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This test is composed of 105 questions or statements. Each is followed by five suggested answers or
completions. Select the one that is the best in each case and then mark the corresponding space on the
answer sheet.
The different scientific fields covered by the test are:
Mathematics 1 Questions 01 to 35
Mathematcs II Questions 36 to 50
Solid mechanics Questions 51 to 62
Fluid medlll.n!cs QUCStiOllS 3 Lo 70
Matter physics and chemistry Questions 71 to 85
Electrical engineering and Information scences Questions 86 to 105
Instructions for candidates to all schools except E.P.l
You have 3hOO for answering, in order of priority: .
The Mathematics 1 part (questions 01 to 35)
- The questions tilo most related to your speciality
- The other questions
Instructions for candidates to E.P. onlyl
You have 3hOO for answering, in order of priorty:
The Mathematics 1 part (questions 01 to 35)
- The Mathematics II part (questions 36 to 50)
- The qucstions tIlo most related to your speciality
- The other questions
Instructions for candidates to all schools including E.P.l
You have 3hOO for answering, in order of priority:
- The Mathematics I part (questions 01 to 35)
The questions the most related to youi: speciality
- The Mathematics II part (questions 36 to 50)
- The other questions
AH material must be given back at the end of the test. No separate rough draft s allowed, use the back of
the subject pages as rough drafts. Do not remove the staple of the booklet.

Calculators and electronic dictionaries are not allowed.

+1 point for a right answer, -1/4 point for a wrong answer, O for no answer.

I Al'plinl!.ioll to E.I', II,J \.0 he dOIl!:' "'II/Lml.ely olllilln h,Y IlI('rul'!,

(d) +Z7r
1. To find the distanee between two signposts A
(e) ~ - i7rln2
and B loeated on both banks of a river, 'with 2
out erossing it, a third signpost 0 , not aligned
5. Let f : lR -+ lR be a differentiable funetion. The
with A and B and a signpost D loeated on the
x-intereept Xl of the tangent line to the graph
line (AO) are ehosen as shown on the figure be
at (xo, f(xo is given by
low. Where the signpost E should be positioned
so that the distanee AB is determined by the for- f'(xo)
mula: AB = OE
(a) Xo + f(xo)

b) _ f'(xo)

Xo f(xo)


(e) Xo - f'(xo)



(d) Xo + f'(xo)

B (e) Xo + h whero h - f'exo)

D o. If y is implieitly defined as a funetion of x by the

equation ylny-x 2 = O around (xo, yo) (0,1)
(a) E at the middle of the segment [B; O] dy .
then, the value of dx at Xo 18
(b) E sueh that (EO) is parallel to (AB) and
(ED) parallel to (BO) (a) O
(e) E on the line (AB) sueh that (ED) is par (b) 1
a11el to (BO) (e) 2
(d) E on the lino (BO) sueh that (ED) is par (d) e

a1101 to (AB)
(e) e2

(e) No eorrect position for E exists

7. Consider the function f dcfincd by f(x) = e-x on
2. The limit of the sequenee Un = n 3 (sin ~ - ~) OS the interval [0,10]. Let n > 1 and let xo, Xl,'" ,X n
n-+oois be numbers sueh 'that O Xo < Xl < X2 < ... <
Xn-l < X n = 10. Whieh of the fo11owing is the
(a) O
(b) ~ . n
(e) -t (a) L f(xj)(xj - Xj-l)
(d) k j=l

(e) -~ (b) t f(Xj-)2+ f(Xj) (Xj - Xj-1)

3. Tho Taylor series expansion to the order 2 of X~2 j=l

at O is Xj 1
(e) tf(Xj +2 - )(Xj Xj-l)

(a) ~ - ~ + x2 j=l

1 '" x2 10
( b) '2+'2+2" (d) 10 f(x)dx
(e) 1.2 _ + x~8
(e) e-lO
(d) t -X+
(e) ~ + x + x2
8. 10![ sin2 X dx
4. If f(x) =- , then 1'(1) = (a) ~
(b) 1
(a) 2 (e) t
(d) f
(b) -~ + i7r (e)
(e) lH2-i11' .
(a) y(x) == Asinhx + lxeoshx
(b) y(x) == '\x sin x + teosx
(a) a
(e) y(x) = '\eosx+ !xsinx
sin 1
(d) y(x) = '\eosx + tex cosx
(e) y(x) = ACxeosx+te'"sinx
14. f)~)2n =

