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Assignment No.

Academic Writing
Sheraz Rehman
Roll No :
MBA (3.5)
6th Semester
Question No. 1
What is Vocabulary? Types of vocabulary? How you can improve it &
you can expand your vocabulary. Elaborate?
A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a person's language. A vocabulary, usually
developed with age, serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring
knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning
a second language.Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a
particular person". Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as merely being able to recognize
or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge that are used to measure word knowledge.

Types of Vocabulary:
Reading vocabulary:
A literate person's vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when reading. This is
generally the largest type of vocabulary simply because a reader tends to be exposed to more
words by reading than by listening.
Listening vocabulary:
A person's listening vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when listening to speech.
People may still understand words they were not exposed to before using cues such as tone,
gestures, the topic of discussion and the social context of the conversation.
Speaking vocabulary:
A person's speaking vocabulary is all the words he or she uses in speech. It is likely to be a
subset of the listening vocabulary. Due to the spontaneous nature of speech, words are often
misused. This misuse though slight and unintentional may be compensated by facial
expressions, tone of voice.
Writing vocabulary:
Words are used in various forms of writing from formal essays to social media feeds. Many
written words do not commonly appear in speech. Writers generally use a limited set of words
when communicating: for example

If there are a number of synonyms, a writer will have his own preference as to which of them
to use.
He is unlikely to use technical vocabulary relating to a subject in whom he has no knowledge
or interest.

Improve & Expand Vocabulary:

Communicate (speak and write) more clearly and concisely using these seven tips for learning
new words... easy ways to improve and expand your vocabulary.

Looking for tips for improving your vocabulary? Whether you are trying to strengthen and
broaden your vocabulary for school or personal growth, the key is a commitment to regularly
learning new words.

Why expand your knowledge and use of words? You'll be able to communicate (speak and write)
more clearly and concisely, people will understand you more easily, and you will increase the
perception (and reality) that you are an intelligent person. Besides, learning new words is a fun
activity -- and one you can even do with the people around you. Challenge a friend, family
member, or roommate to learn new words with you.

This article reviews seven easy ways to improve your vocabulary and learn new words.

1. Read, read, and read. The more you read -- especially novels and literary works, but also
magazines and newspapers -- the more words you'll be exposed to. As you read and uncover new
words, use a combination of attempting to derive meaning from the context of the sentence as
well as from looking up the definition in a dictionary.

2. Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy. Use whatever versions you prefer -- in print, software,
or online. When you uncover a new word, look it up in the dictionary to get both its
pronunciation and its meaning(s). Next, go to the thesaurus and find similar words and phrases --
and their opposites (synonyms and antonyms, respectively) -- and learn the nuances among the

3. Use a journal. It's a good idea to keep a running list of the new words you discover so that you
can refer back to the list and slowly build them into your everyday vocabulary. Plus, keeping a
journal of all your new words can provide positive reinforcement for learning even more words -
- especially when you can see how many new words you've already learned.

4. Learn a word a day. Using a word-a-day calendar or Website -- or developing your own list of
words to learn -- is a great technique many people use to learn new words. This approach may be
too rigid for some, so even if you do use this method, don't feel you must learn a new word every

5. Go back to your roots. One of the most powerful tools for learning new words -- and for
deciphering the meaning of other new words -- is studying Latin and Greek roots. Latin and
Greek elements (prefixes, roots, and suffixes) are a significant part of the English language and a
great tool for learning new words.

6. Play some games. Word games that challenge you and help you discover new meanings and
new words are a great and fun tool in your quest for expanding your vocabulary. Examples
include crossword puzzles, anagrams, word jumble, Scrabble, and Boggle.

7. Engage in conversations. Simply talking with other people can help you learn discover new
words. As with reading, once you hear a new word, remember to jot it down so that you can
study it later -- and then slowly add the new word to your vocabulary.

Final Thoughts On Improving and Expanding Your Vocabulary

You hold the key to a better vocabulary. By using the tips outlined in this article, you should be
well on your way to discovering and learning new words to expand your vocabulary and
strengthen your use of the English language.

Finally, remember that you must practice putting your new words into your writing and speaking
or risk not retaining them in your brain. Use repetition exercises when you first learn a word --
and consider other learning techniques, such as index cards, recording yourself reciting your
words, association games, and mnemonics.

Question No. 2
What is an essay, how to write an essay? How you write an expository &
narrative essay?
Essays are brief, non-fiction compositions that describe, clarify, argue, or analyze a subject.
Essays are commonly used as literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments,
observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author.

