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Alphabetical Listing of Latin Spellings

Letter Latin Spelling IPA Latin Word with IPA English Word
a -a [] ve [.v] father
- [] sculrum [] bed
-au [u] puper [] similar to: hour
-ay [i] Raymndi [ri.mun.di] similar to: time
b -b [b] bn [b.n] Bob
c cli [] church
-c or -cc before [i] or [] [t]
ccipe [t.ti.p] lightcheese
[k] cum [kum] kick
-c or -cc in all other cases
[k.k] peccata [pk.k.t] blackcar
-c after ex- and before [i] or [] [] exclsis [k.l.sis] sheep, scena
-c after ex- in all other cases [k] excso [ks.ku.s] exconvict
-c final [k] fac [fk] kick
-ch [k] Chrstum [kri.stum] chorus
d -d [d] Dmine [d.mi.n] deed
e -e [] Do [d.] bed
-eu as a diphthong (initial only) [u] uge [u.d] no English equivalent
-eu as separate syllables (medial) [.u] Dum []
f -f [f] flio [] fife
-ff [f.f] afflcta [f.fli.kt] laughfreely
g -g before [i] or [] [d] Regna [r.di.n] gentle
-g in all other cases [] plgas [pl.s] go
-gn (doubled when medial) [.] gnus [.us] similar to: onion
h -h silent Hosnna [.sn.n]
-h in the two word mhi, nhil [k] mhi, nhil [] [ni.kil] kick
i -i [i] tbi [] ski
-i between two vowels [j] Allelia [] yes
j -j [j] Jsu [] yes
k -k [k] Krie [ki.i.] kick
l -l [l] luda [lu.d] lily
-ll [l.l] lla [il.l] falllights
m -m [m] mrte [mr.t] mime
n -n [n] non [nn] no
-nn [n.n] hosnna [.sn.n] tennights
snctus [s.ktus] anchor
-n before [k] or [] (c or g) []
snguis [s.wis] anger
o -o [] Dminus [d.mi.nus] loft
- [] cli [] bed
p -p [p] pter [] pop
-pp [p.p] supplicnti [] popperfect
-ph [f] Prophtas [pr.f.ts] phrase
q -qu [kw] qui [kwi] queen
r -r between two vowels [] miserre [mi.s..] very (British)
[r] mrte [mr.t]
-r or -rr in all other cases no English example
[r.r] trra [tr.r]
s -s [s] snctus [s.ktus]
[s.s] Altssimus []
[s] miserre [mi.s..]
[s] vvos [vi.vs]
-s final after a voiced consonant [z] fons [fnz] fans
sco [i.]
-sc before [i] or [] [] sheep
sscipe [suip]
-sc in all other cases [sk] scto [sku.t] scum
t -t [t] tnto [tn.t] test
-tt [t.t] ttimus [t.ti.mus] nighttime
-ti before a vowel and after any other [ts] trtia [tr.tsi.] its
letter except s, t, or x
-ti in all other cases, including when
initial, in words of Greek origin and [ti] ttimus [t.ti.mus] teeth
in certain verb forms.
-th [t] Sbaoth [s.b.t] Thomas
u -u [u] cum [kum] tune
-u following ng- or q- and before a vowel [w] qu, snguis [kwi] [s.wis] queen
v -v [v] vvos [vi.vs] vine
w not used in Latin
x ex- before a vowel [s] exlto [ks.l.t] eggsalt
ex- before -h [s] exhbeo [s.i.b.] eggsalt
ex- before -s and a vowel [s] exsles [] eggsalt
ex- before -s and a consonant [k.s] exspro [k.spi.] box
ex- before other consonants [ks] extndo [] box
exc- before [i] or [] [k.] exclsis [k.l.sis] duckshell
exc- in all other cases [ks.k] excso [ks.ku.s] exconvict
dxtera [dks.t.]
-x medial or final [ks] box
pax [pks]
-x written (from the Greek) [k] ristum [kri.stum] king
y -y [i] hmnus [i.mnus] ski
z -z [dz] Lzaro [] beads

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