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Te has puesto a pensar que hay muchos pasos cotidianos que podramos dar para ayudar a
proteger el medio ambiente? Uno piensa que es complicado, pero en realidad resulta muy
sencillo. Basta tomar conciencia del problema que enfrenta la humanidad con la prdida de los
recursos naturales y poner un granito de arena. He aqu, pues, 7 cosas que podras hacer
diariamente para salvar nuestro planeta.

7. Reciclar los objetos que no se degradan ecolgicamente

Todos esos objetos que no se degradan ecolgicamente pueden ser reciclados y as no afectar
el medio ambiente. Colcalos en cestas separadas de los desechos de comida y entrgalos para
su posterior reciclaje.

6. Evitar el derroche de agua

Evitar el derroche de agua es una de las cosas ms importantes y fciles de hacer para
ayudar a salvar el planeta. Es tan fcil: si ests cepillndote los dientes o enjabonando tus
manos, cierra la llave del lavabo. Presta atencin a cada actividad que realices con agua y haz
el mayor esfuerzo por ahorrar cada gotita. La naturaleza te lo agradecer.

5. Montar en bicicleta con frecuencia

Montar en bicicleta con frecuencia tiene tres beneficios: te mantiene en buen peso, mejora tu
salud y te alegra la vida. Pues qu si sumamos a estas ganancias la de cuidar la Tierra?
Cada vez que en lugar de usar el carro para ir a la escuela, el trabajo o sencillamente de paseo,
montas tu bicicleta, ests reduciendo los gases de invernadero

4. Cambiar los bombillos tradicionales por lmparas

Debes saber que las lmparas de luz fluorescentes tienen 10 aos ms de vida til que los
bombillos tradicionales. Adems consumen menos energa, de hecho, mucho menos. Por
tanto, no sigas esperando: ve ya al mercado y cambia todas las luces de tu casa.
Naomi Bassitt/iStock/Thinkstock

3. Plantar rboles y flores en el jardn de tu casa

No solo son hermosas las plantas como ornamentos caseros, tambin utilizan dixido de
carbono y liberan oxgeno a la atmsfera. Cultiva ya mismo rboles y flores en el jardn y los
patios de tu hogar. Es una actividad sencilla, que reporta grandes beneficios al planeta.
Marina Lohrbach/iStock/Thinkstock

2. Usar abono natural en nuestros jardines

Una vez tengamos plantas en nuestros jardines, es menester abonarlas para que crezcan sanas y
nutridas. Por qu no mejor usarabono natural antes que fertilizantes u otros productos
qumicos? No es complicado: basta usar los desechos de comida que cada da arrojamos a la

1. Apagar las luces y los equipos innecesarios

Cuntas veces no vemos en anuncios escritos y de tv que debemos apagar las luces y los
equipos cuando no los estemos usando? Hora de hacer de esta alerta una rutina diaria. Apaga
cualquier aditamento que consuma energa elctrica innecesariamente.

1 Have you put to think that there are many daily steps that we might give to help to
protect the environment? One thinks that it is complicated, but actually(indeed)
it(he) turns out to be very simple. It is enough be aware of the problem that the
humanity faces with the loss of the natural resources and to put a granite of sand.
Are here, so, 7 things that you might do every day to save our planet.

2 To recycle the objects that do not degenerate ecologically.

All these objects that do not degenerate ecologically can be recycled and this way
not affect the environment. Place them in baskets separated from the waste of
food and deliver them for his(her,your) later(posterior) recycling.

3 To avoid the water waste.

To avoid the water waste is one of the things most important and easy of doing to
help to save the planet. It(he,she) is so easy: if you are brushing yourself the teeth
or soaping your hands, it(he,she) closes the key of the wash basin. It(he,she)
payes attention to every activity that you realize with water and do the major effort
for saving every droplet. The nature will be grateful for it to you.
4 To mount in bicycle often.
To mount in bicycle often has three benefits: it(he,she) supports you in good
weight, improves your health and the life makes you happy. So(then,since) what if
we add to these earnings her of taking care of the Earth? Whenever instead of
using the car to go to the school, the work or simply of walk, you mount your
bicycle, you are reducing the greenhouse gases

5 To change the traditional lamp chimneys into fluorescent lamps.

You must know that the fluorescent lamps of light have 10 more years of useful life
that the traditional lamp chimneys. In addition they consume less energy, in fact,
much less. Therefore, you do not continue waiting: it(he,she) sees already to the
market and changes all the lights of your house.

6 To plant trees and flowers on the garden of your house.

Not only the plants(floors) are beautiful as domestic ornaments, also they use
carbon dioxide and liberate oxygen to the atmosphere. It(he,she) cultivates already
same trees and flowers in the garden and the courts of your home. It is a simple
activity, which brings(reports) big benefits to the planet.

7 To use natural credit(subscription) in our gardens.

Once let's have plants(floors) in our gardens, it(he,she) is necessary to pay them in
order that they grow healthy and nourished(full). Why not better natural usarabono
before that fertilizers or other chemical products? It(he) is not complicated: it is
enough to use the waste of food that every day we throw to the garbage.

8 To extinguish the lights and the unnecessary equipments(teams) how many times
we do not see in written announcements and of tv that we must extinguish the
lights and the equipments(teams) when we are not using them? Hour of doing of
this alert a daily routine. It(he,she) extinguishes any attachment that consumes
electric power unnecessarily.

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