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Journal of Crystal Growth 201/202 (1999) 40}44

Feedback control of substrate temperature during the growth of

near-lattice-matched InGaAs on InP using di!use re#ection
S.R. Johnson*, E. Grassi, M. Beaudoin, M.D. Boonzaayer, K.S. Tsakalis, Y.-H. Zhang
Center for Solid State Electronics Research, Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-6206, USA


Di!use re#ection spectroscopy (DRS) is used to control substrate temperature to within $23C of user speci"ed
setpoint during the growth of near-lattice-matched InGaAs on InP. The same growth under constant thermocouple
control would result in a 503C rise in real substrate temperature. Feedback control is achieved using a nested
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control loop; the inner loop consists of a conventional Eurotherm-thermocouple
feedback loop that controls the substrate heater power; the outer loop updates the thermocouple setpoint based on the
di!erence between the user setpoint and the substrate (DRS) temperature using a PID control loop implemented in
the control software. Frequency loop shaping, based on a dynamical model of the system obtained from an identi"cation
experiment, is used to tune the outer PID loop. In addition, the thermal disturbances that occur during e!usion
cell shutter operations must be rejected. In the simplest case, a single correcting step in the Eurotherm (thermocouple)
setpoint is input when a shutter is toggled. Through disturbance identi"cation and model inversion a more sophisticated
disturbance rejection action from the controller can be obtained.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 68.55; 78.20.Ci; 81.15.Hi

Keywords: MBE; Closed-loop control; Semiconductors

1. Introduction rate reliable temperature measurement method is

required. Recently, several optical methods that
Substrate temperature control is critical in deter- infer substrate temperature from the bandgap of
mining the quality and composition of deposited the substrate material have been developed [1}5].
layers in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). As a "rst In these methods the temperature of the substrate is
step in controlling substrate temperature, an accu- given by the spectral position of the bandedge of
the substrate material. The bandedge of semicon-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #1 602 965 2565; fax: #1 602 ductors typically shifts toward lower energies and
965 8118; e-mail: broadens with temperature [6].

0022-0248/99/$ } see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 0 2 4 8 ( 9 8 ) 0 1 2 7 3 - 1
S.R. Johnson et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 201/202 (1999) 40}44 41

Currently, we use di!use re#ection spectroscopy the Eurotherm (thermocouple) setpoint based on
(DRS) [1,2] to measure the bandedge of InP and the di!erence between the user setpoint and the
GaAs substrates. In this method, the substrate is substrate temperature measured by DRS, using
illuminated by a broad spectrum W}halogen lamp a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) algorithm
placed at an e!usion cell port; part of this light is implemented in the control software. This method
transmitted through the substrate, di!usely re#ec- has the advantage that the Eurotherm-thermo-
ted, transmitted back through the substrate, and couple control system is left intact, so that the
detected at the pyrometer port. Substrate temper- heater power will continue to be controlled in the
ature is inferred from the wavelength of the onset of event that the optical thermometer or the control
substrate transparency to the di!usely re#ected computer fails.
light. A near-lattice-matched, 400 nm thick, InGaAs
Radiatively heated substrates are known to heat layer is grown on a radiatively heated 50 mm semi-
up dramatically during the growth of absorbing insulating InP substrate in a DCA MBE system,
overlayers, such as near-lattice-matched InGaAs using the DRS sensor and the nested PID control
on InP, when constant thermocouple control is loop shown in Fig. 1. The substrate (i.e., DRS)
used [7,8]. In this case, the thermocouple is insensi- temperature, thermocouple temperature, and
tive to the substrate temperature increase caused by heater voltage recorded during the growth of this
the strong absorption of heater radiation in the layer are shown in Fig. 2. The DRS sensor is used
overlayer. Under these growth conditions, it is im- to control the inner loop (thermocouple) setpoint,
perative that one has an alternative method of which in turn controls the substrate heater voltage
controlling substrate temperature. (or power). The supervisory computer samples the
DRS temperature every 5}30 s (30 s in Fig. 2); if the
DRS temperature has deviated more than $13C
2. Nested proportional-integral-derivative loop from the substrate setpoint of 4353C, the outer PID
control loop updates the Eurotherm (inner) setpoint.
Throughout most of the growth of the InGaAs
The nested loop approach shown in Fig. 1 is layer, the substrate temperature is about 13C above
a convenient way to add an accurate external tem- its setpoint. Decreasing the update time would
perature sensor to the conventional Eurotherm-
thermocouple control loop found in most MBE
systems. In this case, the outer control loop updates

