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LIPID METABOLISM Pancreatic enzymes Micelles ferry the digested fat to the Anabolic : increase synthesis of TGL,

Cholesteryl ester hydrolase surface of microvilli glycogen and protein

concentrated sources of energy (9.45 - Colesterol +FFA Fat diffuse out of the micelles into the Glucose is the major fuel
kcal/g) Phospholipase A2: removes FA at C2: interior of the intestinal cells Respiratory quotient (CO2 produced/O2
other functions include: - lysophospholipid + FFA consumed) : 1 (fasting : 0.8)
1) provide means whereby fat-soluble Lysophospholipase : removes FA at C1 Micelles Insulin controls uptake of glucose into
nutrients (e.g., sterols, vitamins) can - Glycerylphosphoryl base Increase the molecules accessible to muscle and adipose
be absorbed action of enzymes Uptake of glucose to liver : independent
2) structural component Phospholipase A2 Allows diffusion of the products of of insulin
3) components of hormones and release fatty acids from the second digestion thru aqueous lumen and come Liver
precursors for prostaglandin synthesis carbon of glycerol in contact with the epithelium and Takes up CHO, lipids and most of AA
- mammalian tissues penetrate thru lipid bilayers Distribution center: smooths out
Digestion and Absorption of lipids - insect and snake venom potentially broad fluctuations in
- Venom: has melittin which is a Absorption of fats : in the duodenum availability of nutrients for the
Fat content of diet stimulant of PLA2 and transported into the lymphatic peripheral tissues
Dietary lipids: 60 to 150g/day arachidonic acid is released from system Retains most of glucose (60%) from
>90% TGL the phospholipid membrane diffuse across the plasma membrane of portal
Cholesterol, Cholesterol Esters, disproportionately (inflammation the enterocyte Increased
Phospholipids, FFA and pain) Phosphorylation; glucokinase (high Km)
are presynaptic neurotoxins which cholesterol in the small intestine Glycogen synthesis(glycogen synthase)
TGL: serve as the major energy reserve inhibit neuromuscular transmission - dietary cholesterol HMP (5-10% 0fn glucose metab) ;inc
Digestion by blocking acetylcholine release - from the liver (bile) use of NADPH for lipogenesis
- Duodenum / jejunum from the nerve termini - half is typically absorbed Glycolysis: significant only at this time
Bile salts - rest is eliminated in the feces Increased
micelles to microvilli for Lysophospholipid glycolysis
absorption 1 acyl Intestinal cells: Stimulation by insulin of PFK, Pk
Bile salts are reabsorbe in In metabolism and interconversion of Resynthesis of TGL and CE Acetyl CoA is used for TCA or FA
terminal ileum phospholipids packed into chylomicrons synthesis
Resynthesis to TGL In oxidized lipoproteins - Apoprotein B-48 (synthesized Decreased
Pack into chylomicrons In promoting atherosclerosis Intestinal cells) Gluconeogenesis
Expcytosis into lymph - Absence : accumulation in cells Pyruvate carboxylase (in
Emulsification as aid to digestion congenital abetalipoproteinemia gluconeogenesis) is inactive
Enzyme digestion Stomach : mechanical - Apo E and C-II transferred from HDL F-1,6 biphosphatase (gluconeogenesis)is
Stomach Duodenum: - Deficient C-II typeI inactive
negligible bile salts hyperlipedemia Increased
Lingual lipase Lecithin AA degradation
- Stomach, slow, negligible peristalsis Chylomicrons : lymphatic Excess AA ; from synthesis of proteins
- only TGL at lipid-water interface Bile form micelles around the digested Short and medium chain TGL and N- molecules
(not emulsified) fat /butterfat : to portal circulation Released into circulation
Gastric lipase blood lipids: 45% P-lipids, 35% Deaminated
- Short chain TGL (milk) infants Aid to digestion triglycerides, 15% cholestrol esters, 5% Carbon : TCA or FA synthesis
