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Free energy - Water Car Inventor Murdered

Stanley Myers "Well it was during the oil and Barlow of the United
States we had a little army in a that had a country over in the far east that
could actually cripple the United States and realizing that the entire
industrial base of the United States and the worlds based on the supply of
needliazation of energy became imperative that we must try to bring in an
alternate fuel source and do it very quickly of course I thought originally
with the right type of funding we could possibly get it in with in six months
but reality shows that 12 to 15 years was more correct in this projection."
Announcer, back in the 70's Stan Myers set out single handled to solve
Americas energy problems he decided to do it using water the worlds most
abundance store house of hydrogen which is a far more powerful fuel than
oil for 15 years Myer has been fighting to get his inventions taken seriously.
Stan Myers. " most inventors have to be a loner you have to be some what
thick skin and dont rely on other people to support you because they will
not more times than not an invention is really stolen from the inventor even
in my prior development of high technology I have had patents taken from
me I learned from the school of hard Knox to be very cautious." Announcer,
Myer has always stood out against the crowd he has no former
qualifications as a scientist because he didn't wait to graduate from high
school leaving early and going straight into research at the high power betel
institute in his native Ohio now he works full time as a private inventor built
a device with potential revolutionary implication. There is nothing starting
about a machine that can extract hydrogen from water what is highly
unusual is that it should do so with ordinary tap water convention method
is called electrolysis Myer has turned that presence on its edge and like
electrolysis his device doesn't use up large amounts of current all it
produce amount of waste heat, for 20 years he has been finding a method to
factor water which produces vast amounts of hydrogen on demand. This is
not his latest apparatus but he was unwilling to exploit his camera of that
this is the simple device he used to convince the reluctant patent office that
his revolutionary concept actually works, alloy rods acting as electrodes
are housed in a pres pit container that is filled with water normal
main voltage is fed in through a transformer but critically there is no
current consume less than half an amp the result is dramatic hydrogen
pours off with the flick of a switch. Myer claims the key is his electronics
which causes electricity rapidly across the rods with up to 20 thousand
cycles per second in a way that's not to be apparent this process

transforms the equation. There as conventional electrolysis three times as
much energy is consumed as its produced in the form of hydrogen fuel in
Myers apparatus the reverse is true it appears to produce several hundred
percent more energy than it consumes. Paul Czysz "Sam has something
that's characteristic of the people that sound like they have done something
to test zero point energy it has high frequency, high voltage and there is a
combination of the two in which something occurs. With Genet scan Russia
it was what he called a self containing discharge the two would run by it
self. When Stan gets the effect the amount of hydrogen and oxygen would
burn a minute or two of these two electrodes is a step function it almost
boils the water if I did this with standard electrical chemicals I need current
and the water should rise a degree every couple of seconds. With Stan's it
will run for a half hour and the water temperature hasn't changed
somethings different." Announcer, Myer demonstrates this repeatedly with
out any difficulty and yet on the face of it represents extraordinary
revolution his measurements over the years suggest 17 hundred
percent greater efficiency than convention electrolysis and is to be believed
he is getting much better results from his latest still secret invention. Dr.
Hindley " Well I first got involved with Stan Myer when I went over there
with a couple of colleagues to look at his water splitting device and so we
arrived he had a demonstration cell he filled it with tap water if I did that
myself and he switched it on and almost instantly three jaws dropped
because of the rate the gas poured of it was quite spectacular." Paul Czysz
"What ever energy source Stan Myer had tapped it was not explicit but the
electric power that was going into it so something was powering it outside
of conventional wisdom." Announcer, There is no question that the gas
coming off in such abundance is hydrogen. Myer ignites and produces a
high temperature flame able to cut through metal. Dr. Hindley "Stanley Myer
has faced a lot of difficulties he has three times tried to watch the device
produced press conferences at the technical press round but these big
university in the early days they pretty much ridiculed the whole idea he is
getting a little more noticed now because some scientist are very
interested but by in large science is very intolerant particular modern
science." Announcer, as with test let greegs and others Myers claim is so
far outside the received scientific wisdom that they have been ignored by
the majority by the site of his establishment but then Myers has ignored
them too. He has poured his energy over the last ten years into establishing
recognition for his claims by getting international patents. Stan Myers "In

