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pjsua [options] [SIP URL to call]

General options:
--config-file=file Read the config/arguments from file.
--help Display this help screen
--version Display version info

Logging options:
--log-file=fname Log to filename (default stderr)
--log-level=N Set log max level to N (0(none) to 6(trace)) (default=5)
--app-log-level=N Set log max level for stdout display (default=4)
--color Use colorful logging (default yes on Win32)
--no-color Disable colorful logging
--light-bg Use dark colors for light background (default is dark bg)

SIP Account options:

--use-ims Enable 3GPP/IMS related settings on this account
--use-srtp=N Use SRTP? 0:disabled, 1:optional, 2:mandatory (def:0)
--srtp-secure=N SRTP require secure SIP? 0:no, 1:tls, 1:sips (def:1)
--registrar=url Set the URL of registrar server
--id=url Set the URL of local ID (used in From header)
--contact=url Optionally override the Contact information
--contact-params=S Append the specified parameters S in Contact URI
--proxy=url Optional URL of proxy server to visit
May be specified multiple times
--reg-timeout=SEC Optional registration interval (default 55)
--realm=string Set realm
--username=string Set authentication username
--password=string Set authentication password
--publish Send presence PUBLISH for this account
--use-100rel Require reliable provisional response (100rel)
--auto-update-nat=N Where N is 0 or 1 to enable/disable SIP traversal behind
symmetric NAT (default 1)
--next-cred Add another credentials

SIP Account Control:

--next-account Add more account

Transport Options:
--ipv6 Use IPv6 instead for SIP and media.
--local-port=port Set TCP/UDP port. This implicitly enables both
TCP and UDP transports on the specified port, unless
if TCP or UDP is disabled.
--ip-addr=IP Use the specifed address as SIP and RTP addresses.
(Hint: the IP may be the public IP of the NAT/router)
--bound-addr=IP Bind transports to this IP interface
--no-tcp Disable TCP transport.
--no-udp Disable UDP transport.
--nameserver=NS Add the specified nameserver to enable SRV resolution
This option can be specified multiple times.
--outbound=url Set the URL of global outbound proxy server
May be specified multiple times
--stun-srv=name Set STUN server host or domain
TLS Options:
--use-tls Enable TLS transport (default=no)
--tls-ca-file Specify TLS CA file (default=none)
--tls-cert-file Specify TLS certificate file (default=none)
--tls-privkey-file Specify TLS private key file (default=none)
--tls-password Specify TLS password to private key file (default=none)
--tls-verify-server Verify server's certificate (default=no)
--tls-verify-client Verify client's certificate (default=no)
--tls-neg-timeout Specify TLS negotiation timeout (default=no)
--tls-srv-name Specify TLS server name for multi-hosting server (optional)

Media Options:
--add-codec=name Manually add codec (default is to enable all)
--dis-codec=name Disable codec (can be specified multiple times)
--clock-rate=N Override conference bridge clock rate
--snd-clock-rate=N Override sound device clock rate
--stereo Audio device and conference bridge opened in stereo mode
--null-audio Use NULL audio device
--play-file=file Register WAV file in conference bridge.
This can be specified multiple times.
--play-tone=FORMAT Register tone to the conference bridge.
FORMAT is 'F1,F2,ON,OFF', where F1,F2 are
frequencies, and ON,OFF=on/off duration in msec.
This can be specified multiple times.
--auto-play Automatically play the file (to incoming calls only)
--auto-loop Automatically loop incoming RTP to outgoing RTP
--auto-conf Automatically put calls in conference with others
--rec-file=file Open file recorder (extension can be .wav or .mp3
--auto-rec Automatically record conversation
--quality=N Specify media quality (0-10, default=6)
--ptime=MSEC Override codec ptime to MSEC (default=specific)
--no-vad Disable VAD/silence detector (default=vad enabled)
--ec-tail=MSEC Set echo canceller tail length (default=256)
--ec-opt=OPT Select echo canceller algorithm (0=default,
1=speex, 2=suppressor)
--ilbc-mode=MODE Set iLBC codec mode (20 or 30, default is 30)
--capture-dev=id Audio capture device ID (default=-1)
--playback-dev=id Audio playback device ID (default=-1)
--capture-lat=N Audio capture latency, in ms (default=100)
--playback-lat=N Audio playback latency, in ms (default=100)
--snd-auto-close=N Auto close audio device when it is idle for N seconds.
Specify N=-1 (default) to disable this feature.
Specify N=0 for instant close when unused.
--no-tones Disable audible tones
--jb-max-size Specify jitter buffer maximum size, in frames (default=-1)

