyingthehoneymoon,butBogotiswaiting.We willcome backnextwednesday

becauseshe needs toreturntoElEspectadorverysoon.We willlive closetoyourhouseandIcan'twaittosee

you.Iamsureyou willlove NataliaasmuchasIdo.I willsee youinaweek.Bye.John

Question 2 Take a look at the video. Henry has a great plan for the future.

Mark 50.00 out of

Plans and intentions 'going to' | Johnny Grammar | Learn English |

Now, let's see what is the structure to talk about plans:

Now, complete the sentences with"to be+ going to+innitive". Do not use contractions and be
careful with the spelling and punctuation marks.
For example: Weare going to eat (eat) at home this weekend.

1. I amgoingtoplay (play) chess with my friend Manolo next Monday.

2. My father isgoingtotake (take) my little sister to the doctor tomorrow.

3. My brother and I aregoingtotravel (travel) to Europe next month.

4. My friends aregoingtogo (go) to the dance club without me.

5. We aregoingtobuy (buy) a new house next year.

6. My grandmother isgoingtoread (read) me a bedtime story before I go to bed.

7. Davids teacher isgoingtotake (take) the class to the park for a lesson.

8. Marina isgoingtopaint (paint) a very beautiful picture with owers.

9. I bought tickets to see the premier of "Avengers: Age of Ultron" with my mom. She isgoingtobe (be) very

happy when I tell her.

10. I decided that I amgoingtostudy (study) Medicine to become a real doctor.

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