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Name: Mr. Bon Jovi

Admitting Physician: Dr. Elvis Presley
Admitting Diagnosis: Fracture Closed Suprachondylar left


Generic Name: Classification: Contraindication: Adverse Effects: Nursing Responsibilities:

Pharmacologic class:
Third Generation Antibiotic Use cautiously in patients GI: pseudomembranous colitis, If large doses are given,
Cephalosporin Third Generation hypersensitive to penicillin because diarrhea therapy is prolonged, or
Cephalosporin of possibility of cross-sensitivity with Hematologic: eosinophilia, patient is at high risk,
Therapeutic Class: other beta-lactam antibiotics. thrombocytosis, leukopenia monitor patient for signs
Antibiotic Contraindicated in patients Skin: pain, induration, and symptoms of
hypersensitive to drug or other tenderness at injection site, superinfection
cephalosporins. rash. Monitor PT and INR in
Dosage: Mechanism of Action Other: hypersensitivity patients with impaired
500 mg reactions, serum sickness, Vitamin K synthesis or low
Frequency: Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, anaphylaxis. vitamin K stores. Vitamin K
Every 8 hours promoting osmotic instability; therapy may be needed
Route: usually bactericidal. Drug is commonly used in
home antibiotic programs
IVTT for outpatient treatment of
serious infections like COPD
Indication: Dont confuse drug with
Preoperative: other cephalosporins that
Prophylaxis sound alike.
Bone or Joint Infection


Generic Name: Classification: Contraindication: Adverse Effects: Nursing Responsibilities:

Pharmacologic class:
NSAID Non-steroidal Anti- Contraindicated in patients CNS: Headache, dizziness, Correct hypovolemia before
inflammatory Drug hypersensitive to drug and in those drowsiness, sedation administering.
with active peptic ulcer disease, CV: arrhythmias, edema, In children age 2 and older,
Therapeutic Class: recent GI bleeding or perforation, hypertension, palpitations use a single dose only
NSAID advanced renal impairment, GI: dyspepsia, GI pain, nausea, Carefully observe patients
cerebrovascular bleeding, constipation, diarrhea, with coagulopathies and
hemorrhagic diathesis, or incomplete flatulence, peptic ulcerations, those taking anticoagulants.
Dosage: Mechanism of Action hemostasis; and in those at risk for stomatitis, vomiting Drug inhibits platelet
15 mg renal impairment from volume GU; renal failure aggregation and can
Frequency: May inhibit prostaglandin depletion or at risk for bleeding Hematologic: decreased prolong bleeding time.
Every 8 hours for 4 doses synthesis, to produce anti- Contraindicated in children younger Effect disappears 48 hours
platelet adhesion, prolonged
Route: inflammatory, analgesic, and than 2 years of age or patients with after stopping drug.
bleeding time, purpura
antipyretic effects. allergic reactions to aspirin or other Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, Dont give drug
IVTT NSAIDs concomitantly with other
Contraindicated as prophylactic Other: pain at injection site forms of ketorolac or other
Indication: analgesic before major surgery or NSAIDs
Short-term management intraoperatively when hemostasis is NSAIDs may mask signs and
of moderately severe, critical; and in patients currently symptoms of infection
acute pain for multiple receiving aspirin, an NSAID, or because of their anti-pyretic
dose treatment probenecid and anti-inflammatory
Contraindicated for treatment of actions.
perioperative pain in patients
requiring coronary artery bypass
graft surgery


Generic Name: Classification: Contraindication: Adverse Effects: Nursing Responsibilities:

