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Alex Estep

EDU 426

Full Lesson B Reflection

1. Lesson Objectives and Student Outcomes: Meets Standards

1.1 - The objectives and outcomes were clear, concise, and measurable. Objectives were hard to

locate at first, my teacher set a specific lesson aside for me (Digestive System). The objectives

did not exactly go hand in hand with my lesson but certain aspects of the lesson covered each

individual objective.

1.2 - The objectives were aligned with my standards for the most part. If I could have picked my

lesson, I could have chosen the standards first. I did this lesson somewhat backwards which

made it difficult.

2. Design of Lesson and Pedagogy: Exceeds Standards

2.1 - This lesson contained all components; introduction/lesson set, body/transition, closure. I

believe this is a strong point of all my lessons. I am overall an organized person so I believe it is

an advantage for me to have my lessons also organized. Organization has always been important

to me.

2.2 The strategies I used in my lesson had a variation of activities to engage all students with

different types of thinking and problem solving. In the introduction, we started with a pretest.

This test was actually designed for post lesson assessment. I decided to switch this lesson up and

use a paper assessment in the beginning then a Kahoot game to assess my students at the end of

lesson. The Kahoot game was a big favorite for the students in my first lesson so I decided to
keep it and just switch the lesson plan layout around. I believe all the components promoted a

different type of learning and thinking making this lesson successful.

3. Content Knowledge Exceeds Standards

3.1 The content knowledge was reflected and fully described by using a pretest. The pretest

was not a challenging test but the topics covered were the major objectives. This reflected

content knowledge of basic body systems. The students did well with this pretest too. Content

knowledge was also shown in the Kahoot game at the end of the lesson. The games questions

were developed from information off the power point. I believe the content knowledge of this

lesson was very strong.

4. Understands Characteristics of Students Exceeds Standards

4.1 My lesson had a variety of activities for students to do during the lesson. I believe this

engages all the students in one aspect or another. The different activities all had a clear

explanation of what was to be taught and what was expected of students.

4.2 The lesson was developmentally appropriate I believe because all students seemed to be

challenged at one point or another during the lesson. The students did express concern when

some of the Kahoot questions were more challenging than others. I thought this was good

because students need to be challenged at an advanced level at times.

4.3 The instruction was appropriately differentiated for students of different learning style.

When I designed the lesson, I wanted to include as many different learning tools as possible. I

incorporated a a physical pre test, in-depth power point, and a cumulative Kahoot assessment

game. There were no students that finished early but if they did finish early I had an enrichment
activity for the students to do. Aside from the enrichment worksheet, I also had another Kahoot

game we could have played.

5. Assessment - Exceeds Standards

5.1 I described the diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments. Each assessment was

fully described with how to present the assessment, what exactly I was trying to assess, and any

additional questions or information I planned on including as well. I do believe the formative

questions I presented throughout the PowerPoint could have been a little more developed. The

Kahoot game was challenging for the students. They verbally told me that they felt that the game

was hard. I believe what made the game so challenging was the amount of material, there was a

lot of information we covered in a short time.

5.2 The assessments were aligned with my objectives/outcomes. Each assessment was

described but also aligned with at least one objective. I believe the alignment was not perfect and

could have been better developed to better meet the connection between assessment and

objectives/outcomes. Alignment always gives me challenges but I do believe I am improving on

the alignment aspect.

5.3 The informal and formal tools were included with a plan of implementing them. I attached

each assessment I included in my lesson. The enrichment and pretest were attached as well. Also,

I provided links to my Kahoot game and made a print out of the power point slides so I could

still present the material even if the technology failed me.

6. Management of Classroom Time Meets Standards

6.1 In my lesson, I had a time frame to follow. Each part of my lesson had a designated time I

would allow for that activity, after that allotted time I knew I needed to move on to the next part

of the lesson. I did not include possibly structural challenges; the students did get out of hand a

little during the power point notes. I believe they did this because they are starting to get more

comfortable with me. The power point notes did take a little longer than expected but the Kahoot

game went quicker than the time I allotted. This ended up equaling out perfectly with my time


6.2 Each activity had a time frame to complete in. During power point notes, I had specific

parts that they needed to copy down and some parts that they could ignore. I believe this helped

to keep students from writing fatigue because there was a lot of information. During the first

lesson, I did notice notes took long on some slides because students do write faster than others.

Highlighting the notes helped speed notes up and gave students the information they needed so

they could focus on content more than just writing without taking the information in.