Intestines Hormonal control free FAs Brancehed chain AA (leucine, Ile, val)
95 -99% occurs Cholecystokinin unchanged and prefernetially
Emulsification - Duodenum and jejunum Lipid metabolism metabolized in muscle
- Property of bile - Stimulus: lipids; partly digested - FA Protein synthesis
- Mechanical mixing by peristalsis proteins - Cholesterol Replacement of degraded proteins
- Pancreatic lipase : - Effect: Fat
Reaction at oil water interface contraction of GB: Release bile Metabolism of Fatty acid Increased
on C1 and C3 of TGL; Release of enzymes by pancreas Fed state FA synthesis
2,monoglyceride +FFA Dec. gastric motility, emptying Fasting state Liver : primary site for de novo ; occurs
<25% completely digested Secretin Fed state because dietary intake exceeds energy
- Colipase: anchor and stabilize - Intestine Absorptive state: 2-4 hours after meal expenditure
lipase at aqueous interface - Stimulus: chyme low pH Increase in plasma glucose, AA and TGL Availability of substrates : acetyl CoA,
- Release of HCO3 from pancreas (chylomicrons) NADPH
Activation of acetyl CoA carboxylase De Novo synthesis from acetyl CoA from Glycerol is always phosphorylated on Congenital absence of C acyltransferase
( which forms malonyl CoA from acetyl CHO or AA (adipose and liver) sn-3 by glycerol kinase in skeletal muscle
CoA) TGL from diet: Glycerol-3-phosphate Myoglobulinemia , weakness following
TGL synthesis Hydrolysed Chief source of energy in catabolism of exercise
Available: Acetyl CoA (from de novo, FFA : FA Beta oxidation
hydolysis of TGL of chylomicron Source of energy acetyl CoA Successive cleavage with release of
remnants) Formation of TGL 2-carbon units successively removed acetyl CoA (2 carbon at a time) from
G-3-P from glycolysis Glycerol from carboxyl end of FA carboxyl end
Packed as VLDL Almost exclusively by liver to form Enter CAC Cleave between a(2) and B (3) carbons
Fasting state glycerol-3-P can not use FA Enzyme : FA oxidase
Increase glycolysis Brain, RBC, adrenal medulla Complex of several enzymes
Plasma FFA Gluconeogenesis (DHAP) Beta oxidation Acyl CoA DH, Enoyl CoA hydratase, B-
Decrease Fates of FA 2 carbons are cleaved at a time from Hydroxyacyl CoA DH, Acyl CoA
Glucose in portal oxidized to acetyl CoA acyl CoA molecules at carboxyl end acyltransferase (thiolase)
Insulin decreases Oxidized to CO2 and H2O Break between the a-C and B-(3)-C MM or IMM
Glucagon increases Precursor for cholesterol and steroids B-oxidation Reactions : 4 steps
Liver In liver, form ketones (prolonged Step 1 cycle produces
Inhibits glycogen synthase fasting) Actvation of FA single molecules of FADH2, NADH
Activates glycogen phosphorylase in Esterified with glycerol Only step that requires ATP acetyl-CoA
liver TGL main fuel reserve Acyl CoA synthase (thiokinase) a fatty acid shortened by two carbons
Release glucose (G-6-phosphatase) for adipose LCFA : cytosol 1. Removal of 2 H from a- and B-
brain and RBC FA oxidation SCFA: In ER, mitochondia Carbons
Muscle FA B-oxidation 2. Transport of Facyl CoA to Acyl CoA-DH
Oxidation of FA produces acetyl CoA Not a simple reverse of synthesis mitochondria 2-trans-enoyl-CoA + FADH
which inhibits pyruvate DH; and causes mitochondria LCFA/LC acyl CoA (Double bond at 2)
accumulation of pyruvate then alanine; Mitochondria Transport : by Carnitine shuttle 2. Saturate double bond with H2O
Exported to liver Utilizes NAD,FAD carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase -2enoyl-CoA hydratase
AA for exprt to muscle Generates ATP exchange transporter 3-OH acyl CoA
Pyruvate (gluconeogenesis) Aerobic Outer surface of IMM : 3. Dehydrogenation of 3-OH on the 3-C
Adipose Increased oxidation occurs: Carnitine palmitoyltransferase (carnitine L(+)-3 hydroxyacyl-CoA DH
Increase in glucagon/decrease insulin Starvation acyltrnsferase 1) in the OMM converts 3-ketoacyl-CoA + NADH
