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Gay adoption

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings ~ lao tzu

The painful ending for a child could be losing their parents or being adopted, and having to leave
their friends, and that would be the new beginning in a new family even if they are homosexual.
This situation illustrates the point that gay adoption is the chance a child may need to live and
lead a successful, healthy, open minded life. Even though some people believe homosexual
adoption puts kids at risk, what they don't know is that a gay adoption would help kids
grow. Because a child in a homosexual family will turn out just fine, the gender of the
parents and their sexuality will help open mindedness in the child, and lastly gay parents
are just as good as straight one because they are still parents.
In 2011
Feb. 23: President Barack Obama's administration announces that it believes the Constitution
forbids unequal treatment of gays and lesbians in almost all cases and that the Justice
Department will no longer oppose legal challenges to the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.
July: President Obama calls for the repeal of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which bans
same-sex married couples from receiving the same federal benefits of married opposite-sex
Aug. 2016: The New York Court of Appeals changes how that state legally defines parenthood
to provide protection to families formed by gay couples. The court rules that going forward, a
partner can seek visitation and custody if it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that the
parties agreed to conceive a child and to raise the child together.
Additionally we shouldnt deny military service men/women the ability to adopt a child.
They should be able to to adopt a child and have no trouble because 1) they fought for our
freedom 2) they put their lives on the line so that we could live in peace as homosexuals or
heterosexuals, and raise familys whether its gay adoption or birth parent they should have the
ability to raise a family even if they are gay.
Furthermore we can recognize when a social change is going to occur and we know that
if we fight it, it will all be for naught as it will still happen so we should look away from the
negatives and look to the positives

Additionally there are many signs that the change of gay adoption is a good thing, for example:
- Children of gay parents will have a higher chance of being successful in life because of
their parents and they wouldn't have to worry about being put up for adoption again
because The average income for same-sex couples raising adopted children is 102k
versus 82k for opposite sex married couples.
- There is no evidence that supports that gay and lesbians are unfit to be parents. Gays and
lesbians are just as likely to support a childs development, as are heterosexual parents.
- Children are more influenced by their parents relationship with each other rather than
with the sexual orientation of their parents. Furthermore Good parenting is not influenced
by sexual orientation. Good parenting is influenced by the parents ability to create a
loving and nurturing home.
- On average gay parents tend to be more motivated and committed parents than
heterosexual parents because they chose to be parents. Gays and Lesbians rarely become
parents by accident, compared to almost 50% accidental pregnancy rate among
- Children of gay parents have also reported that typical gender roles are not as much as an
obstacle for them. This is likely a result of gays and lesbians having more freedoms in
relationships and freedom from gender stereotypes.

Children in same-sex familys consistently showed that factors such as self-esteem,

relationship with peers, intelligence, behavior, and gender identity were the same whether
children were raised by heterosexual couples or by same-sex couples. One study followed
children for 11 years and among all of that the conclusion was still the same among all: theses
adults did just as well as the hereosexually raised peers. Be aware that some of the factors that
were taken into analysis where: sexual orientation identification, self-esteem, relationships with
family, the ability to adjust, and underlying psychological issues.

Furthermore it was discovered that the sexual orientation of the parent didnt make the
parents parental skills any worse or better nor did it determine what kind of parental skills they
had. An example of this would be a lesbian couple had the exact same parental skills and abilities
as heterosexual parents. This is not including the facts that the lesbian couple were more inclined
to share household duties and do child rearing on a more equal bases. So in conclusions this
study was conducted 500 times in many different places and the results were the same children in
same-sex families are just fine and that same-sex families have the same general parental skills
and abilites as hererosexaul parents.

Interestingly options differ between many different people most based on thing such as
Socioeconomic characteristics like: age, education and marital status. Attitudinal factors are also
involved, for example: views on the prevalence of homosexuality, view on whether
homosexuality is a choice characteristic or if it is more instinctual, and last but not least,
religious beliefs.