(d) 2 n=l
(e) +00 (a) 4/5
10. if f is a continuous function on the set of real (b) 3/2
numbers and if a and b are real numbers, which (e) 2
of the following must be true ? (d) 3
lb+3 (e) +00
f(x)dx ::;
f(x - 3)dx
15. If limn...."'x, a n = O then
1.3 (3
1. 3b
" f(x)dx = .. f(x)dx - Jb f(x)dx (n.)
I: a" converges
a; converges
(lII) j r f(x)dx = 3 lb f(3x)dx
3a a (e) : ~ eonvergcs
(d) nan divergcs
(a) I only
(b) II only
(e) $ converges

(e) 1 and II only (-l)n

16. The series ~ -

L., nO:
(d) II and III only n;::l
(e) 1, II and III (a) converges if and only if a ~ a
11. For al! p~sitive x, let us define F(x) = r
sin t dt.
(b) converges if and only if a > O
(e) converges if and only if a ~ 1
F ' (x) =
(d) converges absolutely if and only if a ~ 1

(a) l .!.
t eos t - sin t dt
(e) converges absolutely if and only if a ~ 2
17. The series n;::l Un where
sin x
x if n is a square
sinx 1 othcrwsc
(e) - - - XSill-
X x
sinx 1 1 (a) diverges
(d) --+-sin
3 x x x (b) converges to 11;
(e) -1 (smx+slU
. . 1)
(e) converges to e
x x
(d) converges to the Euler eonstant
12. Let y(x) be the solution of : + y ::; x 2 , with (e) is absolutely eonvergent
y(a) = 1. Then y(l) =
18. Lct D be the region in the xy-plane in which the
(a) a (x + 2y,k
(b) e2
series E k ' .... converges. Then the interior
(e) 1 - e of D is""
(d) 1 - l/e (a) an open disk
(e) e2 + l/e (b) the open region bounded by an ellipse
13. Among the functions y(x) below, whieh ones sat (e) the open region bounded by a quadrlateral
. fy
15 t 1le equatlOn
. d y + y = eos x for a1I reaI
dx2 (d) the open region between two parallellines
lllllllbers A I1nd IL ? .. (e) [tu O]H'I! !mlf pll\lIc
19. A well-balaneed eon is thrown 8 times. What is
the probability that it falls more often on heads
than on tails?
23. lf a + d # O and (~
(a) Not uniquely defined
:r = G~). then ad is

, (a) 2 (b) -1
(b) 93 (e) O
(d) 1
(e) 49
(e) 2

(d) 19
24. Let Al and A2 be the eomplex eigenvalues of the

matnx. (eos
x - x)

. For what value of x lS .

(e) 31

Al + A2 1?

20. Let x and y be uniformly distributed, indepen (a) 1r/6

dent random variables on [0,1]. The probability

eb) 1r/4

that the distanee between x and y s less than

1/2 is (e) 1r/3

(n) 1/,1 (<1) 1r/2

(e) 21r/3
(b) 1/3
(e) 1/2 25. lf v E IRn is a (non-zero) eigenveetor of the n x n
(d) 2/3 square matrix A and In denotes the unit matrix,
(e) 3/4
(a) Av AV for al! A E IR
(hnt: eonsider the unit square)
(b) -v is an eigenvector of A + In
21. Let A and B be two subsets of IR. The negation
(e) v 2 s an eigenveetor of A2
of the proposition : \:1 x E A, 3 y E B with 1 <
xy < 2 s: (d) v- 1 is an cigeIlveetor of A-l
(e) 2v is not an eigenveetor of A
(a) \:Ix E A, ~y E B with 1 < xy <2
(b) V x E A, :3 Y E B with xy :5 1 or xy ~ 2
(e) ::Ix E A with (\:Iy E n, xy:5 1) ur (\:1 Y En,
26. lf A = G !]) ,and tA is the transposed matrix
Df A, theIl
xy ~ 2)
(d) :3x E A with Vy E B, (xY:5 1 or xy ~ 2) (a) det(A) = 1
(e) V Y E B, :3 x E A with xy :5 1 or xy ~ 2

(b) rank(A) = 1

22. Two eigeIlveetors of (~ ~) are (e) tAA

(d) A-1 = (1 -2)

O -1
(e) A = A
27. Two matrices M and N are caBed similar if there
exists an invertible matrix P sueh that M
P- 1 NP. Among the matrices A := G~).
B Gn, e := (~ ~1). which ones are

similar to (: =D?

