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indd 1 27/08/2016 12:27:18

Common SFX Focus. If a pool includes a POWER SET power, you may
replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
Unleashed. Step up or double any POWER SET power for one
action. If the action fails, add a die to the Doom Pool equal
to the normal rating of your power die.
Gaining Plot Points Growing the Doom Pool Healing Stress Healing Trauma
Absorption. On a successful reaction against a TYPE OF Frenzy. At no cost, add existing STRESS TYPE to any dice pool
including a POWER SET power, then step up STRESS TYPE by +1. Versatile. Split POWER TRAIT into 2d at -1 step, or 3d at -2 Action Action Transition Scene Starting an Act
ATTACK action, convert your opponents effect die into a
POWER SET stunt or step up a POWER SET power by +1 steps. Use Distinction at D4. Use Distinction at D4 (add a D6 to Doom Pool or step up the smallest die in the Doom Pool). Step back all stress by 1 die automatically. If you were stressed out last scene, remove all Trauma steps back at the start of an Act.
Grapple. See Afflict.
for your next action. Spend 1 PP to use this stunt if your Activate Limit on your Power Se
et. When a player rolls an oppportunnity, give the player 1 PP to ste
ep up the smallest die in the Doom of that stress. Each stress and trauma must be recovered separately.
Healing. Add POWER TRAIT to your dice pool when helping Roll Affiliation, Distinctions, Stamina-based power, Specialties. Player giving aid can add in
Action roll versus Doom Pool
opponents action succeeds.
Common Limits Watcher adds D6 to the Doom Pool when you roll a 1. Pool or add a D6. If the player rolls multiple opportunities, do o th
he above multiple times or give
others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or the player 1 PP and step up a D4 4 for every opportunity rolled, and d then add it to the Doom Pool. one of their traits too but you must pay them a PP. Recovering trauma works like stress, but:
Afflict. Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when anothers STRESS TYPE or step back your own or anothers Watcher may reward you if you roleplay being stressed out. Watcher opposes with the Doom Pool plus the stress youre trying to recover. Success with effect equal or greater than trauma, downgrade trauma by one level.
inflicting TYPE complication on a target. TRAUMA TYPE by -1. Add effect dice from a villains action to the Doom Pool. Success with effect equal or greater than stress, its gone. Success with effect less than stress, nothing changes.
Conditional. On a ATTACK TYPE attack, or while SITUATION
Success with effect less than stress,ss, step down the stress. Failure increases the stress by one level.
Area Attack. Add a D6 and keep an additional effect die for Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications is true, change any POWER SET power into a complication
each additional target.
Berserk. Add a die from the Doom Pool to one or more attack
from SPECIFIC ATTACK TYPE(S). and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the
complication to recover the power.
p g Plot Points Spending Doom
m Pool Spend a Plot Point to keep an additional
stress at its new die size.
tional e
effect die to try again, comparing it to the same

Invulnerable. Spend 1 PP to ignore STRESS TYPE or TRAUMA Action Scene

actions. Step up the Doom Pool by +1 for each action; TYPE unless caused by SPECIFIC ATTACK TYPE. Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or Prior to Dice Roll
return it to the Doom Pool when youre done.
Prior to Dice Roll Need power or SFX that allows you to a attempt
tt emptptt tto o he
healall d
ur ingg an
in a Action Scene.
Multipower. Use two or more POWER SET powers in a single unconscious, shutdown POWER SET. Recover POWER
Push die (add D6 to poo
ol for 1 PP). Add di
die to poo
pooll ((remo
ove from
f m Doom
Pooll afterward
f d or giv
ive 1 PP to player
l target).
) ains
ai nst yo
But an ally can use an action to roll against yyour
ouru sstress
e s ana
andd th
e Do
D om P
Doom ool.
Boost. Shutdown your highest rated POWER SET power to dice pool at -1 step for each additional power. SET when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take
Success with effect equal or betterr th tthan
ha an
n sstress,
s, d
s, downgrade
o ng
ow ngraade
step up another POWER SET power by +1. Recover power TRAUMA TYPE trauma, shutdown POWER SET until you Stunt die (add D8 to pool for 1 PP, make up something coo
ol). Activate Villain
n SFX (look to Specific Powe
Nova. Step up or double your POWER SET powers for that stress by one level.
by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene. recover that trauma. Add extra trait (another distincction, specialty or p
powers from on
ne set) to die pool.
Scene, or spend 1 PP to do both. Take second-highest After Dice a
are Rolled Success with effect less than stress,ss, noth
ss nothinging ha happens.
Difficult Recovery. Add POWER TRAIT die to the opposing Activate SFX (look to specific powers). Failure increases stress by one level.vel.l.
Burnout. Double or step up POWER TRAIT for one action, or rolling die of each subsequent action as STRESS TYPE. Add extra die to Total (must be same size as die added or la
spend 1 PP to do both. If that action fails, shutdown POWER roll when others try to recover your STRESS TYPE.
TRAIT. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during
Painful. Add D6 and step up effect die by +1 when using After Dice are Rolled Add extra effe
ect die (must be same size as die added or larger)
POWER SET powers to inflict STRESS TYPE stress. Exhausted. Shutdown any POWER SET power and gain 1 PP.
a Transition Scene. Add extra die to total. Use an effect die fromm a reaction roll to in
nflict stress, com
mplication or asset on attacker by
Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a
Power Surge. Use your current STRESS TYPE die as your Add extra effect die. sp
pending a D66 or largger.
Burst. Step up or double a POWER TRAIT die against a single target. Transition Scene.
effect die, then step up your STRESS TYPE by +1.
Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total. Use an effect die from
m a reacction roll to inflict sstress or make
ea During
g a Scene
Extinguished. Shutdown all POWER SET powers vs. ATTACK
Reactive Power. Spend 1 PP to add a POWER SET power to complication or an assset.
Collateral Damage. Instead of spending 1 PP, add D6 to the TYPE attack and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an Create a new
n Sce
ene Disttinction, spen
nd D8 or greaterr fro
om pool.
another characters dice pool before they roll a reaction. If Change stress to a different type.
Doom Pool to create a POWER SET stunt. that character takes STRESS TYPE ONE, take D6 STRESS opportunity or during a Transition Scene. Interrupt action
a order with a Watcher character (defaults to D6, shift by 1 for every level
Constructs. Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when TYPE ONE or STRESS TYPE TWO. Gear. Shutdown a POWER SET power and gain 1 PP. Take an Activating Opp
pportunities from Watch
her of reflexess a hero has).
using POWER SET to create ASSET TYPE assets. action vs. the Doom Pool to recover. (any Watcher
h dic
e ro
roll 1) Split Hero ooff fr
om the
hee rest
esst of
of the sit
a (alte
ngg Affi
ti n), die
e must
ust be larger than
Regeneration. Spend 1 PP to recover your STRESS TYPE
stress and step back your TRAUMA TYPE trauma by -1. Push
h die
i (ad
d D8 to po
ol for 1 PP).
P) heros Affiliation die being
ngg use
Conversion. When using POWER TRAIT in your dice pool, Growing Dread. Count 1s and 2s on dice as opportunities