Inhibit lipogenesis DM LC acyl CoA to acylcarnitine 4. Splitting of 3-keto acyl CoA at 2 and
Inactivation of lipoprotein lipase When impaired may lead to Transported 3 position
Activation of intracellular H-sensitive hypoglycemia Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-II in the Thiolase
lipase Release of Free FA inside of IMM catalyzes acetylcarnitine + Acetyl CoA + new acyl CoA (2 C
Release of glycerol (gluconeogenesis- Breakdown of TGL in adipose CoA to form acyl CoA (mitochondrial shorter)
liver) Hormone sensitive lipase matrix) F Acyl CoA reenters the pathway
FFA : as fuel (liver, heart, skeletal FFA and glycerol Carnitine shuttle Until 4-C acyl, which is split to 2
muscles) Glycerol is released into blood and Transfer of acyl from cytosolic CoA to molecules
FFA oxidation utilized by: liver and kidney ( active carnitine (carnitine acyltransferase I) on For odd numbered chain
Muscle : B-oxidation can not meet glycerol kinase) outer surface of IMM forming O- 3-carbon residue (propionyl-CoA)
energy requirements FFA : converted to acyl CoA (acyl CoA acylcarnitine Converted to succinyl-CoA (CAC,
Ketones synthease) Transport across the membrane therefore the only part that is
Liver diffuse out into plasma (when Transferred to CoA ( carnitine glucogenic)
Greater capacity for b-oxidation lipolysis is more than reconvertion) acyltransferase II) on inner surface of Stoichiometry : B oxidation
Forms excess acetyl CoA Lipolysis and reesterification are IMM Each cycle
Used for synthesis of ketones (major continuous in adipose Carnitine acyltransferase I FADH and NADH
fuel for skeletal and heart muscle; and hormones stimulate lipolysis carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase Transported to respiratory chain : 4 ATP
can meet brains requirement) Eoinephrine, gucagon, ACTH, TSH, GH, Carnitine acyltransferase-II Palmitate
Liver and muscle glycogen : exhausted vasopressin Inhibitor of shuttle 7 cycles
after 18 hours of fast Adipose lack active glycrol kinase Malonyl CoA inhibits C acyltransferase I 7 x 4 ATP = 28
Metabolism of FA Transported to liver Malonyl CoA is building block of FA 8 molecules of acetyl CoA
Sources of FA Used to form TGL (when FA synthesis is occurring the new To CAC (10/cycle)
Diet Converted to DHAP (glycerol DH) for FA cannot be transferred to matrix) 8 x 10ATP = 80 ATP
Total : 108 less 2 for initial activation : Prionyl CoA carboxylated to form Inc ATP inhibits iocitrate DH (oxidative CoA also has phosphopantetheine;
106 methylmalonyl CoA (propionyl CoA decarboxylation of isocitrate, producing carries acetyl and acyl on the terminal
C16 carboxylase ; biotin) alpha-ketoglutarate) thiol SH
7 cycles Rearranged to succinyl CoA Cytosol
B-oxidation in peroxisomes (methylmalonyl CoA mutase; vit B12- Citrate acetyl CoA + OAA (citrate 1. acetate is transferred from acetyl CoA
Oxidise very long FA (C20) deoxyadenosylcobalamin) lyase) to SH of ACP
Does not act on short; ends at octanoyl- Vit B12 defficiency: propionate and Pyruvate can regenerate acetyl CoA Forms acetyl-S-ACP + CoA
CoA methylmalonate are excreted in urine 2. formation of malonyl CoA from acetyl Acetyl CoA-ACP transacylase
Products: acetyl CoA and H2O2 May result in acidosis developmental CoA 2. The 2 C (acetyl) is transferred to the
(hydrolyzed by catalase) retardation Carboxylation of acetyl CoA (acetyl CoA cyseinyl residue of the enzyme(-SH of
(from flavoprotein-linked DH step) FA synthesis carboxylase; ATP) ACP)
Not linked to ATP production Sources irreversible Acetyl-S-enzyme + ACP-SH
Induced by high fat diet (drugs as From CHO and protein Regulated step 3. Vacant ACP accepts 3 carbon from
clofibrate) Mammal : primary substrate: glucose Activated: citrate malonyl CoA
