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27-04-2015 INGLS

QUESTION TAG 145. (ITA-1992)

A alternativa que corretamente preenche o claro de One
Question tag so perguntas curtas que aparecem no final das never knows what to expect, __________? :
frases com o intuito de questionar ou confirmar a informao a) isnt it
dita previamente. b) does one
c) one knows
Ex: Mike is your father, isnt he? (Mike seu pai, no ?) d) knows one
e) do we
Regras para question tags:
- A question tag sempre vem na forma oposta a frase. Isto 146. (EN-1989)
significa que se a frase est na afirmativa, a question tag The cheque of the customer had not been returned:
estar na negativa. De forma anloga, se a frase est na a) hadn't it?
negativa, a question tag estar na afirmativa. b) does it?
- A question tag sempre vem aps vrgula. c) hasn't it?
- A question tag sempre vem no mesmo tempo verbal que a d) did it?
frase principal (e importante que o estudante saiba qual e) had it?
tempo verbal a frase se encontra e qual o seu respectivo
verbo auxiliar mesmo quando este no est evidente). 147. (AFA-1997)
We cant do without him, __________?
Ex: The company opened yesterday, didnt it? a) can us
(A empresa abriu ontem, no abriu?). b) can we
Marcus will travel to Spain, wont he? c) can ours
(Marcus vai viajar para a Espanha, no vai?). d) cant he
You should study more, shouldnt you?
(Voc deveria estudar mais, no deveria?). 148. (AFA-2000)
Peter and Sue didnt buy a new house, did they? Choose the correct question for the context: You are
(Peter e Sue no compraram uma casa nova, compraram?). speaking to your daughter. You want to make sure that she
turned off the stove. You ask her:
Exerccios a) You turned off the stove, did you?
b) You do turn off the stove, didnt you?
142. (ITA-1984) c) You didnt turn off the stove, did you?
Michiko and Yamashiro are not Japanese, __________? d) You did turn off the stove, didnt you?
a) are
b) aren't they 149. (EFOMM-2012)
c) aren't them Choose the option with the correct tag questions for the
d) are they sentences below.
e) are they not 1. You werent listening, __________?
2. She doesn't know him, __________?
143. (ITA-1985) 3. I'm a bit overweight, __________?
You know you have to study more, __________? 4. Don't open your eyes, __________?
a) do you a) weren't you / does she / aren't I / do you
b) don't you b) were you / doesn't she / aren't I / do you
c) do you not c) were you / does she / aren't I / will you
d) not know d) weren't you / does she / am I not / will you
e) not you know e) were you / doesn't she / am I not / do you

144. (ITA-1991) 150. (JFS-2002)

I am not as good at football as he is, __________? Complete corretamente:
a) arent I The Titanic sank in 1912, __________?
b) is he a) didnt she
c) no b) didnt it
d) am I c) hadnt it
e) am d) hadnt she
Rua Lcio Jos Filho, 27 Parque Anchieta Tel: 3012-8339
e) doesnt it (Ele pode estar na biblioteca.)

151. (UEL-1995) MIGHT: expressa possibilidade (presente e passado).

He hasn't seen you lately, __________?
a) has he Ex: I might go with you. (Eu devo ir com voc).
b) is it
c) have you MUST: expressa obrigao, proibio e deduo.
d) have we
e) haven't you Ex: The students must behave as I say. (Obrigao)
(Os alunos devem se comportar como eu digo.)
152. (FMTM-1998) She must be very busy, since she has three children, a job and
You can sing well, __________? a house to take care. (Suposio)
a) didnt you (Ela deve ser muito ocupada, j que tem trs filhos, um
b) cant you emprego e uma casa para cuidar.)
c) dont you
d) doesnt you SHALL: expressa convite e oferecimento.
e) couldnt you
Ex: Shall we dance? (Gostaria de danar?)
153. (UNITAU-1995) Shall I stay here with you?
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde sequncia de (Quer que eu fique aqui com voc?)
Question Tags adequados para completar as frases a seguir:
1. He isn't at home, __________? WILL: expressa futuro.
2. That will happen, __________?
3. She hasn't a cue, __________? Ex: Will you travel? (Voc vai viajar?)
4. It rains a lot, __________?
WOULD: passado de Will. Expressa possibilidade. Podemos
a) isn't he; won't it; has he; doesn't it usar would para perguntas mais educadas.
b) is it; will it; does she; has it
c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it Ex: I would like to be rich. (Eu gostaria de ser rico.)
d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it Would your daughter like to play with my little girl?
e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it (A sua filha gostaria de brincar com a minha filhinha?)