6.3 I included my extended activities in my lesson plan. I do believe they were thoughtful and

helpful to students so they could better understand the digestive system. The activities was not

used but I thought would have challenged the students a good amount.

7. Technology Meets Standards

7.1 This lesson plan I used technology as much as I could. I do plan on using this lesson in my

Scope for my commitment to technology. I believe the Kahoot game was the most beneficial

because it gave all students an equal opportunity to use technology and assess what they learned

throughout the power point notes. The power point was also crucial in sharing information easily
and smoothly. Students had an excellent opportunity to retain the information as well as ask

questions on topics they may be confused with.

7.2 The technology was aligned with the Next Generation Standards.

7.3 The technology was described and developmentally appropriate. Kahoot game had difficult

questions and power point had a good amount of information for students to retain as well. The

students all seemed to really enjoy using the technology because Coach Estel uses technology

daily in all his lessons. I believe this made the students more comfortable with me leading the

class. Furthermore, growing from my previous lesson experience I noticed students got really

engaged and excited when I did a Kahoot game. This made my decisions to include another

Kahoot game an easy decision.

7.4 Technology used reflected district expectations. Winfield High School encourages

technology in each of their classrooms. Although Kanawha county still is the leader in

technology, I do believe Putnam county is starting to encourage and incorporate technology

more. I believe this is an up and coming expectation school districts will have. My lesson

reflected accordingly with the views the district has on technology.

8. Data Analysis Exceeds Standards

8.1 The data analysis I collected was more than just right and wrong answers from questions.

After my first lesson I wanted to make a firm effort to try and recognize students behaviors to see

I could read whether they understood the material or not.

To start off, the pretest (diagnostic) I did for my students went really well. After students

completed the pretest we went over the answers. After answers were marked and corrected, I

asked the students to simply raise the hands if they received 10/10, 9/10, 8/10, etc. Collecting
this data, I concluded that out of 12 students, two students received 9/10, four received 8/10, five

received 7/10, and one received 6/10. These scores show all students, besides one, scored a 70%

or better on the pretest. Students behaviors also reflected that they did not struggle with any

material on the pretest.

During power point notes (formative), I did notice students struggled with understanding

the material. I grasped this understanding from students facial expressions, such as multiple

students squinted eye brows like they were thinking very depth about the information.

Specifically, when I was describing how food moves the digestive system some students game a

confused look. After noticing this, I gave the students a real-life example of them eating an

object and let them visualize taking in the food and trying to make that connection of what it may

look like inside their bodies. I believe using a real-life connection helped because it seemed like

a couple students minds just clicked when they made the connection.

At the end during the Kahoot game (summative), the students really did well. There were

24 questions on the Kahoot game. One student got 21/24, one received 20/24, four received

19/24, two received 18/24, two received 16/24, and two received 15/24. The data showed

students had at least a mastery level understanding of the information they had just been taught.

The game allowed for up to 60 seconds to answer a question. Going further, I originally thought

I would take the scores and use them as a grade. After reflecting, I decided I would just do

participation points for the game if it were my classroom. The game is based off who can answer

correctly the fastest, I thought this was unfair to an extent because students would feel rushed

and not think the answer through all the way. If I could do this again I would announce to the

students that their scores (correct vs incorrect) would be scored and grades would be given out. I

believe this would have made them slow down more and actually think out their answers.
9. Reflection Exceeds Standards

9.1 I used this scoring rubric to score myself on the lesson I taught. I used a scoring system of

5-Exceeds Standards, 3-Meets Standards, 1-Does Not Meet Standards. This rubric had a total

amount of points at 50 points. Out of 50 points I scored 45/50 points. I believe this is a good

score for reflections.

9.2 Each section I explained all components and gave reasons as to why I did or did not meet

the standards. Each reason was explained what I did well or what I could have done different and

will do different if I teach this lesson again.

9.3 Each section was explained and I gave specific reasons on why I scored myself like I did

with clear justification.

9.4 In most sections I did well and would change nothing. In my data analysis, I did however

give specific examples of what went wrong or right and what I would do differently to enhance

my assessments specifically.

9.5 In my data analysis section I added a reflection of what I would change when giving my

summative assessment in particular.

10. Professional Practice Exceeds Standards

10.1 My lesson was turned in on time.

10.2 My lesson plan contained all the identified components.

10.3 I followed the new assigned lesson plan format.

10.4 Lesson plan includes the WVSU reflection form with no spelling or grammar errors.

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