redirect STRESS TYPE ONE to STRESS TYPE TWO at no cost. when using a POWER SET power. Sttuntt di
d e (a
d D10
10 to po
ol forr 1 PP)
P). Activate Scene
e or Evven
ent Ef
fects ((sse
e spe
cific Sc
Ricochet. See Burst.
St up (sstep
Step te up
p an as
a set
set you
ou ju
st creat
ed by 1
1)). End Scene forr 2D
1 (an
a d giv
e 2 XP to
to eac
ach pl
p ayyer
er inv
o ve
Counterattack. On a reaction against a STRESS TYPE action Second Chance. Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any POWER Huge. Earn 1 PP when your size becomes a complication for
attack, inflict STRESS TYPE with your effect die at no PP you. Crea
e Res
r e ((m
ake a Re
ake Reso
ce dur
ing a
n Accttiio
on S
SET power. Type How Established Duration Notes
cost or spend a PP to step it up by +1. Activa
e a Vili la
ns Lim
it. Asssu
ngg it m
kes se
nsse in
in th
e sto
Second Wind. Before you make an action including a POWER Mutant. Earn 1 PP when affected by mutant-specific tech and Established with effect die rolled versus the enemy (if directly targeting Last 1 roll or 1 PP to make an asset last till the end of Add them to a fellow heros Die Pool.
Danger Sense. Spend 1 PP to add POWER TRAIT (or step up SET power, you may move your STRESS TYPE die to the complications. Asset
them) or the Doom Pool (if targeting the environment). this scene. May be used by a fellow hero.
by +1 if already in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction. Doom Pool and step up the POWER SET power by +1 for
Mutually Exclusive. Shutdown POWER SET ONE to activate The current Action Scene, or 1 PP to make a Add them to anyones die pool who opposes
Dangerous. Add a D6 to your dice pool for an attack action this action. Complication Established with effect die.
POWER SET TWO. Shutdown POWER SET TWO to recover complication last till the end of the next Action Scene. the character with a complication.
and step back highest die in pool by -1. Step up STRESS Stress Link. Add a die to the Doom Pool equal to your current POWER SET ONE. Established during Transition Scene by spending 1 PP to make,
TYPE inflicted by +1. STRESS TYPE stress to add that STRESS TYPE die to a pool starts at D6 for EXPERT and D8 for MASTER. Can only be used by the player that created
including a POWER SET power. Overload. See Exhausted. Resource Lasts until the next Transition Scene.
Extra Effective. When including POWER TRAIT as part of an Activate an opportunity rolled by The Watcher to, spend 1 PP to make the resource.
attack against TARGET TYPE targets, add D6 and step up Take the Hit. Spend 1 PP to take STRESS TYPE intended for Uncontrollable. Change any POWER SET power into a a Resource during an Action Scene, D6 for Expert, D8 for Master.
effect die by +1. a nearby ally or friend. complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or Spend a PP to add a D6 to the Die Pool. This can be increased to D8
remove the complication to recover the power. if you stunt it, basically come up with something cool. Can only be used by the player that created
Extra Effort. Step up or double POWER TRAIT for one action, Tracer. Use an effect die to create a TRACER complication on a Stunt One use. You cannot extend this.
target during a Scene. You may track that target anywhere until Vulnerability. Earn 1 PP to step up STRESS TYPE inflicted by If established when you activate a Watchers opportunity the stunt the stunt.
then step back to 2d at -1. Recover power by activating an
dice step up by one step to a D8 Push die or a D10 Stunt.
opportunity or during a Transition Scene. the complication is removed or POWER TRAIT is shut down. ATTACK TYPE by +1.

Marvel-Heroic-System-Cheat-Sheet.indd 2 27/08/2016 12:27:24

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