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General Principles (review frequently):

- always initiate from the working muscle

- aim to fully lengthen and fully shorten the muscle (unless otherwise stated)
- contract through the entire range of available motion (full flexion and full extension)
- keep constant tension on the working muscle (no pause at the top / bottom unless stated)
- keep in mind that a muscle is fully lengthened when its antagonist is fully contracted
- always try to work in straight lines (unless otherwise stated)
- always hold the DB / BB / handle etc. with an even firm grip of the hand (not too tightly)
- no extraneous movement from the body
- the tempo and reps dictate the load (aim to keep perfect form throughout, adjust the load
accordingly to reach desired reps, not the form).


- the order of the workouts will vary from week to week, keep an eye on the workout
calendar for this month

- between exercises, take the same rest period you were prescribed for your previous set.



1 Leg Standing Leg Curls (divided into 2 executions):

(1) first 6 reps:

(target = 6 reps though perform as below until failure is hit)

- keep body upright

- extend thighs (keep off the pad)
- contract quads at the bottom

(2) second 6 reps:

- extend set by leaning over (to lengthen hamstrings) while shoving thighs into the pad.

Stiff Legged DB Deadlifts w/ Toes Elevated:

(wrist-straps may be required and are acceptable)

- keep chest up, back flat and head neutral throughout

- hips, knees and ankles in a straight line

- pull hips backwards to come down (dont allow torso to fall forward)

- contract hamstrings and glutes to come up

- shove heels into ground, plus try to pull feet and knees together (intention).

Lying Leg Curls w/ Flat Back

- prop-up upper body into a position that keeps the hips (not the spine) in full extension
and the back flat (this should result in the body forming a horizontal straight line)

- force pelvis down / drive it into the pad (no letting butt come up), almost allow knees to
come up off the pad (hips locked-down and forward)

- thrust butt forward and contract glutes

- contract quads at the bottom

(extend the set by flexing the body over and bringing the butt up slightly (though keep hips
locked-down / forward))

Leg Press - Wide Stance & Toes out w/ Inward Intention:

- feet midway on platform, outside of shoulder joint, toes externally rotated to about 45;
ankle joint outside of knees, knees outside of hips (V legs outwards)

- bend knees slightly and allow them to simply fall outwards on the negative portion
- try to shove heels inwards throughout the movement
- consciously focus on pushing with the hamstrings (as opposed to the quads).
Back Extensions w/ Forward Pelvis Intention:

(avoid hip obstruction: adjust pad to about 2 - 4" below hip joint (around midline of pelvis))

- shove / thrust pelvis into the pad throughout

- keep chin / chest up throughout the movement (no rounding of lower back)
- no internal / external rotation of hips

- pause briefly at the bottom when hamstrings are fully stretched

- shove heel back and contract glutes / hamstrings to come up (no upper body / spinal

Common to both calf exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- focus on driving the weight through the big toe, not via the outsides of the feet
- try to pull knees and ankles together
- keep knees stable throughout
- ensure full ankle flexion and extension

- when you think you're up all the way, go a little further (max height), aim for a huge
peak contraction and really fight for those inches

- only come up from the bottom when the tibialis anterior at the front contracts.

Seated Calf Raises: chest up, head up

(assistance with last few reps (pulling with forearms) is acceptable BUT use common
sense to determine if youre just being too ambitious with the weight and adjust
accordingly next time if necessary)

Donkey Calf Raises:

- lean forward a little from hips (not spine), push weight away with butt
- head neutral looking at the ground

- attempt to lock out quads, glutes and abs throughout

- no bend or extension of knees, try to almost lock them out.



Common to all prescribed back exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- chest up, head neutral, shoulders back and depressed

- back flat / abs tight / spine stable (throughout)
- pull elbows in as close to body as possible
- for rowing exercises, pull elbows behind as much as possible (while keeping chest up)

- extend / protract scapula (shoulder blades) on the negative portion, let shoulders roll
forward, retract scapula first on the positive (no movement from the shoulder joint)

- relax arms and minimize their involvement (push and pull using only the scapula / lats)
- pull through elbows (as opposed to the hands)
- avoid shrugging

3/4 Deficit Deadlifts:

(elevate feet approximately 2 - 3 (particularly if using large weight plates) in order to

achieve a greater range of motion)
- drop butt down / bring hips back as far as possible, drive ground away and chest towards
ceiling (no rounding of lower back), stop short about 2 - 3 from the top

- dont let body fall forward during the movement (keep knees behind toes throughout)
- move up / down by moving the hips back and forth

- reset quickly at the bottom (though avoid rest)

Wide Grip Pull Ups (or an assisted version if necessary):

(a variable grip and hand spacing (besides very narrow) is acceptable from workout to
workout (though keep the same ones throughout each individual workout))

- don't 'pull' the body up, contract the lats / back muscles to come up (this is NOT just an
arm movement - consciously try to recruit from the lats)

- attempt to remain perfectly vertical throughout (avoid leaning back)