(a) A only
(b) B and e only
(e) B only
(d) A and B only
(e) C only
28. Let A be a real matrix of rank r with m rows and (e) 5
n eolumns: Then
33. The number of subgroups with 4 elements of a
(a) r ~ min(m, n) eyelie group with 24 elements ls
(b) min(m, n) ~ r ~ max(m, n) (a) 1
(e) r;::: max(m, n) (b) 2
(d) If m =f. n, r is not defined (e) 4
(e) r = 1m ni (d) 6
29. Let (S) be a linear system of two equations with (e) 24
three unknowns, written as
34. Let E be a real vector space of dimension 5. The
union of two vector subspaees of E of dimensions
2 and 3 respeetlvely and with interseetlon equal
to {O} is

where A denotes a real non-zero ma.trix with two (a) A vector subspace of dimension 2
rows and three eolumns and b and e are real eon (b) A vector subspa,ee of dimension 3
IIt./lut./!. AIII()IIP: (,JI<' >Iopmdt.ioll/l !Jn!ow, whkh 0110
(e) Tho whoJo 01' 1::
iB always impossible no matter what A, b aud e
are? (d) A eonvex subset of E

(a) (S) admits no solution (e) Neither of the above subsets

( x~~o)
35. The number of onto maps from {1,2,3,4,5} to
{b) (S) has a unique solution {l, 2, 3, 4} is
(a) 24
(e) (S) has an affine l-dimensional spaee of so
lutions (b) 48
(d) (S) has an affine 2-dimensional spaee of so (e) 120
lutions (d) 144
(e) The solutions of (S) define a vector spaee (e) 240
30. A polynomial P with real eoefficients which can
be written as P(X) = (X -1)2Q(X), with Q(l) =f.
0, satisfies
36. Suppose that f lB ti. eontinuouB real-valuco fune
(a) P(l) = PI(l) = PII(l) = O and PIII(l) =f. O tion defined on the closed nter val [0,1]. Which
(b) Pl(l) pl/(l) = O and plll(1) =f. O of the following ls true ?
(e) P(l) = PI(l) = O and Pll(l) =f. (1) There ls a eonsta.nt e > O sueh that
(o) P(l) = PI/(l) ::::: lJ.110 Plll(l) :J O If(:;) - f(y)1 ~ e for 0.11 x Ilnd y in [0,1].
(e) P(l) = PI(l) = and P'II(l) =f. O
If(x) - f(y)1

(II) There is a eonstant D > sueh that
~ 1 for all x and y in [0,1]
31. If deg(P(X) = 11 then dcg(P(P(X) = that satisfy Ix - yl ~ D.
(a) n (m) There is a eonstant E > O Buch that
If(x) - f(y)1 ~ Elx - yl for all x and y in
(b) 2n
(e) n 2
(d) 2n (a) lonly
(e) nn (b) m only
(e) 1 II only
32. The number of real roots of the polynomial X 5 +
X 4 + X3 + X2 + X + 1 ls (d) II and III only

(a) 1
(e) 1, II and m
(b) 2 37. Which of tho folIowing iB a metric on S for every
(e) 3 set S and every metric d on S ?
(d) 4 .. (1\) JlI(d+~)
(b) ctl - 1 (e) The polynomials Pn are pairwise prime
(e) d-Idl (d) Pn is prime with (H,'" ,Pn -)
(d) d 2 (e) Pn=xn
(e) Vd
43. The funetion f(x, y) xy- x 3 - V; has a relative
38. Tho non-zero linear maps o: and fJ defined on IR n maximum at the point
with values in IR are proportional if and only if
(a) (0,0)
(a) Im(o:) = Im(fJ) (b) (1,1)
(b) Ker(o:) = Ker(fJ) (e) (-1,-1)
(e) "Iv E IR n , 3.t, v E IR sueh that .to:(v) + (d) (1,3)
vfJ(v) = O
(e) (1/3,1/3)
(d) o:=fJ
44. Two polynomials P and Q with real eoefficients
(e) o: = fJ
are relatively prime if and only if
39. Let E be a real vector space of dimension n ;:::: 3
(a) The have no real root in eommon
and let f be an endomorphism of E sueh that
r- 1
-. O o.nd r
O. Then (b) There exist two polynomials with real eoef
fieients U and V sueh that U P + VQ = 1
(o.) The ro.nk of f is equal to n - 1
(e) P docs not divide Q and Q does not divide
(b) f is invertible P
(e) f is diagonalizable (d) degP and degQ are two relatively prime in
(d) f is a. projeetor tegers
(e) dim(Ker(J = n-1 (e) PQ' f. P'Q where P' and Q' denote the
derived polynomials of P and Q
40. Let P be a non-eonstant polynomial, irreducible
in the ring of polynomials with real eoefficients. 45. The least possible cardinal of a finite non-Abelan
Consider the 3 propositions below: group is