Media Transport Options:

--use-ice Enable ICE (default:no)
--ice-no-host Disable ICE host candidates (default: no)
--ice-no-rtcp Disable RTCP component in ICE (default: no)
--rtp-port=N Base port to try for RTP (default=4000)
--rx-drop-pct=PCT Drop PCT percent of RX RTP (for pkt lost sim, default: 0)
--tx-drop-pct=PCT Drop PCT percent of TX RTP (for pkt lost sim, default: 0)
--use-turn Enable TURN relay with ICE (default:no)
--turn-srv Domain or host name of TURN server ("NAME:PORT" format)
--turn-tcp Use TCP connection to TURN server (default no)
--turn-user TURN username
--turn-passwd TURN password

Buddy List (can be more than one):

--add-buddy url Add the specified URL to the buddy list.

User Agent options:

--auto-answer=code Automatically answer incoming calls with code (e.g. 200)
--max-calls=N Maximum number of concurrent calls (default:4, max:255)
--thread-cnt=N Number of worker threads (default:1)
--duration=SEC Set maximum call duration (default:no limit)
--norefersub Suppress event subscription when transfering calls
--use-compact-form Minimize SIP message size
--no-force-lr Allow strict-route to be used (i.e. do not force lr)
--accept-redirect=N Specify how to handle call redirect (3xx) response.
0: reject, 1: follow automatically (default), 2: ask

When URL is specified, pjsua will immediately initiate call to that URL

Command Line Options

The following options can be specified when invoking pjsua. The options use standard getopt long option
convention, which means that option value can be specified after the option with either whitespace or equal

General Options

--help Show the command line help.

--version Display pjsua version along with other compilation flags then quits.
--config-file=FILE Read the command line options from FILE name.

Logging Options

--log-file=FILE Save all logging to FILE name.

--log-level=(0-6) Set maximum logging verbosity level. Default is 5.

Level 0 Display fatal error only.

Level 1 Display error messages and more severe verbosity level only.
Level 2 Display Warning messages and more severe verbosity level only.
Level 3 Info verbosity (normally used by applications).
Level 4 Important PJSIP events.
Level 5 Detailed PJSIP events.
Level 6 Very detailed PJLIB events.

--app-log-level=(0- Set maximum logging verbosify that will be displayed on screen/console. Default is 4.
SIP Account Options
PJSUA can be configured with zero or more SIP accounts. SIP accounts can be used to log in to SIP services,
and send or receive requests using the specified SIP services.

Specify these options for each account to be configured. If you wish to create more account, specify "--next-
account" to begin specifying parameters for the next account.

--id=URL Set SIP URL of the account(i.e. From header). For example: ""
--contact=URL Optional SIP contact (i.e. Contact header). Specifying custom contact is not
recommended , because pjsua is able to create contact from the user id and transport
--registrar=URL Set the URL of the registrar server. It not specified, then the account will not register. An
example of URL: ""
--proxy=URL Optionally set the URL of proxies to build initial route set for all requests using this
account. This option may be specified multiple times. The URL MUST have
";lr"parameter. For example, if you want all outgoing SIP requests to go via, then the URL should be: ";lr".
Set optional timeout (i.e. Expires header) for SIP account registration, in seconds.
Default is 55.
--publish Enable presence publication for this account, by sending PUBLISH request to the
--use-100rel Require the use of reliable provisional response (100rel, PRACK) for this account.
--use-ims Enable 3GPP/IMS related settings on this account.
--use-srtp=N Control SRTP usage for this account. N=0: disabled, N=1: use optional disposition for
SRTP in SDP, N=2: require SRTP for all calls for this account. Default is 0.
--srtp-secure=N Control whether the use of SRTP requires secure signaling. N=0: no, N=1: secure
transport to next hop must be used, N=2: secure end-to-end transport must be used.
Default is 1.
Allow changing contact header if necessary to work with symmetric NAT. Default is 1.

SIP Account Authentication Options

Each account has separate authentication settings, and you can put multiple credentials in one account (e.g.
when one need to specify different credentials for each proxies). Use the argument "--next-cred" to specify next

--realm=string Set authentication realm. The realm is used to match this credential against challenges issued
by downstream servers. If the realm is not known beforehand, wildcard character ('*') can be
specified to make PJSIP respond to any realms.
username=stri Set authentication user ID.
password=stri Set authentication password (clear text).
--next-cred Specify additional credential for this account.