MODAL VERBS SHOULD: expressa conselho ou recomendao.

Os verbos modais (modal verbs) so um tipo especial de Ex: You should study more.
verbos auxiliares que alteram ou completam o sentido do (Voc deve estudar mais) expressa conselho.
verbo principal. De um modo geral, estes verbos expressam You should not smoke so much.
ideias como capacidade, possibilidade, obrigao, permisso, (Voc no deveria fumar tanto) expressa conselho
proibio, suposio, pedido, vontade, desejo ou, ainda,
indicam o tom da conversa (formal / informal). OUGHT TO: expressa conselho, obrigao, dever e
probabilidade. Bem similar ao modal should.

CAN COULD MAY MIGHT MUST SHALL - WILL Ex: You should not / ought not to walk alone late at night.
SHOULD OUGHT TO WOULD (Voc no deve / deveria caminhar sozinho tarde da noite.)
Everybody should / ought to wear car seat belt.
(Todos deveriam usar cinto de segurana no carro.)
CAN: expressa permisso, habilidades e capacidades. You ought not to accept offers from strangers.
(Voc no deveria aceitar propostas de estranhos.)
Ex: I can dance. (Eu posso danar).
Can I go? (Eu posso ir?)
COULD: passado de can. Significa podia/poderia.
154. (UNESP-1992)
Ex: My mother could read without glasses when she was 18. Assinale a pergunta correta para a resposta apresentada:
(Minha me podia ler sem culos quando tinha 18 anos) Take the second on the left and then ask again.
Could you lend me your cellphone? a) Can you give me an information?
(Poderia me emprestar seu cellular?) b) Excuse me. Where the Town Hall is?
c) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Town Hall is?
MAY: expressa permisso, possibilidade ou deduo. d) Could you tell me where does the Town Hall is?
e) Do you know when is the Town Hall?
Ex: May I use your umbrella? (Permisso)
(Posso usar seu guarda-chuva?) 155. (CESGRANRIO 1995 ADAPTED)
He may be in the library. (Possibilidade)
Rua Lcio Jos Filho, 27 Parque Anchieta Tel: 3012-8339
Shopaholics could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from 161. (UEL-1994)
lack of self-esteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction Assinale a alternativa correta:
to television commercials. We __________ hurry. The bus leaves in 10 minutes.
The modals COULD, MIGHT and MAY appear in the text to a) can
express the idea of: b) must
a) permission. c) do
b) possibility. d) did
c) intention. e) would
d) prohibition.
e) ability. 162. (UEL-1994)
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da
156. (UNIRIO 1995 ADAPTED) frase a seguir:
Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as - "Excuse me, sir. __________ you tell me the time?"
hoped at preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long - "Sure, it's 5:20."
hours in the sun with a false sense of security.
The word MAY expresses the idea of: a) May
a) permission. b) Do
b) possibility. c) Can
c) prohibition. d) Have
d) obligation. e) Shall
e) expectation.
163. (UEL-1996)
157. (FUVEST-1977) Assinale a traduo correta da frase entre aspas apresentada
Qual destas expresses corresponde a "ele no deveria ter no dilogo a seguir:
feito isso"? - "Can you tell me how to get there?"
a) He mustn't have made it; - Of course I can.
b) He shouldn't have done that; a) Voc pode me dizer como se consegue isso l?
c) He could not have made it; b) Quem pode me contar como se faz isso?
d) He might not have done that; c) Voc pode me ensinar o caminho?
e) He cannot have done that. d) Como se pode ir de l para c?
e) Voc consegue atravessar para o outro lado?
158. (FUVEST-1979)
He __________ avoid __________ mistakes.
a) ought making
b) must make
c) shall make
d) needs make
e) should making

159. (FGV 1995 ADAPTED)

__________ we conclude, in line with the opinions of some
scholars, that black Nigerians are genetically more intelligent
than Europeans?
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche
corretamente a lacuna do texto:
a) Have
b) Are
c) Can
d) Is
e) Had

160. (PUCCAMP-1992)
Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!
Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?
Janet: Yes, but we won't have to, there's a life boat on board.
In the above dialogue, the verbs CAN and HAVE TO express
respectively __________ and __________.
a) ability obligation
b) permission prohibition
c) possibility prohibition
d) permission possibility
e) ability necessity

Rua Lcio Jos Filho, 27 Parque Anchieta Tel: 3012-8339

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