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Elementary Word List

Word class abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in the word list: (n) = noun, (v) =
verb, (adv) = adverb, (adj) = adjective and (phr v) = phrasal verb.
UNIT 1 PEOPLE early (adj)
PAGES 1011 manager (n)
wife (n) surname (n)
introduce (v)
PAGES 1213
aunt (n) PAGE 19
company (n) bit (n)
grandparent (n) compare (v)
half brother (n) correct (adj)
international (adj) count (v)
mother-in-law (n) star (n)
nephew (n) takes (v)
niece (n)
normal (adj) UNIT 2 POSSESSIONS
similar (adj) PAGE 21
step brother (n) ball (n)
uncle (n) plastic (n)
were (v) possession (n)

PAGES 1415 PAGES 2223

agriculture (n) bottom (n)
average (adj) compass (n)
countryside (n) first-aid kit (n)
equal (v) gloves (n)
have (v) important (adj)
industry (n) mobile phone (n)
language (n) rucksack (n)
life expectancy (n) torch (n)
live (v)
manufacturing (n) PAGES 2425
population (n) apartment (n)
production (n) difference (n)
religion (n) furniture (n)
use (v) picture (n)
work (v) style (n)

PAGES 1617 PAGES 2627

conference (n) bonnet (n)

bumper (n) PAGES 3637
engine (n) accountant (n)
global (adj) pilot (n)
headquarters (n) sailor (n)
mirror (n) waiter (n)
nationality (n)
producer (n) PAGES 3839
product (n) medicine (n)
wheel (n) native (adj)
window (n) over (adv)
speaker (n)
PAGES 2829
help (v) PAGES 4041
medium (adj) aquarium (n)
size (n) straight (adv)
tennis ball (n) across (prep)
corner (n)
mine (v) PAGE 43
miner (n) medical centre (n)
opal (n) roundabout (n)
tunnel (n) seesaw (n)
worth (adj) slide (n)
worthless (adj) swing (n)


day (n) fishing (n)
midnight (n) free time (adj)
night (n) gym (n)
popular (adj) relaxing (adj)

PAGES 3435 PAGES 4647

bicycle (n) activity (n)
break (n) actor (n)
centre (n) day off (n)
clean (adj) gardening (n)
crowded (adj) harp (n)
gallery (n) identical (adj)
lunchtime (n) player (n)
pollution (n) swimming (n)
problem (n) twins (n)
quiet (adj) walking (n)
theatre (n) write (v)
traffic (n)
transport (n)
zone (n) PAGES 4849

explain (v) UNIT 5 FOOD
hobby (n) PAGE 57
impact (n) love (v)
perfect (adj) real (adj)
photography (n) sauce (n)
shine (v) smell (v)
snow mobile (n) visit (v)
spend (v)
week (n) PAGES 5859
carrot (n)
PAGES 5051 chicken (n)
adrenaline (n) chip (n)
baseball (n) cupboard (n)
boxing (n) juice (n)
cliff diving (n) lamb (n)
cricket (n) lemon (n)
distance (n) lentil (n)
exciting (adj) nut (n)
extreme sport (n) olive oil (n)
fast (adv) onion (n)
highline (n) orange (n)
ice hockey (n) pepper (n)
jump (v) potato (n)
landscape (n) prawn (n)
mountain biker (n) raisin (n)
paragliding (n) recipe (n)
peaceful (adj) salt (n)
sailing (n) satay (n)
slow (adj) seasoning (n)
surfing (n)
PAGES 6061
PAGES 5253 atmosphere (n)
enthusiastic (adj) banana (n)
information (n) early (adv)
journalist (n) everyday (adj)
orphan (n) fresh (adj)
live (adj)
PAGE 55 lover (n)
allotment (n) seafood (n)
dig (v) shopper (n)
easy (adj) upstairs (adv)
location (n)
refreshed (adj) PAGES 6263
scenery (n) corridor (n)
snowboarding (n) disease (n)
soil (n) doorway (n)
ukelele (n) flood (n)
future (n)
grow (v) note (n)
huge (adj) surprisingly (adv)
plant (n) unfortunately (adv)
plant (v)
seed (n) PAGES 7273
store (v) Anglo-Saxons (n)
type (n) interview (v)
variety (n) jewellery (n)
vault (n) metal work (n)
priceless (adj)
PAGES 6465 silver (n)
sparkling (adj) value (n)
garlic (n) visitor (n)
starter (n)
special (n) PAGES 7475
dessert (n) bank card (n)
bill (n) cash machine (n)
cheque (n)
PAGE 67 credit card (n)
average (n) message (n)
block (n) neck (n)
career (n) practical (adj)
chapter (n) seashell (n)
class (n)
gelato (n) PAGES 7677
ice cream parlour (n) borrow (v)
import (n) charity (n)
machine (n) collect (v)
management (n) hospital (n)
marketing (n) lend (v)
profit (n)
subject (n) PAGE 79
textile (n) bracelet (n)
crown (n)
UNIT 6 MONEY palace (n)
PAGE 69 region (n)
area (n) route (n)
bagpiper (n) statue (n)
busker (n) terrible (adj)
central (adj) treasure (n)
coin (n)
currency exchange (n)
electronics (n)