Transport Options

--ipv6 Note: added in v1.2

Use IPv6 only for (UDP) SIP and (UDP) media transports. This option will only appear if
PJSIP is compiled with IPv6 support (by declaring "#define PJ_HAS_IPV6 1" in
your config_site.h). Note that at present IPv6 is only supported by SIP UDP transport
and UDP media transport.

Set local port for SIP transport. Default is 5060 for UDP and TCP, and 5061 for TLS.
--ip-addr=IP Use the specifed address as SIP and RTP addresses. The IP address does not have to
correspond with local interface, e.g. it may be the public IP of the NAT/router.
--bound- Note: added in v1.2
Bind the SIP and media transports to the specified IP address. The IP address must be an IP
address of one of the host network interface. When this option is used with --ipv6 option,
it will be necessary to disable TCP with --no-tcp option since the TCP transport will not
recognize the IPv6 address.

--no-tcp Prevent TCP transport from being created.

--no-udp Prevent UDP transport from being created.
-- Enable DNS SRV resolution for both SIP and STUN servers, by querying the specified name
nameserver=N server. This option can be specified more than once, and the multiple nameservers will be
S used in fail-over configuration.
Optionally set the URL of outbound proxies. The outbound proxies will be used for all
accounts. More than one proxies may be specified. The URL MUST have ";lr" param.
--stun- Specify the STUN server to use, for SIP UP transport, UDP media transport, and ICE media
srv=HOSTDO transport. The HOSTDOM value may identify a hostname or a domain name. When DNS
M SRV resolution is enabled (with --nameserver option above), pjsua will first try to
resolve the STUN server by querying DNS SRV record for the domain specified in
HOSTDOM. If the DNS SRV resolution fails, or if nameserver is not configured,
HOSTDOM is treated as a hostname.

TLS Options
Note that these TLS options can only be specified when TLS support is configured during compilation
(PJSIP_HAS_TLS_TRANSPORT macro is enabled).
--use-tls Enable TLS transport. TLS support is still experimental, therefore it's still disabled by
default, even when the program has been compiled with TLS support.
--tls-ca-file Specify TLS Certificate of Authority file (default=none). A CA file must be specified for
server, and for client when it wants to authenticate server's certificate (--tls-verify-
server option).

This option is optional for client if it doesn't want to authenticate the server.

--tls-cert-file Specify TLS certificate file (default=none). A certificate must be configured for server,
and for client when it wants to authenticate server's certificate (--tls-verify-
server option).

This option is optional for client if it doesn't want to authenticate the server.

--tls-privkey-file Specify TLS private key file (default=none). This must be configured for server, and for
client when it wants to authenticate server's certificate (--tls-verify-server

This option is optional for client if it doesn't want to authenticate the server.

--tls-password Specify password to open the private key file.

--tls-verify-server Verify the server's certificate when making outgoing TLS connections. The default is
without server verification.
--tls-verify-client Verify the client's certificate when accepting incoming TLS connections. The default is
without client verification.
--tls-neg-timeout Specify SSL negotiation timeout (in seconds). The default is without timeout limitation.

Media Options

--add- Set codec NAME to have higher priority to use. The NAME is the standard name for the
codec=NAME codec as specified by the relevant RFCs. If the name alone is not unique, then clock-rate
(and potentially number of channels) must be appended to the NAME after the slash

Example of codec names: pcma, pcmu, speex/8000, speex/16000, speex/32000, ilbc, gsm,
l16/44100/2, etc.

This option maybe specified multiple times. The order of the codec specifies the priority.

