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we ynic interference on transverst (oscillatory) Wind loads Fence on the traneveree oscillatory wind loads on chianeys has proved to be one of the most difficult problens to quantify co far. All the important parameters that affect aerodynamic loads such aa Reynolds guaber, upstream wind profile, turbulence structure of the upstrean profile, amplitude of oscillation, surface roughness, spacing, diameter ratios and others affect the degree by which oscillatory loads are enhanced, Oscillatory Toads are increased ue to the presence of similar chimneys, Generally, the other pareacters decrease the vind load. Model stufies in smooth flow have shown load enhanct Sc hy 10° in some experinents, vhile in othere the enbancenent has been as lov ea 2.0 (Vickery, {oe5)), One major effect which sens to have been ignored in a majority of model studies 1s the transition ain the sodel boundory layer fron laminar to turbulent flow and its effect on wind loads. When turbulence ie introduced in vind tunnels, with a somevhet high value of the subcritical %y on the model, there is bound to be transition in bouadary Leyer on both the windward and leevard ‘cylinders and this sn result in widely varying values of loud enhancement. The least thet can be Gone is to near e thin costing of oil on the rodele and accept only those values of load enhancenent Which shov either lominar separation on all models (separation at about 81°) or turbulent seperatior (35%), "The data shown in Pig.7 (from, Krishnasvany 1975) refer to the case of laninar separation Figed and 9 show Vickery's recent aodel data (1985) in turbulent flow which indicates an effective ent by as much as 10 (Erishnacvany et al 1975) 2of ust 29 tok. us os| 4 1 a rr aot a “ yo Pigs8 Magnification of oscillatory transverse _Fig.9 Magnification of oscillatory transverse vind toad (P= 1.0) wind load (B= 1.25) toad augni fication of 2,0 for identical cylindera (Fig.8) and a ‘discontinuity’ at a spacing of 4D when the cylinder diameter ratio vas 1.25, Considering that velded full scale steel chimneys sn forbulent Elow (which have moch less damping then F.C.C. chimneys), have aparently shown mich higher Jevel of amplitude enhancenent than 2.0 (Osker & Saith, 1965) but no full scale chimney data has {ndicated a load eahancenent of 10.0, one ay conclude that the sodel load enhancement value of about 10.0 12 an upper limit, vhich will not be realised in practice either on steel or R.C.C. chimneys. However, one cannot rale out load enhancement in excess of 2.0 even in the ease of R.C.C. chimneys. Even in transcritical Ry, the magnification depends on the turbulence level present in the flow. A number of mechanisne operate in enhancing the transverse load due to aerodynanic interference, In the case of chimneys they are, in order of importance, (1) Vortex excitation, (31) Buffeting, (114) Flutter and (iv) Ovalling oscillations. All these mechani ers (ike Ry) mentioned earlier. No systematic study of the condition Tmechanisas, olerate bas yet been made, A brief description of the mechanions will be helpful at this stage The easiest to understand se vortex excitetion. This mechanisn operates when the periodic vortices Shed fron an upstream body passes over a very near leevard chinney, inducing, possibly, the shedding Of stronger periodic vortices from the downstream chimney, which aeans larger transverse oscillatory forces on the downetrean cylinder, Fig.7 appears to be result of this mechanism. Buffeting may be defined as the force on s body due to fluctuations in flow velocity. Periods vortes excitation due to vortices from another body is also a form of buffeting. The term also Includes random or nesrly random force on the body due to random or nearly randon changes in velocity Fluctuations. The sources include not only atmospheric turbulence (uhose effect is predominently Streamvige), but aloo the wake from large upstress bodies such as natural draught cooling tovers, Whose effect can be in any direction. "Flutter" can be defined as oscillatory forces generated on the body due to interaction between the flov field and geforaation of the body. “Galloping” is Aegencrate form of flutter in the sense that it refers to flow induced oscillations transverse to the flows, the term 'Plutter' enconposes simultaneous oscillations in several degrees of freedom. Single Isolated chinney does not execute any galloping of flutter oscillations. but asyanetric flow oe to presence of body or bodies upstream of the chimney can excite flutter osciallations, according ik

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