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WL call:

Process of 'Global Procedure PyS_EstableceConexionMYSQl'

(PYS_GlobalProcedures.PyS_EstableceConexionMYSQl), line 27, thread 0
'HExecuteSQLQuery' function, syntax 3

What happened?
OLE DB access error.
Error Number = 170129

Failure opening file.

Error code: 73001

Level: non-fatal error (EL_ONRETURN)
WD55 error code: 3001

System error message:

Description = La operacin de mltiples pasos de OLE DB gener errores.
Compruebe los valores de estado de OLE DB si es posible. No se realiz ningn
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Error Number = -2147217887 (0x80040e21)

Dump of the error of 'wd200hf.dll' module (

Identifier of detailed information (.err): 72801
Debugging information:
Query before correction:
Text of the query: execute dbo.sp_cabecera_fenix '2017/09/01 07:00:00','2017/09/02
07:01:49 ','1','','0'
Number of Parameters: =0

execute dbo.sp_cabecera_fenix '2017/09/01 07:00:00','2017/09/02 07:01:49


[Current Recordset parameters]

Wanted = LockType = <adLockOptimistic>, Location = <adUseServer>, Type =
<adOpenKeyset>, Capacities = <ffffffff>
Got = LockType = <adLockUnspecified>, Location = <adUseNone>, Type =
<adOpenUnspecified>, Capacities = <ffffffff>
Error defining options of ADO <Recordset> object.
Cursor Location: <2>
Cursor Type: <1>
Lock Type: <3>
Provider: SQLOLEDB
User: fenixgas
Data source:
Database: pmq_v1
Command time-out: 0
Unicode supported: 1
Page code of WL: 1252
Page code of the connection: UTF-16

MDAC Version = <6.1.7601.17514>.

[Data format]
Query Parameter Checked = <0> = <>
Query Parameter Needing conversion = <96> = <BOOLDECIMAL>
DecimalSeparator = <Undefined>
DateFormat = <Undefined>

[Cursor settings Match]

LockType = <adLockUnspecified>, Location = <adUseNone>, Type = <adOpenUnspecified>,
Capacities = <ffffffff>
LockType = <adLockUnspecified>, Location = <adUseNone>, Type = <adOpenUnspecified>,
Capacities = <ffffffff>
LockType = <adLockUnspecified>, Location = <adUseNone>, Type = <adOpenUnspecified>,
Capacities = <ffffffff>

Fonction (7,55)
Additional Information:
EIT_ADOCODE : <-2147217887>
EIT_ODBCDESCRIPTION : <La operacin de mltiples pasos de OLE DB gener errores.
Compruebe los valores de estado de OLE DB si es posible. No se realiz ningn
Global Procedure PyS_EstableceConexionMYSQl
(PYS_GlobalProcedures.PyS_EstableceConexionMYSQl), line 27
Click BTN_Consultar (WIN_ConsultaProcedimientos.BTN_Consultar), line 19
Click BTN_NoName12 (WIN_wss.RIBBON_menu.BTN_NoName12), line 1
Initializing PROYCARRETAS (), line 212
EIT_DATEHEURE : 11/09/2017 12:07:51

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