Disable codecs with matching NAME.
--clock-rate=HZ Set the clock rate of the conference bridge. Default is 16000.
--snd-clock- Set the clock rate of the sound device. By default the sound device will be opened at the
rate=HZ same clock rate as the conference bridge.
--stereo Open both sound device and the conference bridge in stereo mode. Left and right channels
may be mixed if the media port registered to the conference bridge is not stereo.
--null-audio Disable the sound device. Calls will behave normally, except that no audio will be
transmitted or played locally.
--play- Add file port to play WAV file to the conference bridge. File MUST be single
file=WAVFILE channel/mono, 16bit signed PCM, with any sampling rate. If the sampling rate is not
equal to sound device's clock rate, a resampling will occur.
--play- Add a tone generator to the conference bridge. FORMAT is "FREQ1,FREQ2,ON,OFF"
tone=FORMAT where FREQ1 and FREQ2 are the tone frequencies (specify 0 in FREQ2 to play a single
frequency tone), and ON and OFF are the tone on/off duration in miliseconds.
--auto-play Automatically stream the WAV file to incoming calls.
--auto-loop Automatically loop-back call to itself.
--auto-conf Automatically put calls in the conference mode.
--rec- Add file recorder port to the conference bridge. The recorder port can be used to record
file=WAVFILE any ports in the conference bridge.
--auto-rec Automatically record conversations.
--quality=N Set media quality according to CPU usage requirements. Values are 1-10, where 10 is the
highest quality (default: 6).
--ptime=MSEC Override codec ptime to MSEC (default=specific).
--no-vad Disable silence detector/voice activity detector. Useful sometimes to work around NAT
--ec-tail=MSEC Set echo canceller tail length (default is 800ms). Set to zero to disable echo cancellation.
Set iLBC codec mode to MODE (20 or 30). Default is 30.
--capture-dev=ID Specify the device index for sound capture device. Use sndinfo from the samples
directory to get the list of detected sound devices in the system.
--playback- Specify the device index for sound playback device. Use sndinfo from the samples
dev=ID directory to get the list of detected sound devices in the system.
--capture- Set the sound input buffer size/latency in msec. Setting the value to lower value will lower
lat=MSEC the latency but may affect the sound stability. Default is 100 msec.
--playback- Set the sound output buffer size/latency in msec. Setting the value to lower value will
lat=MSEC lower the latency but may affect the sound stability. Default is 100 msec.
--snd-auto- Automatically close the sound device when it is idle after SEC seconds (and automatically
close=SEC open the sound device when it is to be used). Setting this to zero will disable the feature,
and sound device will be open all the time. Default is 0.
--no-tones Disable the creation and usage of ringback tones.

Media Transport Options

--use-ice Enable ICE. Say yes!

--ice-no-host Do not include ICE host candidates (only used for testing).
--rtp-port=N Set the start RTP port. Default is 4000.
Drop PCT percent of incoming RTP packet (for packet lost simulation, default: 0).
Drop PCT percent of outgoing RTP packet (for packet lost simulation, default: 0).
--use-turn Enable TURN relay. The following TURN settings must also be set.
--turn- Specify the TURN server domain name or hostname. The format is either
srv=HOSTDOM "DOMAIN:PORT" or "HOST:PORT". When nameserver setting is set, the domain/host part
will be first resolved with DNS SRV, and it will fallback to host resolution using the
specified PORT if DNS SRV resolution fails.
--turn-tcp Use TCP to communicate with the TURN server rather than UDP. Default is no.
user=USERNA Specify the username to authenticate against the TURN server.
passwd=PASSW Specify the plaintext password to authenticate against the TURN server.

Buddy List

--add-buddy=url Add the url to the buddy list. This option can be specified multiple times to add more than
one buddies.

User Agent Options

--auto-answer=code Automatically answer incoming calls with the specified code, e.g. 200 to automatically
answer incoming calls. Default is to answer with 100 (Trying).
--max-calls=N Maximum number of concurrent calls. Default is 4. Note that the maximum calls
number is also limited by PJSUA_MAX_CALLS macro in pjsua.h, which by default
is 32.
--thread-cnt=N Set number of SIP worker thread. Default is 1 (since the main thread will be blocked to
wait for console input so a worker thread is needed)
--duration=SEC Set maximum call duration to SEC seconds (default is no limit). Useful when running
pjsua as test server to prevent dangling calls.
--norefersub Suppress event subscription when transfering calls by including norefersub tag in
outgoing REFER requests.
--use-compact-form Use compact form of SIP headers to minimize the packet size.

Application Menus

These command line menus are available within the application. To invoke the command, input the command
then press ENTER.

| Call Commands: | Buddy, IM & Presence: | Account: |
| | | |
| m Make new call | +b Add new buddy .| +a Add new accnt |
| M Make multiple calls | -b Delete buddy | -a Delete accnt. |
| a Answer call | i Send IM | !a Modify accnt. |
| h Hangup call (ha=all) | s Subscribe presence | rr (Re-)register |
| H Hold call | u Unsubscribe presence | ru Unregister |
| v re-inVite (release hold) | t ToGgle Online status | > Cycle next ac.|
| U send UPDATE | T Set online status | < Cycle prev ac.|
| ],[ Select next/prev call +--------------------------+-------------------+
| x Xfer call | Media Commands: | Status & Config: |
| X Xfer with Replaces | | |
| # Send RFC 2833 DTMF | cl List ports | d Dump status |
| * Send DTMF with INFO | cc Connect port | dd Dump detailed |
| dq Dump curr. call quality | cd Disconnect port | dc Dump config |
| | V Adjust audio Volume | f Save config |
| S Send arbitrary REQUEST | Cp Codec priorities | f Save config |
| q QUIT sleep MS echo [0|1|txt] n: detect NAT type |