(1) dcg P =1 (a) 4

(11) deg P = 2
(b) 5
(IU) P has no real root
(e) 6
(d) 7
Which of these 3 propositions are always true?
(e) 8
(a) any of them
(b) (1) only 46. Let (a n ) be a sequenee of positive real numbers.
Among tIte propositioIlS bclow, whieh one is al
(e) (H) only ways true?
(d) (III) only
(o.) If Ea n converges then n converges
(e) (H) and (III) only
,,/2 du
(b) If E '0F converges then Ea n converges
41. If 1 -~. -then (e) If Ea n converges then En2a~ converges
10o 1 +eosu
(d) If Ea n converges then limn_+oo ..j an = O
(a) 1= 1
(b) 1 =
(e) I

(e) If Ea n converges then E ln(n) an converges
47. In the eomplex plane, let e
be the circle Izl = 2
with positive (counterc!oekwise) orientation. Then,
(d) 1 = tan-1(-y) { dz
le (z -l)(z +3)2
(e) H~u'
(a) O
42. Let (Pn)n;::O beasequeneeofpolynomalsoflll![X]
with deg(Pn) :::; deg(Pn+l)' Then (Pn ) is a basis (b) 21l"i
of IR[X] if and only if (for every n ;:::: O) (e) 1l"i/2
(a) deg(Pn ) = n
(d) 1l"i/8
(1)) dcy(J>n) <lleY(P,,+I)
(e) 1l"i/lG
48. Let A be a matrix in Mn(C). Then A is diago (e) 2 cm
nalizable if and only if (d) 5 cm
@Theexists a polynomial P with simple roots (e) 10 cm
sueh that P(A) = O .
52. A homogeneous eylinder of radius r = 2 m with
(b) The eharacteristic polynomial of A has de
a mass equal to 1 kilogram is rotating with an
gree strictly less than n
angular velocity of 8 radians per seeond, as shown
(e) The eharaeteristic polynomial of A has only aboye. Reminding that the moment of inertia of
simple roots 2
a eylinder is I = ~ , the eonstant frictional
(d) The kernel of A is {O}.
braking force, F, that must be applied to stop
(e) AH eigenspaces of A have dimension 1. the eylinder in 5 seeonds is most nearly
49. Let u : ]Rn -t ]RP be a linear map. The image of
]Rn is equal to ]RP if and only if

@>The image of every open set is an open sct F

(b) The inverse image of every open set is [,n

open set
(e) Tho inverse image of every eompact set is 3

eompn.ct st ,
(d) n = p
(e) u is one-to-one (a) 10 N
(b) 8 N
50. Tilo numbr of group morphisms from '1../3'1.. to
'1../6'1.. is (e) 4 N
(a) O
(d) 1.6 N
(o) 1.0 N
(b) 1
(e) 2 53. A lifting deviee uses 2 pulleys as shown below.
@3 What is the magnitude of the sum of the vertical
eomponents of the reaetions IRl + R21.
(e) 6

Solid Mechanics

51. A 1 kg-mnss point is fixod on top of E\ mnssloss

Ilpl'illg of l'IlL lllgLh 10 ell! !Llld Ilpl'illg eOllsLILIlL
k = 8 kN/m. The eonter of the mass is initially
at rest at one meter from the ground. When
released, it falls. down. What is the minimum
distanee between the enter of the mnss point
and tho ground ?
(a) P+T
(b) P+Teos()
(e) (P/2) +TeosO
(d) P
(e) 2P

