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Digital Storytelling Night Lesson Plan


Subject Social Studies, Language Arts, Technology

Grade Kindergarten Grade 5


Materials iPads, artifacts

Objectives 1. To demonstrate the advantages of technology for storytelling

2. Students will plan and organize their ideas into a Voice Thread that is
accessible to their audience
3. Use different digital tools to create a product and then share with their
4. Communicate the importance of different artifacts relevant to their
family and culture.

Standards ELA: Speaking and listening, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

5. Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other visual
displays to stories or recounts of experiences, when appropriate, to clarify ideas,
thoughts, and feelings.

Social Studies Framework: Common Core Standards

5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express
information and enhance understanding of presentations.

Teaching Timeline

Step 0 Arrive 45 minutes prior to the arrival of students and family to make sure all
materials are available and there is a sustained internet connection.

Step 1 Introduction and brief overview of what is being created and the objectives for
the Digital Storytelling Night.

Step 2 Introduction to Voice Thread followed by showing an example video.

Step 3 Step by step directions of how to use different tools in Voice thread to create a
finished product.

Step 4 Families begin to work together to create their voice thread. This includes:
- Sorting artifacts into categories
- Taking pictures of artifacts
- Placing them in voice thread
- Record a short story about each artifact

Step 5 Teachers and faculty circulate and collaborate with the families on their voice
thread. They offer assistance if needed and provide suggestions to make the
voice threads more personal.

Step 6 Share voice thread with a neighboring family for further suggestions and edits
before presenting to the whole room

Step 7 Finalize the Digital story

Step 8 Families will have the opportunity to either share their Digital Story with the
room or post it to each of their childs class websites.

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