Call Commands

m Make new Make a new call/INVITE. The application will ask the URL of the remote peer to contact.
M Make Make multiple calls to the same destination.
a Answer Send 100-699 response to current call. The application will ask which status code to send.
call Note that current call MUST be an incoming call. Current call can be selected with "]" or "["
h Hangup Hangup current call. This command will work regardless of the state of the current call (e.g.
call it may send CANCEL, 603 (Decline), BYE, etc depending on the state of the call).
H Hold call Put the current call on-hold by sending inactive SDP. Note that incoming call hold request
will be acted automatically.
v Re-Invite Send active SDP with current call. If the call is currently on-hold, this will effectively
(release release the hold. You can also change the local codec preference with Cp command before
hold) sending the offer.
U Send Send UPDATE with new offer. You can also change the local codec preference with Cp
UPDATE command before sending the offer.
] Select next If application has more than one calls, this command will select the next call in the list as
call current call.
[ Select If application has more than one calls, this command will select the previous call in the list
previous as current call.
x Transfer Transfer current call (i.e. send outgoing REFER). The application will ask the URL to which
call (xfer) remote party should contact. Note that transfering current call DOES NOT cause pjsua to
hold or disconnect currentcall. User should use the hold and hangup command to hold and
terminate the call accordingly. Note that incoming call transfer request will be processed
# Send Send DTMF digits as RFC 2833 events in current call. The application will ask the digit
DTMF strings to send.
with RFC
* Send Send DTMF digits as SIP INFO for current call. The application will ask the digit strings to
DTMF send.
with SIP
dq Dump Print media statistic (packet loss, duplicate, jitter, end-to-end delay, etc) of currently selected
(call) call.
S Send Send an arbitrary request to remote host. You will be asked about the SIP method and
arbitrary destination to send the request. Useful for example to send OPTIONS.

IM and Presence Commands

+b Add buddy Add a new buddy URL to the buddy list.

-b Delete buddy Delete a buddy from the buddy list.

i Send IM Send outgoing MESSAGE. The application will ask the URL of the remote peer to send
the message to, and the contents of the message.
s Subscribe Subscribe to presence subscription of an URL in the buddy list. The buddy's online
presence presence status will be monitored by the application.
u Unsubscribe Unsubscribe existing presence subscription.
t Toggle online Toggle local presence's online status. If there are subscribers to our presence, NOTIFY
state messages will be sent to those subscribers. Note that application automatically accepts
presence subscription request.
T Specify Specify enhanced presence status text (such as "Be Right Back") with this command.
presence text

Account Commands

+a Add account Add a new account (not implemented yet).

-a Delete account Delete account (not implemented yet).

!a Modify account Modify account (not implemented yet).

rr Re-Register Send REGISTER request for this account to register or to refresh registration.

ru Unregister Send REGISTER request to unregister the account registration.

> Select next Select the current account to be used for sending outgoing requests.
< Select prev Select the current account to be used for sending outgoing requests.

Conference Commands

cl Conference List all the ports registered to the conference bridge, and show the interconnection
List among these ports.
cc Conference Create a unidirectional connection between two ports. For example, if you have a WAV
Connect player connected at slot #1 and a call connected at slot #2, you can stream WAV file to
the call by specifying this command: cc 1 2.
cd Conference Disconnect a unidirectional connection between two ports. Example: cd 1 2.
V Adjust Make adjustment to the audio level of a particular media port.
Cp Arrange Arrange the codec priorities. Useful for example to set the prefered codec before sending
codec re-INVITE ("v" command) or UPDATE ("U" command).

Status and Config Commands

d Dump status Dump the contents of endpoint, transaction table, dialog table, invite sessions, etc to
the screen.
dd Dump detailed Dump detailed status (each transaction, each call, including call/media quality etc.)
dc Dump Dump current configuration to screen.
f Write settings Write current configuration to file.

