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A legally condemned criminal is considered a danger to social order.

Therefore, to protect the rights of

the citizens and to protect it's corporal life. The government may give the death penalty to the
grievously erring citizens. If one person or individual committed such grievous and heinous crimes is too
dangerous to be allowed to live. That's why crime exist because our laws are too soft. This justice system
is about protecting public from criminals. And why is it people always see sentences as punitive? Laws
are built to protect the society not to educate it.

The death penalty serves as justice. I strongly agree with enforcing the death penalty. It is for the safety
of all and for the next succeeding generation. I believed that death penalty should be legalize because if
you kill someone, you shouldn't be able just to go to jail. You should have the same punishment as the
crime you committed. Yes, it is somewhat harsh, but killers should be punish to death. I am pursuing this
law for us to have knowledge about quantitative facts. That this law must legalize for the safety of the
innocent and the just. Killing a drug addict or non-valued person is not a bid lost, they deserve a death
penalty. If our government implement this law, everything will be put in a right place and there's no
problem at all.

We are talking about speculative knowledge of quantitative facts. Our conscience also acts as our
personal moral norm for discerning good and evil. But, does the rapist and the killer considered the life
of their victim? Did they use their conscience by killing and destroying others? If we are really in tune to
God, we shouldn't do such awful things. If we really love God, we shouldn't do such heinous sins and
crimes. Order is something that must be establish. So therefore, we must refer to peace of the society
and country.

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