54. A block with a mass of 100 kilograms is attachod

to a eable-pulley system as on the figure, If the
eoefficient of static friction is 0.25, the magnitude
of the minimum force P required to cause the
block to move up the incline plane is most nearly
(a) 0.5 cm
(b) 1 cm
If the specifie masa of 1< is 3,2 kg dm- 3 , ita vol
mne 7 cm3 , and if the mass M necessary to keep
the beam horizontal is 4,13 g, the liquid has a
density (relative to water) equal to

(a) 1,43
(b) 2,41
(e) 3,79
(d) 7,33
(a) 1220/v'5 N
(e) 14,2
(b) 1470/J5 N
(e) 2200/J5 N 58. The velocity of apartide moving on a straight
(d) 2540/,;5 N Hne ehanges with its position aeeording to thc
graph shown bclow.
(e) 2940/v'5 N
55, 'A sphere of weight 100 N is supported by two
nelined plane walls as shown above. The force
acting against the wall at point P is


2 -
(a) 35.5 N
(b) 45.0 N
What is the maximum vaIue of its aeeeIeration ?
(e) 50.0 N
(d) 70.7 N (a) O ms- 2
(e) 100 N (h) 2 111 :>-2
(e) 3 ms- 2
56. Grass is growng on a disk spinnng at eonstant
rateo What s the orentation of the stems ? (d) 12 ms- 2
(e) 24 ms- 2
(a) vertical
(h) illc\incd towardR tho pcriphcry with Il vari 59. A pClldU\UUl is mudo of 11 IIUlSS m flllSpoudcd to
able angle a string fixed in O. The pendulum oseillates in a
(e) inclined towards the periphery with a eon vertical planco Its maximum angular amplitude
stant angle of oseillation is 00
(d) inclined towards the centre with a variable
(e) inclined towards the centre with a eonstant
07. A liquid density measuring deviee eomprises a
sphere K immersed in the liquid, attaehed to a
beam with negligible mass, as in the drawing be

~1.~1-c-m-- ~I.'------3--cm------.~1 M

Thc tcnsion T exerted on th~ rope when the mass

is vertical (O O) is, in absolute value
.. (n) 1/I.y(1 -l. 2 Hin 2(Off/2
(b) mg(3 - 2eosOo) 62. An elastie bar s submitted to a traction load F
(e) mg eonstituted by two different elastie material in
part 1 and 2 as shown in the figure below.
(d) mg(l-sinOo)
(e) mgeosOo
60. A traction F is applied along the axis of a metal z=o
> - - - _...-

le rod as shown below.

F We denote by Vi the Poisson ratio, and the
modulus of elastieity in domain i (see figure).
The local stress is only a traction in the rod if:

(a) Vl = V2
(b) E 1 =E2
(e) vlEl = V2E2
(d) vl/El = v2/E2
(e) (1- vd/El = (1- v2)/E2

Pluld Mochunlcs
The directions of the eross-seetions are defined
by their normals, making an angle O with the 63. The lower llU.lf of a lO-meter high right-cireular
rod axis. What s value of the angle (in degree) eylinder is filled with water (p = 1000 kg/m 3 ),
(J eorresponding to the maximum shear ? and the upper half with an oH that has a specifie
gravity of 0.7. The pressure differenee between
(a) O the top and the bottom of the eylinder is most
(b) 30 nearly
(e) 45 (a) 8.5 kPa
(d) 60 (b) 83 kPa
(e) 90 (e) 98 kPa
61. A metallie rod of density p and height L with a (d) 120 kPa
circular eross seetion of radius R is submitted to (e) 170 kPa
a torsion momentum C.
64. The vessel below iB a con e with a circular base of
diameter d and height h with a small hole at the
topo It is filled to the top with a liquid of specifie
mass p.



The maximum value of the traetion stress in the


rod is:
(a) 2ClrrR2 h What is the value of the ratio of the force aeting
on the bottom (due to the liquid) to the weight
(b) 2Ch/1CR4 of the liquid?
(e) 2C/1CR3
(a) 1
(d) O
(b) 2
(e) -C/1CR3
(e) 3
(d) d/h
(e) h/el
65. Water flows in a pipe of eonstant eross area 5 69. A water (specifie mass p) jet flowing from left to
em 2 Th pipe is bent of 90 o as shown on the right with velocity v hits a plate at rest in whieh
figure. The pcrmnnont flow rato is 0.1 l/s o.lId n hole of rndimi l' hn..< bocn d!'illed. Tho mdius of
pressure i5 2 bar. the ineoming jet is 21', and the radius of the pIate
is R.

