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JANUARY 2011 / ESO 1 - ESO 2

Science & Technology: The Internet


A. Find 8 technology words in the word search. Here are the first letters:

1 d___________ A W U P L O A D D T
2 u___________ X W E B D Q Z F W S
3 a___________ I V M M M X A Y E A
4 b___________ R T D S M A C W B C
5 n___________ D O W N L O A D S C
6 w___________ Q A S V Q C L L I E
7 w___________ B L O G S C H A T S
8 c___________ X Z X E R A E P E S

B. Complete the gaps using the words in exercise A.

1 Facebook is a social _______________ site.

2 www stands for World Wide _____________.

3 Another name for an Internet page is a _______________.

4 To _______________ means to talk to your friends using the Internet.

5 Lots of people ________________ the Internet every day.

6 A ______________ is like a personal website.

7 You can ________________ your photos and videos onto the Internet for other

people to see them.

8 ________________: This is what you do when you take something from the

Internet and put it onto your computer.

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C. Read the text quickly and answer the following question:

Which two social networking sites are mentioned?

The Internet
The Internet is so important that many searching for information online,
people cant live without it. In 2010 downloading pictures for school
more than 30 million people in the UK projects, chatting with school friends
accessed the Internet every day and and family. Young teenagers access
over 70% of the population has got all kinds of websites to research for
Internet at home. homework, listen to music, watch
But the way young people use Internet films and chat with friends on social
compared to their parents is very networking sites like Facebook or
different. Many adults think that their Twitter. Lots of young people start their
children use the Internet in the same own blogs, uploading information about
way as they do. Adults use the web all kinds of topics.
to shop, bank or send work related Mums and Dads sometimes dont realize
e-mails, but young people use it to how important the Internet is for their
interact socially, blogging, chatting to children. For the new generations, the
friends and using special forums to get web is not just a tool of communication
help with homework. but also a place to meet, like a youth
These days lots of very young children club or a park, where they can develop
use Internet on a practical level: their identities.

D. Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true or false
according to the text.
True False
1 More than half the UK population has Internet at home.
2 Adults use the Internet to socialise.
3 The Internet isnt used by young people to help with school work.
4 Sometimes young people watch films online.
5 Lots of young people write their own texts on the Internet.
6 Parents understand the importance of the Internet for their children.
7 The Internet helps young people to grow up.
8 Many young people use the Internet in their local youth clubs.

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JANUARY 2011 / ESO 1 - ESO 2


Comparatives and Superlatives

E. Complete the sentence using the comparative form of the adjective in


1 The new portable computer is ______________ than a paperback book. (small)

2 I do my shopping online; its ___________ than going to the supermarket. (cheap)

3 My mobile is ten years ________________ than your mobile. (old)

4 The new software is ____________ to understand than the old software. (easy)

5 My mobile is only 1cm. thick; its much _____________ than my last one! (thin)

6 My new Internet connection is _____________ than the last one; now I can

download music ____________.(fast)

F. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives

in the box.

famous difficult expensive important

reliable good far bad

1 Bill Gates is ________________ than the founder of Apple.

2 My mobile phone bill is _____________ than last months bill because I used it

to call abroad.

3 The computers of the past were ________________ to use than modern computers.

These days anyone can work with a computer!

4 The Internet is ____________ for business these days than it was ten years ago.

5 This type of computer is __________ than the other type ; they never go wrong.

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6 The Take That DVD is ___________ than the Robbie Williams DVD; I didnt like

Robbie in that one.

7 The weather on Tuesday was much ______________ than the weather on

Wednesday. It rained all day on Tuesday!

8 London is __________ from New York than Moscow.


G. Complete the second sentence with the superlative form of the


Example: This is a cheap mobile.

It is the cheapest mobile in the shop.

1 This is a nice restaurant.

It is ________________ I know.

2 This is a good party.

Its ___________________ Ive ever been to.

3 This is an interesting web page.

Its _________________ Ive ever seen.

4 It was a dangerous computer virus.

It was _________________ ever discovered.

5 It was a really hot day.

It __________________ of the year.

6 It was an enjoyable experience.

It was one of __________________ in my life.

7 She was a pretty girl.

She was _________________ in her class.

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JANUARY 2011 / ESO 1 - ESO 2


Your friend has sent you this e-mail:

How are you? I hope you are well. Im writing to ask you a favour.
Someone has told me that I can see videoclips on youtube, but I
dont know how to do it. Do you know how to use youtube? Can
you help me?


H. Write a reply to the e-mail following these steps (60-100 words):

Plan your writing:

Paragraph 1: Greet your friend and tell him/her that using youtube is easy.
Paragraph 2: Explain how to find a videoclip on youtube.
Paragraph 3: Say goodbye.

Useful words and expressions

This is what you have to do.

If you have any problems, just get in touch.

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I. Talk about these questions with a partner:

1 How often do you use the Internet?

2 What do you use the Internet for?
3 Do you think you will use it more or less in the future? Why?
4 Which website do you visit most?
5 How would your life change if there was no Internet?

