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King Moctezumas reaction to the arrival of the Europeans seemed to be welcoming.

His actions
did not show any signs of fear or anger. I say this because he was willing to personally go and
greet the Europeans himself. There may have been a bit of confusion at first when Hernan Cortes
tried to embrace the king. This was only because both sides were unaware of each others
greeting customs. Other than that, things seemed have gone smoothly.

As for whether King Moctezuma acted superior to the Europeans, he did not. He both addressed
himself as an equal and subordinated himself to them. He addressed himself as an equal human
being by stating he was not a god like others had claimed. He made it clear that there would be
no violence or hesitation to give Cortes what he wanted, for they they were on the land that
rightfully belonged to the Europeans.

Since this letter is written by Hernan Cortes, I can only see his point of view and not King
Moctezumas. Thus, making it complicated to explain King Moctezumas view on the
appearance of the strangers (Europeans). What I was able to grasp from the letter was that he had
and gave respect to these strangers. He was in no way trying to fight for his power. First of all,
he personally went to go greet the Europeans. Secondly, as a king, he did not try to act superior
to them. Instead, based on what Cortes had written, he clearly described himself as an equal
human being and no god. Lastly, he was more than willing to accommodated to the wishes of the

Hernan Cortes letter very much relates to the concept of other. From what I learned, the
other can never be equal. This is shown quite a bit in this letter. For example, when King
Moctezuma subordinates himself to the Europeans, stating that he is no god. Thus, making
himself inferior and the Europeans superior.

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