Pharmacologic class:
Synthetic, centrally active Synthetic, centrally active Contraindicated in patients CNS: dizziness, headache, Reassess patients level of
analgesic analgesic hypersensitive to drug or other somnolence, vertigo, seizures, pain at least 30 minutes
Analgesic opioids, in patients with severe renal anxiety, asthenia, CNS after administration
Therapeutic Class: impairment, suicidal patients, and in stimulation, confusion, Monitor CV and respiratory
Analgesic those with acute intoxication from coordination disturbance, status. Withhold dose and
alcohol, hypnotics, centrally acting euphoria, malaise, notify prescriber of
analgesics, opioids, or psychotropic nervousness, sleep disorder respirations are shallow or
Dosage: Mechanism of Action drugs. CV: vasodilation rate is below 12 bpm
20 mg Contraindicated in patients with EENT: visual disturbances Monitor bowel and bladder
Frequency: Unknown. Thought to bind to significant respiratory depression or GI: constipation, nausea, function. Anticipate need
Every 6 hours for 4 doses opioid receptors and inhibit acute or severe bronchial asthma or vomiting, abdominal pain, for stimulant laxative
then PRN for pain reuptake of norepinephrine hypercapnia in unmonitored settings or anorexia, diarrhea, dry mouth For better analgesic effect,
Route: and serotonin. where resuscitative equipment isnt
GU: menopausal symptoms, give drug before onset of
proteinuria, urinary frequency, pain
Slow IVTT Use cautiously in patients at risk for
seizures or respiratory depression; in
urine retention. Monitor patients at risk for
patients with increased intracranial Musculoskeletal: hypertonia seizures. Drug may reduce
Indication: Respiratory: respiratory seizure threshold
pressure or head injury, acute
Moderate to moderately abdominal conditions, or renal or depression In case of an overdose,
severe chronic pain hepatic impairment; or in patients with Skin: Diaphoresis, pruritus, naloxone may also increase
physical dependence on opioids. rash risk of seizures
Drug can cause life-threatening Monitor patient for drug
serotonin syndrome dependence similar to that
of codeine and thus has
potential for abuse.

Withdrawal symptoms may
occur of drug is stopped
abruptly. Reduce dosage


Generic Name: Classification: Contraindication: Adverse Effects: Nursing Responsibilities:

Pharmacologic class:
Paracetamol Contraindicated in patients CNS: Headache Observe patient for over
Analgesics hypersensitive to drug. CV: Chest pain, dyspnea, toxicity and overdose.
Therapeutic Class: Muscle Relaxants Use cautiously with impaired myocardial damage when Assess patients fever or pain:
Analgesic, antipyretic hepatic function, chronic alcoholism. doses of 58 g/day are ingested type of pain, location,
daily for several weeks or when intensity, duration,
Dosage: Mechanism of Action: doses of 4 g/day are ingested temperature, and
500 mg for 1 yr diaphoresis.
Decreases fever by inhibiting GI: Hepatic toxicity and failure, Assess allergic reactions:
Frequency: the effects of pyrogens on jaundice rash, urticaria; if these occur,
Every 8 hours, PRN the hypothalamus heat GU: Acute kidney failure, renal drug may have to be
regulating centers & by a tubular necrosis discontinued.
Route: hypothalamic action leading Hematologic: Tell patient to notify
to sweating & vasodilatation. Methemoglobinemia prescriber for pain/ fever
Relieves pain by inhibiting cyanosis; hemolytic anemia lasting for more than 3 days.
______________________ prostaglandin synthesis at hematuria, anuria;
Indication: the CNS but does not have neutropenia, leukopenia,
Mild Pain or Fever anti-inflammatory action pancytopenia,
because of its minimal effect thrombocytopenia,
on peripheral prostaglandin hypoglycemia
synthesis. Hypersensitivity: Rash, fever


Generic Name: Classification: Contraindication: Adverse Effects: Nursing Responsibilities:

Pharmacologic class:
Paracetamol Contraindicated in patients CNS: Headache If suppository is too soft,
Analgesics hypersensitive to drug. CV: Chest pain, dyspnea, refrigerate for 15 minutes or
Therapeutic Class: Muscle Relaxants Use cautiously with impaired myocardial damage when run under cold water in
Analgesic, antipyretic hepatic function, chronic alcoholism. doses of 58 g/day are ingested wrapper
daily for several weeks or when Observe patient for over
Dosage: Mechanism of Action: doses of 4 g/day are ingested toxicity and overdose.
200 mg for 1 yr Assess patients fever or pain:
Decreases fever by inhibiting GI: Hepatic toxicity and failure, type of pain, location,
Frequency: the effects of pyrogens on jaundice intensity, duration,
Every 4 hours, PRN the hypothalamus heat GU: Acute kidney failure, renal temperature, and
regulating centers & by a tubular necrosis diaphoresis.
Route: hypothalamic action leading Hematologic: Assess allergic reactions:
to sweating & vasodilatation. Methemoglobinemia rash, urticaria; if these occur,
Rectal Suppository
Relieves pain by inhibiting cyanosis; hemolytic anemia drug may have to be
prostaglandin synthesis at hematuria, anuria; discontinued.
Indication: the CNS but does not have neutropenia, leukopenia, Tell patient to notify
Mild Pain or Fever anti-inflammatory action pancytopenia, prescriber for pain/ fever
because of its minimal effect thrombocytopenia, lasting for more than 3 days.
on peripheral prostaglandin hypoglycemia
synthesis. Hypersensitivity: Rash, fever


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