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One of the older Works, but not the most dignified

Nowadays there are several social kind that have a significant impact on all
communities of all kinds, when we refer social kind we are talking about also of
culture and diversity, this necessarily affect in social practices of a community. One
of the most controversial issues that have been maintained suspended in
discussion is prostitution, which has undoubtedly been one of the issues that has
generated more controversy in all countries of the world.

First of all we need to know what prostitution implies, and as a definition we can
understand that it is the act of having sex in exchange for remuneration, mainly in
money, it should be clear that the persons practicing this practice are women,
including underage girls and those who most resort to the enjoyment of the
practice are men; also men practice that act, but in a lower percentage. This
practice is not only something of today, it has been carried out almost since
immemorial time, and its known to be one of the oldest work, transcending all
culture time and social classes; in most of cases, persons who prostitute
themselves are people with very limited resources, in others situations are people
who are forced to do it, whether the slavery, white slavery traffic and manipulation
of the pimps.

Now, the legal situation of prostitution varies depending of the territory where it is
noted. In most countries its considered totally illegal. In others, the prostitution isnt
illegal, but the pimps for the fact of induce to practice it. Some Nordic countries,
like Sweden, Norway and Iceland, have adopted a model where the client commits
a crime, but not the prostitute. Also therere some countries, like Germany, where
the prostitution is a regulated profession.

By the contrast, the prostitution in Colombia is a situation without diagnosis and it

considered to be the third country with the highest number of traffic victims, which
is named country with sex tourism, and its determined by censuses made by the
authorities without regard to the index of clandestine activities: women are the
largest percentage of people involved in prostitution in Colombia with 95%
approximately (Secretara distrital de la Mujer, 2015). In this country prostitution
isnt illegal neither penalized, as is admitted in judgment T-629 of 2010. However,
there isnt a specific legal framework that protects the rights of this persons who
engage voluntary prostitution and regulate the profession, this has generated all
kinds of positions and criticism from and those who are involved in the regulation or
stimulation of prostitution.

The main cities in Colombia that have the highest level of prostitution are Bogot
and Medelln and where there are the greater tourism, that generated more work
and opportunities to obtain better cash income with practice. Added to that, no
projects have been organized that go in the direction of prostitution regulation in
Colombia, although many people consider the rights of the persons who work in
prostitution must be recognized, the majority are opposed and ask for the
elimination or the practice; clearly there arent points in favor and all are in against,
but without a project realized by the government that allows people to change their
lifestyle and give themselves new opportunities. It will be very difficult eradicate
prostitution in Colombia.

Talking about stadistic of prostitution in Colombia, in Antioquia there are the

majority problem of prostitution, because the 35% of the total number of
prostitutes tested in the country was found in Antioquia, and of this part, 69,25% is
radiated in Medelln (Romero, 2012).

Apart from this, were going to talk about prostitution in underage children.

Its well known that girls are the favorite target of prostitution, generally when they
fall into this situation is because theyve been forced by their parents, legal
guardian or are taken by traffickers and forced to perform in that work, in another
context, are themselves who decide to take part in prostitution motivated by getting
livelihood and out of poverty, either to help their family or to flee from a place
where they have been mistreated.
The general prosecution of the nation estimated that 25,000 minors involved in
prostitution throughout the country the country, 72% of whom would be girls.
(Trifir, 2003) In the last 4 years, child prostitute has quadrupled.

Its estimated that in Colombia therere currently approximately 20.000 children

and adolescents engaged in prostitution, unfortunately this isnt a real number,
given the clandestine nature of this practice.

Child prostitution is much more common than it seems, it is necessary to assimilate

the term to understand the atrocity of its concept, but yes, girls, and also boys, to a
lesser percentage, are the main victims of this situation since they cant measure
their volition because of their young age, that is why they are used for benefits of a
third party, such as pimps, and in most cases their parents.

According to the report of the attorney general's office for the defense of the child
and the family in coordination of the ICBF, in 44.44% of the capital cities of
Colombia, female child prostitution was serious and in 22.22% very serious,
especially in Medelln, Bogot, Cartagena and Pereira. (Correa, 1998)

Its necessary recognized what risks and conflicts the real problems brings, so its
emphasized in the situation of children facing a controversial issue such as
prostitution, because when we talk about prostitution we appeal to the work that
only women, but it isnt taken into account that this generates more victims than
money itself, and the most vulnerable are children.

The alternatives for improving this problem depends strictly on the decisions and
the government management of each country, in the example of Colombia, the
most sensational to make them meet and give opportunities for education, health
and housing for people immersed in the prostitution. Clearly this is very difficult to
get due to other issues like corruption.

Prostitution has transcended since immemorial time without the slightest intention
of being subtracted, while it goes, the number of victims that will be generated will
be much greater if no measures are taken to end it. Prostitution will never be the
solution to get out of trouble, because it is already a problem more than millions of
people have been succumbed to.

We dont agree the fact of that underage children are prostituted and less without
their authorization, its a fundamental violation of the child rights, we consider it to
be a sexual abuse by adults, the child is treated as a sex object and a commodity,
is a form of coercion and violence. Theres a difference between the sexual
interests of adults and children, because children confine themselves of playful and
imitative acts as a world of childrens experiences, which is in contradiction with the
sexual behavior of the child prostitute, whose values and behaviors are
subordinated only to the genital and are dissociated with the situations where they
can develop aspects of life inherent to relationships based on feelings, ties and
respect for the sexuality of the other as a person.

The minor will generate uncontrolled and marginal sexual behaviors in his
adulthood, which will make it difficult to access a change in this social life or build a
normal family environment. Generally these children who are exercising
prostitution will be directed to repeat their stories of abuse and mistreatment.

The fact that the family of the prostituted infant doesnt have the resources to
survive doesnt mean that they have to use it, damaging their integrity, their
development processes, their sexual area and making it unsafe, violating without a
doubt, the fundamental rights of the child.

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