the processing there was a great deal of difficulty in trying to process the
legal paper work in such a way as to allow the patent office to fully
understand what was actually occurring in one instant we brought the
water fuel cell to Washington D.C. and of course i had tweaked it in such a
way to produce enormous amount of hydrogen and oxygen gas and
the patent examiner said no it will not work based on the electrolysis
process and when we turned it on it produced an enormous amount of
hydrogen gas the examiner finally realized that we were doing exactly that
and went out in the and started screaming and hollering to everybody on the
floor put out your cigarettes hydrogen is in the building so we started
laughing and said well we convinced everybody in the patent office that we
said when can do what we said we can do." Announcer, Even so the US
patent office dragged there feet for three years before granting patents on
the hydrogen producing device since then it gets massive resistant he has
managed to get patents established throughout Europe and Japan. The
hydrogen machine was only the first step towards his ultimate dream if he
gets it right this application of his technology will change the twenty first
century in the same way the wright brothers and Carl Benz transformed the
twentieth he is currently modifying a beach buggy to run on nothing but
water it doesn't have a petal tank or even a hydrogen container it has just a
tank of water he has invented a device called a water splitter to replace the
spark plug as the water is injected into the engine Myer claims its fractured
into hydrogen and oxygen then burned as fuel Myer is working on a kit to
modify any engine he hopes to demonstrate it on this car within in twelve
months. Stan Myers "and of course the blessing to the use of the water as a
fuel source that own combination the by product is wateriness so we are
even solving environmental pollution problem at the same time that we use
water to maintain the industrial basis of the world." Announcer, Myer is
protected about his inventions to the point of self confess paranoia most
observers describe him as a krank his car is an aberration but then
madness and geniuses often go hand in hand Myers share many inventors a
problem that goes well beyond paranoia as an engineer with no scientific
background he faces a giant hurdle when he tries to communicate with
scientists. Frank Close "One problem is that the language that people use
when they trying to describe their inventions is not the language that i as a
scientist am use to and so i have to translate if you like into a way that i
could begin to understand and what they are trying to say it mine as well be
written in twaheety for all the sense it initially makes and so I am not

particularly inspired to put a lot more effort in the hope of the pearl of
wisdom that it will reveal itself to me the certain point you hit a lower
dimension returns." Announcer, It isn't just a question of the difficulties of
communication there is a profound barrier between scientist and inventors
and a strong reluctance in the part of most scientist to miss their reputation
grapping their issues that don't have a clear scientific pedigree. Paul
Czysz "Reluctance to look foolish in inhibits a lot of people from looking at
things this is looked at as a priory you touch and it creates an image of you
that you don't want your colleagues to see." Frank Close "One extreme you
might have things guaranteed that work not very interesting if they do and
if the other extreme things that are a real long shot but would be
revolutionary and so you would have to try and weigh the balance and
decide which side is more likely to be profitable for you then having made
some choices you are gonna have to ask yourself how do I actually go about
doing this do I have to apply for funds to do it and if I do who do who would I
be competing with and what is the better chance this will be supportive or
that because at least in big science area that I work you cant just come up
with an idea on a Friday and expect to start experiment on Saturday it takes
many months many years even for preparation." Announcer, Though the
scientific establishment may have ignored the likes of Myer the powerful
moterent industrial complex hasn't over the past ten years Myers says he
has been quietly approached by inadequate organizations who wouldn't
never admit publicly with their involvement with him. Stan Myers "It is
involved in deep space exploration and also being developed quite highly in
the military basically what occurred with water fuel cell was in the fact
once they understood was actually occurring then under the U.S. national
security mandate I have no decision or power whether or not the military
or NASA or the federal government will utilize the technology. They can
utilize it in any way they so desire." Announcer, NASA is using every
method it can to re-gaze its now fading glory the face of strong
Congressional resistant the days of limits of space exploration are long
since gone the champion of a new environment friendly energy source
NASA would gain immense support. As a former top scientist of a NASA
space spent project professor Paul Czysz has inside track on the workings
of the agency. Paul Czysz "NASA has large centers the center that's in
charge of propulsion is NASA Lewis in Cleveland, Ohio can you imagine
instead of having a million pound rocket that has nine hundred thousand
pounds of fuel on board and oxidizers can you imagine what it would be like

if you could put a device on their that would split water and run it into your
engine no explosive compounds." Announcer, Public confirmation of a
conflict from NASA would provide a resounding boost for Myers technology
Paul Czysz says this only in a close meeting can confirm such an
agreement. Paul Czysz "Their looking for new energy sources I understand
from the people that I have talk with to that have worked with Stan trying to
understand what he has done and given the contract. I also understand with
the Bureaucracy in Washington and com congressional oversight is to why
they would never admit it anyone that does that will be suspect will be
challenged will be considered a threat." Announcer, but if only a fraction of
what Meyer claims for his technology can be achieved it would represent a
vindication for NASA involvement it would also be a powerful threat to many
entrenched reseated interest. Paul Czysz "if Stan Meyers device works like
he advertises you would make energy available universally almost free that
is a major major major impact." Stan Myers " When new technology comes
in existence there is great resistant to it because it can effect a lot of
economics factors in this particular case the United States we pay out
roughly about two hundred billion dollars a year for an oil it is quite obvious
that the Arabs will pay two hundred billion dollars to keep this type of
technology out of the economy many many times over the last decade i
have been offered an enormous amounts of money to simple sell out or just
sit on it the Arabs offered me well over a billion dollars cold case to simple
just sit on it and absolutely do nothing with it. My life has been threatened
many times and of course I happened to believe in the power of angels and
if I don't believe in the power of angels i don't believe i will be around here
to long." Paul Czysz "if the thing like Stan Meyers has works every piston
engine, every gas turbine in the world today if it had its converter could run
on it with a little invention we could get Stan the loan the devices to run all
over the world. I think it would be a what I would be concerned about is the
people that sell energy would essential be bankrupted what happen to the
Conestoga wagon when trains came or to the pony express when the
telegraph came in your gonna wipe out an entrenched power base and they
may not go easily."

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