- on the way up, think about driving elbows to the floor and chest to the bar
- additionally, drive elbows forward, dont allow them to come back behind the body

Bent Over Overhand Barbell Rows:

(as above, variable hand spacing is acceptable from workout to workout (though keep it
the same during each individual workout))

- bend over to about 90 (head neutral, looking at the ground), bend knees slightly
- shove feet into the ground so hips dont move
Overhand Seated Row:

- stay vertical or slightly in front of vertical throughout (no leaning backwards)

- pull right the way to the stomach keeping elbows in close to the body (not flaring out)

- a 'little' rotation once the elbows are right the way back is okay, though finish the rep first
(2 separate movements)

- think about 'shoving' down to create more tension

One Arm DB Rows:

(hold the seat of a bench (set upright) to help stop trunk from sliding backwards; re-shift
weight forward every rep if necessary)

- angle of knee and hip on bench should be greater than 90 (obtuse angle)
- shift all the way forward and out so the weight is supported by the lat (not the arm)
- bend standing leg slightly
- weight should be distributed between supporting arm and opposite standing leg, none on
the knee on the bench


Common to all prescribed quad exercises below (excluding leg extensions):

- head up, chest up (directly over or even slightly in front of hips)

- keep hips, knees and ankles in a line

- pretend feet are in concrete / don't allow body to fall forward at all
- dont drop (imagine hamstrings pulling the body through the negative)
- come down until glutes fire / contract (bottom position), then drive up
- avoid any internal / external rotation of hips

- even weight distribution (push with the whole foot)

- don't focus on trying to get your body up from the ground / platform, think about
pushing the ground / platform away

1 Leg Leg Extensions:

(place a pilates block or bottle for example in between the thighs and attempt to squeeze it

- chest up
- shorten quad from both ends
- keep hips, knees and ankles in a line
- arms in place so butt doesn't elevate

- keep patella (knee-cap) pointing towards ceiling

- come to complete lock-out at the top (assuming the exercise is being performed under
complete control, zero explosive movements).

Bulgarian Split Squat:

- aim for a really good stretch of the hip on back leg, try to bring back knee to the ground
- push off the front leg only
- ideally allow front knee to come forward passed the ankle, but not the toes

- if balance is an issue, pick a focal point to assist overcoming this.

Leg Press (* ending w/ a NOS set):

- feet relatively low on the pad, though take preferred foot-width

- shove back into the pad (try to push it away)

- keep butt down

* a NOS set comprises of 4 successive drop sets following completion of the main working
set, along with a typical drop in load by about 20% on each subsequent set, with as
close to zero rest as possible in between (10 seconds max). Aim for 5-8 reps each time.
Front Drop Lunges (or Step-Ups):

Exercise Options:

(1) Advanced: lunge off platform (under control)

# # explode back to starting position
# # if knee joint issues are apparent, perhaps begin by using a 2 - 3 platform

(2) Alternative (safer) option: step-up onto platform

# # # # the higher the platform the more difficult the movement

* common execution guidelines for both below:


(platform is variable, use common sense to determine starting height and re-evaluate as
progression / ability to maintain form etc. dictates)

(either perform all reps on one side first (remove rest time between sets if proceeding in
this manner), or alternate legs, as per preference)

- explode through front leg only

- ideally, front knee should end directly above ankle at the bottom, at a maximum inline
with toes

- stay in complete control throughout (be especially conscious if performing the front drop

Heels Elevated DB Squats (2- 3 elevation approx.):

- shove knees behind at the top (hips forward, knees back)

- push with heels



Common to all prescribed chest exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- shoulders down and depressed (throughout)

- wide stance / feet flat on the ground
- head neutral (pushed into pad looking straight ahead)
- abs tight (no arching) / press lower back firmly into pad

- keep wrists inline with elbows plus outside of shoulder joint during the ascent / descent
(exception: Flyes - wrists inline with elbows only at the top)

- at the top, pull shoulders back, then let elbows follow (almost 2 separate movements)

- max stretch of chest at the bottom (elbows well below shoulders when possible)
- retract shoulder blades together and contract everything in the back to come back up
- bring the humerus across the body on the ascent
- bring hands up until directly over shoulders (exception: Barbell Bench Press)

- focus on pushing the body / trunk into the pad (not the weight away from the body)

Flat DB Flyes:

- slight bend in elbows (find point at which there is maximum tension / stretch in the chest
at the bottom (not in the biceps))

- at 45 on the way up, straighten elbows, lock triceps and try to bring elbows together (not

- move dumbbell in a straight line perpendicular to ground.

Flat Barbell Press: shove hands inwards on the bar throughout

Machine Chest Flyes: straight arms, focus on pulling elbows together, keep chest up
Incline DB Press w/Neutral Grip (palms facing each other): 30 incline

Incline Cable Flyes:

- bench slightly in front / cables slightly behind

- same directions as flat DB Flyes except cables do not need to be moved in a straight line
perpendicular to the ground (directly above the eyes), just ensure that a maximum
contraction of the chest can be achieved.



