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Shapes of Pillars Date December 5, 2016

Subject/Grade Time
Grade 3, Science 60 minutes
Level Duration
Unit Testing materials Teacher Miss Peters


3-8- Evaluate the suitability of different materials and designs for their use in
a building test
Specific SLE 2: Compares and evaluate the strength and stability of different models
Learning or objects constructed
SLE 3: Describe the properties of some common solids such as wood, paper
and plastic that make them suitable for use as building materials

SLE 4: Apply procedures to test the strength of construction materials, in

particulars, different stocks of papers, plastic or wood

SLE 5: Apply procedures to test different designs

1. Students will understand how different shapes of beams support different masses
Observations: Are students following directions
Are students working together in groups?
Are students giving thoughtful questions?
Do students understand that different shapes have different stability?
Key Questions: Did students understand which shape holds more mass?
Products/Performa Master #9, Shapes of Pillars worksheet
Master #9
3 sheets of 8 + 11 paper per partners
Bears as weights
Body Time
Learning Activity 20
Instructions and hypothesis
#1 minutes
During DEAR time, or recess:
Get out text books
Get out tape
Have Masters ready to go
Have blocks on teachers stand
Have diagram of seating plan with partners at
tables drawn on whiteboard
Ask: Who remembers what type of beam hold more mass,
one large beam, or 4 smaller beams?
Do: Take answers
Say: Today we will be looking at different shapes of beams
and if they support the same mass. We will be working in
partners again for this experiment. I need everyone to look
at the board and see who you are partnered with
Do: Put partners on board
Say: When I say go I need you to go sit with your partner like
I have shown here on the board. Thumbs up if you know
where you are going
Do: Wait for thumbs
Say: Go
Do: Wait for full attention
Ask: What is going to make this a fair test?
Do: Take answers
Ask: Would it be fair if I changed more than variable at a
time? For example If I made one pillar shorter AND a
different shape?
Do: Take students answers
Say: In order for this to be a fair test we can only change one
variable at a time. For example we can only change the
height of the pillar, or the width of the pillar, not both.
Thumbs up if you understand
Do: Check for understanding and put partners on the board
Say: These are our partners for today. Does everyone see
who their partner is?
Do: Check for understanding
Say: Okay when I say go, go sit with your partner and put
your head on your desk to show me your ready for the next
instructions. Go.
Do: Get star student and helper to hand out sheets
Learning Activity 20
Building Pillars
#2 minutes
Say: Now you and your partner are going to work together to
build and test these three different kinds of pillars
Do: Show three different pillars
Say: This is how you fold the cylinder one, which we have
done before
Do: Model cylinder
Say: This is how you fold the rectangle one
Do: Model the rectangle
Say: This is how you fold the square one
Do: Model the square one
Say: You and your partner are a team. You should be helping
each other to build these structures. Maybe one-person folds
and the other tapes. But it should NOT be a competition
between the two of you. Understand?
Do: Check for understanding and take any questions
Say: Okay start building, you have 20 minutes to build and
test your pillars
Do: Put on timer. And assist partners who need help
Learning Activity 20
Finishing Sheet and Cleanup
#3 minutes
Do: Get full attention
Say: I need everything cleaned up off the desks and everyone
back to your original seats. You have 2 minutes to make this

Closure Time


Reflections from the


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