For things like demographic characteristics it is discovered that majority of the negativity
towards gays is most pronounced in the Southerners and Midwesterners, people who are married,
older people such as elders, and those with less than a college education for some odd reason.
Surprisingly in issues like theses there is little difference on options of that of men and women.

For attitudinal factors it is typical of people who feel that homosexuality is more
prevalent today than 25 years ago are more likely to take a position that is unfavorable to
homosexuals. This position is extremely similar to the position of that of protestants, catholics,
church members and regular churchgoers. However those that feel homosexuality is an innate
characteristic rather than acquired or choice characteristic are more considerably licks to take up
a sympathetic position or even in a more favorable position to homosexuals.

There was a three part study that was conducted a few short years ago. In the first part it
showed that 56 per cent of americans believe that homosexuals should have equal rights in many
things including job opportunities, yet at the same times many balk at the thoughts of hiring
homosexuals for certain job occupations. A couple examples of these jobs would be things like
elementary school teachers and the clergy. In the second part it showed 66 per cent of americans
believing that homosexuality is more widespread than it was 25 years ago. About one-third of
americans said they had no idea of what percentage of americans where homosexual. Seven out
of 10 gave an estimate higher than the 5 to 10 per cent figure frequently cited.

With things rapidly changing in america especially for children its time to take what they
ares seeing and see things from their perspective. In all the research being done not once was a
child in foster care asked what they thought of about gay adoption. For most children in foster
care all they really want is to have a family they would not care if they homosexual or
heterosexual because all they want is a family so denying them a family of either sexuality would
be cruel to the child. Furthermore should someone really threaten a homosexual family all
because they don't agree with them. when the intestines for a child are put in front of a court the
court always does something for the best of the child so why should someone threaten their
family all because they don't agree with them?

Each piece of research to date has reached the same conclusion involving gay parenting:
the children of homosexual parents grow up just as successful as the children of heterosexual
parents. Surprisingly, not a single study has found the children of lesbian or gay parents to be
disadvantaged because of their parents' sexuality. Other key findings include:

There is no evidence to suggest that lesbians and gay men are unfit to be parents.

Home environments with lesbian and gay parents are as likely to successfully support a
child's development as those with heterosexual parents.
Good parenting is not influenced by sexual orientation. Rather, it is influenced most by a
parent's ability to create a loving and nurturing home, an ability that does not depend on
whether a parent is homosexual or heterosexual
There is no evidence to suggest that the children of lesbian and gay parents are less
intelligent, suffer from more problems, are less popular, or have lower self-esteem than
children of heterosexual parents or at a disadvantage in general.
The children of lesbian and homosexual parents grow up just as happy, healthy and well-
adjusted as children of heterosexual parents.
Homosexual men and women have always adopted children, but of course they would hide their
sexual orientation. However thanks to recent developments homosexual men and women have
become more visible all over the U.S. in society and they are being considered more seriously as
potential adoptive parents for foster children. Of course the number of openly homosexual
couple has be rising over the years. Despite this increase in homosexual parenting, social
workers may have reservations when considering homosexual adoptive parents for a child

When an interview of a former foster child was conducted she had stated that she just
wanted to be adopted and did not care if it was by a homosexual or heterosexual family she just
wanted a loving family. This no doubt the mindset for many if not all foster children. This being
that they accept the fact that homosexuality is not a type of mental illness but something else and
they are okay with that. They also will come to see that there is no definable homosexual
lifestyle rather they just go along with it all and they turn out happy and just fine.

In conclusion gay adoption would allow for so many children in foster care to get the
family they want and deserve and they should not be denied the opportunity to a happy life with
a family because of our selfish reasons. Would you want to be the reason a child would have a
broken heart because they can't be with their family, all because you decided that homosexual
adoption is wrong? Would you be willing to walk up to a 7 year old child who was recently
adopted and is happy that they have a family again and then tell them they cant be with their
family because their adoptive parents are homosexual? Would you really do that to a child just
for your own satisfaction?


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