Octanoyl and acetyl CoA are further Ruminants : acetate Inactivated: malonyl CoA, palmitoyl CoA Malonyl S- ACP + CoA
oxidized in mitochondria Sites: Phosphorylation (inactive) Malonyl CoA-ACP transacylase
Peroxisomes Primary sites:Liver,lactating mammary Epinephrine 4. acetyl group attacks malonyl (loses
B-oxidation of Side chain (shorten) of gland Dephosphorylation (active) CO2 which was added by acetyl CoA
cholesterol in bile acid formation Adipose and kidney, brain, lung insulin carboxylase)
In synthesis of ether glycolipids, Increased : Insulin activates phosphatase Malonyl-S-ACP + acetyl-S-enzyme
cholesterol and dolichol Prolonged CHO diet Epinephrine activates kinase acetoacetyl-S-ACP + CO2
Oxidation of unsaturated FA Fat free diet Long term regulation of CoA carboxylase B-ketoacyl-ACP synthase
Modified B-oxidation FA synthesis Increase in enzyme synthesis/ FA Condensation
Enzymes of B-oxidation up to double Cytosol synthesis acetoacetyl ACP
bond (3cis-acyl-CoA or 4 cis acyl CoA) Organs: liver,lactating mammary gland Prolonged consumption of high CHO -Ketoacyl-ACP synthase
Isomerization (delta3cis to d2-trans- (adipose tissue and kidney) and fat free diet Convert keto to saturated acyl group
enoyl-CoA isomerase) Substrate: acetyl CoA Decrease in FA synthesis 5. keto is converted to alcohol
Delta 2 trans-enoyl CoA Enzyme High fat diet Acetoacetyl-S-ACP + NADPH +H B-
Subsequent Hydration and oxidation Fatty acid synthase complex Fasting OH-butyryl-ACP + NADP
4 cycles of B-oxidation to acetyl CoA 2 dimer with 7 enzyme activities each) This may also regulate FA synthase (B-ketoacyl-ACP reductase)
4cis enoyl converted to 2 trans 4 cis 4-phosphopantetheine Means of transferring equivalents from 6. H2O is removed to form double bond
dienoyl CoA (acyl CoA DH) in prokaryotes separate protein called extramitochondrial NADH to NADP crotonyl-S-ACP + H2O
To 3 trans-enoyl CoA (reductase) acyl carrier protein (RCH2CH=CHCO-ACP)
2-trans enoyl CoA (isomerase) in eukaryotes: forms a domain in the Synthesis of malonyl CoA B-OH acyl-ACP-Dehydrase
2 trans enoyl CoA complex Acetyl CoA carboxylase : regulated step 2nd reduction
is a substrate for enoyl CoA hydratase, Carries acetyl and acyl units synthesis of malonyl-CoA is the first Crotonyl-S-ACP +NADPH H butyryl-S-
the second enzyme of beta-oxidation Cofactors: NADPH, ATP, Mn,biotin, committed step of fatty acid synthesis ACP
4 cycles of B-oxidation HCO3 (+ insulin) Acyl-ACP
(5) acetyl CoA Pyruvate from glycolysis enters Contains: biotin carboxylase, biotin Enoyl-ACP reductase
Oxidation of unsaturated FA provides mitochondria carboxylase carrier protein, End of cycle
less energy 1. transfer of acetyl from mitochondrial transcarboxylase Butyryl ACP is the end of the cycle
Fewer reducing equivalents acetyl CoA 2 steps Elongation of the growing chain
3 forms of fatty acyl DH specific for Sources: Carboxylation of biotin Acyl is transferred to cysteinyl -SH
(mitochondria) Pyruvate Transfer of carboxyl to acetyl CoA to Butryl-ACP then condense with another
Short, medium and long chain FA FA oxidation form malonyl CoA malonyl-CoA to start the second cycle
Meedium chain length acyl CoA DH Ketones FA synthesis CO2 is released
deficiency :in 1/10,000 births; said to be AA Successive addition of 2 carbon of the 3 Final product: 16 carbon saturated FA
more prevalent than phenylketonuria Condensation of OAA and acetyl CoA from malonyl Hydrolysis releases FA
Decrease in FA oxidation and severe (citrate synthase) to form citrate FA synthase Palmitoyl-S-ACP + H2O palmitate
hypoglycemia Citrate can cross to the cytosol dimer Palmitoyl thioesterase
Linked to 10% cases of SIDS Transfer of citrate from the mitochodria 7 enzyme activities 8 acetyl CoA + 14 NADPH +14 H + 7
occurs: Domain that binds ATP
Propionyl CoA Increased citrate 4phosphopantheteine (known as Acyl Palmitic acid + 8 CoA + 14