Other Commands

q Quit Quit application. All current calls, subscriptions, and registrations will be terminated.

sleep Suspend Suspend keyboard input for the specified miliseconds. Useful when piping commands
MSEC keyboard to pjsua.
echo Control Use echo 0 or echo 1 to disable or enable command echo (default is disabled).
[0|1| command Use echo TXT (where TXT is any text) to output the text to stdout.
TXT] echo

n Detect Initiate NAT type detection. The result will be printed to stdout and log.
network type

Invoking pjsua
Basic Peer-to-Peer

The easiest way to use pjsua is to use it in serverless configuration, to call or receive calls from other SIP user
agents directly.

Running pjsua without any arguments will bind pjsua to TCP and UDP port 5060 of local host:

$ ./pjsua

This command below will initiate outgoing call to some SIP URL:

$ ./pjsua sip:

Registering with SIP Provider

This command below will make pjsua send outgoing requests (such as INVITE) with From: header set to, but pjsua will not register to any SIP servers:

$ ./pjsua --id

To make pjsua register to a SIP provider, the command below can be used. This will make pjsua register to server using user-id alice and password secret. All command line arguments are mandatory:

$ ./pjsua --id --registrar \

--realm * --username alice --password secret

Some explanation about the commands above:

This sets the identification of the user, and will be used in the From: header of all
requests sent by pjsua.
This sets the address of the server where REGISTER request will be sent to.
--realm The realm of the credential to authenticate against the server. The value here MUST match the realm sent by the server in WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate
header in the 401/407 response. Alternatively, wildcard (*) can be specified to make
PJSIP responds to any realms in the challenge.
--username alice Set the username for authentication. Normally the value will be the same as the
username part of the From: header, but pjsua does not require this to be the same.
--password secret Set the plain-text password for authentication.


The realm setting must match the realm in the challenge, or

otherwise PJSIP_ENOCREDENTIAL error will occur. If the
realm isn't known beforehand, you can put wildcard ('*') as
the realm, to make PJSIP responds to any realms in the

pjsua also supports multiple identities and server registrations. To register with both and simultaneously:

$ ./pjsua --id --registrar \

--realm --username bob --password secret \
--next-account \
--id --registrar \
--realm --username bob --password secret

To register to server with user id Alice, and send the requests to which
requests different authentication:

$ ./pjsua --id --registrar \

--proxy \
--realm --username alice --password secret --next-cred \
--realm --username blah --password blahblah

Using TCP Transport

By default, TCP transport will be created and initialized. However, TCP will not be used automatically unless
the destination URL has ";transport=tcp" parameter in it. (Note: this behavior may change once we
support resolving NAPTR records).

TCP can be specified when registering to server and when sending outgoing requests. To use TCP when
registering, add ";transport=tcp" in the registrar's URL, for example with "--registrar;transport=tcp" option.

Similarly ";transport=tcp" parameter needs to be added in the destination URL when making outgoing
calls, subscribing presence, or sending outgoing MESSAGE request.

Using TLS Transport

TLS transport option will be available if it is enabled during the build process.

To use TLS transport, add ";transport=tls" parameter for outgoing URIs, similar to TCP transport

Using IPv6
IPv6 support must be enabled during build process by declaring "#define PJ_HAS_IPV6 1" in your
config_site.h. These instructions below apply to PJSIP version 1.2 or later.

This command below will start pjsua with IPv6 transports:

$ ./pjsua --ipv6

To force pjsua to use a specific IPv6 address (fec0::2, a site local address):

$ ./pjsua --ipv6 --bound-addr fec0::2 --no-tcp

Note above that with --bound-addr option it is necessary to disable TCP with --no-tcp since the SIP
TCP transport does not support IPv6 at the moment.

A simple IPv6 registration (assuming server is at IPv6 IP address fec0::1):

$ ./pjsua --ipv6 --id sip:myself@[fec0::1] --registrar sip:[fec0::1] \

--username myself --realm "*" --password secret


This will automatically answer all incoming calls with 200/OK, playback the WAV file to incoming calls, and
also loopback calls's media to itself (remote will hear the file mixed with their own voice):

$ pjsua --play-file PROMPT.WAV --auto-answer 200 --auto-play --auto-loop \

--max-calls 100

Config File

The config file basicly are the same command line arguments, saved in a file! For example, to specify above
command line in the file called alice.cfg:

# This is a comment in the config file.

--realm *
--username alice
--password secret

And to use the config file:

$ ./pjsua --config-file alice.cfg

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