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"Meta" and "^" modifier keys

in the sections below you will see references to keys in the following format: M-x. this
means you must hold your Meta key down and press the x button.
what is the Meta key?

in windows ALT is the Meta key

on macos you should configure your terminal emulator to treat your left alt/option
key as the Meta.
o in iTerm: Preferences > Profiles > Keys > Left option key acts as > +Esc (note:
make sure you use +Esc in the iTerm configuration, and not Meta. yes, this is
o in Preferences > Profiles > Keyboard > Use Option as Meta key
in linux your mileage may vary, and you may need to consult your docs. in general,
however, i've found the left ALT seems to work most of the time.

similarly, you will see references to keys that look like this: ^D. on all supported
platforms, the ^symbol is synonymous with CTRL, so ^D means CTRL+D.

the "command bar"

the hotkeys listed below can generally be used at any time; however, if an input field is
focused some may not work. you can enter command mode by pressing ESC, which will
highlight the bottom command bar and accept all hotkeys. command mode may be
deactivated by pressing ESC again.

note that when the command bar is focused you can use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys
to change the selected view. ENTER will accept the selection, ESC will abort and return you
to the previously selected control.

changing shortcuts
most keyboard shortcuts can be changed by
editing ~/.musikcube/hotkeys.json(~/AppData/Roaming/musikcube on windows) and
restarting the app. a hotkey tester is provided in the settings screen to help you identify
valid shortcuts.

default keys
general navigation (can't be changed):

ESC focus/defocus the command bar

TAB select next window
SHIFT+TAB select previous window
ENTER activate or toggle the selected item
M-ENTER show context menu for the selected item
UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN, HOME and END should all behave as you'd expect
^D quit

main view switching:

~ switch to console view

a switch to library view
s switch to settings view


i volume up 5%
k volume down 5%
j previous track
l next track
m toggle volume mute
u back 10 seconds
o forward 10 seconds
. toggle repeat mode (off/track/list)
, (un)shuffle play queue
v show / hide visualizer
^P pause/resume (globally)
^X stop (unload streams, free resources)

in the library view:

b show browse view

n show play queue
f show album/artist/genre search
t show track search
1 browse by artist
2 browse by album
3 browse by genre
4 browse by album artist
5 browse by playlist
o M-n create a new empty playlist
o M-s save the currently selected playlist
o DEL (BACKSPACE on macos) in the playlists pane: delete the selected playlist
o M-r rename the selected playlist
o M-UP (^UP on macos) move the selected track up
on macos) move the selected track down
o DEL (BACKSPACE on macos) in the tracks pane: delete the selected track
x jump to playing artist/album/genre in browse view
M-ENTER show a context menu for the currently selected item (album, artist, genre,
SPACE pause/resume

if you have any list of tracks focused:

M-a hot-swaps the current play queue with the selected list of tracks, without
interrupting playback

in the play queue view:

M-s save current queue as a playlist

M-l load a previously saved playlist
M-x delete a previously saved playlist
M-r rename a playlist
M-UP (^UP on macos) move the selected track up
M-DOWN (^DOWN on macos) move the selected track down
DEL (BACKSPACE on macos) delete the selected track

system-wide hotkeys
if you're a windows user there are a few system-wide hotkeys available to you. they can
be used at any time, as long as musikcube is running, regardless of which application is in
the foreground:

RCTRL + RALT + F1: toggle pause/play

RCTRL + RALT + F2: stop playback and free resources
RCTRL + RALT + j: previous track
RCTRL + RALT + l: next track
RCTRL + RALT + i: volume up
RCTRL + RALT + k: volume down
RCTRL + RALT + m: toggle mute
RCTRL + RALT + F8: toggle shuffle

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