From Odd numbered FA carrier protein (ACP) (-SH) NADP + 7 ADP + 7 pi + 7 H2O
From certain AA Cysteine residue (also with SH)
All C passed thru malonyl CoA except Double bonds can be introduced at C4, Remove P group to form Plasma lipoprotein
the 2 from acetyl CoA, found at the 5, 6, and 9 Diacylglycerol Phospholipids
methyl end Fatty acid desaturase: removes two Glycerol, 2FA Glycerol backbone : Phosphoglycerides
Source of NADPH hydrogen atoms from a fatty acid, Add 3rd FA to form triacylglycerol Sphingosine backbone : Sphingomyelin
HMP : 2 from1 mol of glucose creating a carbon/carbon double bond Glycerol, 3FA Synthesis
Cytosolic conversion of malate to Trans FA: Lysophosphatidic acid Formation of phosphatidic acid :
pyruvate Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil; Glycerol Simplest phosphoglyceride
NADP dependent Malate DH (malic Compete with EFA, may exacerbate EFA Phosphate Precursor of phosphoglycerides
enzyme) deficiency FA Phosphatidic acid
Control of FA synthesis Structurally similar to satuated; role in Glycerol-p + acyl CoA Synthesis of phosphoglycerides
Stimulate promotion of hypercholesterolemia and acyltransferase formation of phosphatidic acid
Well fed atherosclerosis Formation of phosphatidic acid Synthesis of phosphatidyl inositol
Increase in citrate TGL Metabolism acyltransferase PA + CTP cytosine diphosphate-DAG
Sucrose intake Sources of TGL or TAG This reacts with inositol phosphatidyl
Insulin Diet Formation of triglyceride inositol
Glucose entry to cell 40% of calorie in the diet Addition of 3rd FA to phosphatidic acid Source of 2nd messengers
Activates pyruvate DH 90% of lipids in the diet Fates of TGL +ATP phosphatidylinositol 4,5
Depress Synthesis Adipose : depot fat biphosphate inositol 1,4,5
Restricted calorie Transport Liver: packed and exported as VLDL triphoshate (IP3) and DAG
High fat diet dietary TGL : As chylomicrons Hepatic TGL synthesis
Deficiency of insulin Liver TGl : as VLDL Factors that increase synthesis Synthesis of other phospholipids
Elongation Synthesis of Triglycerides Fed state Etanolamine, choline, serine
Chain lengthening Liver, adipose tissue, lactating Diet high in CHO PA DAG + Pi
Endoplasmic reticulum mammary glands, intestinal mucosal High circulating FFA DAG + CDP-ethanolmine
Add 2 carbon using malonyl CoA as cells Ingestion of ethanol phosphatidylethanolamine
donor; NADPH FA are esterified through carboxyl High concentration of insulin (low From serine by decarboxylation
FA elongase groups to glycerol glucagon) enhance FA synthesis DAG + CDP-choline
Condensation with the carbonyl group FA on Carbon 1 is usually saturated Mobilization of TGL phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)
(release of CO2) FA on Carbon 2 is usually unsaturated CHO is unavailable Methylation of p-ethanolamine (SAM)
B-keto is reduced by NADPH to B- FA on Carbon 3 either Hormonally controlled Procides FA for synthesis of CE in HDL
hydroxy group Glycerol and fatty acid are activated by Epinephrine by LCAT
Dehydration to create double bond ATP Hormone sensitive lipase : removes FA Surfactant (dipalmitoyl)
which is reduced by NADPH Glycerol 3-P from C1 or C3 Can be synthesized de novo from
Desaturation Glycerol kinase Lipase specific for monoacylglycerol glucose
O2, NADPH and cytochrome b5 G-3-P dehydrogenase from Activation of H-sensitive lipase Phosphoglycerides
Between 9-10 and between 9 and Dihydroxyacetone P By adding P by 35cAMP-dependent PA + serine phosphatidylserine
carboxyl group Acyl-CoA protein kinase PA + ethanolamne
Animals cannot put between 9 and w- Acyl CoA synthetase (thiokinase) Epinephrine activates adenyl cyclase phosphatidylethanolamine (cephalin)
carbon Glycerol phosphate: initial acceptor of Insulin and high glucose: inactivates H- PA + choline phosphatidylholine
