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Class: 6 Month: August Worksheet Number: 06/Hist/08/01

Subject: History Chapter: 04 In the earliest cities

Name: ____________________________________________

Section A:

1) A dockyard has been found at the Indus Valley site of _______________.

2) The Great Bath was built in _______________.
3) Cotton was probably grown at ______________ from about 7000 years ago.
4) The _____________ also made seals out of stone
5) Where is the site of Harappa located?
6) From where did the Harappans get tin?
7) Give one example to show that the Harappans knew the art of weaving.
8) Name one of the Lothals main industries.
9) A workshop for making beads has been found in which Harappan city?
10) What is sealing?
11) What was Faience used for?
12) Which Harappan site was divided into three parts?

Section B:

13) What type of metals were used to make tools in earlier cities?
14) What type of houses were found in the earlier cities?
15) How do archaeologists know that cloth was used in the Harappan civilization?
16) Describe the life of the people in Harappan cities?
17) What were the important crafts of the Harappan people?
18) What led to the decline of the Harappan civilisation?
19) Write about the drains in the Harappan cities.
20) What were the main Harappan towns in Gujrat?

Section C:

21. Answer the following questions related to the Great Bath of Mohenjodaro:

1. What was the use of the Great Bath?

2. What materials were used in the great bath?
3. From where was water brought in the tank?

Class: 6 Month: August Worksheet Number: 06/Hist/08/01
Subject: History Chapter: 04 In the earliest cities

22. Given below is a seal of the Indus Valley Civilization. Create your own seal. What would you write on it
and for what purposes would it be used?

23. Many great civilizations emerged along banks of rivers across the globe. Give reason.

Section D:

24. The present towns are examples of development and growth in complete contrast to the towns of the
Indus valley civilization. Note down a few similarities between the present planned towns with those
that existed in Indus Valley civilization.
25. The people of the Indus Valley did not build huge temples, monuments or palaces. But they obviously
spent a great deal of time and effort in planning their city so that they could lead a clean and
comfortable life. What does this tell you about the values of the Indus Valley people?
26. Imagine you are living in Mohenjodaro. In about 50 words write how you spend your day with your
family and friends.
27. On an outline map of India mark the following important sites of Indus Valley Civilization.
a) Mohenjodaro e) Lothal
b) Harappa f) R Ravi
c) Dholavira g) R Satluj
d) Kalibangana

Class: 6 Month: August Worksheet Number: 06/Hist/08/01
Subject: History Chapter: 04 In the earliest cities

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