Common to all prescribed shoulder exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- chest up, head up, abs tight / shortened

- shoulders down and depressed
- keep torso vertical or 'very slightly' forward (contract glutes when standing)
- wrists neutral

Side Leaning DB Raises:

- keep side delt on top (palms down, perpendicular to ground)

- start / end about 6 from body (just short of where tension is removed from the delt)

- avoid shrugging the weight up, keep DB as far away as possible while maintaining a
very slight and consistent bend in the elbows (relax traps, especially at the bottom)

- initiate through the elbow as opposed to the hand and try to reach for the side wall
- only hold DB with the delt (consciously try to relax bicep, tricep, forearm and traps)
- slightly internally rotate at the top

1-Arm Cable Lateral Raises:

As above, though with the following exception:

- come down and across the body as much as a ridged arm (which should be maintained
throughout the entire range of movement) will allow.

Incline DB Front Raises (45 incline optimally):

- raise DBs up in front to about 60 (stop short of going straight at the top)
- bring right down to thighs at the bottom
- really squeeze the front delts throughout

Bent Over DB Lateral Raises (with internal rotation at the top (from neutral grip to
palms facing behind)):

- bend over to 90, head facing the ground, chest up, elbows slightly bent

(to assist in eradicating extraneous movement, perhaps rest head on the top of a bench
set at around a 30 incline (depending on your height))

- keep shoulders protracted forward and hands inline with chin throughout
- minimize scapula (shoulder blade) movement, raise DBs only until scapula fires
- reach for the ground at the bottom and the side walls on the way up

Prone Incline DB Presses:

(choice of incline angle is variable, though perhaps begin at 60, then over time (and / or
depending on ability), progress to 45 and then (ideally) to 30))

- facing the bench, bring chest right up against the pad

- raise DBs as per standard DB shoulder press relative to body position (eg. if using a 45
incline, body angle will be at 45 and therefore DBs should also be raised along a 45
path of movement)

- fight to ensure that arms / DBs do not descend towards the ground, maintain the relevant
angle / plane of movement throughout (be prepared to go light on these).

Machine Shoulder Press:

- ideally, keep arms slightly outside of shoulder joints, wrists above elbows and inline with
where you're strongest in the range

- try to stabilize the weight in between the chest and back

- big stretch at the bottom (keep abs shortened to find bottom position)



Common to all prescribed biceps exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- keep head neutral, chest up, shoulders back, contract lats

- when standing, keep torso vertical or 'very slightly' forward (pivot from hips / stick butt
out a little), contract core as well as glutes / hams by shoving feet into the ground for

- keep wrists turned back and palms supinated

- (avoiding any shoulder movement) aim for full elbow flexion and extension; contract
triceps at the bottom and touch forearms to biceps at the top

- imagine trying to crush an imaginary finger placed on the inside of each elbow joint
- no body movement (including upper arm) other than from bicep and brachialis

Common to all prescribed triceps exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- head neutral, wrists neutral, chest up (avoid slouching / internal rotation of shoulders)
- shoulders back / pull shoulder blades together, engage lats

- when standing, keep torso vertical or 'very slightly' forward (pivot from hips / stick butt
out a little), contract core as well as glutes / hams by shoving feet into the ground for

- shove elbows in (throughout)

- touch forearms to biceps in stretched position (try to squeeze biceps)

1-Arm Incline Cable Curl (facing away from machine):

(stand far enough away as to ensure that the weight stack doesnt touch down throughout)

- bring and keep elbows back throughout


Overhand Cable Pressdowns:

- shoulders, elbows and wrists in a straight line

- keep elbows back inline with trunk
- control at the extreme of the range

- mentally think about creating an 'arc' as opposed to just going straight up and down
- think about shoving bar into thighs at the bottom
Forward Lean Barbell Curls: slight lean forward from hips (about 30)

Straight Bar Skull Crushers: position upper / supporting arms just short of perpendicular
to ground to keep tension on the triceps throughout

DB Preacher Curl with Supination: (set bench at around a 45 incline)

- shove hand to the very top of the handle so thumb is against the weight plate
- shove shoulder, tricep and elbow into the pad throughout (ensure not to allow forearm to
become perpendicular at the top)

- come down while twisting wrists and forearm (not shoulder) into pronation (palms down),
then up while twisting into supination (palms up - perhaps pull with baby finger aiming
towards shoulder to assist)

Leaning Overhead 1-Arm Extension: (leave bench at 45 incline)

(lean with side against bench (opposite side to arm about to be worked))

Starting position: keeping working arm straight, bring it as close to head as possible
maintaing the same angle as the body

- keeping upper arm in position, lower / raise the DB behind the head via contracting /
extending the tricep

Machine Preacher Curls: keep body leaning forward slightly (especially at the top)

Bench Dips: keep butt close to bench / full flexion of elbow at the bottom


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