PAGES 7071
formal (adj) UNIT 7 JOURNEYS
king (n) PAGE 81
queen (n) European (n)
final (adj) experiment (n)
ship (n) launch (v)
storm (n) physician (n)
weather (n) physics (n)


aeroplane (n) PAGE 93
flight (n) colourful (adj)
historian (n) make-up (n)
incredible (adj) dance (v)
land (v)
mechanical (adj) PAGES 9495
studio (n) cheek (n)
take off (phr v) chin (n)
win (v) dancer (n)
eyebrow (n)
PAGES 8485 handsome (adj)
calf (n) lip (n)
climb (v) mask (n)
fast (adj) photograph (n)
female (adj) ribbon (n)
female (n) string (n)
frog (n) tall (adj)
lay (v) tribesman (n)
male (adj) ugly (adj)
male (n)
migration (n) PAGES 9697
tree (n) belt (n)
turtle (n) client (n)
clothing (n)
PAGES 8687 line (n)
cloud (n) magazine (n)
lightning (n) socks (n)
moon (n) suit (n)
official (adj) tie (n)
planet (n) uniform (n)
ring (n)
solar system (n) PAGES 9899
spacecraft (n) ankle (n)
volcano (n) back (n)
wind (n) chest (n)
connection (n)
PAGES 8889 criminal (n)
flight (n) customer (n)
tiring (adj) expert (n)
useful (adj) feature (n)
PAGE 91 foot (n)
candidate (n) haircut (n)
knee (n) documentary (n)
lawyer (n) horror film (n)
leg (n) romantic (adj)
natural (adj) science-fiction (n)
negative (adj) stay (v)
permanent (adj) ticket (n)
religious (adj)
shoulder (n) PAGES 108109
society (n) biologist (n)
tattoo (n) director (n)
edit (v)
PAGES 100101 equipment (n)
closely (adv) expensive (adj)
listen (v) heavy (adj)
often (adv) the Internet (n)
sad (adj) plan (v)
stand (v) visa (n)
subway (n) wildlife (n)
think (v)
PAGES 110111
PAGE 103 art critic (n)
carnival (n) butterfly (n)
clown (n) disagree (v)
costume (n) field (n)
event (n) genius (n)
firework (n) grass (n)
national anthem (n) kangaroo (n)
performance (n) leaf (n)
rodeo (n) postcard (n)
trumpet (n) print (n)
wonderful (adj) print (v)
result (n)
PAGE 105 sea (n)
audience (n) sky (n)
fantastic (adj) sunflower (n)
harbour (n)
opera house (n) PAGES 112113
outdoor (adj) extra (adj)
screen (n) free (adj)
sight (n) phantom (n)
strange (adj)
view (n) PAGE 115
rainforest (n)
PAGES 106107 trap (n)
afterwards (adv) wait (v)
animation (n) wildlife conservationist (n)
comedy (n)
UNIT 10 SCIENCE manufacturer (n)
PAGE 117 prototype (n)
brain (n) runway (n)
chemical (n) servant (n)
electrical (adj) sticky tape (n)
energy (n) teleport (v)
fix (v) transportation (n)
laptop (n) vacuum cleaner (n)
shut down (phr v)
similarity (n) PAGES 124125
virus (n) colleague (n)
design (n)
PAGES 118119 urgent (adj)
communication (n) website (n)
download (v)
ebook (n) PAGE 127
email (n) business (n)
household (n) card (n)
library (n) definition (n)
online (adj) exam (n)
podcast (n) learn (v)
researcher (n) meaning (n)
sat nav (n) understand (v)
search engine (n)
survey (n) UNIT 11 TOURISM
technology (n) PAGE 129
travel agent (n) backpacking (n)
gap year (n)
PAGES 120121 tent (n)
athlete (n)
championship (n) PAGES 130131
forget (v) amazing (adj)
memorise (v) coast (n)
memory (n) dangerous (adj)
remember (v) destination (n)
repeat (v) independent (adj)
special (adj) jungle (n)
technique (n) phrase book (n)
rent (v)
PAGES 122123 sightseeing (n)
atom (n) souvenir (n)
comfortable (adj) suggestion (n)
electricity (n) tour guide (n)
image (n) traveller (n)
impossible (adj)
invent (v) PAGES 132133
invisible (adj) climate (n)
ipod (n) currency (n)
embassy (n)
hitchhiking (n) PAGES 142143
illegal (adj) conclusion (n)
licence (n) predict (v)
multicultural (adj) rainfall (n)
tourist (n)
PAGES 144145
PAGES 134135 adventure (n)
choose (v) creature (n)
cruise (n) deep (adj)
decrease (v) explore (v)
environmental organisation (n) film director (n)
excitement (n) freeze (v)
government (n) glacier (n)
positive (adj) submarine (n)
safari (n) tropical (adj)
swimming pool (n)
PAGES 146147
PAGES 136137 astronomer (n)
brochure (n) orbit (v)
disadvantage (n)
interesting (adj) PAGES 148149
rubbish (n)
PAGE 139 politician (n)
direction (n) environment (n)
emotional (adj) efficient (adj)
pilgrim (n) bulb (n)
pilgrimage (n)
pray (v) PAGE 151
silence (n) active (adj)
spiritual (adj) create (v)
destroy (v)
eruption (n)
gas (n)
lava (n)
magma (n)
UNIT 12 THE EARTH melt (v)
PAGE 141 surface (n)
equator (n) tectonic plate (n)

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