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the nested proportional-integral-

derivative control loop used to control substrate temperature. Fig. 2. Feedback control of substrate temperature during the
The inner loop is the conventional Eurotherm-thermocouple growth of near-lattice-matched InGaAs on semi-insulating InP,
control loop. The outer loop updates the Eurotherm (ther- using di!use re#ectance spectroscopy (DRS). The substrate set-
mocouple) setpoint using the di!erence between the user set- point (4353C), the DRS temperature, the thermocouple temper-
point and the substrate temperature measured by di!use ature and setpoint, and the heater voltage (at power supply) are
re#ectance spectroscopy (DRS). shown.
42 S.R. Johnson et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 201/202 (1999) 40}44

bring the substrate temperature closer to the set- As a "rst step, an input signal is designed that
point during the "rst part of the growth. As can be covers the frequency range of interest. Next, the
seen in Fig. 2, each time the thermocouple setpoint temperature of the substrate is brought to and
is updated, there is a sharp drop in the heater allowed to stabilize at the desired operating point.
voltage and the thermocouple temperature quickly With the external (outer) control loop open, the
moves to its new setpoint. The thermal response of identi"cation signal is applied at the Eurotherm
the thermocouple}heater system is fast (4 s time (inner) setpoint (see Fig. 1), while the DRS temper-
constant) compared to the thermal response of the ature is collected. Using the method described in
substrate (60 s time constant); this allows appropri- Ref. [10], a state space model is found [11], that
ate control action. describes the dynamic behavior of the system from
The small-bandgap epilayer absorbs a larger the power supply input to the DRS temperature
part of the heater radiation spectrum than the InP measurement. (A state space model is a set of forced
substrate, which is transparent to much of the linear ordinary di!erential equations.) The DRS
blackbody spectrum at these temperatures. There- temperature, the temperature predicted by the
fore, as the InGaAs layer thickens, the transmission model, and the identi"cation signal are shown in
losses of heater radiation are reduced. In order to Fig. 3. A second-order state space model was used
maintain a constant substrate temperature, the to identify the system. The model was veri"ed using
control system reduces the heater power by de- a separate data set.
creasing the Eurotherm (thermocouple) setpoint. The desired time constant of the controlled sys-
The small oscillations in the substrate temper- tem is about 15 s. Therefore, we need to obtain
ature at the start and stop points are caused by the a model of the system around the frequency,
abrupt changes in the thermal load on the substrate  rad/s. The input signal for the identi"cation ex-

when the In and Ga cells are opened or closed. At periment is a random-switching binary signal with
the start of growth the thermocouple setpoint is levels of $103C around the desired operating
reduced by 63C in an e!ort to correct for the ther- point. The switching time is uniformly distributed
mal disturbance caused by additional radiant heat over 1}160 s, with a mean of 80 s. Since the samp-
load of the In and Ga e!usion cells. This is the
simplest way of rejecting thermal disturbances. At
the end of the growth, no shutter disturbance rejec-
tion is used and the substrate momentarily drops
about 43C below the setpoint. A more sophisticated
approach to disturbance rejection is discussed in
the following section.