J. Look at these websites. Discuss the questions below with a partner.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 Which is:
a. the most useful?
b. the most interesting?
c. the easiest to use?
d. the most difficult to use?

2 Which of these pages have you visited? Have you visited other, similar sites?
3 If you had a blog, what kind of information would you upload on it?

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K. Read these definitions of parts of a computer. Write what you think the an-
swer is. Then listen and check.

1 The thing you hold to move around the screen. Its also an animal.
2 The thing you type on.
3 The thing with the picture on it, the screen!
4 You have these on your computer and they make it do things. You might have
one for editing photos one for sending e-mail. You have them on TV too.
5 Programmes are software but the different parts of a computer are
6 You use the mouse to move it the little arrow.
7 You dont want your computer to get one of these, it makes everything go.

Listening from:
Section: 3 The quiz.

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1 download X W E B D Q Z F W S
2 upload I V M M M X A Y E A
3 access R T D S M A C W B C
4 blog
5 networking
6 web Q A S V Q C L L I E
7 website B L O G S C H A T S
8 chat X Z X E R A E P E S

1 networking
2 Web
3 website
4 chat
5 access
6 blog
7 upload
8 Download


Facebook and Twitter.

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1 True
2 False
3 False
4 True
5 True
6 False
7 True
8 False


1 smaller
2 cheaper
3 older
4 easier
5 thinner
6 faster

1 more famous
2 more expensive
3 more difficult
4 more important
5 more reliable
6 better
7 worse
8 farther/further

1 the nicest restaurant

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2 the best party

3 the most interesting web page
4 the most dangerous computer virus
5 the hottest day
6 the most enjoyable experiences
7 the prettiest girl


Students own answers.


Students own answers

Students own answers


1 mouse
2 keyboard
3 monitor
4 programmes
5 hardware
6 cursor
7 virus

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Ravi: Right speaking of computers its time for the quiz. Weve got Darryl
waiting to play. Hello Darryl.
Darryl: Hello Ravi
Ravi: Where are you today, Darryl?
Darryl: Im in Skipton. In North Yorkshire.
Ravi: I know it. Ive got an uncle who lives in Skipton. Is it raining there as
much as it is here today?
Darryl: It is pretty wet, yeah. But I dont mind the rain. Im going to go for a
walk later with my dogs.
Ravi: Lucky you. Are you not working today?
Darryl: Not today, no.
Ravi: What do you do?
Darryl: I work at a golf course. Im a groundsman.
Ravi: OK. So what does a groundsman do?
Darryl: We look after the golf course make sure the grass is OK and all of that.
Its like being a gardener.
Ravi: I see. Do you know anything about computers?
Darryl: Erm
Tess: Ravi! Youre not supposed to tell people what the quiz is about before we
start. Thats the second time youve said it.
Ravi: Oops. Well, lets get on with it. Were going to play Hot Seat, Darryl. Ive
got these cards with some words on them and Im going to give them to Tess
and she has to explain the words to you and you have to guess what the words
are. OK?
Darryl: OK.
Ravi: And all the words are on the same topic.
Tess: And I think we all know what that is, Ravi.
Ravi: And the topic today is computers and computing Computers and
computing. Youve got one minute starting from now
Tess: OK. This one is the thing you hold to move around the screen. Small
thing. Its an animal as well.
Darryl: Mouse.
Tess: Yes. Next one. The thing you type on.
Darryl: Keyboard.

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Tess: Yes. Well done. Oh gosh. The thing with the picture on it. Erm the screen!
Darryl: Monitor?
Tess: Yes. Erm. This is something on the computer that does something Sorry thats
a terrible clue. Erm you have these on your computer and they make it do things. You
might have one for editing photos one for sending e-mail erm
Darryl: I dont know
Tess: You have them on TV too.
Darryl: Oh. Programme!
Tess: OK. Right. OK, the computer and the monitor and everything are all Programs
and things are software but the other things are
Darryl: Hardware.
Tess: Thats right. Ah. OK. The little thing you move around the screen.
Darryl: Mouse?
Tess: No, you use the mouse to move it the little arrow or whatever, you know?
Darryl: Oh, the erm I know it what do you call it cursor!
Tess: Right. This ones a bad thing. You dont want your computer to get one of these,
it makes everything go
Darryl: A Trojan? A virus!
Tess: Virus, yes. Erm ..
{buzzer sounds}
Ravi: Times up. Well done you two. How many was that? Hang on. Mouse, keyboard,
monitor, programme, hardware, cursor, virus. One two three four five six seven.
Tess: Well done Darryl sorry I wasnt very good at that.
Darryl: Thats OK Tess, thank you.
Ravi: OK Darryl, thanks for playing. Well send you some bits and pieces. Enjoy your
Darryl: Thanks Ravi. Bye.
Tess & Ravi: Bye.

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