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Made by urea Gazlaz


Keyboard shortcuts are practically essential for using any type of PC

They just dont get the work done quickly, but also improves the efficiency

We use keyboard to do many things like copy, cut, paste, open a new window, close a

This list will cover the most useful keyboard shortcuts:

General Shortcuts
Lets kick start the list with the most common shortcuts that youll often use.

F1 Display help

F2 Rename the selected item

F3 Search for a file or folder

F4 Display the address bar list in File Explorer

F5 Refresh the active window

F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop

F10 Activate the Menu bar in the active app

ALT + F4 Close the active item, or exit the active app



CTRL + D/DELETE Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin

CTRL + R or F5 Refresh the active window

CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT Paste the selected item

CTRL + X Cut the selected item

CTRL + Y Redo an action

CTRL + Z Undo an action

CTRL + + or CTRL + Zoom in or out of a large number of items, like apps

pinned to the Start screen

CTRL + mouse scroll wheel Change the size of desktop icons or zoom in or out of

a large number of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen

CTRL + RIGHTARROW Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word

CTRL + LEFTARROW Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word

CTRL + DOWNARROW Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph

CTRL + UPARROW Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph

CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW Select a block of text

CTRL + ESC Open the Start screen

CTRL + SHIFT + ESC Open Task Manager

SHIFT + F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item

SHIFT + ARROW Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or

select text with in a document

SHIFT + DELETE Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin

RIGHTARROW Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu

LEFTARROW Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu

ESC Stop or leave the current task

ALT + TAB Quick way to switch between running applications

CTRL + P open the print window by pressing

Windows key Shortcuts
Lets check the keyboard shortcuts involving the Windows logo key

Win + F1 Open Windows Help and support

Win Display or hide the Start screen

Win + B Set focus in the notification area

Win + C Open charm s

Win + D Display and hide the desktop

Win + E Open File Explorer

Win + F Open the Search charm and search for files

Win + H Open the Share charm

Win + I Open the Settings charm

Win + K Open the Devices charm

Win + L Lock your PC or switch people

Win + M Minimize all windows

Win + UPARROW Maximize the window

Win + DOWNARROW Remove current app from screen or minimize the desktop

Win + LEFTARROW Maximize the app or desktop window to the LEFT side of the

Win + RIGHTARROW Maximize the app or desk top window to the RIGHT side of

the screen
Win + HOME Minimize all but the active desktop window (restores all windows on

second stroke.
Win + SPACEBAR Switch input language and keyboard layout

Win + +/- Zoom in or out using Magnifier

File explorer Shortcuts

These are the shortcuts that can be used to work with File Explorers windows or folders.

ALT + D Select the address bar

CTRL + E Select the search box

CTRL + F Select the search box

CTRL + N Open a new window

CTRL + W Close the current window

CTRL + mouse scroll wheel Change the size and appearance of file and folder

CTRL + SHIFT + E Display all folders above the selected folder

CTRL + SHIFT + N Create a new folder

F11 Maximize or minimize the active window

Working with words

Were used to the arrow, Backspace, and Delete keys working with a single character at a
time. However, we can add the Ctrl key to have them effect entire words or paragraph at
the same time.

CTRL + LEFTARROW Move cursor to beginning of previous word.

CTRL + RIGHTARROW Move cursor to beginning of next word

CTRL + BACKSPACE Delete previous word.

CTRL + DELETE Delete next word.

CTRL + UPARROW Move cursor to beginning of paragraph.

CTRL + DOWNARROW Move cursor to end of paragraph.

The Ctrl key can also be combined with the Home and End keys.

HOME Move cursor to beginning of current line.

END Move cursor to end of current line.

CTRL + HOME Move cursor to top of the text entry field.

CTRL + END Move cursor to bottom of the text entry field.

PAGE UP Move cursor up a frame.

PAGE DOWN Move cursor down a frame.

Selecting Text

All of the above shortcuts can be combined with the Shift key to select text:

SHIFT + LEFTARROW OR SHIFT + RIGHTARROW Select characters one at

a time.
SHIFT + UPARROW OR SHIFT + DOWNARROW Select lines one at a time.


words keep pressing the arrow keys to select additional words.


SHIFT + HOME Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of the

current line.
SHIFT + END Select the text between the cursor and the end of the current line.

SHIFT + CTRL + HOME Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of

the text entry field.

SHIFT + CTRL + END Select the text between the cursor and the end of the

text entry field.

SHIFT + PAGE DOWN Select a frame of text below the cursor.

SHIFT + PAGE UP Select a frame of text above the cursor.

CTRL + A Select all text.

You can use several of these shortcuts to fine-tine your selected text. For example, you
could press SHIFT + END to select the text to the end of the current line, and then press

SHIFT + PAGE DOWN to also select the line below it.

After selecting text, you can start typing immediately to replace the text, you dont have to
press Delete first.


You can really speed up text-editing by using the Ctrl keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste

CTRL + C Copy selected text.

CTRL + X Cut selected text.

CTRL + V Paste text at cursor.

CTRL + Z Undo.

CTRL + Y Redo.


Formatting shortcuts only work if the application or website youre using supports text
formatting. If you have text selected, the shortcut will apply the formatting to your selected
text. If you dont have text selected, the shortcut will toggle the associated formatting option.

CTRL + B Bold.

CTRL + I Italic.

CTRL + U Underline.


These function keys are common to most text-editing applications. If you use them in your
web browser, youll open your browsers associated dialogs.

F3 Find next.

SHIFT + F3 Find previous.

CTRL + F Find. This opens the find dialog in most applications to search for text.

CTRL + O Open.

CTRL + S Save.

CTRL + N New document.

CTRL + P Print.

ALT Activate applications menu bar. You can use the arrow keys to select a

menu option and the Enter key to activate it.

ALT + F Open File menu.

ALT + E Open Edit menu.

ALT + V Open View menu.

Moreover every app has its own shortcuts:


CTRL + 1-8 Switch to the specified tab, counting from the left.

CTRL + 9 Switch to the last tab.

CTRL + TAB Switch to the next tab in other words, the tab on the right.

CTRL + N Open a new window

CTRL + T Open a new tab

CTRL + SHIFT + TAB Switch to the previous tab

CTRL + PAGEDOWN Also works, but not in Internet Explorer

CTRL + W , CTRL + F4 Close the current tab.

CTRL + SHIFT + T Reopen the last closed tab.


Space Play/Pause



Increase Volume

Decrease Volume

F Full screen

Esc Exit Full screen


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