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1. How much did you know about the course before we started?

I do not know about this course completely, but I know this course is about the future
employment and how to do a good resume and interview.

2. Have you done a similar kind of assignment given in this course in the past (your earlier
semesters, in Matriculation, in school)?

Yes, I have done it in the 4th Semester in Asas Pembudayaan Keusahawanan course. But it was
just planning what to sell and how to manage the business. But doing the resume, interview and
proposal, it was a first time for me.

3. What was the one most useful or meaningful thing you learned in this course?

The one most useful and meaningful thing I learned in this course is how I am going to carry
myself and using a proper and good language for the interview and presentation.

4. What did you find frustrating about this course?

I did find frustrating that there are less Malay or Bumiputera students in the class. It is because I
also want to see how the Malay or Bumiputera performance in their presentations and interview
so it can widen my perspective in this course.

5. What was your biggest achievement in this course?

My biggest achievement in this course is having a good interview session with high level
thinking question and I get some idea and experiences to answer those questions relevantly.

6. In what area did you improve the most? What improvement(s) did you make?

One improvement that I can see so far after taking this course is I have more self-esteem and
confidence in making decisions and my critical thinking skills also has been sharpened.
7. What one assignment for this course/program was your best work? What makes it your
best work? What did you learn by creating it?

One assignment that I consider as one of my best work is the resume. I learned a lot in order to
make a good resume that can be figured as one of accepted resume for any company that I
applying for the job

8. Describe something major that youve learned about yourself in this course.

Something major that Ive learned in ths course is the way I bring myself in all aspects of works
including doing resume, going to an interview and how you handle yourself when working is the
major aspects that Ive learned in this course.

9. List three ways you think you have grown or developed as a result of this course.

i. Knowledgeable in making formal writing.

ii. More exposed in a real experience in working.

iii. Have more confident in presenting proposals and face the interview.

10. In what ways have you improved as a learner?

I felt that I improved in communication and wording. When I look at the different presentations
from the other groups and the use of a good sentence caused me to learn and use a correct
sentences when doing presentations.

11. What have you learned in this course that will help you continue to grow as a learner
and as a future employee?

The most important thing that I learned in this course is confidence and the use of good words
will help me in both as learner and future employee.

12. What was your favourite aspect of this course? Why?

My favourite aspect of this course is the presentation. It is because the presentation is the part
that I can explain of how the points and parts in presentation with the real experience. It will
make the listener understand better.
13. What parts of it did you particularly dislike? Why?

For me, all parts in this course helped me to get more information and knowledge. Also most of
the assignments in this course train me on how to be a good employee and what is the difference
between myself and the future employee outside the university. So there is no part of thos
discourse that I dislike.

14. What goals did you set for yourself in this course? How well did you accomplish them?

My goal in this course is able to communicate well with english especially in the presentation.
With continuous readings while taking this course and observe the presentation from my
classmate let me achieve this goal eventually.

15. What did you try to learn in this course?

I tried to be a good speaker when doing presentations and in the meeting assignments.

16. Whats the one thing that you have seen in your classmates work or process of learning
that you would like to try in your next course/s?

One thing that I have seen in my classmate work that i would like to try in my next course is to
apply a good communication when presenting the presentation. i impressed with the fluency of
my classmates in using english and i learned a lot from them.

17. If you were to start this course all over again, what would you do differently next time?

If I join this course again, I will prepare myself in presentations, meetings and interviews with
good preparation, especially in communication.

18. What strategies you used to learn the materials and complete the assignment given in
this course? Which were most effective? Why?

There are several strategies used to complete the work in this course. The strategies by creating a
framework in accordance with the work requirements and find what I need on the internet. By
creating a framework and summarized in the form of a point and thus obtain further information
from the internet to add to the assignment, it has been a good strategy in my learning in this
19. What problems did you encounter in this course? How did you solve them?

One of the problems I encounter in this course is that I can not communicate as well as
classmates due to feeling nervous. But I solved the problem by training myself to speak more in
english and be fully prepared for presentation which that involves a lot of communication.

20. What one question about this course is uppermost on your mind?

One question about this course is about how I can see myself what part I did not fully strengthen
for the preparation of future employment.

21. What would you like to learn further from this course?

I would like to learn more about how I can be more attractive and knowledgeable in interview so
for the future interview I can be more prepared and spirited.

22. In what area would you like to continue to strengthen your knowledge or skills?

I would like to strengthen my knowledge and skills in my resume and self-preparation because in
future, this two things will help me a lot for my career.

23. What will you say, if you have a chance to speak to your friends, about this course?

I will say that I am really grateful to meet you all because I am able to see how different people
carry themselves and how they present their points and parts well. I learned a lot from it.

24. What suggestions would you give other students on ways to get the most out this

One of my suggestions I would like to give to another students is that we should focus on the
client or audience because we have to attract their attention. In addition, making the eye contact
for every audience is also important because it indicates they are important to us.
25. If you could change any one of the assignments/ tasks you did for this course or even the
content of the whole course, which one would it be? What would you change about it?

One of task that I would change is the meeting session. I recommend the chairman exchanged
with another group leader for the meetings so that the implementation can be done in more
different situations through the eyes of other group members.

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