Stearoyl CoA + NADPH + O2 = Oleyl FA sensitive lipase (lecithin)
CoA + NAD + 2H2O Sources of glycerol P Glycerol PA + glycerol phosphatidylglycerol
C18 From glucose to produce Not metabolized by adipose (lack PA + inositol phosphatidyl inositol
C18:1;9 dihydroxyacetone P glycerol kinase) Removal of FAA at either C1 or 2 from
Animals : limited desaturation Glycerol phosphate DH + NADH To the liver form G-phosphate : phosphoglyceride : results
Free glycerol by Glycerol kinase (liver) TGL lysophosphoglyceride
need : Activation of FA by fatty acyl CoA DHAP (glycolysis or gluconeogenesis) lysolecithin
essential FA synthetase FA Most abundant in most cells
Phosphatidic acid pathway To plasma and to tissues for use PC
PUFA from plants to Addition of FA to glycerol P to form Brain and NS, RBC, adrenal medulla can PE
form C20 Lysophosphatidic acid not use FA for fuel Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
Animals: Glycerol,P,FA Phospholipids component of lung surfactant
Can introduce double bond at C9 Addition 2nd FA to form Phosphatidic Components of membranes PI : reservoir of arachidonic acid in
Delta 9 desaturase acid Non membrane: membranes
ER Glycerol, P, 2FA Bile Synthesis: all cells
Lung surfactant liver (90%)
intestines during lipid Sulfate carrier: 3 phosphoadenosine-5- LDL rec or scavenger rec As cholesterol
absorption phosphosulfate Uptake of free cholesterol from Risk for atherosclerosis
Plasmalogen : similar to PE but with Enzyme: sulfotransferase cholesterol rich lipoprtn to cell High cholesterol level in LDL
ether link at C1 of glycerol instead of NS membranes High saturated fat in diet
ester link Degradatio of sphingolipids Synthesis Deposition of cholesterol and CE in
Hydrolyzed by phospholipases Lysosomal enzymes Hydrolysis of CE artery wall
Phospholipase A1 :from C1, etc Cholesterol metabolism decrease in cell Cholesterol synthesis
Phosphlipse D releases free bse Steroids Efflux from membrane to HDL C atoms are from acetate
Sphingomyelin Isoprenoids Esterification by ACAT H : from NADPH
Membrane of nerve tissue Derived from isoprene, 5 carbon units Utilization for synthesis of other steroids Site: Cytoplasm
Sphingosine Derivatives of cholesterol Most tissue
Serine + palmitoyl perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene Synthesis (700mg/day) Liver
Ceramide Cholesterol Liver and intestine (10% each of total Intestines
Addition of FA to the amino group of Hydrocarbon rings synthesis) Steps
sphingosine Branched hydrocarbon chain ER Synthesis of mevalonate form acetyl
Precursor : Hydroxyl Diet CoA
Sphigomyelins Sterols Present Formation of isoprenoid units from
glycolipids 8-10 C in side chain at C17 and OH at Tissues mevalonate (loss of CO2)
Esterification of Ohmethyl grp at C1 C3 membranes Condensation of 6 isoprenoid units to
with phosphorylcholine Cholesterol major sterol in animals Plasma in lipoproteins form squalene
ceramide: Cholesterol ester: FA at C3 Plasma cholesterol Cyclization of squalene to
Sphingosine B-sitosterol in plants Normal : <5.2 mmol/L lanosterol(parent steroid)
Serine Not absorbed in humans Transported: Formation of cholesterol
palmitoyl Blocks cholesterol by competetive LDL 1. synthesis of mevalonate
FA binding with intestinal cells CE 2/3 of plasma level Synthesis of HMG-CoA
Ceramide + phospatidyl choline = Cholesterol Uptake to many tissues 2 acetyl CoA acetoacetyl CoA
sphingomyelin Functions: HDL Cytosolic thiolase
Glycolipids Cell membranes Unsterified (acceptor) + acetyl CoA HMG
Derived from ceramide (sphingosine + Precursor of : Removed from tissues CoA
FA) Bile acids Forms: (HMG CoA synthase)
Monosaccharide or oligosaccharide + Steroid hormones Free cholesterol HMG CoA mevalonate
ceramide Vit D CE HMG CoA reductase + NADPH
No P group Synthesis: Transport HMG CoA syntase