The resulting force imposed by the fluid on the

pipe is most nearly equal to

(a) O.N
The resulting force exerted on the plate is
(b) 1 N
(a) 1rfJv'l(R2 _1'2)
(e) 2 N
(b) 1f'pv2(R2 + 1'2)
(d) 3 N
(e) 1f'p,u(u2 1'2)
(e) 4 N
(d) 31f'pv2 1' 2
66. A liquid flows at a Reynolds number Re = 100000.
Among tlle following assertions, which one is true (e) 57rpv 21' 2
? 70. Viseou5 fluid flows between two stationary rigid
(a) Inertial forees are greater than gravity forees
(b) Pressure forees are greater than inertial forees
boundaries y
gradient P = -*
h under a eonstant pressure
have an horizontal velocity

(e) Inertial forees are greater than pressure forees (a) u = ~ (h y)

(d) Inertial forees are greater than viseous forees (b) u = ::. (y2)
(e) Viseous forees are greater than inertial forees (e) u = ~ (h2 _y2)

67. A dense spherieal partide of radius a and specifie (d)u lf(h-y)

mass PI falls freely at a velocity v in a fluid at

rest of dynamie viscosity p and specifie mass p.
(e) u = lf (h2 y2)
Reminding that the drag force is D = 61f'pav, the

(a) ~!(Pl - p)g Planek's eonstant h 6.610- 34 J.s,

2 a (
(b) 9"-;; P1 - P) 9 neutron mass m 1.67 10- 27 kg,

(e) ~!P19 ideal gas eonstant R = 8.314 J mol- I K-l,

2 Avogadro's number 6.022 10 23 ,

(d) 9"2 -;;

Boltzmann's eonstant k B 1.3810- 23 J/K,

(e) 00
eleetronic eharge 1.6 10- 19 C

68. Consider an aerofoil in a flow at standard sea

level eonditions, P = 1.23kg/m3 and pressure of 71. A Compressor in steady state regime inereases
1.01 x 10 5 N/m2 with a freestream velocity of 50 adiabatieal1y the pressure of a gas from P1 to P2.
mis. At a given point on the airefoil the pressure What is the best esthnate for the shaft work ?
is 0.9 x 105 N/m 2 , the velocity at this point is: (a) ehange in specifie internal energy
(n) 10 mis (11) ehallgo in specific cnthalpy
(b) 15 mis (e) ehange in specifie free (Gibbs) enthalpy
(e) 33.8 mis (d) ehange in specifie kinetie energy
(d) 75 mis (e) produet of specifie volume by piessure vari
(e) 142.8 mis atioll
72. In the preeedng question, which one among the (d) = -800 kJ/mol
following ll.SsUmptiolls hll.S beoll made'( (e) = -870 kJ/mol
(a) kinetc energies in intake and exhaust duets 77. Consider an ideal gas enclosed in a fixed vesse!.
have been negleeted If the vclocity of every moleeule in the gas is mul
(b) kinetic energy in the eompressor has been tiplied by 3
(a) its absolute temperature is multiplied by 3
(e) friction has been negleeted
(b) its absolute temperature is multiplied by 6
(d) the gas s ideal
(e) its pressure is multiplied by 3
(e) the eompression is isentropie
(d) its density is multiplied by 3
73. Entropies of vapor and liquid of pure substanee
(e) its enthalpy is multiplied by 9
are 6 kJ kg- I K- I and 3 kJ kg- I K-l, respee
tively. The entropy of a vapor-liquid mixture 78. An objeet in outer spaee is at temperature T (ab
eontaining 0.75g vapor and 0.25g liquid is solute) and radiates energy rate Q. If the temper
(a) 3..75 kJ kg- I K- I ature of the objeet is raised to 1.2 T, the radiation
rate will be inereased by most nearly
(b) 5.25 kJ K-I
(e) 5.25 JK-l (n) 4A %
(d) 3.75 J kg- I K-I (b) 20 %
(e) not defined (e) 44 %
(d) 73 %
74. A 200 W heating resistor keeps one liter of water
at a eonstant temperature of 95 oC. The mass of (e) 107 %
the vessel is negligible. The heater is switehed off. 79. Two eleetronie iso-density maps are given in the
How long will it take to deerease the temperature figure below.
to 94 oC ? The specfie heat of water will be taken
equal to 4