How to write essay:

Following are the steps to write essay:

Decide on your topic.

Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas.

Write your thesis statement.

Write the body.

o Write the main points.

o Write the sub points.

o Elaborate on the sub points.

Write the introduction.

Write the conclusion.

Add the finishing touches.

Expository Essay:

Expository writing is used to convey information it is the language of learning and

understanding the world around us. If you've ever read an encyclopedia entry, a how-to article on
a website, or a chapter in a textbook, then you've encountered a few examples of expository


In composition studies, expository writing (also called exposition) is one of the four
traditional modes of discourse.

It may include elements of narration, description, and argumentation. Unlike creative

or persuasive writing, expository writing's primary purpose is to deliver information about an
issue, subject, method, or idea. Exposition may take one of several forms:

Descriptive/Definitive: In this style of writing, topics are defined by characteristics,

traits, and examples. An encyclopedia entry is a kind of descriptive essay.
Process/Sequential: This essay outlines a series of steps needed in order to complete a
task or produce something. A recipe at the end of an article in a food magazine is one
Comparative/Contrast: This kind of exposition is used to demonstrate how two or more
subjects are the same and different. An article that explains the difference between
owning and renting a home and the benefits and drawbacks of each is one such an
Cause/Effect: This kind of essay describes how one step leads to another. A personal
blog chronicling a workout regimen and documenting the results over time is one such
Problem/Solution: This form of exposition offers a remedy to a problem or issue. Think
of a how-to article, for instance.

Narrative Essay:
The narrative approach, more than any other, offers writers a chance to think and write about
themselves. We all have experiences lodged in our memories, which are worthy of sharing with
readers. Yet sometimes they are so fused with other memories that a lot of the time spent in
writing narrative is in the prewriting stage.

When you write a narrative essay, you are telling a story. Narrative essays are told from a
defined point of view, often the author's, so there is feeling as well as specific and often sensory
details provided to get the reader involved in the elements and sequence of the story. The verbs
are vivid and precise. The narrative essay makes a point and that point is often defined in the
opening sentence, but can also be found as the last sentence in the opening paragraph.

Since a narrative relies on personal experiences, it often is in the form of a story. When the writer
uses this technique, he or she must be sure to include all the conventions of storytelling: plot,
character, setting, climax, and ending. It is usually filled with details that are carefully selected to
explain, support, or embellish the story. All of the details relate to the main point the writer is
attempting to make.

To summarize, the narrative essay

is told from a particular point of view

makes and supports a point

is filled with precise detail

uses vivid verbs and modifiers

uses conflict and sequence as does any story

may use dialogue

Question No.3
What is letter writing, differentiate formal & informal letter with sample
business letter, also explain PQRST?
Letter Writing:
A letter is a written message from one party to another containing information. Letters promote
the preservation of communication between both parties; they may bring friends or relatives
closer together, enrich professional relationships and provide a means of self-expression.

Difference between Formal & Informal Letters:

The difference between formal and informal letters are discussed as under:

1. A formal letter is one, written in formal language, in the stipulated format, for official
purpose. A letter is said to be informal when it is written in a friendly manner, to
someone you are familiar with.

2. Formal letters are written for official or professional communication. On the other hand,
informal letters are used for casual or personal communication.

3. There is a manner prescribed for writing formal letters. As opposed to informal

communication, which does not follow any format.

4. Formal letters are usually written in the third person, however, for business letters, first
person is used. On the contrary, informal letters are written in first, second and third

5. Formal letters are used for writing letters to business, i.e. partners, suppliers, customers,
clients, etc. , college or institute, employer, professionals, etc. As against this, we use
informal letters for writing letters to friends, relatives, acquaintance, etc.

6. While writing formal letters, we use passive voice. Conversely, an active and imperative
voice is used.

7. The sentences we use at the time of writing a formal letter are, long and complex. Unlike
an informal letter, where we use short and simple sentences which are easy to interpret.

8. The size of a formal letter should be concise; that does not include irrelevant matter. In
contrast, the informal letter can be concise or large.

9. Formal letters do not include contraction like (didnt, cant) and abbreviations rather it
uses full forms. As compared to informal letters, which makes use of contraction,
abbreviation, idioms, phrasal verbs and even slang and colloquial terms?