3. Outer loop tuning

In order to improve feedback control of substra-

te temperature, the outer PID is tuned using fre-
quency loop shaping (FLS) [9], which attempts to
approximate in a minimax sense the loop transfer
function of the system to a desired one in the
frequency domain. The ideal loop transfer function
is selected, based on stability and performance con- Fig. 3. Identi"cation experiment used to determine the state
space model that relates heater voltage to substrate temperature.
siderations, and on the characteristics of the sys-
The identi"cation signal (Eurotherm thermocouple setpoint),
tem. FLS requires a model of the system (in the substrate temperature measured by di!use re#ectance spectro-
frequency domain); this model can be obtained scopy (DRS), and substrate temperature predicted by the model,
using standard system identi"cation techniques. are shown.
S.R. Johnson et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 201/202 (1999) 40}44 43

ling interval is 1 s, the maximum frequency spanned most of it.

is 1 Hz. This is adequate for our goals. The fre- During the growth of thick absorbing overlayers,
quency resolution is 1/N Hz, where N is the num- the absorption}emission properties of the sub-
ber of data points collected. Usually a resolution of strate-epilayer system change considerably. This
 of the closed loop bandwidth is enough for this means that in general, the optimal PID parameters

type of system where no sharp resonant peaks are would change accordingly and several PIDs would
present. have to be scheduled. Gain scheduling was not used
The PID parameters obtained with FLS are very in the growth shown in Fig. 2; in this case a single
di!erent from those obtained with the traditional set of PID parameters was su$cient to control
step response PID tuning method (Ziegler}Nichols temperature. Finally, the DRS signal is reduced
method 1) [11]. The Ziegler}Nichols rule gives when an absorbing layer is present, as can be seen
[K , ¹ , ¹ ]"[8.4, 12 s, 3.0 s], while FLS gives by an increase in the noise of the DRS data in
[K , ¹ , ¹ ]"[2.1, 34 s, 0.7 s]. The Ziegler}Nichols Fig. 2. Since the data acquisition frequency of the
method approximates the system by a "rst-order DRS data is much larger than that of the control
model with delay, and is only applicable for &s' system, much of the noise in the DRS data is
shaped step responses (see Ref. [11], p. 670). As can removed at the DRS sensor input, using a low-pass
be seen in Fig. 3, the lag in the step response (6 s) is "lter.
very short compared with the rise time (42 s), which
makes the Ziegler}Nichols rules inappropriate
for the present system. Using the Ziegler} 4. Conclusions
Nichols rule in this case, results in a closed loop
system that is unstable. A nested proportional-integral-derivative con-
Another important control objective is good trol loop is used to achieve feedback control of
temperature regulation during external distur- substrate temperature during the growth of near-
bances, such as thermal shutter transients. Since it lattice-matched InGaAs on InP to within $23C of
is known precisely when each e!usion cell will be the user speci"ed setpoint. The outer control loop
opened or closed a control algorithm that takes controls the inner loop (thermocouple) setpoint us-
preventive action can be used. Identi"cation experi- ing di!use re#ection spectroscopy as an external
ments similar to the one described above can be temperature sensor. The inner loop is the standard
used to model the disturbance signal associated Eurotherm-thermocouple control loop commonly
with shutter operations. Based on the inverse found on most MBE systems. A system identi"ca-
model, corrective action in the form of a time-de- tion experiment and frequency loop shaping are
pendent signal added at the Eurotherm (inner) set- used to optimally tune the PID parameters of the
point, can be used to reject the disturbance. This outer control loop. Thermal shutter transients
time-dependent signal takes into account the dy- are rejected at the input of the Eurotherm (inner)
namics of the system, which are not included in control loop.
a simple step adjustment used in Fig. 2. Inclusion of
the system dynamics will be most visible in cases
where the substrate response lags the shutter dis- Acknowledgements
Optical thin "lm interference is another source of This work is part of a DARPA-funded program
disturbance present when growing periodic struc- entitled `Integrated MultiSensor Control of Mo-
tures, such as, quarter wave mirror stacks [12]. lecular Beam Epitaxya under Grant No.
This disturbance cannot be modeled with regular MDA972-95-1-0016, monitored by Lt. Col. Gernot
state space models. However, since its e!ect is S. Pomrenke, and is part of a collaborative e!ort
a low-frequency disturbance (time constant on the involving scientists from Arizona State University,
order of minutes) compared to the desired band- the University of Colorado, HRL laboratories, and
width of the controller, the outer PID should reject the J.A. Woollam Co.
44 S.R. Johnson et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 201/202 (1999) 40}44

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