(a) 20 s
(b) 40 s
(e) 2 min
(d) 4 min
(e) never
The two following assertions are eonsidered:
75. Consider a stoiehiometrie eombustion of methane
gas ( CH 4 ) in air (20% oxygen, 80% nitrogen in (1) A is a ionie eristnl
volume) in standard eonditions. Tlle volume ra
(n) B s a ionie cristal
tio of the eombustion produets (supposed also in
standard eonditions) to the volume of methane lS In the list below, which answer is eorrect ?
(a) 3 (a) 1 is wrong n is wrong
(b) 8 (b) 1 lS wrong, JI is eorrect
(e) 9 (e) 1 lS eorrect, n is eorrect
(d) 10 (d) 1 is eorrect, 11 lS wrong
(e) 11 (e) Ionised atoms do not exist in eristals,
76. What is the standard heat of reaetion of the sto 80. COllsider the deeomposition of NO (gas) at 298
iehiometrie eombustion of one mole of methane I<: NO <-> ~N2 + ~02' At PI atm. the equlib
( CH 4 ) in pure oxygen (02)? The standard en rium molar fraetion ofNO amounts to 0.1. What
thalpies of formation are: methane = -70 kJ / mol, would be its value at 2PI atm ?
water -240 kJ/mol, earbon dioxide = -390 kJ/mol.
(a) 0.01
(a) = -70 kJ/mol
(b) 0.05
(b) ::;;; -390 kJ/mol
(e) 0.10
(e) = -560 kJ/mol
(<1) 0.1<1

100. Given the Laplace Transform X(s) of a signal 104. A eoncert is recorded with two microphones. The
x(t), the Laplaee '!'ransform Y(s) oC thc signa! two obtained signals are low-pass filtered so that
the speetral eomponents above 25 kHz are re
y(t) = : (t) is given by:
moved. The filtered signals are then sampled and
(a) Y(s) sX(s) the resulting values quantized over 16 bits. The
colleeted data, without any other proeessing, are
(b) Y(s) = s2X(s) saved on a CD-ROM of eapacity 600 Mo. Which
(e) Y(s) = X(s)/s record time oC the eoncert eould be reached:
dX (0.) 5 mn
(d) Y(s) = Ts(s)

. dX
(b) 100 mn
(e) Y(s) = sTs(s) (e) 5 h
101. Suppose that the transfer function C(s) for the (d) 50 s
system shown below is equal to l/(s+l) and tbat (e) 50 mn
tbe initial eonditions for the system are zero.
105. A signal is transmitted over a eommunication
ehannel oC frequeney bandwidth B :::: 100 kHz.
0(8) ..

Givcn the Signo.l over Noise Ratio nt the receiver
Hhh, SN n ,.-~ 7, \.110 Cnpndt.y e oC (,ho clll\lI1lo1 is:

(a) e= 50 kb/s
Wbich of the following gives r(t) for t ;::: 0+, if (b) e 100 kb/s
c( t) = 1 for t ;::: 0+ ? (e) e:::: 300 kb/s
1 (d) e 700 kb/s
(a) r(t) = t +1
(e) e:::: 7 Mb/s
1 _

(b) r(t) = te t

(e) r(t) 1 - e- t
(d) r(t) = 1
(e) r(t) =t e- t
102. The spectrullI of 1111 nuo.log audio siguo.l ia
to a frequency band of 20 kHz. The signa! is
samp!ed to be numerieally proeessed. To prevent
aliasing, the sampling rate F s should be :
(a) F s = 40 kHz
(b) Fa ;::: 40 kHz
(e) Fs :::: 20 kHz
(d) Fs ~ 20 kHz
(e) F s :5 20 kHz
103. A real signa! x(t) is sampled with a sampling pe
riod T a and observed over a time window [O, T]
with T = (n - l)Ts , n being a natural integer.
The set of the sampled values x[(k -l)Tslk=l,...n
are arranged in a vector x. The Discrete Fourier
TransCorm of x, X DFT(x) is:

(a) A real vector oC lcngth n

(b) A eomplex vector oC lengthn
(e) A real vector of length 2n
(d) A eomplex vector oC length 2n
(e) A purely imaginary vector of length 2n

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