PQRST are the sixteenth through twentieth letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet and may be
used to refer to that alphabet as a whole.
PQRST may refer to:

The PQRST method, a method of studying

OPQRST, a mnemonic initialism used by persons performing first aid, omitting O for Onset
of the event
The part of the Alphabet song
One complete heartbeat in the ECG (P-wave, QRS complex, T-wave)
Informal Letter:
Formal Letter:

Question No. 4
Define Punctuation, what roll does it play toward improving all
communication skills?


the act of punctuating : the state of being punctuated

the act or practice of inserting standardized marks or signs in written matter to
clarify the meaning and separate structural units; also : a system of punctuation
something that contrasts or accentuates

Roll of Punctuation in improving communication skills:

1. Important in all forms of communication:

There are many forms of communication. Most people think of communication as primarily
speaking and listening but it is far more complicated than it. If we go in detail, it is of four types
that is used by people mostly- written, verbal, graphical and non verbal. Further they can be sub
classified as written into books, notes, letters; verbal into dialogues, lectures; graphical into
sketches, drawings, flow charts and non verbal is about the body language and sign language.

2. Improves skill of expression:

Communication is a skill which can be learned. People must learn how to communicate well so
that they express themselves in a successful manner. A child observes communication between
his parents, other people around him and then imitating them. Importance of good Punctuation is
the essence of every language. Grammatical Competence is also a part of the language
competence. Hence to obtain an effective communication skill, the learners should pay attention
to punctuation.

3. Enhances accuracy:

Punctuation is very important as it helps increase accuracy. Punctuation forms the habit in the
mind of the learners and when combined with logic and rhetoric skills, it accustoms the learner
to language accuracy and slowly, to accuracy of thinking. The rules of punctuation help the
learners to develop a routine of thinking in a logical and clearer way. Hence, when they study
punctuation, they become more accurate in the language. If you cant write properly, you cant
relay your matter with accuracy.

4. Good punctuation saves time in business:

A key management skill is being able to communicate effectively in the workplace. If you have a
good grasp on punctuation, it ensures that the messages are delivered and relayed promptly.
Good punctuation reduces the confusion when an employee does anything, be it filing a report,
filing a complaint, sending an instant message to a project manager or voicing opinion in a
meeting. When the message is delivered grammatically correct, it also reduces the time wasted in
translation and in follow up of the message and this leads to higher productivity.

5. Helps in climbing the corporate ladder:

Employees who have good communication fluency are more likely to succeed at their jobs
because their writing and speaking reflects a level of professional competency. It is noticed by
supervisors, by clients and all. Demonstrating superior level of communication is one of the
important factors that lead to a promotion or better title and pay in the future.

6. Punctuation clears the message:

Punctuation is very important in a language. It is the glue that holds the pieces of language
together. If the language is unclear and the message meaningless, it can be attributed to incorrect
punctuation. Hence it means that the person is unable to communicate effectively and the person
who is the intended recipient of the message or who is reading the work may not get the real
meaning. It will only increase the confusion in the mind of the reader.

7. Helps in saving the face:

In todays professional world, everyone thinks that everyone knows the language. It also helps in
describing about how one feels and responds to one another. It carries a lot of importance in
business arena. When employees use proper punctuation, it helps them maintain a level of
professionalism and also makes an impression on the colleagues and customers alike. It also
reflects that the employee truly cares about his job, his responsibility towards the company and
its products/services. When a speaker uses correct punctuation, it is a sign of respect as they took
time to polish themselves and forms a good impression on the listeners.

8. It is important even in digital world:

People often think that bloggers and online article writers do not need proper punctuation. Since
they write in a conversational style and often misuse certain terms to create humour and sarcasm,
it might be fine not to know the rules of punctuation before beginning to write such blogs.
However what people miss is that they use the conversational way of the language and hence
take a bit of liberal freedom.

However even bloggers must realize that mistakes can detract people from your credibility.
Though people might understand what you intend to say, the truth is that people might not
subscribe to your links, like your blogs if you make dumb mistakes. In such case, buying from
that person will be out of question. Hence it always helps if you know the basic tenets of
punctuation, whether you are a personal or corporate blogger or a professional writer.

9. Integral for any business setup:

Effective communication is vital for any business setup. Management, employees and other
people keep each other updated about the latest news, reports and information pertaining to the
business, even communication with clients, suppliers is vital. In such case, proper punctuation is
very important and it is a standard that the management should practice and preach. Mostly
companies nowadays demand that the employees should have good communication skills to
maintain the businesss good reputation and to propel the business to success.

10. Helps to become figure of authority:

The entrepreneurs need to assert authority over the industry of their choice. When a person
asserts authority, it significantly increases the trust of the customers in him. Once that trust is
gained, it is more likely that those people will buy from you. It can be done through detailed
information about the products or services by using properly structured sentences.