Plasma membrane (nervous tissue) Liver (10%) LDL: to peripheral tissues Cytosolic: cholesterol synthesis
Cellular interactions Intestines (10%) HDL : from the tissues to the liver Mitochondrial: ketone synthesis
Antigenic Adrenal cortex Food sources: HMG CoA reductase: the rate limiting
Cell surface receptors Ovary Yolk, meat, liver, brain step in cholesterol synthesis
UDP-gal or UDP-glu + ceramide Testis May affect cholesterol level synthesis of mevalonate
Galactocerebroside, glucocerebroside placenta Increase in cholesterol ingested will Rate limiting step
CMP-NANA (sialic acid) + ceramide Regulation of cholesterol balance in liver inhibit HMG CoA Site: ER
gangliosides Dietary synth Highly saturated fat diet Reduction
Glycosphingolipids Extrahepatic increases cholesterol 15 - 25% 2 NADPH
Neutral glycosphingolipids Increase fat in liver leads to increase in Removal of CoA
Cerebrosides chylomicron remnants acetyl CoA and increase formation of Ultimate source of C : acetyl CoA
NS (myelin sheath) HDL cholesterol Mevalonate : 6 carbons
Acidic glycosphingolipids de novo synth Lack of insulin or thyroid From HMG-CoA
Gangliosides Liver Pool hormone increases cholesterol 2. Formation of isoprenoid
Most complex HDL Free chol bile Diet with highly unsaturated fat Isoprene (5) formed by decarboxylation
Ganglion cells (nerve endings) acids decreases blood cholesterol slightly to of mevalonate
Ceramide oligosaccharides + N- VLDL in bile bile moderately Isoprene : isopentenyl-PP
acetylneuraminic acid salts Decrease in diet of 100mg can decrease 3. Condensation of isoprenoid units,
Enzymes: glucosyl transferases Balance in tissues 0.13 mmol/L serum isopentenyl diphosphate;
Sulfatides increase in cell cholesterol Elimination of cholesterol isopentenyl-PP : 1 isoprene unit
Cerebrosides with galactosyl that has Uptake of cholesterol lipoprotein by 1gm / day geranyl-PP : 2 isoprene units
been sulfated receptors as bile acids farnesyl-PP : 3 isoprene units
2 FPP condense to squalene Lovastatin, mevastatin, etc 3-hydoxy butyrate: predominant in Immediate: arachidonic acid
Squalene : 6 isoprene units Degradation of cholesterol blood and urine in ketosis All nucleated cells
Condensation reactions conversion to bile acids Acetoacetate and 3-OH-butyrate : Except lymphos
Release of Pp Secretion into bile interconverted PGG2, PGH2 (parent compound)
DPP+ IPP to form Geranlyl PP (GPP) (10 Acted upon by bacteria D(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate DH PG endoperoxide synthase complex
C) Coprostanol , cholestanol (mitochondrion) glutathione
Condensation with isopentenyl used as a biomarker for the presence of NAD PGH2 : pecursor of the PGs and
diphosphate human fecal matter Acetoacetate : spontaneous thromboxanes
Farnesyl diphosphate (15C) Bile: decarboxlation to acetone numerical subscript (1 to 3)denotes the
2 FPP squalene (30) Phosphatidylcholine and bile salts Acetyl-CoA + acetyl-CoA form total number of double bonds in the
4. cyclization of squalene Bile acids thiolase alkyl substituents,
Oxidosqualene:lanosterol cyclase Primary acetoacetyl-CoA Greek subscript ( or ) is used with
5. Conversion of Lanosterol to Cholic acid Starting point prostaglandins of the PGF series to
cholesterol chenodeoxycholic acid + acetyl-CoA describe the stereochemistry of the
Shortening to 27C Secondary bile acids 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA hydroxyl group on carbon 9
Removal of 3 methyl Intestine by bacteria synthase (rate limiting) Cox 1 : in most tissues;
2 methyl at C4 Deoxycholic acid Only in liver responsible for the baseline levels of
Migration of double bond from C8 to C5 Lithocholic acid HMG-CoA prostaglandins
Lanosterol : First closed sterol ring By removing OH Acetyl-CoA split-off GI : maintains normal lining; kidney and