Just imagine, a person uses incorrect punctuation in describing about his product, what will you
think about him? You will think that even the owner is not aware about his niche area and is just
guessing. Though it might be untrue but the entrepreneur will not be able to justify this to the
customers and thus the first impression will stay with them. Hence to gain loyalty and their trust,
you need to impress them since the very beginning.

11. Helps in increased competitiveness:

Proper punctuation boosts the campaign ads. When the advertisements are carefully texted, they
will get more attention. Everyone knows that in business, popularity is very important and when
the marketing campaigns are going on smoothly backed up by strong production team, the
business is bound to get wings and stay ahead of its competitors by beating them.

12. Gives Credibility, respect, convenience and posterity:

Any material which is grammatically correct indicates awareness and carefulness on the part of
the writer. If it indicates otherwise, people will question its credibility and accuracy of content. If
you are in the corporate world, underpaid employees who work overtime will resent receiving a
document which is replete with grammatical errors and will earn them a rebuke from the senior.

In todays digital world, everything is saved on the internet and any document that you publish
will be retained forever in the memory of internet, along with the mistakes that it contained.
Hence it becomes all the more important for it to be error free.

13. Not much used in chatting:

With the advent of technology and social networking, people have become lazier. When they text
or use Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, they tend to use simple sentences and without focusing on
the punctuation. Everything nowadays is short and brief. Fragments of sentences are used and for
them it is fine as long as what they send is understandable by the other person.

14. Gives edge over competitors:

When writing on behalf of your organization also, it is important to use correct punctuation as it
can mean all the difference between the people trusting your expertise or questioning your
knowledge of the matter of subject. If good communication is missed, you cannot work smoothly
and normally. Even in corporate world, being able to communicate effectively gives the business
an edge over its less articulate competitors. Poor punctuation affects the marketing strategies and
might even hinder the efforts of strengthening the relationship with the customers.

Question No. 5
How to write a Memo, include all steps of it, with body of the Memo?

How to write MEMO:

Create the heading. Type MEMORANDUM at the top of the page. Create lines for: TO, CC,
FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT, and fill them in.

Write the body. Introduce the problem in the first paragraph, and give some context. Suggest
actions that the reader should take. Close with a positive summary.

Finalize it. Format your memo properly, then proofread it. Hand write your initials by your

Steps of Memo:

1. Define the context.

Identify your audience(s). Who will read this? Who will perform the
action? Who are the secondary audiences? What do you know about your
audience? What are their expectations? Consider his/her perspective:
Why am I receiving this?
How will the news affect me?
What am I supposed to do?
Identify the purpose(s). What do you want to happen? What do you want the
reader to do? What does the reader want to happen?
2. Identify key points.
3. Organize the content from the readers perspective.
Summarize key points:
any significant details
any action required
Discuss the problem (background).
Define and explain the action.
4. Design the memo to set off what is most important.
Can he skim the memo?
Do important details stand out (action needed, deadlines, etc.)?
5. Revise for clarity, accuracy, and overall effectiveness.
Does the tone of my memo reflect how I want to sound?
Will my reader understand what I am saying? Is my language accurate?
Is my memo free of errors (so that my message will be taken seriously)?

Sample Memo to Customers

To: Customers of Chloes Cupcakes

From: Dan Lionel, Public Relations Liaison

Date: May 12, 2012

Subject: Publication of Nutrition Facts

Due to extensive customer feedback, we at Chloes Cupcakes would like to demonstrate our
commitment to making healthy choices by publishing nutrition information for all of our baked
goods. Although our stores would not be required by law to provide the nutrition facts of our
products, we agree that customers should have access to as much information as they desire
before making a purchase.

We are confident that that you, the customer, will feel better about choosing Chloes Cupcakes
once you are aware of these facts. We are committed to use the best locally grown ingredients in
our baked goods, and we freshly prepare all of our desserts each morning. Moreover, we have a
line of vegan treats that substitute some of the highest-calorie ingredients in non-vegan goods
with healthier optionswhile still delivering great flavor. For those customers who are looking
to splurge, we have an exquisite selection of decadent treats too, including our famous crme
brle macaroon sundae.

All of our nutrition information will be available online, along with a list of ingredients and
possible substitutes for those with dietary restrictions. We will also provide pamphlets in stores
with the same information, to be updated periodically. As it is cumbersome to obtain accurate
nutritional analyses of handmade food products, we are unable to guarantee access to nutritional
information for seasonal flavors and promotional items.


Dan Lionel

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