structure derived from squalene Intestinal bacteria HMG-CoA lyase platelet function
HMG CoA reductase : Bile acid synthesis Free acetoacetate Cox 2 :
Rate limiting step of cholesterol Hydroxylation Reduced to 3-OH-butyrate produces prostaglandins through
synthesis 7 ahydroxylase: rate limiting at C7 HMG-CoA stimulation
lovastatin, zocor, crestor, lipitor : Monooxygenase Intermediate in catabolism of leucine Primarily at sites of inflammation
cholesterol lowering drugs; NADPH, cytochrome 450 Precursor of cholesterol PGH2 : parent
competitively inhibit HMG-CoA Reduction Acetoacetate 3 forms of PG E synthases
Reductase cholesterol synthesis in Shortening of HC tail by 3C may be used in cholesterol synthesis in The most important is: a cytosolic
cell LDL receptors circulating Conjugation cytosol enzyme expressed constitutively in
LDL peroxisomes Acetacetate receives CoA from succinyl many different types of cellS and linked
HMG-CoA in ketogenic pathway with glycine and taurine CoA functionally to COX-1 to promote
HMG-CoA synthesis occurs in the Bile salts Acetoacetyl CoA immediate formation of PGE2
mitochondria Addition thru amide bond: Thiophoase PGI : formed in endothelial and smooth
serves as a substrate for HMG-CoA glycine Succinyl-CoA-acetoacetateCoA muscle cells
Lyase to produce acetoacetate Glychocholic acid transferase TXA : platelets and lung, respectively
HMG-CoA formation in cholesterol Glycochenodeoxycholic acid 2 acetyl CoA TXA2
synthesis : occurs in cytoplasm Taurine; thiolase Primarily by platelets
HMG-CoA reductase in ER Taurocholic Ketonemia : due to icreased production Paltelet aggregation, Decrease
HMG CoA reductase Taurochenodeoxycholic acid rather than dec in utilization cAMPVasoconstriction
Membrane protein of ER Ketogenesis occurs : high rate of FA Acetone: volatilized in the lungs Contraction of sm muscle
Active in cytosol oxidation in liver Assessment of ketosis: measurement of PGE2
Rate limiting in cholesterol synth When not enough oxaloacetate is blood levels Most tissues esp kidney
Regulation available for CAC Liver can not use acetoacetate as fuel Vasodilatation
Feedback inhibition Sites: liver mitochodria Cannot convert acetoacetate to Relaxes sm muscle
By cholesterol causes: acetoacetyl CoA Used to induce labor
Hormonal High fat but low CHO intake Lacks succinyl CoA:acetoacetate CoA PGI2
Glucagon Starvation transferase (thiophorase) Endothelium of vessels
Decreases synthesis Inability to metabolize CHO (DM) Eicosanoids Vasodilatation
Inactive form Ketone bodies Prostaglandins, thromboxanes, Inhibits platelet aggregation
Insulin Acetoacetate leukotrienes Increase cAMP
Increase in synthesis B-hydroxybutyrate Extremely short life PGF2
active acetone Produced in very small amounts Prod by most tissues
Cholesterol in cells Acetoacetate: preferred fuel by heart, Act locally Vasoconstriction
Gene transcription renal cortex Elicit pyhsiologic responses Contraction of smooth muscle
By drugs brain Synthesis of Prostaglandins Stimulates uterine contraction
Competitive Inhibitors of enzyme: Dietary precursor : linoleic Lipooxygenase:
inactive in leukocytes and in
Response to immunologic and
nonimmunologic stimuli
In leukocutes, plartelets, mast cells,
heart and lung vascular tissues
LTC4m D, E
Contraction of smooth muscle
Inc vascular permeability
Chemotaxis of polys
Lysosomal enzymes release
Adhesion of WBC
Addition of glycosyl monomers
transferred from sugar-nucleotide
Glucosyl transferase
Fom sulfate carrier (3-
phosphoadeosine-5-phosphosulfate to
3OH group of galactose
Last group added is the first removed
A and B galactosidase
Hydrolases may be absent
Sphingolipids accumulate in lysosomes
Seen in nerve tissue, neurologic
Autosomal recessive disease
Except: Fabrys (X-linked)

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